I Became a Multimillionaire In 1 Year by Tormenting the Police - Rescue HQ - The Tycoon

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out rescue HQ today you get to manage fire police and emergency medical services that's three whole departments like in torment they were kind enough to send me a key for this so let's get into this new game we're gonna do number two I know San Francisco well and really how can I ruin these services more than they already have but we're gonna try downtown and quaint houses next to a stadium definitely not San Francisco hey the game wants us to do the basics just build an office a garage and some utility for now we have two plots of land to work with this guy on the left and this guy on the right there's two other plots of land up here but it looks like we have to buy those later we don't have that much money so what I want to blow it all at once in this game if you lose all your money it's game over so just for starters I'll put my garage way the hell over here let's see let's build it out like there we go looks like we're doing police first select our squad cars over here oh I can't put these cop cars down anywhere but facing the street which I guess makes sense unfortunately and this is the part where the game yells at me there's a build error no feet allowed now I'm just kidding it wants me to build a door this is the front door where everyone comes in and out of I just put like a door right here looks like that means you just come in you go in through the front door of our police station and spend virtually no time in there exit out to the grass and then just walk over here to where the cop cars are gonna be okay great we're gonna have a very bohemian police station go ahead and set up an office we'll go ahead and shape it like an S for San Francisco you have to put a police hiring station down which allows us to hire police people and we'll just place that right there we'll put the door to this beautiful place right up here at the front now we need to build some utility and we'll make it an F just to complete the ensemble in that utility we're gonna put lockers can't hire without them so here we go put these anywhere they'll fit just so long as it feels horribly claustrophobic then we're good to go be still my heart we've unlocked some new goodies for the office which includes a police desk and paperwork storage oh this s is really already not working out so well you go just shove that in the corner there I like it where everything is just kind of in boxes now they'll just like pop out IKEA style tada what would you look at that our police officers have arrived that is some exceptional work you're doing in there keep on typing and looking at nothing oh hell yes we can unlock Swat gear right let's extend this a little bit so we can make room for the SWAT gear now we're talking just a bunch of guns on a rack out in the open door accessible to the street it's perfect what's this cop doing is he peeing huh he's like well it's a no crime city I'm just gonna spend some time in this shrubbery so these are all of our employees these are the lovely people in blue that we're gonna see if we want to hire we can hire them for the day or the night shift I figure we'll just keep it even I love by the way that to go in and out of the precinct people feel that they have to go through the front door there is if they couldn't just walk across the grass game is now unlocked a couple other things including a bathroom a kitchen in a bedroom okay so we get a shower we get a toilet we get a bathroom same so if I just build like a bathroom just like that door here and here and here there we go you know so the whole neighborhood can enjoy it then if I choose toilet and I just put these along this wall and I just put showers along this wall nice so if you want to take a shower that's fine just know that people going in number two might be able to take a gander wait a minute this gives me an idea uh-oh look at that I can use the bathrooms as hallways we got to reconfigure this this is too good I removed my utility room as well as my office I'm gonna redo it because I have a better idea let me give you the new tour you're immediately treated two people either showering or doing their business oh and one sink because you know we're not savages and let's put in our bedroom which because people are sleeping this is gonna be the main hub we'll just kind of put beds wherever we can there we go this should allow people to rest up for their shift oh my god we have an unresponded emergency domestic disturbance some angry citizens are escalating their argument neighbors have placed in an emergency call send a police crew on location so pretty much we have to select our crew our vehicles and our equipment we don't have a lot of any of that so we're just gonna select three lovely people with them in our police cruiser a hundred percent chance of rectifying the situation great dispatch utility we're gonna move down here I really want everyone to be able to see the SWAT equipment I don't think there's windows that I can find so we're just gonna have to put doors on everything see that's great now everyone from the outside can see these doors any type of police officer goes in and out they'll be like oh there's a bunch of unsupervised guns in there also extend this back wall and put us some sweet sweet police lockers there we go looking good oh my god there they go they're gonna go on the little Joyride have fun just dive into that police car does everyone just action dive into the car nope nope it was just that one guy oh my god we have another one a storage being robbed this little icon over here tells us that there might be a shootout prepare for ordinance exchange Harriet Ellsworth Karen get in that police car take all the SWAT gear with you do what you need to do oh well look who's back you guys have a fun triumphant night looks like you did claim rewards isn't the potential shootout enough looks like we get 1,200 bucks and 48 stars these things what is this reputation now the city trust me because I didn't accidentally kill them with cops let's build us a kitchen so first we're gonna use a connecting hallway also known as a bathroom and put our standard showers on one side boil it's on the other the only option we have in the kitchen is a fridge so I guess we'll just sadly put that in the room like that aw did you hear that lovely noise that was apparently us failing the emergency gotta say they don't seem too broken up about it you know I forgot to put our office back let's go ahead and kind of shove that over here in the corner all right now we need a place to train our people wonder if we can build in this space right here oh yeah we sure can because this hallway is smaller we'll just do toilets only now we'll put down a training area let's see what is the way this will feel the most awkward yeah like that look at this great use of space I really can't wait to pump some iron while someone's trying to breach a door one foot from where I am Hey look the oceans being rubbed does that mean there's like a traveling merchant being boarded right now welp send all the units yep there you go guys take this stuff seriously go stop those real-life pirates look I'm trying to navigate this space not a single one of you wants to stop and you know they shower fully clothed although their sensor thing looks naked huh well it's time for the night shift I believe these icons mean different things this little guy that shows that they're tired and the best button of all making them work another shift on overtime so we're gonna do that so that those tired people can remain tired forever oh my god a suspect has arrived I got a build a holding cell posthaste taste lipstick our holding cell just put it like that and then we'll put our door like that yeah there's my holding cell but you dudes can just sit in there and think about what they did so this prisoner to get to his cell has to go unattended through all those bathrooms through where all the cops are pooping and sleeping and then finally he's arrested and and just sits in there with the door open I might add that is a very trusting criminal and then you send in another cop to practice his stand-up comedy on the guy just to see how long he'll last so while these people work over here at their hiring stations also known as computers we see this number down here increase now we can hire all these people awesome oh look dad cop is lecturing this dude now well the game unlocked a bunch of other exciting stuff like the medical community but we're gonna hold on that for now because I just realized we can get a police van takes 150 reputation which I have so we're gonna unlock that I liked how before it arrives it's just eight boxes that is until it just pops into existence a perfect American police vehicle Oh check it out stakeout for a stakeout I say we choose the six most tired people on the planet and shove them all in this police van that sounds pretty undercover if you ask me have fun falling asleep at the wheel we're gonna add a relaxation room we're gonna put in this weird little space right here right next to the inmates we're just gonna put a holding cell door right there so the only way to get to this relaxation room is through the holding cell where the inmates can watch cops having a relaxing time I assume this is how cops unwind right they just theater-style sit in this room and just stare at inmates from the other side night shift is about to begin you know what that means we got to keep these tired tired tired people on shift always oh my god it's really happening this cop is just chewing out this inmate well this other cop just watches through the glass let's expand into the wild world of firefighting starting with this big beautiful hulking truck so we got to build lockers for these guys just like the other thing what is this by the way is this like a public park like can people just hang out here right next to the guns oh look there's our firefighters is that really what firefighters do anywhere they're like fire resistant stuff even when they're just doing office work I hope we got our first fire citizens have reported smoke coming out of an apartment go solve that 100% unfortunately there goes our only fire engine and we have another fire we're supposed to fight but you know what I guess just that part of the city will burn down what we're gonna want to build more fire engines so we can send out more at a time that way we can fight all the fires what's this person even doing out here actually why wouldn't you be out here look how horrible it looks in there if I had my way I would stare at that wall and be like I don't want to go in that crazy house ever again oh my god we can have a shooting range don't mind if I do let's make sure it's facing the houses like God do you see this just an outdoor gun range for the cops just right outside the local cinema this wouldn't freak you out at all if you're having lunch right over there would it I put like another range facing the opposite way there we go now it's doubly unsafe all these people just milling around behind the target a gun safety at its finest it's time to extend to the medical community now you know we can probably share this space right here right let's see let's draw this how like yeah let's make the only way in or out through the gun range let's put down our triage station there we go looks great hopefully you like the beautiful symphony of gunfire right outside your triage room we're also gonna add a medicine laboratory in here a nice quiet place to analyze your samples my god these people just leave the fridges open which one of you 10 million people in here did this things are getting kind of cramped here I think we have no choice but to expand over here okay this is gonna be the new site was gonna build a big old fatty garage right here and it's time to get into the life-saving business three beautiful ambulances oh my god my first medical case a huge work accident and an industrial construction site multiple wounded possibly also some chemical burns oh boy oh boy 60% we're gonna be helpful go have fun trying to save some lives okay someone's finally in my triage boot uh you okay there buddy I couldn't help but notice that your heads coming out through the shower there okay well you're all better now okay so I think I've nailed down what this game basically is I've been slowly expanding my fleet of vehicles the bathroom is still the place to be and pretty much we just need to expand our equipment to become the ultimate force in the universe which is why now we have sniper rifles but the good news is I bought an honest-to-god ride vehicle can't wait to use this is now week seven we have more vehicles that are disposable including this sweet sweet ride right here we have new toys including a hazmat suit and a bunch of drone stuff and this like do-it-yourself crowd control stand beyond that it's essentially business as usual the place where people sleep is still the busiest thoroughfare in the entire station unlocked the rest of the stuff in here's the biggest thing of interest is now we can put down a helicopter for each department there it goes slowly building my Kia's finest they just send you the whole helicopter in boxes you have to put it together yourself there we go a bunch of beautiful helicopters look here's a triple threat let's do this one a collision involving multiple vehicles all three departments are required I like how they're covering their heads even though the whoa that took off quick I also streamline to the kitchen now it looks kind of like a Best Buy showroom floor so I click down here and I'm looking through my employees specifically looking at our top applicants and what do you know but grace is there if you've seen my other videos you may or may not know that I torment people named Grace I don't even know how this got started but now it's a thing so we're gonna hire grace the police officer to the day crew we're really gonna enhance her life it's gonna be a beautiful thing so the night shift is about to begin grace being part of the day shift means she's supposed to go home obviously but I feel like she could use a little more on-the-job training so we're gonna give her some overtime have her work the night shift - this should give us some time to send her on assignment domestic disturbance grace go sort this out take the riot truck with you yep there she goes have fun grace was successful to send you on another one reports of a peaceful demonstration turned violent at 2:00 a.m. hi grace go stop this riot all on your own night shift is over that's fine because now grace is gonna work her real shift oh my god she was successful again grace are you the ultimate police officer gonna send grace on another one based on these icons looks like Greece is not only tired but exhausted physically and mentally drained and likely to make costly mistakes perfect meanwhile night shift is about to begin we know the drill grace stays on to complete her 48-hour shift grace was successful again grace basically beats all the odds over and over again and she got injured doing it light injuries surface tissue wounds twisted joints should heal after a single shift at home home praise this is where you live now oh no grace got even more injured medium injury will likely take two shifts to heal fully like two shifts at work I can do that okay so we've been playing for a little while you're on week 52 which means it's been about a whole year we've made a little money 846 million to be correct bless her heart grace is still with us you can always find her on the list because she's the one that's exhausted and sometimes injured she's also the only person we send out on assignment anymore we have prisoners that I've been here for so long they themselves are demanding more comfortable surroundings I just want to relax somewhere you know what I've got an idea let's do something a little extra special for grace I think she could use some more cop friends so let's hire some more a lot more this is also probably my favorite part of the day when it's eating time and everyone just goes to town in fact every room is terrible let's remove all these pesky helicopters we're not gonna use them anyway let's use this entire space to build out an office oh god it's instantly like looking at the DMV that person down there is like nope not doing it God look at this fresh hell surely this is what all of you on the police force signed up for I added more lockers which means now we can have 780 whole police officers here comes the day shift with all the police officers that's what a 500 plus person Human Centipede looks like just imagine sleeping here so we've kind of capped out at 782 you know I feel like my frame rate is great just where it is I love how the game tells me low frames per second detective hike yeah we know so let's get rid of all these pesky facilities here there you go you're all free range humans now if there's one thing I know that these police like it's the shooting range so I went ahead and gave these cops the one thing they crave a horribly designed gun range like some of these people are just standing out there this lady's like do it oh my god she's spinning around like I can't hit me suckers I also removed the only sink and put it over here at the end of this maze turns out people really care about washing their hands so they're gonna have to brave the frame rights to go for it I think it's so hard to tell since as you can see the game runs like a dream okay you know what I think we've done as much damage as we're gonna do now glad we could become multimillionaires just to do this oh and as our final act as the Master and Commander of San Francisco over here grace you're fired crew member has been fired leaving the building now thanks for joining me and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,337,135
Rating: 4.9390454 out of 5
Keywords: rescue hq, rescue hq tycoon, rescue hq game, rescue hq lgio, rescue hq lets game it out, let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, lgio, let's game it out rescue hq, let's game it out tycoon, tycoon games, rescue hq gameplay, police tycoon, rescue games, fire station tycoon, hospital tycoon, simulation games, city builder games, police simulator, fire simulator, rescue hq the tycoon, rescue tycoon, firefighter game, rescue hq - the tycoon, rescuehq
Id: aS2vmtki8DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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