DIDN'T THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE with this large 10x20 locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction

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we have ten dollars 25 25 let's check this out boom boos what's that say burberry oh my goodness burberry old navy not pressed turn this one over now i'm impressed [Music] previously on locker nuts lockers have been real hard to buy recently so i was extra excited to buy this gem it's a big 10 by 20 locker full of totes and it looked clean and very well organized at eighteen hundred dollars it wasn't cheap but right away we found high value items like a yeti cooler kitchenaid mixer high-end sunglasses i even found cash and gift cards left behind by the previous owners there's also a tote with what appears to be high-end handbags anyone heard of louis vuitton there's so much to get through but i only have a few days to clear the locker out and the next morning is another auction day so first things first let's go to the auctions [Music] looking for five dollars how big is it a 10 by 20. looking for fifty dollars looking for 7500 all right i don't hear anything 250 looking for 275 gold all yours sorry two four two eight and it's a five five five space something nice and easy to finish off our day so we'll be looking for twenty dollars to start us off i think i heard 20 with um i can't say your name perfect we're at 20 looking for 30. 100 looking for 120 and silence that is it for the day next month's auctions are also on a monday or tuesday all right guys so that was a bust bust those auctions were not good today no problem though you know what i got more than enough stuff to do so i'm over here i got my table set up right here for shipping and uh because last night we had a really big auction live auction and uh i got so much to do i got so much to do so i decided not to go back to that unit today i actually have boxes here at home that i need to um go through so but i got not everything on the table but a lot of the stuff on the table i've already been shipping and boxing and i probably have 15 boxes already done i have all of this still so a little bit on the floor i mean it's everywhere it's everywhere everywhere trust me so uh boxing up getting everything ready i'm gonna make the post office today i have a lot of packages shipped out that's how i would like to roll when i can you buy it monday night it's in the mail tuesday whenever i can that's what i try to do and what doesn't go out today will go out tomorrow all right so but there's more auctions tomorrow so we'll have to see if we're going to make that too if i can do it if i can do it all i don't know but uh yep keep shipping keep shipping all right guys so we i mailed everything well i didn't mail everything i got everything boxed up and we're watching the pirates auction back there where i was uh so camille came out and said what um can i work for you for money she wants some money what's the money for what's so funny what's the money for it's a surprise all right well she told me was just because she wanted to save money now it seems there is i didn't believe her i knew it i knew it but anyways i got a job for her right here yes it's real of course it's real yeah i'm sure no oh yeah yeah oh yeah there it is you know i see it because there's supposed to be a little in it that's one of the there's different things that you look for to spot a fake um this is all the money and all the gift cards so what we're gonna do is go through look at that that's a red envelope that's lucky it's lucky in some cultures like chinese culture for for sure it is but i think other asian cultures too the red envelopes very very lucky i'm lucky okay so well i hope you are camille i hope you are lucky ooh that one's been scratched this one's scratched but um most of them are not scratched so this one might not have any value but i'd say a lot of these well that's a door card a key card for a hotel courtyard all right so anyways um i think there's some money here so camille's gonna work on that right after dinner yeah target that has money on it for sure it was in a it was in an envelope it was sealed i think i opened it it's still touch it's like still attached yeah all right 25. that's good right mm-hmm okay all right let's go have dinner all right you're all done okay you want to give us a summary okay so these were all inactive really even the habit yeah and the debit cards no good yeah and all those starbucks stingy starbucks so these were good huh these were good we have ten dollars 25 25 and 15. yes and this one had just zero dollars on it zero dollars so these were invalid that one had zero so we had 10 15 25 25. how much is that that is 75 75 all right we'll still counts right thanks for doing that all right what's up locker nuts let's see it's almost 10 o'clock i'm actually getting a late start today just felt like taking a little bit of time this morning and uh didn't want to have a rush rush day again having too many of those in a row so taking my time right now i'm headed out to get my trailer and then over to that unit i gotta clean it out all right and i'm worried that it might be more than one load so if it is today's wednesday i got thursday also i'm hoping tomorrow i can just like unbox and do some videos and have some fun but if i don't get it all today i'll have to come back tomorrow finish it up i have to be out by tomorrow at least that's the deadline they'll give me more time that's the deadline so anyways i'm on my way and uh yeah i'm gonna try to see if i can knock this out quick i'm not gonna spend too much time over there i'm going to try to be quick today just to get this part done move it over to my locker where i can then uh you know do some unboxing and take my time all right guys i'm back at the unit yeah it traffic was terrible it was terrible i had to go get my trailer first all right i picked that up at my mom's house talked with her for a while got on the road i think there was an accident it actually took so long to get through it that there was no sign of accident by the time i got up to where wherever it may have been it was really really bad like pre virus uh bad like we haven't seen too bad of traffic since the shelter in place was lit lifted but um today was bad really really bad it took me a long time to get here it's a little bit after 12. can you believe that oh man um literally two and a half hours after i left wow so much wasted time well i'm here so i got to start getting this stuff on there and i hope it fits this is going to make things go faster right here alright get to it [Music] hey guys i've got my little gopro up in the corner there doing time lapse uh but i have to start this camera right here because check this out boom boom yeah i wanna look at this you guys probably saw this in the other video i didn't even see that i'll bring it home and have some fun with it put in the girl's room but check this out both this looks like it's coming unglued a little bit right here so i have to fix that but that's 100 bucks right there easy breezy that is awesome [Music] let's open this thing because here's the deal okay the people actually contacted the facility after losing their unit and asked that all people were all people with me left behind i said oh i'm happy to oblige very very happy so i just took this was awful paperwork i took it all out at the bottom there this guy's look at that that's a lot of coins in there and they're my supporters do i see any pennies at all i don't know right there [Music] look at this thing eight track player this is not new two cassettes k99 stereo it almost looks like a karaoke machine or something but jvc all right there's the info hmm that's old school looks like it's a nice shape hopefully it works where's all the what's all the input so like you'd expect it to be like there's no i don't see any inputs um oh down here okay there you go oh there you go okay headphones and microphones i would expect there to be some microphones oh it is a karaoke look at that karaoke right there how cool huh [Music] i know i got this on time lapse right there but i gotta show you stuff i gotta keep it i gotta work fast but i also gotta show you when i come across stuff i have to open boxes because they want the files back i know i just said that but uh look at look at this look at this open this little cardboard this is right on top here open those files right and i've been kind of going through the files just to make sure because i did find cash in this locker already and then i see this oh and then look at this all right let's feel light though it does feel light okay but still that's still that's why i gotta open everything and what's that say burberry oh my goodness burberry should we open it i think it's empty i think it's empty let's open it anyways let's see oh dang it empty but still burberry watch oh man okay i'll put these in the car we'll go through this later we'll open the other ones later i think they're empty all right i don't want to get your hopes up but yeah that's why you gotta look at everything what you think is just paperwork might be holding a couple treasures [Music] looking for paperwork found jeans old navy not pressed turn this one over now i'm impressed true religion dude are these worth as much as they they were a couple years ago i haven't found a pair in a long time last one i found yep sold it on ebay the good olds ebay that's another old navy but your religion is good stuff sorry didn't mean damaged merchandise just got excited okay next box after the true religion is another paperwork box this is why i'm going through paperwork though most of it is paperwork but then i find a stack of cards right here this is 20 cash okay yeah all right let's just record probably for like a little party so they could send a thank you cards you know thank you for the 20 cash whatever but these i gotta go through all those just to see if there's anything they missed [Music] look at this if there's any doubt that these guys had money and spent it holy smokes ferrari store dang all right that's where we're at so far i'd say hmm more than half full on that trailer here's what we got here it's gonna be tight guys it's gonna be really really tight the back of my truck is almost completely full i might be coming back for another trip maybe it's just a truckload but it's going to be another trip i think dang it okay guys i'm getting the i'm getting it i'm getting it knocked out okay i kind of went this way and then back and then about this way and took the middle out um this is all paperwork here paperwork and school books that i'm giving back to them this i have to go through this is uh take stuff i just have to kind of consolidate oh man all this has gotta fit it's gotta fit or else i gotta come back but uh i just noticed something so this stack right here is stuff that i've already gone through i thought for the flea market and uh this is like the one stack of flea market from the first day i was here this i thought was all books but then i saw through the side here okay it's not open i'm not sure how i missed that i'm not sure how i missed that let's open it it does it does feel like there's something in there definitely does okay oh and there is okay a dollar hmm okay so that's the third envelope we found the first one had a 50 and then each of the next ones has a dollar each what makes me really really nervous is that i am going through all of these uh but it's impossible to check super super carefully i'm doing my best i haven't seen any red envelopes in there i'm doing my best but i mean i can almost guarantee if one of these is in the files i'm probably missing it so that's a real shame but what am i going to do the question is do you want to spend three four hours in here to maybe turn up a couple of these i don't really even if it's a 50 bill i'm missing i don't really want to spend the time doing that um i need to get the paper paperwork back to those people as soon as possible because i don't want to come back here all right that's it you guys i said look at this this is all paperwork and books there's some books school books and such they said they wanted anything paperback not no no pun intended paperback they wanted all their paper back returned all right so there you go a little bit of photo frame there lots of photos a lot of school work oh don't want to forget that guy right there yeah i'd be coming back for that um here is the trailer load wallza wowza and the truck heck a full i don't look at the back seats full even the front seat's full uh yeah i'm glad i'm not coming back so here's the thing though at the end i kind of slow it down a little bit because when i saw bins that had a lot of paperwork in it i went through them i didn't film it because i just need to go faster so like some of these bins over here they're like i made the bins basically they didn't come like that i took like a little paperwork out of this bin out of that bin so kind of shuffle stuff around so some of these bins when i'm going back through them i'll have already looked in them which kind of stinks because i like going through it first time on camera but for the sake of efficiency that's what i did look at this if if i had to take that stuff back and go to the dump with it i had to either add another layer up here which adds more weight and a little bit more danger right a little more risk see my tires are already bulging down a little bit there's a lot of weight right now so adding a little bit more weight a little bit more height just more chances something could go wrong so i'm glad i'm glad and i didn't want to come all the way back out here for that so ah we're done with this part it feels good pick a couple of these little pieces of garbage off the ground i just like to leave things tidy i know the facilities like me to leave it tidy so yeah all right well another one another one down well now is the fun part tying this beast down i hate that part i hate that part now this is where i start to say i should have a covered trailer but anyways i'm gonna get this packed up and get on the road so i can get back because i still have to unload this entire thing today it's not that much work but all right guys back at my unit my unit all right i took a couple of garbage bags off put it in i have two units okay so put the bags over there now i'm here i've been working to clear this space right here it means the back part of it it's not gonna be accessible but that's probably five by 15 right now that's what i got probably five feet by 15 foot area to get all this in there all that in there well some of it i might just take home and go through it there but all these bins got to go in there it's gonna be a huge wall i'll show you in just a sec it won't be a sec for me it'll be a sec for you it's gonna be uh a few minutes for me [Music] [Music] all right it is done and there it is okay the obviously these two items are mine everything else everything else is a new new resident here at the locker-ness locker uh i counted check this out guys a hundred and four totes plastic totes not including the boxes or miscellaneous items okay and that's only what's here okay i haven't unloaded the truck i'm just too tired i got all that and i got my whole back seat full so um i'll maybe come back tomorrow or i'll do that at home but that's 104 plastic totes and i probably have 20 to 25 at home so wow wow well you know what actually let's do the math here let's just say there's a hundred and twenty-five totes right 125 oh yeah by the way i'm awfully sweaty and dirty check this out that's disgusting it would look like a clean locker but it was still pretty dusty which is good i like the dust because it means it's been sitting a while um 125 totes i paid 1800 right so uh 15 bucks just say it's less than that 14 bucks 14 bucks a tote wow i might be totally off on my math but i think that i'm about i'm probably pretty close to right 13 or 14 bucks a tote not including all the boxes not including all the boxes in that big tv 13 bucks a tote i'm looking at these totes and most of them might say yeah those are those are 13 totes i mean there's more than 13 in there one item 13. we have that box of uh purses at home we'll take a closer look at that that could be the big money but like these shoes right here look at this oh there's a tag right there it's a 40 tag on it it's probably five dollar pair of shoes now but um yeah there's a lot of chances for money right here so anyways anyways i'm tired i gotta let me throw the tarp in let me lock this up and get on the road and get home because uh i haven't eaten and uh i just want to get in somewhere it's a little bit cooler it's awfully warm today okay you guys so thanks for watching oh is this the end of the video i don't even know if it is we'll see you next time all right if it's not then uh cue the next frame all right but uh yeah the next video about soon we've got lots of stuff to go through and i've got an open day tomorrow supposed to be auctions on friday if they cancel those which they usually do at this facility um then i will be going through boxes making videos if it not i'll be at the auctions hopefully buying more stuff it feels good feels good to actually be doing my job really i mean it sounds maybe funny like i'm making a joke but i'm really not feels good to be doing my job it feels good to be able to buy a unit moving stuff going through it that's what i do for a living that's the profession i've chosen but this post-quarantine crazy crazy times we live in it's become very very difficult so i'm just happy to be doing this it's fun i love it alright next video will be out soon until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locker nuts okay jana's been dying to see what's in here so how about we take a poop [Music] yeah i think this looks good
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 37,389
Rating: 4.9534392 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, dead owner, old lady, ephemera, #extremeunboxing, old trunks, storagetreasures.com, storage treasures, online auction, trunk, locked trunk, asian, Yeti cooler, Yeti, Kitchen Aid mixer, Igloo, Ray Ban, Gucci, sunglasses, found money, found cash, cash find
Id: -zI5NtBVjWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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