Old Storage Unit Owner Tries To Buy Back His Abandoned Storage Unit At Locker Auction / Storage Wars

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this is the most controversial video I have ever uploaded and quite possibly maybe the most controversial video I ever will upload and you've got to watch to the end to understand why and then I want your comment what would you have done in this situation Jerry here with hjh adventures on the road yet again this morning headed to an auction in Medina Ohio where word is there's a motorcycle so you got to kind of get an insight with some of these people Network and you start getting information leaked to you which is a great thing the thing that I love about this auction is you have till December 1st to get everything out over two weeks what I don't like is they charge the $200 security or clean-out fee so that's a lot of money for a clean-out fee they definitely want to make sure you get those items out so I'm headed there with a handful of cash and we're gonna see what happens this morning not one tip before we get there you got to have a smart phone if you're gonna succeed in this business I'm gonna have mere moments to see what the actual motorcycle is I'm gonna get on eBay I'm gonna research it as fast as I can I'm gonna find out what motorcycles like it are selling for to try and determine what a profit margin could be and where I should be bidding the same time I'm gonna be videotaping for you so this is going to be tricky not only do you need a smartphone in this business you really need a partner with you as well to make yourself really successful I know what you're all thinking you missed George I miss George - but she's currently she got a 9 to 5 so we got to do something about that got to definitely do something about that I've ride to the auction unit business and why I like to go to auctions during the week at 10 a.m. is because fewer people show because majority of people have a nine-to-five these are all the people lined up right here so I'd say we have roughly 10 to 15 vehicles including me usually there's a registration as well with the auctioneer and I don't see a single auctioneer yet so oh hopefully we're still up for a good auction oh we got another guy showing up with a trailer usually the guys with the trailers they're the serious ones and there he is here we go we'll find out if this will be a walk of shame or walk of fame today tires my goodness there's a door on the other side we're gonna go look on the other side here's the other side my shelves everywhere man I love shower utilities radiators man when I love to have these shelving units but the time it will take to actually unload all of this my name is Russ Farnsworth I'll be the auctioneer and then leah is the office lady she's lady in charge right over there I will say these units were not gonna register for numbers we just go by name after you buy it we'll take down your name and everything he can go over and talk to Leah and she'll take down that information there is gonna be a two hundred dollar per unit deposit fee that will be returned upon cleaning out the unit completely anything basically they can't be swept up by a broom you need to have cleaned out and take it out of here you will have until December 1st to do that so you got more time than usual to the Harley horns locks yeah put your own locks on me I'm going on the you Saturn brought them with you not will sell you Loxley to get Ecology's 20 fathers rig but somebody went so long to do this any questions it's questions Leah rental fee for the unit 945 a month if you want to write okay but you have till December 1st other than that other questions guys all right this is unit 18 and 30 it's a double unit right there guys tell me how many daughter down here seven again 500 look PI here in Atlanta so Scott guys hunter bucks hundred thank you to Iowa to now free I don't 302 get $300 disappear until they get free there and to now pray and free honor began to have now three heading at 300 hit prayed here to get 300 over be the food we have on bid three now half and I'll three and a half of it 350 is $300 ten and a half foot brave here to get street half here now freed half owner down here to Wamba three and a half now for now 400 here bit over here a ticket for Katrina hammock at $400 anything else guys three and a half four hundred here and three and a habit again 375 and three seven five Harriet on down four and out four hundred get four here borrow 75 and again $400 runner down a dome up for they're all then and all done down there head of nails $400 you done 400 here headed making 400 so in 375 crap I just [ __ ] up I what's your name Jeremy Hales HAL yes just put it you could just put a dollar sign as the the s instead you're really supplies from matures [Music] let's go everyone two and one to two hundred eight hundred otter but they don't know on there too and what I want to hear I wonder 150 I am unbearable water to have no to and I feel they are gonna be two hundred and two there I wanted half of a two hundred other beautiful what a half here at any 175 here now - hello - there now quarter now have now two and a half here in a two half here and two half I'm periodic orbit and a half area to get 275 275 that up to 75 everybody get 275 like a two and a half of an 75 then to have it 275 here else 275 here to get 270 while we're at two and a half 275 you know down here head of meals guys to 7,500 only only nope I'm a dirty 75 sir 275 275 so 250 sure we're here same man Jeremy Hales thank you here's a look at the second unit that I bought box 24 books box 31 tons of books I want it for shelving for the warehouse but then I was thinking maybe this is a church there's magic sands I'm not sure what that is lots of totes I hope not Taco Bell dogs in their office there's a bunch of office supplies this is this has to be a business I don't know but what I want was the shelving I bought it all for the shelving for the warehouse Star Wars a helmet with goggles huh Oh couple of couple uh chest down there there's more Star Wars more Star Wars totes upon totes upon totes so totes mcgoats we are gonna have to do an unboxing and this one's gonna be multiple in regards to what its gonna take in videos and and I'm not gonna get to at anytime soon I have till December first to get this all out of here this records magazines more Star Wars I just don't even know what's all in here so you got out of jail last month yes your dad that's illegal I can't do that to you you can't buy it back well I'm just saying I just need my tractor's I'm out of there I didn't know about this deal yesterday we've gotten late I just flew in and that was six minutes late talk to me afterwards deal okay I feel like an ass talk to me afterwards after this is all done just holler up afterwards unit number three furniture blankets oh dude yes I should have been telling you that names isn't name owner's name on this is SoCal Hyuna 196 take a couple looks like an entire household but carrot farm taken cared for with the blankets a bit on this one beyond a little much everybody good guys all right this is unit 196 tell me how my daughter down there 380 ready to get free there behind red and one here hundred $100 be dater - 50 bucks 50 75 I have 59 175 Peter now hundred now hundred and a quarter and a half here one set of I hear and - now half and up to half area to get to 50 men - there - half here I'm 200 over bit up there - on behalf now free I know free they are gonna be 300 here you'd have three three half and three and a half here get a green half owner down here three and a half here only half as much to clean out in this one three and a half I have 318 one quarter and create a CO everybody gets green half they are editing 350 then three hundred and a quarter and a half hear it again three and a quarter three and a half here now 375 now 375 I get three and a half a 9375 then three seven five I'm free to have a 75 over there to get 375 there and three and a half 375 again and now for Hannah for Hunter gonna be over there now quarter and over there now Porter down ere long be down mid ramp for encoder under nine to one before 25 I have 400 hey doma forward 1/4 heading else down negative on the portico here for in a quarter so lead $400 there's the motorcycle now listen to me guys they wanted me to be very clear on this and this is straight from the lawyer - you're buying parts all right there's no tight over that you're not going to get it title you're buying it is parts all right everybody understand that in Ohio it's very difficult to get a title for any motor vehicle anymore laws changed this past year remember guys you're buying hearts only alright man fitting BAM there's 72 tell me 505 here gonna get 500 here 70 to 200 200 300 let's do hundred editing it one down there hundred dollar bill to 300 or a bit down there now one day ready get two I'm gonna hundred on a 2 now 3 and I'll free they're not two now three hundred three hundred and three now four this four here I ate three on over to get four hundred and three there's three and a half high three hundred hundred and two three and a half and three there three and a half by three hundred hundred hundred and three hundred and a half a video screen half your three and I'll freed half I'm free baby boom baby I'm free to have a baby get 350 guys and pretty much should buy this but after the speech huge units I don't know rina quarter here 325 and free head with a coder on three and a quarter all winner on that nanner I didn't get 325 here three and a quarter three and a quarter totally three hundred dollars okay I just wants to know I'm recording you as well as long as that's okay if we don't alright so talk to me what's the deal what's going on with the first unit I'm not bought I owned it and I worked at medallion plating right here and then I lost my job as I did a restoration show okay did I lost it okay then I went to jail for child support I just got out last month okay then I've been calling and calling here and I can't get olden the buddy alright so then he's like he found out about it he's like here and I bring it here cuz I can got a license so he that's right my buddy drive me here and that's why you were late yeah alright so you said it just got my dad's antique tractor and I got an old motorcycle and everything from the house I lost my house that's really so you said you wanted to make me a deal what's the deal you wanna make you tell me hey whatever is it worth for you well you approached me you talked to me what are you thinking however what you were did you that's like I just I've been launched I've lost too much stuff in this past year of being in jail I've been trying taking myself out of a hole so what are you thinking would you come prepared to do how are you going to get it back this morning what were the back fees on it I don't know I don't know I was trying out you know I was trying to give them a payment plan if I could and nobody would answer they keep talking with Steve another guy smiley and they keep saying that some lady Lea ain't here can't contact her she was sick yesterday are you planning on paying them you're trying to give him cash how much cash you got I was only trying to make a thousand dollar payment and make demons so you got a thousand dollars on you mm-hmm that's all you got yeah - I'm just saying I just lost and lost all year that's how I feed my family how I do this so what's in there a GSXR an old bathtub I got some old 24-inch wheels off my Tahoe I got a trailer front end from an old English song compressor some old junk washers dryers and I put that shelving unit down the side because I was just trying to put everything from my house in there sure I can try to describe it to a tee but in seconds I haven't been in there two years thousand bucks you can have it is that one yours too I didn't buy that one I don't want it so your buddy bought that one yeah so the other thing I have to pay them a $200 cleaning deposit so can you go 1,200 all right for better or worse I'm selling the first unit back to the original [Music] - I'm recording so we got this all three the program I'm just so I just sold back the first unit that I bought to the original owners friend he owed over $3,000 on that unit because he was in jail he just got out of jail he cannot legally buy it back he has to pay his back fees but his friend's gonna put it in his name I don't like the story at all I don't like the circumstances I just don't want to deal with the headache and the hassle of somebody badgering me and all of that so for better for worse that's what I did so a unit I could have potentially have made tens of thousands of dollars off of and survived off of that income for a year I gave back $4,000 now he had his buddy buy it most establishments will tell you you cannot send a representative to buy back your unit for less than what you actually owe that's on him that's not on me so I walk away today with a thousand dollars in my pocket one unit I don't have to haul or sell and another unit that's huge that I do have to haul and sell on this channel I try and be as real as real as possible with you so you can see exactly what this business is like so that you can grow your side hustle business doing the exact same thing so I make no excuses no apologies in how real things are on this channel I hope you enjoy that and appreciate that as well as I am transparent and honest with you this has been Jeremy with hjh adventures thanks again for watching don't forget to subscribe because we've got to go ahead and do that whole unboxing and there were a ton of Star Wars things in there remember adventure awaits go find it I gotta go find George that's her line in half a mile turn right onto Westfield Road nagging me Patricia
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 795,004
Rating: 4.6001077 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: qAoy33yb9fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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