She DEMANDED I Give Her Storage Unit Back! I Told Her To FIX HER ATTITUDE! Storage Unit Finds MONEY

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there's money in now that you've already put my business on blast on facebook when do you plan on giving me my stuff back [Music] we're back here once again this 600 storage unit this is the third time back if you haven't seen the other two parts those links are down in the description this unit's been awesome and the backstory has been crazy and there's a rooster over there let's get back into it and see what else we can find [Music] let's get this stuff out of this trash can because we've been avoiding it we have walking sticks we had master oceans now we have comedies right yeah we have a bunch of walking why don't we have so many of these that rooster like it literally waited a day to come back and then start screaming again look how many walking sticks we're pulling out of here already why do we have six of them right here i already took out what one or two last time we were here look at this one what's on that is it like a spear spear sparta style all right let's pull off some other stuff out of the trash can oh yeah like this you know what that's for baking supplies and well that's actual trash in there so i'm not going to take that out anything else in this trash can there's febreze and this side they might actually put actual trash in the trash can which makes sense so these aren't walking sticks but we have that pool uh torch then we have this thing i never i would have never known what it was if we didn't have one in california in california they use it to cut the branches off the palm trees so you stick it up and you pull the string and it cuts it this thing right here i don't know what this is for besides warfare it's even got blood on the bottom look at that this was used to murder somebody 100 let's start grabbing some stuff out of this stack in the back now stack in the back you guys know as a rapper now you do i don't know what that is that's just a thing let's see what's in the suitcase right here where's the zipper that's the first question thanks i'm so tired of you guys get out flick it towards me flicked it away he just got flicked off literally all right now let's figure out the suitcase no it's doing nothing this way it's locking it this way oh there's another zipper over here let's see what's in it whoa this is what i think oh great that's lovely um some anime vhs dragon pink yeah uh that that rooster though nothing in this part of the back so literally a vhs in this inappropriate stuff here let's see what's in this box right here what is this thing first off this is a i have no idea uh diskette storage but it has that inside of it all right in chewbacca and fat burning foods all right very random very random there's like a a lantern maybe i don't know a lot of stuff in this universe i don't even know what the heck i'm touching what is stuff it's just so random and there's some of these poopy bowls yeah that's gross and at the bottom there's another one of these things i'm guessing they're lancers that's the only guess i have can somebody please tell me what in the heck this thing is to store convertible boot what convertible what i like i have no idea like it's a theme is you know everything i pick up is like i feel like i'm looking through like foreign objects i've never seen or heard of in my life what i don't have a guess i literally don't even guess to what this is no idea let's pull out the little box now before i go into it guys take this two seconds to leave this video like please and then subscribe to us if you're on youtube or follow us on facebook they both help us a ton let's see what we got in this box here this pair of boots that brand that i can actually see it it's in there somewhere borndale b-o-r-n-d-a-l never never heard of it in my life and then we have a bunch of glassware i'm so tired of glassware like the last unit we bought before this one was literally like a glass factory we had so much it was ridiculous and i just it's interesting some of it's worth a lot but when you ship it you just gotta already bank on the fact that you know that it's gonna get there broken every time i put 80 rolls of bubble wrap four boxes in there padding bulletproof armor still broken what is in the basket maybe baskets will have more luck well a little statue with owls but somebody glues burns out look at the back they're gone is this like oh it's a wind chime an angel wind chime look at that that wasn't as smooth it wasn't everything in here is like slightly broken she's missing a hand well like a rock and mineral book where's all the rocks and minerals rl stein book oops jb stamper that one um these are like little plastic like hollowed out birds and a butterfly i don't know this probably went to something at some point like some type of decoration but by themselves i don't really know what the point of them is smaller box here or i guess kind of medium box boise it says nick nuts what kind of knickknacks well first thing is a pair of headphones wireless yeah no wires just missing the aux cable that americana in look at that eagle that's pretty cool now let's see what some of these bags hold something interesting finally um that's like a glass candle holder i'm assuming so i got the burn marks yep then we got open this one down it is coins there's money in it 15 cents you do whoo well at least there's some kind of money oh a bag nothing stars what is this guy like a fawn it's part bell oh look the bell's gone a lot of people store broken stuff i think it's a candle hole oh it's a candle holder isn't it it looks like it should be a belt isn't it like then they're upside down yeah uh faith something friends family can't read it from this angle what's in this little baggie here another wrap around this one's double bagged so it's some yellow okay yeah a little turtle and let's see this angels of course every single thing i see missing something if it's glass so far it's the theme of this box this is like a convention for broken toys this is like a little piece thing what else is in here there's a couple painted rocks in it they just hand painted themselves but this feels like some type this feels like metal though it's heavy which probably means it's glass because i'm not very good at this like that because you know i haven't been doing it for three years or nothing and some more glasses there and you have a picture holder and what's that just a little painting ready to hear my new hit single guys go ahead huh yeah no we're not doing this we also got like a smurf house a little mushroom yay now let's get into the mccain box all right oh i thought i was gonna look at these guys get out all right you gotta go now it's still in the unit yeah it's still new you know that's all right i got a broken lantern everything in here is broken slightly today the last few days have been like all crazy cool stuff and today's it's been like weird stupid stuff so far but that means we're due there's like a metal dolphin one of these boxes are going to be the big one um oh what is that i don't even know it smells good so like it's not nothing bad what's in here sounds like something is not a pill it's a pill and this is vapes bro what is this like a fishing net you have such weird things i don't know what to say anymore like i literally don't know what i'm gonna pull out of here it's like here's a cat's tail here's a piece of grass there's a rock and there's some foam like why did you store all this stuff together i'm so lost let's go to this side because the other side has not been lucky today black tub here like a little church sign it looks like and then we got this my favorite i love papers and we have worlds topics yearbook from 1958. now there's something to be cool in here please just something cool please pictures personal pictures that's not cool we need to find something interesting today this has not been the lucky day so far um this looks like somebody's personal cards personal pictures oh there's a what is this leather finish all right let's say this looks like somebody's personal toe right here so none of this stuff's gonna be that interesting let's see what's in this box now come on we gotta bless it with good luck we really need good luck right now there's my spell all right it didn't work so we have an empty box because always what it is hey look it's toad something what is that thing it looks too jelly for me to want to touch on my hand that thing i have that for dexter oh it's a guy here okay or down here this side's like baby toys bouncy ball that's like the best thing so far a reindeer ball another bouncy ball and more baby toys in a basket guys i guess we might pull the good stuff out earlier no no no no i'm not giving up one of these boxes or totes has something good in it we just got to find it now let's get the box from the middle because i want to see what's in these like metal boxes at least that sounds interesting so we'll get this out the way first oh that looks interesting let's see what's in this box here what is that bathroom junk yeah uh what's in here money pictures no just pictures we'll make sure like always then leave the pictures behind this is like grilling stuff for the grill outside we have all these so we'll just sail it uh what are these things what are they they look like they go on top of something it says him and hemming gray 45 on it seems to be the theme of this unit right what is this what is that what are these nail polish oh my gosh we know what something is how much you use nail polish well we sold that at our user last time so maybe we'll do it again now let's get this heavy old tote like this out and this speaker's trying to come down and i luckily unfortunately don't have to worry about it right there let's see what's in this well it looks like tool boxes can we figure that much out is it stuck it's supposed to push it down no that's how you lock it i know push the top down okay okay and yeah tool boxes so first thing at least i've seen that has some monetary value so at least we're moving the right direction now what about the black one here this one just looks dirty it's just dirty there's more nails screws you know it's nails and screws they're like eight hundred i don't know what you're trying to build here kind of build like a boardwalk maybe like what about what you're trying to build a clubhouse not with that many nails trying to build a whole country and the rest of this a sar and farming slash gardening stuff let's see if it's in a little orange tote little totes amongst big totes usually are fun looks like macaroni what's in the baggie don't be medicine oh even better look it's medicine i guess you can consider it medicine yeah um whoa that old yachty look at that cool and of course it's everything where's the cup that's the most important part if you don't get to hear that [Music] it's not yahtzee that's part of the game some brand new stuff done all right hey look the socket is set so at least again we're moving in the right direction we're getting some stuff worth a little bit of money let's see paperwork paperwork papers we don't need your papers let's see what's in this now some type of red toolbox i'm gonna guess tools and it is tools it's actually full of decent looking mostly razor blade screwdrivers pliers things that are worth little bits of money again so it's better than what we've been seeing and down here i'm seeing like a bunch of new car stuff tools what's this leather thing it's nothing wrenches and i mean overall something so at least this totes staple gun as well at least this time it's going to be at least like 20 bucks or so i'm having no luck so you know what you go in here you do something because everything i pull out crap today you make the positivity come into this i will what's up wonderful people my turn hopefully i have better luck i mean if you have worse less worse luck than it's gonna literally be like doo doo like just totes yeah i mean you're right uh so this has some clothes on top let me make sure there's no clothes on the bottom we have some winter jackets i'll look at a couple brands in a minute uh yeah close all the way down let's see if any of these have good brands gap kids no and what is this one don't see a tag in that a look at this one real quick comfy well this is comfy comfy let's see what's in here well right off the bat obviously this is christmas a little christmas tree whoa look at that over here with the other little christmas trees this when time saver budget friendly i don't even know what that is chas dean well christmas ornaments yeah whatever it was it's not what it is yeah all christmas ornaments they're in there you know the front of this unit was really trolling it was so awesome at the beginning why has that happened the past few units we've gotten the the front has been really good and then once we get to the back it's like oh all the good stuff's in the back and it's not in the back yeah it's really been the complete opposite like the last five or six door dudes so this tin hat oh look at the little deer it's a d bailey this is dede that looks like her indeedy i gotta keep this so that's just look let me hold on before i close it up i'm going to open up one of these there's there's this little just little christmas figurines in there so i'm going to close this up get on to that there's four tins in there four tens if they're all the same stuff i'm gonna cry i'm gonna say they are no a troll christmas troll christmas troll though the reindeer awesome and then this big one hundred dollar bills no not quite more christmas i mean yeah more christmas wrapped up down here last one this last one christmas have faith we have to have faith in the back of this unit we have to have faith we have to keep it until we're done so i pulled this box out from right here it says seeing you on it obviously it's a tv box but it feels really light a stink bug dead one get off eat it ew get off come on so in here it looks like just a bunch of decor pieces for like outside thanksgiving fall blah blah blah but that's literally all that's in there box next let's see what's in here it looks like more decor piece [ __ ] dog a dog a dog a dog all right all hunting dogs this is a black light i'm scared of shining all the stuff initiated i know uh down here we have a hunting hat oh where's the hunting gear little things down there hold on this is another little display case looks like the big brown one we found last time but just smaller and down here we have this that's broken in the back this hunting cap is on this candle holder um and then everything else oh they probably had a fish it's probably the blacklight one too uh everything else is like mini figures here's a little grandfather clock uh this is a broken plate a little heart a kitty so i mean a dog and another dog but other than that just a bunch of random figurines down there so i pulled these out before we've ruined them anymore and they fall all over the place first off we have a magnavox uh vhs dvd player looks pretty good conditions i'm assuming it'll work fine these rca speakers go to this thing right here five disc changer and it says rs 265 so don't know what something like this would go for but it looks pretty decent condition that's what all the cool kids have when i was in elementary school i used to have one of these in my bedroom yeah so did i i pulled this next box out and i saw this through the crack i was like ooh mickey mouse but it is a kid's umbrella and then we have this just like i don't know just carry case another umbrella that has flowers on it another umbrella that has a plant design on it dang it another umbrella with zebra print oh that's sticky what's this thing sticky yeah uh some kind of planner and then a hair dryer a tin with 500. oh those thingies that thing it kind of scared me i was like what is popping out um and here the food line bag and an extension cord that's what it looks like to me extension cord and then random like you know the short little household extension port in there everybody has a random like bag of wires or drawer of wires it's a requirement to be part of the human species yes and then this is like a little tarp i guess that i'm guessing yeah and that is all this next tote pretty heavy got some decent weight to it look they tried to like glue a thing handle on it what is that i don't know what that is stop i don't know what that is all right so this bag has a bunch of tools and what is this uh automotive ac of refrigerant see a big bold right there on the front what are those things called what jumper came from i lose my words i can't talk i'm sorry um this has something in it this thing oh joy what is this oh this is the thing you put on the side of the road like the yield thing all right all right and the rest of this stuff is cleaner we have a bottle of brewing old rasputin imperial stout this thing for whatever you want to use it for this tire phone this garage sale sign all right uh this big thing a roundup quick pro whatever that is uh and some more gardening stuff i don't know so i've been waiting to see what's in this wooden drum here but i'm gonna bring this over first because this was on top of it and it's open so it's not much of a surprise so we have more gardening decor here this retriever hard drive duplicator but that's not what's in there it is this thing okay uh this plastic piece and then i don't want to untangle all that but it's like a wind chime a few other gardening things that just hang around in your garden joy yay and then this thing looks really cool i wonder how old this is this thing is oh it could just be made to look cool too um telezine engineering or something it wouldn't be part of this unit if we knew what it was yeah it looks like it's supposed to hold like wire or something have some staples in it that's what the bottom looks like if you guys know how to age barrels i mean this is what it looks like yeah there's people out there to do but there's a ring because at the top let's see what's in here oh boy that looks like all dvds let's see if they're in there oh and they're not even in there yeah it's a crate full of cases yes that's all what i was talking about like i was like cool dvds but i mean of course it has to suck the dvds aren't even in there let's see if i can finally go through a box where i know what the stuff is so that's not gonna happen first off this goes to something has something to do with cleaning but i guess it's just the rag i know what this is yes we got one bubble wrap bubble wrap and then we have a book bag so you know what that is that is empty um clothes clothes blah blah blah don't care a thank you box what's in it what's in this what does it say thank you cards wedding cards a wedding card box that would be cool no it's like this thank you cards they've never even used have they no they have not boring boring boring thank you box go in thank you all right this thing for this bag has a boost mobile phone box with no phone just the paperwork so that's always fun yeah i think sometimes i'm going through stuff and i'm like somebody somewhere paid to store this yeah why a sub tank mini i don't know what that goes to i don't know this is adhesive liner for shelves we have maybe another extension cord or whatever this goes to i don't know what that goes to and this thing okay those are the things you found yesterday like actual bulbs yeah i don't know if they're actually supposed to go like a string or they're just definitely decorative but it's a whole tissue box full of those and then we have a coal and we have some sports cards something that looks kind of interesting this must be a glitch oh i thought that was money those of course not and nothing in there just a candle holder so i have basketball cards here bobby hurley and all-star sean kemp i know i found him before too call me out of jordan please uh scotty pippen scotty pippen yeah um i can't find their names i don't know who these people are oh eddie jones hakeem uh sean in chuck shack scotty pippen again i mean like a jordan or something reggie miller that guy we needed jordan rookie at this point literally why did why is there an analysis for basketball i guess yeah all right i mean they all look like the same four people for the most part scottie pippen reggie miller uh who's this guy dennis rodman but they're all basketball cards so i might have to put that in like a random box or something for our auction so i found a basket of shoes here and i see i mean nike ed hardy it looks like but i don't know if these are worth anything if they are they might be worth to wash because they're looking a little dingy but i don't know uh this is puma pair of pumas it looks like they found me like metal detecting and dug them up a pair of rain boots uh these slippers there's a pair of boots skechers and one more pair of boots down here which have seen better things so i pulled this next crate out because i saw pokemon right here but i'm gonna get to that last see what else is in here so i have a few books creating with concrete you guys did have a lot of garden stuff so i'm sure you did that a lot uh what's this book christmas kitten home it lasts and then there are some dead spiders there's the night before christmas there is what's this thick one with lots of love forever what's this gold one oh little uh bible stories treasury of bible stories all right everything else is boring let me see what this is pokemon gotta catch em all pokemon collector marble pouches series one it's gotta be old school yeah seven days uh tooth out well it says 95 96 98 nintendo but then 2 000 nintendo so this is 2 000. collect all these pokemon collector marble items sold separately so i guess this one it might be worth more because i think out of all this pokemon on the back he's the last one i do everyone want to win for pikachu charmander first and maybe meowth and dragonite and then the other ones like this guy no one we really went for so he might be worth more and he's in the package so let's see if this tote is interesting please please give me something interesting okay off the top i don't know but we'll see this thing oh boy i guess it sits like that probably hangs outside another unidentifiable object i don't know every just the core of some sort what's in this thing something light that's like a sand dollar with a bear painted on it and these are like some kind of cloth things with christmas designs uh and here this bucket we have angel we have bear we have a duck is he missing something no he just like lays down and you fit something up here um another bear these just plastic easter eggs dang it i want there to be money in them these are just foam pieces i want to open an easter egg let me pull out one more candy or money dang it really when it's a melted expired candy that would get it for me um this is empty and those are two dog sweaters this is what i just showed you uh candle holder looks like more candle holders uh empty a couple more candle holders put that here something in here yeah this little butterfly box has there's a movie ticket to avatar 12 23 09. and then this are pins american music festival 2008 and then the same thing right here 2009 all right i'm sneezing all right um under here why does that actually sound like planters peanuts because it's never been opened sealed planters peanuts who keeps this stuff stop keeping peanut containers i was trying to look for exploration i don't see it i don't feel like looking whoa this thing this thing i'm getting so tired of saying this thing this thing this thing here's another drop oh another one of these there's two light candles in there and this has some clip-on earrings and we can just put with all the other ones there are some that we found last time that didn't have matches so i don't know what these are maybe they go to a necklace or something but a couple clip-on earrings i'll keep those here another box see what's in here fancy fancy belt feels like it has something in it another glass piece i don't know how that fit in there i have no idea but some japan type design on the outside let me go over here make sure i didn't miss anything interesting a boot a boot house a boat uh that thing and down here a couple more tins here what does this say edgeworth pipe tobacco there's some bobby pins in it this is like something you find in fallout you pick up off the ground you're like oh cool two lock pick acceptance i'm excited when i find bobby pins yeah this just says spice nothing in there though and down there is just more glassware okay everyone we've got down to these last few boxes however they are super boring and i do not want to waste your time showing you honestly so this is just a christmas tree this is just a lamp and a birdhouse there's books in there books in there christmas stuff in there christmas stuff in there clothes in there glasses right here uh this big lamp thing and then in there just more like alpha old alcohol glasses so literally nothing of interest left to show now let me talk to you about the drama that unfolded after we posted the first part of this video on facebook before i do that let me say the end of this unit sucks but you will always get the storage reality from us i'm never gonna be the person that's gonna stay just and make it look good when it's not if it sucks it sucks if it's good it's good that's what you're going to see from us and that's just the reality but let me explain something to you on figuring out slowly so our youtube page has done great for years right but over the last few months our facebook page has blown up out of proportion and one thing i never thought about was that facebook recommends pages and businesses to people based on its location so where is our page located at virginia where's all the people who's losing their stuff located at virginia so guess who's getting recommended in their feed these videos literally the people were buying this is like the third time i've had somebody contact me in the past two months because they've seen videos of ours and it was their stuff the other two were older units we got rid of like months ago years ago stuff like that but this one no this was like right after we posted it so let me get into this really quick before i tell you what i got messaged and what now i just want to ask you guys and watch what part one part two and this part three was there anywhere in this video that i showed the owner's name because that's what throwing me off when i got the message and from the right name obviously i gotta assume it's real i went back and watched the videos myself i didn't see nowhere i showed the name but i know you guys sometimes pay more attention than i do and notice things i don't notice so if you have a second look and see if you saw that or if you watched it already do you remember seeing it because i don't so if this is a troll i don't know how it's possible so this is what makes me think it's real but i get a message and you guys know first off we're more than willing to help people all the time we've given multiple people back their units both we went in california we went out and bought a family all kinds of new stuff it's not about that it's just about the way other people approach you and that's what gets me mad in these messages because you get these messages said basically i'm already blocked so i can't go back and show it to you again but something along the lines of now that you've already put my business on blast on facebook when do you plan on giving me my stuff back okay i'm not going to go into detail i've said it's a hundred thousand times right legally it's mine now i don't have to give it to nobody and we don't have to go into details on that but the thing that bothers me if somebody just messaged me nicely and talked nicely there's a 99 chance i would give them like 99 of everything in the unit back without a hesitation it's not about that but when you just come in so conscious sending and just threatening it's just so aggravating it makes me so mad so first i just responded back with one message and said not happening you should fix your attitude and guess what happens after that i'm blocked so what do i do what i do is i do nothing i'm just keeping it too bad i should control your attitude because if you saw it on facebook that means you're probably seeing this one and now that you're looking at my face and i'm looking back at you kind of be a nice person and you might get your stuff back
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 69,929
Rating: 4.918961 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a drug dealer's storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker
Id: M8979GNChC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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