I Bought a MENTALLY INSANE Persons Storage Unit! WEIRDEST EVER! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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sweet $50,000 oh they're in the jewelry box Jesus got em you know what we left that house we went into the dead zone the crazy world it's exactly the same as it was a week ago and we bought ourselves a storage unit we only paid $90 only a five out of five but for 90 bucks we had to get something about to sit in the house doing nothing Roemer day I'm gonna go literally a state let's see if we can make some money don't forget to like the video subscribe if you knew let's do it [Music] all right so we got for 90 bucks first little bag right here this is well this is a male no we're looking for this is all actually the brain is full supplies look sharpies and mechanical pencils markers for a lie auction live auction this Saturday guys gonna be a good one brand-new school supplies it's pretty much all it's in there that's not bad right there I got this I don't really know what the picture is but it's a super nice frame you know it's broken but why is it so taped up I feel like something's hitting in here you always see it on movies right they always hide stuff in a picture so let's see we need a fella open open and well Google cardboard what are they hiding in here they're hiding the picture all right well all right nothing of interest this bag seems to have well a lot of personal paperwork and what is that keep it simple guys okay like life right now keep it simple it's not the crazed pandemic pandemic black flag the media want you to believe it is relax guys another keep it simple and well more paperwork that's not good let's pull up Safeway here what this is a bag of bags oh my god you know what we'll take these to the flea market that's what we use afford to get people back so I don't even get mad when I see back two bags anyone let's see what's in this one here this is Oh everything's dollar that's not a sale is it then look just warfarin news I ran a fishing remember we had our last auction somebody popped into Sandy fishing reels yeah 20 20 calendar and more random school supplies so more to say let's go into this one right here paperwork paperwork and honey three thumbs up these are all bring a picture frame yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine so far very and yeah I mean horseshoe I don't know but a horseshoe 10 brand new frame let's go get off depending what it is family where our stories begin and well other than that just more what paperwork you know is creating this craziness in the world right now not the camera this family but everybody that's going out and going crazy and buying all the toilet paper and buying everything to where nobody else can eat nobody's even wipe their own butt to know more it's it's just crazy ok the part of my friend I've never seen anything like this in my life this is wild crazy I just it's hard to believe for me it's hard to believe people are really going this crazy over something like this let's see what's in this white bag in this bag well this paper and they'll be happy that's just in there it's nice just pretty much all that's in there in there salt whoa let's see what good job wait it out on this side too kind of bag this is covering this look really Jason this I mean all this having bucks but brand new with tags nine bucks brand-new we have stickers oh that's not well mmm I think I got that little suit top [Music] um have like multiple things inside the jacket yeah just close up mm-hmm it's something interesting what you done to recap I don't wanna get close every time you got to go into a store right now this is what it feels like the adventure what you gotta start looking for full of paper ahead of time because there's still none all these a Starbucks whoa whoa instant issue debit card has finished you Devils are temporary temporary have to opt off II think oh yeah look at these there might be like different names might have a criminal on an IV gift card they'll have they sell this kind of things but that looks like pretty much trash all right trash now let's see what this one is this is what is this pull the trigger oh look oh my gosh this is erected right here what is that though like what is it what is it facility cat cat paw that's already okay let's get outta here paper paper one of these look yeah pictures of the cat these are all pictures of somebody else's cat I set this out hold on enjoy the moment in there um it's like screws see that right now well glass is authentic casino play card off from the Golden Nugget and well the rest is just heat cruise again let's see what's in this bag now I thought the rip it and feel strong but I couldn't well like more brand-new stuff though Oh yo yo you wanna see how good I am yeah watch this you didn't know I actually used to be state champion oh yeah I'm actually never used a yo-yo one time of my life so let's get your bullcrap all right ever let me give you a little walk the dog action okay I'm not a yo-yo go we gotta go yeah and flip for it and wipe one brand new in one of these envelopes all pictures of cats like no no look and just pictures of random cats oh I threw and dogs and that person I really want no backstory that's a very strange next one let's see while this is and it's here alright bags in here and another thing in here as well another thing in here and you never guess what else is in there more hair yeah I thought finding humans here really but it sells so we got this is also brand-new artists love it looks like pretty much your canvas since that's two-piece in it goes chip so two brand new canvas is probably not really much really but it's there then we got this bag here what is that smell mmm you know what I don't think I want the hand down pillow pillow blanket whose some boxes at least at the back corner first write your own story guys write your own story and that's all beauty supply deli huh and jelly there's jelly where the bottom right yes and we get jelly for I guess that's you some beauty too we got some perfume love etc the body shop if there's nothing expensive oil treatment looks like just average stuff up here this bag yeah no let's need this thing a tape an oil filter and well and for news tax records 2018 mmm-hmm what was going on here guys look sweet $50,000 oh I wish something good will have to have ThinkPad shoe are they the good ones yeah well nobody's expensive yeah I think pads are all right what side is it open on my stupid right here oh yeah I'm stupid that's ok let's see this is ok it doesn't tell me until 8500 Lenovo yeah but else you know they usually should have like the processor and the operating system but you know look it up you see anything on the back product key no it doesn't hmm that could be worth a lot more they pay for the unit or it could be cheap part laptop Oh huh what to find out let's see what else is in that bag though the laptop yeah yeah and charger for so we can check it will just get home with table ABG with this well we found a laptop the restore in fact are we ready to go in about 5 minutes let's hope it's a nice one so we got a boss trumping bills anchor think big well I can't say there's to that but amen advice new perspective on our lives with compassion and more our companion animals love and friendship not like one of those old books I feel like I've heard that title like a hundred times before the old this is hmm I don't see a date copyright 1993 here green eggs gonna hang out that is just the shirt mmm let's see what's in this box both on this DVD all right I don't think not the DVD friend don't think so but they sound like they're in there yeah so watch the DVDs probably good no not 50 bucks it's in there angel 1946 we back penny morning when he got crazy guys just a joke like little angel index cards there's a Holy Bible let's skim through it like everyone always tells me there's something every step is more rewarding think uses Pete coffee notes a feather-like everything except money feather put the feather in there I'm pretty sure know what this is all right oh no nevermind I thought doesn't a grinder this is this is yeah I'm always right say that nickel I don't really know but that's not a random interesting bucks until we got in this box to happiness and destiny didn't look like jewelry there's nuts I don't know what to say oh gosh do I open the sock yeah something's in the sock its classes these are solar comfort well this is just I don't even know what ran the paperwork hey this is a foam block what are all these by the way candles after you can no more than half their ECMA let the weight to it 8:30 I don't know that is cheap cheap rods and just very very random things to say it feels definitely let you handle some of this stuff during the reset before we get to the recap of this video you guys gonna make sure you go down into the description of this video click the link for our live auction it's already scheduled for this Saturday and click that little bell icon that says a setup reminder and do it now cuz we're gonna have epic stuff up for auction this weekend I'm talking Michael Jordan autograph I'm talking war military weapons I'm talking jewelry I'm talking coins I'm talking uh a lot of stuff I wasn't planning on selling that I've got a hoarding from unit I figured I'm gonna go ahead and just sell it off and let you guys get it to make your own money too because we're never gonna get this stuff done and you know what I want everyone else to make money too so 2 p.m. Pacific time 5 p.m. Eastern Time wherever you are in the middle figure out what time cuz you got to be there it's gonna be more epic than last time but anyway enough of that let's get into the unit before we talk about the items in this unit we want to talk about a little bit of always figuring out from the backstory so well you're going into some of this stuff in more detail there is like the weirdest things that what you're finding in bags like there is legitly 3 bags that were just broken sticks off the trees I just bags full of sticks and then there was like pill bottles with like little ripped up pieces of paper and I get it no pills oh this is a gripped up paper hoards of like the Pete's coffee in Starbucks like he covers or whatever for coffees just weird thing really weird things so of course we wanted to look more into this and we found medications for like a plethora of mental disorders if this person was suffering from like bipolar disorders let's get to Franny yeah I don't know what the difference is is bipolar one technically like I said I don't know the differences I think the medicine started like carbs like bread and down or something like that something like that yeah something crazy but that's one of the biggest causes I see in storage units other than people being arrested and just falling on back times it seems like mental illness is definitely something else that makes a lot of people lose their storage units and usually they don't have much valuable stuff in it but it's just like sets um I guess maybe sticks were sentimental I don't know but it was just every time I find really weird stuff like that I always I have to figure out why this know like I said normal person will store three back two sticks that's not normal so I guess let's give topical hot peppers I'm gonna give you the good news and the bad news okay the good news is a laptop it cuts on fine it's not password protect me so it does not have to be restored good let me open it boom and there's no cracks or anything like that it was actually charged I believe that we didn't have to charge it but that's where the good news is bad news it's an old model it's got windows 7 on it it's got a core 2 processor like 2 gigs of ram and like a 120 gig hard drive just like worth 50 bucks iMovie so that's where are all the good news and a question would you rather get good news or bad news first I'm done is first you want to add only good news yeah so why you got bad news first Oh dad that is always comes first you end on a good note true one of the only things we found me into it didn't show on there is this right here you know it looks like a set of 90 I was like I think it's football pants football legs so it looks like to me right there kids yeah definitely kids but it uh pretty new with the tag from Nike 45 bucks so they're still going for about $30 on you there right there so we got that right now and we this whole trip yeah this whole crate was literally there was numerous packs from Dollar Tree so we have a buttload of frames we have some ribbon we have some pens every markers binder things pair socks and cards yeah I mean it's literally probably like what a hundred dollars worth of just stuff brand new study never used so what literally was a dollar got flea market yeah I mean we're all brand new so we could still sell for dollar even though it came to dollar tree so realistically it's not like a very good we're still a box of DVDs too if some a box of books I mean I think when it's all said and done we'll probably maybe make like sooner but something you know which isn't great bad it's at least a double but at this time this stupid quarantine I just we never care I needed to get out of a house it feels like we're talking about this like one day and I'm going insane already I cannot stay stay in the house I can't do it I'm just not that favorite part in that you sit around do nothing for an extended period of time I go crazy very fast so very limited storage units right now most facilities are closing most live auctions have already cancelled like weeks in advance so we're really gonna have to kind of just see what happens at this point by the way do we get the clip with the storage facility I didn't get a clip the storage facility okay check this out guys not even joking you have to talk to them and do clipboards through a mail slot they will not even open the door what is this fallout piaj the media can really manipulate people there my opinion if you don't like it okay it's whatever you have your own everyone has their own if you're older or you have a compromised immune system yes take extra precaution and try not to go out in public it's just a freaking super flu that's really what it is you don't need ten years of toilet paper you don't need six years worth of hand sanitizer you're gonna be fine you really are it's not that scary you don't gotta look like you're in fallout coming out of a vault every time you go to the grocery store you don't have to it's gonna be okay I've just never seen so much panic in people it's crazy yes you're alright guys that's really interesting to see it's crazy just relax it's all gonna be okay guarantee you next month if I may you forgot this ever happened ever a thing 100% guarantee I bet anything I have well babies less awful they just they want you to be scared and terrified alright they're doing thank you guys enough going on about this I'm just tired of hearing I'm sure you rape me every time you have on any channel like what let's go let's go to Facebook BAM going you do BAM just it's I'm sick of it okay okay guys thank you so much for watching don't worry delete the video a like subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 31,260
Rating: 4.862464 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a mentally insane persons storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned antique storage unit, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage unit finds money, storage auction finds, storage locker auctions, storage locker finds, storage lockers best finds, treasure hunting with jebus, profit
Id: O4WHk9nqWx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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