We Built The *NEW* OVERPOWERED Pollen Turrets in Grounded

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hey there i'm blitz welcome back to more grounded you guys remember this game and especially this newest update where intern and i have been using the new turrets in the game to defend the mixers from the bug invasion but thanks to your comments we found out that there's a different type of turret there is the pollen turret that we can use to stun our enemies so we're gonna do things slightly different this episode for the quality of time intern's gonna go find the brand new canteens you can go hit watch his video on his channel and then i'm gonna go unlock the pond base and get the new burgle chips that are hidden down there the burglar chips will allow us to unlock the new pollen turret and then we can build up a little bit of a base to defend the next mixer so all the flying mosquitoes fly above our defenses and tear down the mixer or will we be able to defend everything very nicely but before we find out i'd like to thank the sponsor for this video so to be at the top of your game you need fuel introducing gamer bread the world's first high performance brand made for gamers it's got an ambidextrous grip it strengthens your fingers and improves your dexterity and when you're done fuel up with maximum caloric density for maximum focus and did you know that gamer bread is actually a fake product and this video is actually sponsored by you guessed it raid shadow legends are you tired of fluffy cartoony mobile games not every rpg game has to be a cute cartoon enough with the candy rainbows and unicorns and bright colors get real raw and epic in rage shadow legends and it'll take you to a world of dark fantasy and realism and there's a ton happening this month in raid with new champions at tag arena update and special events and tournaments but raid is currently running a special deliana chase event where you can get the brand new legendary high elf champion deliana for free by logging in and playing raid for 7 days between now and july 20th she's one of the strongest support champions in the entire game so click on my link in the description or scan my qr code here to get a free starter pack with almost forty dollars we're talking three free champions at once misery cord tiger soul romero plus 10 magic xp brews 10 force xp brews and 10 spear fruits that's huge they've only given away one champion in the past so don't miss your last chance to get such big rewards and use the promo code mydeliana to get 50 xp brews to instantly level daliana to the max level alright i guess goodbye then no it's in the water give me that back that's expensive okay so i gotta get mine back no you're supposed to go get the other things i'm the one that's supposed to go swimming okay i'll let you go swimming with the gigantic koi fish okay bye so i guess what i'll do is i'll equip the bubble helmet equip that bad boy and the flippy boys now i'm gonna be a dolphin making dolphin noises or it's more of a seal but you know what i mean now somewhere deep down in here there's big scary things oh i just discovered the sunken pot hey and there's some fun stuff in here hello shiny bubble oh that's a big one this place is terrifying okay i don't like it in here anymore i just want to go inside of that dome oh shoot can i even go in there no it's all closed up it's been a really long time since i've done any of this so i think i have to go deep underground yeah cause i'm right in the location where the burgle chip is supposed to be and it's totally not there but there's diving bell spiders which are terrifying so i guess we'll just have to dive a little bit deeper to the land of the terrifying t-rex swim right through his mouth because that's always fun oh rotten sting springer i don't need that but somewhere deep in here if i go through all the jets properly whoo that was fun i need to open this thing up again oh it's so annoying follow the tunnels turn on the biometric scanner and hopefully i don't die of lack of oxygen poisoning okay open up open door open door all balls oh that was so close all right so i need to activate these things back on turn those on don't electrocute myself and now if i follow all of these things properly i should be able to turn on the gauges just like so yeah turn that dial one's done number two is complete and the third one's hiding back here with the diving bell spiders open sesame okay good i have activated the trap card i have made it inside i'm a dolphin oh yes i can breathe again press another biometric scanner actually that was just a button and then oh what are you doing here can i can i scan you i already have no no no now that was illegal don't do that ever again wow you're actually pretty big and scary so i think i can run all the way to the top of this thing and reboot the biodome yeah yeah yeah yeah also uh oh is that it that's what i was looking for the super pawn chip i think i was always amazed how pretty this is down under water when i played minecraft i always wanted to build like an underwater dome like that and have this giant factory underwater i never really got that far though because it was a lot of work to get rid of all the water i think this other burglar chip might be in this chest mossy key i've already done that so i guess i'll have to find that mossy key again escape the spiders that want to destroy my entire career and then swim down to unlock the chest once again hello burgle oh what is that shiny thing i like it oh mega milk molar hot ding and uh the sunken up post burger chip yes good day to be alive and then i'll pat my dinosaur friend on the head again and never again come down in the water because it sucks down there and i'll also re-equip my real gear because i don't want to get killed by anything bad oh beautiful bountiful burgle i have chips for you he likes chips especially like oh i don't know sour cream and onion maybe maybe some like spicy doritos yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah lots of words goodbye burgle i like that it makes me happy inside i got a quest done so now if i touch the terminal i can go into the science shop max is logged in get out of here max oh the embiggening cocktail that was my nickname in high school so i'm hoping somewhere in here curved bases neat there it is the pollen turret i really want that boink about that wow it's kind of expensive i also kind of want to buy this i mean we have 13 000 so i'm just gonna buy daredevil and also meat shield speaking of having problems oh this is not good oh that was really good hit uh-huh oh there's a little one nope get dead get destroyed get death oh no no i missed you oh no i need an intern to save my life yeah he didn't he didn't make it liz how could you die on me don't even you were the one who didn't save me well i was on my way to you did you show me the way i think whatever took you out shook it away yeah spider poison oh lovely it's your favorite i did murderize a a big nasty one though oh and i'm going to memorize that little nasty one oh i missed oh there's two of them again this is so bad got him okay don't worry i'm here to save you this time you know what i don't really need your savings but you can do it i'll let you play okay it's stuffed all right i got i have no stamina right now there we go still collecting stuff huh i need to collect all my stuff that i died with whee thank you wow that's a lot of garbage so i take it your venture was successful i was successful i unlocked the turret got a bunch of raw science and everything's looking up in the world awesome mine was pretty successful too i got something exciting for you whoa big wolf's hello bud oh oh wow i just totally missed on those follies and then why do we hunt spiders at night it's so dark because it's the best time to hunt them no it's time to go to bed and have dreams of not hunting spiders because that would be terrifying so you told me you have presents i like presents yes and it's right here for you charcoal canteen so now we can drink the nasty pools of water on the ground like the ones that follow you after you drink a lot of water i think that's a you problem no no no i don't i don't think so uh the sucky thing is that they do have durability what that's dumb can we but they do hold up to six oh drops the water i should barely count that high that's okay that's why the canteen does it for you did you make the torches too no but we do have those available that would be fun because we're gonna have to go down pretty soon to make the we're gonna got to go down and get a bunch of eggs eventually to make exploding bombs yeah there's some water yay okay this canteen is kind of cool and i could just slurpee jerky oh that's nice and i didn't even get sick so i guess the next thing is to figure out how much pollen we have acorn bits that's not pollen we're gonna have to go raid the bees aren't we yeah i don't think we collected a lot of pollen in our day no there's five of them over here wow what are you doing here flew in through the window hey little monster nah you missed i will hit you miss he was three feet in front of you i don't know but that was kind of scary stupid ganesh well at least now we can cook them up yay goodnight meat so these pollen turrets aren't that expensive we just need some acorn shells silk rope instead of the other one flower petals and weed stems sounds kind of nice okay well we did make a lot of silk robe last time yeah there's like 400 in there we also need to find where that other thing is is that it right there it's literally marked on the map as a mixer yeah there is that one i did find another one yeah next to the grill that we can take in the future okay and then i know there's one down in the uh in the sandbox too oh there's a bee look at that there's a few of them over there gathering pollen yeah they don't like their hive anymore they moved into a honey jar they did we're going to move into their hive and steal all of their pollen we're going to move to their face one of them just buzzed me yeah get it okay that was fine whoop oh i think i just slammed my face into the stairs why is there a larva here get down oh no oh oh oh i blocked it i don't think that's the right s word ow i don't think it matters i just about dying burning and junk so problem is we have set one bee we upset them all good we need all of their pollen for devious systems in life also is there a burgle chip up here oh i guess there is deep in the maze do we even know our way around this maze anymore our midway around the mcmaze i think so we just go through this door and we should be in the d20 room right yep yeah oh there's bees right here oh hello how you is oh oh my god don't like you get that oh can't touch this i'm the gingerbread come here oh wow okay you know what i think uh oh he pollinated us their eyeballs are weak spots quick attack and oh dirty my gerties nice okay give us that's a pollen that's we just i just got beef we got beef so i think we need to take care of the bees before they shake off their pollen stuff oh is that what the big brain is maybe okay let's have some fun i'll make them mad you killed that does sound fun ready get set that one's in the can it's trying to be that was a good hit we got like three of them after us whoa one after the other oh sniped him that one went upside down oh i'll get destroyed nope ow antoine you're supposed to be the one killing him i am killing him what do you mean i got more beef buzz i don't think this is going right i don't think we're getting the right bees i just got a fuzz and a stinger a stinky fuzzer a stuffer oh look at that shot i almost feel bad for him just kidding i don't okay he couldn't have struck it off any of his beefas i don't think any of these have pollen on them you got four of them in turn they just keep now you're a jerk face get away from me oh no he's shaking but how can they have pollen if they don't have pollen it's coming from every side i'll shoot them in the eyeballs that'll help that does help did it work did we get pollen okay we just killed like 17 bees and there wasn't one pollen in them we just make the whole hive go extinct yeah why not maybe it's the bees that are out in the wild collecting stuff maybe but i was also wondering about the flower bed hmm oh there's some more cute little bees down there they don't have pollen on their legs no they don't but you know a little population control never hurt anyone yeah speaking of things that don't have pollen on their legs would you not chase me down mosquito oh he doesn't even know where he's going okay you know what ow ow stop sucking my blood you leech he didn't like that these aren't leeches these are the other ones got him i made him i just got this mosquito going into a permanent nose dive ha ha ha ha nose dive ha i don't get it they are noses they're mosquitos they have noses yeah we got noses too does that make us mosquitoes i think so oh i can hit one i hit one in turn he's got paul oh please does he have no he did not anymore whoa he just got sniped by a bee it did how does it feel uh it stung a little bit would you kill him please i am working on it but he likes to stay out of range nice hit there we go did he have pollen please tell me my sacrifice was worth it i hate to say it but i don't think it was worth it because all we got was be fuzz oh nice shot i'm so good at sniping things with beef us more beef buzz this is the worst paul in collecting good at sniping things with pollen i wish i could man oh bless this bs pollen oh it does it yeah right down there should i shoot him in the eyeball i think yes he's under the table now ready to set me up did you get him no of course not but there's a giant milk bowler need that this might be more exciting than actual pollen dibs i dibs did all right now where'd that be go i don't know i lost my arrow those are oh there's one right over there oh that's a really long shot intern dang i'm so good at this oh you got it oh i'm going down okay guys we're going down i'm dropping uh the depot dusty divot or something i think this was the wrong bee i was but i still shot one and i feel pretty impressed with myself incoming b oh i made him mad oh there you got him oh the pollen fell off of him did it yeah yeah that one didn't give me i got it you got pollen oh yeah it fell off if it weren't we're so good at this game oh finally we got something to work with so we learned that it falls when you shoot them yeah that's annoying i'm gonna go take a bath quick i smell funny did that one fall uh no stupid b but the b fell oh man look at those gas prices over there a dollar three for a gallon oh wow can you imagine a world like that it would make me so happy inside [Music] what is that noise okay incoming payback payback how did they know where are they going dude oh yeah it's right under the big house oh that doesn't sound good no forget that pollen for a moment you have a bastard event no joke thankfully there is some sort of defense there you might remember that my friend terry got relocated oh yes what is it is it a worker ant uh oh i don't see anything yet oh there's things that are flashing red oh i think they're about to break well i'm putting terry up higher oh oh oh oh oh payback's arriving has it oh yeah it has oh it's over here uh by the juice box juice box destroy the payback it's got to be who they're targeting i'm guessing oh oh there's spiders over there spiders there spiders where are the spiders attacking um uh they're attacking the spit roast that's right here i don't like it oh cause though he killed the orb weavers just a little bit ago yeah they just oh that thing there's so many of them oh this is actually excellent hi dude oh gosh oh i'm about to die i'm doing okay okay doing okay i got this one ah you're dead and then you're dead i didn't realize it was the orb reavers that were mad at us i figured it was yeah i thought it was like ants did we do it i think did we pay back the payback oh no there's more over here oh no you did you dropped it right behind him nice okay we did we haven't finished i know some didn't sneak around us did they i don't know going back to see there's so many webs in there now man i wanted to use terry too yeah he's so sad oh i see one coming in coming in fast yeah i'm going to take care of it oh okay that was bad no illegal maneuver about to die no i wouldn't even i wouldn't i wouldn't be dead no no no no is that it do we oh there's more i see more oh surprise jack take them all on boom nice oh yeah that was excellent did we win again well something got around us baby stupid little juniors gotcha okay you know what maybe we should relocate terry they just keep coming they keep on coming and they keep on coming and they don't stop and they don't stop oh i don't have ammo for terry i have one bullet i'm good i will defend the fortress you pick like the worst spot in the history of bad spots to put terry by the way well this is where they were oh i'm sorry oh i lost my bullet you totally planned that i did they're going away they are but we delivered whoa he's like straight up leaving you're not allowed to leave and there's zoom in the butt get back here cool so uh let's go find some pollen yeah after i just take care of this orb weaver that thinks he can just walk away after we did and he despawned hey intern oh my gosh what is that pollen this is the best day ever we're gonna stun so many things with our new turrets oh i found a sleepy boy he's sleepy boy he's so adorable oh dead he exploded oh it's sad so where if i were pollen hanging around down here where would i be uh maybe on a beach i saw that okay uh-huh can you make it through oh he can go through the grass you cheater you're a wizard harry okay we're just gonna try to stun them all and then whoop oh did he did he drop pollen i i don't you're so mean to me what did i ever do to you mr bad b oh no no no no no no no they dropped out ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow okay and slice and dice and slam oh oh balls oh balls i can't i can't i'm not good with them i'm not good with that s word get wrecked thank you i killed him all by myself got him how about this one no no he didn't have pollen wow he got you though oh in turn and turn and turn oh what about what there's 12 pollen in here oh is there so we have 14 here there's more at the base uh we just need acorn tops do you have any acorn tops in turn i know i know ah all right so i see your mark over here there's the mixer oh there's some water gulp yeah i found that one earlier oh oh wow there's a scare up here hey hey no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no oh he doesn't disappear as fast as he used to yeah i noticed that too oh hi mr b i see you have pollen on your legs oh my i'm just over here in deconstruction mode taking out literally every single grass i see nice and then we'll build up a little place for our our new turret and speaking of i should bring over the one that's over here are you gonna bring terry all that way i mean i should you think he's gonna feel left out if we leave him behind yeah he might get jealous if we use that other turret and not him maybe it's a good idea to grab some ammo for terry i was gonna ask if uh terry needed a filler okay i'm gonna put down terry's friends somewhere if i can figure out how to build terry's friend pebble turret pollen turret and we'll put you right here in a prominent location beautiful let's grab a couple of these and do what i can neat okay now i've got 55 pebbles for terry so that should be plenty i've got him i've got terry do you look at the cool structures i've been building up here oh you can put terry on one side and i'll go on the other side with terry's friend terry or should it be perry because harry potter oh pollen terry i like the way you think in turn do you have the big brains sometimes oh yeah terry looks ready to do business what kind of business is he like a lawyer he's gonna be like yeah about that we're gonna just go ahead and sue them sue the bugs for whatever they do why haven't we tried that sooner we'd have a lot less problems i feel like this is the entire script of b movie but now we can finish perry you up real nicely oh you're finishing perry too is it wait hold on hold on isn't the b from b movie named barry this is this is terrible intern well that's why we say perry and not barry can you imagine if we fought bees as well oh terry and perry shooting barry this is just getting worse and worse as it goes just gonna put a basket over here for terry i have to remember which one i'm talking about because we got terry and barry perry you already brain dumbed do you like my little castles i made actually they work pretty nicely pretty quick and simple okay hit turn how are we ready day time pressing button time activate i should have saved it beforehand oh oh they're coming in like right away where are they okay we're going to stun mode that's wrong hey hey hey okay that's harry you can't shoot them yeah terry can't uh perry can't shoot there either that's fine they're super easy to kill whoa how did i launch way up here that was kind of exciting what i don't know what you did but there okay we to be there it is spider airplanes mosquitoes yeah that's that's the name already oh oh i stunned him oh i missed that one oh these are so expensive though die spider airplane harry's doing the work i did it i stunned one run get wrecked and junk oh shoot it nice job terry whoa you rang all them oh they're coming in behind behind attack don't you dare attack that mixer you have to make that growling sound every time oh nice shot intern you saved my life i am forever in your debt oh what could i do with that hey would you run soldier and stop mr soldier ant those were expensive they're not even attacking the mixer they're just going for the wall i know that's why i built the wall you're just beating him up man what did he ever do to you all right perry let's do this all right terry do you want to shoot perry uh sure i'll try perry out okay okay find me oh nice shot and he's done that oh they're flying good job it's not stunning anymore oh no oh that was stunned yes that was beautiful intern oh yeah the only problem is uh paul is kind of expensive yeah we we only have eight left you know what's more expensive than pollen what arrows is that where you're using terry yeah we should have made these upside down for comedic effect you want to go back to australia yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry terry we gotta go you know they they probably have a better chance of hitting things when they're upside down got him except perry doesn't go upside down this is so disorienting i don't know just use perry thank you i got one oh nice shot i'm upset oh you're dead okay where's the other one there he is oh nice this is so disorienting being upside down like that i almost think you edited it so we're looking to write up but all of the ui is upside down you know just take care of the soldier ants over here i don't see any geronimo wait yeah because they're over here they're over there that's why i couldn't see them because they're not over here i know you need help i'm you are forever in my debt that i have rescued your life that's not how that works i want you to touch the shiny object i want you to touch it touch it first come on shiny boy give me give me the shin i got it i got it yeah i got the shirt ow you tried to murder me no oh give me that back now dodge again no perfect time and i'd like to thank all of the patreons and youtube members including autodave been inator ben dickie james moonstorm teddy hippies eagle arc destructo man maxor spencer t vc engineer whip it good baron fox darnoff deegan jason l round whiskey splatter sex job doug rules 2.0 fury arrow nerdy geeks come chest the corian link here and brad always rob the king kdf delta c blair b psycho t helvora mrm gaming terrarium gamer and rafael
Channel: Blitz
Views: 384,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz grounded, grounded blitz, grounded grill location, grounded multiplayer, grounded coop, grounded co op, grounded co op gameplay, grounded gameplay, grounded hot and hazy, grounded weapons, grounded coal chunk, grounded building, grounded weapons upgrade, grounded mysterious machine, grounded intern, grounded interndotgif, interndotgif grounded, grounded traps, grounded bug traps, grounded spider traps, grounded best traps, grounded
Id: OxSQF1K9yY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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