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I uh real quick haha alright let's see what is in this to welcome back the Treasury with TVs guys and guess what we're here at yet another storage unit that we only pay $40 for in this storage it has quite a few mystery boxes does it miss you back here and there a lot of mystery a lot of I don't know what I'm gonna get and you guys know that's not like you so we only pay 40 for it a lot I'm over profit don't forget to like the video subscribe for new let's do it [Music] let's start with the box right here and we got this thing I don't know that is Inc Turner cartridge Turner Carter stomach toner cartridge just gonna be money to it may be brand new in the box that's in there should I open it yeah I don't know that's how you look pretty clean look at that yeah I don't think nobody resaved up and we got more sheets and clothes I'm getting really tired of clothes this week what is that you missed is it yes all right then and that's kind of scary-looking mm-hmm what is this drive belt car stuff and let's see the wall chargers maybe that's a battery on the charger actually maybe we've found with the battery goes to hopefully one of those big obnoxious flashlights is it work they never work never once ooh this what I like to see right here not empty in there look nice flashlight actually doesn't work this looks like straps on top of a car today hair dryer a card or deck holder a sports just an attachment for a game like a surfboard game or something um snowboarding maybe let's see what's in this one got some weight to it nothing yeah that's what it sounded like dishes let's just say on the bottom 1972 something Potteries Kenny Bolton hey that's kind of cool that could be a collectible it says loose something Potteries 510 on it but it's like it's not printed as literally like Angela's Potteries is it yeah 510 1972 hey Dee check it up in value hopefully what else don't have any looks like a lot of glassware things like that this old thing that the rest of it's like just cheap modern-day stuff with that that's kind of cool let's hope that some value to it so we're just pulling out this thing which is it time shy and you guys already know us I don't have a knife with me so I'm gonna set it aside hopefully one of these other rocks we can find something it allows the bust those zip ties so pull down a big black trash bag a feel like blankets but then again it doesn't I don't know it's like got a weird feeling to it big jacket - really thick it's a nice farm winter jacket try them out and what does that even say alright now Bo Samer alright even though it's not like somebody will buy an offer what it says on it but because it's thick out seriously stairs what notable fans know to pair to like read stuff backwards let's see this has got blanket dinner so I guess we're kind of right this is full of blankets and this this is a heating jack up that might have some good value to us being stuff's expensive [Music] the other feel it's like I'm not useless Nick I guess they're here in snow so make sense the rest of it though is blankets so this box is hiding in the corner what is that a candle on Santa candlestick that's kind of cool what they're definitely still in there I don't know what they're worth there's a little UPC so we better look it up hopefully sometimes Christmas collectible stuff either one or two categories completely worthless or decent money let's hope it's B let's see it then oh this box has got some weight to it let's put it over here bury my finger yesterday and now I can't touch nothing with this finger like my most used finger no I'm nauseous that is what do we have there's something in here though fire lots of wire so chargers and wires let me knit up and hit you [Music] what is that made of it's a guy on a horse that goes like this it's supposed to be like broken looking like that oh cool let's see what other than their whole there's the rest of it well they do have some value there's more of it probably not very much anymore probably worth something at some point I got a good feeling about it let's see what's it this one is not quite as happy but it's not some weight to it this blanket is that well bag of blankets converse yeah some converse yeah old are they they do I wonder if they're all I get those are faded or me though that way yeah I don't know converse and this that's it really that's it for this box that painting and some blankets that's not really exciting with people out it's cold we saw live like it's really really easy so you know what it's like finding money let's see it's in the Salvation Army box that's usually not a good sign Pressey Salvation Army a goodwill usually not hey trip I feel stupid not being able to use my pointer finger burn stuff you ever got brains my oil these all shoes all dress shoes though Noble we might have money in there Peter AC or something like that and a cutting board physics it's definitely cutting paper brought to you by promo craft like that this probably no value but the shoes and we have a good brand in there they could be a lot of value but I don't want to take them apart yeah home do or you can't we'll take them all the part let you go pay off some money this is literally just a few blankets nothing just going but now let's see what's in the mystery tote tote so weird angle I believe right here the dinosaur on the remote control yeah Oh stressed part I wonder if it is old 1997 right I wonder if that has that could be R or something for real it's one of those classic movies first before we even think about selling it the casts are not fun thanks to capture album yeah thank you Tinkerbell hoodie - hmm this is definitely you what's that what is that just money we found hidden money not to here obviously be it money's money I wonder if it has any what's the conversion to Vietnam to the United States Twenty twenty thousand sixty thousand dollars found in storage in Italy just not American unfortunately but hey it might be war something safe way the gift card pocket that's reward nothing nothing nothing nothing there what the heck hold on I'm just pointing out weird the phone I'll show you the phone number that was in the name of the phone over in there start with 703 that's our area code back in East Coast it's kind of strange there's gotta be something of value at one of these things that's all paper where I'm just gonna drop it right in here every last thing out of this wallet well now that if you're promising is it thank you paper paper paper paper nothing else in there but so much diversity even to you stuff to us what is that the Oregon Trail thing original that's kind of cool so remember that game Oregon Trail game good times good times what else nothing nothing well hopefully maybe the Vietnam money has some value in the u.s. I don't probably not but let's hope let's take out the microwave box because I don't think it's a microwave I think it has the original packaging [Music] it's a price tag announced a cutter and bucks place on it another coach coach versus everyone mm-hmm there's your stamp boom coach first a good tug where I want a back that's on this first two minutes this open you doesn't say yeah well I think that was close but if the recap will take out what's new so you can see at least the new stuff let's make sure there's nothing in the Medina first verse nothing so it's only cool box with the coach crazy least so another looks like more Christmas decorations but yeah I'm skating funny it's holographic dating penguins and that's definitely definitely in there so any decoration you don't have to keep this we have nothing for the house let's get in this box come on all right I think I see shoes yeah I see shoes and Merry Christmas shoes again really there's a lot of shoes we definitely made our money back bucks a good amount adjustment what is this boy now oh ha oh it looked interesting and all it offices in here is just shoes different types of shoes and again what could you just like the other bag we'll go through them all in the recap because I don't know what's worth what right now let's do this giant blue bag thing this is what some things why I wanted to know when the you know is up for auction probably shuffle back full of clothes but I can't resist some time what's gonna be that isn't it yeah well it's like all towels look all right Alan bad tell sell dollar please this is exciting and I thought it was gonna be okay I thought of something else this looks like um like a handmade candle yeah and well baggy clothes not what I was hoping for so I moved to blanket off the way look messy so little swishes they're obviously very used but I don't know what kind of value that has this hmm look at that see the sticker say hang it beautiful a new Turner a decorative wall accessory made in the USA we don't really have an eh based of all this but that could wear something for sure mm-hmm put it over here another Salvation Army box what you think we got not close close close nothing close fabric yeah oh I'm gonna get it out the way gasps now see what sitting a little great too that's got some good weight to it I see my shoes down there too we have a lot of shoes you ready what is that so that thing like a prayer maybe what is that what is that mark on it it looks like it opens but I mean if that's like Star Wars Star Trek and it sold on its in 1995 Lewis de la Torre Gallup the LOB or something there it goes I don't really know what it is it doesn't look in that great of shape yeah maybe it's something cool I don't know hold on not yet not yet oh there's no actually let's do it then we're stuck in there whoa what is this first California Lottery you got any tickets for me no just new isn't it it is a cat pleat okay okay San Francisco I need some special all right it looks like a kid did it but that's how some art looks in yeah somewhere you're like what is that it's gulabi painting it's like $7,000 I'm like whoa what did I miss and other than that I think we got all close there's something here what it's good take a little looks like the thing is to clean your bathroom honestly what is that I have a cold like really old that doesn't it look okay kind of cool and paper I slept in this paper ornaments yeah Santa all right it's all little ornaments in there so I don't know if it's really worth anything I bet it's just ran a little Christmas trinkets it might have personal value let's see what's in this box now get over here all right first thing is first yeah yeah in a Hal phone this is 1980 we'd be set a 90 out now I never have anything I was younger and they're really annoying and it's all jeans looks like it might be isn't it all jeans besides I look a little hot and a doorknob come on it's all jeans really this one's got some design on the back that what does that never seen that it's the blue ocean clothing collection come on these are what I'm wearing tonight it's all jeans though all the way down it's nothing in here for jeans so in a doorknob and a mirror and another doorknob and what is going all a pack some stuff I don't know just go on the next there's a bottom box I see one things books often see this well that's kind of cool I think I could be authentic or more like a souvenir thing this wrote me so it more like a souvenir thing stuck family records book nothing in it all books I think it's gonna be all books but I'll still move it around don't want to go through it it's just all books let's see what's in this box I'm really curious whatever it is I think it's new still looks to be in plastic what is that I'm not a car person whatsoever what is that thing there's the box it I don't know doesn't make it as finest steering stabilizer steering stabilizer skyjacker suspension that's probably the company the steering stabilizer we got that we got that set that aside what else we have left in here only two boxes thank you what is this oh maybe a little toolbox no traction please pull it up I don't think you pull out of that's in there yeah that dang easy CELTA forehead and well crap anymore trash - I don't know how many dresses we have this one I'd like a whole store full no way yeah it is this what it says it is no Tony Thanksgiving sound train tracks in town well look at that we'll get home along with separate the shoes and kind of give you a better look at everything in the recap because we just have a lot of stuff in his little unit so see you then alright guys so you remember this little pink thing I'm actually gonna use this hammer right here to get I actually already did it on this just to try it so I'm gonna get this other zip tie off real quick watch this one not even like oh there we go haha alright let's see what is in this - okay we got some random stuff let me zoom into it a little bit so have some random stuff here this looks like some belt maybe some selling stuff we have an older book here most of it seems to be books but um some magazines it's a VHS tape that is broken one xbox 360 games I was lying in there Viking I said DVDs are here good all right unfortunately this thing here is just books all the way down so like he said we'll go through the rest at in the recap at home see you then what's up guys finally back home or the recap this jacket you guys saw pops on screen for like 50 bucks that's the ski team st. Moritz jacket which is awesome I figured that would have some value this one was kind of surprising I'm pretty sure we've caught this one on screen too but this is the like work jacket and it was yeah I guess tn mountain but it had a random like company love around here but even though it has the random company logo they were still selling for like 50 bucks so I think it's just the quality of the jacket and maybe people just don't care about that kind of stuff when it comes to that jacket this is also not so much surprising but just one of the random like bigger ticket items that you can find in the storage unit something just as simple as these steering stabilizers we check to make sure the contents were in there as far as we're concerned it looks like they're in there but again like I said I don't I don't know if they're all in here but still it's brand new I mean because it looks brand new everything looks to be in like original packaging kind of 50 bucks right here I'll get to the shoes in a second because I want to name out these shoes for you guys and maybe you guys can help us out because it's a lot of them this little t-rex from the Jurassic Park is a JP and it is from 1997 this is worth 20 bucks which I learned was a Millennium Falcon from 1995 Louis Galoob toys Lucasfilm limited so it's in very like dirty condition and from the pictures that we saw on eBay it looks like they're supposed to be like stickers in here to the stickers aren't in here none of the little characters are in here so maybe 10 to 20 bucks on this honestly that's just a realistic pricing because there's nothing else with it this right here what I really like and I figured they'd have some value these are worth 30 bucks even used but they look very unused so they're they're very like new condition we popped the coach purse up coach purse is in pretty decent condition aside from maybe like some fraying on the handle here so that was a good fun even though it was only like 20 30 bucks these are in the shoes like I said we need your help so comment down below if you can help us at all so this right here obviously not Madonna but a Marilyn Monroe little purse and I don't know if you would call this a monogram I know this kind of design is called something else as far as like the artistic way like the different color portraits or whatever but this purse the only thing that is wrong with it is that there's no leather strap right here and keep this other half of this on so it is damaged but I don't know if this has like high collectors value this purse right here is in very good condition the only marking on it okay so there's like a little star on the inside here that's literally the only thing in this purse so I don't know whether to mark this is unbranded or that little star is the brand and I'm supposed to know that it's supposed to know how to look at it anyway so all these shoes were the better condition of the group of shoes that we did find but I've never heard of half of these brands so they set it needs you guys stop and there goes the first but these right here are partners Mervyn's these little like slide heels these are here are these are probably the newer ones that we found but these are LA minoo like suede blue these are these are BCB girl's heels I know thinking about heels and I can't find a match to this one it didn't you somewhere that's like alright so this one is Stuart Weitzman watch you so far no the other ones in here this says you have an act right now Oh anywhere BCB girls again ' here's the map Jaz berryhill's um these are Campbell California handmade visa Jeffrey Campbell those these white parrot here this ' I got another pair of ' these on the bottom but these are 911 so I've heard of those those aren't really that expensive again these are probably one of the newer pairs in here but these are and Klein's so I find a heard and kind I don't really know price or anything like that these are red rubies our dollhouse like they got a little bit I don't know if that's like fixable or if somebody just has to wear them but don't house another pair of dollhouse looks like the same exact Parrish different color these esteemed Bethany's I think we're gonna name those bcpl's again these have seen better days but the brand is a TNA Aigner I think we found purses like this perform but I don't think they were super expensive so shoes might be the same maybe like 15 bucks honestly because of the condition these are all the shoes lengths we promised put him in the recap help us out if you can leave a comment if you know anything about any of these brands I mean that table was pretty much it so everything else that was decently prices like the snowboard that was popped up in the video the brother printer ink cartridge which were pretty sure is brand new and a couple lot of things were in there but overall I mean it was a decent unit decent profit I mean it was definitely profit of over like 500 bucks so I mean you can't lose anyway that's gonna be it for Oh before I end the video don't forget we have a giveaway ending on December 20th the way to get in is to share like comment watch the videos all the way through and stuff like that that'll help us build up the money for this giveaway and how it's gonna work is on December 20th of course we're gonna randomize a bunch of people pick someone but the amount of money we're giving away depends on our subscriber base so say we get to 200,000 subscribers by December 20th we'll give away 200 bucks not $200 dollars because I wish I had that much but I do not and I would happily give it away to you guys honestly but 200 subscribers equals $200 ends December 20th so like I said comment share on social media follow us on social media everything like that we'll get you guys entered into that giveaway so don't be easily like and subscribe if you haven't already social media links are gonna be on screen or just click the links on the description below baby falls on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 319,596
Rating: 4.54422 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought a storage unit from a drug dealer, i bought a storage unit jelly, i bought a storage unit mrbeast, i bought a storage unit safiya, mr beast i bought a storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage locker, storage wars
Id: ae_wdNyC1Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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