I Survived 600 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft...

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most people take weeks to make a diamond beacon but today we're gonna completely finish one as well as get hundreds of pieces of ancient debris also i i almost rage quit the series in this video you'll soon see why to begin i'm gonna grab some fish and set off traveling in search of cats because i need to get a complete catalogue and i'm not taking all these cats with me i just don't have space for all that and i can't remember which ones i haven't haven't got so i'm taming every cat i see finally this guy was a cat that i've never tamed before seven down four to go how cool is this an ice village right by an acacia village this is really crazy to see him so close another new cat sorry i've already tamed one of you you seem to be stuck there fella jump to make a way up here there we go now i need to collect more fish another desert temple here there's always a chance to find a notch apple with some regular golden apples and that's about it another temple and another waste of time here we have a jungle biome i think i should bring back some of these cocoa beans since i don't have any of them at home i'm gonna get a jungle sapling as well and i can grow my own tree at home and there's a temple there's some emeralds which is nice and a cream okay that could have been close and more golden iron can have enchanted books but not this time a chest containing nothing important there is an extremely low chance of finding a not chapel in one of them another desert temple i'm breaking into okay i shouldn't have broken in the back more gold see enchanted book not very good though and more gold again look at this we've got a blacksmith i think i'll take the bread but everything else i've already got loads of another blacksmith with obsidian i think i might need that and this is cat number nine and we have here cat number 10 which means the final cat i need is the black cats which can be found at a swamp hut and there's one over there i'm going to attempt to tame this cat without the witch even knowing well am i supposed to do it now you're down there i'll just give you that there we go we got a complete catalogue and i might as well grab this bee hive on my way oh i just made them very much turns out that wasn't a silk touch pickaxe my bad hopefully these guys will be a bit more friendly there we go that's much better and this one down here it's gonna be quicker for me to go home through the nether so i'm gonna mine this tender chest with a fortune pickaxe get the obsidian from it and then use that to build a portal and take the shortcut home might as well grab a free gust here whilst i'm here and what would have been a 10 000 block journey is now only a 1 000 block journey and here we are home sweet home if i give these guys bread we might get some more baby villagers let's also add more bee hives around the area and finally i can plant a jungle sapling and create my own mini jungle still no sign of the egg hatching and now i think it's time that i once and for all finish this diamond beacon i have new strategies so it's now going to be way faster but first i need to find a swamp which is ironic since i was literally at one five minutes ago another temple another letdown finally this is what i want i've shown this another video so i'm not going to go into too much detail but at the middle of these clay we're going to go across eight blocks and then dig straight down and at the bottom you will always find diamonds and i can just swim straight up and dig down in the next place and you just keep doing this over and over and we are going to get a lot of diamonds i will make you watch every single time i do it because it's gonna get quite repetitive well what do you know a wondering trader of all things i have no respect for you guys after the pain i've been through in the cave days although in this world he's pretty useless to me you guys want to see how many diamonds i've got after 10 minutes i'm excited to see as well two stacks in 10 minutes and to finish the beacon i need about 10 stacks i reckon that's doable some people spend weeks getting their full diamond beacon but i prefer to manage it in a few hours also the reason i don't often dig down using these big ones is because whilst it is possible to find diamonds they usually quite low down and generate in the bedrock and if something generates in the bedrock then it doesn't generate at all also guys i'm trying to hit 2 million subscribers this year so if you like my videos you should definitely subscribe it also works in non-swamp biomes where there's gravel or clay as you can see diamonds at the bottom so guys i did a little off-camera mining yes that is 10 stacks of diamonds do you know how crazy that is and that is after only one hour of mining i'm blown away and you guys were thinking the diamonds in the thumbnail were clickbait but quite the opposite was the case i'm pretty sure that despite all of that i've still not got enough yeah miscalculated i still need 12 more blocks but we can get them some other time right now gold supplies are a little low so i want to go and get some more which means afk and get the pigment farm i now have over 352 levels and as you can see in this chest there is a lot of gold i should probably craft it into gold blocks so it's easier to carry now for the real question on everyone's mind have me turtle eggs hatched and the answer is no i think i have a use for all these puppies and i'm also going to take the iron and that use is to breed these bees then we get the beautiful little baby bee i'm gonna go mining for more logs i still don't know how i'm this far in i still haven't built a tree farm i'm also gonna grab some coal and then i can make a load of campfires and then i can easily steal the bees honey i think i'll eventually make a honey farm but i haven't got around to that yet and i might as well harvest this sugar cane whilst it's still standing here because i definitely need to improve this pathetic little farm and now i think i'm gonna go and collect more sand i just realized i forgot the shulker boxes i feel like one day there's gonna be none of this desert left you ever wonder how a bee managed to get all the way out here in this desert he is definitely very lost indeed i filled up four shulker boxes so i'm gonna quickly grab all of this and then rush back home as fast as i can because if i'm fast enough my turtle leg will have yes it is hatching that happens between three and four am but it didn't fully hatch okay it got close it's very close it's closer than it used to be at least try and do the same again some other night now let's start making more tnt took a lot of crafting but an entire shulker box of cnt well this guy's trying to get at me turtle eggs they're coming from all angles oh anything happened to you are you kidding me i waited all night and nothing happened i should just let the zombie crush you i don't know why this is an achievement but i'm going to do it which means i'm going to need a lot of obsidian i over 100 pieces that should be enough i think i'm going to need to make a fishing rod and it's back to the nether a soul sun valley will be the perfect area and i think i've found my gut he's actually stuck down here this is perfect try and make a portal without me getting blown to bits this is actually a bit of a challenge because if the gas hits me my thorns might kill it i would have to be a pro at dodging gas fireballs as well let's light it up now i just need to get it through and that is where the fishing rod will come in we go like this you're in surely you're in wait how do you just go straight through a portal like that wait what what and it died i thought how does this game work all right take two this time hopefully things will be different let's light the portal let's start fishing it through the gas just floated away into the distance and despawned if i want any chance of doing this i'm going to have to put him in a minecart which i'll do some other time since right now i want to do some afk for gunpowder and it'll be time to go searching for netherite it's been long enough and if i'm quick my turtle legs might hatch and if it doesn't hatch tonight i'm giving up it still didn't crack this egg is never gonna hatch at least my creeper farm still works and now i'm gonna collect more sand and then i can craft loads and loads of tnt it would seem that a wandering trader has spawned although none of these trades really interests me one thing i would like to buy a lot of though is enchanting bottles since i can then use them out and about to mend my equipment but if i'm going to take this seriously i need way more clerics after a lot of trading i got over 100 of these bottles next time some of my equipment is weak we can test that theory out i'm still digging tunnels but i just realized i missed a piece of ancient debris last time i was doing tnt mining but yeah i've got 3 000 tnt in these two shulker boxes so i'm going to drink this swiftness and get placing this is going to take a while [Music] oh my goodness and we just had a massive disaster there although the plus side we can start finding this ancient debris now you can see how incredibly well this method works though we've got ancient debris up here and then just over there we've got two more we've got three up there they're absolutely everywhere i finally reached the end with 83 ancient debris and now it's back to placing tnt oh no i i placed tnt right by lava why did i not think that would blow it up just gonna keep placing and forget that happened once again i'm just casually being placed in tears and i see it all blowing up in the distance it must have gone near some lava here all blowing up next to me there's a tunnel another tunnel over there well it's gonna be blown up at some point it might as well be now although i've still got all this tnt to get through i've now run out of tunnel oh my goodness it's already blowing up i didn't even light it yet why'd it keep blowing up don't worry ancient debris will protect me from the blast i still have so much tnt left but let's see how much we get after all this already look at that one two a few over there beautiful after all of that i have 163 ancient debris and swimming through lara is literally the fastest way for me to get out of it this gas isn't open oh no i'm gonna die oh don't worry we've got a totem in fact we've got a few totems actually and now it's time for a quick trip to the xp farm so that i can repair my pickaxes everything is repaired and some people always comment saying why don't i smelt down the swords and get more nuggets honestly i get so much gold from all of this that's just not worth the coal and sometimes non-nugget items sneak through the system and gut would go into the furnace and just mess everything up because whilst the auto storage is good it does very occasionally mess up let's fill these up with ancient debris i also have a piece of netherite scrap and some ingots in here now these are all finished let's craft a load of ingots and we can make four blocks eight more debris and i could have made a fifth one and there we go why am i starting this project since i only need two more stacks of diamonds i'm gonna quickly get those in fact this area's got plenty of gravel and clay and here are the first diamonds and then my microphone cut off for the next 10 days or so but in that time i finished the diamond beacon built the auto storage for my bartering farm built a very efficient tree farm i also had to name my mooshroom that i got in the last episode and i've got a comment from my friend jackson life saying that i should name the mooshroom jack but then his girlfriend texted me saying to call it becky so just to annoy jack i i called it becky and then i felt bad so i travelled 5 000 blocks to bring another mooshroom home that i called jack then i built a roof of my turtle enclosure to keep the eggs safe i bred some rabbits and then got attached to them so brought them home then i named him mopsy bopsy and flopsy i then decided to do something a bit more manly so i headed to the end to bring home a shulker then there was a thunderstorm so i completed the achievement to strike a villager with lightning although the golems weren't too happy with this transformation and then i struck jack with lightning as well to turn him into a brown mooshroom next i broke the rarest block in minecraft because that seems to really annoy all of you guys and then i started digging a massive tunnel to transport my shulker from the world spawn to my house but i got a bit bored of that so i went to afk my creeper farm and and then i fixed my mic i can take out all these creepers and i can get back to mining for ancient debris now the tunnel's done i'm going to go and place down 2000 tnt i didn't get to use all my tnt because i don't want my pickaxe to break so i can't build any more tunnels but let's set up some chain reactions and already there's plenty of ancient debris i've reached into my tunnel and got 162 ancient debris and it is good to finally be home but all of you in there being the idiot that i am i accidentally put my ender chest in my in the chest so i couldn't use my under chest whilst i was out and about in the nether i've just crafted loads and loads of iron into rails i think that'll be enough might as well do the same with my gold let's craft a load more netherright ingots now 47 in total that's five more blocks to the other right yeah hey but you know what guys in my books progress is progress and slow and steady wins the race and now i'm finally gonna get this shulker tunnel finished i've now completely run out of iron i've completely run out of rails my pickaxe is nearly broken i think it's time for a restock thankfully i have loads of spare iron at my golem farm i also need to patch up this beacon again since at some point i stole a load of the iron blocks and then i can use this xp to heal me pickaxe now this is the only way to travel down this tunnel and now it's back to placing rails i've once again run out of rails but we are so close to getting back now thankfully this iron farm has been working hard and 48 more rails should be enough now that the track's finished let's make a minecart and go and get that shulker and we have made it to the okay maybe we haven't how do i stop this thing if my car needs to come back right we're going on foot for this last bit let's get you out of the boat there you go oh you stopped in a great position as well that's fantastic we can create this little shape here and if we put a minecart he's in perfect wait how did he die did he just shoot himself you have got to be kidding me this can only mean one thing i have to get another shulker that is shulker number two gone through the portal so i forgot to put him in a boat this time and i don't know where he is i can hear him but can't see him looks like he's already on the track right how do i get him in a minecart i just need him to stop latching onto the side of things what are you doing up there now break this leaf now where's he going now he's underneath this tree let's get him off there and now he's sideways on the tree now he's this way on the tree i've got him in a boat apparently he can be sideways and he can still go in a boat put the minecart here let's break the boat where did he go now this time the plan's foolproof he's gonna go there minecart pick him up no how did you miss okay he's in the minecart we did that perfect now no don't hurt yourself don't die now oh no he keeps hurting himself every time he shoots just stop shooting please i'm pretty sure this plan should work if i break that he goes down there okay finally i was about to pull my hair out but he's going it's finally working and against all the odds i have finally got a shulker back to my house now let's break your that's it i'm i'm done i'm out i've decided that i have now got a new plan let's put this guy into a boat there we go he's in there i'm going to encapsulate him in end stone and get some sleep now this worked for a target block so i'm sure it'll work for a skeleton as well so i'm now going to open this up for him there we go we can see him perfect i'm going to put a trapdoor above his head and then add lots of redstone let's drop a load of arrows on his head i'm just going to try and move him into a bit of a better position there we go now i can't miss i have an infinity bow so i might as well put like 100 arrows here now if i stand back here flick this lever okay i don't know what's going on there but it didn't work it seems the arrows just just got stuck on the trapdoor wait oh my goodness no don't die no his helmet broke and he burnt i'm having a terrible day but if there's one thing i can rely on in minecraft it's eating i'm going to start with a spider eye then some rotten flesh then an apple that's a little bit nicer and to top it off a bit of mushroom stew 14 foods down 39 to go excuse me good sir i'd like to buy some pumpkin pie and also some cookies and i think bread may also come in handy look at this right by my house there is an igloo but i have never been to this one before there's another one way over in that direction but i'm curious to see what we've got okay it's one with no secret thing underneath that's a shame let's get some raw pork raw mutton cooked mutton cooked pork raw chicken and some raw beef and over here we have some berries i can also drink some honey cook some kelp eat a bit of fish do a spot of fishing regretfully eat a puffer fish i don't recommend flying with nausea it's a bit trippy and now i'm on the hunt for either a shipwreck or a village and here i can get potatoes this place also has carrots and now i need to find a village with beetroot and this village has some beetroot seeds this time there will be no mistake let's flick this lever and uh he survived let's see if i can hit him from here there we go sometimes it's just better to do it manually now i must farm some potatoes and some beetroots and then because i have to i can eat a poisonous potato all right poison me didn't see that coming i can also eat a beetroot beetroot soup i managed to find some melon let's eat one of them and now all i need to find is a tropical fish and a notch apple i'd already have a notch apple but i'm saving that for how did we get here what to do how did we get here i need a shulker i really don't want to talk about that here we have a tropical fish let's eat this tropical fish and there we have it 38 out of 39. i can't believe i'm doing this again but i always say never give up let's get you in the minecart right perfect this time i'm going to be more careful not to screw up how do i break the minecart without killing the shulker if i hit that corner oh my goodness you know what i've got a better idea i've just what have i just witnessed this guy's made it with the old levitation yeah that's right you uh you get out of it make sure if i hit there oh there no i'm hitting hear me why give me a good sir i'd like to buy a glistering melon and now i shall do some brewing oh my goodness the rarest block in minecraft another one of the rarest block in minecraft suddenly they don't seem so rare let's splash you with healing so you don't die send you back along where you came from play some sand and a cactus let's splash you again just a bit on the safe side if i put a torch over there hopefully you should come back along with this trick again wait he's going come on go and hit the cactus please that's it it breaks we have got him out let's break that let's very carefully avoid all these get you in a boat alrighty he's in a boat he's safe and sound welcome to my house and your name can be stupid because that is what you are i guess that's a classic example of if i didn't mean to do that as i was saying it's a classic example of if at first you don't succeed just keep trying until you want to bang your head against the wall and never play minecraft again i'm now going to breed some pigs because i don't think i've done that before this is a bit of a precarious place yeah i need to get you off this this hill we don't want the baby falling down there now i'm going to braid a donkey and a horse and that gives me a little mule you remind me of miles only og's will understand that statement come on chickens let's get a baby chick i love how they're tiny but they just have a massive head it's hard enough to find two donkeys never mind breed them i've discovered a random nether portal i'm guessing i built this at some point ah this was one of my failed attempts at building a stronghold portal this does however give me a good opportunity a good opportunity to breed some hoglands and there we go we got a baby one and they're also really annoying oh my goodness i nearly died i'm like doing a nature documentary nearly died don't worry there's plenty more where that came from now let's grab some of this bamboo and now it's time to head back to the jungle and now i want to find pandas and ocelots and then ocelot has been spotted first thing i've got to do is make it trust me there's a one in three chance there we go we got it now i need to put it on a lead so it'll follow me and another ocelot has been spotted i found another one again and i've got to try and get this one to trust me i i think it has you trust me now yeah i've lost my other ass a lot so i've got to go and find him here he is stuck at the bottom of this come on mate and now i can breed you both and we have a baby ocelot who who doesn't trust me at all and just run for its life there's still a chance well you guys go and look after your baby it's run off over there and it looks like day 600 has ended so that ladies and gentlemen was how i survived 600 days in hardcore minecraft
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,919,884
Rating: 4.9371295 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 600 days, I Survived 600 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft
Id: EAxNNluqf6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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