THEY TRIED TO HIDE THIS! WON'T BELIEVE WHAT WE FOUND! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit Auction

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guys after digging further into these boxes you are actually not going to believe what we found [Music] welcome back to treasure heading with devious guys and guess what it's auction day again and guess what we bought us a unit all awful one thing I think I saw well the pay off or will we get scammed I don't know let's get on the road let's go find out alright so we just finished up the auction guys and we just won this little unit it's actually a big unit with a little bit of stuff in there but I hope there's something in there it looks interesting enough we like the e-book sports if I've had 100 I like carrots like fun to search so let's go see if we got something good in there [Music] so let me explain why I've been on eating now I kind of social distancing like back 7i on video we're not allowed to walk up to units still the way they're auctioning these off they still like a videoconferencing app and if you better be doing off your storage facility are dead zones the service is horrible how people don't know how to use the app it's a pain you really don't I saw the green box my gaming stuff out of an Xbox now that I'm in here I see that it's not but let's still hope there's something in here let's start searching look right here you hear the cops coming we got this big old boom box which is pretty cool just takes it easier it does now she takes EDC them I have a little bit of value that's gonna cool and I think the speakers are actually detachable so not bad not bad let's see what what is this I think that is to curate these our oxygen or helium I they look like oxygen rods yeah that's probably that's what this is for yeah Oh two cylinder yeah yeah carry your oxygen so you know who ever had this is probably stick or at least had a sick relative they're taking care of one of the two let's see what's in the bag here these are dirty shoes through donations what's in here is they gonna look a set of some kind there's a TV I have serious doubt that this thing I'm gonna wear cannot be cracked I gotta admit amazed alright so we'll try the TV when we get home I understand I feel like it didn't have an internal crack let's see what that is it's really intriguing me what is that this is the thing puzzle never been opened how many pieces is it 1000 alright so a puzzle this well you all know what that is no there is no factorize this is blank VHS tape people buy these things on eBay I don't really know why but they sell very well especially if you get a cohort of them like if you everyone at thrift store you CDs for a 50 cents grab them you sell them in groups on eBay for a good profit toilet paper haha this is where that's gold right now gold and what is this okay okay ante meat-grinder we'll call it that makes the other where again teaches something always goes down better right the valuable yeah yeah silverware don't want to take it out nasty boy boss here is well thanks yes is that a picture no I just like this good light is good and it's a long pencil box [Applause] so he got nah seen better days look at our phone walk and this one still not good condition without is bad now this is Cathy oh there's a dime look at that leaving cash in storage is the new century dictionary I wonder how old it is it looks really all anything it's just dirty or it's actually old we have a print date on it copyright in 1930-something 20 the other copyright 9 27 thirty three thirty four thirty six twenty seven twenty nine thirty one I'm gonna go with the newest wanted students from 1936 which still makes it maybe you some years old deck cards Wow in astronomy book you know this is the most interested subject I was in school if there was more draw opportunity I probably don't have a college for that but it's kind of like go to NASA or what CD yeah another deck of card and we got that Egyptian Book of the Dead which is disgusting this container has well there's DVDs I think look Billy and Andy for the Nintendo GameCube oh well and that's in there the recall it's not even the right thing what's in there what is this hey that's back what no that's good that's good that's just an empty prefer to enforce and lean up in the house actually no nothing else in there just what I put back at me this is well just some clothes I don't really look at them let's see what then you pop it up here it's really strange it's like some home decor stuff looks like a Dorf yeah like it's electrical switching some wood stuff that's beautiful we had another bag up here all right there's a lot of top no it's gonna be oh you didn't open okay we'll figure that out but other than that there's me oh I was gonna troll yeah how the mirror is broken into pieces in there yeah well I didn't reach in there nothing in there and here comes a comment guys why do you wear gloves hey have like them still though broken glass in there well get to that in a second what's in this box this box is what rolled me like I said that does you two have an Xbox one that's what the box kind of looks like and when you're looking at a grainy video call enough service kind of just went with it and hope for the best obviously not just the same color so we're trying to hear oh yeah maeĆ­n in dominican republic but there's another brand on like it is that all suspicious thing why no that's like a pork thing right what's PlayStation 2 games in a wallet it would - alright go to the wallets never had luck with them yeah but I still get excited an admin one club and well nothing nothing nothing that's right fall at number 2 in the same box is that's the paper in Italy so this one has some having it to being used that's their ID and stuff so I can do a little bit of background well other than that though we got an empty wall it was just some more paper and unfortunately some games at least Harry Potter sounds it gets in there for the PlayStation 2 and that at least is in there and it's the OG PlayStation 2 case which is good and then we got brother bear Joyride in this case nothing all right what's that one van Helsing living on earth up in this bed I feel like I should pull it out on here that's like oh I don't know babysitter something no I have no idea either THC design Hey okay let's see what's in there beads okay yeah this dude is that I don't know that is I don't know a guy so we had 101 plastic cards Yuya Volume one Exodia obliterate pac-man world - I like this game is it in there oh it is in there look at that and the classic PlayStation 2 case - I like that Nightmare Before Christmas Ninth Gate Oh Dragon Ball the saga of Goku oh I hate you back before yeah I'm trying to spook image oak he was like a serious character Gumby and it doesn't got something in it that's a ball okay sure wandering in that case is empty finally got it open let's go have you stopped it you're going through the stuff dad dad dad I'm gonna hear it here use this much hate protect a blanket in their vacuum stairs yeah this is like a jacket read the brain on this because it feels good Collin yeah the other woman doesn't have one yeah the GD T G that means nothing to me what is this that's a little strange I'll look at drill it's got a charger but actual batteries to come out right here maybe it's not a battery it's not like one I've ever seen I never seen one this long we'll figure it out then one of those like breathing things that everyone's seen from some old person in their family well two rusted oh so you know it's not silver it's junk get this one out the way let's see what's in this all right tile my favorite I love tile underwear lotion it's great combo this is just a bun Capetown that is the honest what is this death okay yeah they do probably the shoes out here to be honest with you yeah it's just shoes grody sleeve back let's pull this little box this has a bunch of bathroom stuff like vitamins and yeah that's empty floor our Springs empty bottle the cocktail-hour is that any idea yeah that's all I got to other than that it's a burnt spoon it's always a good sign hundred dollars cannot play money but there's a burnt spoon which is never a good sign never anything in this little box and a fancy box [Music] yeah but novelty okay that a couple of their jackets was it so research on the brands but overall that box after digging further into these boxes you are actually not going to believe what we found so I told you the whole reason we bid on this unit is because I saw this green box right here right obviously nothing to do with an Xbox at some beer some alcohol nothing to do with this but why do I think I'm bid on it because it looked like an Xbox box guess what we miss look at this by the way it's and working it's not in that spots one but the irony and weirdness that there's an original Xbox in that unit what the controller by the way that works oh it's like 25 30 bucks nothing crazy but it's just so weird we only bid on it because that look like an Xbox box we wasn't but weirdly enough we missed an Xbox that's strange that is very very very strange all right so let's do a kind of recap all right here the thing that blew my mind the most these oxygen tanks their model numbers on them and I look them up going empty on eBay with nothing in there just with these things on top it's all for $160 free shipping like a week ago shipping is expensive on them so $160 honestly probably 40 of that it's probably gonna go to shipping and ten percenter that's going to go to ebay but still it's about 100 bucks apiece after fees so that could those oxygens be tuner dollars right there when liquidity for the unit that's already more than double right off the bat surprisingly enough the TV was not correct but it is scratched it is disgusting and it's tiny anyway so I doubt it really has any value folks maybe 10 bucks boom plate it up the little blue box here plays CDs and cassettes surprisingly enough that is sold for 41 or 42 dollars something like that plus shipping so that's another $40 there did not expect that let's see we got the two wallets which I don't know what I'm gonna do with you they're kind of dirty they might we might clean them up might not I wasn't sure suicide yeah the meat grinder is going for between 10 to 20 dollars on eBay this one's pretty dirty so if we decide to sell it one of those things to we're like wait so much I don't know if it's worth shipping cuz it's gonna be like it's gonna cost more than I love ship it yeah that thing like we said keeping the vacuum nobody jackets right yeah this right here this biggest that thing we pulled out says Bone Thugs and harmony on it yeah I've heard of that but what is it the rap group no I know both of the parties interrupts number what is that I don't know what is this like I wanted to if you didn't find out editing I just wanted to ask them like elastic real I have no idea so like look at the front of this so post perfect incorporated bone thugs-n-harmony first of the marks like something something records but I just I didn't know if it was just a big set of a song is that mean what no i set it aside because it's a one on group it might be something i don't know what it is to be honest with you alright well again i was saying these are still so like be single a sell for $10 on eBay and like I said 9 to 10 dollars but I like to lock them up when I sell when I get like 10 to 20 of them just sell them all at once shipping out a little $10 items over and over it's annoying you look at the codes right so this was Ralph Lauren so this is a Ralph Lauren needs to be washed obviously but this is like 20 to 40 depending on condition not bad this is the same thing this is a Wilson's leather jacket you can definitely talk leather brother oh yeah it's heavy um 22:30 that and then this one it took me a while to find it but it's I guess parallel loop Paris or something I couldn't find it selling but it was listed on like Etsy for like 230 $230 yeah that's like wile cuz none of them sold and the only one we could find listed is worth 230 does somebody have one with the stupid price or are they really worth a lot of money I don't know I've never heard of it so hopefully you guys can help me out hopefully you could also help us out with this but anyway its overall turn out to be a pretty good unit that I honestly thought was gonna be junk we're gonna make probably a few hundred dollars own abilities at least a couple hundred maybe a few hundred bucks for 20 minutes of cleaning out yeah yeah and we got a video and what is back to be gonna do what we want to do what do we want to do it making videos buying units and feeling kind of normal so anyways actually thanks for watching don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 40,422
Rating: 4.9023156 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, lunkerstv i bought a storage unit, storage hunters, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 5juVCxsofu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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