I bought an Abandonded Storage Unit for $25! ... Look What I Found!

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all righty how's it going YouTube how's it going stackers welcome back to the channel another beautiful day out here we got a nice sunny day I bought a storage locker at this facility it went up for auction I paid $25 for this abandoned storage unit and today is the day we're going to finally uncover whatever's inside I haven't been inside what it appeared to be was someone who did either flea markets or yard sales and this is all their inventory they store it over to winter there was a lot of tables on both sides tucked away there was like a Nintendo box in the back so if it is a flea market vendor this is going to be good inventory for the flea market it's not a flea market vendor maybe this stuff is unsearched and really not even known about you know maybe we might find more vintage in Tendo or videogame stuff in there it should be fun if you guys are ever curious about how these things work well someone owes money on a locker they stopped making payments and the lockers then put up for sales so the company who owns the storage facility can make back some money and then rent it out to someone who will pay so I paid $25 for this locker and today we'll go through it and see if we find sea able to find a treasure let's uh let's do it put that guy over there here it is and she's up there that uh that string might be a problem but yeah here's the locker so I paid 25 bucks first Locker does look like it's all tossed in there but anyone who knows a wonder sells at a flea market we aren't the best Packers and we really just throw everything into wherever we have to go because not everything in here fits and beds it's not stackable that is one thing with flea market and flea market inventory is not everything fits in bins sometimes it's just better to throw it in there if it fits it fits so yeah here it is first glance the one thing I think deterred a lot of people was all this stuff in the front so you got a lot of just like it looks tossed it looks like it's just garbage but if you look deeper into it you know you have some bins which might have stuff in it if you look in the back you see that Nintendo box at that Nintendo box is full you're talking a decent amount of money especially for twenty-five dollars for the locker and I think that box just by itself is like 25 30 bucks and if the games aren't here that's another you know whatever how many games you have and it's a good locker I think but only time will tell so let's start getting into this I know it's going to be a very gentle ocker with lots of stuff so I won't bore you with all like the garbage but I'm going to try to get to most today and try and make this a good video for you guys let's get into it looks pretty new but I think we call it bucks room if it doesn't go on eBay just see this is a weird things like there's lots of toys it looks like and there's a couple wood boxes in there now this is one trend that seems to be going crazy right now is gain these old wood boxes and pointing this mesh screen on the back I don't know what the whole trend is about but everyone seems to buy these it seems to be really hot right now so this is probably a 5-10 dollar item got a clown print whole box of toys that's an older matchbox couple older Matchbox cars it looks like maybe some Hot Wheels over here if you go to West Virginia get yourself some some floor mats for your truck that's probably won't be an eBay piece fisher-price the older fisher-price toys always sought-after it seems to be looks like we have another one of these boxes a screen on the bottom these are like these fruit box it's the fruit boxes so somebody was into crafting a little bit [Music] soon this guy looks like a brand new blue tarp what foods are whole stack of these size XL I've not tarps their clothes it looks like rain paint paint coats possibly paint coats a whole stack of them so I don't know what these things go for online I know they're not that cheap paint coats nice rustic piece right here take off this guy cast iron heart shape so that's not gonna be scrapped that's when we flea market as well Digitek I don't know much about this and it's worth something grab this guy carbon dioxide it's got some weight to it good ol xbox360 nobody she's uh she's a little bust it up see this guy's not too bad yeah tanka know what is it is taka taka taka 3:54 down here in this mosh critius stuff I got this guy it's a nice milk carrier take out this random stuff that's in there but these sell very well I haven't really ever seen one that's uh just holds two usually to hold four or six so this is very very cool interesting handle is plastic it's not wood but I think it will sell so that's a decent piece in itself go over here on the right it looks like we got a whole box of books some of these are some vintage looks like vintage like I might be a little bit older 29 cents so go through that a lot of people do store money in books right I doubt they did but you never know when you go through some of these never talk to strangers good life advice alright I seen this clock poking out here it looks like a clock or a sundial this is all closed it feels like some things she's broken oh yeah that's cool that's all beat up yeah maybe somebody can fix that a little bit I mean like I've said a lot this is a reproduction it's made to look old it's not old it's a clock it's kind of neat some boxes gotta move this chair now this chair looks extremely familiar if you guys don't remember you guys don't follow my channel make sure hit that subscribe button this sure looks like something I passed up in the garbage probably six months ago but I thought there was something on the bottom I don't remember being like that so maybe it is the same one this is kind of local to the place that go garbage picking in so it's is the typewriter wow it's nice I don't know why I didn't grab it I think I was either full or it's because it's upholstered there we have a mystery purple Ben that looks like it's all toys in there so they'll be another bin of toys here we got a was a Smith and Corona I think all beat up but one thing with these older typewriters is people take off the keys and saw the keys so that might be worth it just for the keys alone this is definitely I don't think you can really yeah she's space bar works but 25 bucks they had on this original Xbox I don't I don't think I would fit 25 bucks for it maybe Oh home record in German we've got a couple other free market items in here probably be garbage all sorts of random housewares in here we've got some VHS ins or computer games couple CDs in there you to cross bucks for this guy Tupperware kind of stuff this is meat by Watertown it's plastic it is that vintage colors your pastel this is like turquoise stuff in there you got the balls whole bunch of the plates even though they made plates but water talent lifetime we're made in USA but they I'm going just put both boxes together somehow fit that in here got a nice Lego pen and never even never heard of this Lego writing system sport pen I guess you stacked the Legos on top and they make a pen I have no idea never seen this might be an eBay item otherwise it's where people love Legos that's the one thing a random Pyrex Bowl in here don't think there is this jadeite or is this more of that not for that stuff so looks like a lot of this stuff is maybe somebody will buy up the whole lot I'm gonna list a whole lot on eBay who knows yourself a mug to my sister I don't know these guys are vintage but they aren't cool I think people would buy them there's a couple in everything I realized the reason why a lot of stuff is also tossed is because there's like open boxes up here and they're just like falling everything's falling out something's moving so yeah this box right here this whole guy everything just fell out of it everywhere and that's why it looks like everything's scattered because I have to stuff corn well it's a good brand oh wow look at all the pliers in there I know persley this set some set like this you know sometimes they're 75 bucks hundred bucks for his May pliers they're in here so this is a good score and I made Cornwall to Holly think I ain't Cornwall tools and usually come in different handles so sometimes they're green sometimes I think they're yellow blue orange so this is a 2 4 6 8 10 piece set so this has got to be at least 40 50 bucks right there this will definitely be an eBay item this is not going to the flea market and I really probably want to use all those pliers myself no no else is back here's lockers locker just keeps oh yeah this is a bag of clothes we determined this guy was 15 dollars thank superfluous point that guy together that looks like a sewing machine probably check out this hopefully everything doesn't fall like that what's in here clothes on all theses fabric Linens those might just be donatable have to go threaten the light yeah it just looks like fabric and stuff but that'll probably be donated to a local animal shelter but they use this stuff for beddings seems like the board party you get in here I don't think this is an old one but it's made to look old pretty cool moldy I thought that was kind of nice that's pretty sellable yeah nice harley-davidson piece right there an eight-track player receiver and player so one way you can definitely tell us is probably a flea market just looks like trash everywhere but you have lots of tables these are like the poker style tables which I don't really use these I use the ones that fold out which is like the ones below it like that guy then one might be too small I do see a bike over there it could be of interest we have a keyboard as well so there's lots of good stuff in here those bikes you know sometimes I scrapped them sometimes I sell them it's all about condition generally you're just household name bikes ten bucks those are kinda like your Walmart style bikes Mongoose that's a Mongoose as well a lot of the basic ones then you have the Schwinns and all that which go on ebay or on Craigslist but a lot of these basic model bikes are around ten bucks a piece at the flea market I know in some places some some states they'll get twenty twenty-five for one bike but around here you get around ten dollars we're going to check out that Nintendo box so we found some video games in here but we have not found a Nintendo games I grabbed this guy Oh spheal KMT but if the styrofoam is still in here you'll do all right - doctor I'm still in here but it feels empty so this will be sold just as a box a box only and I don't know the current eBay price but not too long ago they were sawn for about $35 a piece for $25 apiece fishing box see if there's anything in this guy and guys might be able to see it right and there's some bottles popping out so I'm thinking it's probably a crate of bottles see something down there as well it's kind of hard to see in this darkness will see another Tonka truck hiding over there a metal one I might try to grab this guy out of here these are very similar to the balls I picked up in the trash not too long ago with a plastic Jake's I think that's a treat the other side say does say a treat so yeah I grabbed a ok treat create not too long ago out of the trash probably recycle these bottles because they are not as valuable as the ones are like embossed or print it on the bottles but I'll sell the crate that's amazing ten fifteen bucks a nice escape ladder very nice a Thetis bag got Jeffrey the giraffe got a blue light upside the strobe light possibly for volunteer firefighters seems like an old you can always count on a hand truck being in one of these units fortunately so far there's one buried back there looks like we have another possible receiver here we got some Napoli money no it's 8-track stereo we've got another one of these that makes two just grab these two pieces of a drum set this looks to be in the back and then whatever this thing is it's like a wooden barrel but it has no know anything about this this is one thing I don't know her some more stuff down there does anyone know I think about this what what kind of barrel this might be probably yeah socket set looks like Oh candles down here maybe I can toys mm get me no idea all right it's pretty nice Baskin here he got some paper goods it looks like some paperwork I went in was this oh it's just a notebook of stuff Pontiac this guy's a Dale Earnhardt if I show up raise that Dale Earnhardt okay looks like a No no no that is but right there dill or not maybe I can have some value to it kind of trying to get back here and see what else is back here there's really no it's really no rhyme or reason when doing a locker like this because if I separate everything truly and made a whole pile out here be a lot easier but I knew coming today there's no way I was gonna be able to do that so can I take an extra couple trips it's probably gonna be about five or six trips with the van pay for trips between flea market what goes to a warehouse what gets recycled this looks like not that's not what I thought it was get a yearbook yes this whole thing is going to be a whole to do all right so that's going to kind of wrap it up here as you see spares there's a lot still left now the majority of stuff it's probably gonna be recycled majority of this might be scrapped or donated I don't really see much stuff here that is uh left of value I mean you get the fire escape ladder or some some prints over there but I'm packing up for the flea market I got flea market to go to and that will be another fun adventure nice thing about this is the stuff that I grabbed today is going to the flea market directly tomorrow so we'll see what happens and how much money we can make off this locker so far but rather than you know continue to show off the rest of Locker and maybe a lot of stuff that might be garbage I decided to keep the video more about the content and interesting finds that we found today so I probably about another six hours for six hours and here but that will be probably for tomorrow yeah might be in tomorrow's video I'm undecided so far hopefully guys have enjoyed the guys enjoy storage lockers you want see more clean outs some cleaner than this and the fun treasure hunt that's kind of involved with storage locker clean outs make sure to subscribe to the channel smack that like button so I know you guys are enjoying the series and uh until next time have a great day keep living the dream whose [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 795,891
Rating: 4.5041866 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Auction, abandoned storage unit, storage unit, whats inside a storage locker, storage auction locker, storage auction unit, abandoned storage locker, buy abandoned storage locker, buy storage locker, bought a storage locker, storage wars, found in storage unit, resell, buying storage locker, storage locker auction, clean out storage locker, real storage auction, storage wars episode, auction, found abandoned, treasure hunting
Id: tmch-Ry5k_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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