HUGE LOCKED SAFE Found In Abandoned Storage Unit! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit! Storage Locker

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all right so we got the lock see right here we got a crore we got our hammer let's get into it are you right three two one look mega trilogy miss guys today we're going to three auctions hopefully we get you so we're going out of our way this time in the Fremont California because what it is never been a before it looks like a nice area let's hope we get a couple years while we're there don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get on the road [Music] a very last facility the third-to-last storage unit of the day we picked up for a steal only $200 I whispered to her we're going to lease for on this because it's not going for that cheap anyone for half that there's three things in the front I'll get into it I'll show you I thought rather do this and let's get in this [Music] so before we start going through the mystery let me show you the three things right off the bat that I saw they were like we're bidding on it - all right in this box if I can get it out yeah look in that Xbox 360 we don't actually have one right now it's go down the left ours at home so I kind of wanted one and we got it yeah it's a plug in one but that's a nice change all right there - it looks like it doesn't it look at this it looks like brand-new what with no blame not bad and look right here I don't even notice the teacher role in there with it but we do have an Xbox 360 with a 60 gig our drive - it's not even the cheap for once what is the price tag on that doesn't say but these are still worth like 50 or 60 bucks now especially with that good of a hard drive but we'll probably keep this myself I don't know yet but there's the power brick to it oops and what else do we need in a house - drills with they're both dead one box no joke that box - come very close to paying for the whole $20 unit just like that and before always get into digging let me show you the main amazing alright let me check see if I may a prediction was right look at that what does that look like to you well from here it looks like a black box but there's holes in about holes in the back so you know what that I usually tells me no see if we're right yeah baby heavy huh we gotta say finished this is she gotta call for $200 sounds like 400 at least and we got it for two I guess let's start pulling workshop out let's get out the bottoms on top of the safe we have an RCA that a receiver I honestly not too sure what that is antenna let's go with that Bungie - he's not expensive but still it was neat because when you pop so much stuff in the van you gotta have anything on that side light stuff on this side take a wrong turn not a good day keep going oops so we got a basket I for myself what the heck why is there a weird snap in there you see yeah can I focus on that yes all right the Italian stance a weird stand but I was saying before I don't know about California we're gonna tried yet but not here yet people black baskets up fast - I don't know why this will be great - but we just need storage at this point oh it's just silver what do you think mmm yes I can't see nothing on it now I'm marked probably fake but it could be real we'll test it I don't know why that sone I don't think anybody would put like a paperclip thing on a real necklace this one's probably the same stats obviously fake it was a hope let's pull the next thing out so speaking of baskets we just pulled this one out looks looks like a nice little picnic basket for like the movies doesn't it you only got the little checkered inside and everything not sure about a value on that would be we're gonna have to readjust all our prices out here cuz now we're gonna use the California difference in Virginia I don't know if that's gonna go hire a cheap rewrite here we're not sure that's satisfying very what's in here what is that stop you think you won I don't know what the check later it might be a winner put in there he was all elephant too he's made of wood feels handmade any markings on it all right Skechers do remember sketches when they were irrelevant idea screwdriver we needed these the other day a single-speed lemon 98 where I want to draw in that Highway but just one of those I got you something hi guys are something cool here you go oh look at this that is a huge teddy bear but on a serious note I bet you he's worth at least five ten dollars because of his size don't you think yeah the few stains are so keeping him up that word he starved we'll keep him so we also got hdmi wire that's brand new in the box still which is great for people like us that have like multiple computer and multiple games system with multiple everything the only HDMI what's really catching my attention now is look at these whatever those frames are they cared enough about them to bubble wrap them and tape them so my fingers are crossed that is some type of autographed memorabilia that's my hope let's hope for that another main reason we like the mine is unit this do you see our how the video guys some of the stuff on the roof is like ridiculously high and we don't have a ladder so pictures okay now we have a lot not all now I think these go out so it's probably like my high six foot about that yeah but that will come in handy and a lot of crap we've been doing lately because we've been like standing on chairs and using objects like it's been kind of annoying so you know what definitely happy with the ladder so I was about to just toss this little back to the sign tells inside of it you know what that logo is that's Gucci and they're in there what do you think it is glasses no I don't know let's see oh it says beauty on it West but know why you put that in a Gucci thing seriously because it's important in expense it's not Gucci oh you like shelf goop maybe it is no we're not gonna go we're not gonna go there let's keep going through the unit the suitcase now you think it's got weight yeah oh come to Daddy big boy all right so this is gonna be full of gold mining cat I like the way you say money instead three two one money not money close but let's make sure nothing's buried um let's see let's see come on something something something big purple power breakfast fellas we just said we need to do the other day pose just kind of stop meat on the table to flip America dollar apiece give the rest away let's keep going I'm gonna go ahead and pull this box out let's see we got interesting and we got in here first nothing q-tips think anything is in it let's see what is this Crofton is that a good brand new watches Croton wrote something like that you think they're gonna be real if that's real then oh my God look at the size of that let's see it looks like it's has to open oh it does look at that probably fake don't you dent it looks big but I'm not sure because I know nothing about nothing so oh we got a lot of people out here to do yeah essence myth is what it says and that oh shut that aside for sure what in this salon systems manager ooh I think that's for a laptop somewhere near this Oh sounds empty though what does that brain even say that says what's not in there this that's boring is what it is nothing else in this box [Music] yes she doesn't get her brand on it that we see hope that's not the same thing that was in the boutique case I see oh look at that it's actually gonna mount that a CEO that there's like five bucks and quarters hey well take that other than that we got some money in the box and the rest of it looks like trash so let's get going hello everyone today yes that's my new intro since when well I hope alright so in here yeah you think there are the rare edition urine stains probably a few these suitcases out back here you there's a pink one Chuck this is a Rocklin brand nothing in there we have to check both pockets oh I see that I'm alone here but so they look like brand-new cards but we'll check it in better detail let me get all the source to it and back to the house no the other zipper is around here somewhere maybe are you sure about that all right okay not much in there some stuff up there um I am not touching this what is that all right I have to move that oh come on man scared to touch this okay this is um I think the Incredibles I think that's um the dad I'm not sure why would you keep the Incredibles with this this is a troll headband um what's in it I don't know bakbox pills yes just what I wanted how do they say look those up ibu of 600 all right IV ibuprofen is e all right but I'll look it up just in case more money I don't know yeah we got a lot more money here some random clothes and an SD card and get here it alright alright we have this big black box sounded fancy so this is also one of the things that I noticed this is a Harman Kardon Harman Kardon I'm gonna show you the back cuz it looks like a regular heavy here's the back so SB 16 sub Harman Carmen speakers speaker I don't know it's expensive I mean this thing makes you think speaker but it looks way more modern than normal speakers that's gazelle yeah I wonder how much those are hey guys let us know we'll look it up but still let us know I'm gonna guess a million make sense get this tote probably this looks like person's clothes around anymore it says for all right so I was something boring this car manual or is it straight then what is this ugly - yes she's beautiful auto rocket alright besides that and love this string there's literally like a quilt that's unfinished at this screen string is attached to it and I don't feel like doing it for dates hmm nice on the phone or not yes oh wow we're gonna cut this string don't you copy my trademark cloud alright close its jacket looks fancy it's IMC my favorite brands this is surgical dressing paperwork hey life camstudio can I do in know maybe hopefully really okay I look like a gas man these people are gonna throw some freaky stuff I don't I don't know where it's been this is a charger chilling toothbrush this is goggle so what are these people doing these go with this anyway looks like some boil and stuff my game is up the these are like pre-made what is it called stamp cross-stitch little packets here I had this card actually I got it for you copyrighted music and almost fell what you get gee there's someone you fell out oh let's see some mail mail mail mail for it next box you went on nice these people are they love is it awesome safe with our problem was we didn't have a way to get into it we're gonna have to call for help until well good oh they loved us convenient a giant crowbar to get into the safe after our future safe enters with this in the business is something we're gonna have to buy now we get for free let's pull out of here um let's get one of those got a pillow what about that big suitcase can that big suitcase from us no that is I have no idea that suitcase or this box in the corner this is not this is not a suitcase I don't know what that is its plastic yeah it's got buttons everything we're have to get that out a little bit what about this box behind you where that we might go to pull out let's see who's gonna be down actually oh we get the pictures now let's see what they got wrapped up in here all this bubble wrap better be there something good have you seen the bubble wrap oh they're even in boxes we don't know what very good let's wait till we get home on these let's fall this other show really quick grab it found in storage you know that's like that's there what kind of shoes are these what is this person hey hey we might need that for the picture later you look at the ante don't there mm-hmm what is that brand can you see it I made well ah I hope you write has a blade in it yeah that's unusual so you're the van just like the crowbar yeah all right we also cut the way a little bit of floor room to keep going what does this handle let's see oh I'll help me buy got hatchet crash yes I'll put the other thing we're gonna San Francisco rise jack 49ers 49ers there's a baseball team it's all ripped off it horrible shape yeah I thought you in good shape it's probably got like 30 or 40 dollars you know that little tear I'm still willing to bet 10 bucks just because they're right in the area I thought I wasn't ratchet stuff and we were in DC so I've got some same thing in the empty a whole purse Hello Kitty first Hello Kitty purse how about hello money are you at right here boom well good luck to promising does it know couple little things a few bolts on guys nothing too interesting let's see us really quick what is that a Marvel masterpiece wonder why I set a protective sleeve what's on the back mmm-hmm after that on my pocket let's see you on let's pull out a few more things here there robe a rum this is just what I need it for this house come on really hmm yes it's my newspaper here Timothy how's a good rich guys works a lot you know what they're little props hello okay no offense anyone who likes this but this is the ugliest color jacket I've ever seen in my life it looks like puke but it's Dermott x BB okay no idea the next thing can be expensive yeah this thing in the pocket I Thanks nope just heavy at the bottom weird I'm glad I'm betting there's a little bit of money I just throw all right oh yeah I'm more close here can you see okay all right I see it's just close nothing interesting guys if you can't see it you're not missing enough let's take this out there's nothing in here at all it's just clothes well seems in this basket - I see Star Wars look at that oh these Mighty Beanz my TV's oh my gosh Mighty Beanz - remember these things Mighty Beanz they used to be on the scene you know fighting they're on the scene my jeans here's our little story what's going on usually not that's okay cuz it takes an Android charger so we'll figure it out here hey whatever it is it's got duct tape and gross stuff all over well I'm not sure you just scare me not know that's in here whoa train calm down buddy tea oh man oh yeah let me know Sam I'll fight the train all the way in to watch a there's a lot of change in this unit to some whatever what is this I have no idea you ever seen that output before that's weird looking more change in here like I said there's a lot of change in this unit - but other than that just to make a bunch of clothes all right so we got the lock see right here we got a crore we got our hammer let's get into it are you right 3 2 1 [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 26,210
Rating: 4.7211008 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit for $10, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker ... look what i found, storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit business, storage unit finds, storage unit finds money, storage locker, storage locker finds, lost luggage, luggage auction, mystery box
Id: URKu1WxqFCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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