I Bought A Navy Seal's Storage Unit and Found A LOCKED TRUNK! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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so we finally got to the final check of the storage unit and look at this it has a master lock on it whatever is in there is obviously worth a lot of money to these people welcome F Express running with Jesus guys are weird back here at three hundred and twenty dollar ten by ten storage in it this is gonna be part four this storage unit so far and it's produced like amazing vintage expensive fines worth quite a bit of money so even see the other parts first make sure you go check them out so you get up-to-date so we're gonna do part four now and I think the vintage money's gonna keep on coming don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get in it [Music] let's go through this big tote first because on the side you see that is this keep out you know I keep out the little interesting area let's stay keep out oh I don't want your paperwork money I'll take money it's really all paperwork most see the little toe is more interesting so we got a thing always love things we got what is this Oh what happened to that why worry yeah why worry well I don't worry if I look like this a little bit in the crystal deaths all right put the pictures from 1983 so it can have some value yes it's wrong museum to Brandywine River Museum you see that that could have some value to it favorite paper book paper paper paper I'm still sick of looking at your paperwork really a funnel thingy yeah more hands we have a lot of kitchenware out of this unit which is good because it sells for us really easily a flea market so two more pans not hangars you know what to do with it you know belong there that's right that's right we don't deal well hangars around here we got a trash bag for at least they're nice enough to leave your set junk pictures we'll go over here I'm a bag of bags yeah bag bags in toilet paper Fred Jeremy right yeah what the hell gold just like Oh mm it's even use I hope it's so what does she think about how you'd want a future Shinar pee pee pee okay that's how much pee they had all their money oh there's no money and some tools gonna saw that's a song glad I didn't reach my hand an ace you nut what a slice and dice me right open that wouldn't have been a good day paper and something like house to core type things nothing really that interesting so that's how it's not that fun either so this stuff has to be good you know third time's a charm let's see what it is see you can be bad when you have an empty oh no it's and there's salt and pepper shakers they're still full one two salt and pepper bubble wrap which we're gonna take what is that thing a cat yeah we'll have any more pictures what is that long vase that's a strange-looking vase isn't it yeah how long and hard another one hmm well that does not look good for them guys that does not look good for that especially after all we found last time that is not a good look not a good look at all we have a little book here nothing it's not this is not the winning pops a cop storage unit maybe somebody in here was a police officer I'm taking a little interesting but other than yeah we got a bunch of nothing gotta close this one back to office fault the next one the next one has to be the good one guys I told you this was a good tell you don't walk you there to receipt inside the receipt we found the money you know what uh we're loading acts in a whole $1 $2 $3 $4 to be honest our bills or anything mm specialist:oh we just opened up that little envelope that we thought was our personal we've got money already so you know what we're gonna go through this stuff and all we find anything else interesting I'll make sure to let you know of what we got cash now we got a really heavy tail to be so small this one get off let's see a sex Randy got a camera that is it a Polaroid it is look at that an old Polaroid camera wires galore we have any outfit like many more water yes the only thing more water I home Hey look pocket deuces nice to have that and this thing a go gear areas you want never heard of it well you said kind of impressive here to thin this what's in here what's in there open well it will flip phone another handheld device this one solitaire phone what is that it's heavy what's in here gold alright batteries okay we're looking here these things quesadilla maker right what it looks like to me oh I thought it was a case it'd be a maker I don't know what it is what is it it's a replacement [Music] I don't know like a plug plug the phone box it's in there imagine that we have that old piece of not even in there there's a receipt you any more money in your seats No camera cool you might have some value oh man house phones all that's in the bottom there like that it's like a bunch of little tool pieces and stuff so nothing else it's really super interesting but little box value eyes what's up everybody hope you have a wonderful day first before I get into this tote I want to say that we did pull out a few more totes but they were all closed um there's one was like two pieces of glass in it or just some random stuff and not this boring so we set it aside so this is the next big thing this is the next hook that I'd just random stuff in it um so let's see what we have so this right off the bat looks interesting it looks hand-carved and I saw right when I picked it up somewhere right here it says India but it looks like like hand stamped right here and don't know what this is for maybe it'll hold like towels or something but I feel like this has some value so we'll look this up when we get home speaking of like stuff we're gonna do a huge recap on the stuff that we find in this unit because there's a lot of hidden stuff in here that has some value and that's gonna be on the second channel the Jebus family so if you haven't already checked that channel out please do we're gonna be doing a huge recap yes all of it recap so this right here feels heavy but I don't see any markings on it so I don't know what like that's made out of um oh yeah I think it is yeah for Gorda this is a cat cremation casket here which will definitely be left with all the personal stuff that is over here poor kitty whoa Oh josh is right here here's a little one to that thing that I just picked up but yeah the big one goes into the other one Oh down here that's this right here looks interesting I don't think I've ever seen this big of a Bible before and it has Nelson 7 1 2 W on the side I know some Bibles have some some value or significance let's see what color yeah okay so I see 1970 1986 1986 for this one and it was personalized inside so I don't quite know what to do with this other than probably donate it but let me flip through the page for a second never know how I said it people always like people whose morning in Bibles check probably 150 I never kind of dollar I thought okay yeah this is what I saw in there it is just poem and this right here yep just a photo album of feeling pictures which again aside with all their personal stuff so let's find another tote I said this quote totes if we can pull it out caught our eye with the coach purse right on top but I don't know how to tell if this kind of stuff is authentic besides a tag and a stamp but there's a stamp and by tag I mean a little paper tag or a leather tag that are usually on the inside somewhere but I always have trouble finding this kind of stuff and there's a heat stamp in there too but I know this stuff is like faked all the time and I don't think it was that might have been one's real one ever yeah yeah so not a hundred percent on this and it has some wear and tear on the top so I'm not sure the value on it see what other persons we got in here we have this looks unbranded I hate unbranded purses yeah unbranded this one looks kind of cool very much brand-new there's no dirt or staying inside at all and there's no tag or stamp on this one either so I'm Brandon look at this one this is interesting Mickey man so this is a Disney themed one with a yep 3795 right on it brand-new I don't even see any fading or scratches in the whole thing so I mean it hasn't even been use even with the tag you know some people keep the talent but give them the inside Brandon that's awesome I feel like we're gonna have a lot of interest with this one so messages on facebook or in trying to respond everybody's in there crazy dog yeah but we'll try to get to you this is Rosetti and this one I believe had like decent value that we've sold in the past and still looks pretty clean not too much damage a couple more in here this one unbranded and this one no idea I don't know that it's it so let's find something else to show all right so the next interesting thing we have is here on the top am I just like a regular picture frame but if you remember I think in the Jebus family video and the deep search that the first one that he did on this unit I found another one of these but there's something hidden and then that makes these really interesting so this these frames are only ten bucks so we're not gonna get much for the frame but it is a box and a hidden compartment in here so let's see if we have jewelry I want to break the thing this is like a little pin thingy all right there's one two three pennies what the four dollars to me I think these things are amazing I mean I would want this right here in my house so that's the easy sell at the flea market so I pulled out this thing with like four drawers and it looks beautiful of all kinds of stuff let's see if it's against these things usually you know there's a turkey we got a turkey okay zuma deluxe beware dog we get that eventually right Gary German Shepherd we're gonna get a German Shepherd a dirty word what a dirty word sir I got this one I like to open it up and look at some of the words yeah we can't show that gonna make sure it's not silver again I don't think so like the one we found of a silver that's money Wow all right school stuff batteries birthday book I love soon everybody reading it hello Tiffany letter S word yes what's that nothing just didn't look cool I was like literally not waiting to get into this is that a golden no no no cash value just random hat Oh kids do these buttons last time I found buttons are pretty good here's some sad I don't mind if you smoke if you don't mind if I you know do do and your shoe this one says life's a beach you know I really go to the beach and then you marry one what's the bumper sticker even said I want to know there you go chucky cheese tokens and we still have a trunk back there so we pulled out you had another toolbox and like everything in this unit has like do not touch on it you know they had that fun family dynamic with siblings doll talked about toolbox what do you think's in this one actual tools tool that be all right there good let's see they bullets like bullets to me it out there yes really small it's even smaller than a 22 I don't know what that is take the same width what's this a gun to fire the bullets ooh nice socket wrench set it does wonder what brand it is doesn't say did I say on the box no it didn't hmm some of these are worth good money depending on brand they are and tools that's a craftsman a craftsman socket wrench and look probably has everything right there to goes with it might be missing a couple right here maybe a lot more pieces more pieces and look at that as a whole bunch of bits and everything in there this is a good money placer here duskie box - do you think we got what now same thing socket oh no if it is complete Senate look at that you called it that should be good money I bet you this box is good money well definitely look this up on eBay and stuff cuz some tools are definitely if they're complete there were selling on ebay if they're missing a few pieces of weed it's fully market up cuz like I swear like I look at alleviate only $50 and I'll see you this will be again - one piece and it's like twelve and like that little thing really make that much of a difference I guess it does I don't know anything about it's a couple of complete sets I guarantee it at least I don't even one that yes but I think it's good money box all right we got another joke what's into this time fan blades my favorite oh yes definitely I'm looking for more snow/icy tools and tools are good money well bidding for RC let's get a Bitcoin actually come here come here look at that big boy this is a dollar gaming token at Lido Stardust Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas I wonder if it's still around like I've never heard of that one go change another coin hey what is that trident to seal d5 u.s. Navy first outload March 1990 that Navy SEAL I feel like look at that the army people tell me CL d 5i what a SEAL team d5 like a Navy SEAL I feel like this storage unit earlier I don't want to shove it as a name on it okay but I don't want to show like I feel like this unit had like so many cool thing Navy SEAL the police thing the pictures of juror like I don't know this feel like every time we come here we find out like another backstory of somebody that up here at some point other now you got more change there's got to be another 20 cents in there I'm gonna keep that coin that Navy SEAL thing inside looks books books might have value hair toss up this book looks old give me some money inside Oh what book is this really look really old the power of positive thinking it's probably one I was like therapy but look it's our house books clothes books and clothes gotta be to the most interesting things ever right not so much for me so - the coins might be have some value in a pennies and the tools the rest of its kind of boring so we got another black and yellow toad here what's in it this time right well we got a book it says how things work I've always wondered huffing is worse we just we found a thing earlier remember no one know how it works Joey yeah serenity this looks like animal hide or something doesn't it yeah made in Poland hmm that will not definitely look cool more illegal contraband for California these people are going away for a long time forget all the drugs we found pictures up this is way worse here what is that sterling silver right hand-forged every last metal silver this is all more stuff in this unit looks and knives definitely a murder weapon whatever Sam looks like Michael Myers stuff what is this Jason I did it wrong I hear something creepy over there look a lock with no key though well more kitchen stuff not really that exciting I think we have literally probably 15 total kids and stuff for this what if I take a guess easily all right guys one more tone here for the truck let's see what we have here this right here is pretty cool an ornament kit you make your own and you put like your pets paw print in there I love that cross I think there's more than one animal because I've seen this Siamese cat and I don't know was dad all right I don't know they didn't have a real picture on I just had a magnet I don't know my nail stuff hanging know why there one key shut toe okay I'm gonna put that aside just in case there's something in the trunk that needs a key guess who just had a Brotherhood of carpenters yeah 60 years of service jeez you'd better wait out here 60 years this is just like burning stuff don't they burn this and like waving around and they're like this is supposed to cleanse the air you're asking the wrong one I don't know this is either a target let's do it all right here is paperwork before I get there not sure this is how you display the rings or bracelets here we finally hit the jackpot [Music] sturla our white gold this says kinda sucks trying to read this if you can't do it let me see it think it says nine to five but definitely check that I'll check this one hmm this is clear nine to five in here but it feels very light it's alright look at that face did you feel it though they both I mean that rings I'd say 95 it they're light yeah definitely keeping that bag silver they look like just fake earrings no they're silver don't say that get it out of the bag no chance you sure eight dollars okay I'm sure I'm not talking to side about your angel this says this is a cross that's Jade I have a $40 price tag on it this are quartz angels cool this is a 15 dollar price tag they only have $5 bluebirds carrying pocket this thing carnelian dollars gold anything is only five dollars because of the stones I don't know what the stones are not sure like orangish color this is a little capping so I mean there's multiple it's a magnetic thing no with all these black things just like the magnetic thing five fun yeah I don't think that has another elephant people in flowing uh someone lunar I think we got like fifty three messages and the same night he put out the video other elephants so we're trying to figure out what to do with the elephant's guys so I don't know what exactly this is supposed to be used for but it has a little slit in the middle big money big money big money [Music] cat this feels cheap that he's gonna be anything these are this ring this had a price tag right there you check that yeah it's Ragan oh look at that these earrings have a fifteen dollar price tag you can't get to focus on the dragon oh look at that that's so cool nothing do you not good I see in the box is this a Rolex what that's it Rolex where don't understand Oh said I want it to be Oh freaking Stones out of here well kinda eerie it has to do all with this stone I don't know what the stone this is gonna be silver please know this is $79 this is silver is it yes sweet nine to five on the inside and it has wait what windows show everything that ends up being real in the giant recap on the second channel yes you guys gonna come back to see on the second channel so make sure you're subscribed let's get into that chest so we finally got to the final chest of the storage unit and look at this it has a master lock on it whatever is in there is obviously worth a lot of money to these people so let's try to figure out how to get in there cuz you saw how much trouble that little lock evening what do you think we just do against this big momma right here how much does to get that off where's the key found a few minutes right there on the Roma this is what I came for oh not quite well give me that I thought it just pop there's like no way yeah this isn't gonna work breaking the knife oh yeah thing well guys you have to give us some time but we'll figure out how to get into your so mouth alright so I'm feeling a little bit stupid right now once you notice something locked right but if you look under the lock look no there's anything special there like you know it's not even attached to top value attached to the bottom yeah you ready to see what's in there chorus 3 - what wait don't forget to Like and subscribe guys we're getting into this chest right now how about I just locks it out alright this looks weird what are these there okay let me cover their name up you see that yep yeah that look at this giant jar marbles some marbles are worth a lot of money I don't know if these are it but giant jar marbles it's in the files though property uh not anymore let's see what see paper paper paper paper paper and outside up there empty baggie empty empty what's in here just more paperwork oh no no no no no you're despicable Daffy Duck stuff in here money right no not see nothing there now paper one up this one dental paperwork also not very exciting papers penny it's a 1987 uh-huh I got a giant poster there's something this I don't know paper that I got a trophy for something what do you think it's for I don't know what that is top angel hey huh it's really old though looking in to me at least yeah look at the bottom - definitely looks nice any age to it hmm learn Tai Chi folders and this is right all full of cash all cash money right here it's all paperwork no a lot more rocks so we have a lot of rocks in there yeah yeah some gems look like amethyst all right I don't I was expecting in here but it's something I guess one of these this is where it's at open open look there's little cards it all say different they're like prayer cards all right what is this an old bottle candle an electric candle okay I feel like this is made into that like it's the part of the chest that was broken it looks like hmm this humble people value I don't think it's worth anything is the price on its $2.50 though it's not that old but maybe change in here guys this trunk was a bust unless those marbles are in comic where where something other than that I think it was a bust all right guys just got back home from that 10 by 10 unit we're finally done with that unit except for some bags of trash and of course the personal items which we will return to the office but I did want to clarify something as far as the recap we said that was gonna be on the second channel we're actually gonna do the recap here on treasure anima jeebus but if you want to see a more in-depth search of the totes that we didn't get to towards the end of the unit go over to the second channel I think you guys are really like the end up searches if you haven't seen them already so go subscribe to the second channel if you would please and let us know what you think so that's gonna be it for this video guys if you did enjoy it leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunt videos all the time if you do not follow us on social media links or on screen or click the links on the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 61,780
Rating: 4.7646117 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit for $10, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned mansion, abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a mentally insane persons storage unit, storage unit auction finds, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage hunters, storage locker, storage wars, luggage auction, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: GxfohuSnCrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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