I Bought A Storage Unit For $250! ONE ITEM WORTH OVER $2,000! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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well I'm a contrarian with deepest guys and we're at another storage it right here inside you know what if we pay for this one a little bit too much we made two hundred and fifty dollars honestly because it was the end of the day we haven't got a unit and I was not going home empty-handed so we had to pay $250 for this unit so we can make that money back plus a lot more don't forget to like this video subscribe if you're new let's get inside [Music] so one of the first cool things we saw in this unit was this big boiler right in the front check that thing out I just want to be like this oh it actually reminds you of the crash one that follows you will also play Crash Bandicoot that's what it gets me why about four it's like a life-sized one I'm not Tony Hawk's on the ground then you got a Hawaii and you can skate inside of it and you go down like this throw it and you're like yeah just one of the price tag on the back of it let's nurse $70 yes so when is the big one that means definitely look like hey I'm Karthik he's Italian this one does not though so but that one the 70 this one's gonna do that right don't they make sense let's see there any more of those things in here what is this this another one kind of a lot of hand carved things in here this kind of stuff can have good value you just gotta find the right buyer that's cool anymore are those I don't see any so let's pull something else out so we're gonna pull this big book bag out which is extremely for some reason heavy Oh really heavy not close oh if it is whoa what kind of weird stuff do you got going on here buddy what is that even what is this um that's just weird I don't even know what that is all right weird stuff what else is going on in here what's kind of weird assortment of objects is this ticket action-figures paper a little token says believe there is a higher power okay keep going I guess and there's couple license plate covers let's say Oh San Francisco Giants I guess that's a scrap metal no one here let's look at this side of the thing to turn old Presidential dollar collection you think they're in there no none of them what trolls what's rolls not have been nice yeah especially it was been cool they're in there and we have a way to start we have wires and chargers yeah what is this Best Buy what The Incredibles just a picture all right I don't know it's a about that bunch of CDs like a recovery disks for Windows computer and guessing and those things earbud covers let's get into this popping yeah what do we got here I don't know if these are personal pictures or what err yeah these are personal photos so I think we should get into the main compartment of course let's do it so we're having a little bit issues with the zipper but I think we finally got it unstuck now let's see what's inside the main compartment of this thing if I can get out there we go I don't want to hit the D Keys okay let's pull it out a little bit so it looks like a weird assortment of objects again some books I saw something just highlighted books Oh a Alcoholics Anonymous book nothing complete collection of Robotech Macross saga that might have value but they're in there which they all are that's complete I'll tote that at some value to it somebody's getting offended by this but one of the most boring TV shows to ever hit the screen I don't know how people sit through this at all Seinfield another season a sign field and spider-man so a lot of DVD boxsets box sets are always worth more than a regular DVD what's in here actually before I just toss it we yeah looks like a picture to make sure is that a personal picture actually that's an x-ray that's somebody's like somebody's hit it's fine okay I just expose to your bones on the Internet buddy everybody's gonna know what your hip looks like everybody else's Elton John dream ticket for destination DVD so a lot of box DVD set that's cool they're much more valuable like I said and much easier to sell looks like just just photo album yeah that'll go back national whoa there's some old money in here enough in the u.s. though you see that that's really all if anyone recognizes the country that's from let us know doesn't say does it owe Republic if I guess Philippines that's what I'm assuming I'm set that there that's cool pictures we'll go back cards let's see this photo album - this is Oh what are these plot again negative negative jam so I don't think they want that war photos a lot of pictures in here lots of them let's see even more pictures they said they want the stuff back so they're gonna have a huge water pictures waiting for me and then all pictures - this is all pictures as well I don't know what this is it's a picture and pictures yeah all more pictures let's see more pictures jeez a lot don't this and cities anything else interesting looking in here value I what you think that is heavy yeah Charlie picture it's more picture well hope they're ready for a huge part of pictures and it get back that is wrong yeah yeah I don't know what that is I might be yep got a card here just a prayer texting this one that's a graduating class pictures pictures and pictures that whole thing it's full of pretty much nothing with pictures - the DVD set so this will probably all just go back so we also wanted to because it is big bar box here and when you see the fragile sticker on it that usually means it's gonna have some good value so let's do we got going on I'm gonna have a couple cars oh is that a Lamborghini oh man I think stuck I don't wanna break that's a Lambo isn't it mm-hmm mmm no no Lamborghini found that a starch in it hmm I don't know I think it is looks like it to me doesn't it that's pretty cool I guess you didn't replace the top and also make it a whatever that one is you I think you take your lips off right here and you can take your top off but it looks to be in there and I'm guessing this is what makes it drive but look at the bottom of it doesn't look like a cheap toy this is metal right here right it's all metal so that could also have some full value too if it works no fun just drive around the house dancing with the cast and stuff but other than that that's all it's in there besides a VHS tape which actually goes with it Wow I think you know this toys old look it's an instructional VHS this thing's old tires what is that cool Star Wars mini building 7 and yeah definitely cool box there let's see what's in this red bag here there's more pictures I must scream marble you know that no I guess huh so we had a couple cups of the pig that came from the stadium around here probably what's in the other side pocket oh there isn't one all right cool makes it easy what are you thinking I'm thinking pictures stuff worth money I hope you're right I like your thinking more I think it's even worse it's just paperwork and closed paperwork and clothes even worse I want to rather see the pictures that's literally it but I think like you said the bag itself because it's marburo it could be worth a decent amount of money as well we'll have to get rid of the junk inside of it first so it's not just clothes inside it's actually look US army gear we noticed that there and that they were is a star patch along with that patch right there on the side so I don't know if all this is gonna be military stuff and in here the rest of its just random clothes cuz that's the only thing that I see that appear to be military this might be the pants to go with it but everything else is looks like sweaters and you know everyday stuff so there's military clothes there's a big market for military clothes so that'll be good now let's see within this box alright files my favorite not really actually sometimes sometimes I tell you something interesting stuff oh the instruction manual for an OG PlayStation that's in there I'll be so happy please be in here now I'm a little excited oh no I don't like what I see oh no not VHS tapes no yeah that's all Namco something what are the old grandpa taco these are old game guys okay that's not well look at that an all Tekken 3 strategy guys along with grand theft auto vice city Wow this is one of the best games ever who remembers Tommy Vercetti but it looks like the rest of the box is being shifted then you guys know if we find anything crazy in there you'll see it in the recap so for now we're just gonna put it a sign of states vhss so I like I peeked a little bit in this box guy any peek I did but look birdies all week that was like cool games but then that black you know what those controllers are I know what those controllers are Sega Genesis controllers so I'm getting a little excited let's see if we carnivals in there who it is I was a feeling about this and we swore to resort no it's not that might be the one in the week system we're gonna find but kind of a cool painting ooh a South Park Family Guy so it's good resale who are Mia - that was a good game I think we should take this box out you want to take it up so we took the box out to go through it and we just looked at this painting and happen to pull it out look at this this is actually purchased from a gallery in the city for a hundred and fifty dollars that's pretty sick so that probably could be 100 bucks but ok - 50 for this that could be half the money back in the unit for a painting I let's get into more detail now first things first Sega Genesis controllers that a Power Core with it - you know why because the system's gonna be in there we're fine a Sega Genesis in this unit feel it so two controllers first let's comment on this guy's good taste - entertainment Family Guy have all you six Family Guy season 1 & 2 on DVD we also got the very first season of South Park in there good guy good guy so we got American wedding that's nothing I'm gonna pull something I like No jarhead that movie's good to see ya army tattoo for PlayStation 3 is it actually in there it is ha ha getting good stuff any another Wii games cheap thrills and that's also in there let's see what else we got bunch of unity' Always Sunny in Philadelphia and a lot of people like that show never actually like what else so we got three box out of The Sopranos that's another show that I just I don't know how people find entertaining but they do we got wok ps3 games see if this one's in there it is Need for Speed Pro Street also in their food rant the data for it's awesome in there so we got a lot of games in here my hands running on space already what we got these just DVDs yeah so we also another Family Guy another family guy he's got a lot of Family Guy in here look over here you got alias two more Sopranos you got a lot of DVD box sets over here a lot so this box is definitely some keepers but some good money to guys I'm a little bit psyched right now so let's move this table over and can you see what that yellow box says Nintendo games if they're in there and we get like at least one rare game cuz if somebody's been storing this stuff they weren't rare back then remember back then it's a earthbound was not super expensive game it was just a regular games thing like that's in there we could be sitting on a lot of cash but first let's see what's in this table thing yes pictures again this man has a lot of pictures I'll give him that pictures and medication not too interested in those and pictures all right so nothing in the table will slide the table out and start going down these boxes get to that Nintendo box so we also just came across one of the best kids movies that it's also great for adults is age ice age in barnyard or both kids movies but they're two of my favorite movies and I'm 25 so judge me I don't care let's see what else we got in this thing feisty super like you're 25 and you watch I just be watching like CNN and news and no that's boring I want to watch fun stuff oh that's junk just papers anyway let's see what we got in here papers papers papers papers nothing there got a pair of boots and boots boots yeah this is brand new good to me put in your history okay all right now let me toss this stuff aside and we'll get into that box sold it in and not being anything interesting in that box so we got to the next box which is literally completely full of old baseball magazines now I'm guessing this is like most other magazines one's worth the penny and X ones worth $100 you have sons were three cents two cents a dollar fifty cents two dollars thirty you're gonna have to look all these up probably so this is not something we're to do right now if it's gonna take a long time we're just gonna get that out the way and you know let's get into that yellow box right there guys I think I might cry so we just want to pick the Nintendo box up and this came off and it's just all pictures in the box well I would they do that why I'm still gonna cross that thing it did a lot of boxes left in here let's help one of these huge boxes or actually still full of the Nintendo stuff but so far everything else has been labeled has been pretty much correct so he's gotta be somewhere in here I'm not giving up hope yet so this box says magazines but I see in there it's not magazines it is a bunch of electronics but it looks like just random wires I know where this is for these are all the wires to the other box it's gonna be somewhere in Indiana that's full of all the game systems it's gonna have a Sega Nintendo a Super Nintendo NES 64 can I have all of it in this this that's it look at that it's literally just full of wires nothing but wires all the way through no game so they're gonna be somewhere else so this box actually looks really interesting we can see we've seen a lot of stupid baseball stuff in here but what finally found a little speck evident to this guy's common sense when it comes to baseball look at that one that's a nice little coffee mug that's for you maybe it looks nice fossil that's like a fossil doesn't it yeah it's not leave Eleni where there's no labels on it it's just literally that in there that's strange interesting so then I'm not gonna take them all out but oh we got baseball cards sammy sosa I wonder if we can have some rookies in here okay maybe we'll have to take this out but hold on one second first we do also have for some reason a bunch of these they're all model airplanes and there's one two three four five more in there including this one Pan Am scale 1 to 600 model aircraft I don't see any prices on these buttons will show you all these in more detail when we get out the Lighting's not ideal inside the storage unit so when we do the recap we'll be showing you a lot of this stuff a lot of stuff is gonna make the recap in this one this is a pretty cool unit and literally we just bought it because we need it we wanted a storage unit where the day was over well we're gonna pull this out is able to find any cards and let you know guys I'm kind of freaking out right now so all right you see the card all right I was joking saying we might find some rookies in here okay but I just decided we decided those look up Sammy Sosa's rookie look familiar look at that that's Sammy Sosa's freaking the rookie card and it's in a really protective case you see what it goes for when it's meant to thousand dollars plus there's a whole nother let's point this out you see that box down there that whole box is labeled baseball we could be sitting on a freaking gold mine right now we have no idea and we still haven't found our game consoles guy we bought this June because we need a selfie and it could be one of our best ever you just never know in this business so we have looks like a Julius Caesar costume or something Roman guy says all right then we have Ayesha geisha whatever couple costumes there we go let's see what we have in here what is this guy's name Alf Alf Alf that guy don't you picture that this is what all the haters faces look like when they're leaving negative comment this video is so fake I hate you get out are you nasty I'm gonna unsubscribe that's what I picture you looking like just see you now that looks like a fire box this is all baseball cards Thanks oh yeah Cal Ripken jr. these may be some good cards guys he's young the Orioles know he's already on the Orioles on that one so there's some basketball mixed in here too oh man there's another Cal Ripken jr. card but again I don't think they're this guy obviously you put the one there's a lot of calorific and you might have been a Cal Ripken fan it's funny because we're from you know Northern Virginia right by Baltimore I always see all the Oriole stuff everywhere usually it's weird to see people loving it out here because they don't Orioles fans don't really have too much to cheer about these days so it's kind of strange so this is a whole thing of other baseball cards we'll make sure we go through all of them but for now it's gonna take like eight hours if we do it so we'll take that out and keep going through else we can find so we just pull it up this and check out the brand on that it's Bushnell sport pack and look what happens to be inside whoo look at that sunglasses hmm they are practically brand new and I don't think they ever been worn they don't look like they've been open pushing out glasses that is sweet I've actually that's a nice $50 bill easy right there there anything else in that thing what else do we got Bushnell instruction papers and things like that nothing too incredible or anything but cool we got a nice little Bushnell pack with the sunglasses brand-new well guys I thought we had something good you see this looks like a baseball card collection but it's actually pictures a lot a whole album not one or two like 40 to 50 pictures and if I open this up on YouTube this video would probably taken down that's as far in details we're gonna go so let's put that one here there's also another one in there let's hope this one cards we the actual baseball cards please nope same thing a bunch of 90s you know 90s what's the word I'm looking out picking up that word you know that stuff you can't show that let's see I think all this is Peas all don't think oh my gosh that's a collection of probably like a hundred pictures all these okay guys we're done with this box it's going away alright guys so we just open this box here it's all of it looks to be as it says fine china let's see if it's actually stuff like that what is that look at that it's got a little hole in the bottom weed let's see what the glass looks like it's a Miller can you see that thing it's like that's a really awkward angle can you read it it's Miller bow Gasca something like that and well it's one of those and this whole thing looks full of stuff like this no guys I hate to do this to you but we are so far II don't we stuff so much more to go we don't have a choice we're gonna have to break this video into two parts because we still have got a lot more to go if we keep going to be like over an hour long so it might like just like I did not can you still see me come out here so I think we're gonna have to do is load this stuff up and do a part two well we're gonna do a huge recap once we're done with two parts or both parts and show you everything of value in this unit [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 52,537
Rating: 4.9117336 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit they left money, storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage locker, storage wars, luggage auction, mystery box, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: OxBqfFei-DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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