WHY You Feel Like Your English Isn't Improving | Teacher Tiffani

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American idioms English expressions American slang English phrasal verbs I'm sure that you've studied all of these books or at least some books related to English phrases English expressions English vocabulary and the list goes on but I'm also very sure that you feel like your English is not improving and it gets a little bit annoying right one of my students two weeks ago told me the exact same thing he said TIFF I'm studying so hard but I still feel like I'm not improving and as I listened to him I realized many students just like him have the exact same complaint but I don't want you to worry because today I have seven different things you can do to stop feeling like your English is not improving now before I tell you those seven things you know I need you to do something for me my goal is to help 1 billion students that's right around the world gain confidence in their English speaking ability but I need you to do something for me I need you to like share and subscribe because when you do that it tells YouTube that wait a minute this video can help many other students so I need you to like share subscribe here we go come on like share subscribe one more time I said like subscribe I'd really appreciate it I'm teacher Tiffany let's jump right in [Music] all right to get started we are gonna look at these three letters F R and s now the first thing is feelings second the reasons and third the solutions so basically what we're going to do is we're gonna look at the feelings that you are having related to not improving in English then we're gonna look at the reasons behind those feelings and finally the solutions oh how I love solutions so let's look at the first reason or the first feeling connected to that reason here we go first you feel like you're not able to understand something you hear or see on TV now think about it you've watched a lot of American television programs or English movies and you feel a little bit confused you don't feel good even though you can understand my videos why can't you understand the movies or the television programs now here's the reason why you feel this way because you want to enjoy and understand real English in other words you don't want your English to sound like book English man I've had so many students tell me this he's a teacher I've been to lots of English Institute's I've studied with lots of teachers but it seems like when I hear another English speaker a native English speaker speaking English I have no idea what they're saying or when they use slang or other expressions I don't understand because they're using real English well don't worry I told you I got a solution for you don't even worry about it here we go here's the solution to this issue first I want you to get a notebook or a journal then I want you to write down real English now again I said real English refers to those expressions or vocabulary words or concepts that you are made aware of when you watch English television programs or watch English movies or when you hear teachers like myself or other amazing English teachers on YouTube say something that you've never heard before those phrases those expressions those vocabulary words are real English so write them down in your notebook now after you write them down I want you to also use a picture a sketch or a specific note remember I said your brain always needs a trigger so write something down draw a little simple picture next to the word that you can remember when you see something later so for example let's say for example I'm gonna get a piece of piece of paper real quick got my little note right here let's say for example I learned a new expression now I'm gonna do it actually right now let's say I learned the new expression mmm let my hair down now let my hair down just means to relax and stop being so uptight so let my hair down think about the facial expression when you are able to relax okay so in order for me to remember this expression let my hair down so maybe I'll draw a picture of a woman right and she has a big smile on her face right and maybe my sketch can you see it can you see it I just did it real quick but again it doesn't have to be a perfect sketch I just did a circle real quick and a big smile with someone's eyes closed right so again the sketch right here real quick in my notebook would look like that so whenever I think of let my hair down I would remember that ah the sketch of that woman looking so happy and relaxed that's what I want you to do alright so again this first feeling you have the solution is to write down real English and connect it with sketches or drawings alright okay now next we have seen other students speak English better than you now I've know that you have experienced this I experienced that when I was studying Korean I'd hear someone now speaking perfect Korean there was a student and I'd say man they're really good why can't I speak like them and it would kind of bother me a little bit here's the reason the reason why you may experience this is because you admire their ability to speak English well but you really want to speak English like them one day you really want to be like them you want to sound really good when you speak in English you want to sound confident so here's what you need to do alright here's the solution first write three things you admire for example I remember some students that spoke Korean better than me I admired their ability to express themselves without being nervous I admired their ability to speak fluently like their pace was very good there were no pauses when they spoke and third I admired their whole composure but they were able to be composed no matter what the situation was I really admired that alright so again write three things you admire right why you admire them and then add them to your goals remember I said you always need to have goals why do you want to do something write your goals down this is gonna help you focus on your goals instead of that person all right so that's number two now number three is also something that many students complain about getting overwhelmed by the amount of English you have to learn you have to learn a lot right and sometimes you look at the entire amount and you get overwhelmed but what's the reason why do you get so overwhelmed you see it's because instead of focusing on the tasks you have to do for the day you start to look at everything you must memorize and learn so for example if you have an exam right you have to study ten chapters now the exam is in two months if you focus on ten chapters every day you won't pass the exam but if you break it down into small parts and only focus on what's important for that specific day then eventually you will accomplish your goal so that what happens you need to focus on your tasks for the day and not the big picture all right so how do you do this I got you first look at your long term goals for example if you want to memorize a thousand vocabulary words okay 1,000 vocabulary words is your long term goal then divide them into twelve months now you probably remember me giving you this formula in a previous lesson several months ago break down your goals into small parts break them down first into twelve months then after you do that what I want you to do is divide those into four weeks that's right there are four weeks in a month and I want you to break down your goals into small parts then you will know what to focus on for each specific week and it will help you stop being stressed all right now number four let's move on to number four here we go you feel nervous whenever you speak in English it's kind of like you can't find the words to say because you get so nervous and that makes you feel like your English is not improving so what's the reason why do you get nervous you actually still focus on what other people think about you in other words you think they might laugh at you now listen to me I want you to pay attention right now I completely understand what you are going through when I was studying Korean I got so nervous when I would speak in front of certain people now it was my close friend I was okay but if it was someone I thought may look at me and laugh if I made a mistake I would suddenly not be able to speak so I completely understand but I also have a solution and I promise it will help you so if you feel nervous when you go to speak in English here's what you need to do find the root cause is it a specific person is it something dealing with the way your voice sounds find the root cause then what you need to do is analyze the situation all right when you get nervous stop and think why am i nervous right now is it the person I'm speaking to is it because I don't know a lot about this subject what's causing you to feel nervous I almost said me because again I remember when I used to feel nervous but again find the cause then analyze the situation then you need to write some specific ideas figure out how you can overcome that feeling in that moment for example I used to feel nervous and I remember one specific person whenever I spoke to her I would get nervous because I felt like she was judging my ability now she's my friend but again it was in my mind so whenever I would start speaking to her in the back of my mind I'd say ah she doesn't think I can speak Korean well she thinks I'm gonna make a mistake so I had to get that thought out of my head because she never said anything but I just felt like that when I spoke in front of her so I had to analyze the situation and then figure out a way to actually stop that thought from coming into my mind you can do the same thing all right okay now let's move on to our next one number five number five is discouraged when you make mistakes as you speak in English listen I know it gets very very difficult to speak properly in English but as soon as you make a mistake you feel dejected hey brand-new word for you dejected just means discouraged and not having any hope or sad dejected you feel I made another mistake I'm not good so so why are you feeling that way why do you feel dejected or discouraged when you make a mistake here's the reason you seek perfection but sometimes you forget the importance of the process never forget the process I've mentioned to you all before as I watch my niece my niece is three years old as I watch her learning the English language man she makes so many mistakes but it's the process that every child has to go through they make mistakes then somehow their brain helps them correct the mistakes as they hear other individuals speak properly so she doesn't get discouraged when she makes mistakes because her goal is to get her point across so again it happens to us we get discouraged a bit when we make mistakes we feel dejected but I have a solution don't worry here's the solution first I need you to record a short video clip that's right record a short video clip of yourself what I want you to do is find your mistakes that's right I'm telling you to look for your mistakes I want you to take your phone take whatever camera you have record yourself and then watch it again you will recognize your mistakes find them then I want you to do this I need you to correct your mistakes there is power in correcting your own mistakes remember you're looking at yourself so there's something that happens in your brain it's like a connection is made like oh we said this last time but we don't need to say this next time let's correct it and do this but you need to record a video of yourself doing it so you can watch your facial expressions you can watch how you say certain words man is it gonna help you so much it's helped so many of my students alright so number six here we go now the next one is frustrated about always thinking in your own language men this is something I hear almost every week teacher how can I think in English I'm always thinking in my mother tongue or my mother language what's the reason why do you get frustrated because you haven't learned how to properly organize your thoughts and ideas in English now remember there's something that happens in the brain of someone who speaks English because as an American growing up we were taught how to think so my thoughts in English are organized in a different way from when I think in Korean because I learned how to think in English you need to do the same thing but don't worry that's my job I'm here to help you learn how to think English so you can stop being frustrated and stop feeling like you're not improving alright first you need to practice the five W's rule remember who what when where and why at a conversation with my students last night about when to use up three details or three examples and when to use the five W's who what when where and why you can practice on your own you can get pictures and try to think creatively ah who is this person what are they doing where are they why are they there you can practice and train your brain to think in that way even when you're by yourself now that's the five W's rule or you can use the three details rule which I mentioned that I spoke to my students about last night I love the three details rule alright because it's basically saying no matter what the topic is you need to be able to give three details about that topic it will help you a lot now the final one right here is practice the example rule this is when you're looking for stories like story time think about it why do you like story time so much why do you enjoy the stories I tell you about my personal life at the end of each lesson if you haven't seen the story time videos come on man you gotta wait to the end alright well think about it it connects you to me right it's something that happens when someone tells you a story and gives you an experience or an example you need to figure out how to do that pick a topic and think of a story a personal story or something you've heard that can connect to the topic you are training your brain to think in that way and I guarantee the more you practice the easier it will become for you alright now let's look at the next the next thing you're struggling with I mean the next thing that causes you anxiety is as you focus on a destination and not the journey this right here happens a lot it's the tendency to focus on hey I want to be here and forgetting that it's a journey and not a destination but I understand you know we talked about focusing on goals but English even though you have English goals have to realize it's a journey now what's the reason here's the reason right here you forgot the joy of learning something new and exploring everything about it like a child that's right think about children they'd love to learn something new but as adults sometimes as we learn a second language over some of you a third or a fourth language we forget the joy that is supposed to be attached to our journey we get so focused on on books and writing notes and making sure everything is correct that our brain doesn't get an opportunity to enjoy the process so how can you do this how can you enjoy the process oh I'm so glad you asked let me show you right here first figure out what you enjoy there's something about English you enjoy what is it find it out and write it down then I want you to write the experiences connected to those things or connected to that one thing that brings you joy right an experience you had maybe with me when you first came to see my videos or for those of you who have actually met me in person how did you feel when you met me in person if you were my student in Korea how did you feel right those experiences down and then think about when you first used a vocabulary word properly or an expression when you're speaking to another native English speaker that feeling of accomplishment right that experience down now after you write it down I want you to write future experiences you are awesome you are amazing and you are going to have so many more experiences related to English focus on those experiences because they are a part of your journey and the future experiences will make your journey even better so here's the deal I know that sometimes you feel like your English is not improving don't get discouraged don't be dejected instead pick yourself up put a smile on your face realize that you are amazing you're listening to me and you understand what I'm saying that's a huge accomplishment realize it's a journey don't judge yourself based on others abilities write down the things that you enjoy write down the real English expressions and words you learned follow this lesson follow the tips I gave you and I promise you will start to enjoy your journey and realize that you are improving now I do have one other thing that I want to tell you about I actually did an interview with another English teacher this is at our and this is part of part 2 we had a great conversation about a 30-minute conversation and she talked about her own students and how they experienced this this problem of not feeling like they were improving and she gives a lot of tips and gives her advice as well the conversation was so much fun so again if you want to see part 2 remember it's available for all of my Academy students you can join by clicking this link right here let's jump right in calm the link is right in the description or you can type it in your url remember part 2 always gives you some extra information and extra boost to encourage you alright so thank you so much guys I'm so happy that you watched it's lesson and I hope it encourages you and helps you know that you are improving every single day all right well I am so happy that you were here remember to always speak English and I will catch you next week [Music] oh yeah it's story time hey I said it stop stop stop stop story time y'all like the little DJ move right there alright so today's story you know what I may have told you all this story but I'm gonna tell it again because I really like it if you haven't heard it I think you're gonna enjoy it so I love my family I love my family so much and I actually had a nephew unfortunately he passed away we're okay you know God blessed with my other niece and we've been showering her with love but so my nephew he man he was my guy so there's something that might never used to do that really even to this day thinking about it makes me laugh so when he was little him and my other niece right when they were about 2 or 3 I used to always play with them and I say I'm gonna spank you right so spanking is just on your butt like that but I do it playfully like if they do something I said Oh auntie TIFF is gonna get you I'm sorry you're in trouble and they just laugh and run around the house because they wanted me to chase them like a game so I would chase them pick them up tickled them and then spank them not for real they would be laughing the whole time this is something we did in the house whenever I had to babysit so one day I had to go to the store and my nephew was with me again he called me auntie TIFF so he was about 3 or 4 years old this time so we're in the store and he's walking next to me so I'm looking for something on the shelf and he says auntie TIFF and he's behind me so I didn't look and I said yes baby what's up he's on teat if I said ok my skin I call him munchkin so I put down whatever I was holding and I turned to look at him and he was bent over like his his butt was toward me and he was bent over I said what is this kid doing now we're in a public place he's bent over and as soon as he realizes I turn around he looks at me and says spank man now I burst out laughing but I say Bradon his name was Braden I said braid and don't say that don't say that now the reason I told him to have to say that was because for example in America you know you can't spank children in public or they think it's abuse but he didn't know what he was saying because again it was a game for us I would play I would chase them around the house and I would spank them very lightly and they would start laughing so he just thought auntie TIFF I want you to play that game with me today even though we're in the store he just kept saying Oh my spec so needless to say he just laughed when he realized that I was getting frustrated or flustered not freshly I was like much Ken don't do that don't do that he just laughed and kept saying oh who spank me spank me auntie tip spank me everything was fine but whenever I think about him and I think about that story it makes me laugh so hard children are so innocent and sometimes they don't know what they're saying so you know I'm sure you guys have really good memories of family and friends so you guys can put some of your memories in the comment section but yes that story makes me smile every time that little boy woo he was so much fun and he was a joy to our family so alright guys I hope you enjoyed that story I will talk to you next week
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 139,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, esl, learn english, english lesson, conversation skills, toefl, communication skills training, improve english speaking skills, how to become fluent in english, how to improve english, english fluency speaking practice, teacher tiffani, speak english with tiffani, why you feel like your english isn't improving, how to improve english speaking, english improving classes, english improving tips, why you feel your english isn't improving, tiffani, english isn't improving
Id: 2MjCJKtn0MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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