I Bought A CRAZY CRIMINALS Storage Unit And Made BIG MONEY! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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ready here we go one hmm let's see what's in there you ready well I'm a genius guys doin' back here I got $100 highest scary store dude it's so if you didn't see part one make sure you go back and check that up really watch this one are also a lot this is gonna make zero sense to you so make sure you check out part one first but we only paid $100 for it we're already way way beyond that it's just part one we have so much more to go through so let's get into it don't forget to like the video subscribe if you do let's go holy just where we left off looks like we didn't even touch nothing we were on a decent loan home last night you know life's tough as a 5x5 you ready to get back into it yeah do it so they're bringing us down yeah wait to you in text what I open I'll pull straight where I'm impatient all right I'm trying to get into it all right what is that nice little jacket mm is on it yeah that's kind of cool NASCAR jacket money right hopefully jh Denson yeah that let's hope some money value well jeans close and close up not sure the jackets work but the other clothes we stopped like a dollar piece so $10 plus whatever that's worth I'm not really to share right now so much pop is right a potato chip Leslie we go long shirts goofy purses forget long Sheriff what is this okay we'll figure that on a second that's a I don't know a brand but I guess I'll see what we got inside that's what's important a tennis racket in a purse all right there this is definitely a first for us do you ever find a tennis racket in a purse bad been badminton whatever it is same jumped to me I'm playing you look at those eyes that's kind of creepy do you think there's no batteries anticipate pop it but I only like the og Bobby none of this weird stuff just to speed twist it pull it stop it not this imposter i stuff more weird stuff okay this is kind of isn't it weird like what is this for I think you found something like that before those face masks motorcycle ones I'm up there motor necessary the motorcycle but I think it's with the loss and we found more hmm not seeing anything else that looks interesting in this purse but there any little secret compartments by the way there's the brand it's an expressions NYC don't know if that holds any value but yeah I'm gonna say anything else right now we do have other stuff like this discussed up in it take it figure out into it's probably make a bag it looks like no it's got some vape stuff and cards and I'm not really too sure yeah perfume okay nice little randomness that guess some more for money the first make sure we don't have like a coach or a Prada or anything like that in here that's the whole Navy is definitely not that the white one looks nice but like brand les no brand on it so nothing too expensive pls have some hidden here which a not and then we bag is all about brand don't see nothing in it eat it no nope empty bag and then we have the California Republic little bag okay definitely was a long shirt it's kind of really random box but let's keep on going all right so we pulled out two totes here this one right here just blankets and pillows so we're not gonna go through it but then we got this sucker right here on top of it we're just gonna keep you just up at the table it's not a very sturdy table but it's a table and this is just a pillow sheet full of clothes this is another book bag nothing in it what is that a hex robotic then look it's all in the package still it's pretty much brand new mmm just really really beat a box but it's in there strange what is that might be a piece to it maybe my favorite not always check these hands and now make sure they're not staff hands always taking up and stuff what is that no thanks filter says there's other badminton thing - what are these shoes they don't have a brand either a couple bucks appear at the flea market no it's been really exciting here this is maybe a five dollar little box nothing great now we're gonna answer one of the questions are and that is what's in the ammo crate let's see really nice by the way you sell for like 5 $10 thousand California our dish is 19 alert yeah a 1911 oh maybe that's not the best idea there's live ammunition in there a fishing reel I don't even know what that is and a freaking really really really well there goes that mystery let's see what this is what is that Ellen from area 51 ok like two markers and a lighter nothing really in there nothing and nothing wow that was kind of anti-climatic don't forget we still have a super little trunk in there which they'll have whatever is in that lockbox in the back too so there's still a lot more mystery and we're gonna figure it all out so we just pulled out what it's obviously definitely not a tent in there so let's see what we have [Applause] it was saw husky saw - that's cool school sells really well for us what is this thingy I think this hooks onto a propane tank yeah all right pump we always sell these for a couple bucks every time we play market DVDs we'll add to our collection of DVDs they never sell a hammer salt must be big money what a quarter you see it's what the Dean is all about right there and I think it's really back and bonito yeah so kind of random king of objects again not too exciting but decent money fitted the tools in there so we got an interesting looking small black bag here it's got a lot of weight to it to be that small what you think we haven't you camera yeah not more tools oh no AMOLED still tools tools tools sell salsa I don't know what they are what they say oh they sell fast I don't even know what the car looks like fliers I don't think doing the door stopper and just gave them little tools go I just like tools because they're small they always sell and they always bring decent money like we said in the first part we only paid 100 bucks for this unit I know I'm pretty sure we have more than that in just our tool so far so we're doing really good so just pull this out this ranch on this guy a good amount of weight to it what do you think we got I have a gas phase than everything else we found tools tools let's see and we got tools oh look at that oh my god I didn't go into the auctions at this like move people it's looks like a freaking laser gun was it'll just plug into a car or something yeah wonderful it's hard to it or if it just have to be plug into work oh no I feel like that's like blinding light yeah I'm feeling you don't have to be plugged in there that's crazy though bunch of screaming always tell these things to like two or three bucks every time we find them randomly people always ask to buy little kits in there right there craftsman variable-speed something what is this let's put this back in there really quick cases that's pretty much missing a few pieces here and there but almost completely just family like socket wrench set open you open well doesn't want to cooperate with me look it's just not cooperating but the top I am this little one here I also got a decent amount of stuff now I'll shut probably buy to it another the whole lot of good tools here I say this is probably won't you even things like $30 at least worth of stuff in there yeah we're doing pretty good guys reconstruct their table you know something a little bit more steadiness and just brought out this blue tote let's see we have this this kind of do we just been passing it around and it's been finally taking it out but it's a nice little dish then we uh purse it looks like with this one is under one sky never heard of it okay personal things chinkyu another drill charger light charger or something the restaurant feel the curtains or something I'm singing out the word thing and whatever that is it goes all the way down so not too exciting I don't know what it's worth but another perks another drone battery it's probably people find another tow full of drills and power tools it just mean more money pull up this red tone that says warm jacks or those are warm jackets they're that having a swarm daggits I've ever felt in my life that's how it was really hard to get out here those are some like brick jacket do something you ready oh yeah more tools okay this is what those things go till we kept finding yesterday we're finally like we are looking batteries I've never seen on a drill before yeah looks like they slide right in here we got our rigid drill looks like all rope and chain what does this thing do hmm no go is it depress it no don't tip along attention corner another pair of jumper cables it looks like a whole reel of wire these knots you sure but we definitely have salton you could good money in schools I can't wait to go take all the tools of the flea market on Monday it's gonna be so easy sale that thing we always make such good money off this stuff guy we got us a really good unit come on our bucks and we still a lot more of it to go so I somewhere here the back of these kind of looked like a motor or hoe so now let me see them they definitely look like probably camera our video I just kind of cool for us this one seen better days this one still has its bulb in and everything and it looks like they take a power cord to plug in and everything let's do be easy power cord to find oh yeah and pliers to get that bulb out yeah easy I don't know how much they're worth but their inner fit x1 50s and I mean we already have camera lights so we'll just sell these probably but hopefully there's some expensive ones because they can get really really expensive really really fast let's hope they're on the expensive side so we'll pull this out another redstone here we actually got three more of these in years so no telling how much stuff we could have how much value we can have let's see we got in this one here comes the kitchen stuff you haven't found it yet in this unit it's always there every year which I've said this before it's not a bad thing and not really a good thing we always get rid of it it always sells but you really only get like a dollar per piece so it's not like big money but it's easy money so with this whole thing I don't want to take every little piece out it's just boring yeah ten dollars for all of it in there so move aside pull another one out so we pull out this black and yellow toe because the other red color over there is like pretty freakin heavy actually so let's do this one off the way first American annual 1968 that's something that value if again a jacket I guess leather jacket here something down here to wrap up wonder why look a little bit plug it in whatever it is I don't really know what it is oh yes it's a laptop oh is it no y-you have confused what are you looks like a really weird laptop me that's a laptop alright what the heck is this Fujitsu should she windows oh wait wait what this I don't know why few jitsu here but is this part right here that what the keyboard isn't it that looks like a Windows tablets you know what this looks like to me like the thing like when you drive by the police cars on the highway and they have that little off in the middle of them and they're sitting there on it when you drive fast I'm like trying to catch speeders that's what that looks like to me if you just do it that's Cameron and makes oh look on the back don't want to look this has a comedian here this has the case this is a pretty sure this is a tablet attached to a keyboard well maybe not because I don't know it's a docking station that's what it says so that yeah this is a tablet or one does tablet that's a good one I don't know what brain army I know it's Windows but I don't know which one it is some of them will be expensive just like and I have half good a bear thank you thank you in good shape too those are pretty nice as a stain right here but that'll come out what size are these boys they're all written in why they're size tens ain't fit no one in our house but we clean them up they might be worse than they look like they could be like a special edition when I see these weird little color combinations like that makes me think that they might be worth more than just to compare shoes Nike that football looks like everything else in here is closed but it could be high-end clothes yes maybe not oh there's the charger brother way so whatever it is laptop tablet whatever we have that that's a good sound we don't need a lot of times you don't find those and when they have to tell the tablets is this laptop is untested with decreasing the value a lot everything else in there is closed so let's say dollar piece for the college is probably 15 things in there 15 bucks plus whatever you for the laptop tablet thingy we don't really know yet could be a good one could be a cheap one so minimum 15 bucks here that could be well you'll see it will pop it up in a screen but then we have Internet technology and let you know so let's go on to the next one coming out I swear they must be storing bricks because it is super heavy see what's in here I sure AM alright what's the behavior makers and speakers oh yeah a da 600 2d digital - chain amplifier know what that is yeah amplifier the last one we found fourth a decent amount so I'll take the front to another CD player another fine horse pop I adore pioneer CD player unfortunately we found yesterday we found one of the 11 really worth much here's another CD players for CD players and radios for card they're horrible now remember in part 1 what we told you making a little bit more sense now most likely I'm pretty sure they obtained these in a legal way but what can you do [Music] a bunch of wire in here so I'll have to go through this one more once we get it home just all over the place we need more room we need the internet so we get home we'll go through it we're gonna do a recap at the end of this wooden let you know so we'll do it then so another red coat here this one does feel like it has the right way to be closed so it's not that heavy you ready yes it is look at another NASCAR junkie the wall this one looks like it could be old doesn't it yeah this one's JH design same as the last one hmm this is the wall instead Amman hymn number 17 who's number 17 who watch his NASCAR eye and I think the last one was number 38 okay I just have surprise I just cannot watch cars drive around for three hours Golden State warrior champion shirt that'll sell easy a lot of jeans jeans are good you can usually have like three dollars for a pair of jeans so they're actually selling really well it's probably like five pairs of jeans in here plus all that stuff I'm gonna say that's at least a $20 total we don't really know the NASCAR jacket to work at this point so at least 20 bucks so this is the last one of those red tote so we've seen in the corner let's see what this one is feel light again so probably yep probably more clothes it doesn't mean anything look at that see it does it process Calvin Klein so there could be some good stuff in here for sure let's look at one of these make sure you don't have like a Burberry or something I don't know they're just light for them also I was looking at the tags just Jack's Jakes so one of those but this one is also close all the way is it a real one I'm standing of all it's a real Jersey chip MLB merchandise right there so that's good there's anything house looks like looks particularly high-end in here Dickies jacket then we saw a little posh mark for like 25 bucks too I think yeah all close again when we do the recap we'll let you know if anything's high and if it's just like dollar flea market stuff but at least if it's all dollar flea market stuff that's at least another 15 bucks but probably since st Giants and Calvin Klein is hit anymore than that all right so we just pulled out the piece of luggage thing here and definitely is locked on both sides as you can see we tried both of them were at Oh 5 the difference number was different so we tried every combination of Oh 5 and none of that work so I think we've a break go the knife hopefully if not I don't really know what to do let's got a finger oh that's good so I try to a lot right like this yeah I do it from this side over here gonna pop it Thomas I'm very protective of this suitcase but it's a lot I think I can get it on there right here I get more of it under there we go strike this yeah yeah come on one let's get this one now try the same method ready mmm Ernest let's see what we have hidden in this crappy protective case okay that's it whatever that is oh yeah I know that's what that is come on man is number four machine it oh they're all that's the whole thing is don't dad this whole thing is pulling those there's like one two three there's a wallet in here for at least six of these thingies in here this is also in there it's probably a booklet on how to use it diary oh yeah we're not reading that very very inappropriate that everything well charge it is anything else in there and I'm also wondering why they're so dirty like they look oh look oh okay so there's probably a good 12 to 15 adult toys in that bag and now I see why you locked it but that's not really helping us when I said before this is gross people have bought these and not I'm not talking new people have bought them well I don't know about these these are kind of nasty maybe they have a fetish I don't know that's just no no what I was expecting now I'm really scared to eventually get into that truck if there's like a giant like 24 inch here I'm gonna cry alright so after that just that experience we'll call it we got this cooler out let's see what we got in here so looks like a Zumba exhilarating kit and that looks to be brand new thankfully those are weights and not you know nothing else so that looks to be brand new put that over here okay this concept it had to be a joke had to be a couple of guys like Jamie all if I'm gonna get a product guy dude no one's gonna buy that and here we are like ten years later I just don't believe anything else another one of these robotics kits now if you look at them they're actually in like plastic bags so I'm kind of scared to sell them on eBay they'll probably be a flea market items because we just don't know right now let's see yeah DVD player portable DVD player and it's all there is this all you can use ago what there's not the actual thing itself think it's the DVD player I hope no telling them why are these people okay that's the DVD player and their headphones into it alright you're just like right a be on those and selling like your own Briana right the headphones yeah yeah it's just put a be on let's just get the tab the screen and put an apple on it sell it for 500 people in politics Bruno the quality good fruit so and that's really not we got oh oh my gosh I used to love this game on PlayStation 2 25 to life and it's not even a you know what way to ruin my day way to ruin my day what else do we got some chicken broth mmm-hmm probably nice got that cool spider seasoning I think we got a lot of clothes of ESD yeah blankets pillows things like yeah that's all it's in the cooler nothing too interested in there looked like it was cooler than it was but what can you do get down to the end of the unit guys it looks like we have what is cooler a mini freighter it's just probably good twenty thirty dollars that Bluto then lastly that old trunk which I'm just so curious to get into let's start with the cooler we got out all right this thing what is it oh oh every second camera go away for a second let me use this bubble wrap to grab it and just you know don't need no more tea how many do you need like 50 like a pump yeah 20 at this point why why why all I can say is why all right we got a satellite find there look at this interesting looking what is that oh nothing beautiful okay penny that's a whole bag of money yes we made a big office unit guy that's at least a dollar maybe we don't need a dollar we got little lantern flashlights probably a micro one doesn't look too exciting if we find anything that's worthwhile you know I'll show you in the recap at the end but as it now looks like a bunch of junk and I'm honest the continuity with my hand right so that's just more the next thing so we just want the blue tone here extremely heavy I don't want to put it on the rad coasters I'm scared it'll break those so let's see what's in there oh wow more tools it was a guest this is a unit full of adult toys and tools I know men and women yeah I guess we'll go through these at home and most likely it looks like a bunch of just everyday tools a couple dollars a piece or something like that but I say the least proud at least if it's all cheap junk thirty dollars in that box but I think now it's time let's see it in the chest so we pull the trunk out it is definitely extremely extremely old there's actually like red like writing on it and what we can make out it says 2nj ka SS Railway Express 615 West 45th Street in New York New York and the rest of it it's definitely gonna hear a PIR a EBS grease maybe it's a city in Greece I have no idea to age it is trunk there's gonna be worth a fortune in art get to see ya down here's a j-3 from writing to write I don't know but very well be like something worth a lot of money but is actually an antique shop like literally pointing us to my house so oh cool we'll go in the air see if they know what it's a if it's worth anything let's see what's in there you ready yes yeah it looks like Jim Oh careful we're letting it I thought I was putting it down so softly the pistol case at first let's see no schools like a heater doesn't it definitely mildewy but pair of binoculars and a flashlight it's the one I saw besides the pennies check those out they say Laurel eight eighty five thirty field 8.5 number three one to eight that's be really old to you can actually see it through another car wash choking and nickel some random change all right we have a heater just for you you know a nice little baseball bat just for you deluxe auto starter a toolbox tackle box see what's in these I guess it's looking here first adventure model 14 997 it's actually a tackle box there's some fishing lures and things like that in there grab some value and then we have this little thing just ran a tool so inside not much value but maybe it's in very very rough shape but maybe the trunk has some value we'll let you know if it does but I'm just not too sure right now but anyway that's all I got in the you know we got to pack it all up and get it home and once we go through it we'll do a recap and let you know what we figured out so see you then alright guys welcome to the recap we came came home and went through everything in the van pulled it out this is it from this one unit all of this right here is it except for this stuff but this whole crate right here is all the clothes so I'm gonna quickly go through this stuff and hopefully you guys can help me out with some of the prices on these things and then I'll talk about the trunk and the tools a little bit so this right here is a Diwali NASCAR I guess I don't I don't know just jacket it is the it's number 17 and by JH design and it's a 2x out yeah to XL and this is another one this is number 38 whoever drives Eminem and that is also the JH design this right here is just the guest jacket it looked to be in pretty good condition but again couldn't find this jacket or price on it this jacket right here was the one where the laptop with the door the tablet with the docking station was wrapped up in and I've never heard of this brand Susan Bristol and this is a size small it doesn't feel like any I mean it's soft but it doesn't feel like anything special this is the Dickies jacket overall I mean I guess like normal wear from working but I mean overall pretty good condition there's only a few black stains on it and like he said in the video we sold the last Dickies jackets for like 20 bucks or something like that and that had stains galore so hopefully we can get more than probably about 40 bucks for that one here is the Calvin Klein jacket pretty much brand new condition no stains no tears it is an Excel is a pretty nice jacket I mean I could probably wear it but I don't like wearing stuff like that I'd rather just have a hoodie this book right here we didn't really look into either but it is just a the American annual in 1968 and didn't know if it had any odds encyclopedia of it events probably not gonna have any value then but the book kind of look old but it just really looks like an encyclopedia psy might have not any value inside the cover right here it says $12 so that might be about what it's worth maybe like a $5 book and then I did keep a few pairs of jeans too to look up the brands these Beibei jeans but I've seen them at Ross before urban pipeline again these are all gonna be posh mark stuff any clothes gone Poshmark these are Rustler these are brands that I've never heard before besides baby and this right here was pretty cool this just reminded me of all those stones that we found when we were in California the last time it says gold stone on the bottom and it looks really cool how some weight to it so if you guys know the price of this let me know these are here I'm assuming are not a special edition but maybe maybe could get 15 20 bucks out of it because they've been written on the outside and on the inside this is the card heart Jackie from last time I also found a couple of San Francisco Giants I believe yeah they're baseball team this is this jacket right here and the San verse and of all Jersey that we found today so those are going to be quick sellers for sure and then over here these are some crates of random tools right here random tools right there and right there and then the mini-fridge again probably I don't know afford 30 40 bucks on the mini-fridge but overall we're gonna take all the tools and go to the flea market a few of them I think maybe this reciprocating saw has more value so we might set that one aside for like local list but all the other ones have I don't know truck probably like up to $40.00 in value so I mean most of them will go for 5 up to 20 but probably honestly 5 to 10 bucks on each of those so overall this unit was priming pretty good I mean we only got it for a hundred bucks and even just looking around here I see tons and tons of profit so I cannot wait for the flea market on Monday all right guys all that being said we hope you enjoyed this video if you did leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunter videos all the time if you do wanna follow us on social media link so you're gonna be on screen or click the links on description below make sure you fossum whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 65,279
Rating: 4.8658404 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a crazy criminals storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a crazy criminal, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker
Id: 8_gOHSop-XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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