I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit - Owner Shows Up (Surprise Ending)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Ascdren1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
guess what we found in other what is going on buddy welcome opening to lunker's TV i want to say thank you so much to simply say for sponsoring this video they've been a sponsor of this channel for the last couple years so i'd like to say thank you so much as we go into the end of this year and i hope you guys are having a great Christmas break I know a lot of you guys are out of school college high school a lot of you guys are actually probably off work right now cuz we're getting really close to Christmas I want to say I do not see you guys before Christmas I hope that your Christmas is awesome spending much time as you can with your family and cherish it cuz you only have so long on this beautiful planet earth that God has given us so that being said this is gonna be another storage you in a video that I am pretty pretty excited about I've seen two things that are inside this this unit which which are good and then the rest of the unit looks really clean so as you guys you know like I said I've been with simple sin for the last couple years they protect my house and protect my my original house that I had before this one they tricked my mother-in-law's house they just came out with something called the simplest a smart lock it is amazing I mean this thing is really awesome if you guys have not seen this thing you need to check it out it's really really really simple to install this goes on clearly this goes on the inside so you guys can see right there almost dropped it almost give it a little pulse in there okay so this is only the back side the door and then this is on the front side so you guys see this right here this is these little numbers you would push in you know what I mean so unlock and lock the door now what's cool about this is it tracks who comes in and out of the house so if you guys can have a personalized pin setup for yourself for your wife for your kids for your mother-in-law for your contractors whoever you can give them a pin you can also grant access from anywhere unlock the door from anywhere like a little anywhere and what's cool about that it attracts them so if your kids come in and out of the house or whoever comes in the house and they say they were there at 2:00 well you can actually go back and look when they punch in their code and it unlocks the door and you know exactly when they come in so they can't really hide step through you know I mean so if you guys you don't have something like that you guys they click the link of the top of the bottle go to simply safecom for word size lunker's you guys need to keep your family protected you guys like I said click the link on top of the bow to take you directly to them so easy there's no contracts and it's just 50 cents a day think about this so if you guys want to be like myself and all the experts who choose simply sales to protect their home goes to simply safecom for slice and lunker's click the link at the very top of the bow and once again thank you you're super safe for sponsoring this video catch you guys out there unpacking some stuff oh we got some really good stuff in this unit I just got like the complete breakdown on how these storage unit auctions actually work how some I was bidding on something earlier this week and they're just disappear offline it's getting really furious kind of find out no it just means that the person came in and they just cancelled the auction so the main goal is to actually at least break even and or make money since this is my number two unit I think we're gonna sell most of stuff hopefully on Facebook I don't use Facebook became uses Facebook and maybe we might actually put a lot of this on uh we might set up an eBay store for all the stuff that we can and cannot or can ship also they can't ship I think we'll just try to sell locally all right we are into this unit for six hundred and eighty dollars six hundred eighty dollars what we're in for this unit in total that's with the fees like I bought it for like six ten plus fees so so what that's why it works okay that's a deep some of them with a lot of furniture there's a lot of furniture in there do we start here I think where do we start do we where do we start what do we do what do we do with all this furniture told you we didn't bring a broom there's a bike in there this is way more packed than I thought it's just back we're gonna find we're gonna find something we're gonna find something we got six hundred and eighty bucks we're gonna find something I don't really know where to start right now I'm just looking at it now you just take you know we could do we can put the for sure junk junk in here okay and we can put the for sure stuff in the bed of the truck because when we're gonna go to the dump we're just gonna go like this this right here and last time we were doing the story I actually I didn't sift through this stuff well enough this time I'm going to sift through it we're gonna sift through we're gonna spit some down actually look I'm a little gonna keep everything that we think we can make a dollar on just to see if we can break a sort of problem what I am gonna do is I actually have like this person's birth certificate here all of all these files what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna leave them at the office I don't want this stuff and they're good I know for a fact they're gonna want tough like a birth certificate all these facts information I'll actually do that for I do feel kind of back this was given by the great grandma and great grandpa his books I'll go ahead just yeah it's over there we go good start oh yeah they can read the game I'm done he goes I'm gonna sift through this stuff like crazy cuz last time I just kind of like I wouldn't have found that last time cuz I've been I dug through all their keys and find that that was good I like that a little truck bat you know what I mean it's not illegal illegal how one of these just in your truck stuff you playing baseball my guy hitting up that t-ball league autonomy Hey found something else Britney these like metal college I have no idea I've never seen playing cards like that I also found it up throwback for you guys little iPod hey guys remember these little American knives a little stockpile over here dude that is an old original iPhone that's an original iPhone just an iPhone no iPhone two or nothing on the back that's an actual original iPhone on a good note we did get all these tools so I'm gonna I ain't going to keep all those can show you guys look a there's an original iPod I mean our iPhone excuse me look at that short stubby thing look at that thing that's that we got one hot to get I mean we haven't really got that far we've got literally that far into it we do have a silver ring for sure does inside there that's good it's some more jewellery right there okay so while cams kind of get in the trash and sifting through all the smaller stuff for that central boxes decide hey there we go this sweep I get something for that huh there we go you know someone was blowing on it I don't know monthly total music and arts Oh house like a price how much this thing cost they were monthly payments on this thing are they expensive yeah I don't know how much of a flute is but they're paying $50 a month I don't know what that even means anyway we got a flute don't know what I'm gonna do the flute will people buy use flutes they will going on the good pile I do some of these can be worth money you know some France no I'm gonna keep it all this all the trash these are not opening dude I'll never have a shortage quick little update for everybody sitting at home watching us we're about quarter to halfway through this thing so we're honor about a quarter at this point I'm slightly worried we got one more box down it's a bathroom box I want DVDs workout DVDs good I think we're just we're just we're gonna sift through all these boxes we need to find some cool like something cool like something that's awesome well this lady who owned this this unit named for sure I'm doing her more of a favor than I myself just found the title to her 2004 Lincoln I'm gonna go ahead and leave that over there with her birth certificate that was good I told you guys I was gonna dip through all of these boxes I found a bear a second ago that would have been this one right here this little PBC international bear I looked it up it would have been worse I mean it's prolly $50 bear but it's completely trashed it's got stains on it and well there's some more dolls in here there we go this is doll worth anything okay these ones are in good shape there we go tell you these things that's what I'm talking about camel ooh this is this doll worth anything call this is the Alexander doll company this one's actually nice I'm gonna go ahead and look that up y'all are not gonna believe me how much does dolls worse this is I'm just gonna say what do you think that doll is worth these things are selling - this one is it's this doll is a 4.6 rating is 2020 ratings that's on Amazon I already looked on eBay that's a new one this is an old one this is like old what would you think that dolls selling for 60 bucks - two hundred and fifty dollars for that doll two hundred and fifty and there's people buying it on eBay or assuming like Amazon like if it was just say I'm gonna type in form for zero these things like serial numbers on them to see there we go then oh good happens when you do stuff like give them back their aversion if it gets in titles of their cars let's look at one four zero four six four oh yeah this is gonna happen okay we're gonna get a hundred and thirty dollars for this doll is we're gonna get theirs go so yes there's something we might there's a couple more of these dolls in New York another one Wicked Witch of the West be in good shape and there's another one in here what's this one it's a scarecrow what the hell this one it's another Wizard of Oz doll they do a robot so you have a whole box of Wizard of Oz this makes me happy because this is like [ __ ] we see on the show the TV show like they open a random boxer and this unit I paid too much for it then all son they open it up and there's $500 and dolls dolls the hell is this it looks like oh my god it's made out of glass hey yo it's me Hillary Clinton just chilling out here what do you do I'm sorry I'm sorry he doesn't know you got some answer some you're here alright go grab that wizard Obama all right what this ball Ria's is Barbie this makes me happy so this is from nineteen dude okay go get the other box I'm gonna do a little bit of research on this real quick cuz I'm actually how was it I was pretty I was pretty salty cuz I mean we hadn't found just tools okay so I don't know how hard these things are to sell but this Barbie doll right here 50 bucks and I'm not just making up a number this old stuff I found on eBay in there sewing all these are still selling on Amazon apparently quite a bit so 50 buck 130 dollar doll right here this Dorothy 130 we're at 180 actually this is another 50 this is a little monkey from Wizard of Oz there's another 50 bucks right there so what is that 220 230 and this one was 70 75 bucks so there's three hundred dollars and dolls right there okay we're halfway back to the money right now why don't you go into this one and we have the Mary Poppins doll this one probably is not worth much all right well she bought it for if you bought it for ten bucks so this is probably not worth very much it's 2005 but we got that thing that's worth anything these kind of dolls are worth anything how old is this thing the box kind of looks like a crappy shape person really liked Wizard of Oz I think we get any money for this on them Wizard of Oz books I don't really care too much Frenchy Russell really like cool out the gate we got $300 in dolls and we still got some more box that makes me that makes that makes his way way more easier just uh you guys it was about a 20 minute period where I was just like wow we're taking the trash out once again which we still kind of are but we're on the way back well we just got something else we just go we had a limited edition ceramic decanter I mean it's pretty old you don't exactly know what a decanter was opposed should have looked it up you know what matter of fact I'm gonna look that up okay quick little okay this thing's actually worth uh thinking what I say 50 bucks or 30 bucks 40 bucks what I say 30 bucks 30 bucks Cesar you're sewing right now on eBay for 30 bucks though there's that it's got a federal brew of something experience it has something to do with I don't know why instead of it in wine or something I don't know it's in good condition all the ones I've seen online didn't even have a box with it so at least we got a box we get 20 bucks for this I'm fine with that it's gonna add up I'm tell me we're gonna try my goal is to now was to make money now we're looking for stuff to at least that minimum breakeven and that is going to help cope the cause and cam says he that he's back up here on top of table so he's finding some random stuff the day I guess they were day all in our face what else you got anything good inside there pictures pictures pictures we've got a lot of boxes still the sift they're all just I'm gonna put you guys down for a little bit found these things I have no idea if these things are worth any money and I don't know how to that's just gonna I don't know if these things are worth any more they pop open don't really know what they are they don't have any name on their hand-painted really tiny items probably not worth much I don't know how to research it but guess what we found in how their mother truckin Barbie so I never thought I'd be a Barbie Sullivan ah this is Eliza Doolittle is great to all stand for collectors over the age of 14 dude never my life what I thought that we were gonna show dolls in this channel how much thing this one's worse probably 50 bucks at least I'll look it up real quick okay quick a little bit for anybody want to get into the doll market it really matters on the clothes that they're wearing I found out so this one this one's got the green there's a lots a different some of you guys may be thinking I need to keep them but I'm not doing this to keep dull see I just saw a green one for one for one hundred bucks this was a really good shake to my fair lady it's got to be like a consumer Hollywood legends collection my fair lady's Barbie is Elijah Doolittle hundred six bucks you got one hundred and six dollars yep there she is 106 bucks dude another $100 doll so what are we at now four hundred four hundred dollars now and dolls make you that should be able to sell oh my gosh is there a market for Wheaties what's the person doing there's no there's no market for Wheaties boxes there is there is there a market for these this is the 30th anniversary Super Bowl edition Wheaties never been opened look how shiny it is on the back look at this so she's got a bunch of random boxes at Wheaties in here with who's on the first one Super Bowl replays I've never even seen any of these honey frosted when I Troy Aikman on the front of it who's this one Marcus Allen look at this you think there's people hey there we go buddy I know that the you see this these things sometimes gonna be worth some money yes it is you didn't see that those can be worth some money depending on which one it is you guys see that I know I know the packaging looks terrible on it but the actual the toy itself actually looks really good damn we're starting to get into some good stuff here buddy I'm actually feeling pretty feeling pretty good about my life be a doll sale I'll look up some of these weeding boxes so a little bit of research these ones are going for about 10 bucks apiece so even if we got 10 bucks at the lowest and this one was showing 25 bucks for this one it's really weird I didn't I didn't know that there was a market for collectible Wheaties boxes like this so jodan and Joe Namath I mean all these ones with the Super Bowl replays like this these are going for about 10 bucks so I got 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Plus this we've got a hundred dollars in Wheaties boxes and then this right here is they're going for about this whole set would go for about 50 bucks so I bet you I could sell all these and just take 30 to 40 bucks for everything single amount really about 30 bucks they were selling for about 17 bucks per one by themselves and each one of these are in really good condition so we got this box is about $100 box so now we're at 500 and so that's the stupid collectible stuff what else you got in here don't know what that is I'm gonna go ahead and take that I think gainers that what else you got like an Edition okay I don't know how old that is pretty old well you know what you don't worry about that stuff we got a classic animation Terry tunes from 1929 you okay hold on this box isn't from 1929 was this this unit what for being a absolute you know what they are oh they're coffee mugs oh they're coffee mug are they worth anything I mean I'll keep them I mean at this point we're showing all this stuff but may as well just sell it all right you know I mean what is it yeah I hope on a shelf that's not worth anything so we are at we are at $500 and this is $500 I guess I mean what does he use what is this thing get some more baseball cards Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Holiday Barbie from 1993 you think that those x-man's worse than mine though yeah I can sell at a comic book store hey what's up God face tell me for a sec hey buddy just want to let you know I'm getting out of the bait business I'm going into the cell and Barbie businesses I've got a box full of Barbies in a box full of Wheaties yeah look I found this too this is another one we just found no x-men toy you're gonna like this I'm up - I've looked up all the stuff I found I found we're about $500 in dolls right now okay that make you happy he doesn't care clean the outside of these boxes up just a little bit and we get another $40 a piece we found two more porcelain dolls good more for some dollars 40 we're definitely gonna be breaking even on this window we're making money this is this is the most surprising unit ever oh I didn't even show them this I don't know if these are worth any money Oh kind of neat though from the original Superman movie and Return of the Jedi I've actually never watched Star Wars so you put it into that never watch don't know what else we got these plates where's anything where this weird creepy doll well as you guys can see here we've found our first jewelry box I know that in here we got there's some silver that is a silver shoe Oh hunk it's over right there I don't really know exactly what that is it's patina like it would be but I confused it that's another hunk of silver that'd be nice there's probably some more silver throughout here a little small rings and such know if that one is that one could be eptein on it well there is also another one right here I haven't gone through any of these slight interesting turn of events the actual person who storage unit this is is here right now isn't driving up right now yeah I see you creepingly looking back now they're here right now and the the the person that's running this storage unit plus she's fast it's okay if they come back because apparently people can get really hostile when they see you loading up their stuff in a dump truck that deal are they coming to they keep looking okay but apparently her mother's urn is in here and how I told her I told the lady how little to give her everything everything back I don't chew on sat all she can have it I know people fall in tough times so I'm gonna get rolled her jewelry back - I don't care because I know it was to be honest - when people in this kind of situation they probably need it more than I do I mean there's stuff in here I know it's just trash she'll probably be happy that I'm thrown away was a Justin Bieber photo are you doing apologize you want you gonna have anything back anything you want you can I apologize it's okay Joe do you mind if I do this is what I did hey you want you all the guys and you want jewelry yeah you want that sir here for sure I did find this even with this like titles and I know that you said there's an urn of you I don't know urn and you can have anything I'm telling you I haven't broken anything I don't know of but you can have anything you want and I have this thing to Monday you all leave this thing off I don't give a [ __ ] you want to come here take it all oh I don't I don't I do this I do it was crazy how we stacked it right it was me my kids that did it no don't like it don't feel bad I mean that's it's it's quite all right I found all these dolls all right all the dolls that we you know all those word is this your mom stuff of yours and well you can have you want all your mom stuff but you can have all these old [ __ ] back don't bother me but you know you're a bad story yeah it's how much do you owe on this unit and whether how about I pay for it thank you thank you how about I pay for it then you can take all your [ __ ] it's more like Christmas get to eat another pair I'll pay for all this did you see my gear in a tough time I will go in there and I'll pay off your bill and you can have everything [Music] no you're fine I haven't broken anything I promise you a lot of this what I thought was trash is may not be trash but I will I'm going to pay for your four hundred dollar bill you can have everything back just tell me the [ __ ] like I will take this I'll take whatever you don't want to the dump because there's a bunch here that was just just packed up the entire freaking house Robert by the way and there you have it is all packed who had this one last thing which is her broom just got it good to go all right well I know it's a couple days before Christmas this is pretty much my Christmas gift to her she gets to keep all of her stuff back and I just if you guys ever get the chance in your life to do something like that tell me there's a reason why you're being put in a situation and this whole thing happened it all happened for a reason God does things in a very mysterious way because I was actually bidding on three other units and yesterday the very last unit that I was still bidding on disappeared two hours before the auction in which means that somebody came and they paid off their unit or they so they cancelled two thing and this lady I found this one late last night it was ending and I bought it within an hour or two before it ended and that's pretty much that everything has for a reason well I'm gonna go ahead and sign off I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas I don't see you before then thank you once again hanging out over here on these crusty old videos over on lunker's TV I do love you guys and I'll catch you on another [Music]
Channel: LunkersTV
Views: 1,299,528
Rating: 4.9279418 out of 5
Id: meTTxFzb7Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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