STORAGE BATTLES Public Storage Abandoned Storage Unit Paid $275!

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[Music] what's up guys another storage unit another day another video with wade's adventures and ashley adventures and grandma ventures who is home right now because it is 105 degrees out here pretty much so we have another storage unit we're gonna go through this thing paid 275 bucks for it by the way the truck is completely empty have you guys ever seen a truck like this both sides open up pretty amazing all right let's go show you the storage unit we'll come right over here we're at portland oregon it's a beautiful day but it is hot um honey you want to close that side for me and this is the storage unit um it is i know this is gonna be a lot of kid stuff possibly okay good job there's gonna be a lot of kid stuff in here uh 275 bucks i actually like the unit and by the way i have not looked through anything in here but i did notice when we open the door that there's money in here there's coins so we got about five bucks so it's a hundred and seventy five dollars or 170 dollar storage unit and there's some harley davidson over there you can see the tag says harley davidson on that so there is going to be some good stuff also i believe that's an english saddle there's an english horse saddle back there um so i'm anxious to get through this thing and we have the camera person for today grand adventures will be on some more videos but when it's when it's over 100 degrees um it's just too hot too hot so all right let's get into this so i'm gonna start with this thing by the way baby rocker baby rocker some of these could be pretty expensive right yeah well the one that we had for the boys and brand new it was like 200 i wish they had an adult rocker i would definitely rock it on the tall version yeah no that'd be funny okay all right let's put it over here it's in decent shape yeah okay let's stick to this first box the good the bad and i'm gonna show you everything okay shoes [Music] okay let's dig into this what is the deal here oh my gosh and it's new what is it i know it's poor wow double-sided i don't know i put it in the water what do you guys think a splash yeah okay i don't know let's feel that those are nice those okay so let's go through here we have a fan i think it's broken pants and storage units guys i think this is like more of a trash yeah it looks like they kind of just tossed their trash and we have some kids books about kids i love the book of knowledge if only i had all this knowledge right here all right oh man okay let's see what do we have here are we getting into some better stuff oh yeah oh it's brand new it's sealed never used wow this is like you know probably 60 bucks i'd probably get rid of it for like 40. oh you need that what's that oh now you can give yourself a back rub oh yeah that kind of defeats the purpose this is sealed is it yeah oh well there's two brand new things right off the bat i think we're gonna make some money in this unit weights in here staple gum oh there are staples in there okay guys so you want to keep some of these weights not the fight all right let me get a better shot for you got it yeah did he get it yeah okay all right this whole thing is full wow wow this is all kids this whole thing is full yeah somebody's gonna love this at the auction i mean look how big this box is guys this is a massive box and it's full of dvds that paid for half the storage unit just that one box i'm joking you can keep some of them that's full of dvds oh my goodness try this please go try that okay let's try it i don't know i didn't leave myself a lot of room order okay i bet this looks like not cheap okay you're supposed to like wiggle i need a helmet wiggle your hips or something i see the kids in our neighborhood use that no you have to do them together same time wow we already made our money back in this unit we haven't even got into the unit man i'm out of breath that was how kids do it now i used to have so much energy okay so the funny thing is i kind of got this unit because i wanted oh my goodness it's kind of brilliant oh yeah this is personal okay we're gonna put that back with the storage unit wow i mean the box is damaged it's tasmanian yep oh these are some of these are homemade some of these are not every box is a mystery oh bubba gupp wow that's bubblegum okay i bet you would find some video games in here oh that's a bible it's never in here and it's not it's got their name on it so i don't like to show the personal these are all portraits family portraits oh my is this unit just for you what the deal is broken no you don't look broken yeah oh he is broken darn it you can probably still fix it and a pellet gun almost we got in here another bible oh another pelican there's two there's like a there's our bandana gun this one's got a scope on it they were seriously about true yeah i used to have one of these when i was a kid you did yeah you have to wear protective gear when you do that i mean zach when i was a kid it kind of like goes up i'm surprised i'm still here with all my limbs oh there's a bunch oh oh oh oh whoa whoa that was the that was the adult fun time in this one huh zip this thing back up you got disney in here you got adult fun time wow it is it's all on there and there's a pencil or a sherpa holder yeah okay so for ashley's units looking great some sony oh they're little little ones what is that oh this is uh you hear about it china's sending everybody those some mystical seeds in the mail if you guys have been looking at the news okay oh here's another bubba gump oh no this is a patron shaker it's brand new oh no it's a patron glass let's see another field thing here's the flashlight seals they wanted 15 bucks for this it's a rubber band shooter you put a rubber band on there what is this oh more these aren't adults more cds well this was a really good this is a great unit so far actually i got to give you props for picking this unit out we made our money back already it's a really good unit put stuff back in here a little bit we'll put the adult stuff back in here as well okay let's go to another okay that one says game oh wait tommy everybody always says we'd never have it in here so come over here this is the truck by the way i've got a backup camera sony screen in here all right i have the knife we're going to try okay [Applause] i think this is all board games the grinch bingo yeah some of these could be worth money you got to make sure they're all there these are all board games in here that's a good for crap or it could be good for my rubber band shooter if all games in here we won't take all of them out guys but it's all board games i was hoping it was like video games i bet i would be surprised if we find some video games in here okay ooh we need patrons a lot of paper you'll find a lot of that in storage units guys there's some personal in there we're going to get back it's a personal box what's in there i think it's all personal i mean some random things what's in this thing guys seen better days hasn't it oh my goodness wow these are all movies there's so much money here and cds they spent a lot of money on cds didn't they they got some good ones in here somebody will want to buy this whole thing you know somebody will want to buy that whole thing okay any money let's see sometimes there is sometimes there's not no i think we got some clothes over here guys we won't go through that just to save time but um i did notice over here one of the things when i was looking at this unit harley-davidson made in the united states it's a vintage harley-davidson shirt so they've got a harley in here you gotta look out for concert t-shirts stuff like that but this is a harley so it's like an easy it's like an easy 20 bucks 25 bucks right there just one shirt a lot of these are older so we'll have to look through these i don't miss anything guys is it a mountain dew shirt yeah which by the way is one of my favorite drinks when i'm not on a diet old navy columbia jacket in the green there's a columbia oh okay okay making some money over here wow wow this is nice it's now it's not a lot of money it's actually newer nfl so i mean honestly 25 bucks still but there's 50 bucks just close close close getting the feeling that this is all and different things in there okay oh we didn't check this box did we should we check that box i don't think so i don't remember we might have oh no we didn't there is a ton of shoes in here and they're in pretty good shape a lot of dc's in here texas i don't know yeah it looks brand new never used they've got a great we've been finding a lot of shoes lately in units you know isn't it that looks like it's never [Music] yeah i'm not trying that there's no way i'm gonna get on that thing video go viral be breaking my neck oh man is this not your unit or what christmas star wars and they're brand new oh my gosh got the tags just a ton of you know how you sold the vintage um yeah elves that's the new version okay let's put that christmas back we get too much christmas christmas uh oh you know what that means movies yep oh my god it looks still you can yeah yeah this is something else that's cool already it's all is this all books yep these are all books oh okay graham adventures would love these books okay i hope personal photos will keep those down all their shoes are in really good shape oh my goodness he's cool these guys can sell actually there's probably like a classroom yeah there we go hey hello hit the thumbs up button guys hit the thumbs up button hit the thumbs up button yeah he's pretty cool and he'll sell i'll put him over here i might actually put him on my desk i might keep i would keep him for a little while he's kind of cool and i can teach the kids maybe that's what i'll do i'll teach the kids that's that's although don't let him touch it because i'll probably rip his arm off okay this is kind of a random box guys okay you get toys toys toys doorknobs dude these little cameras can be worth money oh this one is fantastic condition wow let's look this guy up so i'm saying when storage units when things are going well things are going good you can make some money guys these flip phones are worth money security special maybe an officer another camera okay it's in there i'm gonna rubble oh no no okay so look at that thing what's up what what i don't know oh that's a um speaker i think yeah that's kind of cool this is a jam joker joker okay let's kill it so i'm thinking this is books by how heavy it is yep oh my goodness oh yeah kids books and there's a lot of them wow they're in great condition did you hear her yes wow okay i think i lost my camera person okay so let's go ahead and ruin this we will it's hot by the way it's hot it's actually not as bad as we've had before okay let's see oh did we already oh things if you want to be a vamp all right a bunch of never in there but honestly there's some that surprised me in the scene i don't know well the cases themselves sometimes if you keep them in good condition they'll sell apple cases turning jewelry in there nope it's all costume oh okay a little oh is that i thought that was for a little dog that that was like a thong or something it's like a leash we're gonna kind of work our way guys we'll get some of this done and then we'll go back to the back and work our way there some more shoes those ones seem a little better it's still not bad yeah his head knocked off this guy's kind of cool candy bowl that's what he is okay let me put this over here in the truck you can tell they haven't been in here in a while because there's spider webs kind of like on the boxes okay toys no this this is a massive box juice this little lot of toys hey the rocking yeah there's a lot of toys in here okay we won't go through all these toys just to save the time okay we do have the saddle guy oh look at this that is a real wow that's a big tv and it's hiding in there and it's man it's in great condition it's a sony that's a 50 oh no that's got to be a 65 inch tv wow that will sell that's a quick hundred dollars right there we also have the saddle i think this is the english saddle it could be wrong um i need to brush up on my saddles it's also got a oh no this is a oh my gosh this is a kit you write it on here this could be worth some money guys here hold this honey i'm gonna bring that over i thought you're gonna ride it i don't know if i can i'm too heavy okay okay this is for kids to get them going that's kind of cool wow we might be able to sell this thing for 200 bucks probably you know might this might be a 200 deal this may have just almost paid almost close to paid for the unit huh wow made some money look at that face that's a money face i'm joking guys i keep saying money remember i'm in business but it is cool to find awesome stuff okay some robes we'll put these robes over here this looks like stuff that they didn't they didn't have a chance to uh wash this is all clothes oh okay so somebody worked for comcast believe it or not this is like a 35 dollar jacket because a lot of people that company logos especially like this is a heart um really nice work jacket this is a 35 bill all day long people like comcast is going to want to buy this now you got to be there's some companies that you can't sell their logos so you got to check on that but that's a pretty nice find right there before we get anywhere let's see what's in here oh my gosh goodness this thing's heavy [Applause] there's books or this is amanda's books okay let's not even go through that what yeah we ain't got time for that okay all right so this is all clothes and they're actually pretty good clothes in here some not so good but pretty good good moving right along to the back of the unit so let's show that i see a big monkey got some more clothes in here guys that's quick silver there's some good clothes let's see how good you are i'm horrible at it actually pretty cool though they're not worth the time but look at this guy this is a massive monkey guys anybody want this monkey it's all yours it's a huge monkey i'm guessing toys wait wait okay i was like is it gonna be oh that was just hiding it's probably not real um it's pretty shiny to be real but i mean it just goes to show you got to look through everything you know yeah and it's brand new some brand new okay that's all close except awesome personal personal stuff in there okay now is this going to be toys thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 14,656
Rating: 4.9453125 out of 5
Keywords: STORAGE BATTLES, Public Storage, Abandoned Storage Unit, public storage auction, storage, self storage, storage unit, storage units, self-storage, storage space, storage facility, storage wars, storage rooms, auctioneer, storage wars clips, storage wars full episodes, storage hunters, auction hunters, treasure hunting, storage lockers, storagewars, abandoned storage, storage unit finds, abandoned places, found money, wades ventures, 2020 auctions, 2020 storage units, videos
Id: zZ1U-iS3I4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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