I Became A Totally Accurate Spider and Ate Everything in Webbed

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to an adorable new spider game called webbed physics based and then there's puzzles to solve it sounds amazing so we're gonna make a brand new game ah here we go oh look that's me i'm a spider oh there's another spider that's a nice blue spider i get to dance with it hello i'm dancing oh that's amazing look at me go i'm dancing i'm a dancing fool okay jumping i'm a jumping spider oh aim with your web and then to grab grapple point oh that's cool look at that i didn't know spiders could do that but wow i just totally flung myself oh and then i can right click and then right click again and now oh no no no no and then i make oh can i just oh look at that i think i can yeah that's neat i can just walk across it oh cool okay we'll go this way why can't i oh so you can only grapple on to specific surfaces that's kind of neat look at me go wait what is that why is that there i want to touch it to the ground uh-huh that didn't really do anything hello friendly boost spider should we dance in the web and make baby spiders look at me i can dance oh this is cool oh why what is this is there like a squirrel gonna jump out of the tree and chase this down i i hope not um okay that's that's a bird run away oh no run run run no shoot lasers wait what lasers oh yes yes get rekt oh no no no no no that's my friend what are you doing bird i'm so mean i'm a turd nugget i don't like you bird but i do have lasers i'm guessing now the objective of the game is to go find my friend again or the moth is just going to be my friend i'm so sorry i saw what happened to your boyfriend the big mean bird has been menacing the land below the sky bower for years i don't know what a sky bower is is that like the guy in the end of the castle who just kidnaps the princess devoured many of his siblings i think something else is on the mind the bird loves to collect blue gems you see and the love of yours is the shiniest blue ever okay i will give you that it was pretty blue my old nest little buddy may have an idea all right that's there's the nest that's a giant wasp oh or silk because this is a silk worm or something and the ants blow up approached me with a reckless plans to turn it into a heated airship i like this not exactly what i thought was gonna happen but yes if you help them build it we can rescue your friend you need some fuel of course look for that in the dung beetles i'm gonna play with young beetles fine fuel all right sounds good let's go look at me i'm spider blitz spider blood sweet i don't know where i'm going by the way i can hit a tab though all right there's different areas the spider okay the answer down below it looks like a beehive over here we got like maybe those are the dung beetles should i go to the left no we're going to the right whoa okay that's fine what is that i don't know what that is i need it in my life wow hello oh it just a whatever i just ate another little spider that was kind of neat whoa okay wow where am i going this is cool climbing climbing the tree i feel like i'm at the edge of the map now all right what do we get down here oh okay we have ow that kind of hurt i think i don't really know oh we have an entrance oh hey little spider i got a quest for you thanks bee the queen is making a new princess to brand new hive oh nice mega princess she needs royal jelly to make jelly she needs pollen wait i'm not a bee i'm a spider okay bring 20 pollen maybe i can find it hey can i just eat that look at me i'm flying oh that's awesome all right i got one pollen i just need to collect 20 of these i want it i want a mount can i can i have a mount [Music] i should get the bees to carry me further there you go thank you that's fantastic take can i eat it i want to eat the bee come here b i got a better idea i know you're coming back you are not allowed to leave me i will capture you and you will be my dinner come on no i was hoping you'd be my dinner yes get stuck in my hive i just need more what is this thing canopy's peak 500 centimeters this looks dangerous there's spiky boys in here oh another flower though hi oh hey where's that thing going hey come back here come here come here come here i need to eat you hey come here oh i got it hey fly boy yes yes ah whoa i ate the fly that was amazing i wish i was the spider in real life actually i don't i don't like eating flies i've had that happen before you're like all of a sudden you're eating dinner and then it's like oh thanks applebee's i love eating flies and then you never go back to applebee's because you realize it's gross it was actually tgi fridays but i kind of like tgi fridays i make a good hamburger sometimes like one in every three is pretty good oh no whoa okay i was trying to grab onto that and i'm gonna eat whatever this is oh there's another one i will capture you i will capture you come here little fly come here i will make it a thing spiderweb don't judge my web making skills but they work that was fun i don't know what those are for but i captured a fly where do i go i found one place to go whoa come here i need to go up and eat that thank you and then if i keep going up to the right maybe this will ow no to self spiky boys hurt and i'll grab that okay i need like 13 more of these so i'm probably just going to cut to when i have 13 of them uh oh what do you want what do you want oh look i got the baby spiders crawling all over me hello hi you're a weird-looking bee ain't you must have pretty good wings i've flown up to this branch i can climb i'm a spider i should eat it i want to see okay here's my technique how do you like that hey wait i just wanted to eat that thing quick actually i'm not eating it they're crawling around me they must be babies and whoa let's not do that i need to find more orchids i could go down here hey that was a good idea because there's more orchids for me to collect 12 of them now and spiderman spiderman i'm actually kind of concerned because i don't know where i'm going whoa okay i know where i'm going haha oh no no go back here i need you he he doesn't know i'm about to eat him just about died that was good and look at me i can fly i'm eating it nice i'm doing so well i only need four more where oh where oh whoop whoop we can't spiderman somewhere where there's no spiders to man and got it i don't really want to talk to you blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i want more pollen no no no give me that and nice i got lasers in my legs okay i need to go to the left i mean right that's the opposite of left but i need more orchids got it oh two flies two of them that means i can make a web and they will be dead because i will web them i didn't really learn how to spider web at spider school very well though oh it worked hey other spider where are you and by spider i mean where's the other fly at he's right over here there it is oh i got him nice oh there's two of them hey that was great i like eating things oh that one got stuck with his friend nice eat you very good oh no i got stuck nope nope go grab that and i got it that should be the last one nice now i just have to go find the royal place oh i just died oh look i can get more i'll be the best bee ever al what does this do a little whoa okay oh that was scary whatever i like that that was fun oh okay i just need to do that nice and easy this time climb down there oh nicer and easier oh i got it okay i didn't have to get it twice because i already got it once thankfully i can respawn this is dangerous i have a feeling that i have to use this parachute or a different one this is what i talked about about the puzzles it's puzzling okay we're gonna grab a new leaf this time as i was saying we're grabbing a new leaf this time i bet that's a good place to go over there okay i'm gonna go back okay i didn't need all of the pollen especially when i got like the my back crawling with a ton of little baby spiders we have to rescue them and give them flowers look i made a balloon hello balloon these are tasty ones that i can eat come here oh nice take me to your leader little fly no i'm just kidding i'm gonna eat you i don't even know where to go oh that way and we'll do this we'll capture him next time he comes by see what i mean i'll make the best nest ever there's something very satisfying about doing that oh hello little friend am i gonna be am i gonna rescue the princess now from evil bowser there's a there's a wall there don't hit that next time take a cue from the game it's like hey we have leaves you should use them thank you okay over here i'm guessing i go down now totally floating down slowly oh there's a right wave and then another there's a lot of a lot of air blowing through that tree you can just float like a butterfly and then i'll eat this one he can't leave me take a hint float like a butterfly float like a butterfly ooh how close am i now 500 centimeters that's like what 15 feet or something oh and i caught another one i was hoping i would i think there's another one flying over here to the right i don't hear it though i hear a lot of buzzing oh that's why ha come here i want to ride you yes hey take me to your queen oh oh wow there it is i've done it i don't need to talk to them i'm going in the queen's like hey do you have this stuff for me because my ants are too lazy to go get it on their own welcome to my hive little spider i've heard so much about you have you brought the pollen for the princesses royal jelly oh yes this shall make powerful jelly the new princess will be magnificent wait here a moment while we prepare her it's a little creepy i want to watch that i'm sure she would love to meet you i'd love to eat her just okay she's being prepared oh there she is behold behold it's a bee joke your princess has arrived she's so beautiful such powerful wings thank you all for your hard labor preparing my royal jelly dear father spotter my mother told me of your predicament as i lay in my cell you're planning a rescue mission a magnificent island in the sky i can think of no greater adventure to which stretched my new wings come with me i will take you home and prepare a voyage oh that's kind of cool that's kind of i found a guide i've got i did a quest look at me we're doing it we've made it [Music] actually kind of cool i like this game it's cute and this flying time is taking forever i mean i understand that is taking why it's taking forever oh nice i got an achievement called the floor is lava and i still am a little bit weirded out by all the little baby spiderlings on me but that's fine too anyway guys that'll do it for this first video of webbed i hope you enjoyed it kind of a different sort of game but if you did like it let me know down below in the comments so keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time dance time and a special thanks to all of the channel members and the patreons including allen h apollo bunny otto dave ben dicky j desby eagle arc maxer whip it good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m browell iffy sphere spider sacks and joe b
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,181,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, webbed, webbed game, spider, spider games, spider game, webbed ep 1, webbed spider, webbed spider game, webbed steam, spiders, webbed demo, webbed gameplay, webbed blitz, blitz webbed
Id: D3emNRdhT-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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