20 Ways To Say Thank You In English | "Thank You" Synonyms In English

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hey there are tons of ways to say thank you in english and today i'm going to teach you 20 of them i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in [Music] all right now the first thing we need to do is break these down into five groups group a ways to say thank you and focus on the person group b ways to say thank you quickly and easily group c ways to say thank you and focus on their kindness group d ways to say thank you and focus on what you will do and group e ways to say thank you and focus on your appreciation now if you understand these five categories these five groups you'll be able to master the ways to say thank you in english so here we go let's jump right in now group a ways to say thank you and focus on the person here we go number one you're the best real simple right but you're focused on that person man you are the best i'm saying thank you but i'm putting more emphasis on the person like man you i can't believe how amazing you are you are the best this is the first way of saying thank you and focusing on the person so let's say for example someone helps you out when you're in a very difficult situation they come right when you call and save you you can say man you you are the best this is number one now let's say you want to continue and focus on that person you can say you are the greatest now for pronunciation after me you are the greatest excellent last time greatest good job now again we're still in the first category the first group you're focusing on the person saying man you whoo you are the greatest again i'm saying thank you by putting more emphasis on the person so you are the greatest we also have this one you're a life saver i remember back in the day uh when i was about maybe 10 or 11 a candy that was very popular was called life saver it was really delicious but this is talking about someone being so special that they helped you in a situation that could have went wrong and had some bad consequences consequences so you can say to them instead of just saying ah thank you you are a life saver without you i couldn't have done that man you are a lifesaver again you're saying thank you but you're putting more emphasis on the person so again after me you're a life saver excellent all right so we got that one down that's number three now number four you have been such a big help again same meaning as thank you but it's stronger and it actually makes the person feel a lot more special so again you have been such a big help and with this one you're letting the person know that hey without you i would not have been able to accomplish this thing your help really made the difference you man have been such a big help again we're still in group a where we're focusing on the person so last time with me again i'll show it to you on the screen after me you have been such a big help you got it all right good let's go on to the next one again we're still on group a focusing on the person here's another way you can say thank you thank you for always being there again thank you for always being there now this is something that's very important for you to understand again as you're learning english when you tell someone hey you're always there or you're always here it means that this person you feel like you can depend on them you can rely on them they are very dependable so whatever the situation was they came through for you they helped you out and you want to say something more than just thank you you want to say you know what thank you for always being there for being that person that i can depend on that i can rely on this is a lot stronger a really good way of saying thank you and focusing on the person so again here we go thank you for always being there now let's move on to group b quick and easy sometimes you don't have a lot of time you just want to say hey thank you but there are some quick and easy ways to say thank you so here we go let me show you number six thanks simple right i'm sure you've heard this before but for pronunciation practice here we go thanks nice stick that tongue out through your teeth thanks excellent this is a very common one i use this almost every day via text messages right to my friends to my family like oh thanks it's very quick very easy but it still means thank you we say thanks all right good now another way of saying it quickly and easily is appreciate it i also use this one a lot now appreciate is just the shortened form of appreciate it's kind of slang letting the person person know you know what thank you but quickly appreciate it means that means i appreciate what you did for me thank you for that thank you for doing that and very quickly appreciate it so if someone says oh tiff don't worry about that i took it back for you ah appreciate it i'm saying thank you so again for pronunciation appreciate it good now the longer form is i appreciate it right but again quick and easy appreciate it there you go good job now we have another one that i want to show you right here thanks a million thanks a million that's a little bit longer than the other two but it's still kind of quick and easy like whoa thanks a million because i'm showing emphasis by saying hey a million is a lot right i'm saying i really really appreciate what you did thanks a million so again after me thanks a million good job very good so again quick and easy thanks a million now i have a special challenge for you ready now this video this lesson is being sponsored by cambly cambly and i have worked together so many times before and i love cambly as a business why because they focus on you just like i focus on you all cambly focuses on students and they want you all to improve your english fluency so cambly partnered with me and they said tiffany we want to help your students so here's the challenge now everybody can be a winner remember cambly is a company that has tutors from australia canada america and many other countries and they're focused on helping students improve their english so here's the challenge and remember everyone can be a winner here we go now thanks a million we just learned that right what you have to do is write your own sentence using the pattern above and put it in the comments section that's right you're gonna say thanks a million four dot dot dot simple challenge and everyone that participates will be a winner you see right here on the screen all the prizes again cambly wants to help you all out and give you some amazing discounts so the links are right in the description and you'll see the information right here on the screen so that you can as long as you participate in the comment section finish the sentence thanks a million for dot dot dot for example i can say thanks a million for watching this video thanks a million for giving me the opportunity to be your teacher i want you to make your own sentence so again everyone can win everyone will get an opportunity to get these amazing discounts from cambly the information is right in the description below the video but there is going to be one special winner that's right one special winner will win a free tutoring session now i'm gonna pick the winner in 24 hours that one special winner so i want everyone please participate by in the comment section finishing the sentence thanks a million four and cambly thanks a million for sponsoring this video all right let's keep going guys here we go all right now group c their kindness now this is a really good one where you're focusing on the kindness what the individual did for you so this group is really important here we go if you want to say thank you and focus on their kindness you can say that's so kind of you now i use this a lot when students maybe like you compliment me and say teacher thank you so much for your lessons i really appreciate those comments and those compliments and those words so i can say that's so kind of you i'm focusing on your kindness i'm focusing on the kindness of the student or students that said that to me right so you can say that's so kind of you here we go after me that's so kind of you excellent all right next one again focusing on their kindness you can say that was so nice of you again another way of saying thank you you're focusing on their kindness you can say that was so nice of you i'm letting you know that i recognize what you did and that i really appreciate it and i'm focused on the fact that you are an amazing person like you're really kind so i can say that was so nice of you for example if i'm walking outside and i have a lot of bags like today i went to the store and i had to buy a lot of things in the store had a lot of bags in my hand so if somebody walks up to me says hey ma'am can i help you out with your bags man that's so nice of you i'm saying thank you without saying thank you and i'm focusing on their kind act you can do the same that was so nice of you all right here we go group d now you're going to focus on what you will do it's very interesting you're still going to be saying thank you but you're focusing on what you're going to do in return let me show you what i mean here we go i owe you one man this is so common like i owe you one you did something for me and now i'm indebted to you what you did for me man it was amazing i appreciated it thank you so much and instead of saying thank you i'm gonna say i owe you one thank you so much i owe you one it means i'm gonna do something for you next in return i'm gonna do something for you we say i owe you one it's a really good way of saying thank you all right so again continue to focus on what you will do you can say man i owe you big time all right it means that they did something so amazing for you something you're like you know what oh my goodness i owe you big time either they gave you a lot of money or maybe they helped you out when you were in a situation that was so difficult you had no idea how you were going to get out you could say oh my gosh i owe you big time i'm saying thank you but i'm not using those two words so again when you want to say thank you and focus on what you're going to do for the person you can say man i owe you big time and you'll sound very very natural now another way you can do that is right here i got you next time i got you next time now i use this a lot as well you know okay i got you next time let me explain and i'll tell you a quick story when i was in korea i got you next time means hey you did it for me this time and i appreciated it so much so much so that next time i got you next time i'm gonna do the same thing now here's the story when i was in south korea um in korean culture so you normally have communal eating right everyone eats together you may order four dishes but everyone shares from the same dish right so another thing about korean culture that i learned and i really like was that one person may pay this time for everybody but then the next time it rotates another person will pay for everyone so for example when i went out with my friend right we went out to eat went to a mexican spot whoo it was delicious annie if you're watching the food was amazing so annie paid for the mexican food but then after we left the restaurant we went to a coffee shop and had like hot chocolate or a latte and some dessert i paid for the dessert why because she paid for the food then i was gonna pay for the dessert i said okay hey i got you don't worry you paid for the meal i got the dessert the same concept i got you next time so if someone does something for you you really appreciate and you want to do the same instead of saying thank you can say hey i got you next time it's the same meaning all right here we go let's keep going let's keep going now the next one is also very useful how can i ever repay you again you're letting the person know that what they did oh my goodness was so amazing you appreciate it so much and this one is saying how can i ever repay you what you did for me was so amazing it was so big that i don't even think i can ever do the same for you now you'll try you'll make an effort but you want them to realize that the magnitude of what they did for you so instead of just saying oh thank you i appreciate that thank you you want to let them know hey i want to do something for you how can i ever repay you and i've had that happen to me before so many of my friends have done things for me that blew my mind and even to this day i'm still trying to repay them because i was so touched by their actions remember uh several months ago i told you all the story of my korean friend that helped me with my thesis she spent literally almost 10 or 12 hours straight correcting editing and helping me rewrite my thesis i can never repay her for that no matter what i do even though i've tried i try to give her money i try to take her out she's like tiff it's okay i still feel indebted to her and i'm still so grateful for her again i could have said hey how can i ever repay you right i'm saying thank you but emphasizing that i want to do something so you can say the same thing a very very useful way of saying thank you now this is another way of focusing on what you will do i am forever in your debt exactly you notice right just like i told you the story of my friend that helped me with my thesis when i was in korea i can say to her i could have said it then and i still say it now i am forever in your debt i am so grateful i am so thankful for what you did i am forever in your debt so again you're seeing now that there are many different ways to say thank you and once you understand the groups you'll be able to change the way you respond when someone does something for you so again i could say i am forever in your debt you got it right all right now there's one more group i want to explain to you here we go group e your appreciation so for example i cannot thank you enough now i'm focusing on hey this is how i feel about what you did for me i am so appreciative i really really am thankful for what you did and i want to put all that into words so i say i cannot thank you enough it means that words cannot express how thankful i am for what you did so again in this group when you're focusing on your appreciation you can say i cannot thank you enough now next one right here i don't know what to say thank you so much now you notice there are the there's a pause right there right when someone has done something so amazing for you for you you appreciate them and you just can't put it into words you can say i don't know what to say thank you so much you see what happened right there right i paused because i want them to understand how much i appreciate them and this is what you need to do when you want to thank someone and what they have done from for you is so amazing you want to express your appreciation do this again i'll show it to you i don't know what to say thank you so much and as a native english speaker i will understand that someone else will understand that ah they really really really appreciated what i did they're thanking me by saying this so again this is really really useful now another one is right here words cannot express how much i appreciate you again still saying thank you but it's deeper you want to express your appreciation a little bit more so again you can say words cannot express how much i appreciate you nothing i can say would help you understand how much you've touched my life again there are many people in my life that i can say this about instead of me just saying thank you i can say yo words cannot express how much i appreciate you alright now another way of doing this is right here thank you from the bottom of my heart and i actually think i've used this one in speaking about you all i think a few months back it was during thanksgiving when i did the video saying thank you i feel like i said this one thank you from the bottom of my heart this is when you want to say my entire heart is full of thankfulness all because of you because of how you've made me feel i can say thank you from the bottom of my heart it means with my whole heart everything about me wants to say thank you so when there's someone that you want to say thank you to someone who has touched your life so much you can say thank you from the bottom of my heart you got it all right now here's another really really good one you've made my heart smile now i like this one you all know i love smiling this one right here when someone does something for you and you're like man they just make you feel better right you can say you made my heart smile and again you're just saying thank you but you're letting them know a little bit more about how you actually feel so again you can say you've made my heart smile again to show your appreciation now that was number 20. i told you all five groups i hope you understood and i hope you enjoyed you can always rewind and review this lesson remember there are so many ways to say thank you in english and sound like a native english speaker i really hope you enjoyed this lesson don't forget to participate in the challenge type your sentence right in the comment section below thanks a million four dot dot dot all right guys again thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be your teacher i will see you next week have a wonderful week but as always remember to speak english [Music] you know what time it is it's story time ay i said a story time all right so since i taught you all 20 different ways to say thank you i want to tell you about two individuals that i love so much i'm talking about my parents now i have been blessed with many many people in my life who i'm very very appreciative of at everything they've done for me but i want to tell you something about my parents something that makes me appreciate them each and every day so my parents have always been hard workers but i want to tell you about when i was in high school now my sister and i and i may have mentioned this before my sister and i went to private schools our entire life literally i mean from the time we were young like five or six we always went to private schools so we never were in public schools which means my parents had to pay a lot of money every single month now let me clarify my parents were never rich my parents were regular people still are regular people i think you all would love them they're very fun people but they've always been hard workers but some things that i can never ever forget growing up i remember when i was in high school our high school was very expensive again so i'm seventh day adventist and it was a christian high school so it was more expensive than other schools and i remember every single term we'd have to go to the financial aid office because again my parents both of them worked hard long hours trying to provide for my sister and i they believed that a christian education a private school education was the best for their daughters so they would always work hard but i remember every single semester we'd have to go to the financial aid line because my parents wouldn't have enough money to get us into school that first semester of that first term when school first started i remember standing in line but i was never embarrassed ever and do you know why because i watched my parents work hard i watched them work long hours all because of the love they had for my sister and i i watched them try to uh save money just so my sister and i would have a good life even though they were missing out on things and those qualities those principles were instilled into my sister and i so we my sister and i we still to this day understand the value of education and we understand the value of hard work so i remember watching my parents work hard just so that i could have a good life just so that my sister could have a good luck good life so when i got to college i decided i'm gonna pay my way through school and i worked just as hard got scholarships worked three jobs because i wanted to give my parents a break now i don't have any children just yet but i want to do the same thing later on in life when i have children why because i'm so thankful for my parents i'm so in love with the values they instilled in us so i can say to my parents thank you from the bottom of my heart why because my entire heart is full of love for them remembering all the times they worked hard just so that my sister and i could have a good life now they're having a good life now my parents worked hard my dad my dad worked hard my mom retired my mom's retired now my dad is about to retire so they're doing okay but again all of the images in my mind from when i was growing up of my parents working hard made me love them more and again i thank them from the bottom of my heart so maybe somebody in your life right now that you want to thank from the bottom of your heart let them know how much you love them and appreciate them i try to let my parents know that on a regular basis too alright guys i hope you enjoyed this lesson i hope you learned a lot remember to participate in the challenge and i will see you next week talk to you later
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 101,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiffani, teacher tiffani, speak english with tiffani, tiffany, teacher tiffany, ways to say thank you, different ways to say thank you, ways to say thank you in english, different ways to say thank you in english, how to say thank you in english, thank you synonyms in english, other words for thank you in english, how to say thank you, another word for thank you, another way to say thank you, thank you synonyms, learn with tiffany, learn english with tiffani, English with Tiffani
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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