DISTURBING! She was NOT PREPARED for what's inside the trunk bought at the moving storage auction.

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that's really really nice really nice I don't know what this is I see one in here it looks like I do something good in here Oh Oh am I that's disturbing like really disturbing yeah so these are actually probably one of the more disturbing ones just because the combination of items that are in there you previously on locker nuts we went to another pallet auction by a Moving & Storage Company we bought a ton of stuff and filled up a big 10 by 30 storage unit that I rented a lot of it turned out to be furniture and the boxes have mostly held regular inventory or trash but we did have one really nice gold bracelet that we found we recently hit the flea market and sold off some of the goods now it's time to keep going through those remaining boxes and see what we find hmm you know I think I'm gonna save this one to go through a Gianna issues when I bought this and this is kind of kind of interesting concourse I'll save this for her I'll go to it to you [Applause] take a closer look at that later yeah this is just like the other clothes that we found a lot of Target stuff a lot of target stuff couple of pink but most of it stink this is not really different well first of all here's something here I don't think that's anything don't put that aside in our jewelry box okay that's actually really nice too means that never been one I don't see it one single sign of wear on these shoes dang look at the inside they're super nice this has got to be some money right here this says we good on this one means seven that's really really nice really nice I don't think I've ever found a nice pair of timber holes before here we've got a good that's good that's good all right here we've got yet another box of clothes we hit a lot of boxes of clothes in the last set of boxes that we went through unfortunately and they weren't high level clothes either a lot of Target brands like Massimo and such there you saw me pull pink I'm pulling a few pieces of pink out and putting in a different box that'll go to a better market we get a few more bucks for those but most everything is dollar each there was a lot of yoga pants in there and yoga pants fell pretty well so thankfully for that but most everything was just lower-end it was clean but it doesn't sell like super good even at the flea market for a dollar you know keep in mind you guys that we bought eleven Lots at the pallet auction and almost every lot was from a different person maybe a couple times they broke up the lot and sold it by the pallet so the buy one pallet that's a lot buy another pallet that's a lot but for the most part one lot is a different person so we had probably eight nine people that we bought their stuff from everything goes in the truck everything is put in the locker it gets all mixed up and we're going through it it's hard to get a bead on who the people were there was not very much high-end stuff none of the people seemed to be like wealthy affluent you know they didn't have nicer things most people just had lower and stuff low cost low value and then of course we had the doctor uh was dirty and stinky all right [Music] [Applause] zippers kind of messed up right here let me stop that I'm gonna drag it outside let's open it out there plates up there's the hole right there either put the end the air release to let the air out that's what it is it's a very high end air mattress here's these here's the car right now you see I've been working on this the whole time I got a nice level building on the trailer here and since I've got a couple of mattresses in here I'm gonna try to get those mattresses on top all right I don't think I'm gonna to put this bed frame in there because the thing weighs so much and it's got cracks I just don't think I'll give very much in Stockton for it I'm actually think I'm just gonna market for it I really don't even know what's in there that's a mirror but what is it it's like rolled up paper it's different spike pass the service dog program all right good job spike wasn't talking about that but that is kind of interesting huge huge scratch let's see yeah not as special Oh but is it Roku TV okay that's really unfortunate is that huge right there it's gonna make it hard to sell but it is a Roku so it's a decent side of words that maybe a 40-inch so should be able to sell that it's a poor market for a few bucks the stretch the stretch is really a difference between getting like 50 bucks and maybe 15 they're disgusting strikes again what it is cardboards worth more than the stinking sons why should keep that one streaked in the market and sell it alright there's my load for tomorrow pretty good pretty good pretty good it for you pretty good actually I might add another mattress to the table beside when I get back to my unit I've got a clean mattress that's gotta go let me just show you around the unit here so you can see this I wanted to go I just do not have room for it the back of my trucks mostly empty but I gotta put tables on there so yeah pretty good right this is all the better clothes I'll take that to a better flea market a couple empty boxes back there the table yeah these ding doors right here those gotta go that glass has got to go don't there's a coffee table there it's decent all these chairs are really nice they go with that table back there tables a little thrash this is my some of my Christmas stuff that I was gonna store here but I decided I'm not gonna keep this unit somewhere of my Christmas stuff so that's all I got to go back to my other unit looks like I'm gonna have one more dump load I don't know what these are for never figured out what those are for but anyways it's a lot emptier I'm happy the load today it's definitely productive and a lot of stuff for the market tomorrow hey there locker mats look what we got here it's our last item on the pallets it is a trunk not just any trunk but it pretty one so if you joined us today and you're watching before we get started make sure to subscribe and like to locker nuts okay so let's get started I'm gonna open this bad boy up and see what kind of treasures beehive inside let's see so I hey let me see x-ray file kind of interesting someone's x-rated films do not Bend Wow let me see I've got a light maybe I'll look at them just like a radio oh that doesn't not look good there's some large maxes do you see that oh my I thought it was I don't Oh what is that it was like shotgun what no it's somebody's so many it looks like someone's leg is the pelvis that's like they're like they haven't sort of metal their happy ending okay so what's next photos I'm gonna share that okay so the first thing I can see it looks like there's some sort of fabric I don't know too much about fabrics but this is kind of cool it's very exotic looking and it's real pretty and it's in good shape and then this it looks like maybe it's something for some sort of like religious Rite Jack would you say and someone's initials on it and it has some really intricate work on it I mean really nice like this might be something you see in a church with it work you can see I'll fold it up real close and then there's a lot of craftsmanship that went into the it looks old it has some age to it you do sound yeah it does it looks really old pi alpha on our society we have any PI office out there cap for a graduation these are some bloomers right hey beanie this is kind of cool it's like wool kind of older I kind of reminds me of the 70s right doesn't it like the color so maybe I had some sort of special significant meaning I'm not sure take a look at that it almost looks like a boy scout thing it has like camping and trees and the moon and some really cool things on it being a father book oh this is from 1973 being a man and being a dad and all these little things both the darks that's kind of cool some kind of movie mark at pages or something so it looks like a lot of personal photos this is all this isn't like an old style cat look at that the hunter green it's rule it's got real would you say patina to that puppy let's check out what these files have in them you see that yeah check out what's in here okay oh this is interesting it does look like interesting this is from Massachusetts so this looks like someone's diary yeah it's about Israel and he's got some Bible verses in there Micah little Matthew check this out 19 I'm gonna have Jack can you look at the ear on this one but this little 10mm guy and then look at the bottom here you guys read that so on more personal photos and then in this box you can see books of Prayer benediction so maybe it was some sort of Catholicism then he was involved in I'm not sure looks like the he traveled though here there are some different countries and commencement papers forms it looks like some graduation from San Francisco State High cool definitely a lot of personal items and other book and oh look we have some more of these figures so here is the Scarecrow it goes with the 10-man from The Wizard of Oz and one of everyone's favorite the lion so cute there is some homes Wow oh my goodness I'm gonna read this really quick it says Colleen Colleen is the one I think of more than all the others she makes me laugh laugh when I am down and then he writes Colleen laughing loving with me others are jealous of our love love it's so strong that the blank very interesting there's some like artwork some more this is a Walt Whitman poem so very interesting homes and this box right here is chock full of photos here's another postcard and then another garter so bizarre there's all these like religious things but then there's you know it may be these aren't garters maybe these are like angel things for kids is that what you think it is you think really that's a little angel on it okay so a man this is mineral foot cream like day I think that brands actually pretty good so now gel for healthy fellow brother Timothy then priests maybe here's a bunch of different kind of like prayers oh my that's disturbing like really disturbing yeah okay so some of these photos are a little bit herbing oh my gosh should we show that okay Jack's gonna come in and show you these because this is this is beyond my comfort level a little cuz it's kind of creepy so go ahead honey we just found a letter that indicates that maybe he's a priest because he's addressed his dear brother Timothy and then it talks about the brothers you went visited us brother always referring to the brothers found these photos check this out pumpkins right okay pumpkins pumpkins pumpkins that's creepy it's really weird it doesn't seem from the horror movie right there it really is that's hecka creepy yeah I ain't mad alright so that's creepy that's creepy why even like take these pictures and why keep them and give all this you can't barely see if it still hi okay we just saw a picture of him in the tub and there's a after photo I guess weird yeah this dude's a creeper right okay when you're packing the photo um okay so I'm back slightly disturbed um most everything in here we're gonna have to go through in real great detail some of its not able to be shown on camera so a lot of personal things a lot of personal photos a lot of very private things that no one should ever see including myself so um actually we haven't come across anything like this in a long time you guys it's been a while right jack yeah so these are actually probably one of the more disturbing ones just because the combination of items that are in there you know your church items and then your other item so that is pretty much it for this trunk right yeah I'd say that's a red it's a wrap folks okay guys so that was a little different now we were hoping for not what we're expecting to come out of that trunk but yeah you know what we usually don't like to put this kind of stuff in the videos but this time I just felt I had to share it with these guys mostly cuz it caught us so unexpected cuz I think the guys a priest and we're going through the stuff and it's just like it's like the ice bucket challenge you know it's like someone came behind us and like dumped a five-gallon bucket of ice water on it's like what's you know so pretty I just leave it at that so anyways that we did figure out that that trunk came from the same palette as the suitcase which produced that gold bracelet so kind of funny one of the most disturbing things also produce one of the best things one of the interesting things in there was there was a binder which Chronicle in his search to find his parents because he was adopted and it looks like in about 1990 he started his search and very interesting because as letters he's writing to the county and requesting documents and asking them to whatever open you know basically waived privacy protection and help him find his birth parents so our birth mother Gianna did look him up on Facebook he's still local and it looks like he did actually find his family because he posted that on Facebook just that found my family and a big celebration was to be had so good for him hopefully his family never watches the video and pieces of things together cuz this kind of stuff you probably don't want your newly found family finding out about but one thing that I also wanted to mention that was really interesting is that he had documents from must but his father serves in the military there's some honorable discharge paperwork there's also a death certificate there was also a will nothing that interesting in the will what was really interesting to me is that in there with the death certificate was the funeral paperwork like brochure from the mortuary all the funeral instructions like everything legitimately with in regarding someone's death but in that paperwork was this actually there's three of these this is a it is a photocopy and it's a pretty poor photocopy at that this for dr. Kevorkian is a gift certificate for one free visit and you know who dr. Kevorkian is he was the doctor that basically pioneered assisted suicide so if you went to dr. Kevorkian maybe you were terminally ill and you wanted to end things before suffering got too great he would assist you in basically ending your life very controversial kind of historic because I believe dr. Kevorkian is now passed on very controversial so um what the heck what is this is this a joke because the first were like that's a joke right well why would it be in there there was no joke paperwork's in there and this is with death stuff so I don't know I don't really know sometimes the answers are not to be found they just raise more questions but hmm very interesting this last little bit of palette stuff not a whole bunch of value coming out of our final dig through but the trunk and some of this stuff and the ties that we're starting to put together yeah the stories guys the store who can't make this stuff up right we can't make it up but I hope that you enjoyed this shoot me a thumbs up and tell me that you liked seeing us going on ventures and taking you with us through these storage lockers subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet and hit the notification bell so you can be notified when future videos come out alright and we'll have more to come I think we're almost through these pallets we might have just a little teensy-weensy bit more we had a third flea market trip this week so I'll put a video out to share that with you more good stuff to come you guys until then good luck to you god bless you and we'll see you next time here on logging it
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 88,692
Rating: 4.8183007 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage pallet and found, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Locked Safe, What's in the safe, Opened Safe, I bought a pallet, pallet auction, storage pallet, moving company, flea market, swap meet, found gold
Id: 6zGbq1LsW9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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