I Bought A Vintage Storage Unit And MADE BANK! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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welcome back to training with Jebus guys that we just picked this up another storage unit right here this one went off online a lot cheaper that thought of what we paid $150 for this unit just in the pictures we can see a record player you can see record you see a drone box it looks like patio furniture and do not throw that cheap I put my bit to family you think it would be in the deal 150 how do you beat that don't forget to like this video subscribe if you're new let's get into it [Music] let's start going through here first thing we got vacuum cleaning well dirty but you'd be good look it up if it's expensive on a salad face it marketplace usually just like the fifty sixty dollar ones you get like five or ten bucks pieces though play market and we have one and okay first let's give a table up okay little table here those kind of tables five bucks tops right there no way use this yeah sounds like a desk it's a it's a patio table and inside my grandparents used to have one it's pretty cool that might go with the rest of it so again I say actually if it's part of this set well sell is a set how do you furniture goes like this out here so fast he's second we hosted it within 30 minutes we have like 11 people were spawned into it last time sold it for a hundred twenty in like minutes yes is the weather so nice yeah I never we were trying to find patio furniture yep every time we got a chance as a dawn yep another vacuum full white buff these down with the wipe and we'll get either like set twenty five and ten bucks apiece warm so not bad and I just kinda got sacked that's all it's fall no empty well that was kind of one of the reasons I wanted to fit on this but it didn't maybe it's in one of the box those totes I don't know I'm pretty sure it's gotta be some mystery in here something's down we'll figure it out as we go man five bucks in guys hi how's it going how's it going oh thanks for watching that's so nice of you well maybe not that's a blanket I thought it was a fur coat or something look at that thank you yeah well I wonder what it is you're tired on it oh I don't see one now what a high-quality blank aries there yeah we'll look it up more when we get home there's gonna be some working on it somewhere I still feel like looking to it right now what is this to fill out oh they're 49ers things looks like old though doesn't it yeah it does run again yeah three XL turd little tag down here yeah let's see it doesn't really tell us when I was made though hmm definitely something we look up for a Poshmark ebay since we're right like two hours and a half from San Francisco that stuff sells what are we go from here this yeah water bottles that's the issue of California since you can like turn them in for a nickel apiece whatever I go a lot of units just have bags and bags of water well I guess there's like Steve I'm like one day we'll go and turn them all in and get like $7 but they never actually do so we just have them there another gas can we sold the last bit of foundry book like right away to people buy them a lot what else what else should we do um let's just get some of these jackets oh this one yeah but be careful I thought this was probably holding now so just because we got loving leathers good thing get up hanger get to hang off the string and it's got a lantern to attach to you know it's a bright leather jacket dollar yeah this the brand is let's see Oh Sergio Benigni hey sounds Italian it does nothing in the pocket you're not them but I'll talk with an expensive leather jacket leather jackets are usually at least like 20 bucks so that's good hopefully it's more now so we also got this one looks like a work jacket well some just fell out but this is a what does that say impermeable it's weatherproof so might be like a work jacket or something along those lines coatsy usually good seller student what is this it fell out of there probably more water bottles pull up math Halloween that's creepy that is oh there's ninja turtles in there to hold on a ninja turtle mask and whatever kind of mask that is there's another one too it's like something from the purge bear or werewolf or something and some glasses all right cool bad I guess let's see he's like a turtle beach turtle beach gaming headset I don't know how new these ones are these are XO fours they're not in that graded condition either but we'll test them to see if they work turtle beaches are usually expensive they are kind of getting older and outdated outlet let's hope they're still worth something can i express my opinion nice to do it forward anyone that I know sure candle smell good smell it guys the hangar went like under there somewhere I don't know how that happened I'm gonna say something for birds these are like zip-tied I don't know maybe other pieces in there as a whole look Larry King yeah definitely looks like bird over there barricades there maybe expensive actually I hope near the bottom it's like metal a cast iron yeah t-shirt another blanket yeah there's another one of those fur blankets under the chair see it's yeah this might be our close knit socks goes not a blanket right it's like it's feels like real fur it was different it's different on this side yeah why don't they could be real fur something went to look up somehow all right so we start pulling chairs out you think yeah well we're gonna get that box down all right I'm gonna grab that box so we got the box down Oh let's see we got in it I never seen one that like that wide right here yeah me neither it's a 155 to AV Carver oh the ab corner mm-hmm patent pending yeah perfect AB Carver mine are already perfect you know forget the six-packs all about the keg all right six packs are overrated be something good one jet Teflon yeah size large all right let's see what else we got just a bunch of clothes nothing too exciting in that box just clothes what is this just travel Smith nothing good nothing good if there's junky bag now else we get to we're gonna move the chairs now let's get these chairs out the way what's up guys hope you're having a wonderful day let's get into more stuff so we're pulled on this first we got in here looks like just closed but I see a tag looks like that Hardy is it $9 enjoy it it's pink angel speed jump rope oh man hey I still try it where's pairs of jeans in here nice a brand kallu euro never heard of it you need it some jeans can go for decent amount yeah I think we're needing this and I'm so glad we didn't go to 250 on this it look better than it was this is like brands I never seen surplus collection lrg yeah me too anyway that's all cash of the trip chairs one of those dad this one looks like it's like angled right here whatever but these chairs super sturdy super good wicker and on the bottom cents $65 so I don't know if they're like old vintage and they're worse $65 our piece or the set it was was $65 that one is worth zero that particular got here more clothes but most of these look like they have ties honor that's good here's a brand new pack of bras no bras are pretty expensive and a brand there like this it should be an easy sell I don't know how much right now hopefully something cuz this unit is not looking very good I don't know scarf all right but yeah Marshall sticker there's still $39 yeah that's decent season they here Ralph Lauren fields oh cool cool dad I'm really mad if I paid 250 for this it's got a tag I sure tried to get it dirty my hands already journey $45 cold water yes there we go this is a good wash mark or ebay stuff depending yeah we'll see does not but we had a whole bag and Nuala tag there's one more thing down here it's like heavy there's another Coldwater Creek yes so that could have some value too not bad not bad all right let's get into the next clothes bag so this bag so we can't I see more tagged clothing right yeah I'm just gonna start pulling out because I don't take time to do that so this is icon apparel do we look like looks yeah it looks like there might even a pressure here what's like washed off at this point but this is just pair leggings that um just pull just a couple things that's even from another tagged thing here we go yeah aqua Soleil swimwear and 30 bucks chill this is where is this Center I don't know what store but originally 119 then the 30 then 215 let's hope it's going up in value okay yeah and I see another tag item here so we definitely have to go through this but I do see a lot of our Ross tags this has no price and then here's one the Ross tag will probably be the last thing I pull out of here real quick we'll show you in the recounting c-diff again this Ross twenty bucks mister I mean new with tags and then I could probably still get 15 to 20 on Poshmark or eBay for those oh yeah so let's set this aside and then I want to get the TV off of here all right brought the TV down so it looks like we have a little TV we have a VHS player attached to it actually it looks like they put like sticky tape or something right here to attach it cuz I don't know if it comes attached this is a little cricket crooked cricket uh and then a little table which looks to be stayin laughs on the other end so that's out I want everything supposed to come up and see if we can find that I remember that's good yeah so this is a look at the front Magnavox ac/dc remote never I'm not gonna say never seen one of these before but I have no idea that value so they see if I could turn it around here's some more info on the back hmm it's definitely not supposed to go together they just stuck it together this is an emerson VHS player this is Magnavox TV all right so no idea on the value of that but let's get it unhooked from this table real quick and the table looks pretty cool I don't know the age or price on something like this but check this out oh wow so that is pretty cool and on storage why they would call this vintage crazy I don't know looks all I don't know vintage so you guys gotta help me out with that I don't know if something on the bottom makes a vintage or not there's no writing or anything but don't look cool so two things fishing little tank thing is down definitely looks like a fish tank but it looks like I got like a filter the rocks and fish food and maybe get like five bucks for the whole thing this I don't even we have statue-like a mom and a baby they are two people or two people sitting next to each other here the place out there you go $17 a meal it's coming first guys we also got this down which is not old like I thought it was because it has a CD player built in with the record player so yeah it's got one in there too Gregor you're listening to Lex that never heard of that all right but record on the top CD on the bottom we also got a lot of Records I don't want to smash this let's put this in the van and then we'll bring that all the records see if we got some rare Beatles maybe so I know nothing about records so I'm gonna go through a few and you let me know if we think we have anything that could have some value more than like a dollar - we got this and that this one the only person I've heard of doesn't have the record and of course here we go another one and another one and see what we got here this I wish I knew like something about these but I just don't The King and I cat this is from never Family Guy when they did the play King and I know well it's on their cats Stevie Wonder and it's sealed now look I have something piano masterpieces George Winston hard on that come on give me a Beatles the Ron Stewart a roadster if something this one's still steel - this one you think Billy Joe L what Beethoven um well you guys tell me what you think we have here a total value in the records because to me I just don't know and the only ways I know how to do is I look up a piece by piece which could be kind of time-consuming but it's what we got to do assess your side go through all of these no I wouldn't do that what look at this it goes down a lot let's hope Willy's got a couple in there that are worth something because yeah we really got separated it looks so good from the picture they did they did a good job of taking pictures I'll tell you that it looked like we might have got here though we might but as of now not just in the records either yeah but as of now it's not looking to do it so we pull up the suitcase in the corner and it's locked so you know what that means right we got a Bridget that's my favorite part of the job you ready I think it's gonna snap in 1 Paul yes oh did that just break my break like the thing where everything just supposed to turn off the dead yeah so we've been Oh what yeah just that we looked these up on the eBay these are brand-new and yeah look at it it's not even gonna sell for a dollar maybe free let's see you ready oh boy more clothes just what we wanted not literally nothing to value all cheap clothes maybe this little preppy looking sweater David tear that connection - that sounds like a rescue personnel to it it's not really that exciting guys let's go put that away and keep on going the last really exciting for me is this big right thing what is that no idea let's get it out and see so we've pulled out this cheap little table her let's say like what five ten dollars maybe he's probably fine but this is in there - it looks like it should be like a fountain of some sort that's what this looks like a shoot water at maybe but not too sure the only thing what they watch them sure says yeah very good guys not good at all all right guys let's get into this foot resting I think it's a call mom actually but it's dirty shorts yeah it look delicious there's some random stuff at the bottom actually random stuff t-shirt yeah I don't know worth anything or cut off like a hedge job yeah we get it we get it there's a Bible finally find one where somebody hides money in it what flag that one all right [Music] that aside we have everything mr. spray spray room oh right keep that for the van so a little bathroom yeah yeah you think sticky anything in there you haters are sticking together but yeah I don't think so this is gross Lysol you're gonna need it no it's not there yeah I shouldn't have stopped there huh I'm soaked cleaner a blue bag that's definitely empty and aside from that nothing I don't anymore so next so we just pull out this red thing it almost looks like a toolbox or something I don't really know what's it say on the front form B 196 follows function okay yeah oh it looks grody in here and the doors not gonna stay open so all right oh my god I mean that box right there is just all bathroom stuff so that could just go that thing TV with VHS player on the side hopefully there's some reason we started looking to be a just players on eBay they sell for a lot but that would cost you freaking do these [ __ ] that's for sure so I don't know it's weird to like DVD player they're not worth jack squat like that beauty play yeah some of these are worth a lot these VHS DVD combos for some reason I don't know why these sell really easily on eBay I don't know this is one of the models but I'm crossing my fingers it is I had to it so that's good we have VHS at home you could test it three DVD changer alright not too sure they value something like that but so it just holds three DVDs I guess yeah alright so that could be a good box because this this can be worth some money it could be a cheap one it's worth nothing we don't know what we get home we've been research it let's cross our fingers guys hi guys last and final thing we have in this unit besides this this was a clock and a little picture but they're just like I don't know two dollars or so at the flea market but inside this table here we have a few vases that might be cursed it's cursed all I want to say like if it rings after its crystal that's the only thing I've noticed about when people say it is good I'm sorry that was some throw pillows in here which are worthless probably a dollar piece of flea market if people wanted I was a little dirty and then this I'm not sure but it might be a marble table top so I mean this table itself might have a lot of value but we'll check in when we get home but that's gonna be it for the unit itself and we'll see you guys at home for the recap all right so these are one of these units look like crap we are going through but as we started to look things up it's actually a really really good unit so remember we paid 150 bucks for it let's do kind of a recap we're in the garage because this unit as you saw it a lot of big stuff in it and we're not taking it out here it's gonna stay in here anyway so let's start first we got the marble table here there's a marble time we found the table in there knew that things like five hundred dollars at the marble table like that so we're thinking like between 650 and 80 something like that for the marble table which is good nothing's cleaned up yeah we're gonna clean everything up we got the two crystal vases here then shoes we haven't looked too much in at the close also these blankets if they're real fur these blankets are actually really expensive but we just don't know how to tell right now so there's gonna be something we set aside now as you can see in the storage business we just get stuck with tons of stuff all the time and it's kind of just a non-stop go 20 hours a day so that's how we do it but this jacket was like $40 on ebay the other ones are like kind of just me that's important special the glass pop table or whatever it's called stained glass was not really that expensive either we look them up like new they're like $70 so that's probably like a $10 table right there nothing that cool the record player down there sells used for $50 so that's really except a record shop right by us and honestly we might take all the records in the record player there because we're already at the point where you know two nine hours a night of sleep so good night so we don't have time to sit there and search every little thing we get it's just impossible there's not enough hours in the day so we're probably gonna drop them off there see we can get for it this thing is what save the unit right there we look this up the last one of these are sold was like five days ago sold for $175 if it works plus forty five or forty or forty five shipping so that's pretty much gonna pay for the whole year that one little thing there we said it might be expensive and it was we probably have how many records do you think we have probably a hundred records so even a dollar a piece that's about a hundred bucks I don't know what they'll really pay us but I we just don't have I just don't have time to go it's not worth it so we have this whole bag it's full of the new clothes right yeah and all the stuff new stuff with tags again probably about another hundred bucks in there and new clothes this little sucker we don't know yet we've seen TVs of this model not this exact one I haven't seen this exact one cell but TVs like this Emerson that are small like this have been going for like 50 bucks plus shipping on ebay same with the VCR I'm gonna try since it's stuck together like this we're gonna try to just list it as a a lot instead of trying to ripping it apart and stuff like that after we clean everything's still dirty this unit was kind of gross so we're gonna take probably a couple hours to clean everything then probably try to list that it's a lot so this might separately they're going for like fifty to seventy dollars or something a piece so this could be a hundred dollars that thing would be 150 down there the records could be about a hundred the clothes can be about a hundred we still have the chairs over here to we're thinking for the three chairs you're probably gonna do like five ten bucks apiece you're really not that great because we don't have a table and there's not a complete set so that might be 30 bucks in the table again is like 50 it's not like amazing stuff a lot of dirty stuff but it adds up and we'll definitely make a profit on the unit and that thing right there just made me so happy that was the saving grace in this unit pay for the whole thing so you know what guys if you did enjoy it leaving a big fat thumbs up for now I already hit that subscribe button for also treasure it videos all the time and if you do want to fall in our social media links is gonna be on screen click links down description below make sure you follow them whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 26,709
Rating: 4.9316545 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a vintage storage unit, i bought a vintage abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought a storage unit, abandoned storage units, i bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage locker auctions, abandoned storage lockers for sale, storage unit finds, storage wars, storage auction locker, storage auction finds, storage auction, treasure hunting with jebus, storage unit, storage units
Id: blk6lV7II_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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