I Bought A Storage Unit For $5! THIS WILL MAKE YOU SICK! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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I can't believe it whoa Jesus guys and we're right here on the first unit we picked up so this unit wasn't our first pick but awesome story talk about a few units we had to come back anyway so really why not pick this unit up for only five dollars and look like one day over five bucks what's the Washington Capitals you guys - it's working game don't forget to like the base to drive if you do let's see we got like we said not pretty but only five bucks and it's maybe a few trash bag with trash and it's all trash let's start pulling some stuff out this the first thing I saw the reason I wanted to buy because like for some reason people are in love with these things at the flea market won't hazily get our money back for the whole Union just for that thing so bad but that will pay for the whole unions at this point where it's gonna be looking through stuff maybe we got tracking if we get free stuff we don't know or it's all free now but let's hope it's not all trash what is this stuff mail mails no fun I don't know why people store me Elliot it somebody explained it to me that a broken no it's not broken this is a beautiful beautiful hat which one shall we wear actually I don't think it more trash that's all right oh boy listen this one any we got even like expired food here no just more paperwork food this one oh look moldy mail mmm my favorite this was you giving you pay five bucks per unit but why not oh there we go green beans in Syria what is this one oh yeah Tina check it hmm did it expire Oh a tuna fish one's a tuna fish expire I don't know if I wanted to yeah you have it I'll check it off it off well it's all trapped inside but like you said that little thing you'll pay for the unit five bucks so we're just basically getting the sort through somebody's charge and hopefully five going for free let's keep going two whole Cain we might get like a whole another your two dollars apiece they might be up to ten bucks we've already doubled our investment you know what this is what the storage unit business is all about $5 lockers I'm kind of scared I feel like when I keep digging there's gonna be like a horde of rats just having a disco party in there I don't know let's just keep going to find some good stuff hopefully so yeah a nice looking chair in here and we know the easiest way to get chairs to sell at the flea market is just act like they're ours and we're sitting in there and everybody will be interested in buying them right off the bat stuff I said we get at least three to five dollars so that's very easily because I'll take it there and I'll sit in it and everyone will have interested instantly look we got a giant pack of diapers for a giant person like me now I'm free to eat all a Taco Bell I won I don't ever have to worry about trying to get to the bathroom in time so we're digging two more tracks I'm pretty sure you got bit by like three different things in there but we did find one power vac you lease it's not in the greatest condition but it's a bigger one so I think it's worth at least a couple dollars I think what time we're all done with this with this mask it'll be enough room there's like you know hole everything we're gonna keep and all the other attractions gonna keep piling up over here and I think that's gonna be enough room literally for everything it's good this unit just can you believe this we found something new in this unit actually uh Sonya of initiative that Vallot four pieces looks like a makeup bag even though the price tag only seven dollars it's something new blown away right now we're selling up a part it does no legitimate look like stuff that like something to go marketed by like when you go to flume I redeem leave with two canes diapers lunch container and a makeup bag yep that's the kind of stuff people by their that's the kind of cart they have but let's keep on digging for Treasuries so I just pulled out this I don't even know what it is anymore this thing but it says Toyo I don't want to so I know I have something to do with cars but I just don't know what right why what is it why you have it I have no idea but we're having a wonderful day I almost messed up my speech I hope it's makeup I don't all of this lipstick oh look at that a flavor hmm a charger just a regular Android charger another power bank and this thing I think my favorite I love those Collective all right so that hmm feeling you're waiting to get fitter so no okay so this is another thing to see at the flea market people walking around with their radios and their markets besides that just another empty box in there and more gold platinum this time oh yeah look at that mmm I'm waiting for the adult toy when I came across it yet it's almost a guarantee if I get a little bag on the side so very Cola empty Thank You mucinex lotion yeah open that bag right there whatever this thing is gonna be nice you know it's gonna be in there I think I'm right everything I know about this tells me I'm right no no just a couple workers and some pins yeah new boy we marked basket boomer Meghan thank you tear scissors chargers hey this is beautiful stuff that was definitely a platinum box right here yeah that's even more valuable partner all right the straight diamond there Oh be ready it's gonna be beautiful high-end items in here okay so this one sausage mmm you hungry there's I mean bugs and whatever else in there yes my coffee bean the flies in it yes super super good here's the California special mmm when we got there okay stop Duns that's just laundry detergent I was like why is it so sticky but I'm glad it's just like so you better hope so baby gravy just more like pads I'll probably take completely done with this bag it's gonna find another dirty bag so we found a little wallet here popped it open unfortunately no cash and what it's full of are just barcodes from different stores and what I've been told in the past and comments is people save these because when they go to the store and they say they buy something that's $40 something they'll just take this one for $6.99 it is bit so I had scanned it over put it in the cart and walk it out with it and looks like they didn't steal nothing and they only paid $6 for instead of 40 so that's not good these people I think we found for an issue unit at least the diamond in the rough because this is not the only thing that's come out here that looks decent ooh we got us an Amazon tablet that's yeah beautiful condition right beautiful amazing condition it's pretty beat-up but it's still a tablet if it's a new amount a newer model it'll still sell for something if it's in good shape if not we just keep a box of busted tablets busted fellas the only good enough we lock them up and sell them but let's hope it works and let's hope it something newer so we only felt something worthless thing on ebay out of this unit alright the storage doctor who came in clutch gave us some rubber gloves let's let's put stuff out of here we already took out a few bags because they were literally all food this is another Sonia koushik train case I must have the most abuse for your makeup stuff but mayonnaise is this thing I don't know that is so okay that's how parts mayonnaise and like first aid stuff what can you get better than that I know that you think it's possible your jewelry oh look more oh that's mustard what's the necklace anything definitely don't know okay so nothing up there no all right I mean that's not bad perfume baller look right here is like mold and stuff I don't we imagine there's a giant some type of bugs nest that looks like a doodoo on the wall here yeah this is this unit is what you call you beauty I'm so glad this is a five dollar year there was anything more I think I'm gonna sued all right let's play a little game here I'm gonna say what attach to the court a mouse a fish expired mustard hmm that this looks like a bread toaster on a toaster yeah I feel like you put like a piece of bread here and then put it up I've never seen this before not too sure yeah I have no idea but that sort of look like to me alright maybe it's like a grilled cheese whatever they're broken yeah what else you got going a little key waiting [ __ ] them get in there look it's spiders spiders that value the shoes you know that right the only thing that has more value than bugs is rat beauty so we have just a pair of sport memory foam this this mm-hmm more slippers even these like snow boots snow boots but I mean who knows how many spiders have crawled up in there it's probably got a party going spider light and everything it looks like it's for CDs but nothing really sometimes you're going through you just think to yourself somebody somewhere was paying money to keep the stuff security why good question I don't know this is right here's perfect I thought it was a pet hmm no no it Jackie staying there again let's plot another dirty bag alright I got my second dirty bag here hold out hope you get thrown with the mouth this time I really want to find a mouse you know we bought about 200 storage unit so we still never caught a mouse today it's a dead one that I already destroyed you might as well rip it no I got it sorry we need to like save our bags here because all this stuff is run like this try actually there was a big hole yes I was like the bag already dead alright this is is that a waffle measured air delivery pump I thought it was another kind of pump but I'm not gonna go into that I don't know what that is I know what you're talking about I don't know what that you think the brush that come to life mmm this looks like some hand knitted thing a hat and a scarf whoever's gonna message this about the hand and stuff just know all right yeah I don't know um so this is moldy paper but more like doctor stuff so like rehab bank statements Hospital stuff I mean this is more paper but that's just like books more just beautifulness I'm pretty sure these are like dollar trees okay they might be high classic dollar general I don't know yet yeah they have no brand on them in the lenses up pop out the mouth oh it's actually good for us bagging a bag full of bags okay this has these are probably the best looking things in here however as dirty as this unit is I don't think anybody's gonna want to worry we have a loop on a stick mmm you know a beauty huh is this one great it's amazing I can't believe I got this one I know you always looking for it I found it the moldy lunch box mmm you know this is gonna be full of goodness I'm really really hoping for a three-year-old baloney sandwich hmm let's see where's the zipper on this probably gone to no just lift it out and lift it oh this is gonna be great you ready yeah I don't know what is wrong with you what is wrong with people okay we need to get this thing out of this hallway right now all right so I'm gonna take out a few bags you guys yeah an idea of how bad this unit is if you don't know already this unit's bad Wow um so this one right here has some strawberry jelly yeah Jim this one right here well if this sticks to it that's like it could be cashing it yeah but let's see what's in here I have a feeling that there's not gonna be money oh look at you all right so this is just a nail thing this right here anything what is that look at that what is that I don't know I don't want to know no more yeah that's it that's that's it that's just the morning prayers no more then this right here the clip-on mosquito thing hey honestly I don't even think so we're gonna buy that just because the box looks the way it does I think this is just it's all trashed best fight of the day guys I found some tissues to wipe my tears after buying this unit but honestly speaking like I was about to put this in a flea market pile but then I was thinking I was like all the bugs in here who knows how many bugs are actually in here even though it is sealed they crawled through the creases I can't like a three-bedroom apartment going on in there yeah what else I got something good right remember if you find the mouse you get bonus points no dad not that dad isn't counting reading a lot all right this is all magazine this right here lotion hmm there's a watching him there's a little kids watch I won't even open how you break this up embassy mm-hmm I don't know the other was a little kid watch but it looks clean it's only reason I open it um so this is just bat used bathroom stuff we get some more the cash back that's why they don't write this is easy let's see what's in here alright this looks like a little female tool bag here alright come on let's see it we got please just be clean to little set here we got a lovely pair of scissors little thing and nails and um camera with it probably this something decent I know the it look at the little set of screwdrivers hammer some pliers that's awesome one thing for the flea market at least five dollars I mean just right here we pay for the unit oh yeah alright guys getting to the end of the unit silencing part of the wall back here but what I pulled out so far trash like ah I've been killing every little bug that I see so far so I pulled out a bunch of sunshades and I found like my favorite thing in this whole unit did you yeah I found the bread you found the bread found it on the bread hmm I get scared every time I walk in and that little rope touching - it's even got bite marks do you know if there's not my hair wrapped in here now they are in here at one point yeah there's here's two lonely bread whoo spiders and whatever this bug is Bonnie oh yeah look at ya moldy bread mmm just let the spiders go free this is Regulus I'm getting so done with this unit I don't even know what we're gonna pull out next but we find something that's better than bread it's hard to beat that though this is a real of his business you buy these and you buy good ones and I'm literally timid to go in the suitcase I have no idea what animals are on in there the spider on the outside already killed two spiders on it I'm gonna say this is the honest toilet and it's full of human feces Oh there'd be a strong smell coming from it it's not buzzing smoke I um it let's check these little pockets nothing up there it's very clean semi and in there anyway on the outside it looks horrible yeah I'm not like this one goes all the way down I'm not even sticking my hand up there they'll think they're the devil this time well I'll probably dump it out all right moment of truth is getting to the meat of this suitcase okay two one all right bags okay more bags which bags like this I'd have been anything so more pads yeah hey yeah yeah they're open this has binder clips that folds like this Safeway monopoly game little Beauty empty boxes there's the money for some reason I don't know what it is that I get the impression I get a weird impression that there's not gonna be money in this unit something's gonna be that impressive this my watch would have been even there at a very very nice crop but a minute you ain't rocking unless you practice right this whole suitcase right now honestly some more underwear this is one of the cleanest bags that I've seen thus far nothing less empty box just medicine nothing nothing and the bottom which is more bathroom stuff tissue and a book I'm speeches I haven't no idea what to say that's like priceless right now it's an unopened box of trash bags that's literally the best thing we could have found in this DNA right now this right here is worth a million dollars right now in this unit worth a million dollars that's fine of the unit by far well guys what she's unit had a better ending but what she saw is what you got nothing but hordes in the hordes and hordes of trash yeah nothing good he took a chance of five dollars and came up short but I mean one week at least five dollars but after dumb fees we'll be lucky to break even with this unit but that's what you do sometimes it's just fun take the risk that's what it's all about so if you enjoyed it leaving a big fat thumbs up and don't forget we bought a lot more unit to this facility to look a lot better than this this was just we had to come back and it was five dollars so why not type B in it so that's the only reason we did it so hit the subscribe button if you're new and if you want to fall in our social media links gonna be on the screen click the links down description below and make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 43,645
Rating: 4.850071 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a storage unit for $5, i bought a storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought a storage unit from a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage unit for $5, i bought a mentally insane persons storage unit, i bought a rappers storage unit, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage wars, storage wars finds 7 million dollars, storage wars finds drugs, found in storage locker
Id: iprRR-Bj1Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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