SUPER CREEPY EXPENSIVE FIND! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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welcome back a treasure hunt they would to use guys that we were at a storage facility but I'm a little nervous look Ohio we are we bought this unit online and I did not realize how high this freakin storage unit was it's all the way up here third level ups but anyway we paid $60 for this unit without further than do let's get digging [Music] alright guys so we're gonna go through this the best is possible first things first somebody sent me gloves into p.o box like really expects a glove so you know what I feel bad not wearing them but they didn't leave any no they didn't leave any name they leave any address they put the return address in our Peele box so we got some mystery gloves but you know what everyone's did bother me about it like crazy so let's wear them let's start going through it what's in the purse it's gonna be kind of hard to do it really is I guess I would honestly probably wasn't a bid on this if I knew where it was so this is gonna be like a pain like crazy to record but this is just a photo album with pictures in answer that will take it back up there before we leave today we actually won two units today but we'll probably only get a chance to do one up here these are all pictures as well this whole purse might be falling nothing with pictures so looks like it literally just tons and tons of pictures in here so we'll probably keep the purse but we'll make sure we'd take your pictures back definitely it depends on the first what kind of purse is it the co never heard of that LAN Co any brand purse never heard of that one yet but like I said we'll go through the more detailed make sure we don't give anything valuable this is the reason I wanted to bid on it right here there's two laptops right here a really old Dell one you look like the one that used to be in high school computer lab it's running a Core 2 and Windows XP so not the most up-to-date computer but still app top even the old ones like this you still get $20 if they don't work if it works probably still get 30 to 40 if not like really expensive but there wasn't one there was two laptops in here this looks just like the one I used to have when I was in high school this one's running Windows seven actually it hasn't i3 I mean stuff above that is still crappy today's standards but that could be a decent lot of time if it works where you have to come across like a good working laughs now we got some newer ones but they have issues like a cracked screen or something like that so let's hope this one has two good computers by the way I'm just gonna stack these up here this is just a box full of painting supplies I don't want to move it it's just paint paint crush it like that roller so we're gonna put the computers over here we're just gonna get everything out here after were done recording because it's just too much right now this is complicated you can't tell look at this though what is that I look like a breast implant gracious I don't know where that is disinfect it all right I'll do that that's what it is this whole tote looks like a bathroom tennis shot rubber gloves tissues sponges lotions paper towels just enough that's all it's a nasty toothpaste more Kleenex nothing this is so complicated to record this looks like it's gonna be Christmas decorations maybe it's like that in a second but we see things like these they go on the table these are from the Dollar Tree I think we we got these before for something they're only a box but still pull the decorations don't look crazy yes maybe we can use them tablecloth yeah it's like somebody kind of planned a party but they didn't actually get to go through with this so yeah that's all if any man there's those there's little cups games and stuffing frogs and war party decorations that's all up in there this bag looks like medical stuff I see medical tape mature there's Haven it is like I might be more decoration to sometime I'm not sure sliding okay this one's just a whole bunch of random who knows what these are the kind of I like what is that that is break something more paint rollers or the actual rolling part of it we'll put it over there oops do you know what that is a buy one get one McDonald's keep on yeah it's probably expired how long yeah let's see let's see 2016 a little past date there's some gift card in here looks like though Starbucks and some other places Big Apple coaster RK that's definitely gonna be somewhere in New York let's see some wire let's have this gift card aside cuz Starbucks at least amount go there but at least give it to somebody for something on it these more photo albums yeah this is some of these baby album so this unit so far what else we got going on here broken picture this is like it looks like something you find in a barber shop almost like different type of eyelashes and things like that is it a jacket it's weatherproof what is it thick overall overall the brand is weatherproof so weatherproof overall weatherproof overall not a slider that something ought to look up again because I'm not too sure that's going on everywhere this is a rough guy this is rough heck of that say Brooke you know Brooke hina or something that a whole bunch of cards which I mean they won't let you out of places wanting to take these back as returns because they're like they're just cards they really only want you to return pictures and it really sentimental things but to me at least cards are somewhat sentimental especially like I keep one from family over to the past away I have for years I mean that can be sentimental so we'll try to return them we'll see what we get another purse this one is expressions NYC doesn't look like it's in the greatest of condition it's full of freaking confetti go I hate confetti Oh some really beat-up nike air oh they supposed to look like this I don't know but look on the inside they're missing the soles they have no lace and they're definitely not in the greatest shape but maybe we can put some laces in if I can't tell if they're like designed like this and they're just cracked up really bad well figure that I only get home I guess a doorknob and so what we do this far right here doorknob let's put it all about their baby phone if we can find the other one either the copper ones too last time we sold the adult pair for like $120 within a week of finding so we do find another one of these that'll pay for the unit probably it looks like kid sized us so it might be worth significantly less I'm not a pair of that here's the other Nike it's heavy though either cuz I have it or something came in here no I just I don't know it's like abnormally have you first ship this one of them feel like like for some reason this one feel significantly heavier than this one but it looks the same there's no soul or anything in it but that is strange that is very strange I almost want to like rip it apart I feel like there's something hidden in here not seeing well not that I see there it is humming boom so they are missing shoelaces but any look so the shoelaces might actually end up being in the bag or the phones too but a little pair of bronze phones right there and I bet you that's worth at least 50 $60 maybe more I'm not sure all kids sons I never came across them and kid yet hey even there's the souls to the knife answer yourself other fellows missing the souls they are so they might be in the bag as well little purses and wallets this is the brand as LOV Louella it says for target I hope that means it doesn't come from partying is cheap but maybe we got this one this one feel they got a little bit more weight to it though oops and track receipt Big Buddha brands but there nothing in it that's the area now unfortunately I like always I have a said at this time I will go through the stuff in more detail when we get it home well this is some high high heels let us see what this brand is Jessica Simpson she under Brent home brand of shoes so it looks like it says to me doesn't it yeah I think I know she had her own brand of shoes I don't know if they're expensive stuff like literally as far as brand I just learn as I find I don't know any of this stuff if I found him and sold him a couple times I might know but I'm still learning a lot this one says call it spring it's another high heel though that's a Jessica one yeah so we got a pair of those hopefully those have some value to it if always if as always if you know let me know in the comments for sure well we haven't is a little vanity here with the lawn so probably like yeah like five or set off and some mascara nothing of any real value under this little good bag more salon stuff doesn't look like much of anything else we'll try to scoot around and keep going thief stuff this is getting hard get this over and what do that I think I seen this chef look at his chest up here dad anything's interesting but looks like a really old doll here but the plastic is coming off terribly look at this I mean it's barely even attached so I know that it would definitely hurt the value a lot with these are some of those things also that I mean how firstly in the value of but I know some of these porcelain dolls are worth a ridiculous amount of some of them are dirt cheap so it's gonna be something like they looked up but kind of the plastic I'm probably gonna go to the cheap side in the chest another call a really creepy looking doll oh look at that that is weird I don't see any markings anywhere on her definitely that doesn't even feel it feels more plastic than porcelain there's some individual drawers over here too they're empty so nothing in here let the doll that's a strange maybe she has some value someone in recognizing this let me know in the comments I don't see any markings on the feed on the back of the dress the head or anything so this has pleasant company on him to own the chest I don't know if that's the doll or their de storing the doll in the Chester chest colander the doll somebody uh needs questions right now want to be here the helicopter the microphone right now I feel like it's so close to me alright now let's do get a person here big one looks like it's the only full of bag or books though there's a few cases in here it's at all couple of UT's Fat Albert comedians and some other stuff let's see mostly books from what I see in the purse doesn't have a brand on it somewhere not that I see but it doesn't look expensive as a really dirty - so how much value to this looks like back of a chair doesn't it other than that we have a Matt bunch of Tupperware so nothing too interesting this is getting interesting hmm I feel stuck and this is all shoes it looks like sex yeah yeah what is this made of bottle caps that's pretty creative it looks like a lot of dress shoes they're not seeing any like good shoes as far as I know I mean these could be valuable obviously but I know the value more so regular shoes instead of dress shoes this looks like Tim's don't they're got their logo it's hard to see any I don't how much like so I'd be a pair of some type of tombs there's also more purses down here or dress clothes maybe a lot of dress clothes in here there's also this is getting really complex guys dunno then we'll get it out we'll do a recap we get home but I also found this little wallet in here so I wanted to look at it looks to be empty there's another front pocket this is a Fendi brand FB NBI but from what I can see it also looked empty we'll go into more detail to get home I'm literally balancing this my shoulder right now last thing we got though is this bag here does have a decent amount weight to it so let's see we got what you're closing it that way can't see [Music] well take it from me guys it's nothing but tau so you might have some value in clothing might not we're gonna have to somehow get this stuff out of here get into the car and then will you get home with you or you can let you know what we got so see you then alright guys so let's do a recap of this video cuz there's a lot of sweet stuff in here so what I'm not gonna show you guys this because it would take just way too long was a bunch a huge pile of different clothes and purses nothing there was like overly priced like most of it was between 5 and 20 dollar pieces but we probably got about 6 or 7 pair of dress shoes they'll go from Poshmark for probably five to twenty bucks apiece on those we also got about five purses it'll also go on posh bright for about the same thing five to 20 bucks or so a piece but that's about it there's also a Ralph Lauren um brand new shirt on there that had a forty five dollar price tag on it so that's the extent of most of the clothes but show you another cool things that it find there was another pair of Nikes in there that are practically brand new looking - again the shoelaces erm I don't know why I took all the shoelaces but we do have a few pair of shoelaces that were in the bag so I'll put them on there see what we got but you saw the phone cause it's all the other Nikes these were also in there those are poems I don't know are they look on the back of me no no all right the phone technically on L'Orange I'm not sure I'm not sure that but this is one little thing that was definitely hitting in there to not see it looks like a Louboutin wallet now I'm not really one ever said sure if this is real or fake or not so maybe somebody point me in the right direction last time we had on everyone's eye yeah it looks real looks real to ended up being fake so I don't really know but here's the inside of it anyone be able to tell obviously Louie Vuitton wallets lose how anything is wait wait wait hi I mean these new I've seen a woman live for like six $700 so used if it's real it probably also be worth a good amount but it does have some damage as you can see right here on the buckle it's pretty being that the corners there pretty banged up which kind of leads me to think it's probably not real because a lot of people told me if it's a real Louie whatever it'll last forever it probably won't take that kind of damage stuff it might end up being fake but even the fakes do sell for at decent I mean obviously nowhere near like an authentic one but so the latest would probably still fetch twenty to forty bucks even if it's a fake when it goes real I guarantee even use it be like 100 to 250 but the biggest thing in this whole freaking thing right now I'm also pret to mention the laptop you're charging but we didn't have time to actually see if they cut on or not but they do light up so hopefully they do work I'll let you know in the next video but the biggest thing was this doll thing so I looked up just this great this cradle alone is selling on eBay for $100 plus mostly around 150 obviously this one has some damage gonna I don't know what that is I don't want to touch you because it could be something weird but that's on it with the crave is worth $150 so this is why I want to show this to you guys cause I really need assistance on this if anyone's familiar because dolls is definitely not my field of expertise but we have the box here that I got status only for 150 and then the doll inside all these dolls are selling for like the biggest range I just don't know very much familiar let me know let me open it up wind really quick with the drawers back in the inside I stuff is complete in the dolls some of these the lowest I see this brand doll selling for was like fifty to sixty dollars but some of this brand I mean just the doll about a box were selling for hundreds of dollars I mean like three four hundred dollars so again I set this in the unit but again if anyone has any idea please let me know um I guess determining value on this or they know a value anything like that because I just have no idea like I said I picked up but it looked like a creepy doll to me but family they're extremely valuable and it's an old brand so I don't know what was it called again something Pleasant on the front of course can you see it on the camera Pleasant come yeah Pleasant company kind of sideways but apparently these are the boxes these doll used to come in a while back I've just been trying to look at this stuff up myself recently and this blew my mind this could be like I said a four to five hundred dollar fine if this doll is a rare one I just don't know how to tell they don't have any markings anywhere else any markings on the inside on the head the feet I don't know how to tell which one it is I don't know if they have specific names that are worth more so if anyone's familiar with these please let me know guys cuz that could be a huge profit right there but even if the dolls back of box aren't worth to too much we still did fairly good on the unit I'm definitely still happy we got it cuz even over the way up in the air was kind of scary but this is the big thing that means this could make it a huge profit and the other stuff would mean with just the other thing it'll still make a couple hundred bucks off the unit which isn't bad but that could be like I said four to five hundred dollars so if you have any information please let me know in the comments but that is gonna be it so thank you so much for watching the video don't forget that tomorrow we're gonna another storage unit coming up hopefully we'll even one more than that there's a couple more they go off in DC so fingers crossed we win more than the other one we have like three to five this week that's what we're hoping for but the minimum we at least have one more so thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy make sure leave a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe 1 profit treasure huntin videos every single day of the week maybe want to follow us on our social media links if you want click the links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 37,573
Rating: 4.9294286 out of 5
Keywords: storage locker auction finds, best storage locker auction finds, storage locker auction edmonton, storage locker auction millions, storage locker, storage locker auctions, storage locker drugs, storage locker finds, storage locker opening, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction locker, storage lockers best finds, storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, i bought an abandoned storage unit, real storage auction, real storage wars, storage
Id: yT4LzKtCnoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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