How To Start a City For 2021 - Cities Skylines Tutorial

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hello people and welcome to the updated version of how to start your city this time for 2021 i hope you're having a wonderful day and thank you for all the support on the 2020 version uh this video has hit nearly a million views now which is insane like really quite truly insane thank you for all the support on that and today we're going to look at something similar slightly different start to the city in terms of road network and also introduce some little detailing tips and tricks that we picked up from polavin if you are new to the channel there will be several links down below to my city skyline series alongside a link to instant gaming should you wish to pick up some of the dlc's that you're missing for pretty cheap the link is good go ahead and check it out if you haven't already let's have a quick one over of kind of what i have installed here i am playing with every single major dlc and content creator pack you can see they all have little green ticks next to them on this dlc list on the left hand side here so if you've seen something that in my game that isn't in your game it's probably from a dlc which will leave a comment below i'll do my best to let you know what comes with each dlc and we also have a video on the channel kind of rating each of these if you are new to the game uh that might be useful and help you decide which one you want to get first there is one mod active on this city and i would recommend that you put it on for all of your cities this is unlimited oil and all so for those that don't know these two natural resources will deplete over time as you extract them from the earth this makes place in extremely large oil and ore areas really off-putting because after a certain amount of time they will become redundant whether or not you want to put so much time into building a really impressive oil refinery or like an all mining pit is up to you if you play with it on then the resource will never deteriorate and you can mine it forever this start that we're going to look at today will apply to any map be it dlc base game vanilla or workshop however just for a little bit of change i'm going to play on the crater falls map from the sunset harbour dlc but the same principles start and design will work on whatever map you decide to play on so let's get started shall we okay guys so the game has loaded and we don't need to pause anymore at last year's version we needed to hit pause but when you load up the game and the flow of time will already be paused for you so we don't need to do anything in that regard the reason that we do want to pause is because as we start placing roads here and building our city we can see that they have a very small upkeep cost per week now that's per cell as we place that we are going to have to pay the upkeep cost and currently we are making nothing because there's no taxpayers there's no way for us to make money out of the sims at the minute so we can't afford to pay for them so we're going to leave the game on pause as to not drain through our 70 000. now many different people have lots of different ways of starting the city some people will keep it as cheap as possible i don't like that we're going to go very expensive we're going to use the loans we're going to burn through all of our 70 000 but i think at the end we'll have a city that is um quite aesthetically pleasing and we will also carry on expanding this city in sunday's live stream for those of you that are catching this on the saturday but this is it this is what we are greeted with these are our our two starting roads and we have a tile to play with and that's about it this is kind of how every city starts out right okay so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to come into our roads tool and we're going to grab the only road that we can at the minute out of the small roads tab and this is the two-lane road and we will upgrade this in a moment as well so you also notice i'm playing with right hand drive of course these same designs and theories will still work if you're playing left hand drive all you need to do is flip it over and mirror it and you'll be fine so i'm going to click from the edge of my first road and then we can see as we start to draw around with these little road tools we see a couple little markers appear you see how that second blue line appears as we move closer towards it this is an indicator of five if we go to that blue marker then we are at ten that would be fifteen twenty 25 30 and so on and so forth this will just keep going so it's a nice way for you to measure out the distances that you're working with here if you don't want to see them we can come into our snap 2 tools and turn off row length and we'll see that those lines no longer appear as we move in and out but while we're starting out it's a good idea to have all our snapping on whilst we get used to how each one of them behaves so i'm going to come out and i'm going to draw a distance of 30 tiles with this road right here and we can see now that this unlocks the two-lane one-way road and as this is a one-way highway it's a main kind of arterial road one way systems are our friend so we're going to upgrade these two into one ways and this can be done by coming down to upgrade tool where we have our free form curve and straight road tools down here as well just upgrade and click it through and then we can do the same thing again on this side so obviously now we want this road and we can see as we hover over this road here we see this little dotted blue line appear from it this is a road guideline snap point so it just helps us stay parallel with the road and we can see this one here so clicking at the point where those two road guidelines converge we know that we'll stay perfectly parallel with our two roads here at the start okay super fantastic so this will do for right now and we're going to kind of come back and continue to expand this down here and we're really going to kind of model the city around this highway network as we look to connect it up to you know whatever you're going to connect into everyone see will be different then what we're going to do is we're going to be into our medium roads and we're going to grab a four-lane road so these are obviously double the size of these they can hold more traffic you can see it says it will support medium traffic so where i'm going to place this is i'm going to kind of lock down onto the two roads that i've just drawn in here right this is where we want to kind of be working from and then we can see this road here this uh this little blue circle this is the road guard line marker and what i'm looking to do is to leave three tiles between this road and where i placed this one so you can see we have that three targ gap in between then i'm going to click and then we're going to draw out by a distance of 30 tiles like that okay so we're gonna have a nice little city start here let's also trim away some of these trees if you're wondering how to delete stuff if you do misplace something uh you can press b on your keyboard oh there's a little bulldozer icon down here in the bottom right as well okay so here we have so far just very basic road layout nothing particularly special at the minute but we'll hopefully change this we're going to come back into our small roads we're going to grab the two lane again two lane one way and then from this first road guideline marker here which is the interval of 10 we're going to come up until we intersect with the red guideline of this road right here okay and then draw that across then we're going to come back to the point where the highway road switches into the two-lane raid using the same rear tool again and we're just going to draw up okay nice and simple nice and simple so now we have this base framing we're going to come in and grab under the medium road and then we're going to come on to this first little blue circle which again is a road guard line marker of an interval of 10. so clicking on this i'm not going to draw it up and parallel with my highway roads which you can see will take us perfectly to the road guard line and the road lamp marker of 10 tiles and then we need to increase now we need to raise up we're going to build a bridge so to do this we use our page up and down keys on the keyboard however you can also set the elevation step down here in the bottom left which is indicated by this little green bar there are three steps of nine six and three meters middle one being six smaller one being three and of course the taller one greenline so you can see we hit page up we're gonna elevate the road page down we'll bring it down we change these inclines you can see how it gets smaller each time and then come down to the final one and then it's very small the vast majority of the time in city skylines you should always be using the lowest elevation step it'll give you much more realistic slopes and curves and just kind of generally nicer looking bridges it's very rare you would use the top one but we want to come down to the lowest elevation step here right then we're going to come out to that mark of 10 on that road guideline again and then we're going to come up by two presses of the page up button i think it's the d-pad for console players it's gonna come up by two presses and then we're gonna agree to that this is gonna give us a nice little road that's gonna start to elevate up here and then i'm gonna take this second bridge i'm gonna move it up to this road guard line right here do not press this in just yet we're going to draw it in and then we're going to move it back two steps so where eight tiles are in row length and then before we place it we want to move up one more incline with our page up key and then we'll have a bridge that's going to come around like this okay and then what we can do is we can now just grab it and we can draw it into the middle of our two highway roads right here it will it will clear it you need to be at least kind of three small steps up to clear one of the roads with it with a bridge and then there's a nice little tip here that we can use to get this symmetrically perfect on this side if we click the end of the road that we've just drawn and then take it back to the point where we elevated up to this elevation we can see it's a distance of 1540 in construction cost so we can do the same here again we'll come up by 1540 and test it and then we'll come back to this one and we'll see that we elevated slightly here so we'll measure this this is 1240 so we can come back to this one and come out by 1240 and go down an elevation step using our page down key fantastic and then again we can test this one which was 1520 which will bring us back down to earth at 15 20. there we go so just redrawing those measurements in will give us a perfectly symmetrical bridge either side which you know if you're a fan of symmetry this will uh i think this will go quite a long way to hoping you enjoy the game a little more if you know this little measurement tip i suppose okay so now what we want to do is we want to hook up everything exactly the same as we have it on this side so we'll just start to draw that out so again we can do the exact same tip that we just did we can check out these measurements it's 600 just flat on the ground so we know that we can come out by 600 right here and you know we can see that we're leaving the same number of tiles between the highway and these internal real networks then we come back into our smaller words and we can grab ourselves a two lane one way and then bring this down again sticking to the same road guidelines that our first road was on and then we can draw this one in two okay so let's make sure that all if your one-way arrows are flowing a different way then they should be come into your upgrade tool with your two-lane one-way road selected and if you right-click you'll see that you will change the direction of the one-way system this will work on any road that has kind of a one-way system flow on it see we can do with the highway roads here i know you can tell if there's something wrong you'll have these little broken uh road icons that tells you something is wrong like we have over here at the end where you know the one-way systems just end there's a useless road at the minute but what we will do is this road will be upgraded into highway and it will become kind of a key arterial way of people to get around the city okay so this is what we're looking at right now okay so the point of the bridge is to help separate our industrial traffic and we also used a roundabout which we'll use during the live stream down here when we expand this city but i thought we'd go for a bridge for 2021. what can of see how it works out here today shall we so we'll now begin to map out a little bit of our industrial network and place in some of our key services such as electricity and water and sewage so i'm going to come over to the left-hand side of my little highway road network here that we've already drawn out i'm going to come out to the left-hand side this time by another 10 tiles or 600. it is worth me noting here that as you draw over props like bushes and rocks and trees and undergrowth that the game it doesn't actually delete them if we place a road in and then delete it you can see that the trees are still there the game does have a tree count without mods so if you're looking to kind of save on that tree count and save a little bit of your fps as well in the long run then it's a good idea to come through and clay some of these kind of trees and general nature props i guess before you actually draw a road network down onto them so just a little tip that you know clear out the area before you start building in it is always kind of a good bit of practice to get into okay super then i'm gonna go into my small roads i'm gonna start grabbing some two-lane roads now because this is kind of a new friendly guide we're gonna be mainly sticking with grids and boxes here because they're they're the most easiest to get into i'm going to draw down by a distance of 440 and then come across to this road guideline and draw up okay and then again we're going to start coming out in little boxes just matching up with the road guideline let's take away some of these trees and props you can see how many of them are hidden beneath these little rocks here quite a few and then again just coming out and drawing in some really simple boxes okay really basic grid pattern so you can keep them even you can throw their shape makes them a little shorter a little longer but just get used to how can the tiles behave and how the real networks will snap into each other okay and then again i think i'll do one more grid down here just 10 by 10 grids 400 and then we come back up to the main road and draw this one in so just some really really basic simple grids and patterns here that we can follow the first thing we want to place in is going to be our electricity yeah we have two options at the start of the game we do have wind turbines uh which when we select them we can see that they generate this little overlay on the map here some spots darker than others and this is actually the wind production uh every map will be different here you can see how some of the darker spots obviously have more wind which means that this wind turbine will produce more electricity so we can see in the darker spot here it will produce seven megawatts over in the lighter spots it will produce four i would recommend just going for the coal power plant when you're starting out before you start getting involved in wind turbines and because that efficiency will fluctuate pretty heavily depending on your map so it's easier right now just to go with the coal power plant so we're going to bring this over into our industrial area and we want to keep this separate away from our sims for a couple of reasons first reason being that this is a pollutive building it produces both ground pollution and noise pollution which we can see in the top right of the little overlay here has two values of 50 per pollution point our sims don't like to live near pollution just as you wouldn't in your life you wouldn't want to live next door to a coal powered power plant it would be very loud very noisy and extremely pollutive so it's just not something that we really want to do so we're going to come into my smallest towel here and i'm going to place this in just about there and we can see now that we've placed in a power building we have a little and a blue circle that appears around it i'm not a circle i guess it's just a shape isn't it and this is where power will jump to if there's buildings say here we'll we'll kind of see how this works as we go through the tutorial today and how power will interact with other buildings okay do you have a power station this is um that's what it looks like cute little asset if you're obviously wondering why i have so many power stations again it will be because of the dlcs this is the kind of stuff that dlc is adds you know more options for power you can get it cleaner to the point where you're producing no pollution and there's a couple different options then we're going to come into our water and sewage and again you'll have a couple of options we'll stick with the kind of base game vanilla stuff we're going to use a water pumping station so when we're in this option here of having our water pumping station in and we're looking at our water options we can see that the water in the game uh generates all these little arrows along the waterways this is indicating the flow of water and this is important so we're going to place in a water drain pipe which is sewage and a water pumping station which will pump water for people to drink and wash clothes and etc now whatever they want to use their water for however it's important that we have the water pumping station upstream from the sewage pipe otherwise the water pumping station will just suck up all the sewage that is dumped out upstream if you have it that way so water pumping station i'm gonna have this a little upstream here and then i'm going to place my water drain pipe just a little further down downstream okay this is super important this is about a decent space you can do it further than this wouldn't go any closer if you start to see a little symbol that has like a sad face drinking a glass of water it means that you have water pollution and 99 of the time this is why if you do go with a water tower which obviously can't be placed on land you also want to make sure that you're not placing this near polluted buildings because it will suck up ground pollution and poison your sims but this for right now is going to be the easier way to get started with these two so now we have them in we're going to come in with our water pipes and we're going to hook them together and then we're going to drag out from either one it doesn't really matter which one we're going to drag a water pipe level with our road here okay and then we're going to start drawing this across our road network let's go about here and then we can start hooking this in so we can see as we draw out these little blue water pipes they have this blue radius around them this is just their catchment area and this is what they're going to water in terms of placing these as efficiently as possible you can come out by a distance of 460 and then come down parallel with the next one you can see you know that their catchment areas will overlap near perfectly and you'll get the most efficient placement out of them by doing it this way so you can measure it again exactly how we did with the roads measurements of 460. so we've watered a decent area of our start here and that's gonna be nice however we also need to remember that these two uh water pumping facilities down here they do need power and because they just need power now in terms of doing this you can place a wind turbine down here to power them both however they are expensive and they're a lot more upkeep per week than the power lines are so it's i guess it depends per map you can either place the wind turbine here or you can just power them with power lines so we'll draw them across again we can see that they need power because they have this blue marker around them so this is fine so we'll now drag this all the way along okay bring it over our highway and then into the little blue catchment area from the power station and then when we play the game the power will flow through these lines all the way down here and then power these two facilities over here when we do have buildings closer the power will sink through you don't need the power lines and they don't look the best and there's no kind of small town version of them it is always these enormous power pylons they're a little bit harsh on the eye but you can download mods from the workshop for different assets if that's what you want him to do but for right now this little power system is going to keep everyone supplied over here okay so let's start introducing some residential areas into the city and then we can actually hit play and watch the city go up a little bit so we've got a little under 10 000 of our budget left to spend this is what we have so far we have our power a small industrial area that's ready to go highways are hooked in on both sides people can get in and out of the city as they need to so now let's uh let's build them somewhere to live in somewhere to shop shall we so we're going to start coming out with some happy little words we're going to come along to this second smaller blue circle which is the road guideline marker again so this would be 20 along this road that was 10 20 30 40. see how they remain very useful for measuring distances and whatnot okay then we're going to grab from this point right here and then we're going to come out by a measurement of 10 which is 400 and then we're going to come across by 10 which is another 400 gonna come down by 10 which is another 400 and then come up and across so what we're looking to generate here is four by four zonings like this and we'll we'll run over this in a minute let's just kind of get some of these shapes in here shall we so do it again 400 by 400 and then we can just keep this pattern going it might seem a little basic and kind of rudimentary right now just to be drawing in super straight boxes like this but whilst you're getting to know the game and just kind of figuring out how it works and the best ways for for you to play grids are always a nice friendly new option okay fantastic now i'm just gonna move my power line over a little bit here as well so uh we can squeeze in some more shapes here but eventually the power the power will sink through uh through these as well so the power line is just temporary for right now okay so there we go there is kind of our initial start and we've burnt through all of our money we have six hundred dollars left you might have a little more or a little less depending on if you've had to delete something and get a refund yeah or you might have you know a little more if you've gone smaller or a slightly different design but our city is now ready to now ready to start so now we can come into zoning and we can grab some low density residential which will allow houses and sims to spawn which is what we want because this will cause our population to increase and we want our population to increase because we have a series of milestones that we need to move through you see once we hit a population of 420 we will unlock a bunch of features services and buildings and this theme continues as we move through every single milestone as the milestones get bigger kind of the infrastructure and the buildings you will not get bigger so you can start producing more down tank type builds and you can just see it goes on everyone's screen here of what they unlock each milestone will be different dependent on what dlc that they have so if yours looks a little different that's probably why but don't worry about it for right now so when we come into our zoning tool we have a couple of different tools down here in the bottom left again we have a fill option which will fill out the in every adjacent tar that it can see as we hover over it it'll give you information as to what area it's going to fill out if we don't like what we've done we can right click and it will unzoom when we come into marquee we can specifically paint out the tiles that we want to spawn in in various different kind of shapes and combinations like this and then the last two options are pretty similar these are the small brush tools that you can paint in i very rarely use these brush tools for zoning just seems a little bit redundant but there's a couple different options as to how you can zone and again big right clicks will always on zone uh whatever you've zoned in so when we're zoning the biggest an asset we'll grow to is four by four so a tile like this okay there's multiple different combinations of tiles you can do four by three three by three one by two two by three you know there's all different assets these will still grow but the biggest it will grow to is four by four now the reason we've gone for perfect 10 by 10 grids here is because we can squeeze in 4x4 zoning back-to-back like this see how it fills out the total grid in 4x4 sections this is what we want to do it's going to give us a much more aesthetically pleasing starting suburb because the houses are going to be a lot more even and they just tend to look nicer the larger that the zoning tile is so let's go ahead and get this in shall we so right now all we have in our demand bar is green residential which is indicated by these three bars down here currently no demand for commercial or industrial so we're just going to play with our low density residential right now now because i want those perfect 4x4 houses coming in i'm going to start drawing them in this fashion right here and we can actually play the game right now which can be done with your one two and three keys on the keyboard or the little play and pause button down here as well it's okay just gonna start drawing out these little grids right here now the reason i'm leaving the adjacent ones empty is because if i was to just draw in the four tile in one go we'll kind of see this one as an example you can see here how we've got a four by three that's generated and there's another one over here and you can see how it's thrown my perfect 4x4 whereas in this one here because these two have now grown i can fill in the next batch so we'll kind of see an example here of the point of specifically zoning how much of a difference it will make in the long run and again we've got the same thing coming on here don't worry about our budget right now we are making a monumental loss but this will be rectified it's fine so i'm gonna carry on doing just these small little happy 4x4 zonings for my for my residential and then we'll come in here as well and do something similar okay so we can see here now that because this grew up in all different shapes and sizes it's a little a little more uneven a little more mismatched this block when we compare it to a perfectly zoned specifically zoned by four housings right it doesn't make that much of a difference it really is just purely aesthetic if it doesn't bother you that much and you don't have to do it it's totally fine i'm just gonna carry on sweeping through placing my four by fours and then i'll do something similar along this side of the road as well start bringing in some four by four zonings here might save a little bit of space between them for some paths and maybe cut through the road at some point too so i'm not going to fill it out kind of totally everywhere and we'll just kind of see what comes in so while these all these zones develop let's have a little talk about the budget panel panel shall we so i'm going to come into my electricity tab and we can see that it gives us this little infographic over here in the top left and currently our sims are demanding two megawatts of electricity to power their homes and we are producing 40 which is massively overkill but we we're producing way much more electricity than we need we come into our economy tab down here in the bottom right we can actually set the budget for electricity where we can set the budget for basically everything but for right now just electricity roads and water if you're not playing with the day night cycle on you don't need to worry about this bottom slider here however if you are playing with the day night cycle on then you will so i want to bring my electricity budget down a little bit which is going to help save some what keep cost per week and it's also going to reduce the amount of electricity that we produce per week see how it's dropped down to 18 now because we've reduced the budget so i could even drop it a little further and just help save some of that initial starting money when we're starting up the city here so i'm just going to slightly reduce my water bill alongside the electricity bill as well okay so now things are growing and we've got some cars moving around here and we can see that we have some more uh demands on our other bars here some commercial and some industrial so again with our commercial zones this is going to produce uh kind of shops and stores that our sims can go and enjoy also provides jobs as well and it also provides something for our industrial area to provide goods too and again i think i'm going to keep my commercial along the main street you know think about where you live in real life most people they'll have like a commercial high street or kind of like a main avenue where a lot of the stores and the shops are located so you know it's very unlikely i would see you know an enormous batch of commercial this close to residential um which will also cause noise pollution as well because these are you know shops so i'm going to start drawing in my residential at my commercial sorry up along the main street now again if you want to be very specifically zoned in here then you absolutely can you just have to wait for the the next one along the tile to spawn but i'm not too bothered for for a big main street like this i'm happy for it to be just one solid block and this will be fine and then maybe have a little along here as well okay so very similar to our residential we'll now start to mark out some space for some commercial to start spawning which will satisfy this demand right here we also have industrial zone so let's come across to our yellow industrial zone tab and again we can start specifically zoning it's not essential again but it will certainly help with kind of the final the final look here if you like okay let's have some of these on um i don't want to zone this tile here because this is the exit road out of the city so i'll keep a smaller one there and i would also like to keep this main arterial road free because industrial zonings produces much more heavier traffic as you would imagine and i don't want them stopping and starting on this main road so i'm going to leave that one free and then zone in this one right here and then similar again on this side and we can probably get some zone in here so this road will stay free i'm not gonna have any zoning along this road right here keep it all empty and then we'll start to see some uh some industrial buildings pop up again very similar to the power plant they are pollutive industry and there's a couple of different kind of special specializations and policies and different things that you can apply to reduce that pollution uh but for right now all you need to know is that industrial buildings are pollutive so keep them away from your residentials basically here we go here's the first people joining in so you've got some little commercial high street buildings coming in right now i think this is pretty nice i'm happy with this they're coming down main street and here come all the people into enjoy the new town fantastic wonderful so we can see now as the city is growing our deficit on the weekly income is going down was going to start to make money because we have taxpayers in here now we have industry making us money so we're just going to slowly move into the green and continue to satisfy these demands as they appear until we hit the first milestone i believe is it 420 is it something like that yeah 420. so 420 population we are well on our way to making that i'm gonna continue to zone out some more of my little residential patterns here because we have some residential demand so this is gonna help us move towards our first milestone you can leave the game on three speed it will run a little faster but yeah just take a minute to enjoy watching your city grow get a lay of the land check out some of the assets on there let's have a nice time really it's a wonderful little game if you're picking it up for the first time and uh yeah i really enjoy it it's a nice little one so come in here again as let's well my uh my little four by fours going so you hear how i am zoned it up wrong so i want four by four there first of all well it's not wrong it's just not how i like to do it you don't have to do this but you know it's a tip i can give you a specific zoning will give you a much nicer uniform suburb and as you can see we're looking across it now it's it's just nicer isn't it at least i think so anyway i guess it's not even more degree everyone agree with that okay so things are flying along now just kind of watching the city grow here uh we're very nearly not that first milestone which will be there pretty much now there we go fantastic so we have a population of 420 this has unlocked taxes and loans which is fantastic this will give us a massive influx of cash we also have new services garbage healthcare education and a bunch of new buildings that correlate to these new services for example landfill site is garbage medical clinicians healthcare elementary school is education etc etc so we're going to close this little icon and then we are going to pause the game we are going to dive into our economy tab and we're going to come across to taxes now we can set the taxes for each of the zonings that we've been working with so far low density commercial and residential and industrial and the high density residential and commercial and office zoning which is essentially the high density version of industrial zoning but we're a fair way from these milestone jets so we don't need to worry about them the golden rule for city skylines is 12 for your taxes 12 to 13. you'll make decent money without absolutely murdering the demand so you can see right now we have a load of um demand for residential zone if i was to fly my taxes up to 29 residential tax this demand would shoot through the floor everyone would be unhappy and we'd start to see moving out so you can't just make vast amounts of money 12 is the golden marker set your taxes for 12 for every of them you'll make a lot of money and everyone will be happy we can then come into loans and we can see that we have silver sunset bank wants to give us 20 000 pounds so we will take that absolutely thank you very much and now we need to place in a couple of those services and that we've just unlocked because you know we need to give our sims some services and also begin to move towards the next population milestone which is going to be 800 which gives us a whole bunch of new stuff as well okay so the first and most important is going to be garbage if we have a landfill site here again we can see from its overlay that is a ground pollutive building and we can see that represented by this enormous purple circle that emanates from this asset if you are playing with the green cities dlc you will have options to use the recycling center at this point in the game however for most of you starting at the game you won't have the green cities dlc so there's no point to worry about the uh the recycling center just yet okay so i'm now going to begin to expand my uh industrial world but we also have a little icon here we'll cover what this means in a minute so i'm just going to draw a little road then i'm going to place my landfill site here now this will go around and collect garbage from residences industrial commercial we'll see the icon as it pops up but this icon over here you will probably see this when you start out and this is not enough workers this simply means that there's not enough people in the city and we can we know this because of this enormous uh green uh demand for our residential so we just simply need to expand the population to provide enough workers for these people uh for this company i guess so we're gonna come back over and you'll notice that because uh we hit the milestone we also got a big influx of cash and we also took the loan as well so i can now continue to expand my suburban residential pattern uh in a similar fashion to what we have been doing again or moving towards our next milestone we're gonna keep it a really simple grid pattern we can see now that our our power line is fracturing the the lines so we can take a little bit of this out and rework it slightly so we can see now that we can just send the power across to this kind of blue catchment area it will travel all the way through here and then once we have some power in here we'll be able to link through to this side so we'll just wait for these buildings to come in and then we can hook our power back through we'll get to the point where you're eventually just kind of having your power sink through all the different buildings and assets rather than having these enormous power lines everywhere so don't worry about kind of their very harsh aesthetic appeal in a minute it will um it will calm down okay so again just slowly specifically zoning taking my time starting to make plenty of money now because we're getting lots of tax payers in you can see it's a super expensive start to the city and some people will prefer to use dirt roads to start out the city because they're super cheap and you pay like basically no upkeep on them and but you know you have to kind of go back and sort it all out eventually anyway so let's do it from the start okay here's another warning icon if we can see that they have a little little water droplet above them so let's make sure first of all that they are covered and we can see that they're not so this is our issue so i'm gonna bring another uh pipe down here i can't quite make it because of the map boundary where we haven't unlocked that next tile so i can't do the full efficiency measurement but this will be fine for right now we'll just draw in some other water pipes and not allow them to want to join the suburb so i'm going to keep my pattern going here again just perfect 10 by 10 grids i might think it's a little bit boring but honestly it's all you need for starting out and learning the game we'll just start to generate ourselves a nice little suburb here okay and again come across with that specific zoning and wait for people to come in so keeping our eye on our demand bars here again we can see we have really big demand for resident for industrial right now and a little bit of command for commercial as well let's come across to industrial area spend a little bit of our money expanding our industrial layout because we know that we can get in a lot of different industrial zonings into these spaces right here big one there opportunity here too yeah and just as you start to learn the mechanics of the game and the mechanics of how in industries works and all the different stuff that you can get involved with you can start getting involved in some more advanced weird patterns uh one thing i would absolutely champion from the start of playing cities skylines is using google maps and google earth all the google mapping tools are fantastic for this game and you know you've got so much inspiration just at the top of the heart really okay so this is going well this is going well our town is growing we are making decent money we've got some money in the bank we've got lots of demand coming in everyone is having a fantastic time however let's also check our milestone again that we just unlocked and we can see that we also want healthcare and education during this milestone so let's start to educate our sims shall we so we have a couple of options and again dependent on the dlcs and themes that you have active we'll kind of show what you have here they're basically just re-skins of different buildings so the community school is an elementary school from the green cities dlc the elementary school is the regular elementary school from the base game and we can see we have a bunch of stuff locked here as well which will come with milestone progression so the only thing we can place right now is going to be our elementary schools or our community schools so we can just place these along a main road right and that would be the end of it but because they're kind of a little more important buildings you know it's a school you would expect a little bit of like a a hub and a community to be based around it that's exactly what i'm going to do with uh kind of i guess my first town center you know we're going to build a little hub where there might be a police station a couple of schools fire department etc um but i don't want to keep going straight here you know this road is just kind of going to keep going and going and going it's eventually going to reach the water and it's just a little bit boring if we just have this enormous straight road here right so let's introduce some shapes and kind of textures into this road here so i'm going to come across to my curved road tool i'm going to draw this out by distance of 10 and again very similar we know we're at distance of 10 when we reach the second blue line here i'm going to click and then i'm going to move and then i'm going to move to that second mark of 10 again so that'll give me a perfectly curved road if we come out by 10 and then curve by 10 and then i can switch back to my straight reel tool and then we're going to come out by a distance of 20. okay so i've now got this little kind of just nice curve it's a nice change of shape you know now it's also probably time as well for me to now start introducing a couple more ways into this suburb because the minute everyone is trying to bottleneck through this one but i don't want lots of you know i don't want to be doing it kind of with each of these right here because this way we're placing too many junctions on the arterial road which means people are constantly stopping and starting which will lead us to future traffic problems so if you're wondering why i'm not doing it kind of every single junction that's in the suburb that's why let's work on placing our first school in shall we so i think from this point right here uh just where the the curve starts i'm going to come out by a distance of let's say 200 and then i'm going to come down by 320. i'm just gonna place my elementary school here okay we it doesn't need power because you can see now how the the power catchment will work we're very nearly out of power as well we will need to buff the production in a minute so you can see how we don't need the power lines everywhere once buildings are tethered into an initial power source via these power lines it will just spread from building to building so you don't need those power lines everywhere okay and i've got a little more commercial demand now as well so i'm gonna carry on flushing out with my marquee tool maybe some some larger commercial zonings along this main street here okay start producing a little bit of a little bit of a design around the community school okay fantastic wonderful just keep that again i like playing on one speed um which annoys a lot of people but you know we're just watching the town come to life here i think it's always nice when you first start like this you know i watch those people walking along the bridge here you know you might think this looks a little weird right now but once we have uh the need and the budget to extend this out we will mirror kind of this half on this side and the highway will continue to flow through the town and we can add in another roundabout junction which we'll probably do on the live stream um which if you missed if you're watching this video after the live stream and it all will be linked in the comments below yeah here we are just enjoying our little city start here enormous uh residential demand again as well so it tells me it's time to you know continue expanding my little a little suburban pattern here and we're starting to reach the point now where the high street is bending away from this suburb so that's probably something that i want to bear in mind and we're going to clear out these trees you know we want to make sure that we're not eating too much into that tree count like we discussed earlier you know by all means if you want to just fill all this in and you think why is this guy wasting his time just do that you honestly can't you know i'm just trying to give you a couple of little detailing ideas and kind of philosophies to follow i suppose okay so still growing see how over here now we have um a bunch of uh icons warning us that we don't have enough workers so here is the next mile so anyway so there is the next milestone it gives us a new tile to work with which is great for expanding out into the rest of the map there are mods to unlock more tiles 25 and 81 outside of the vanilla 9. if you are on pc absolutely play with the more tars mods you'll have a much more enjoyable game area a lot of districts policies second loan and new services like police department and emergency services uh unique buildings too also not some forestry and agriculture specialization for our industrial areas which is less pollutive and also some more buildings but again policies and specializations will look different depending on what dlcs you do and don't have of course okay so you can see now we have some warnings popping up across the city this is fine not enough water and this is because they are out of our catchment area of the water pipes of course so we will continue to bring our water pipes down this way and we're also basically out of electricity now anyway yeah so this is the time to come back into our economy tab come back to the budget and we now want to boost that electricity it does get to the point you only really need to do this at the start messing about with the budgets eventually your budget will get to the point where when you run out of power you can just afford to place another power station and you'll just run from that but penny pinching at the start of the game it does help so this is the sign of buildings with no power right and now we've adjusted the budget as the game reads that we have adjusted the budget we'll see these little uh warning icons disappear there you go and we can see we're not producing enough electricity again okay so let's have a look at some new services and so shall we so last milestone we did actually unlock the medical clinic and medicine is a little weird in cities skylines they're essentially parks that increase happiness it's very rare people will just get sick and you don't need to place them early game because they're 400 a week to upkeep which is a fair old chunk of our budget right now and yeah we just don't need to place the medical clinic immediately okay so we'll come into at the firehouse now and let's start to place um some firehouses around so as we come into our firehouse or emergency services tab we can see that we get another overlay which is the fire safety overlay everything that is red is flammable which i guess would make sense you know all the trees are super vulnerable and so is a lot of our industrial stuff as well okay so really with the firehouse you want to be placing this with good access to industrial areas so i'm going to place him just as we come down from our bridge here okay we can see it makes everyone happy it's going to cause buildings to level up which will increase their workers how much tax they pay and what they actually look like as they move through these little tabs here same again for residential they have five levels and commercial has three levels so you can see how it's already moving up okay and then similar again we want our police station so we're gonna grab just normal police station and i think i'm gonna i'm gonna have this around my little town center here okay so i think now i'll bring a road through here just destroy a little bit of the zoning it's nothing too major and then we'll bring a road up behind our main commercial high street here okay we'll keep this going for just a little bit longer so i think rather than just placing my police station just on on the road again you know it's a little bit boring it just kind of blends in with the rest of the assets i'm going to give it a little bit of purpose i'm going to come up my distance of 160 and then let's come across by 200 this time okay i got my police department i'm going to place it just here see it makes everyone happy because they now have police which will reduce our crime rate which is right here so now these services are essential you know if you don't have enough police coverage your city will start to experience crime if you don't have enough fire coverage you'll see it will start burning down so it's also to bear in mind right you see now we still have all these little markers over here people are like you know we need workers and we can see that this is reflected in our residential demand so it's time to just keep on expanding my residential plan okay so you'll probably notice that i'm leaving a fair bit of open space around the city as it grows you know i kind of have all this stuff here that's empty there's a big chunk here that hasn't had anything filled in and we're leaving little bits of space around the front of the school and this is because i'm waiting for the landscaping and disasters milestone to unlock which is the next one because it allows us to detail and place parkland and which for me is where a lot of the fun lies in cities skylines you know kind of detailing up and it's something that i think my subscribers appreciate anyway if you are new to the channel and we do a lot of detailing uh maybe check out my main let's play series paladin uh it's kind of a vanilla city skyline series and uh i think i think it's quite nice okay so i think i want a road here as well and there's a nice little snap point we can throw in a little bit of change of shape here so i'm going to come out from this right in the middle of the curve and snap onto the road guideline of this road that's right here and then straight down we can see how we just have like a slight change of shape here a change of angle i think it makes things a lot more interesting doesn't it i think it does and then we're going to come through and continue to flash out some of our commercial zoning along this side of the street here and probably down here too and i'm ready to carry on expanding my main street down there so we can we can prepare for that with another 20 tiles and allow that to happen okay but things are just ticking along here in a minute look at there they're okay no sorry a little bird's eye view of our town now see how everyone's flowing around they look even cooler as well once we expand out the highway and see these roads getting some use and you know the bridge becomes just part of the city's infrastructure as we merge into maybe like a roundabout for the next highway exit lots of exciting things we can do and again lots more ideas on the channel if you are if you are new around here okay so as i'm just kind of expanding my residential pattern here we can see more of these little water icons popping up and series as well this is because we are not meeting the demand and this is because we reduce the budget so come back in increase my budget wait for the game to play it'll pop in with the the new budget that we just applied and those warning icons will go away so we can see again we're getting more power warnings this is fine we can now come into our economy tab and it's probably time to put power back to 100 because again our budget can take it you know you can be a little more picky if you want you can see we're still producing a little way more than we need but i'm still making money per week i'm getting tax payers in houses are developing and growing up and we can see i'm just trying to get a little city start going here everything's having some nice time and there we go this is kind of the milestone we'll take ourselves up to you today and which gives us access to detail in parks lots of exciting things um that really make this game uh quite super fun so of course we hit that next milestone we get a huge influx of cash we can dive back into our loans we can now pay back the initial 20 grand that we took take it again and then take out this new loan of 60 000 which puts us up to you will just automatically pay these back as you take them they'll just come out of what you know you have 260 weeks left to pay it and but if you're just in need of a quick hit of cash to go around and you know then the loans are there if you need them okay let's have a little discussion about detailing to kind of round out the tutorial start here shall we so i mentioned at the start we have a lot of these very open green spaces right and when we come into our landscaping and disasters tool we have a option called paths now more parts are added with the game with the park life and campus dlcs and also i think bioscope path comes with after dark i will check that though yourself grab a path and payment path if you're playing with just the base vanilla game so we can come in and we can snap onto various things again if we want it to be in the middle we can snap to our road guard line here but we can turn everything off and then come in or we can just go to just the grid and then snap into the grids or we can come in to just the grid and the angle and then kind of get these perfect little little shapes around here okay so there's a couple of options we can do so paths are really important it allows people to walk so you'll see as we introduce this path here people the ai will pick it up and read it as a way to get from a to b rather than them having to walk all the way around and then similar again here i think what i'm going to do is remove these commercial zonings i don't want these here storm zone then delete the building and i might place in a park asset here so now we have this tab unlocked called parks and plazas and these are exactly what it says on the tin just a collection of parks and plazas so maybe at a dog park you can see as we place them everyone gets super happy so sims love parks like they really love them and they will cause their houses to level up because it increases the land value which is indicated by this one right here so as we kind of place parks around it we can see that land will gain higher value over time yeah you know parks are just generally good things right everyone likes living there park so now i'm just going to use this block here so you know detail out i'm going to bring my my little path through but i don't want it too rigid so i'm going to take off all my snap in and maybe just bring it through right here okay maybe add a connection in there and then also one over there as well and then maybe we can come into our trees under landscaping and disasters and we can grab some similar looking trees that are already built into this little dog park asset that we just placed okay let's place a couple of them almost as extensions of the asset you know so the point i'm trying to get across here is not everything has to be zoned you know a little bit of transitional parkland will make a vast amount of difference the way that your city looks in the long run so you've got people picking this up now i know it's also a nice boundary between residential and commercial as well okay might also wish to introduce an elevated walking path over my bridge here so sims can get back into uh from work faster but we'll i guess we'll kind of get to that right okay so i'm gonna come back to my path here and i'm just gonna draw this all the way along with my angle okay and then just use it as a little almost kind of border and then maybe i'm just going to introduce just some slightly more fractured commercial zoning along the back of this path okay because again it's in our demand we have demand for commercial right now we can see that we've got people picking up this path now as a way to get around it's an easier way for them to get to a to b right i'm going to start to see our high street developing and again very similar you know if we're going to be continuing this road network behind the bridge here this is a perfect opportunity to come through with the pathway so i might place in another one right here let's see we came on the left tile here okay do the same again it's going through to an angle there we go okay right here again another great space for some uh transitional parkland as i like to call it let's maybe dive into one of the other parks here let's go for maybe a large playground or maybe have this up on the corner and then partner it with maybe just one little bit of commercial zoning and then we can come back through with our pathways again and we'll notice that with with some of the park assets you can actually extend the path network out from them like we have done right here you don't always have to do that and some of them you can't always do it but it is an option available so now i'm just going to flesh out just like a little bit of um a little bit of parkland using some paths right again using very similar tree assets that are included in the park asset that we place manually and these kind of pack assets do get significantly more complicated if you have the part life dlc you can do some really cool things with them including making zoos and theme parks and little gazebos and stuff like that and if you want to kind of see a lot of the dlc is in action i would recommend you check out my main let's play series paloman that where we pick up on a lot of these different kind of themes and ideas do lots of nice little detailing uh like this so i'll kind of show you guys some parliament towards the end so you see how now that's just a little more interesting we've got people using these pathways if you do have the part live dlc then you can come through with a little bit of fencing and this just adds like another little layer of like personality into the parkland you know if you have a little fence like that and then you can just flush out all these little awkward areas with smaller parkland nice little detailing and let's head across here to our our town center where we're starting to formulate a couple of our services around and if you do have the fencing from part life a great little kind of detailing idea is to actually box in some trees with the fencing and we use this all the time in parliament we just come through maybe grab like some smaller trees something a little more interesting a little box tree pattern out the front of the school maybe go onto our grid with a pathway and then i can link the pathway to the road behind which will eventually flow into more suburbia and different things here we can maybe even introduce smallest little bit of commercial zoning for outside the police station and come through again with that fence just draw it in one side this time let's grab some some different colored trees maybe something a little a little pinker bring in a little tree pattern and then grab our road and then we can feed i've got our path sorry and then we can feed that through to whatever lies behind your police station you know the point that i'm trying to make here is that not everything needs to be zoned a little bit of fence in a little bit of flowers a little bit of parkland here and there it will really help to just you know increase the aesthetic appeal of your city i suppose is the word that we're looking for here right you can see now you know our houses here are leveling up this is what happens when we place parks they move into the next level which again makes them pay more tax it holds more people which thus increases our population and so on and so forth leveling up is good and then we're just going to have a little look here and placing in some highway decoration so we could even bring in it's like a real small repeated tree pattern through the middle help make it look a lot more important a lot more you know plays on that symmetry again that we already have with the bridge and similar again if you do have uh the part life dlc then fencing up alongside kind of your main highway roads really works a treat really does if you don't have them you know don't worry about it it is just purely aesthetic stuff but i hope you can see the difference right especially like once you start detailing this game becomes so much fun it really does it really does let's just have a little discussion about rounding out this highway entrance and exit before we kind of wrap up here what we want to do is just re-measure these little entrance points again so we can see the first straight piece from point to point is 400 so we can do the same here again we'll come out by 400 and then we'll flip the direction and same thing over here as well come out by 400 just under the bridge there we go uh however we want to snap back onto our highway road so we will continue to draw these out to the length that we need them and again we can see that the point from here to here is a cost of 480 so we can easily replicate that by dragging out and then sinking back in at 480. there we go and now our highway can kind of continue in that direction which we will work on expanding on during that live stream on sunday and then we'll come through again with that repeated tree pattern just to continue the the effect right go and grab some fencing now don't worry about following along exactly here if you don't have all the dlcs you will just be able to come up with your own designs and we can see now i think the trees help the bridge integrate a little more especially with the fencing as well i think it's a it's a happy little design i think isn't it i think it is okay guys but that is going to do it for today i want to thank you all so much for watching if you have enjoyed the video a like below is always appreciated even much if you haven't enjoyed it please feel free to leave a dislike as well if you are new to the channel we do have a real keen focus on the unmodded pc game trying to make cities as detailed and as beautiful as we possibly can and this stack right here gives you a nice little highway exit idea it also gives you a solid little suburban grid that can be expanded at will and tweaked and just played with until you get used to the game and also how we can kind of focus a couple of our service buildings around an initial town center design uh just to kind of make it a little more interesting rather than placing schools on a road and moving on from them away into the rest of the city we will continue to expand this on sunday's live stream and again as i have mentioned if you are new to the channel i will link all of my series below this includes palomin which is my main let's play series and also the city's skylines build guide which was the series before parliament and also some modular builds if you get to the point in your city where you have no idea what to build and you're just repeating the same patterns then maybe introduce a modular build into your map such as like an office pack or a tram plaza you know there's a million different combinations you can do all of those will be linked down in the description below as well anyway i will show up and leave it there i'll see you all on sunday's live stream to carry on expanding this city and how we can make things a lot more interesting and start to break away from that grid otherwise this will do it for how to start your city for 2021 i hope you found it useful if you have any questions please do feel free to drop that in the comments and if you would like to get involved in our lucky little community then we have a discord which is also linked below as well otherwise i want to thank you all so much for watching and as always enjoy the rest of your day
Views: 116,486
Rating: 4.9167519 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines tutorial, city builder, city building basics, commercial, dlc, guide, how to, how to start your city, industrial, new player, no mods, power, residential, roads, starting help, tutorial, updated for 2019, water, zones, zoning, updated for 2021, updated for 2020, cities: skylines
Id: cUEdgWyzF80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 46sec (4246 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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