I Bought a UFC Fighters Storage Unit and MADE BIG MONEY Bought a Storage Unit Conor McGregor UFC 246

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what's in the silver box the only reason we bought the storage in it to begin with 3 2 1 . alright this storage in that we just left the auction we paid 175 dollars for the storage unit and I'm gonna tell you why probably we get inside of it [Music] I feel like a scam my daughter these day I'm look at this nobody quit and I come out of the unit okay now let's see why we paid the money for this let me tell you what I thought was worth 175 won cases I'm a video game junkie come on two trophies trophies tell the story of somebody that was successful three you see the box there everyone else might not care that says UFC only if you can't tell on my jacket I think I have one of the biggest collections in the United States I'm a huge collector in four mystery boxes you can't fight those four things before we get into what looks interesting let's start with that what is that oh you know that much but hey you know what is in there a ti-84 plus and it's the yellow back edition that's like 50 bucks on eBay right there if we can find the top - without the top it's still like 35 40 bucks so that's like a chunk of our money back quickly what else do we have in here books books books ooh or the plaque if I was a tablet this guy for distinguishing yourself with hard work dedication positive spirit he's a black belt that's pretty impressive what else do we got going on ooh I know I saw a tablet look at that Samsung tablet in a calculator right off the bat this is an 8 gig model SMT 2 1 7s anyone knows it that mean I don't in a calculator so you know what I thought this laptop that was gonna be trash but we learned a little something and we got two valuable items that's what we call a good start the next reason I really wanted this unit well the first reason I guess our trophies people that succeed at one thing usually succeed at others this one is a basketball trophy from 2004 and it's not just any trophy its first place so you know what that's pretty cool let's see if the other one is really quick it looks like basketball as well though you see that's what I like right there you see that no one else cared about that I cared about that I loved UFC and this one is a also basketball tournament champion from doesn't say beer so so far we've gathered he's a black belt level fighter and he's really good at basketball we have definitely an athlete here next box here this one's got something that says binder on it what do you think is a binder of though let's do heavy to combine how to and that's just pick one news broadcasters all right that looks like boring schools fun how to how to watch specify powder nothing boring school stuff what about TV shows and movies list of agency episodes also boring I don't want this get out lip it the Olympics okay Lauren I think I see a theme going on here hey the Mayflower impact or compact what not a good start for the boxes looks like this popped out oh it's got some weight too [Music] what do you think it is there's no label oh no that is not what I wanted to see not but what is this Steve Scott the Miller Kobe looks like Kobe and Shaq well at the end of misfit this is the three musketeers I liked it really all doesn't it Tiffany of a publishing date I doubt it um 1984's definitely not there is no well this is definitely just a bunch of books not something I want to look through so you know what sliding this one aside let's get this sideways talk box here out more cases look at this ooh why does one day I need so many cases with nothing in there like brand new they have that new item smell to him I don't even know if these type of thing that is this resellable I I really don't know so I'm gonna tellin that up is trash another box you have a lot of ways to it what was not more of B word not the five letter B word two for letter B word I guess it's five letters if he is talking about books well this is not looking good at all right now not at all all books and all binders just let it sit next box this one oh well it's really heavy oh oh this is the heaviest of all I almost said holy you know bad word but I didn't I'm a good boy damaging them that's number one priority here all right so there black pant there let's see do we have a date on these they're 299 which is not usually a good sign one of the things always been told to come with the comics are the lower the price the rarer it's gonna be so a couple dollar ones not a good sign but there are some there in sleeves let's look at those look at that one right there oh you can't see the back should I take it out hmm I mean it's probably not worth too much because it's got a dollar ninety-nine price tag on it right there so it's definitely a newer one but we'll leave it in there till we do a recap this one isn't like a really protective case thirty cents you see now we're getting older thirty cents on that one and let's see if we see a date 1976 so that one this could have value we gotta look them all up this one is a quarter 25 cents you see that up there we're going way back now this one the killing I don't see a date on I don't wanna take it out yet until I know if it's got some major value or not but we have this one then we got it looks like all the other ones are pretty modern we'll go through and make sure we don't miss anything look at this spider-man spider-man in the Black Panther forty cent comic see some of these could have value we'd have to go through these individually and I really don't want to damage them right now what else is in here this look these might be hold newspapers something one is that track-and-field news from 1968 these can have some type of historical value to a lot of stuff bringing up to look up talk about a recap see all this stuff they're all in collector's sleeve so I mean one or two things they're not evil or they just have significant value to the former owner we're gonna hope it's value but for now we'll set this box aside let's get the next one out now total right here see ya look let's see here well that's a Pompton we got a DVD player but it looks like a nice one like a little all you know I wanted stuff it's might have some value I don't really know this one is also a DVD player usually these are like three to five dollars apiece at a flea market unless they're like a cert a couple of them are working more for some reason but most of them are not worth very much finder open up what is that I have no idea this is that's weird-looking some type of robotic stuff native robotics maybe something completely different doesn't look like it has enough circuits on it to be for a robot there's a lot of whatever these are there's a lot of them in here I don't really know what they are well it looks like this whole bag it's pieces first whatever that is which I don't know yet unless we got it here oh this gross thing that's pretty sickening yeah that's something let's have a small hail good catch and well everything else in here it's just kind of weird junk let's fold this corner box out I don't want to put it on top of the comics but is it wide enough it is oh boy more cases why do you need these they all empty and they're all not only empty but they're like brand-new like they bought these for a purpose what that purpose is I don't know all the way there's more education so next Oh Susan this heavy box here hey gasps do we have books or do we have cases or do we have behind this oh hey guys this is somebody that died let's see well you got a ton of cards and paperwork banana absolutely nothing here Hey look couple video games some old Madden and old MLB games that's in there it's gotta be worth 56 in an old man hey let's go to work 25 dance well these magazines I don't think it's anything interesting in here guys this is all books and paperwork into games what do we have in here I see this binders but I'm just gonna have good things in them too they can but they probably don't I don't think sewing is good I don't think that's good or that or that or any of this is anything but school junk look at this wars war of 1812 we don't I'm done with school I don't well learn know more about school how can his box I'm getting rid of it nothing is the UFC box here which we're not gonna it really intriguing let's see what else we got here what is this you think oh it almost hit me in the no no that's what's coffee now and always refer to it as a no-no but looks like a Mike standard tripod something along those lines I don't really know which one but do you know which way probably not very valuable so just set it over here there's one ago that get its bag feed bat look at all this down the clerk this is one of the reasons we wanted to use it to look at valuable so we have what is that 24 channel something can you read it I can't read it either but we have that thing for one and when we do a recap at the end we'll be able to tell you if we have good valuable stuff for cheap thrift store stuff done as of now I don't know I have a rule for storage in especially UFC I buy it nothing else matters this one is a Kenwood stereo something tuner and it's hooked up to this see if I can plug it out alright unplug this have that we also have this thing which is really heavy what is that that is a Kenwood stereo a power amplifier XM 106 oh I know what the name of it is I know what it is or what it does yet any amplifier right all right all right what is this thing here well unhook it this is it looks like a damp a power play pro 4 channel headphone distribution amplifier model H a 4600 hopefully valuable then we got this big boy which is look at that a BP 250 125 watt bass there back too much room in scape vase the amplifier and we got this one that's just the VCO our VCR for some reason VCRs are worth money look him up on eBay right now especially if you get one of the VCR DVD combo some of them are like 40 or 50 dollars I don't I don't know why but they are that what is this like a tape player looks like it looks like a three tape player and we got the little boy here which is a q5 headphone amplifier it looks like we got so oh you know audio wires and stuff like that now that I got all this melt away time we see what's in that box most of the box it was under all the sound equipment maybe has more stuff for sound equipment it's not more full and it looks like launderers no more finders that's a little Shady what do you think's in here what are you doing oh boy pens and pencils so no down anything more exciting Oh what is this is this oh yeah doesn't record the book telling about space what is this one oh this is martial arts he has a record of 17 and 5 that's pretty good you know what I'll give him that how does it have am a fan it's much harder to be under fear have a good record MMA versus boxing or something else HP Officejet it's you need a whole binder all this to make to not use a printer there's this beautiful thing now is called the Internet it is the amazing look into it well let's see looks like we have want the paperwork in here we had to find the paperwork box of course don't was one in here where they just a useless useless or some reason we don't know look at this what is all this let me tell you what the solids junk its charge that don't want it don't want it and well all this here same thing good papers papers papers and just junk I don't want to look at this box is really heavy but I'm gonna hope it's not books watch this strategy look that was good was it you know you're depressed you know here no I'm so tired of look stop looking at me like that why is he looking at me like that he's just like you've all hundred $75 in books so he's thinking right now but there's gotta be something not binders thanks somebody having us clean out their locker a name soon or instead of paying the $0 it costs to recycle paper these days it bézier aknowledge can get expensive it's much better to pay $40 you get them on free to storage unit and then destroy your credit the same time logic but this is all paper and books last little box we got in the unit other than that spilled box of more empty cases with that don't know what we're gonna do with and we have a TV that did not appear to be cracked on the outside what doesn't mean is not cracking journal especially the way they threw it in there like that we don't have a very logical person good athlete but not very logical more dr. Seuss books who remembers Wacky Wednesday or put me into Zoo I remember this show this guy was my favorite when I was little I loved the spot I don't know why I love what you learn today it's right here you think their original date on these spot was my guy when I was little the only data see in here literally is 1960 which I don't they look too crisp to be the new ones I think they're remakes probably I don't know what they look like they look good you can go read these I'm gonna read Wacky Wednesday right now I'd rather think four years old James Brown there's one of those names that I've heard many times I don't really know who he is I just heard the day it's oh hey now who told you the whole you know to finally see what's in the silver box the only reason we bought the storage unit to begin with guys please do me a favor right now please this video like we just hit and leave mm like since we kind of most likely bought 175 dollars reading someone else's school job please please all right you ready three two one I don't open Oh three two one nothing yeah although their gloves we actually got something in here probably not worth $175 but look at that these are the 25 year anniversary UFC gloves you know what I almost bought these last year but I didn't I literally probably have 35 to 50 autographed gloves and cases already so I'm kind of running out of room but you know what now that we got these these would have to get signed if they books in here and they are look at that can you see that boom so whenever this guy ever fought professionally has a 17 and 5 record but you think that's amateur fighting you think it's pro fighting I don't know that's kind of cooled up we live right in Northern California right now - we're right by some of the biggest youth MMA camps out there team alpha male aka there's another one I'm missing that I can't they go off top my head but there's a lot of camps out here you might look at these things sign somewhere I'll be pretty cool but anyway guys unit was not really what we expected but you know what I'm happy with this I don't know what these cost actually they're probably like 50 to $75 so this the TV the cop we stopped some mystery we don't know we could have made money well to see in the recap all right guys now that we're back home let's do a kind of a recap we've done some research you know what I think we got some good news I think we made good money in this unit so we're going through this stuff I just didn't think much of it but now that I've got home edited look stuff up this equipment alone has made the money back of the unit plus almost the same amount cost again this is pretty much doubled 175 we spent I forgot which is which what's worth what at all it's the same to me someone that doesn't care about this kind of stuff they're not into it but this stuff doubled our money let me get it easy by the way the UFC gloves not being sold they're like 75 to 125 dollars apiece you know what your mind they're not so anyway special edition 25 year anniversary you really like those they're not in my collection but that would have cost me in the Conor bucks and I probably would ended up buying go so you know what hundred bucks saved what do you got here so the track and field news there's quite a few probably 100 plus magazines so I have just kind of spread out a little bit so this stuff right here is full of all black and white ones now if I try to look up each black-and-white one individually I can't find the exact cover and stuff but I do see a lot of lots of the black and white ones so we have most of them are from 19 like 66 68 69 yeah and a 73 one that there's a color like a slightly colored one here but it's like in between this and that so that's that stack this would probably be what auction yeah it's probably the best thing I mean I've seen some of those Lots to think one lot at thirty three of them sold for $170 or something I was like I was almost gonna toss them that didn't think they're much of them and then this stock got pulled aside because there's a lot of like these colored ones these are like 90s 2000s probably in 2009 and boil and then this was also the only binder that that they had set aside with these magazines and a lot of these are still I mean 2000s I think these are all oh one actually yeah these are each from January to December 2000 everyone so I don't know if that was a special year for track-and-field news but again hundred to two hundred um those different copies of track and field news magazine so I thought but I think we have money there so I literally almost thought their junk notice the side of the phone in their stall lock them up for $170 and I was like whoa all right now the comics I'm gonna save this one for last you didn't just see that but let's go through some of these other comics unfortunately the majority of these comics from what we looked up are just they not really this stack here all these know between like two dollars and 17 and 20 at most all these which there's like 50 to 60 oh that's a lot of money too we're probably end up taking these to a comic lock or comic store today what can we get for them all let's get over eight of them because I really don't want to list 85 in eligible individual comic books this one I'm so sad it's in bad condition right here this one is a 12 cent Fantastic Four comic book from it says July 52 owning and when we look this up with eBay only two of these have ever sold and they both sold for over $350 but they were at night they said good condition this one unfortunately is very far from good condition very far the corners ripped it's got water stained the spines beat up the coverage beat up and completely gone yeah if this was in good condition this one book what a double what we paid on the unit but unfortunately the condition it's in I don't really know what it's gonna sell for how much it's worth it is still a really rare comic so hopefully somebody still wants it but obviously don't expect to get nowhere near that three and a fifty dollar price tag when it's looking like this but like we said something some of the comics are older ones and we got this one this is um the 20 cent price tag on it the ones are under a quarter the ones you want to look for they're like 15 and 20 dollar comics some of these just like this Avengers wanted to beat to death - this is another 12 cent comics so you know it's really old easy way to date comic books and see how old they are just looking at the price this one right here quarter this one that's in like the super good condition in a sleeve and it's a 30s atomic old one pretty much worthless like ten dollar late all those there and that's just not worth much even this one this is a 20 cent one that was in good shape pretty good shape so I got excited just not much like again like fiber technology well like I said when you have five ten dollars stacked up this high those five to ten dollars add up quickly so you know what don't know what we'll get for the comics I'm guessing $200 or more easy on the comics like two dollars in the equipment another 150 200 on that stuff that's like 5 or 600 bucks plus I got high library gloves when we spend $175 you know what I call that don't you I call that a win initiate another thing really interesting doesn't have any real value to it remember we found the plaque that they did was a black belt we found in his record was seventeen five and one of the binders he has pictures they're not signed or anything unfortunately with a bunch of fighters just something somebody that's a huge UFC feeling like myself it was just really cool seeing it like the other picture with some big guy like Chuck Liddell was in there Conor McGregor's in there of really old like if you guys watch the UFC you know he has all those body tags now it's before you had a tattoo so it was just a lot of cool bite your pictures in there too so this dude fought pro it's just kind of cool to me even though it really doesn't increase the value of anything but ask someone that's a fan of the sport that's really cool thank you guys so much for watching leave it a big fat thumbs up subscribe if you knew and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 46,571
Rating: 4.7936349 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a ufc fighters storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a ufc fighter, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker, conor mcgregor, ufc 246
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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