I almost had a HEART ATTACK when I saw this in the locker I paid $1,800 for at the storage auction!

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okay what do we got here guys oh cold stone wait a second 10 gift card yeah if that works 12 megapixel is actually decent still has some value sounds nice what's that that's an apple watch that's thinking louis vuitton you know previously on locker nuts lockers have been real hard to buy recently so i was extra excited to buy this gem it's a big 10 by 20 locker full of totes and it looked clean and very well organized at eighteen hundred dollars it wasn't cheap but right away we found high value items like a yeti cooler kitchenaid mixer high-end sunglasses and much more in the last episode things got really exciting when i came across cash and gift cards the previous owners left score i'm excited to see what else we find so let's keep on the hunt in this great locker okay next box okay door stops that's good those are good sellers a lot of pins oh glow lights bring those home for the kids i need a keeper box looks like we're gonna use this one it's good we got here oh boy a bunch more pens nice little tin look at these guys these fat sharpies someone like to play bingo that's a nice one for making signs in here we got a little jewelry some dangles sticky notes i love that and a little that is cool oh sticky notes box cutter oh yeah that's what i like right here that's the good stuff look at that i think i've found this before it's a ice bag and that's funny because i think i found that maybe that exact same one before look at that i think my girls might like that all right here's the last box this is on the bottom of that stack and some good school supplies i have to look this up see if this one's worth anything uh what's this okay xbox 360. it's good what is this huh look at this jurassic park some kind of a movie in a collectible tin all right we've got some blue rays that's oh monsters inc guardians of the galaxy san andreas fury seven pitch perfect two big hero great movie and fast and furious that's good movies that's a few bucks girl the dragon tattoo okay a couple of these these are good that one's threshed see if there's any gift cards because you never know in this locker [Applause] all right oh this is for taking care of your glasses okay let me keep that are these some good books right here you know that's so gross oh what's this hmm i think it's just like a generic brand i don't think it's anything that amazing a little bluetooth speaker it looks new though cool and we'll put in electronics lots [Music] what do we got here okay what we got here guys this time just a dollar but this is what we're talking about red envelope liking that oh look at this this is uh the batteries oh no it does work this is funny it's like a razor right but instead of shaving your face you shave your clothes just take the little rolly pulleys off your clothes pretty cool great to have [Applause] just making sure okay a few more yearbooks so get that back to the owners yeah that's about it oh cold stone wait a second 10 gift card you know my girls like the cold stone all right let's start over here camera equipment sounds good right sounds good light box okay light box okay we got here polaroid oh camera okay looks like it's in decent condition no data card not to find one to test it that's the bag it came with okay here's the here's the camera id 640 and hopefully that's uh if that's it's just a regular mini usb that's easy all right that's cool wait what mega pixel did that say 12 megapixel okay yeah if that works 12 megapixel is actually decent still has some value we'll be able to sell that nothing hold out or nothing what does this one say it's nothing okay that's pretty funny sombrero it's actually a pretty decent one okay oh this car yeah these are fun [Applause] i think the batteries are low testing testing trusting it doesn't work but not real well that's a cheap one okay mask a bunch of leather belts that's decent deodorant body spray for men let's try it it smells like a cheap axe oh there's a dolce gabbana right there actually hold on a sec let's put that aside that's a straight-up cologne right there that's nice okay this one says mom's files okay it's a headset empty box ding oh come on another chance another chance for romance come on these boxes are so heavy they're always misleading dang it [Music] could still be in here somewhere hang on to that just in case oh look at this that's for a big ipad right there or tablet maybe that's in here somewhere these people spend some money foam board okay look at these mac bags right here just kidding oh really uh receipts feel like money that's that's a debit card not a credit wait gift card or debit card gift this is a gift card okay check that too a whole pocket of those oh man you guys i tell you i don't know if i really like gopros all that much i just and i've always had problems with them this is a hero 8 the brand new gopro and i have problems with it a lot and uh i don't know it's for some reason it keeps starting on like a slow uh time lapse settings every time i replace a battery time lapse setting you know that screwed me up a lot of times on some very important scenes now today it just keeps going three percent battery three percent battery and then like i'll start the clock and you can see the counter moving but the frame never moves it just is like almost taking a still photo anyways a lot of problems with that gopro and it's not even that hot today it's not even 80 degrees i think maybe it's like 81 or something but anyways all three gopro batteries appear shot they're in there charging in the car and i'm gonna have to use my phone but i can't use my phone use both hands so let me show you what we got here okay we got this box all right this one doesn't look so good i see the christmas stuff in there yeah pick up after your pet like you should really have to tell people that this looks like this looks like christmas stuff but i'm gonna have to go through it so uh let me pull stuff out i'll update you if there's something good all right yeah it's it's christmas stuff there's a little bit of lights it's a lot of boxes like brand new boxes some tissue paper i mean like a little bit of tissue paper i found this i'm going to take this home it's kind of cool it's a gift tags and what makes them especially neat is because they're disney kirkland so sold at uh costco it's neat save us a few bucks come christmas something else that's pretty good this right here see that converse jack parcell those are a little bit better shoes i found one of these actually in the boat locker if you remember the boat locker that we got it's one of our i think it is our number one performing video highest views but uh yeah i found some of those converse in there and um i've been wearing them they're one of my favorite shoes uh definitely good stuff oh and i just saw that i didn't see that before there's a nike flywire huh so oh ivanka trump i hope we got some good shoes here and uh yeah cuz we might be selling some shoes on the old ebay a lot of them all right let's see what this uh eddie bauer backpack might be holding for us it's a good quality backpack it's a little dusty but uh it's pretty nice okay there's some of those ikea bags not what i was expecting but pretty funny and what do we have here leather very soft free people i think that's good that's a good quality right there i think it's expensive we have another bag what is this also leather also soft ancient oops let me show you there h m okay i think that's okay it's leather we got in here there's another purse baggallini it feels nice too and it's full this is a cool bag [Applause] i think just like we'll give our old purse type stuff i'm gonna have to take this home and uh we'll go through that where i have like a flat surface in both hands okay let's take a look at what's in this guitar bag right here okay what's that carrock carrock i'm in shanna nothing special um it looks like it's in good condition good condition it almost looks a little smaller definitely out of tune it looks like it's a little smaller i don't know i think it's a little bit smaller it might be like a kid's guitar but 50-75 bucks probably nice all right now this one this is actually a nice little bag a ukulele okay uh lanikai is that a good brand i mean hawaii it seems like it's kind of decent i don't know maybe it's just that sounds nice um yeah my daughter grace actually likes to play the ukulele she knows a little bit of uh songs on it so i'll bring this home i think she's gonna have fun with that and then we'll sell it okay and then let's check this out i i did pick this up it is light so let's see what's in it bosh and then it's got a part right there but uh nope the box is five bucks though all right then we got these two penny boards just want to get a good shot of them before i put them in the uh the car this is right there nickel nickel and these are pretty nice these are nice they're made in australia good looking boards look at that barely anywhere at all on them i think they rode around a couple times that should be some money i don't know how much but i'm thinking at least 30 or 40 bucks each okay this looks interesting right here it's not very heavy though it's light but route 66 light large it's a light in route 66 this could be something kind of cool uh let me get that open we'll take a look but first oh what's that that's the apple watch apple watch apple watch yeah wait a second what is that that's thinking louis vuitton yo could that be real there's a bag in a in a dust that you know dust cover maybe that's what the other guy oh this is a dust bag dude what the heck i didn't even see that i wonder if one of them seen this and that's what they're bidding on too bad it's fine now okay we got here oh boy it's a lot of bubble wrap let me get that out and take a look okay this is kind of interesting because it was in all that bubble wrap that huge box and it's just flat box right here but you see this tape this is sealed for your protection the seal has been cut on all those and then it's been re-taped so let me cut that open now and we'll see what's inside here okay check this out oh that's nice that is a neat oh man it's tight in here that's a that's a neon sign historic route 66 and it's i think it's brand new i don't know all right i'm taking that home we're gonna plug that in see if it works that'll go on ebay in that oh wait a second oh dang right here the the tubes busted right here that is a real shame oh my goodness glass is busted right there that's too bad cause that's probably a different color neon dang it wow's a real shame hmm how the heck did it get busted you know why this is why because the foils put in this big box right with all this bubble wrap and put that this way so the ends are right here and on the other end so you got all these like five layers of bubble wrap five layers of bubble wrap and then like no bubble wrap on this side and that end right there which was pressed right up against the cardboard that's the side that got busted dang it that's probably a couple hundred bucks right there uh busted i don't think it's gonna be much of anything all right i want to get oh please be in here i want to get in this box what do you see there beats ipad i don't see the banana oh my god what the heck you got these are empty though maybe this one's not maybe i think i'm just i'm being ridiculously hopeful right now because none of the boxers have had the stuff in it but you never know apple's packaging is like so nice it weighs a ton i always feel like there's something in there but i'm just gonna make 100 sure there's a there's another band well maybe the box sells i know that i always say the boxes don't sell but maybe watch apple watch box is a little different and what is this nope nope all right well we keep hoping we keep opening so maybe we'll find him somewhere i'm gonna keep all these boxes all right bummer all these were all these are empty not a big surprise but still a bummer michael kors is for a watch swarovski i'm not sure what that is remember we found that receipt or something earlier and dolce gabbana and the ipad all empty um but at the bottom of the box i did find another starbucks gift card hopefully there's something on there and then this i mean it's it's sealed there's so many things that are sealed this 30 bucks um i don't know maybe we sell on ebay i'm not sure 30 bucks and uh brand new so whatever man you guys happening again got all these cards going through all the cards looks like graduation somebody graduated right here lauren i opened this this was sealed shut sealed shut boom heck yeah heck yes that's gonna have something on it right there boom love it i'm loving it guys this locker is turning out to be pretty good i mean all those empty boxes that's not so good but um the fact that my intuition was right spot on and that these are the type of people that bought that kind of stuff they bought way more stuff than i even imagined um but that box of purses louis vuitton i mean they got money right so there's a very good chance that's real i put that in the car i did not open it here's what we got to do okay i'm gonna have to wrap this video up i gotta get going i gotta get home we've got a live the live auction tonight i gotta go home and set up for that and get ready um so i'm gonna grab some boxes this is the thing i always get nervous you know when i buy something like this i get nervous it's going to get broken into now because it's happened right i have gotten lockers broken into other people have gotten lockers broken into it's a real real problem it really does happen so i'm going to be looking for the best boxes here there's people out there uh i'm gonna be looking for the best boxes to stick in my car bring home secure in my garage and uh open i don't know when because tomorrow i'm gonna be at the auctions oh i see something else right now oh it's good let me show you a couple more things before we go and then i'm going to wrap this up that's what i just spotted right now when i was talking that's a fuji instant camera like a modern day polaroid we've had these many many times i think i even have two in the house right now the girls love them and we found like a little film or something for that and maybe the camera's in there i hope so those are great they sell easy good money look at this this is where i saw that warriors earlier i see monsters inc a hat right there that's really really good man if the clothes are as good a quality as the other stuff that we're seeing i'm gonna be listing clothes on ebay too that looks pretty good there's some colognes right there of perfume or something oh man i'm gonna have to probably take that i see a lot of like toms in here see toms or at least one pair two pair i don't know if that looks pretty good that's probably pretty good and look at this guys do you see this sculpting bands fitness ball sauna suit this is all fitness this is stinking gold right here right now home fitness is such a big deal oh look at this exploders huh huh brand new that's going on ebay probably oh man what else is in here again the ugg bedding has got me stumped i've never seen nothing like that before i mean look at this there's a nice backpack right there there's just nice stuff everywhere i look it's nice nice noise nice what's that what the heck is in there some kind of huh i don't know what's in there oh man oh i'm just getting carried away because this is a great locker it's so fun this business is so fun look how dirty the hands fun business okay fun fun fun fun fun fun i can't uh say it enough because when you hit a score like this it's thrilling it's adrenaline it's endorphins it's everything it's so fun it's a rush really that's it it's a rush so anyways i hope you guys experience a little bit of that from watching the video from me taking you along um seeing me experience this i hope that you feel that thrill a little bit i hope it's contagious and um i think it probably is that's probably why you're watching this right now because you do get a little thrill out of it and uh that's fantastic guys that's why i have this youtube channel so i could share these adventures okay um now like i said i'm just gonna i'm gonna shut the camera off i'm gonna put as many bins as i can fit in the car and i'm gonna strap it down and head home because i gotta get going but um thank you so much for watching i i'm i don't know if this can be one or two episodes i just lose track of time because i just keep going and going and filming and opening um i don't know we found fantastic stuff today and i think we're gonna find a lot more fantastic stuff to come uh good locker thanks for being here with me okay next video will be out as soon as i can get it i'm gonna have a very busy schedule here lots of auctions and now i've got a lot of work to do to get this place cleaned up so it'll be out soon and until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locker nuts give us a summary [Music] really even the habit and the debit cards no good [Music] yeah huh
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 144,770
Rating: 4.8903646 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, dead owner, old lady, ephemera, #extremeunboxing, old trunks, storagetreasures.com, storage treasures, online auction, trunk, locked trunk, asian, Yeti cooler, Yeti, Kitchen Aid mixer, Igloo, Ray Ban, Gucci, sunglasses, found money, found cash, cash find
Id: A-MM2-x-b9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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