Beach Metal Detecting | Corona Del Mar State Beach (Pirate's Cove Cleanup)

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gary's family hey buddies here's gary and larry and barry jerry and sherry and curly where's mo i've never been here before this is kind of interesting hopefully there's a way down up here it's very rocky whoa look at this we're gonna hit this little beach real quick here here's a good one to hit it's pretty popular got the laborer here uh oh no dogs allowed am i can i still go yes caution slide area so does this mean you slide down the pole it's a slide area that's a little steeped you sliding down there are signs everywhere that say no littering i'm so glad people pay attention to that especially when they got dirty ears oh wow that's gnarly okay so this place is really trashy so we may have to come back down here with some trash bags and get this cleaned up there's a bucket over there full of trash and it's literally somebody's bucket they brought down disgusting but i found a penny here and i just had a 2 3 hit and i just pulled this up and it's just it's not really worth anything but it's my first ring it's got a snake's head and a snake's tail so it's a pretty cool ring it's a snake so second find actually third i found two pennies i lied um third find is a ring pretty cool what so this was a uh treasure hunting day and it's turning into a trash collection day as well i mean this cave over here is just littered with trash tomatoes they might still oh no they're not good anything look at this it's just pathetic but we're gonna make the most of this day and get all this cleaned up wait a minute shout out to russ i used the city of newport newport beach yeah yeah for the gloves and the trash bags yes we were gonna bring our own down here and uh christine talked to the city worker russ who uh provided us with some gloves and garbage bags and regaled me with trash stories nice oh my gosh so i found some bread in the ice chest over there give some to the little people oh my gosh there's a mask on the ground oh buddy run that is the good piece wait everybody's gonna get a piece be nice dude you you literally caused a family feud between the gary family all right so here's a 17 in the wet let's see how this goes of course the waves are coming back in okay i have it in the scoop let me get it up here a little ways all right let's we got here make sure yep it's definitely in there all right i'm going to use the pin pointer on this one i see it looks like it's going to be just a penny yep karen the 17th thought it was a good number another while kudos to christine for working hard over there yeah this looks 100 better already you're doing a great job well that's quite the little hole i made five shovelfuls only to be rewarded with a tent stake yes got that out of the way so i found this and it's literally on its last leg look at the leg nice i was waiting to say that one so bad very cool yeah we'll show what other garbage we found what you didn't pick up the q-tips okay wait let's talk about this follow me here you know when you're sitting at the beach and you're like you know what my ear is so gross let me just clean my ears right now like what kind of jam is going on on these this looks like yellow leeches so so i just dug this deep foot and a half deep hole here i was getting a 30 31 and this just popped out not really sure what it is yet obviously it's a star but uh it's heavy i'll go rinse this thing off real quick very colorful pair of waves oh my goodness we're working up a sweat hey look at that like i said it's really heavy some type of spinner maybe that's pretty cool and now the beach is really clean now definitely uh 100 better than when uh we got here here's a busted barbecue pit that we filmed earlier where it was literally on its last leg someone left a whole bucket of trash they had had from the night before there's still ice in it lots of water bottles so well i can't take any credit kudos to you for cleaning up the i feel bad because beach guys have to do it every day i'm getting a uh 22 23 21 here what is that i know what that is that's a chuck e cheese coin and i just found one of these a week or so ago and this one looks like it's a either 2000 or 2009 get this out without a wave hit me same i'm gonna run it's so far away you get it yeah i think i did run boy run oh winner winner chicken dinner oh wow look at him one crusty dime actually it's a pretty good shape just colored please once again the vanquish in the salt water is doing a good job this was a dig only to get to this stupid thing oh no but look it's shiny dang it but the other day on the honeydew beach detecting i went and used the vanquish 540 trying to give you a sample of it working in the wet um and i only found the one penny because it was just so clean so um i've got it out again today at corona del mar and i am finding things down here in the wet with it so very pleased with it for sure it's a good unit for dry and wet sand apparently so please fill in my hole now so no one steps in it what are you getting 25 17. all right here you go you see cloth covered button huh this one's deep it's jumping all over the place so i'm gonna i'm gonna stick christine on it because she likes to dig these deep holes oh wow maybe it wasn't as easy we thought oh there it is yeah it looks like a ring oh here don't worry about it it's not going to hurt you i was going to open it i can't open it it's a crab ah that looked a lot deeper on the with all those arrows yeah so this one was coming up as a 178. yeah you are you lost your balance almost you see here you might have it oh yeah uh i heard it what's up there it is hair clip a barrette i believe so again a seven eight down here and it had we've been having a hard time finding it so i had to go back to the pin pointer wow follow through the scoop that's why we couldn't get it out but that is really nice it's pretty that looks real look at the coloring on that wow where's the other one we never find two do we yeah no usually people just lose one nice it's so pretty finally got a piece of jewelry about time we've been picking up trash all day yeah i've been crying all day about trash i know so much garbage even uh and we've been stalked jerry's relatives can smell the old mayonnaise from the trash pickup earlier hey buddy hi there's no food we're getting a ton of hits along here so i think christine's got the first one maybe i think we got it i thought i missed it but yeah you're right so we got a looks like a spillage right here don't be all jittery it's not gonna bite you all right so we got one penny still there yes one next how deep not very oh i saw it all right see nice 12 cents all right let's see what else we got here show that hole there's another penny i missed it dang the way you do that i missed it anyways yeah you're just pushing it forward all right well i don't really know how deep it is you might have one though one thing i'm doing this on the wrong side yay and there's still another one down there good job same spot right down here i just uh pinpointed it the way you shake things you slip everything out of it okay go ahead this should be a dime i can hear it hopefully oh you're wrong you're wrong hold on yeah nice we're getting some scores out of this hole let's see who else we got 49 i think we're at 29 yeah let's see what you got here oh my gosh no way another quarter wow this is a good score here let's buy a cupcake yes cupcake i had milk at home this time i didn't have milk that's a dime probably well i was jumping around a lot there's still more here right there okay come on just shake it out suck it up buttercup nice got a dime there's more pretty deep right down the center we're almost at 50 cents i know back up for a second something sir hold up i think we got it all so maybe you flipped one out let's see real quick here right there whoa whoa piece of jewelry yeah nice a bonus wow no markings no that's cool though it's pretty wow this one's jumping around a little bit that's one right now 2019. beautiful day out here to find good stuff beach time oh i have no idea what that oh cool fingernail clippers what's that say huh interesting so we just uh started digging up a 40 here by this where all this uh charcoal is and there's a piece of jewelry here oh it's a tree yeah how cute look at the back of anything okay it came up as a 40 so i wonder if it's silver it wouldn't be silver and rope normally it could be cool it's elastic actually okay that's pretty cool we'll double check the whole make sure we didn't miss anything else but that's probably what it was that's pretty cool yeah so i had a signal jumping all over the place and christine dug it up and it's a g.i joe whoa sorry buddy don't beat him up no this looks let's see stand up let's see it he looks like uh dude look how ripped this guy is holy cow this is one of the newer ones because the old ones they weren't like dang that's cool that's pretty cool fine you have a new toy i do have a nude yeah this is cool i like it very cool touchdown christine's favorite thing to do digging holes determined to check it again now you're getting a cave in it could be a can altogether it's hard to say rose part is it just got sanimone yeah well life's a beach right yep i am very tired thanksgiving oh my gosh i'm so impressed right now that's awesome is that it's a metal shovel that's a nice one too that's solid dang that's awesome look at we got it hold on a second dude i'm going to scoop for a second i want to try to it's an entrenching tool am i really salvaged i think so this part's that's cool that's so cool dude i thought you were just going to find a can or something i just thought i didn't damage the thing so i was feeling the uh this is what i was feeling while reaching down there man you can dig up some cool stuff and you were just making fun of me the other day after i found that big piece of wrought iron i know if we can break this part free they want to clean it up the shovel will fold back down yeah it's not really that rusted no we're lucky gosh that is so cool see this is it's also a coleman wow that's freaking awesome great fine i am so stoked new shovel gotta fill the hole look at him playing with his new toy by the way finders keepers that's mine kind of come in handy although you never end up filling the holes i always have to do it yeah it's really handy for me cool there you go new shovel we get this part cleaned up this would be like awesome tool okay bye okay bye well that was a fun four hours at chrono del mar beach here um did a lot of trash pick up we're down to pirates cove it was just filthy christine uh cleaned a lot of trash up while i was metal detecting and i was uncovering trash and leaving for her to pick up so it's kind of cool good team effort but she did most of the work um and we hit the other part of this beach here the actual proto-mar beach worked worked most of it and uh had a pretty good day still picked up a lot of trash bottles every time we'd find some garbage christian we run into one of the trash cans so we did our part there but uh let me show you how we did and what we found today all right so here's a wrap-up for corona del mar quite a few tent stakes a heck of a lot more than i wanted pull tabs bobby pins hair pieces um nail clippers a couple threes different straps to stuff the shovel was one of the coolest finds here that was really nice it should clean up there's not much rust on it um just plastic stuff i picked up tons of bread ties we threw a lot of them away too just tons of bread ties more hair stuff all the rusted pieces of metal screws and whatnot um classic happy birthday ring i found gi joe that was a good find got a little spinner here it's kind of nice a little rust in the middle a couple bucks and change and another chuck the cheese coin some pennies this was actually attached to one of the tent stakes and then we get under a little bit of jewelry this is a snake ring it's probably just uh metal i'm not sure what it's made out of um a little pendant it's kind of nice and then um a little bracelet and some other little piece of metal here i'm not sure what that was it's probably off of clothing and then this is probably the best piece of jewelry as far as the way it looks anyway really pretty uh earring so not a bad uh day's hunt out here at the beach we're gonna start saving these i don't know why but uh maybe i'll have them at a yard sale sometime people buy them all up anyway that's a lot of nice ones
Channel: Diggin' SoCal
Views: 15,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, beach metal detecting, beach finds metal detecting, treasure hunting, sand scoops for metal detecting, beach detecting, hunting for treasure, beach hunt, treasure hunt, metal detecting the beach, metal detecting finds at the beach, metal detecting beach, vanquish 540 metal detector, minelab vanquish 540, minelab vanquish, metal detector, metal detecting finds, huntington beach california, beach metal detecting 2021, beach cleanup before and after, beach, clean
Id: 6ItFXTtZLf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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