LIVE English Class | "How To Speak English About A Specific Topic"

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hey everyone welcome to class i'm teacher tiffany and i am so excited about our live class tonight so you guys know how we start off class every time we have a live english class we always start off with roll call so in the comment section just say hello tell us where you're watching from and man oh man do we have a good class today so again as you're coming in say hello and tell us where are you from i see so many students are in the comment section already so let's go there right now and see yes everyone is coming in it's good to see you all yes wow it's good to see you it's good to see you yes it's good to see you love you as well all right tell me where are you all watching from talk to me here we go all right tell us where you're watching from let's see let's see all right here we go haval is watching from iraq nice to see you good to see you hey ayano good to see you lebanon good to see you mexico nice to see you yes brazil excellent nice to see you got another one from brazil good to see you thiago we have turkey good to see you zapopan i like that name i like that name all right alexander it's good to see you too all right here we go here we go tell me where you're watching from this is our roll call time here we go morocco we have france we have turkey again the bahamas hey i have some friends that i went to school with from the bahamas nice to see you ayano is from egypt good to see you here we go ecuador nice to see you from ecuador then we have saudi arabia nice to see you here we go america very nice brazil again let's see turkmenistan did i do that right good to see you all right albania excellent again as you're coming in to join us for this live english class remember this is roll call time type your country name and say hello we have malaysia we have puerto rico nice to see you we have hey team nice to see you saudi arabia again belgium good to see you morocco again honduras good to see you we have the uk excellent let's see emilio is from ecuador as well good to see you emilio it's not popping up on the screen there we go i got you emilio nice to see you here we go we have peru we have brazil again we have sudan again as you're coming in type your country's name this is our roll call period yes hi isaiah i think it's isaiah good to see you all right we have let's see let's see let me go down a little further oh eritrea nice to see you good to see you here here we go venezuela yes good to see you we'll do a few more and then i'm going to tell you all about our class for today we have russia yes good to see you from russia nice to see you all right dallas texas nice to see you colombia yes colombia two students are from columbia nice to see you all right let's do five more here we go we have tunisia nice to see you something was on my tooth got it all right next we have kuwait good to see you wow three more pakistan yes pakistan good to see you here two more two more let's see two that i haven't done yet cape verde good to see you or cape verde nice to see you here let's do one more scrolling down you guys are amazing all right let's see one more one more let's see zambia yes good to see you from zambia good to see all of you now again remember share with your friends so that they don't miss out on this class so as you're watching just share that link via social media so other students can join us and learn a lot now you all know how much i love helping you gain confidence in english and helping you to learn how to sound like a native english speaker so let's jump right in all right so for tonight's class for this evening i do want to remind you all of something very important you know after this class there's going to be a live zoom meeting now this zoom meeting is something i do once a month with my academy students so if you're not in the academy you can join us go to let's jump right become an academy member but right after this class all of my students the academy members you know who you are you're going to join me and all of our family members for a live zoom meeting now let's get started with this class here we go tonight's topic is how to speak english about a specific topic they're gonna be three sections the first one is introduction to the topic section two useful words and expressions and section three thought organization now you're gonna notice something a little interesting tonight's class is gonna be just a little bit different very interactive but maybe even more interactive than usual so hang in there stay with me let's get started so the topic that we're gonna look at for today's class is right here the topic is health now health is defined as being free from any illness or injury the state of a person's mental or physical condition throughout this lesson we are going to talk about what it means to be healthy now really quickly in the comment section you all know that i love to exercise i love sports i think i'm a very healthy individual i want to know very quickly are you healthy do you think you are healthy that's when you type yes or no you know some of you may also enjoy exercising or some of you may enjoy eating really good food in the comments section i just want you to say yes i think i'm healthy or no i'm not that healthy teacher tiffany i want to know who feels healthy right now again because we're going to be talking about this topic we need to kind of introduce it first who thinks they are healthy now do you think you're healthy all right here we go all right we have to coming through pian says yes he's healthy yes minson hey good to see you minson says yes he's healthy all right so a lot of you are saying yes you feel healthy very nice i like it i like it so many comments are coming through there we go yes you feel healthy now again if you don't feel healthy it's okay we're gonna talk about it don't worry all right so many of you feel healthy and yes there are some of you andres being honest nah not that healthy right now but it's okay so a lot of you said yes and there are some of you said no so we understand kind of what it means to be healthy here's the thing though we have to learn how to speak about this topic in english like a native english speaker even though you understand the topic even though you understand if i start speaking about the topic the goal for this class is to help you be able to speak about the topic with confidence you all know how much i love to talk about confidence and i want to give you all more confidence so here's the first thing i want us to look at right here what does it mean to be healthy in your opinion again what does it mean to be healthy in your opinion we're starting off with this topic now the first practice is i want you to make a sentence the question is what does it mean to be healthy in your opinion so i want all of you all to get on your keyboards and start typing away what does it mean to be healthy in your opinion i want to see your responses in your opinion what does it mean to be healthy here we go all right let's see let's see um okay so ahmed says we need to do more exercise okay so exercising someone who exercises a lot is someone who is seen to be healthy all right so then we have all right let me see let me see us the body says eating healthy okay eating healthy all right then what are some healthy foods then okay so eating healthy but what kind of foods all right here we go all right someone says a balanced diet excellent yes being healthy means having a balanced diet i like that you said that all right let's see let's see some more came through being healthy means you eat well right eating healthy okay good all right sabrina says to eat healthy organic fresh food good dinora says to have good health and lots of energy in your body you know a lot of you all comment on the amount of energy i normally have whenever i teach a class it's true it doesn't matter how tired i am once the record button or once the button goes on or the the camera starts i suddenly get lots of energy because i love teaching you guys but that's true having lots of energy very good answer here we go um chomsky says it means being free from anxiety i like that free from anxiety i like that all right julio says your body doesn't feel bad like all of your condition like you feel like you're an optimal you have optimal health i like that and i like that word optimal be careful very good excellent all right let's see let's see someone says eating davi says eating vegetables and fruits i like that all right let's see let's see uh nico saga says living with my family and getting the blessings of god so i like how you mentioned that because health is not just about the food we eat it can also refer to mental health and physical health so i like that you said that very good point you know in america this thursday is thanksgiving the time you spend lots of time with your family so i'm looking forward to thursday where i can spend lots of time with my family it's gonna be something that makes me feel energized it's kind of an emotional health right all right here we go queso says avoid junk food good point avoiding junk food very good point all right dina says being healthy means to start eating fruits and vegetables and staying away from junk foods while also exercising daily i like that i like that um let me see let me see am i muslim no i just decided to wear a wrap today isn't it beautiful but i'm not muslim i have some muslim friends but i'm not muslim all right uh let's see let's see um oh having a plant-based diet i like that response too very nice all right let's see exercising again so let me let me ask you all this question let's go to our we have a white board this time guys i told you something special something special for you guys all right here we're going to do i want to ask you now to give me some examples here's what we're going to do so i'm going to switch you guys can still see me so someone in the comment section mentioned a plant based diet so i'm going to write plant oh that's a little bit too big we got to go back hold on one second guys there we go all right so back was somebody mentioned a plant based diet okay now many people who don't eat healthy foods or who don't like to eat plants don't necessarily understand what a plant-based diet is so let me ask you a question doesn't matter what country you're from we're talking about living healthy right we're introducing this topic of health when you hear plant-based diet what are some of the plant-based foods you think people who have a plant-based diet normally eat for example i'll give the first one let's say for example kale i know in america people who have a plant-based diet like to eat kale so i'm asking you all what are some of the plant-based foods that you think people who follow a plant-based diet normally eat on a regular basis now some of you might not know this but i'm vegan so i don't eat any cheese or any dairy products now i love food i love to eat but i try to eat healthy food so with the plant-based diet though tell me in the comments section what are some foods that you think people that are on a plant-based diet eat oh yes very good let me see i see someone said lettuce all right lettuce that's a good one all right let's see i see another one came through let's see let's see oh sweet potatoes i love sweet potatoes yes okay we have a sweet potato nice give me some more plant-based foods yes broccoli delicious all right we have broccoli let me take about four more okay tell me some more plant-based foods here we go yes carrots apples y'all apples are my favorite fruits apples are my favorite fruits okay all right carrots all right we have apples give me two more two more guys two more foods that people eat on a plant-based diet yes spinach excellent spinach okay very good now pay attention we're gonna use this for our lesson okay let's see some more coming through let me see got apples and carrots let me see oh cucumbers yes all right cucumbers okay now we have all of these foods on our white board for class today right here's what i want us to do we're talking about a plant-based diet now i want you to try to make a sentence that describes what's on the screen so here we go i want you using plant based diet and spinach can you make a sentence i want you to connect these two uh-oh came down got to put it back up y'all you see that you see how smooth that was all right i want you to make your own sentence but you need to connect plant-based diet and spinach so again in the comment section we were talking about plant-based diets right being healthy and we mentioned so many different vegetables and fruits that we can eat on a plant-based diet if you had to make a sentence using plant-based diet and spinach what could you say remember spinach and plant-based diet must be in your sentence let's see what you say i see a lot of foods still coming through nuts avocado mango tomatoes beans i love all of those things right now again how can you make a sentence using plant-based diet and spinach for example i could say uh i'm on a plant-based diet so i eat a lot of spinach you see what happened there right now let me see the sentences you can make here we go all right let me make uh let me get a blank one for you hold on one second okay here we go another one came through let's see i think people who have a plant-based diet eat a lot of healthy stuff like fruits and vegetables for example apples and spinach now that's more than one sentence but an excellent way of combining the word and the expression that was written excellent job very good very good all right here we go on a plant-based diet spinach is essential be careful with the spelling e-s-s-e-n-t-i-a-l but excellent job very good again we're getting this real-time practice all right here we go another one the key ingredient of my plant-based diet is spinach whoa you guys are doing excellent excellent so once again let me show it on the screen all right let's do this excellent job excellent job all right here we go um the spinach oh spinach is very important for a plant-based diet okay good spinach is very is a very excellent choice for a plant-based diet excellent job excellent job let me see three more here we go uh if you want to do a plant-based diet or follow a plant-based diet oh it went away hold on one second if you want to follow a plant-based diet you should eat spinach excellent very good all right when you are sticking to sticking to a plant-based diet spinach is one of the most important ingredients very good all right two more excellent sentences guys excellent here we go this week i've decided hold on this week i've decided to follow a plant-based diet or be on a plant-based diet based on spinach all right i like that one more let me scroll down one more here we go let's see let's see uh spinach is a great option for a plant-based diet excellent job excellent job so again we understand how important health is and we suddenly got this topic of plant-based diet it popped up in the comments section and then we listed various foods that we could eat on a plant-based diet and then you were asked to make these sentences i purposely did that to help you think on the fly now think on the fly let me show you what that means everyone think on the fly here we go so think on the fly this literally means to think without having any preparation now the expression is think on the fly now this just means without any preparation so i had to think on the fly i wasn't able to prepare prior to making that statement or creating a sentence think on the fly so that's a new expression for you guys all right so this is excellent you guys did a very good job so now we understand again we're talking about health we're talking about plant-based diet and i want us to now look at some expressions and some words here we go so our first expression is alive and well now really quickly for pronunciation practice everyone after me alive and well good again alive and well good job remember the v sound that v can be tricky you need to put your front teeth on your bottom lip alive good a little bit of vibration alive excellent alive and well now this is an expression that we use very often in english and it means to be well and healthy so first example sentence michael is alive and well today very simple sentence right it means michael's healthy but a different way of saying that michael is alive and well today now next we have this one she found out that her aunt is alive and well and living in arizona all right she found out her mom her aunt alive and well she's healthy again another way of saying that and finally everyone is alive and well all right everyone is alive and well very simple so again what i want you to do now is i want you to make your own sentence using a live and well all right so in the comment section everyone make your own sentence using alive and well alive and well let me put it on the screen real quick alive and well all right let me erase this real quick let's get a let's get another another one for you here we go alive and well is what we're looking at alive and well let's erase this and in the comments i just want you to make your own sentence using a live and well all right let's see some sentences using alive and well here we go uh all right let me see let me see yes good job thank god i'm alive and well today excellent excellent um let's see i go to the gym every day in order to keep myself alive and well all right you can work with that good good all right let's see let's see let's see again let's see give me a sentence using a live and well let's see let's see i see them since it's coming in but i want some more fred oh it went away here we go fred says hey fred i'm alive and well since i started to eat healthy food good very good very good excellent all right okay i work out every day because i want to be alive and well all right so you're understanding it means help it means healthy alright samantha says i hope everybody is alive and well not r but is alive and well good all right let's see let's see here we go let me see some more coming through alive and well hold on uh let's see let's see let's see hold on keep him coming um okay he recovered so good so now he's alive and well okay he recovered so now he's alive and well good all right now this is what i want you to do i want you to think about what we just talked about the plant-based diet right so how can you make a sentence using alive and well plus we're going to say a plant based diet now we're going to combine what we talked about first so how can you make a sentence using both a live and well and a plant based diet you need to use both of them together and make your sentence alive and well and plant-based diet i'll take about two or three i want to see how you can combine alive and well which just means really healthy and plant-based diet in one sentence how can you combine them and make one sentence let's see let's see all right i like this sentence though i just got my covet test results and thank god i'm alive and well good congratulations very good all right here we go um let me see let me see hold on again you have to use a live and well and plant-based diet in the same sentence okay all right a plant-based diet will help you stay alive and well okay all right let's see um let's see let's see all right hold on i'm alive and well since okay i'm alive and well oh i'm alive and well since i initiated following plant-based diet okay i'm alive and well since i started following a plant-based diet you can say that let me erase this so you all can see all right let me do another one let's see keep them coming try to combine both of them try to combine both of them all right let's see um okay following a plant-based diet will make you alive and well or help you stay alive and well good all right good good let's do one more let's do one more hey ronnie all right hold on here we go um let's see let's see let's see uh you should try okay you should try a plant-based diet to feel more alive and well to be more alive and well all right good so you all understand the meaning of the expression alive and well now why am i asking you to make these sentences immediately after you learn the expression now i've taught this um in one of my youtube lessons before that when you learn something you need to immediately use it at least three times within 24 hours and that's how you'll remember whatever it is you're learning so we all know now alive and well excellent job everyone excellent job so now i want us to look at the next expression we're going to see what the next expression is this expression again deals with health here we go all right so the next one is fit as a fiddle now this has a lot of f's so after me fit as a fiddle good again fit as a fiddle good last time fit as a fiddle good the f sound is tricky now a fiddle is kind of like a small violin right a small violin mouth this just means of to be physically fit and healthy in good physical condition very healthy and strong so here's an example sentence i feel as fit as a fiddle this morning to feel really good all right next the doctor said he was fit as a fiddle and finally my grandmother is 16 excuse me is 90 but she's fit as a fiddle my grandmother is 90 but she's fit as a fiddle now what we're gonna do is a little bit different i'm gonna teach you a pattern now okay we're gonna look at a pattern again the sentence was my grandmother is 90 but she's fit as a fiddle so we're gonna see if we can actually change this sentence so here we go we're gonna go to my screen and we're going to see if we can change this sentence and make it our own all right i got to do a little bit of logistics so you guys hang in there with me all right here we go we're going to change this again my grandmother hold on one second let's take you to my screen here we go all right so again my grandmother is 90. here we go my cancel yes all right here we go looking at this my grandmother is 90. all right again you can make your sentences and put them in the comments section my grandmother is 90 and she is as fit is oh let's go backwards hold on one second guys is as fit hold on fit as a fiddle all right now this is what i want you to do again we're practicing how to also make proper sentences let me show you what you're going to do all i want you to do i want everyone to do the same thing i want you to look at this i want you to change this let's change the color first so that you guys can see all right let's do green all right change this number and change these two pieces of information all right so for example i can say my dad and i can say he's 65 and i can say he so the new sentence would be my dad is 65 and he is fit as a fiddle so what i want you to do is change just the pieces of information that i highlighted and make your own sentence this is a this is b and this is c so change a b and c and i want you to make your own sentence following this pattern all right here we go my grandmother is 90 and she is fit as a fiddle change a b and c all right change a b and c all right okay here we go our beautiful teacher miss tiffany is as fit as a fiddle thank you very much all right let's see okay again change a b and c all right hold on let's see let's see again following the pattern here we go excellent my neighbor is 80 and he's fit oh not fit and fiddle fit as a fiddle okay fit as a fiddle here we go my mother is 66 but she is fit as a fiddle good very good all right my coach okay you gotta look at the pattern do it again let's see let's see okay my brother is 59 be careful is is twice is 59 and he is as fit as a fiddle excellent what i'm trying to help you do is this is actually helping your grammar i don't teach grammar but i give you tips to will that will help you improve your grammar just like this tip right here learning how to follow a pattern let's see here we go some more sentences my cat is 14 and she is fit as a fiddle excellent very good my grandfather is 85 and he is as fit as a fiddle excellent job very good let's see another one let's see another one here we go let's see some more coming in um let's see let's see i am 18 and i am fit as a fiddle all right good good i believe it all right give me one more let me see one more let's see my uncle is almost 70 and he is as fit as a fiddle excellent job excellent so you see what happened we have the same pieces of information right all we did was we changed little pieces of the sentence and followed the same pattern and we created a sentence about someone being fit as a fiddle or extremely healthy excellent job very good all right now we're going to look at the next expression the next vocabulary word all right let's see what the next vocabulary word is about health here we go robust robust again after me robust good again robust excellent now robust just means strong and healthy vigorous having or exhibiting strength or vigorous health a very robust man right very strong having lots of energy right so here are some example sentences he looks robust and healthy enough number two they said he was a robust young man and number three they all look very robust all right they look very healthy they look very strong so they all look very robust they said he was a robust young man so let's look at this one they all look very robust let's see if we can make our own sentences again following what we just talked about following the idea of changing the words but following the same pattern so again they all look very robust let's add this and we're going to bring a new layer all right here we go so the sentence again is let's add it this way here we go uh let's do this they all look all right it's on the screen all look very row bust all right uh oh spelled it wrong hold on guys hold on one second row bust now what i want you to do again following the pattern i just want you to change one piece of information all right let's do this let's change this one okay all right they all look very robust now you're just going to change that but i want to see if you catch it all right okay because you're going to have to also kind of look at these things as well how can you make a new sentence alright so let's say she or he how can you make a new sentence here we go i see some coming through all right my teacher is robust and healthy thank you very much i appreciate that all right let's see all right let's see let's see let's see okay they all look very robust yes that's the sentence uh huh all right my brother looks very robust excellent very good all right he is robust good try to use the pattern though let's see uh my husband looks robust and handsome excellent very good all right my mom looks very robust excellent very good hey monique good to see you monique says arnold schwarzenegger looks very robust yes he does he's in really good shape all right ganesha's teacher tiffany looks robust when teaching people very true whenever i teach i get a whole lot of energy very true all right two more let me see let's see all right um let me see let me see uh is it rude to call a woman robust so it's not rude but i'll be very honest it's more commonly used when speaking about a guy but it's not rude like you just said i look robust i'm not offended it's not a bad thing but good question very good question all right and my dad looks very robust final one final one let's see let's see um let me see let me see here we go let's see let me see let me see bolt my dog is very robust excellent very good job so you're understanding how to use this word in a real sentence about real life so again we had row bust first expression what's the first expression we learned here we go alive and well then we had fit as a fiddle and finally we had robust all right these expressions and this vocabulary word can be used whenever you're speaking about health now i want us to go to the next section a very important section as we move forward and try to learn how to think and organize our thoughts in english about this topic so who healthy people now you guys know how much i love the 5ws what we're going to do right now again on the screen you see that it says who and then it says healthy people what i want you to do is in the comment section i want you to think about some very healthy people in the comments section i want you to write in your opinion who are health who are some healthy people right if you know someone who's very healthy you can say his or her name but in your opinion who is healthy who are some healthy people in the comment section and i'll write a few down as well to add to it so you guys can see again we're looking at healthy people tell me list some healthy people let's talk about it all right again let's change this to black here we go all right i want us to list some healthy people all right just some examples of some healthy people and remember we're looking at who related to this topic all right some healthy people here we go anthony joshua okay anthony joshua all right anthony joshua maybe that's one of your friends all right anthony joshua i saw j.lo come through jennifer lopez yes all right me oh thank you all right i'll put my name tiffany you guys are nice all right okay uh let's see let's see let's see all right a therapist all right a therapist can be very healthy all right depending on the type of therapist good maybe it's like mental health good all right runners excellent example runners are very healthy excellent all right let's see let's see all right fedna is it fedna okay fedna hey fedna maybe that's a friend fedna oh got a little notification all right fedna all right fedna is a healthy person let's see um trainers and athletes good trainers all right and we said athletes excellent all right so we have a lot of different individuals who we think in our opinion are very healthy right i see a lot of examples coming through ooh dancers yes that's a good one dancers are also extremely healthy so now what we're going to do is we've organized our ideas about individuals who we feel are healthy now what i want you to do i'm gonna highlight a specific group okay a specific group of individuals and what i want you to do is i'm gonna highlight runners because i enjoy running all right so what i want you to do is make a sentence about runners and it needs to include the word runners and healthy or health make a sentence telling us that runners are healthy individuals you can make your own sentence but your sentence must be about runners and for extra points if you can use robust also that will be amazing all right so again make a sentence about runners they're very healthy individuals we have a lot of individuals who are healthy but we've chosen runners and i want you to make a sentence telling me or explaining to me that runners are healthy so imagine i came up to you and i said hey in your opinion um who is a very healthy person and we've selected runners so how would you make a sentence saying that runners are healthy individuals i know you guys are typing away keep going keep typing and let's see your sentences here we go all right i'm gonna go back to my screen just with me here we go all right okay excellent runners are very healthy and robust people good just add the why healthy and robust people all right let's see let's see um let me go down all right let's see let's see let's see okay to be i like where you're going let me see if i can correct this to be runners can be stepping stone for good healthy people being a runner can be a stepping stone for people who want to be healthy you can rewind that later and say it all right i like where you're going though i like how you're thinking i like that i like how you try to use stepping stone good all right runners are the most healthy or the healthiest people in the world period they are very robust all right healthiest people all right good job again just try guys try and stretch yourself again we're making a sentence using runners and saying that they are healthy individuals all right so let me see another let's see about two more sentences here we go let's see let's see um okay qualified runners must eat healthy food very good very good all right here we go oh i like this one too runners maintain a very healthy lifestyle to stay robust excellent job very good one more one more let me see let me see another one you guys are doing amazing great job keep them coming let's see um i would say okay let's see let's see i would say most healthy people are runners all right good sentence so again you see what's happening guys we're talking about this idea this topic of health and now we've zoned and are honed in on people or individuals who are healthy the first w who now what about the next w excellent job everyone excellent job what about the next w the next w is what so what i want us to look at is right here healthy activities healthy activities so i want you to think about some healthy activities let's look at some healthy activities i know earlier it was mentioned that runners um really are very healthy right runners enjoy you know going outside as i do going outside and running and staying in shape here's the question what are some healthy activities all right so going to go back to our whiteboard and we're going to look at some healthy activities tell me some healthy activities in your opinion what are some healthy activities if we are trying to stay healthy and keep our bodies in the optimal condition what are some healthy activities that you know about again these will answer the what category alright so tell me some healthy activities what can i do if i want to get healthy oh excellent examples are coming through all right see someone said dance yes you all know i like to dance whenever i do story time a alright so dance is one good good we have running excellent then we have i think someone said swimming all right swimming excellent one okay swimming let's see let's see let's see some more oh jog okay jogging i'm gonna write the short version to save space all right let's see some more okay play tennis all right play tennis excellent example playing tennis is a good example let's see dancing came again yes oh okay we have soccer soccer is a good one as well let's see give me some more give me some more some other examples of things that we can do to exercise and stay in shape here we go all right working out okay let's say going to the gym and working out good example i'll take two more again healthy activities what can we do to stay healthy to stay in good shape all right someone said karate all right karate and someone else said walking all right walking okay now so we have these healthy activities all right so now what i want us to do now is i want us to look at one of these activities let's look at playing tennis this should be interesting now this is a healthy activity so what i want you to do is give me a sentence letting us know that playing tennis is a healthy activity all right so again i want you to give a sentence explaining that tennis playing tennis is a healthy activity don't say playing tennis is a healthy activity because i just used it but i want you to make a sentence again you're gonna make a sentence about playing tennis and explain how oh this is a healthy activity all right remember the goal is write a sentence about playing tennis again we're talking about health but now we're on the what all right playing tennis all right so here let's see let's see if you all can make some sentences again we're getting real practice this is how you learn how to speak about a topic no matter what the topic is you can speak about it fluently but you have to use the five w's all right here we go all right give me a sentence about playing tennis again playing tennis here we go play or playing both i play tennis i like playing tennis again i'm not gonna teach the grammar part but i want you to make a sentence it can be play or playing both are okay all right here we go um okay tennis is one of my favorite healthy activities all right here we go my friend plays tennis as a healthy activity okay all right people that play tennis are healthy and robust all right good guys good all right one healthy activity is playing tennis alright here we go playing tennis can be fun and healthy good job very good very good all right let me see another one playing tennis is a healthy activity because you can move all of your muscles very good very good all right let's see when i play tennis i feel that my health is getting better or that my health is improving or i feel healthier good good keep them coming let me do two more let's see here we go um let's see tennis players are lucky because they are healthy because they are healthy all right let's do one more let's see let's see my friend spends a lot of time doing healthy activities for example or for instance playing tennis period that is why he's so robust good job excellent good job so you see how you guys are able to combine what you learn at the beginning of class with what you're learning right now this is the beauty of studying in this way we're studying the topic of health but we've learned expressions we've learned vocabulary words and now we're learning how to organize our thoughts in english and we're just having a very open conversation back and forth this is how you learn how to speak about any topic so we've done who and what and i'm looking at the time i'm gonna try to get through the last three w's but we gotta move quickly all right so the next w excellent job to everyone the next w is the win so i want us to look at now when so here's the thing we're looking at when do people want to be healthy think about it when do people want to be healthy you got to think hard now think about the points in time or the days or the years or the life situations or life events when someone says oop i have to get healthy i need to be healthy i need to exercise when is that for example i'll give you some examples again think about when do people want to be healthy so let me go to my screen and let me show you again so again we're looking at when do people want to be healthy there are certain times in life when people want to be healthy okay so again when do people want to be healthy for example when they're about to get married i had a friend and he was going to get married so he started exercising and whoa his body was nice we were just friends but he got in shape he wanted to be healthy before he got married okay when do people want to be healthy what are some other examples of when people want to be healthy so again i said when they're going to get married so for their wedding all right for their wedding all right let's see some examples from you all let me see all right let's see let's see let's see oh when they feel sick exactly when they feel sick you don't want to be sick and so you suddenly desire to be healthier right all right let's see some more examples all right they're coming in really quickly here we go for a wedding yes i got that one good let's see let's see um all the time sickness let me see uh when they're young okay when they're young all right like in their teenage years or when they're in college or university all right someone said christmas time now i'm not gonna lie to you guys christmas time i said i have no diet i'm eating all the food i want but yes christmas time all right christmas time is when people want to be healthy all right let's see let's see um let me see in the summertime yes they want that beachbody all right in the summer good example in the summer let's see when else do people want to be healthy let's see some more examples are coming through when they don't feel good yes very true when they get old very good when they're older they wish they were healthier very true let's see let's see oh when they're dating yes that's an excellent example all right and give me one more one more when they're going to travel yes you want to make sure you look good when you travel and that your body is in good health so we have now everything written down for the when so this is what i want to ask you now again practicing making sentences we're talking about health and now we're talking about when people want to be healthy so let's say we want to select travel and we're talking about when people want to be healthy make a sentence that talks about or explains that people want to be healthy when they travel again make a sentence that talks about people wanting to be healthy when they are traveling go into the comments section all right make a sentence talking about people wanting to be healthy when they travel this is something that's very true when you're going on a trip you want to make sure that you're healthy you want to make sure your body is good right so how can you make a sentence about people wanting to be healthy when they go on a trip here we go let's see let's see let's see all right any comments coming through again i think you guys are writing your sentences now think about it when you're trying to be healthy right you want to be healthy when you go on a trip how can you make a sentence let's see let's see let's see okay hold on here we go doesn't it happen to you that when oh has it ever wait a minute doesn't it happen to you when traveling time comes you suddenly want to be healthy oh has this ever happened to you when it's time to travel you suddenly want to be healthy all right you did in a question form good good all right let's see let's see um all right good people need to remember that they need to be healthy in order to go on a trip very good very good let's see all right when people travel they want to look healthy and also to look good in pictures oh they want to look healthy so that they can they want to be healthy so that they can look good in pictures it's true very true very true all right let's see let's see oh excellent one i have to keep my body healthy h-e-a-l-t-h-y in order to enjoy my vacations or trips all right okay good let's see some more excellent job everyone excellent job um when i go on a trip i want to be healthy for my photos i want to look healthy for my photos good very good very good here we go people want to be healthy when they're traveling because an appointment abroad can be expensive very true mince on very true excellent excellent all right two more here we go you can't be healthy to travel during this pandemic period um you can't be healthy ah you might you may not feel healthy i'm a little confused on this one traveling during the pandemic ah because people are getting sick i totally understand yes it's hard to stay healthy when you travel during the pandemic alright and last one i try to look healthy when the holidays are about to arrive all right good good all right so you all understand again we've combined all of these ideas and we've combined what we're talking about with when people want to be healthy and they want to be healthy when they're traveling right they want to look good in pictures now here's what we're going to do because of the time now we're going to do is combine three things this is where your ability to speak intelligently and confidently like a native english speaker comes in to play so i want us to go back and look at my screen here we go all right so we've looked at when right when being traveled all right now and then we looked at what do we look at what playing tennis all right and we looked at this one right here runners here's what we're gonna do this is going to be very very challenging but i think you all can do it so we have runners then what else do we have remember let's go back teacher has to remember as well we had runners runners then for the what we had play tennis all right so let's go back here play tennis all right and then we have the final one let's cut this off final one is travel all right and travel now this is where the challenge is going to come i want you to write some sentences and it has to you can write more than one sentence but they all have to connect and they all have to deal with health i want you to talk about the topic of health but you must include all three of these words expressions so if i were to ask you hey what do you think about health what's your opinion or what do you know about health if i asked you that question again here's the question the question is what do you think about health all right what's your opinion what do you think about health oh here we go what do you think about health what is your opinion what's your idea all right so again what do you think about health now what i want you to do is make some sentences they all have to connect but you need to talk about health you need to mention runners you need to mention play tennis and you need to mention travel again you need to mention runners play tennis and travel again i'm helping you organize your thoughts about the topic of health we have who runners we have what playing tennis and we have when traveling how can you using these three different words and expressions talk about health again if i were to ask you what do you think about health i want you to give me a longer answer here we go this is where the challenge comes is going to wrap up our lesson up this is the challenge here we go all right playing tennis is required to be a good runner if you are you will travel around the world in competitions okay all right i like how you did that the only thing is we gotta mention health too i like what you did though i like what you did we need to mention health all right let's see let's see let's see what you all did runners and tennis players are extremely healthy because they travel from place to place excellent job excellent job very good very good all right let's see another one anybody else playing tennis is healthy because you have to move your arms very true but remember you have to use all three all three i'm looking for two more students again let me show you once again runners play tennis travel and health remember your goal is to try to explain or give your answer if i said hey what do you think about health you need to use runners play tennis and also travel again this is how you learn how to speak like a native english speaker i'm showing you how to stretch your mind and think in english alright let's see let's see alright runners like to play tennis when they are traveling to continue faster oh to get faster okay to get faster right you got to mention health though let me see another one i'm looking for one talks about health as well even when i travel i try to keep my routine to stay healthy this includes running and playing tennis i like that i like that good good all right in order to play tennis you have to be a good and healthy runner then you will be able to travel around the world and become a famous player like gregor dimitrov okay i like that good you see what's happening you guys are organizing your thoughts and doing amazing okay let me see i want to get a few more in here a few more let's see i think that health is so important to our in our lives because when we feel healthy we can remember oh that's true but what happened to tennis let me look let me see when athlete when athletes such as runners and tennis players uh make a trip take a trip for a competition they should make sure that they are healthy it's important for their performance good job good job all right i'll do two more two more here we go uh let's see let's see maureen says i think tennis players or runners um are healthier than others because they travel more and can enjoy their traveling to the fullest okay all right i corrected a little bit for you all right last one lumtari says i think that running is always a good choice to have better health also playing tennis or any other sport but traveling helps us with our mental health good job excellent so you see what's happening guys i started today's lesson by saying the topic was health but we have talked about expressions and words we talked about people who are healthy when people want to be healthy and things we can do to be healthy so now what's going to happen is when you leave this class if someone asks you a question about health your brain will start moving you'll start thinking not just of words but you'll start thinking of ideas and places and people and you'll get more confident and comfortable in your ability to speak about health in english now guys that's all i have for you i mean i don't know how that hour went by so fast but i did tell you all that i have to go to our family meeting for students that are in my academy students you already know where to find the links to our zoom meeting are there any other questions before i end this class again i thank everyone for joining me and for being involved in this live class um now some of you may be curious some of you may be curious about the method that i taught tonight um i use the method that i talk to my students using the 5ws and how to think in english so i want to ask you all hold on one second i'm actually going to find the link really quickly because some of you may need more help and some of you may actually want to study like this so i'm going to show this to you guys really quickly this is something again i use for all of my students i teach them using the five w's uh let's see let's see i'm gonna try to go to this screen again pop your questions if you have questions no worries at all guys no worries at all um so this is what i want to show you all here we go so some of you um are very curious you want to know about the lesson i taught today it's actually based on i call the think english package thinking english package um here we go hey guys uh the thinking english package and i used this to actually teach the same way that i taught today um it's inside of this book called how to make long sentences the fact of the matter is if you know how to study english like we studied today if you know how to use the 5ws you can talk about anything with confidence so i'll put it in the comments section you guys are welcome to check it out the link is in the comments section uh if you'd like to get it hey go for it if not it's okay but um that's what i use to teach you all today the method of who what when where and why and putting things together hope you guys enjoyed it um thank you so much for joining me again if you're not in my academy come on and join us but if you are i'll see you in a few moments in our live family meeting on zoom thank you guys so much you guys are amazing uh question came through if i take your program 27 i need to pay only one time yeah honestly so the thinking english package it comes with an e-book it comes with audio files it comes with videos to explain certain things yeah it's just 27 again if you'd like it you can yeah by all means go ahead but uh great question again i'll show you guys real quick i think the question came in again um yes it's only 27 but it has this ebook teaches you based on what i taught you all today um and there are audio files there's worksheets um there's idioms there's so much but again it's the same thing the same way i taught you all today it's a 30-day plan uh it comes with a 30-day plan and you guys can learn basically what i taught you all today so yeah you're welcome to if you'd like to learn some more you can go ahead and hit that link again i put it in the comment section i think you guys saw it but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed thank you so much i love you all i'll see you next time have a wonderful evening and for those of you in america thursday is thanksgiving i'm looking forward to the food it's going to be amazing i'll talk to you guys next time bye you
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 68,216
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Id: hdKF16zqDTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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