LIVE ENGLISH CLASS | How To Think Creatively In English

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hey everybody what's going on we are here for the live english class i'm teacher tiffany and you already know i am ready to teach you some things today now whenever we start our class you know i always love for you guys to tell me where you guys are watching from tell me what country you're in right now so please come in the comment section and let me know where you are watching from let me know where you're watching from i have so many students around the world so i'm excited to see where you guys are watching from here we go yes okay i see some came through angola yes hello how are you then we have saudi arabia good to see you let's see i see some more coming through morocco yes one of my favorite students is from morocco too algeria yes i'm excited to nicole all right let's see tell me where you are watching from we have colombia again colombia then we have brazil yes we have morocco again come on guys yes rwanda good to see you here montreal i have some good friends who live in montreal good to see you sao paulo nice to see you let's see tell me where you're watching from right now let's see let's see the dominican republic good to see you something got in my eye guys all right again as you come in let us know where you're watching from i love to see you guys here and i'm so excited about our lesson together today hey fred good to see you all right columbia again tell me where you're watching from let's see let's see dominican republic colombia i see a lot of colombia yes italy good to see you wow vietnam egypt yes good to see you all right let's see all right maryland you know i love maryland good to see you let's see poland nice india we got russia again good to see you guys mexico oh i love some mexican food delicious we have canada syria yes let me see if i can get syria on the screen good to see you guys moscow all right now i may i think it's supposed to be france i got you then we have costa rica let me see if i can get through on the screen man guys you guys are awesome puerto ri puerto rico pakistan yes hey t good to see you it nice to see you good to see you guys all right so again we got a few more moments as you're coming in i see that there are 383 of you guys watching all together and man i'm so excited to teach you guys today so just let me know where you're from we're going to spend a few more moments just saying hi and letting you guys kind of give shout outs for your own country all right we have honduras yes good to see you peru nice to see you here manuel nice to see you i'm gonna scroll down a little bit further and see if we can get some more i see morocco man you guys are amazing armenia good to see you dubai i know someone in dubai i see ohio you're in america nice to see you here steve yes all right russia again man nigeria yes nigeria love it cameroon nice to see you emmanuel good to see you all right so so many of you guys are here and man this lesson today guys thank you so much for joining london libya and there's so many more of you all here and i just want to say thank you thank you thank you so much for joining me here today i'm going to teach you guys how to think creatively in english and man this is going to be an interactive class but i want to tell you something before i start last month when we had our live english class remember i said oh there's something that's secret right that's going to happen at the end well i'm going to let you know ahead of time right now at the end of this live class this live class will be about an hour i'll teach you a whole lot you'll practice a lot i'm actually going to have a live zoom meeting with family members that means the speak english with tiffany academy members we're called the family and i'm gonna meet with all family members directly after this youtube live so i know you guys enjoy commenting in the chat area and me reading your comments but if you want to actually see me and on video and i can see you join the family ali hey what's going on good to see you good to see you ali is one of our family members as well so if you want to join our family and be a part of that meeting at the end of this class please join the family right now now i'm going to put this in the comments section really quickly for those who really want to join us all you have to do is go to this link hold on one second guys after this live class this is the link i just put it in the comment section so you guys can join us as well we want you guys to be a part of our family so hit that link don't worry you have an hour to come and join the family and then join our zoom class at the end of this live class but don't worry you can still enjoy the live class now let's jump right in alright guys so again i'm so excited to teach you all today and our lesson is going to be about how to think creatively in english so here we go again i mentioned after this class there's a live zoom meeting for family members here we go today we're going to be talking about how to think creatively in english now i want you guys to get ready because i have a lot of questions and you guys are going to be able to answer them and this is going to be a super interactive class so here we go guys here we go all right so the first thing we're going to look at it's going to be broken up into three different parts for today's class we're going to look at descriptive sentences then section two is new expressions and idioms and finally section three is how to practice so here we go section number one descriptive sentences here we go this is the first image that we're looking at it looks like a woman sitting on a bike right but i want to give you three sentences that describe this image and i want you to prepare your sentences because again today we're practicing how to think creatively in english so what i want you to do is look at this picture and think of your own sentence alright and you can type it in the comment section but the first one is right here the lady is riding a bike right the lady is riding a bike in the image you see a bike and you see a lady she doesn't have any shoes on right but that's a very basic way of explaining or describing the picture again the lady is riding a bike or what about this one the lady is brave to ride her bike with no shoes on her feet so what happened now instead of looking at the bike specifically we're focusing on the fact that she has no shoes on so again when you're trying to think creatively in english it's important to look for little details and then describe those details so the first sentence was very simple the lady is riding a bike now the second sentence is the lady is brave to ride her bike with no shoes on her feet all right now what about this one the lady is wearing a black and white polka dot dress with lace at the bottom now you see what happened right look at the bold words okay look at the words that are bolded one more time black and white polka dot dress so what happened for the third sentence i decided to focus on what she was wearing the lady is wearing a black and white polka dot dress with lace at the bottom so once again when you're thinking about how to think creatively in english it's all about finding one detail one small thing and expanding your idea about that one small detail all right so now this is what i want you to do all right so i gave you three example sentences now i want you to make your own sentence about this image this is where we interact guys i want you to go in the comment section and type your sentences i see a question came through what does polka dot mean great question so polka dot is usually um used to describe uh one color and then there are dots on it of another color right dot so we say polka dot right so if you have a white shirt and then lots of black dots we say polka dot and usually bigger dots we say polka dot all right now this is your chance guys look at the picture one more time and i want you to give me a sentence describing the picture all right here we go i'm gonna go to the comment section now and see your sentences here we go paula says the lady with the black dress is riding a bike come on now paula good job good job excellent all right anybody else let me see um okay don't wear a dress if you're going to ride a bike period that's my best piece of advice all right okay good good here we go bo plan or boo plan says the white girl riding a bike ah almost perfect the white girl is riding a bike with no shoes on almost perfect but i see what you're saying all right give me some more sentences guys tell me how to describe this picture again i'll show it one more time tell me how to describe this picture how would you describe this picture all right thinking creatively in english here we go let me see another sentence let me see i'm going to scroll down here we go javier says the lady is riding a bike with a black and white dress very good javier very good all right here we go the lady is riding okay the lady is riding her bike at the park at her bike because you want to make sure which vehicle she's riding want to make sure we make that clear very good all right here we go all right the girl is riding a bike to get to her job in the morning i love that you're thinking creatively yahandra you can think about where she's going i like that you did that excellent just add to get to her job all right okay here we go miss comfort says the lady in a black dress is riding a bike excellent all right let me see i'm going to do three more sentences here we go the beautiful woman on the bike is going to meet her boyfriend come on excellent job you're thinking creatively you're thinking hey this picture is great but maybe where is she going what is she about to do i love it two more sentences here we go let's do two more sentences let me see all right the lady with the black dress is riding the bike with a fascinating feeling okay she feels fascinating okay she feels great i like it one more here we go one more sentence let's see i like your sentences guys let me try to find one more here we go um let's see i see jose let me see jose the blonde girl is riding a bike with a black and white dress without shoes just spelling with not w-h-i-t with w-i-t-h all right great job guys so you see what you're doing right now right we're looking at the same picture but we all have different sentences we're thinking creatively in english all right let's go to our next picture excellent job guys here we go here's our next picture oh do you guys like dogs hey quick question who has a pet dog in the picture you see there's a pet dog right if you have a pet dog just type yes if you have a dog if you've ra you've raised a dog before or you have one right now just type yes in the comment sections you know dogs are very cute and many people have pet dogs even in america all right so we have this picture right here's the first sentence the man is wearing a white shirt again what's the focus the focus is the man's white shirt all right here we go next the man has a watch on his left wrist ah now we're focusing on the watch right we're saying hey that watch is on his left wrist remember the wrist is right here very good all right i see some people came through yes some of you do have dogs let me see i see oh a lot of you have dogs nice i like it i like it all right let's see uh alex you have a dog nice uh and lulu you have a dog nice edna you have a dog sharon has a dog jose yes all right walter has a dog jowl victor nice to see you here all right a lot of you guys have dogs dogs really are great there's an expression we have in english a dog uh we say dogs are man's best friend right so dogs are great pets all right a lot of you guys have dogs but some of you don't it's okay all right so very cute dog very cute puppy right all right now what's the third sentence i use to describe the picture the little dog has very nice brown and black fur so what did i do i focused on the color of the dog again remember when you are thinking creatively in english and when you are trying to practice how to think creatively in english you can get images and pick out certain parts we have the shirt we have the wrist watch we have the dog's color you can do these things too now let's jump to the image and now it is your turn alright guys give me your sentences to describe this image go alright again you're describing the image you can pick any part of the image you'd like but again thinking creatively in english how would you describe this picture tell me here we go alright i see some coming through now excellent here we go the man has a quiet dog with your new white colored shirt okay the man has a quiet dog and he's wearing a new white shirt all right be careful okay let's see the man has a watch and a black dog be careful the adjective that goes in the front has a black dog all right let's see give me a sentence again describing this picture right here pick any part of the picture and make a sentence about it all right here we go let's see oh very cute the little dog is his boss sometimes dogs are people's bosses very good very good all right let's see um this businessman is single and his little dog is his only family good i like that you're thinking outside of the box you're thinking creatively but be careful this businessman is single and his little dog is his only family all right let's see let's see tell me another sentence about the image let me scroll down you guys are doing awesome keep practicing guys even if yours doesn't get on the screen keep practicing this is how you improve your english here we go edna says the man in the white shirt is holding a cute black little dog very good be careful with the spelling though little is l-i-t-t-l-e good job excellent job here we go oh victor says the dog is comfortable on its owner's lap great job great job here we go elizabeth hey elizabeth says the man who is wearing a white shirt is carrying a little dog or the man wearing a white shirt is carrying a little dog good job all right two more keep them coming guys keep them coming oh hey rosemare nice to see you hey the dog seems scared uh rosemary was one of the first members of my academy it's so good to see you here hon all right and i'll do one more one more here we go alberto yes alberto is a member of the academy too good to see you alberto the man is holding his black dog in his hands so be careful the man is holding his black dog in his hands all right great job guys again the most important part about thinking creatively in english is picking one part one detail and then expanding upon that detail all right excellent job okay guys here's the next image right here whoo image number three now i'm going to tell you guys a little secret i love hiking i really do i love hiking and i love traveling so this picture is a good example of something that i enjoy doing but we have a guy in this picture so let's go to the picture and see some sentences about it first the person is wearing a yellow hooded sweatshirt again what's the focus we're looking at this image and for the first sentence we're only focusing on one detail and we've made a sentence right what's the detail the yellow hooded sweatshirt exactly what about the next one the water is very blue simple sentence right but again we're describing the picture we're being very very creative all right here we go uh elizabeth thank you so much i love being your teacher all right here we go so the next sentence the third one is the many rock formations appear pointy and sharp at the top so now we're looking at the rocks the rock formations now pointy just means very sharp right the tip of something is very pointy like oof ow we say pointy all right so again we picked three different points within the image and we spoke about those points so now it's your turn guys interactive here's the image i want you all to type out your sentences alright type your sentences about this image what point do you want to pick out what aspect of this image do you want to talk about here we go all right juan says the sky is a bit cloudy very good one very good all right tame says the man is enjoying the beauty of nature the man is enjoying the beauty of nature all right all right here we go talk to me about that picture okay one more time here's the picture guys tell me about this picture here we go back to the comment section yes here we go the men oh the man here we go the man wearing a yellow dress is thinking about himself and feeling well there now be careful it's not a dress it's a sweater that he's wearing he's wearing a sweater and not men but man okay for one person all right be very careful all right javier says the man is enjoying the beautiful paradise not of the beautiful paradise all right got some more coming through here we go let's see let's see some more coming through about our picture here we go the person who is standing on the top uh on top of the mountain is thinking about his life all right hattis good to see you another member of the academy nice to see you here all right here we go the puppy is sitting on a man oh that's from the other picture but good job all right uh tell me about this picture guys here we go ernest ernest says the person with the yellow shirt is enjoying his time very good just be careful with the spelling e n j o y i n g but good job very good job all right two more two more here we go gabby hi gabby good to see you gabby says the man is watching the ocean good okay or looking at the ocean is more natural okay good job last one one more sentence let me see you guys are doing great keep typing your sentences keep practicing guys this is how you get better here we go all right let me see let me see excellent job excellent job it seems like it is going to rain but he's still enjoying himself you see i corrected it for you it seems like it is going to rain but he is still enjoying himself now again i corrected the grammar part for that sentence but i love the way you're thinking creatively that's the point good job good job alright excellent job guys let's go to our next picture you guys are doing great all right here's the next picture all right we're getting a lot of water pictures in nature here's the first sentence the little house is cute very simple sentence right focusing on one detail of the image we're focusing on the little house not the ocean not the water not the car just the house and we made a sentence again the little house is cute what about the next one the house has two windows in the front think about it two windows in the front or on the front of the house is okay as well all right then what's the next thing we have this one right here there is a small silver car parked in front of the house so you see what happened first i focused on the house then i went a little bit closer and i focused on the windows then i went a little bit to the left and i saw that there was a little silver car so now guys i want you to make your own sentences again about this image here's the image one more time guys this little house with a car and the water so give me your sentence i'm ready for it guys type your sentence in the comments section here we go yes go ahead guys barbara hey barbara barbara says the house is in front of the ocean good job yes excellent job esra says the little house is white good being creative it's true the little house is white very very good all right again give me some sentences about the image let me show the image one more time this image right here make a sentence about this image here we go go into the comment section alright here they come all right here we go rafaela says the little house is in a day is in danger because if the rain comes a flood can happen there all right it's in a dangerous situation or is it a dangerous spot but good job again i love how creatively you're thinking that's the point guys great job here we go nancy says the cute small house is next to the sea very good job nancy very good job here we go all right javi says i would like to live in that house by the beach or on the beach but we say buy the beaches better all right good job all right here we go let me see some more sentences about this image it looks like it is a peaceful place almost perfect but i love the way you are thinking you're thinking creatively you said ah it looks peaceful something about this image makes me feel good i love it i love it alright two more two more keep them coming guys don't stop keep practicing keep practicing here we go i love this all right vedant says my dream is to buy a house having windows and a white car with windows and a white car good you've connected it to your own life i love it i love it alright here we go hina says the view of the house is so beautiful excellent guys you're doing an amazing job i love how creatively you're thinking you're trying to connect the image to your life you're bringing out really good adjectives and that's what you have to do to continue to think creatively in english so let's go to our next and final picture for this section here we go now we have a woman in this picture here's the first sentence the table is made of wood you see what happened there right my first sentence isn't even about the woman i decide hmm i decided to focus more on the table and that's okay because i'm describing the image so again the table is made of wood next we have the young woman has black and blonde hair alright so now i'm saying hey the table is wood and oh look at the woman in the picture but more specifically look at her hair so again i'm thinking creatively what is it about her hair that makes her unique ah it's black and blonde again thinking creatively apply these same ideas and principles to life when you're describing something think of the little details and how you can explain them and describe them this is how you get more fluent in english alright now my third sentence here we go my third sentence the lady is wearing a gray sweater with a striped blouse underneath it aha so now i'm looking at her clothes right oh she has a gray sweater and i look very closely i see a striped shirt underneath her sweater alright so guys you know what time it is you know what time it is it's time for you guys to make your own sentences so let me show you the picture and again i want you to make your own sentence describing this image all right describing this image so here we go going to the comment section here we go yes bring them on guys here we go sharon hey sharon says the lady is busy working on her new project come on sharon yes excellent you're guessing you're thinking creatively hey maybe this lady is working on a project i love it i love it this is great all right here we go here we go um let me see let me see again make a sentence guys and this is the image we're talking about this image right here of this woman here we go all right all right here we go here we go okay francisco says that beautiful woman looks like she is concentrating hard again like she is concentrating hard okay good i like the way you're thinking though very good all right another sentence here we go all right vinnie says hey vinnie she is doing her office work good maybe she had a lot of work to do so she's sitting there working on her work all right getting her work done all right here we go the woman is working on the desk good job good job all right let's see give me some more sentences keep them coming guys i'm going to do five more here we go all right raymundo good to see you the caucasian young woman is doing her assignment a research project on her newly purchased tablet excellent very very good i like that you gave lots of details you talked about what culture or what her ethnicity may be you talked about what she's actually working on and you spoke about the tablet she's using i like that excellent job all right here we go let's do four more four more all right coach hey coach says the ladies got a nice tablet or the lady has a nice tablet three more here we go the woman is wearing a ring she might be married or she could be married all right that's true i like how you saw that small detail she has a ring maybe she's married all right good two more two more here we go ah let's see this one's kind of funny uh oh never mind they went by hold on let's do another one um the girl's long hair is so brilliant hey nancy all right one more guys one more um let's see let's see here we go ah let's see so many great sentences keep them coming guys don't stop keep them coming and again remember this is practice for you that's gonna help you all right here we go clearly the cute lady is engaged by his nice ring in his left oh i miss i don't understand that one sorry okay let me go to a different one um okay she is busy all the time all right great job so again guys you see what happened we saw a series of images and we were able to pick out specific details from each image and that helped us that helped you to think creatively and look at all the sentences you guys made about one image it's because you guys were thinking creatively and that's what you want to do when you practice okay it helps you become fluent in english alright so now let's move on to section number two new expressions and idioms now i'm going to teach you guys two new very useful expressions and idioms are you guys ready are you sure all right here we go all right so the first expression i want to teach you is this one right here in one's element all right now this just means in a situation which is entirely suitable familiar or enjoyable so for example you're in a situation that is very comfortable for you i'm teaching you right now this is extremely comfortable for me i love i love teaching you english i love getting on these live monthly classes and helping you expand your knowledge of the english language i am in my element it means i'm very comfortable i'm not ah i'm not nervous i'm happy i feel great so i am in my element so i can say i'm in my element when i teach english makes sense it means i'm very comfortable when i'm in that situation all right this is a very very useful expression all right in one's element so let's see some example sentences here we go my mother was in her element this morning when she was organizing her room all right so again think about it that means his or her mother loves cleaning loves organizing so whenever his or her mother is doing that she's like whoa i like to organize right she's in her element all right here's the next one you can tell that he is in his element right now you're catching on right he's in his element right now and finally here we go this one right here samantha is in her element when she's painting all right makes sense now here's the challenge guys i taught you this expression in one's element but remember we had a series of pictures in section one right this is what i want you to do look at the bottom right you see the picture right here in the bottom right the woman that was on the bike here's the challenge i want you to make a sentence using in one's element but you need to talk about that picture you can do it i believe in you again the picture in the bottom right of the woman on the bike how can you use the expression to describe the picture that's the challenge go for it guys use the expression in one's element and describe the image of the woman i see a question came through this expression can be used in a formal way yes you can use it in any environment it's okay it's not slang you can use it how can you use this expression to describe the woman that's riding on her bike it's a challenge again in one's element how can you describe the image using this expression i know it's tricky let me see if you guys are gonna come through anybody let's see okay okay here we go the girl loves riding her bike because she feels like she's in her element okay all right here we go aduba says the young woman sitting at on her desk ah not that picture we're talking about this one the one with the bike the one specifically with the bike all right here we go yarin says she is in her element when she is riding her bicycle good job be careful with the spelling of bicycle but excellent all right here we go oh excellent the ladies in her element while riding her bike good good all right okay the late this girl is in her element when she rides a bike very good very good all right oh thank you guys i some of you said you're in your element now that you're studying with me i'm so happy to hear that all right okay let's see the girl hold on excuse me guys i'm gonna get some water again keep your sentences coming your goal is again to make a sentence about the image right here in the bottom right using the expression whoa i had to get some water all right i'll do two more sentences let's see again about the image where the girl is on her bike okay let's see let's see let's see i see a lot of since it's coming through keep them coming guys okay here we go nicole says the girl is in her element be careful with spelling when she rides her bike rides her bike all right one more let me do one more let's see somebody else um okay mary was in her element riding the new bicycle in the park this afternoon i like that i like how you're thinking outside of the box and thinking creatively pavel excellent job all right so you guys understand right in your element again in a situation or an environment that you are very very comfortable in you feel confident you're in your element great job alright now the next one the next expression is right here chill out chill out now this just means after working hard a person does something that helps them calm down and relax for a while or have a good time so imagine you work all day right you're working all day or for those of you that are in school you're studying all day right and when you finish studying or finish working you just kind of want to relax you just want to stop and maybe watch a movie on netflix or maybe you know watch a youtube video speak english with tiffany but you know you just want to relax you can say ah i just want to chill out you can say that i just want to relax i just want to chill out makes sense right okay so let's look at some example sentences here we go first we have right here he wanted to chill out after the meeting all right again maybe the meeting was very difficult and he had to prepare a lot of information he was a little bit stressed so he said man i really just want to chill out for a while i just want to relax alright here's the next one i think you need to chill out meaning i i think it's time for you to relax just just chill out it's okay and finally this one it's important to chill out sometimes all right it's important to relax make sense all right now again we gotta connect right what we learn in section one we're gonna connect it to what we're learning right now so i have a picture look at the bottom right of this one in the bottom right we see the image of the man right standing on top of these rocks or this mountain right the yellow sweater how can we talk about this image using the expression chill out that's the challenge guys right now your challenge what we learned in section one about the image and creatively explaining it or describing it now we're connecting it talk about this image and i need you to use chill out how can you describe this using the expression chill out here we go here we go let's see i'm so happy to hear that i'm glad you do watch the videos and i'm glad they're a breath of fresh air thanks so much xena alright so again guys how can you describe that image again of the man bottom right using the expression chill out talk to me let me know here we go let's see let's see let me see oh yes the man seems to enjoy chilling out while looking at a landscape okay good good let's see the young man is chilling out watching a nice view at the top of a mountain of the mountain okay looking at the nice view excellent looking at the nice view is more natural okay very good very good um oh nice antonio this man went to a quiet and a still um a place where there was still water to chill out good he wanted to chill out good guys you're connecting what you learned in section one with what you're learning now in section two excellent job here we go let me see again you're trying to describe jamal hey jamal hold on let me see hey jamal good to see you after a long day he chills out on the mountain very good job jamal jamal is also a member of our academy our family all right here we go here we go let's see ma silva hey says he chills out after to do a climb ah he likes to chill out by climbing okay he likes to chill out by going on a hike something like that okay all right i'll do one more let's do ah two more two more we gotta move on with our lesson but you guys are so active and i love it i love it all right here we go keep them coming guys keep practicing don't stop don't stop keep your sentences coming here we go let me see the next one is sophie says he just chills out after his hard work all day okay he's just chilling out after a long day or after a hard day okay that's more natural all right here we go the man is chilling out after a hard week of work good job fabiana excellent all right you guys are amazing so you're seeing again how you can use this expression in a real situation good job guys good job all right now let's go to section number three here we go how to practice now again this is going to be very very interactive so as soon as i ask the question i need you to start typing real real fast okay really fast here we go all right so this is getting into the who what when where and why now you all know i love teaching you the five w's who what when where and why this is a way this is a method that will help you think creatively in english so what we're going to do is we have one image but for each part of the image we're focusing on a w here we go all right the first one is who who is it look at the picture closely and think about who is actually in the picture now for this part you don't have to write a full sentence if you don't want we're just trying to organize different pieces of information so looking at this image again who do you think is in this picture who is this who is in this picture all right who is it who do you see in the image is that you can say a man you can say a race car driver it's up to you tell me again who is in this picture talk to me talk to me alright i see the comments coming through again who is in the picture i see a lot of you saying hi hi guys good to see you all right good haties says the man who likes racing very good again excellent job tell me guys who is in this picture you can say a man you could say a white man you could say a tall man describe the image by talking about who is in the picture okay a man with a helmet where he actually has the headphones on but good all right excellent a driver good some drivers good jamal too driver good uh a pilot oh actually this is not a pilot they're for cars but oh nice staff come on good job pit crew nice the owner of the car good job the teammates nice i love it the f1 driver very good i think it meant race car right but a person looking for a person not a thing but i understand race car driver all right formula one race car driver good all right driver and the coach excellent good job guys uh let's see a man let me see some more are coming through they're coming through so fast i have to scroll down there we go the man who likes cars excellent a mechanic very good all right two more two more let's see again who is in the picture here we go um car thieves thank you for your virtual hug here you go there's a hug back all right and last one here we go uh let's see let's see let's see let's see trainers okay so again we're seeing different individuals in this image all right now let's go to what all right so now the question is what is going on look at the picture closely and think about what is actually going on in the picture the picture hasn't changed but you notice that we're looking at certain details within the picture so tell me what do you think is going on in this picture what are they doing you all mentioned um great examples you said there's a race car driver there's a mechanic tell me what do you think is actually going on in this picture tell me tell me all right let's see let's see okay someone says the men uh the men are helping they're helping the driver good okay excellent the man is ready to race very good the man is checking the car very good someone's vinnie says someone wanted to steal the car good be careful the spelling s-t-e-a-l all right good all right let's see tell me what's going on here we go susu says three people are trying to fix the car excellent all right uh someone said let's see the 80 sdj says it's a pit stop all right let's see uh tell me what's going on in this picture let's see ah yes i love it anthony hold on excellent anthony let me see if i can get you on the screen anthony says the race car drivers are chilling out okay guys it's freezing a little bit because there's so many comments coming in but anthony i did see your comment here we go i think we get it on come on now let's see if we can get it on there for you hold on here we go here we go i like this one you you put it in there but it's not going on the screen but i like it the race car drivers are chilling out all right excellent let's do two more two more let's see let's see they are let's see repairing the car excellent job very good changing a wheel or changing a tire great job guys so again we're seeing that this picture has something going on in it and now we're thinking creatively ah maybe they're changing a tire ah maybe they're fixing the car maybe it's a pit stop again you're thinking creatively in english great job guys all right now let's look at the next the next w what about this one right here when did it happen look at the picture closely and think about when it was actually taken when do you think this picture was taken think about it guys was it in the morning was in the afternoon was it today was it yesterday was it uh after a race before a race think creatively when do you think this picture was actually taken when did this happen tell me in the comment section guys when did this happen you guys are doing so amazing tell me when this happened all right here we go excellent all right ed you cassion says before the race good before the race be careful with the spelling t-h-e all right before the race all right here we go excellent job guys excellent job let me see okay let's see in the day time i like it in the day time then we have yesterday excellent let's see um let me see let me see in the when did it happen someone says the afternoon now there's so many comments coming through i can't put them on the screen keep them coming guys the afternoon all right during a race good i like that blanco lucas i'm trying to put you on the screen but it won't pop up um i'll read your comments though don't worry uh oh you says before the match good before the race good all right i see it happen during a race in the morning i like it during a race excellent guys before winning the race i like that begum girlian all right good someone says sunday i like it i like it guys before the race jamal says just before the race good excellent guys it happened during the race it was taken during the race on a hot afternoon oh i like that one too um this is from sharon excellent let me have a do five more i'm just reading them because they're coming in so fast i can't put them on the screen but don't worry i see all your comments here we go all right i see another one come through after the runner in the evening that's laura excellent job uh let's see at the middle of the race khan ayah good nicole liberato says the start of the day good then we have let's see another one chester destroyed says during the day all right two more guys let's see alexander says oh it went away alexander after 10 laps of racing good and one more let me scroll through i see nancy juarez it was in the afternoon the day before the race great job guys again you're looking at the image and thinking creatively about the picture i love it this is how you expand your english ability this is how you improve your fluency alright here we go now what about this part where is it look at the picture and think about where they are in the picture where are they right now look at the picture closely where do you think they are right now where do they think they are are they at someone's house i don't think so are they on the highway i don't think so tell me where do you think they are where was this picture taken think about it where was the image taken all right let's see i see some of you um they're just taking photos tell me where was this picture taken tell me where was it taken here we go all right race area i like it i like it all right let me see let me see a race area let me put you on there here we go khan aya says the race area all right uh-oh in a street on the street all right let me see at a garage all right at a racing area i like it let me see i can put this on the screen all right so many are coming through i'll just read them for you all don't worry all right jamal says near the garage afmain texas in the garage alexander says on the road track all right on the track uh are we 95 says on the race track good juanita gonzalez says it looks like on a road good then we have another one in an international car race all right there are in a garage tame says that um let me see they're on a race track let's see uh on earth melania says on earth good one good one all right uh adrian hernandez says in texas that's right think creatively think creative there's no wrong answer all right uh let me see it some more people came through i see on the beach okay maybe there's a beach behind them on the road in the garage excellent job guys excellent job okay in the middle of the race area great i'll take three more on the race grounds that's aquib elahi good job then we have two more in the pit area educacion a limited good job then uh let's see let's see i see a lot of international car racing areas good job good job let's see some more coming through uh okay louis dell tucson says add a racing area okay good job guys so again you're thinking creatively you're thinking about where they could possibly be in this picture now what about the why this is where it gets interesting as well why are they doing it look at the picture closely and think about why this is happening in the picture think about it guys why are they doing this some of you said maybe they're changing the tire maybe they're fixing the car but why now i want you to think even more creatively in english why do you think they are doing this why do you think they are standing in front of the car why do you think they have their headphones on tell me why you think they are doing this all right this is where it gets interesting so the why all right oh great nice okay so i see samuel gomez says they're in arizona's grand prix crypto news says it's a competition nice i like it very good very good all right uh t says because they just want to all right that's true they may just want to do that good let's see let's see tell me why you think they are doing it oh they want to earn some money okay the adsdjs talks about earning money all right let's see they're giving the not the pilot but the driver a piece of advice remember the pilot is someone that flies an aircraft right a plane all right let's see just for fun okay i like that elias wait just for fun um let's see laura jimenez says because they need to repair the car all right good someone says yaran says they are stealing the race because they need money ah they're trying to race because they need money good jose rafael perez says cause they're in a championship all right let's see let's see someone's crying why are you crying marie paul paul elomo don't cry all right let's see again i love it i love it they're pushing the car because they're in a championship um they're trying to let's see they're changing the tires good good uh the car needs to be fixed excellent let's see some more uh to catch up to first place they want to be in first place um they're going to do a show in disneyland adrian hernandez i like it thinking creatively i love it um flavin hanha says because they need to win the race i love it all right they're in the championship they're trying to change the car tire the car needs to be fixed very good nicole liberato says because the car stopped working good spitfire 99 says because they need a piece of advice to continue the race good faihad fahad maheed says to win the race good keep them coming guys they're coming really fast so they won't pop on the screen but i'll still read them for you keep them coming uh they're doing a repair on the car that's from joni to maruvo te murovich all right and i'll do two more two more samuel gomez says to fix the car as quickly as they can and last one uh let's see last one here we go is coming in fast um let me see someone who hasn't juanita gonzalez says they are pushing a car because there was a damage done oh there was damage done to the motor very very good excellent job guys excellent job i mean you guys are awesome now i do have some bad news guys the lesson is over isn't it crazy an hour already went by but i love teaching you guys now i do have some good news though here's the good news guys are you ready to practice and speak with other english speakers remember i told you at the very beginning guys now we're gonna have a live zoom class that's right a zoom class for all the family members all of the individuals who are enrolled in my academy they can come right now and we're going to have an hour-long zoom meeting that's right as a family we can see each other and talk to each other don't worry if you just wanted to watch the youtube live class it's not a problem but if you're not in the academy you need to join now so again you guys can hit the link let me post the link for you guys really quickly again for those of you that would like to join us and you want to become a part of the family and you also want to join us for the live meeting here's the link all right here's the link but you have to be a member so after you click the link it's going to prompt you to join our academy to join the family all right but we welcome you we want you to be a part of our family oh and one other thing guys i would encourage you to join the academy now because the price is going to go up next month now for the current members don't worry if you're currently a member of the academy if you're currently a family member your monthly membership fee will not increase don't worry if you're a family member already it's not going to increase but for those that aren't members yet you need to join now because next month the price is going to increase all right so again if you want to join our family if you want to come to our zoom meeting once again here's the link for you guys to come click it it'll take you to the information you need because we have some discussion questions that we're going to go over together live in the zoom meeting guys honestly i love teaching these classes and for those that click the link when you get to the page after you've logged in you'll see this right here you need to hit the attend the live family meeting that's the zoom link right there but again only family members have access to this page all right so here we go guys i really hope you enjoyed our class today again come join us in the zoom meeting it's going to start immediately after i hit stop on this class i love teaching you guys i'm so happy to teach you once a month here um i do a live class once a month but again if you're not in the academy yes you can enjoy the live class but you don't get all the benefits all right so yes i do this once a month ah story time okay nicole liberato story time here we go it's story time a i said a story time man now i have to think of a story really quickly let me think i had a story that i was going to tell you all and it has to be quick because the family is waiting on me um let me think of a really really quick story oh wow i told you all story about when i was in south korea um oh hold on guys i didn't repair a story but i'm going to try to think of one really quickly that i can tell you um ah maybe it's about my niece guys a story is not coming to my mind um hold on let me think let me think let me think oh okay quick story guys so when i was younger i loved um stuffed animals i had about 15 stuffed animals on my bed and at night i would take them off and i'd sleep but in the morning i take each individual stuffed animal and i put them right on the pillow right so i had these stuffed animals for years and i wanted to save them so i put them in a box right now when i turned about 11 or 12 years old i didn't have them on my bed but i had them in a box so one day i came home from school and the box was gone and i was frantic i was like mommy where's the box she said what box i said the box with my with my teddy bears i've had for years my dad had accidentally well he didn't know i wanted them had taken the box all the way to the thrift store they were going to actually sell my my stuffed animals so i remember it so clearly even though it was so many years ago my mom jumped in the car took me in the car we drove to this huge thrift store and i remember walking and it was a huge thrift store and warehouse and they were like ma'am we don't know where your box is but you can try and look and wouldn't you know we walked into this huge warehouse and we looked for a few minutes and we prayed and i was able to find the box that had all of my stuffed animals and i still have that box today it's been over 25 28 something years it's been a long time almost 30 years and i still have that box of stuffed animals so that's just a quick story but i really really love those stuffed animals and who knows maybe later on when i have kids i'll let them actually have some of the stuffed animals too alright guys i really hope you enjoyed today's class again please join us i would love to have you guys in our family meeting here's the link i do have to run so that i can start that zoom meeting for our family and we can start our discussion and we can talk to each other if you're not able to it's okay we'll see you next month thanks so much guys i'll talk to you next time but as always remember to speak english
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 34,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rx2S1DaASs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 15sec (3435 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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