Minecraft, But the Entire World is DIAMONDS

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you think that a world of only diamond blocks would make minecraft extremely easy but that's actually not the case there are no trees no ores and not a single animal but despite that we're gonna see if it's possible to become extremely op we're gonna check out some amazing structures and then attempt to beat the game but first of all i need to find a village and i need to find one before my hunger runs out it's not a village but this could be extremely useful in fact there's a village right behind it okay this is very very useful i don't see any mobs about in here let's mine our way down this is going to be a very boring process but i have no other way to get down the first chest a bit of a letdown the second chest however two golden apples an emerald which could be useful for that village and more emeralds and string i might as well take this tnt as well and now it's on to the village which i believe is gonna be my only way to get food i've just realized another challenge as well there is no wood anywhere in this entire world so i'm going to have to find a crafting table if i want to use one and thankfully this house does have one although i have no sticks unless i can take a dead bush i can't place it wait the sun wait yeah but that is a way to get sticks it didn't work but that is a way to get steaks also made some bread so we can get eating and there's one more dead bush here don't let me down give me the sticks come on are you kidding me so you know what i'm just gonna steal your wheat scam this villager by selling him his own produce and then find another village this village looks a lot bigger but i never thought that dead bushes would be the most important thing to me and there's one in here let's grab that put it on the sand we finally got sticks which means i can make an iron pickaxe mine some of these diamonds grab some armor because you know safety first and now i can suit up i'm looking very very ob indeed i'm afraid mr golem i need more iron because i don't have a weapon i'm gonna have to use a pickaxe which means it's taking me forever he gave me three iron i can at least make one bucket and there's another dead bush down here look at this it gave me another stick now that i've stopped being blind i've realized there's actually dead bushes everywhere let's break both of these two more sticks that means diamond sword and diamond axe we are looking very very good indeed i'm also going to steal some of their items i mean wheat thanks i guess it's kind of good and day one has been very very successful will these fletchers sell arrows he will i think we buy those now because i don't know when i'll next get a chance to buy some and yeah i'm more wheat yeah it's it's completely original oh my goodness why is there a dead animal here what how did he die and his wolf i didn't think we'd be able to get wool and now this sheep's wandering off i'm sorry guys yeah sorry farmer i'll let you see but i have some some of them i don't need it and so the quest for sticks continues i also feel like i kind of blend into the floor another temple we need a notch apple we've surely got to find one in this video there's a few things in here eh well yeah you met the wrong guy oh an enemy i can actually use him i use a boat so i'm gonna have to do it you know the way that minecraft intended for you to take out enderman did we get a pearl no we didn't let's dig down here i'd like more iron i think more tnt may come in handy okay we got that why why am i like happy to find diamonds there's diamonds everywhere more golden apples and iron though that is a lot more useful we did it wait we got it i didn't think we'd get one this fast don't mind if i do this was an extremely good temple and this is something quite rare stone i'm not sure what i'm going to use it for but let's grab some just in case look at that we got the stone agent champion full diamond armor before the stone agent shipment at this point is there even any point visiting more temples instead i might as well craft a couple of buckets grab a bit of water and also a bucket of lava and coal that's actually super rare i know rare items when i see them and diamond blocks aren't oh hold on a second let's get rid of wait i've got to do this carefully let's get rid of that get rid of that perfect and i must know where are all the villages i need more sticks i'm actually getting sick to death of seeing desert temples okay maybe i'm not sick to death of desert temples what are the chances a channeling book and a channeling book i really want to mine more obsidian but until i get stakes i can't do that there's a temple number 1758 oh no i didn't sleep in time and now ah there's just monsters everywhere actually that's the way to get sticks i could just keep taking out witches and they sometimes drop them finally finally a village and is it true the legendary dead bush i'm telling you if this doesn't drop stakes i am not going to be happy it drops thank goodness for that now i can make a diamond pickaxe there's a couple more here surely these will drop yeah look at that beautiful just out here farming sticks okay we've got a lot you know what this is it this is this is it it's not it's not letting me down now let's make a bow a shovel we have grass blocks i wonder why animals didn't spawn in probably because we are technically in a desert animals don't spawn in deserts i think it'd be a good idea to grab a bit more food and then craft a furnace melt some stone in the furnace and then i can craft a blast furnace collect more emeralds and i also need iron and i never thought i'd say this but i'm gonna go searching for more desert temples aha there's one up ahead also gravel could be useful that's actually quite rare and at these temples i can get more iron that's where i've just been and that's where we're going i hear mobs in this one i think it's a village up here as well okay this is a proper ambush i need to deal with this carefully get rid of that creeper don't blow up because you'll end up setting off all the tnt also don't we're all right okay now getting rid of you is a piece of cake let's drop one down here and thankfully we did get more iron and i think i'm ready to check out this village all right gollum your first on my list now would anybody like to be an armorer if you would just step right this way you sir okay you are gonna be having a great day first i need to buy loads of iron leggings this is gonna be very expensive especially since i have no use for them thankfully there's hay bales everywhere because i need more emeralds and books oh i didn't think i'll be able to find box this now this is a game changer if i need to i can now make an enchantment table which is gonna be handy but i'm planning on getting chapman's a better way more emeralds from you thank you very much and upgrade you a little bit more and now it's time to become a farmer here you go sir more wheat let's get rid of all of these barrels apparently there's still some left let's just make a new fisherman you you can be one and he will buy string off me very useful they also left loads of bones and string down here guys if you like cats don't watch this it's just another great way to get string i'm just kidding i'm not that desperate for emeralds god just looks like he's contemplating life what what are you looking that's it you snap out of it buy another one let's do a bit more planting a little more trading and now i'm tired of trading so i'm going looking for another village here we have more wheat more bulks more iron and more emeralds i realize with a higher end of distance i can see way more villages man high render distance suddenly makes this easy mode i could see him from miles away oh my goodness you i've just shield your fate i'm sorry skeleton i mean this is a waste of a temple but it's kind of funny at the same time temple over there village over there and another village over there with a mending book oh my goodness they are so rare but sadly no iron i know where i can get iron though and that is from you 45 hay bales surely that's enough also this is an extremely rare building and it always has really good loot and you're a cleric oh i can i can use you can i sell you yeah yeah i have a bit of rotten flesh mate if i upgrade him just enough there we go he will now buy my gold off me and i can get some lapis if i what do i want to do in china no you know what i'm not going to do any enchanting it'd be stupid not to take some lupus while i'll have the chance though let's just take nine pieces there we go and bring the brewing stuff with me sorry mate well mr farmer have i got good news for you lots and lots of wheat we have 32 emeralds i'm hoping this is going to see me through oh my goodness this is on the way back look how much wheat it's basically free money it's a shame i can't use a hoe for all of this but right now we're on 1.15 i'll explain why later i've got nearly three stashed this better be enough looks like this temple is literally part of the village but there's three enchanted books depth strider three that's very nice more iron and emeralds and aqua affinity hope you don't mind i'm just gonna steal a few more books let's get you a bit more hate and at long last my plan is ready for action see now i can buy chain boots for just one emerald what use do i have for them not a lot but it's what he upgrades to that matters he didn't do the trade i wanted but i can still use him you know what this arm is useless yeah you've just been useless to me you know i'm just not happy with you you didn't do the trade i wanted it's the end of you hopefully this villager won't make the same mistake first we buy a load of helmets and we give him loads of iron and then we exploit him by selling him diamonds it worked don't worry guys we have got a lot of diamonds that we can sell and we have a blacksmith anything useful right this chest just refuses to open oh there we go fine oh obsidian and oh saplings wait that is actually useful i don't have enough space so let's go and uh just give him a load of free diamonds i get rid of all these crops sorry farmer sorry i've got wheat no you want carrots that's it i don't feel sorry we've placed down a supplement craft bone meal bone meal the treat come on it's got to work we've got wood it doesn't look too happy does it let's give this guy a load more diamonds and if i pick up this grindstone give it to one of these villagers i can then upgrade them a little bit although he wants flint to upgrade to the next level there's not much gravel in this world so i'm just going to keep scamming this guy with diamonds and now i can buy some enchanted diamond armor not a bad little upgrade let's keep collecting wood mining wheat selling it to the poor villagers and i've just noticed this building over here we know this is a good one well it's got bread and you know what bread is a great thing not to mention another brewing stand let's just use up these saplings take this grindstone and i think it's about time that i headed to the nether this looks like as good a place as any to build a portal and of course the fastest way is just going to be to do it like this and then to light it thankfully i found this gravel earlier got some flint let's make some flint and steel light the portal get some sleep and i also want to use this chance to get more obsidian i forgot how slow a normal diamond pickaxe is and now i can craft an enchantment table a bunch of planks which i can turn into bookcases and 18 is the perfect amount now let's head to the nether also as i said earlier we are in a 1.15 world and that's because superflats are bugged in 1.16 and later where you don't get strongholds spawning let's beat the game we we need a stronghold and whilst i'm in another getting nether quartz is going to be the fastest way to get loads of xp so that very soon we can have some very powerful armor i've reached a grand total of 41 levels and in the distance i have spotted a fortress so i'm going to grab a little bit more quartz on the way so that i can then get to level 42 and now let's get those blaze rods without falling in lava of course any iron that i find here is also going to be very useful since iron is pretty rare blaze has been spotted in fact two thinking it makes sense to eat the notch apple now and now i have fire resistance and that makes you guys completely useless it's kind of crazy that blaze go from being one of the hardest mobs to the easiest mobs when you have fires i don't really need those i'm in a diamond block world since i don't have looting there's really no point me really going for wither skulls this would be my best way to get coal but i don't really need coal oh dear that skeleton you picked a fight with the wrong guys wait are they attacking me now are you really angry why i didn't do anything it was the skeleton why are you angry at me i've even found the spawner on already i've got four blaze rods and there it is and i think 13 blaze rods should be enough which is just as well since my fire resistance has run out let's build our way up and out of here and this nether brick is now coming in useful i'd be careful i don't fall in any lava because if i do i won't have my notch apple to save me although 11 golden apples they might get me out of trouble feel like now i'm on 43 levels i should aim for 45 and that is 45 levels perfect and here is my portal let's head on through and i think it's now time i focused on the ender pearls which means selling a lot of diamonds to you good sir was that you're a fisherman well not for long you ain't as soon as you wake up you'll be a clerk in fact i'm just going to get into your bed it's also very useful that i can buy more lapis let's also get more iron give you more wheat and then sell you more diamonds and that means i can now unlock the pearl trade and he's offering me glass bottles you stupid villager we know what happens to villagers who double cross me like that i don't know where you're wandering off to but you can be my new cleric i'll be back when i can afford more hopefully this desert temple has more emeralds and some iron and gold as well decided tnt isn't actually that useful well it could be a good way to get a lot of diamond blocks let's see what happens i'm just going to light them all and set up a massive chip but i better get out of this uh firing range i just realized not the best place to be and is it yeah look it's a nice little chain reaction and i tell you what we're getting quite a few diamond blocks turns out nearly three stacks of them hello dear cleric i've come with more gifts i don't feel like you've somehow got yourself trapped come on mate out you come that's it go and join the others i feel bad for this guy making him walk so far away to go to work glad to say this guy's selling me under pearls like the old saying goes if you see a golem take him out what do we have here a fletcher yeah just just take all my wood i really hope i don't need that later look at all the bread here and lapis they're all gonna come in handy free emeralds don't mind if i do thanks for the extra ender pearls you can have more diamonds we really have got a proper economy going i've decided to leave that village behind and instead make my eyes a vendor see which way we need to go that way because i've just realized that once it goes dark it's going to be extremely easy to find enderman didn't really mean to make him and angry let's just get him in the boat and we didn't get a pearl two more have been spotted and they're both very nicely sitting in the boat but still no enderpeal my calculations are right the stronghold is somewhere around that village oh my goodness there's four of you guys will you all just leave me alone accidentally burn the butt i'm sorry enderman this is this is not good get out of the lava yeah that's right let's just uh let's just put you let's put you down now come on he's died a mob drops off or something can't get an end to pill to save me life finally there's another one and that gives me 12 in total okay that's another one if this guy drops i'm one well and truly sorted we still got a lot though his eyes pointing over there according to my calculations i should dig down right here but first i think i should get some more iron and finally do some enchanting which means setting up this little area first of all me sword sharpness four i'm very happy with that efficiency four of my pickaxe power three that's pretty rubbish let's also do some grind stoning now the enchantments can just be a bit better look at that almost full prop 4. it's either prop 4 or prop 3. if i get 4 more iron i can make an anvil let's also grab some beds since i think i can probably go for the one cycle i've only got five but you know if i can't do it in five beds i don't deserve to do it and down we go and look at that straight into the stronghold beautiful if i could find a little bit more iron down here that would be perfect already i found the portal room do we just forget the anvil and go for it it might be worth it let's put in the eyes i just need a couple more there we go i also need to remember to get some obsidian and now i have an efficiency for pickaxes way faster and there's two chests here this one has gold if this has four iron in it will be amazing but i'm i'm not getting my hopes up no although another ender pearl yeah that's that's all right so that means these books are pretty useless well mending goodbye old friend it will be missed but let's take down the dragon as we'll start by ender pearl all right it's a bridge that's a peasant's job let's come over here and place some obsidian and now i'm going to begin towering up with diamond blocks i don't think i've ever done this before in the end oh no i forgot the hitboxes on 1.15 are completely bug look it's glitched and it's up there and he's already perching he just did a really weird perch so it's instead time for plum b where we take them out the old fashioned way is he gonna come up here you really think that's a good idea dragon here's what we do okay we shoot this tower we end a pearl down oh look at that it just can't teach that thankfully shooting towers is kind of my speciality just got to shoot this caged one there we go and this right here is the final tower perfect i'll tell you what this power 3 bow is doing doing a good job actually i'm gonna go for a bit of a one cyclist oh well that didn't work let's just do it the old-fashioned way this time i'm gonna make something happen it's not gonna be perfect but oh look at this is it's gonna happen here look at that we managed to use a bit of a mixture of everything there and that was minecraft beaten on a diamond only world
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,253,186
Rating: 4.9305501 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, diamond, diamond blocks, diamond world, minecraft diamonds
Id: -pa5SPImS64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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