50 Ways to Die in Minecraft (Fifth Edition)

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at long last I've managed to find some diamonds right I'm I'm gonna get some sleep first dogs I'm I'm so tired from all this searching [Music] apparently you're only a minecraft pro if you can MLG with a water booking so uh here we go all right time to test out my new minecart track for some reason most people are scared of nether fortresses but I just think they're a great place to find diamonds right so according to the map the treasure is in this direction you know I'm feeling a bit peckish ah I think I'll have some chorus free but what I understand the top of them dying will save you from anything so let's put it to the test [Music] so the key to success when fighting a Ravager is to block with your shield just as he goes for the attack and then you cannot hurt you think it can't hurt me I've decided to build an x-ray machine so I can see where all the caves are and stuff like that so if we go ahead and just drop into here place that there and just flick the lever I'm guessing nothing quite build it right now then I found some love and I always say where these lava pls diamond so let's go and see we can fight well there you go there's some damage right there oh that's good endure and go and grab leave everything for going there get of all this you know Gary lava turned topsy an always a yet a safer way to do it right let's say from my numbers and look what we've got here a woodland mansion I tell you what it's been a while since I've been inside one of these look at this there must be loads of loot to be found here and if I put this bed there there we go my room is fully finished now I'd say it's pretty light sombre I'm gonna try get some sleep [Music] time to get one think I've finally found it the elusive killer bunny but this time I'm gonna sneak in through the roof none of this said going in through the front door no no no these guys will never see me coming alright Jeremy the quickest way home is going to be to scale this mountain so you're saying that if I sign this contract that ties me in for another five videos of 50 ways to die that means I have to die 250 more times yes what what if I refuse that's not an option oh well you know what I refuse to sign his contract no I knew sleeping in that bed was a bad idea but I still refuse you what wins hey you can't keep killing me I haven't signed the contract with it alright I demand to speak to my lawyer I've got rights you know how did you even do that you know what I'll just sign the contract you know in hindsight I could have just broken the bed instead of signing the contract to be honest I don't really like this place so I'm gonna keep me away so /tp one thousand seventy one thousand [Music] our new texture bad book so else I don't really know what it weights changed everything looks so pretty much the same to me I mean yeah grass looks the same and they don't I bet it release water but what this this is of water legend has it that if you build blocks in just the right positions you will summon herobrine so if we go put that jack-o'-lantern there and then light it we should summon herobrine hey it actually worked if I just bill doctor there there we go and then aim for the game about there should do it did quite throw that right all right this time I'm much better prepared to face the killer bunny I've got myself my bow and arrow alright yep I just brace yourself this one this order get yet and that'll teach you you won't be going back in the hurry now and wait guys I can explain and they say don't dig down and don't dig straight up but I tell you what digging sideways is always safe look at this not a cloud in the sky just it's just beautiful is now I could just I could just gaze it stars all night now this time I'm gonna hold crowd while on mining so that I don't fall down any holes that might be lying around randomly so yeah this is this is completely foolproof this time [Music] let's see what I've got in this chest time to find the struggle so if I throw my ayah vendor about there okay and it's in this direction right let's set let's go and follow it okay I'm gonna try and use the TP command again but but this time um I'll be more careful all right I won't go inside a mountain alright so let's do /tp - 1080 - 1000 and enter [Music] this is one of my best roles yet okay so if I fill this dispenser with TNT and then just keep flicking that okay sending it all to the the the end look at that brilliant will send loads through okay perfect like that should be enough all right and then if we just break this right pick up the yeah the evidence alright and the next person to go to the end is gonna get a nasty shock it's been a while since I've been the end all I'll go and grab a few things and here we are at the end oh no oh no I forgot about the TNT now a no summoning herobrine didn't quite go to plan but this time it's gonna be fine I'm gonna summon entity 303 and see what happens look at I worked ok entity 3 or 3 I am your master and we try something a bit different I'm gonna glide in this boat and try and learn in that water there me what could go wrong wait a minute you don't take fall damage in a bore yep he's right I'm completely fine this time I'm gonna drink fire resistance before RTP and it doesn't matter if I end up over lava - 2018 [Music] forget strip mining the pros now use dive mining so if we go ahead and put that there and then we can push yourselves down like that look at this alright and then it's foolproof we just stir we golden strip mining like this I want to shave I'm sorry but for some reason torturing you is a really fun experience I mean what you gonna do it's not like you can fight back or anything well let's go in on look at this we've got a pumpkin why don't I go ahead and mine it up and then put it on my head don't you've never tried this guys but if you go ahead and place a bell and then ring it it wakes up all the villagers so sir let's do it there we go rise and shine boys huh wait wait guys there's no need out come on let's not be so hasty and here's my latest trap to stop anybody sneaking into this cave so if I just flick this look at our roads go I mean no one stands a chance to get passed through there and we're gonna reload it we've run out of arrows there we go this is such a good abandoned mineshaft i er I wonder what's around this corner oh dear I should have gone down there and I need to get out of here quick I'm stuck in a cobweb what we got going on over a lea are these two sugars fighting each other all right guys break it up break it up did it look at this at long last I've managed to find some diamonds right let's grab this one and this one right how many have we got here and that's all I'll look up look at this it's a black cat these are super a let's see if I can if I contain me all right come on come on give it a fellow's no need to be need to be scared all right that's it have some fish there we go we've we've tamed a cat well I wonder if you have another owner I'll tell you what using a lighter in the end is the best way to find more entities and then we can get loads more electric if I go and do that that crazy charged creeper right now I've just got to get him to blow up this skeleton you just blow up over here you know I always feel like I don't use fireworks enough in Minecraft I mean look at that look how cool that looks you can get some amazing effects let's just put just a lot of loads and loads of firework one Boston what disco obvious did what he's won the game for time this is what this time to sell doll is fantastic and there we have it my XP farm is complete these guys are just gonna keep coming through and then we have loads of XP when the barbell up so I might as well just go F came come back when they desert these loads been waiting [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you only did 49 deaths [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,916,442
Rating: 4.8825274 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 50 ways to die, 50, ways, to, die, in, death, kill, block, sb737, sb, 50 Façons de Mourir dans Minecraft, mining, dying, family friendly, gaming, gameplay, youtube minecraft, jake eyes, jake eyes 50 ways to die, fifth, minecraft fifth, fifth edition, 50 Ways to Die in Minecraft (Fifth Edition), episode 5
Id: SfOdeUXtGMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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