I EVOLVED The PERFECT Caveman Society in The Universim

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well hello my friends i'm blitz welcome to a game called the universe sim it's been a little while since i played this game but it's kind of a god game where you get to control the nuggets as their way through evolution so let's start a brand new game and there are our first nuggets look at those guys i like their clothes almost a little flintstones-ish start a new life wake up i'm awake wake up creator thank you this is the beginning of your story it's a true story okay with nothing however you with a single touch can awaken the light oh i want to touch it let's touch it oh yes that was nice and so the universe sprang into being blitz said let there be light and there was light and it was good filled with endless potential oh man look at that little planet formed into many different shapes is that our planet that one looks a little crazy oh look at the big dinosaur things [Music] oh man however life is a perfume what is that oh it's the baby ones it comes and goes look at that little guy he's still space debris oh i want to be his friend oh whoops i wanted to be his friend can i take creators maybe dinosaurs always turtles so i get to be the one here who evolves the night welcome to mother planet thank you narrator i like this place i'm cool this i'm going to name it mother planet because that's what they named it water see the whale soil was rich with minerals my left ear loves this a new species has been born the nuggets oh okay i get to place down an epicenter that's where our nuggets are gonna live what is this i really want to know what this thing is that's just water oh there's fish in here hey fish there's no fish spawning in there though maybe we should get a nice area where the fish actually spawn so oh there's whales though how cool is that hello giant whale oh and what is this thing oh it's a woolly mammoth that thing's incredible i want to build my house next to this area right in here this is our epicenter oh there's no trees here though let's move over where there's some trees yes like that's a good spot evolution tower activate yes take a look at your new subject we've got new subjects they're called advocates largely because of their bodies of current inability to keep itself in one piece oh nice hadahi and ailu atahi they are the founders of everything that nuggets will primitive tools research complete are you doing research without me we got research okay we can make like a water wheel and fire that sounds cool and fishing that's what i want oh they're building up a residential area is that where babies are made that's probably where babies are made oh look the dude's grabbing a rock that's amazing what are you doing are you gonna go chop down a tree no you're gonna grab that rock oh nice no you are going to chop down a tree and you're letting eddie get that rock that was never mind they just want to chop down trees like i love chopping down trees it's my favorite hobby oh and they're building it oh it's being constructed got to remove the rock from the inside get two more rocks oh wow they're actually digging up the stump it looked like and now they're gonna start building it after they gather some of the plants what kind of plants are these crystalline crab apples that sounds tasty this is a beautiful planet we unlock the water wheel too not to ruin it will you can i ruin it i really want to try to ruin it where's the closest water right over here okay so we're gonna have to build up a water wheel now just so they can start eating or drinking i guess okay is that close enough maybe oh the residential area is fully operational they don't stop coming maybe you should add a spam filter or at least release a plague or something to call the herd a plague why oh the book of life uh-oh use the coupon power to increase your population okay i didn't think you knew anything about reproduction creator oh man uh they're getting married and then they immediately run into their little cave oh no maybe not he's not into it come on buddy you're supposed to run into that cave and make little baby nuggets oh he's he's going into the cave he's going knowing oh man you were trying to bouncing a little bit there's like love love floating around wow this uh it's squeaking we're just gonna look away for a little while it's gonna go explore over here and give them some privacy oh never mind would you look at that brand new brand new little baby nuggets hey little fella aren't they adorable it's you named your children stone and stick not very smart so let's do something a little different instead can i rename you yes i can we're gonna be renaming all of these after the patreon supporters on the channel and the channel members as well so if you guys do sign up on patreon or on the little join button down below in the video description we're gonna get your names in here hopefully so thank you to alan and apollo bunny and since we renamed them their faith is increased we're going to keep ilu and atahay up in here they're going to be our normal ones but let's keep going here look they're gathering rocks oh where are you going they're actually making a little path here that's kind of cool oh they're going to build up the water wheel water pump okay it's a water pump and we're getting fishing done in about two minutes as well that's awesome oh we can study water flow and then water dowsing to get real wells i like that look at this little creature over here it's like a wolf oh oh we can hunt it or we can we can tame it can i tame a wolf i can't yet but eventually i might be able to if we get the right technologies i definitely want a wolf pet are there bigger ones like that woolly mammoth what is this thing oh that's that's uh ilu you should probably make some more babies because we need more people hey hey ellen be careful of how much research we got fishy okay we need some more babies okay and then uh who's who's your mate right here are you the mate hopefully hopefully we just paired up the right people together they are so cute right now oh dear can i tame the deer these guys are doing a really good job deforesting the planet too like oh boy trees to cut down i'm doing it oh wow and water automatically falls that's awesome until maybe it starts on fire by getting a lightning strike yikes i didn't think of that oh man what is it you're hoping to see exactly stop talking narrator i'm seeing nothing but i do want some water in here so they don't just drink from the sludge pond wait what shabadovl that's what you named your child why do you name your children weird names like that we're gonna name you otto dave instead there you go autodave oh check it out so the water wheel just got created oh no eddie's fallen ill they drank unpurified water from the lake again you're a genius why would you do that now what's your problem why are you crying over here heal a nugget i need to heal them i'm on it how do i heal heal the nugget creator god i can't be better someone be sick yes it makes my insides turn i used my god skills that was awesome okay so did we did get the uh fishing hut created too let's start building that or try to anyway oh we got a water reservoir i like this idea we're gonna turn this wow these are the different road systems so maybe you put the water reservoir close to the the powered well here like that neat oh l h tied the knot they're on their honeymoon apollo bunny oh and they're automatically building me a temple oh my i didn't know that oh what's this there's a residential area okay so if i bring a rock over here whoop oh we're doing this again oh yeah i am i don't know what it is but i'm doing it i'm just plucking things putting rocks down automatically like delivering things for them that's so cool can i just like pick up an entire tree oh i can here have a tree and bloop there you go wow [Music] i just slammed an entire tree into it like yeah [Music] they activate that was easier than i thought it was they're so happy i'm the nicest god ever [Music] no no no no don't drink it okay you're fine i thought you were gonna get sick for a second that wouldn't be a good idea eddie okay so now that we have fire we should get primitive cooking and then maybe cooking utensils that might be a good idea also we should absolutely get the fishing up and running oh what are they doing here they made a temple for me wait what is this a sacrificing temple um i'm gonna put autodesk in here as my temple guy hopefully that doesn't uh grind them up and put them into little bits okay back at it i really want that fishing thing yeah fishing pier beautiful we're gonna go fishing oh my i do hope you've taught nuggets how to swim no i haven't they don't need to know that's what turtles and frogs are for they teach people how to swim these are jellyfish okay it needs trees and rocks let's just automatically do that because i'm feeling lucky today it's so much easier than making them do it on their own yeah it's so much easier we'll just pick it up and flop it in beautiful you guys get one more rock i'll do it for you don't worry i love that what are you whining about what's wrong with you what are we building again i literally just built that for you apollo bunny i literally just built it you guys build it now and they're eating some berries that's good berries are tasty i feel like aday and ilu probably need to make babies again yeah not allan h now we need to assign a nugget to the fishing pier let's see we will put uh apollo bunny he's like nugget looks remarkably unqualified oh that's okay then again wow what is going on must be something in the water and then of course you don't come over here to fish now you're doing nothing apollo bunny come fishing oh we have a new person involved hello new person we're gonna just name you ben hello ben welcome to the colony and i hear more squeaking going on there is something in the water this is actually a pretty nice looking place and we will name our new friend dickie jay welcome to the colony dickie oh beautiful they're fishing you got a little fish and pole there hopefully you start leveling up your fishing skills i don't know if you can but you're a fisherman now apollo bunny and there's some fish in the boat that's successful we have fish we have food it's also snowy outside which means it's probably winter time oh beautiful primitive cooking just got completed can i build a cooking area i can that's an eatery right here good now we need to build this somewhere i mean we have a lot of residential area right in here this could be good oh our water pump froze up oh no okay is our reservoir is good though so that's nice and we're just too cold to fish maybe not he's going fishing anyway i'd do anything for some water what about going over here and like literally drinking it would you do that can i build fire to make things warmer oh beautiful we got cooking utensils and they're starting to build up the eatery now i guess that means we can also choose additional things oh cooking oils hmm you know it might be a good idea to go over and like start doing some agriculture too i don't know if we want this but the quality of food can be improved tenfold uh sure we'll do that and then we'll we'll kind of move over here shamanism and locks the witch doctor ah no thanks we're gonna go here and then maybe the town hall so we can get agriculture and then hunting is here too where is the uh the taming i want to tame a wolf oh wow that was like 30 seconds and that was created we have cooking oil but they haven't even figured out really how to cook yet oh look they made a christmas tree it's adorable we have a problem the building is broken i must fix it oh yay it worked that was actually pretty good i probably should build an engineering shelter oh what was that noise oh you guys are gonna go make babies again yeah you do what you do oh we're going to eat first ah yeah there's there's more squeaking noises i didn't tell them to do that i promise oh nice the olowan toolkit is here now that i believe is what allows me to build yes the engineers this is the repair creatures and that's actually a decent spot right in the middle of everything let's put it right in here and i'm going to rotate it around oh my word would you stop squeaking those beds oh nice we named our city stonehenge that's amazing we also have teddy joining us and andrew andy glark hey maxter's here now i feel really bad for these guys it's like super cold outside there's snow everywhere and we're still wandering around naked whoops should build some clothes no wonder they keep having children i think we're starting to get to spring now because literally the ground is going green and the trees are kind of greening up that's awesome oh nice perfect storage areas are here that's great we can make storage areas now this is way larger than i thought it was going to be yikes okay can i put you here can i put you there i'm gonna turn you you're gonna be right here good center area of the colony excellent location i'm gonna totally bless the ground this is good i don't know what that means oh it's growing things faster but the ground is blessed is everyone the engineer is able to stand up oh cool so we got a new engineer now we can assign nuggets to fix things that looks like something good for maxer to do eagle ark you want to do it too sounds good they really like it when i build things for them never mind they don't need that one oh i wonder if i can use that as like a projectile weapon i gotta try here's strange large creature so sorry bear okay we're gonna do this and oh whoa i picked everything up wow and then yeah okay that was kind of cool oh no so sorry bears oh no oh i'm sorry i feel bad i don't but i kind of do can they eat those hopefully they can eat those now what are you crying about my throat is so dry it's like gargling nails no i don't think that was the right one find my lost nugget kakashu wait what kakashu where are you wait hold on there's literally nobody named that how am i supposed to find somebody that doesn't exist sorry about that i don't know where your child went i didn't rename them anything and there's nobody around is that them nope maybe there's a special god power for that nope i don't see any oh this sounds wonderful a town hall finally they get to automate things they don't have to do everything for them that's a cool looking building too so i'm gonna pick up that bear that we accidentally destroyed come here bear come here bud we're gonna put you over here maybe they'll do something with it can i just put it right in the eatery uh no not quite that wasn't the eatery though this is i'll just drop it right outside whoa whoa dang is everyone okay you just got struck by lightning i think everyone's gonna be fine okay we can get clothing now that's good idea we got agriculture coming up hunting and clothing i like that we can also do watchtowers but i don't know if we need that yet oh the town hall's created that's a sweet-looking building if you ask me we can assign a nugget who wants to be the boss of the place i mean the game's like andrew oh spencer now wants to be okay you're going to the town hall you like rubber duckies or something we could get a minister of space we can go colonize the moon okay we're gonna do like a little bit of like auto assignment that sounds like a good idea micromanaging is terrible oh no uh and it just uh got a splinter but it looks like they broke their leg we need to heal them use my god powers to nope not this one rejuvenate boop and all better now all better you all better i think you're all better hey we got agriculture we can start making fields and the beds are squeaking again why do you guys constantly squeak your beds all right it's farm time oh that's actually a nice place for a farm right here i like this we're gonna farm it up ah afar yes i know i did i see you are finally taking interest in your civilization's need to eat to eat they have food to take you dumb wow okay this is weird so uh remember that time where we were supposed to find the baby um it was not really a baby it's a person that's not really inner civilization and i heard wolves so i went to check them out so can i just pick you up with the telekinesis and bring you home i'm gonna try here ready okay i'm gonna do it slow down the game speed i picked you up someone please get that fresh pair of underwear oh it's just it's not even fun okay we're gonna bring you home and we're gonna put you right here seven seconds left did i do it hey okay we just got a new person and everyone's super happy they're like oh no the wolves were gonna eat us and now we can rename you also we're getting crime why why are we getting crime there's literally 11 people that live here 13 15. all right we got to do it they aren't working very well i'm just going to take the entire forest here just kind of suck up a bunch of trees yes come here trees okay and then we're gonna bring this over and a bunch of rocks and other things in a giant tornado and go we're just gonna kind of put it down right here [Laughter] that might be my favorite thing that i've ever done in a video game would you guys stop making babies like seriously i'm running out of patreon names whoa whoa whoa what's going on explosions that was awkward the game's like yes i just love blowing things up but the good news is we're starting to get a farm here and we now have hunting oh those poor little wolves just kidding i don't care about them right now okay we're gonna get uh clothing and then ministry of that and then ministry of agriculture would be a good plan we also would need a pulley system so we can start uh making a better well there's the garrison medieval hunting lodge let's put that somewhere over here maybe on the outskirts of town where there's actual animals to hunt maybe not maybe over here i don't really know i'm not an expert in this game i just started playing it like a half hour ago oh we discovered food collect and drop new crop types in the farm with the telekinesis what do we need to make wait wait it says you can't really make a fruit salad with only one type of fruit and eating so much bloody diarrhea fruit is causing everyone to experience some adverse effects wow please help us discover something super tasty and relatively safe for construction okay okay um water filtration yes oh i see what's going on they're actually doing this on their own they're voting that's cool okay we need to get some food in here what is this plant this is devil's lettuce cultivate that deadly seeds probably not that what is this one man bro fruit sounds a little awkward crystalline crabapples we've seen that before i mean we can try it let's see if they like crystalline crab apples where's the this right over here boop okay was that good i mean we'll just grab everything we'll grab whatever this one is oh okay i wanna i want this one too let's grab this one we're gonna try planting some of that and then zarnoff is feeding choosing the crop i don't know which is good this one's actually decent it's not really a food though that might make them be even more hungry not quite sure oh sarnoff is the new leader of stonehenge we got water filtration new laws and forests free water filters in every nugget house awesome we'll celebrate good job everyone you're so exciting and we just lost all my god powers you just gained more believers if you can imagine they like me i'm so good at this game choose animal type let us hunt small and medium animals okay and then choose a trap we'll trap small animals oh i don't know what that did but i like it i'm just gonna shove that right over here i guess we also have clothing people get clothes now not quite they're still naked so it's becoming winter time again i'm not a huge fan of that so you know what we're gonna do we're just gonna oh i can get a tornado we're just gonna change the season yeah boop and 150 okay i want it to be spring yeah wow nope we're gonna wait until now to change it to oh man i can't i don't have enough points maybe i need to give more of these guys oh we already have like four workers up here warning incoming wolves attack hunger wolves went hunting better hide nuggets or be on on something where's the where's the hungry wolves at i don't like hungry wolves i mean i do because we can eat them is that them nope where are you hungry wolves i mean we have hunters now which is good there's also a turtle over here we could hunt turtles i see wolves are they the hungry ones what's this oh that's the little fox guy i want to tame it so bad nuggets have died what hold up hold up it went a minute it's illegal who died tiahoto oh my word died the wild animals good thing we didn't name you i don't know why we didn't name you you must have been a new child but they did kill the wolf and these guys are ready man that's annoying wait there was two that died here's the question though here's the real question can i just uh dispose of you oh that would have been fun i just wanted to drop you right inside of that grinder oh i did whoops sorry about that i didn't mean to and now it's snowing we're getting a snowstorm i didn't realize this they actually have like an interior of their house oh it's cool they got little deer antlers it's so dumb i love it oh adam hey just died out of old age however the death of one oh no does not necessarily mean the end of everything that's not good we're gonna have to uh move over here and start getting like ancient burial and stuff uh i was hoping to get all these other things but we have to bury out of hay goodbye minister of agriculture and everything it's time for funerals eelu died of old age too they finally got their vacation they were nagging about i guess it isn't that easy being a caveman or cave woman here oh the minister of waters just placed a reservoir that was nice and we have shamanism so we can make doctors and we'll get ancient burial and place oolu and edhei to rest our little city is getting pretty big too that's amazing so i honestly don't think this is food like i thought it was i mean they get food off of it so uh i guess maybe i should have given them real food yeah you can do this next and these little nuggets are getting a lot of clothes too that's awesome i guess they're cooking the plants or cooking the animals they're capturing ancient burial has been completed where is it now here we go the cemetery wow does it make people happy i guess so i guess we can place that on the outskirts of town way over here seems like a good enough spot for it it needs some trees and some other things oh nice they're hunting they're hunting a wolf or a little not a wolf thing you're gonna get it whiskey decided to take a shortcut this morning through an infected zone what another message for you creator why would you do that to chase colos what is that oh uh gloss that's a person and they don't like taking they don't like putting clothes on so you know what i'm gonna ignore that i mean i could but i don't have enough god powers to do that i would rather just oh what is that protective dome shield my people from disaster an earthquake i can plant trees trickle effect where oh where's telekinesis at i need to pick up some rocks there we go grab all those rocks grab all those that's enough grab some trees we gotta make ourselves a burial plot here right right here okay and down it goes nice infected zone oh balls we need to heal them oh what what was that something just entered the atmosphere wait hold on there's a ufo that just crashed what we're constructing a black market um i don't know about that here i am just trying to build up things like cemeteries so we could properly bury our ancestors and now whiskey is currently mating and will turn into a gravedigger eventually and i have a feeling that those bodies just kind of decomposed well my friends that is going to do it for today's episode of the universe sim i hope you've enjoyed our little adventure today if you did you got to let me know down below in the comments and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters especially spider sacks joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow dave rules 2.0 junk boy 76 skunk chest link hue at 46 magma games 22 so it's you the accordion l h apollo bunny auto dave ben dickie j teddy hippiest despie eagle arc maxer spencer t whip it good baron fox sarnoff deegan jason m and rail did you hear that crack creator nope i think one of your nuggets broke something
Channel: Blitz
Views: 330,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, the universim, the universim blitz, blitz the universim, the universim gameplay, the universim game, the universim review, the universim space age, the universim moon, simulator games, space games, universim, universim gameplay, unversim ep 1, universim game, universim blitz, blitz universim
Id: 99zmllIMmzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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