HUGE MONEY Out Of BIGGEST Storage Unit! I Bought A Storage Unit! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit!

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welcome at the treasure Inn with jiva skies are back at the monster yet again for part four of this gigantic monster of a storage unit so we're really starting to make a dent in the money and really starting to come in now we're getting closer those are those big ticket items in the back don't forget to like this video subscribe for you let's get into it as you can see what do you think we are 45% down I'd say so 45 alright so might be about 50 I give that give it that extra 5% let's give it an extra 5 so what I want to do is move these bad frames so we can get to the dollhouse and the totes and whatever is on this time I was trying to make them even this way before we get out today so let me move some of the bigger stuff and then we'll come back and start recording so we just took the bedroom set out and by the way it's pretty nice that's a little minimum well at least get sixty to eighty dollars in the bedroom said we have two of those so no I that's 160 bucks just an added we didn't count yet but we got this big boy out now this big old dollhouse is full of other stuff and don't forget earlier we found a bag and think like part one or two we had all kinds of dolls furniture in it so I'm pretty sure that all goes to this and the doll house of this size I've never sold before so you guys what are your suggestions how much take something like this would go for sure they can get really expensive and I'm hoping this is one of those cases if we can get like another hundred bucks out of that yeah that would be nice but I just don't know so now they're gonna slide this big thing out the way and then we'll have access to a couple more toting containers and things like that so you write back so let's get into some stuff now first thing we have that was on this wall is this little thing is that what what is that Elsa maybe I don't know I don't know the difference between is your nose another redhead that might be Anna I'm not sure I thought it's like Tinkerbell says why now it's it's frozen no then we got this little thing right here which will also be I think quick sale at five ten dollars or something like that but it's got little princesses on it to you oh well fellows are coming down boys the pillows in the box yeah yeah then that right there might be trash what the Minnie Mouse coucher here you think so look at the bottom is filthy well for the top it doesn't look too bad it might be washable though I don't know yeah I don't know either the bottom is pretty dick gross huh we'll see if I get anything else from here what does I think everything is like so nicely alright hey maybe this white thing what is that okay this yeah I'll be careful no it's gonna take a bunch of stuff down with it guys give us a man over there I bet so I got a question for you guys what in the world is this I just have no idea what that is exactly I don't know if it's valuable or trash but it's like wrapped up in plastic so it's wrapped in plastic there's one two three four five six seven eight pieces and they they feel like cardboard a little sturdier but it's like shiny don't know now we're looking this bag over here I think I see purses in it look at some of the clothes out the way the clothes will sell really fast again the flea market I love that flea market what do we have here first purse we are book bag cent catch-all whatever you want to call it out now where is it okay it's a book bag and it's a no brand so few bucks I'd rock that yeah god I go pull it on the buttons and stuff so I wonder what it is I just don't know yeah that logo I don't know either it doesn't have like a patch with the name in it but do you see the buttons there's like letterings on all of them so alright then we got this bag this looks like bag then we have this one it feels like leather but again it doesn't have any brand name in it so it has that logo if anyone recognizes that cuz I don't and just a bunch of kids post let me bag this stuff back up and then we'll see what's in this one alright so we had that out we got the Box open this said the hundred pack a crown I thought my 64 when I was little with a sharpener was bad hmm but now they got an 800 pack those are crown they're big they're not breaking I think that's five dollars pictures complete actually can I ask something what what was the basketball players last name wedington how do you spell it w EDD ing T oh okay why their last name is very very close to that that's how I was wondering know that Jersey that we found is going crazy on eBay it's been up for like eight hours and has like 30 Watchers on it and it's been up been bit up to over $70 in like hours and I started at 20 so I'm happy the way that's going under are my shoes new it out there brand-new pair Under Armour shoes Nikes in Jordan alright Shutterfly's the camera people on picture people just all pictures yeah turn this back the front you're fired alright could be a sexy part this Halloween not commenting then we have a chair girly costume this year pirate i phone box there's gonna you trust the brand there's like certain branded I think works very well nothing anything else in this big old box right now this empty tool stuff and you random thing fear fear and things they're nothing significant hey pop Smurf can we stop wearing these like sexy costumes and start going back to the scary ones yes I don't want to see pirates and miniskirts instead I want to see Jason with bloody faces screen with the squishy blood thing and that's what Halloween's about look at these I've always been told the books that have the gold spines like this some of them are worth a lot of money so we have Toy Story 3 that's if we can find a date on it 2010 so it's probably not gonna get original obviously and probably gonna be the same with Big Bird here this is for 1985 that one might be something there's a couple more of those in here well let you know if with anything's worth a lot lot but for now we're gonna load this box back up get it out and move on to something next somehow alright so we got that grimy looking white mattress thingy down but again we're not gonna be able to sell that but animal shelters do take this stuff you can get rid of it don't pay to dump it they let it do some good but this is in the tote you like a mini car for a kid to play in which another probably three four bucks same with this another two or three bucks so these two things are probably five bucks nice little Minnie Mouse book bag here of the net that we pulled out was just full of more dirty pillows which again we don't sell we're just doing it cuz you can't read nobody will buy them so I don't know what we're gonna get to next because nothing but we're gonna keep trying we're gonna be right back so we're moving a bunch of pillows and stuff out of the way and out fell this pair of pants I tossed it not thinking nothing of it then I realized it had a tag not just any tag look Michael Kors on it but that's not the beautiful part that's the beautiful part these things cost 110 dollars and they're still new with so check that out now we're really starting I think we're just getting closer and closer to the big-ticket items in this unit it's already way more than paid for itself but I think we're just gonna keep on going up and up guys so we moved a few totes off here but it's so far every single tone is just been blankets and pillows blankets and pillows so I know nobody wants to see that but we didn't come across this little thing these things I've always thought every time we go there not for much we get like three dollars sometimes five dollars depending on who buys them but I like use a little wall hanger there quick sales and I think I see what looks like a new puzzle in here so hopefully this orange - oh whoa hopefully that's an interesting stuff so if you have its monsters into a giant floor puzzle its new in the plastic what the plastic is damaged I don't see a date on it I know they remade it or not remade they made a new monster I think the university won so I don't know if this is like when the first one came out or when a second one came out not sure mm-hmm all the characters look original yeah I don't see no new people all right fuzz balls and Greta play-doh all right oh you read that I read that pyrex casserole dish right here that's a good sale and then we have the pan over another pan this looks like I'm gonna be all kitchen stuff in here storage unit if somebody they lost their stuff it's usually you know they didn't have much money they have like these people they have decently high-end stuff like stuff that we don't even buy and I'm like I want to know what happened I want another story pans like we found one of their names and something and hooked it up there's a teapot I don't want to take not sure about the Pyrex casserole dish stuff not including that out to everything else is probably about $10 I'm not sure what that's worth but I bet pretty decent amount now we're to bring this big black and yellow tote like okay I'm not going there but let's see we got in this one this one's got a little bit of weight to it I don't think it's all closed what is this thing what is that I don't have a guess I've never seen this I know the slightest clue a dremel model 220 yeah that's about all I got from it mmm somebody should be hopeful about to help us out with that Hey Cape good it's not tape in it but well you have to now for both need to pack your stuff up you know gonna wait for you another look in here hey lines here crazy DVD pictures these are all like these are all sorts of cards in cases guys holy duty these are all in protective cases all of this what it oh gee tur it this is baby Jews unit we got Yankees in dolphins out here already yeah this is collectible stuff these aren't like single cards these are all in protective cases and I'm not sure why some of these could be worth a lot of money now baseball cards go this one's six cents that one zero that one's $200 that one's a dime that's something we're not sure of right now look at that baseball players let me know if we got something good here I'm just gonna pull out the ones that are in big cases because usually those would be better look at that mm-hm look at that Ken Griffey Wow no-hitter that's broken there's some some of these I guarantee will be worth something I don't know what like I said but but they all have price tags on I'm almost wondering if these people were they had some type of sports memorabilia chef because I don't know why they have so many with the price tag still on like if they're collectors I would think they'd get it off but to have the price tags on doesn't that seem strange let's set this aside anything else in this purse will make of course look at that a nice Michael Kors purse watch a random junk in it but that's okay give me that quarter there's a quarter here some poker chips and bunch of random junk with Michael Kors purses we solved for like upwards of $50 in the past and that ones it looks completely real to me based on everything but then again I've been wrong before so you people that know this stuff more than me and let me know it looks real to me look at that looky here and it feels like real leather you know the difference between leather and pleather there's a little heat stamp it's dirty but I think we clean something at 40 or 50 Ford what are we having this one here sunglasses what is this hold on Kate Spade bag let me sell it for 20 bucks last time we found one I think depends [Music] little log yeah alright a log and then just giant piece of paper that could be a very good tote and guaranteed value we know we have at least 60 bucks but the mystery is on this tool thing and all the sports cards it could be a freaking $500 box we just don't know right now so you know what that's what I like so there is a horde of blankets and pillows as you can see like there was like a good four totes just blankets and pillows what we finally are able to get to some stuff I'm hoping is in there so the first thing I found here is the a/c on TV magic bullet deluxe let's make sure it's in there if you remember the last part we found some positive things I was like an interviewer three to five dollars looked awful eBay they're like ninety to a hundred dollars a piece and that is in there too how much of that ones worth we just don't know all right now we just don't know but that's a good sign I'm sit down one side so we have some this is lighter than I thought smooth twelve pset six pieces of policy oh good another box a box of the box oh this is a lie let's see we actually got in here have a new hand with a top on it look at that it's new see if we got a brand on that utopia kitchen I don't know but look that's what it goes to right there there's a barcode on it so we got to scan it into something and then we have a whole new silverware that looks like check that out kam bridge 36 piece set I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess again that this stuff is probably gonna go on eBay if I had to take my guess cuz kitchen stuff is much much with that thought this thing I've seen I'm hoping it's in there and I'm not selling it we're like we've been doing keto diet and one of the things you try to avoid if you're doing it strictly as pre-shredded cheese - there's potato starch on it so we had to shred all our cheese on our own we've been doing it by hand with the grater and it's kind of a pain in the you know watch so if that's in there I will be so happy because I'm keeping this even if it's worth like a hundred dollars I don't care if you tired of having a sore freaking farm every time he sees the military shut it it's just a food processor but it has an attachment to shred cheese oh yes there it is no more store arm no where's that I'm hoping inside the body I don't know I don't want to take it out and stuff there's something at the bottom of it I don't know what I don't know hey more dr. Seuss books in here again no these are all Disney ones let's check one of them well these are 101 Dalmatians let's check the dates on one of these 2006 on this one so not too old or anything let's grab another one just got randomly right here that's cards the same thing scholastic looking so I don't think it's gonna be an old one Lightning McQueen this one is a 2006 but I do see this over there I think you know they made this in book form hmm how old do you think this one is nice in newer no don't say that 1985 trademarks 1957 renewed in 1985 so I could add some value to it this whole thing full of books and things like that another thing just like the cards we have to like take the time to individually scan each one to really know if it has any value so we don't know a value right now but we're gonna get it out the way and go through some more stuff so we just pull down this tote which is like beat to death look at the side to it both sides they're broken possibly all right so we got bathroom junk it looks like acid now a lot of rate bugzilla CDs Sons of Anarchy burned all calling the police way that we got in here jewellery box makeup makeup makeup so this thing with this thing with all the makeup in and I better get compressed air we need this they took very good care of their balling didn't there yeah they wrapped it up in plastic in protective paper must be an important whole box and needles I'm glad that we do see insulin on coolpix 85 with a lens cap on it not sure about that the focusing value you know there's another one YouTube capture mode what's a youtube capture mode all videos youtube cover don't see nothing else down here let's interest in another camera the Nikon Coolpix again it's three cameras in a row here's a thing for camera a sleeve and a dime so not the most exciting stuff but cameras can have value randomly some of them are worth a lot of money some of them are junk but I'm loving sense - yep so just pulled out another box right here and open it up because there's a lot of tape on it it looks like it has like fan or vent covers in it that whatever it is looks like it could be very expensive an M power unit used only with M housing okay 2100 hbi certified anyone know what that could be I have no idea I mean it looks like a fan or event obviously but I don't know what it's worth or what it goes to mr. e and by the way there's two of them in there so wear something that's a good thing because we got two so I'm gonna put this stuff back in there pull another box out so we do necessarily pull out a box when we pull out a few more interesting looking dings one this is a trolls bike helmet and checked it out brand new with the tags never been used to hold the paper and everything in it I'm not taking less than five or ten dollars for that sure we also got before we get in this is actually a box in Santa Ana kind of cool looking box but we also got this it's like a block index or not black and decker yeah okay I was ticketed extra but little toaster oven again five ten bucks on that sucker too see we got in here what do you got for me Santa actual Christmas at least October is getting close to Christmas so this might actually go now usually Christmas decorations are like but this time of year you might sell this box for like five bucks or something for everything in there there's a lot of little decorations yeah I'd say $5 for that - five right there just keep that nope so we're gonna take some stuff to the van to make sure the patient is wanting to point out we have a nice patio a wicker patio set here very nice a little bit of a couple spots on it just like that but overall in really good condition I can't see us going no less than like 80 bucks on that so probably a hundred dollars in the patio set so just pull down as a little box doesn't look like much but this tape was you don't understand it took me like five minutes to rip this next time I think was very nice probably I'll say that again it's an Oscar one Oscar right I think this will sell for like what is that I think it's for garlic okay here's a big knife that go in there so we just pulled out another box which is extremely heavy to open it up in the first thing we see our Disney VHS is so we have Barbie I know that some of these are extremely rare to that one Pocahontas the return of Jafar hard back oh no no that is 5/6 Kirby in a Caribbean way we want to call it so pause the video right here I really need your guys's help so we've been looking up the value of these VHS tapes and apparently there's something called a Black Diamond version that makes it worth a ton an old eBay they're sold listings for the Fox in how they're sold for $600 in one for like 14 $100 for a VHS tape but then you scroll down it looks like the exact same thing that's sold for six dollars I don't know the difference I'm reaching out to you guys somebody please let me know do we have a thousand dollar VHS tape or do we have a six dollar one cuz I'm not sure and I don't know what to do with it at this point my fair lady prior to the Caribbean what is that I don't know it seems like a walkie-talkie coming in hot please is there is there a button on the side now or is it just a really good receiver oh I don't know doesn't that batteries in it right there so might be like a police radio my granddaddy something like that I was younger I just a light have fun all right so look just a bunch of burn DVD DVD DVD DVD remote it might be we found TVs frse a Mego kept like six or eight what I see a Wii Nintendo Wii we sold the last one for four dollars something like that there's a little sticker I see what model it is oh I don't see it but should be about 40 bucks if I find all the pieces doing stuff power brick AV cables are replaceable but right here anyway so that is a DVD player honey the middle that's nothing we got going pictures a lot of a gigantic look Georgia O'Keeffe and the West I asked Viera barcodes right there so we'll scan that in just a second see if it's valuable what is this Golden Gate Bridge it's brand-new I don't know how much it cost originally but it's brand-new and matted in the frame [Music] before uh I think just sold on Iver you hear that I love that and yeah than that guys just a bunch of random yeah pictures and things like that so we might have got you in the VHS is definitely a value in the week so I say that's a good box well guys it's all we can fit in our van this time we actually can't even take everything we showed you we're going to drop everything off to come back and get the dollhouse and the bad frames and things like that so that's gonna be it for this one if you did enjoy it make sure you leave a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you do what falls on our social media is it gonna be on screen click links down the description below and make sure you follow us or whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace up [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 33,808
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought a storage unit and found this, i bought a storage unit from a drug dealer, i bought a storage unit mrbeast, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit they left money, storage auction, storage locker, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: MFfkNnx8KaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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