I Bought A Storage Unit For $25! Got EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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you ready to see what's in their port welcome back at regimes guys today we have one like you've seen before one interesting Thoth so the first auction we go to in California two of the facilities canceled one facility left only three units one of them sucks toys shocker got the other one so we got a unit with one tote there's gonna be something good in there don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get on the road [Music] just arrived at the storage facility huge unit for one tote so weird I don't know what people do you know what let's get into it ready I'm not [Music] so the first thing we noticed this toe is me it's not empty we know that much you ready to see what's in their pores let's see I think glass stuff huh I guess let's see we got guys by the way anything that we can use for the house when I was exciting it is Queens this yeah another newspaper what about another one of these hey today cheese's or something he just threw someone's livelihood at me disrespected I need another one we ready to party it up you paid $25 for this year's parade the guy have you know what I don't like you it's 25 bucks still cool what is this Dutch oven cooking okay I only know one meeting two Dutch oven and I don't think it's in wants to be around anything that's cooking you see this HP think there is Windows I don't know it's Windows 8 I'd actually rather it not be in there yeah okay sure stranded in the wilderness and you got pudding yeah this is I know this is I know this is four and I think if I say items going to take it the wrong way Power Juicer so we got a juicer that's interesting kind of juicer speeds pick it up - yeah what is this just a base a boss makes you feel fancier if we didn't just get one but a whole set of silverware okay Gary now [Music] we also got another plate gorgeous kind of like a draining board right now I don't really know in the dishwasher but no that should clean maybe we also got water filters this is actually in there too we got that great now I can cook my eggs well how about yeah I was at Walmart yesterday I had a thing of eggs in the carton realized I had to put it back as I didn't even have a way to cook an egg at the house well your pens do we know how to pay for it cast iron more plate dear Jim usually I would be mad as this Toby because we just moving in the house there's a kind of stuff we're looking for I'm happy I'm not gonna find this looks like a murder weapon definitely what is this three the four flora cast iron skillet and a regular pan there they're dirty I'm already clean yeah no I think these should be manually washed probably we're all the way this thing de Paco exactly if I was gonna say we also got some cups joy little baby who's tough ready oh so we are you trying to get to this live let's just keeping everything around it nice little ball there's actually some rough look in the bowl already ball we have wall to wall to a ball in a bowl in a ball three bowls they're all fancy looking to this is the juicer that's what that looks like great yeah the heavy-duty one for sure it's pretty heavy heavier than I look [Music] I wanted to keep going into the final one like $1,000 in an apple peeler that's like the weirdest thing I've ever seen I think so when storage stalkers little girls come over and they want apples we can peel them for the right so it looks like that's pretty much it is tote but you know what the cast iron skillet pans would cost us more than 25 bucks so I'm happy let's get this stuff packed up into the car since that unit was such a quick clean out we're actually able to make it to another auction today so let's go see if we can find any other treasures or anything else really that we for the house importantly so I think they have what I think seven years or something like that for auction well right now when we get there let's hoping if I some good storage auction experts we're doing an auction on here and seven blown today and if you would like to come check out other options you look ups online storage auction experts.com also we have a facebook storage auction experts and Instagram chicks out anytime we both see come out most important rule bring cash and lots of beats thank you [Music] unit number two zero eight two zero eight will start about $10 bid now ten over here about twenty fifty I got 50 over here sixty seventy oh I got 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 got 225 over over 250 yep I got 250 over here 275 300 325 350 375 and now 350 over here over 375 350 dog bed right over 375 375 375 solve your wing 350 360 360 will start 4415 6 7 8 9 z 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 325 375 400 425 now 450 5 got 425 450 now for 2500 450 425 and 450 425 415 was enough 450 [Music] Darby got five we'll hear about team gotta find our beer a 1315 Tim Darby 100 over about 125 feet now three over here 325 350 375 400 now 500 525 six now six seven eight nine thousand 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500 I got 14 over to number 15 got a fortune in regular 15 I got 1450 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 I got 1700 1750 1700 I bend over 1757 rather 1710 1750 eighteen eighteen fifty eighteen by eighteen fifty 19 1950 mm mm I got two over 52,000 unit here today last year here unit number five to seven who shall not tend our bid got ten right here about 20 cannot be right over 2010 over 20 was about 29 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 140 140 over that 150 all right guys check out our little recap set up it's not perfect yeah because we can have a tripod in Walmart and now go try so the cameras kinda sitting across the room on a windowsill hope you can even hear screaming this fire or once we get the tripod set up to look pretty sick in you know once we get this studio lights we ordered in here we're gonna a nice little recap room going yeah table chairs courtesy of storage doctor again thank you guys so much and again if we have to eat a meal box set up in California so don't send us anything right now if you have we're gonna try to work it out with either than the post office or family member to get that here but stay tuned and we'll give you a California Walk so you guys can go on the wall as well so with this unit that we wouldn't do today there was not much of retail value as you see we said one tote but the great thing is literally the morning before we left for that auction we were like we have no pants in house we were looking for pans and what you paid 25 bucks for a whole cast-iron skillet set that brand was $79 for the set of three so you're like 25 bucks so we get it all all it takes is like five minutes of watching stuck in the dishwasher random we got glass bowls now we got a double deck into the gross but apparently they will double a you know probably fell off I have some good stuff for the house not much resale value but it's a good start guys it's a good start alright guys that's gonna be it for this video if you did enjoy it out always leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure ideas all the time and if you do it'll follow us on social media links we have the handles on screen but there's also links in the description thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 40,433
Rating: 4.887476 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Auction Locker, Abandoned Storage Unit, Storage Unit, Storage Wars, Real Storage Locker, Storage Auction, Found in Storage Locker, Real Storage Auctions, I bought an abandoned storage unit, taco stacks, treasure hunting with jebus, storage unit auction, storage locker auction, storage auction, storage wars finds money, storage wars finds drugs, storage wars finds 7 million dollars, storage unit finds
Id: GvJP2_V3Poo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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