Bought Military Storage Unit! LOCKER NOT TOUCHED IN YEARS! I bought an ABANDONED UNIT & 1 BOX= 5X $$

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a little interested in because you never know about cigar boxes you never know oh no way [Music] nice nice yes military model all the military levels i've never seen this one before [Music] hey everybody how we doing today robert zaba auctioneer extraordinaire here and i bought this unit for 220 plus the buyer premium so yeah about 250 or less than it i bought it just because it's something i like and once again i don't suggest you do what i do because i have the luxury of having some extra capital to work with ladies and gentlemen so if you don't you got to buy what you see i bought this because stuff i saw in there i liked the one box got me really interested and i'm hoping that box i'm right on maybe i'm wrong we're going to find out once again if you haven't subscribed yet what are you waiting for subscribe hit the bell and you can buy the stuff you see at www.whatmike that's right oh yeah all right all right so the reason i was biting that one i don't know what's in this tote but right here man everyone saw this there's records okay there was this box here it said comic books they didn't look like comics they look like magazines except for this front one right here looks like a comic book but this box over here look like comic books and i'm hoping that has comics in there who knows about all these records there's some other stuff maybe some nice pieces of furniture i can't wait to go through it magic can't wait so let's start with this box right here [Applause] like i said they look like magazines not comic books to me it's a wizard oh we got some comics in here josie and the pussycats batman axeman okay so we like comics and now conan savage swords some of these are actually worth some money marvel magazine adventures epic and these do have value ladies and gentlemen this whole box is just full of amberella that's a good one right here 1983 and i know some of these can go for big money oh the whole box no i was open oh these are good ones airy so some of these magazines are actually worth money galactic war comics so who knows the guy owed over 10 i mean 1200 on this unit ladies and gentlemen look at this heavy metal 1981. i said these magazines are collectible ladies gentlemen right here look at this one bizarre adventure store in the gods oh more vampirella i said i you know there's chess magazine chess life hey gun stuff airmen more heavy metal bag here the best of heavy metal so that's interesting but like i said i didn't think that we're saying oh wait look right here right here i didn't really pay attention to this but we got some right here yard tools time of year to sell them here's brand new shoes one brand new a little bit big for me you think so yeah size 12 no size 13 i wear 13. there you go i got a pair of new shoes guys and then look at the weights and weights are hot right now everyone wants the workout so definitely money we got more weights over here i'll fight this tree mike man look at this right here so mike is a record aficionado so we'll see if we got anything that's worth anything in here rapper goulet unfortunately these are ooh here's some rock and roll right here surfing what's this sweet nice this is led zeppelin album there you go john denver carla queen so that's always a good sign because records are hot right now too there's the thing for them to set up one album finding more of it pse orientation just never know it's stuff like this now we got a bunch of candy guys in there get some jeans not levi's though clothes can sell hammocks itself and this whole thing over here is just loaded with weights and the metal weights are good money investment stuff what's this swat steering rail anti-theft alarm oh steering wheel nice interesting air piercing sound i think i get the club monster cable and look at what the price tag was on there 48 dollars yeah brand new yeah still with that original tape in there everything's still never taken out he paid fifty dollars for that he's gotta still have value right mike oh yeah mike prayer wants to buy it off probably not for that person i found an old ford oh it's a movie tiger land i thought i saw a game see see something right here yeah there you go ps2 ps2 game oh ps2 no wipeout that's a great game now the question is are they in there there you go with the book with the book so that's good now we got video games i was hoping for some video games because i figured you know the guy has comic books people have comic books usually have some other kind of collectibles or video games replacement where's the system that's the question what's this little pair of cufflinks those are nice those are nice so [Applause] more movies now we got this bag you know you just never know we're gonna find it though in this kind of bag move this over real quick let's see don't miss anything down here i'm missing something that's for sure it wasn't this video tested this is very strange waits for a clock now the weights themselves are money ladies and gentlemen is one of these pieces of clock is this thing like a clock here maybe or something well to find out don't turn around i just don't see anything that looks like a clock huh interesting interesting there's something else i missed him here's the question huh interesting well we know one thing we got some weights we got tons of stacks of records over here let's see what we got switch temptations is that bill withers nice star wars the story of star wars yeah it's pretty sweet hotel california elton john foreigner oh that's i don't know he's got is it in there no but it might be in one of these things over here the best is the best of the guess who man there's tons of stuff give us a chance we're going to get over here who knows what else we're going to find i'm excited though star wars kiss comics records man weights are heavy we're loading up some stuff cool about this let's see if there's anything in the doors mike looks like a little sideboard it looks like a pretty nice piece of furniture missing one now but that's easily fixed all right oh no way what a gun holster yeah but wait you see this some ammo yes and it feels like it's loaded look at that you know how much ammo is right now it's the price has gone crazy crazy that's not just one box already two boxes at the time it was 20 bucks a box 40 smith and wesson man i just wish i knew someone that had a 40 caliber smithing lesson anyways what's going on wow that was a good find this is all just paperwork paperwork paperwork there's a dime down here on this thing all right tour number two there's a lot of stuff down a macbook the screen does not look cracked ladies and gentlemen so we found a macbook in here we found bullets a holster we're making money money money money remember i paid 230 or something for the unit and i bought it for the one box over there i haven't gone through that box that's what i'm hoping for i'm just hoping my eyes didn't lie to me hopefully my eyes are still good i'm getting older ladies and gentlemen all right so macbook i don't know if one of these things in there there's a charger for it or what but that's a good that's good there's still more to go through i'm happy so far all right let's turn this huh so that must go on top of that piece probably and this is or this piece right here and if you look on the back of this piece right here it says right here cherry this is salad cherry wood weighs in the oven and i don't know how much you guys know about cherry cherrywood but big big money my buddy stole a cherry dresser the other day for a thousand dollars that's right one thousand dollars ladies and gentlemen and we got this piece oh there's another tote bag here mike i didn't see that so you couldn't see this in the pictures on this album one of the reasons i bought it if you're seeing a kiss a live album there it is guess why it's a double album what's that worth mike um in good shape it would probably work i don't know 20 30 bucks all right got rare earth yahweh in the yes morning no way way do you see this this guy's gonna flip out that's giant taylor look at this a military duffel bag dude oh man this guy was in the military you never know we can find the military duffel bags it's heavy wow that sounds like more than just but all these camo fatigues money money money always easy to sell easy to sell and uh people love wearing we got them right there us army we got the patch mr owens lost his unit i mean this is just loaded closed closed closed this is probably like a headgear piece for the winner parka mosquito netting sleep with this mike good to go no bites man just keeps going and there's tons of military clothes in here but is there more in the middle to close like stuff like this some kind of pack now we got pants jackets if you just got five bucks a piece you know what's this what's this it's like a big duffel bag some of these beefs are worth money oh no way no dude wow that is one it's easily a hundred dollar bill probably more it's probably two three hundred i mean this is kepler all the goggles in there all right ladies and gentlemen i have conquered i had the battle and i think i'm winning on this unit right here unbelievable yeah oh man this helmet is so cool just feel this magic wow as you can tell it's the real deal that's heavy duty there's no joke about it it's made right here stem coats got all the stamps inside goggles what else do we need here oh nice canteen look at the new canteen soft [Music] i just don't know you know make sure you know you can have a weapon hidden in here it just keeps going and going he's going and going dude it's like a clown careful another jacket another canteen and then down there more army stuff unbelievable that it's pretty cool the helmet definitely the best and uh man you might get to come back here we got this whole tote right here i can't wait to see inside the inside let's do it we're gonna have to wait a second see what's inside this tow but first let's just go through a few more of these records here tom jones one of your favorites mike there we go you see anything that pops out to you like the ohio players yeah stevie wonder there you go wartime jones memphis oh man two bits sticking together blues records ladies and gentlemen can be some of the most valuable records out there so do never overlook a blues record you can make a lot of money with blues records rock records and once again just with all collectibles condition condition condition always matters but something some things are just rare you know unfortunately usually forty eight records like this or forty eights i said seventy seventy eight sorry i'm thinking of forty fives and seventy eights together yes but 78 records like this usually don't have much value you want the rocks roll we have you know like right here some plants in the pits oscar pierce in trio canada oh james brown [Music] who knows man let's see what else we got here oh get the lid out it's in there what's that work uh first pressing in good shape would be quite valuable what are you thinking i don't know maybe 30 40 50. i want to hear the outlaws ooh cheap girls chance you're out of my big brother holding company nice sorry jimmy hendrix are you experienced how about this record you know all about jimi hendrix that's at least a third pressing from the probably the mid 70s um it's very collectible very sought after from three price records huh uh representatives how much you think it's worth uh depending on condition you're looking at at least 20 my bucks actually does not look bad at all does not look bad at all ladies and gentlemen looking for big scratches on records like this yeah oh no way hey zeppelin the object presence stevie wonder isaac so some of these records were getting some records in here value once again all together i paid 250 or so for the unit and i've rolled the dice on it and guess what sometimes you got to roll the dice but if you buy what you love and that box right there is why i bought the unit but yeah let's go in this toad real quick and then we've got another target over there what oh yes yes yes yes there you go ps3 mike man it's adding up let's go play some games oh yeah we got a glass chest set who knows what else is in here when we have more game systems we found the ps2 games now we found a ps3 oh wow this one looks a little older windows xp but still brand new chords mike what is this see these vintage jean jackets like this how should we sell jean jacket the other day at auction mike oh did it go for 450 bucks yeah that was something so you never know it's a 3x it's some kind of like writing item so you just don't know what jean jackets you gotta look these things up what is this what is this what is this oh i thought it was cards or something business cards just business cards i was hoping it was collective cards yeah maybe some magic the gathering or something you never know i see lots of paperwork in here ladies and gentlemen just paper paper paper some sheets or something what's this stuff in the military right here [Music] there's tons of papers and then we have forged quartz quartz so i'm assuming we have cords for different systems in here some other stuff i see the computer cords here's a power cord sorry for the apple we'll find one in here oh this has some kind of books financial organizers application for life insurance sin city he's never no oh no way another way that's our third laptop mike it's a big screen you know some of these might be out of data but these create some value holy guest watch i guess it's a watch like that's not funny that's a bad dad oh my gosh there's hair everywhere in here there's a huge pitcher this box right here a little interesting because you never know about cigar boxes you never know oh no way like yeah what do you see what's in here that's what you need in life you can guess mike look at all these stamps in here not talking about a few stamps it's loaded so i mean right here could be big money ladies john you just don't know it stamps some foreign money in there look at this more stamps 1937 like pairs before the world war ii interesting so these are the unexpected finds you just don't know with the unit and we still got this coat to go through and that box let's see what we find all right we noticed that there's another toad here can we never open these drawers on this so let's see what we got we got something paper paper paper this is interesting what's in here oh photos i was hoping for some jewelry or something there's some change not much what's it all right this is called paperwork oh paperwork oh there's a water balloon water balloon nice nice yes military metal all the military metals i never seen this one before it looks like an iraqi or kuwaiti metal or something maybe liberation of kuwait yep so this guy fought in desert storm there's all of his pins unbelievable what else is in here is anything else a lot of paperwork but that's the thing i tell people all the time you gotta go through every single thing and we'll go through this way better at the stock shop sometimes we find stuff and you guys never get to see it because there's no one in a video table but all right what's in the tote mike oh i don't know we found military medals we found stamps we found comic books we found records we found bullets maybe we'll find what goes with the oh yes boxes oh that's a lot of paperwork yeah doesn't mean it's all bad like we just thought military medals and paperwork you know you can find the paperwork sometimes what money that's right jewelry ain't wanting usually they have all their personal stuff for the area the thing is we got another box here this looks like more paperwork we want cavaliers to get so at least you found the military medals unbelievable [Applause] man i love what i do all right let's see what's in this oh my gloves back on i don't want you guys yelling at me sorry ladies sometimes you can't club sometimes don't always work great oh okay well you gotta be careful they're wearing some adult entertainment or something you never know the early years it looks like we got a bunch of cds right here grand theft auto that's a game where let's see graham's that's auto right there's one game in here where in my hands we're down here we'll get to some kind of woman a little bag got some pills face the pipe cramp lots of cds in here there's all kind of stuff on the bottom there's books let's see on this side hopefully you'll find a bunch more games in there vhs here some adult reading material more cds a homemade tas nothing too crazy exciting in there mike but why i saw this unit why i got a little bit excited why the only reason i bid is because when i saw this box most people probably didn't see it the other box was like almost all magazines this box so i saw a little bit of plastic and i'm like wait a second those are probably comic books and plastic if they're in plastic those are probably the ones that are worth what mike could be anything big money hopefully oh my gosh you see what this is yeah look at that you know what that's for free water yeah free gas if they shut your gas or water off that's how they turn it off they put this down in there shut it off so that's how you turn your water gas back on why do you notice this thing too forgot about it it's a nice little divider it's a little room divider all right i'm putting this thing away before someone gets hurt well i like what the top says oh books comics oh yeah oh man so just depends on what kind of books are here ladies gentlemen one book in here pay for the whole unit i like that they're at least in plastic marvel fanfare beauty and the beast number one number one some 80s coming number one super powers that's gotta be worth a few bucks i just like seeing that this is all number one number one all-star scott squadron seeker wars uh-oh that's a good book titans titans iron man captain america adventure comics star trek number one whoo some of these what ifs there's a hot books now oh right there number 500 batman it looks like there's multiple books in this bag look it yeah so we're gonna have to look through every bag ladies and oh my gentlemen this thing's loaded with stuff too holy oh sorry i thought it was an autograph let's see upside down i thought his signature on there was just okay so i thought it was an autograph illusion yes sir see that says then i saw this american flag right here this is from a funeral home brand new you can tie your candle outside oh nice it says for dogs but we don't discriminate that's right she'll never know as long as you don't tell them it looks like car saying stuff in here all right so i just i got distracted real quick let's see what else i'm excited already because these are good comics so far and uh that's a good series of the punisher are the rest in here you know i don't know here's the machine there's a bunch of comics in there west coast avengers that might be the whole yeah tarzan ooh there you go turn of the jedi number one yeah star wars comics i heard it real hot that's the whole set right there iceman number one there's the whole series that said he is bunching bags here i mean and these boxes usually around 300 count boxes of comics ladies and gentlemen old man thing and that's what can be mixed in here folk and dagger number one there's there's another comic book inside there let's see what's inside let's just take a look at one of these oh no it's outside i think oh it's just stuck together what if the invisible girl had died he said some of these whatever looks they're hot rawhide kid i think that's a good book right here these teen titans if i remember correctly right there tales of the titan cyborg number one so a lot of good stuff yeah i mean these are all sellable books guys i'm definitely gonna make my money the question is just how much money am i gonna make i haven't saw one book that came out like wow that's unbelievable but man i see a lot of good books more secret wars and just trying to find another stack right here spider-man so some of these right here spider-man and black widow the web of spider-man giant-sized spider-man master of kung fu amazing spider-man so i mean we're just loaded these are comics right here oh look at that second appearance of the black hat i believe whether spider-man the black suits there's multiple spider-mans in there who knows and this whole thing is probably more spiderman comments in here so guys i mean once again i took a chance i saw i had a look i saw a little bit of plastic in there i'm like man that's a box of comics that's probably the good box of comics you know look at this but once again like jim look at there's three books in here you know who knows what other books are inside here but the good thing is at least he kept them in plastic that's the best thing to do right there number one i mean the best thing he could do right there secret wars i'm pretty sure that's a good book right there fifty dollar booker so here's the whole series right here secret wars there's number eight number nine here's the first secret wars number one the whole 12 issue set i believe he has it yeah that's good stuff when you see completes look at this i might have two of that one in there maybe he has two of all of them in there maybe yeah who's who oh yeah i remember the green arrow red tornado tales of the titans so many good books in here and uh who knows nothing but good marvel and dc all sellable stuff so if you found records you found military we found comic books magazines even some cherry wood furniture which i'm sure is going to look really nice if anything else we'll let you know once again hit the like button subscribe you never know what you see check out our other videos and the best thing everyone watching thank you so much have a wonderful day
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 7,671
Rating: 4.9454856 out of 5
Keywords: Bought Military Storage Unit, military storage unit locker not touched in years, 2nd Cents Auctions Cleveland Ohio, Robert Zjaba Auctioneer Extraordinaire, I bought an ABANDONED storage unit, Marvel comics DC, Superman Batman, Iron man spiderman xmen
Id: 0X9xGRcBDY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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