How to Start a City in Cities Skylines, Part 4a: 50k to 75k Pop |Vanilla + Sunset Harbor|

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner place where we are building the city of starterville and in this series we are taking a completely vanilla a city and working through various population milestones so in our previous episode we reached a population of 50 000 and today we're going to reach 75 000 but to mix things up a little bit i wanted to start to introduce dlcs to this build but i don't want to do them all at once i want to thoughtfully work through those dlcs and today we are going to focus on the sunset harbor dlc so i thought it might be nice to start out with a look at what this dlc changes for us so it adds a few things to our to our uh panel so nothing under roads nothing under zoning nothing under districts nothing under power but under water is where things start getting interesting so first of all we get this large water tower which is a very very useful asset and then we get a number of water treatment plants so we get this inland water treatment plant which can be very beneficial along with inland advanced water treatment plant and then the eco plants which cost quite a bit more but produce less pollution ideally anyway so one of the interesting things to look at here is so this inland water treatment plant produces a hundred pollution the advanced inland water treatment plant produces 20. and the eco inland water treatment plant produces 45 whereas the eco advanced inland water treatment plant produces seven so really these two are your most efficient there's some noise pollution there but you get that with all of them so just something to be aware of with that particular asset uh we also get some new industries so we get a the fishing industry so this is the first time that we're going to be introduced to the supply chain in city skylines so it's a it's a really fun concept we also get access to the waste transfer facility and the waste processing complex which is a much more advanced way of looking at trash management under our health care panel we get elder care and we also get a child health center so that also is a great benefit nothing under fire nothing under police nothing under education under transport we do get some new options so we have our bus depot but we also get our inner city bus station and an inner city bus terminal so those can be very very useful in attracting sims to your city in addition we also get trolleybuses so this is a heck of a lot like the standard buses but the difference is these are all electric so presumably they would be quieter so that is a benefit of these vehicles we also get some new metro options so we haven't placed any metro stations yet but i think we're going to do so today and uh so before in the in the vanilla based game no dlc's you only have access to the underground metro station now we also have a at-grade metro station and an elevated metro station so that's that's a huge benefit as well nothing under trains nothing under ships under air transport we we do have helicopters i believe i believe helicopters i think they come with the base game uh but what this adds is um one more asset that i want to point out and that is under uh under the unique buildings you also get access to an aviation club so what's interesting about the aviation club is you can actually place this before you can place an airport so kind of something interesting to look at so i do want to expand the city today we have this you know really it's like a 2.25 grid city at this point but we have the ability now to do something a little more advanced with our uh with our water uh production facilities so i i do want to do that i'm just going to start purchasing a variety of tiles at this point we're going to expand the city we've had a lot of high density residential development but i think that we're going to also look at having some development that's perhaps not so dense but to start out i do want to start thinking about our water treatment i was pointed out in the comments that you could sit here at this floating cafe and admire this pollution being dumped right into the river clearly not the most desirable option so i think that what we'll do is look to create some sort of public works complex on the other side of the river i want to get this away from our city and i think that this is a something that will work fine for us [Music] so i was thinking of of trying to keep this even with the rail corridor uh i'm not sure how i feel about that just yet and through the power of youtube i'm gonna get rid of that day night cycle it's uh it's it's a nice feature but it's just not uh not what i'm looking for right now so i do have this road i used the train tracks to line up this road with the train tracks uh so i just kind of want a nice parallel road there and i'll use that to begin my public works campus and this is a fairly undesirable area and that's the reason why i've i've chosen this it's a it's kind of a strange piece of land with all these rain these rail junctions but i do think it will work well for this purpose so i'm also going to use the the rail over here as a guide because i want multiple connections i don't want this to just be a situation where you go in and it's a big cul-de-sac clearly that would not be very desirable from a city services standpoint so i will make a loop around there and i guess upgrade this one little dirt road and we are going to loop this back around and continue to mirror what is happening with the rails okay so now we have a loop back here and we can create a little public works campus so there's no reason for this to be on the water i am going to be using the advanced inland water treatment facilities uh the main reason i'm putting it over here is just that this is a kind of an awkward chunk of land it's going to be noisy and it would seem to make some sense in my mind to concentrate and these types of uses in an area that would otherwise not be very desirable the other thing you could do over here is have a small kind of a small industrial area if that was desirable so let's take a look at our topography because we do want to make sure that we have a level pad for this you can see it is kind of a mess so we are going to do a bit of grading to make sure that we are not placing this uh it kind of we don't want our different facilities because when i have multiple to be at different heights so after thinking about all of these facilities you know give it some thought look at the production look at how much energy it uses i think that the most logical facility to use at least in a place like this so i look at both the inland uh advanced water treatment plant and the eco advanced inland water treatment plant and the big difference that you'll notice between the two of these outside of the cost the advanced inland water treatment plant is less the electricity required is i think it's three times approximately what is necessary for the advanced as as a as opposed to the eco advanced so i would much rather use less electricity get the same output the benefit that you're receiving in terms of pollution significantly less and then when you look at the upkeep it's only a little bit more in the advanced than on the eco so from that standpoint i think that this is the right choice for the city so this is what we're going to place for now so i do want to get this as far over as i can because i'm gonna probably need a couple of these in the future we're also gonna need power lines so let's get those in place as well so i took some liberties there i think i'm gonna make another connection for redundancy's sake there we go and i want to make this roadway connection now somewhere because i know that uh we're gonna have some some issues making connections without it so let's get that place now i think i'm gonna have a local road kind of running parallel to this highway so i'll turn this on and now i'm going to use the freeform tool because that's going to allow me to maintain that distance with the highway even though the highway is turning so i'm going to use the nodes to make those those target connections sometimes it'll just click off if you're a little bit too close and it's just not liking what i'm doing so i will take it a little bit further and see if i can still maybe i just need to forego what i was trying to do so the reason why i i brought this back is i know that my bridge connection is going to be a few um a few notes back so i'll make that curve before the future bridge so just kind of planning in advance for what might go here i don't think we're going to have an interchange here necessarily we could but now with this road connection that might be a challenge but we could still go across this with a bridge there's plenty of space let's see how many tiles yeah we got we get approximately i'd say 14 tiles to the center of that 12 is what we're really looking for to have a nice smooth connection it's just about right so i think that's going to work out just swell so this is going to be a temporary power line that we're going to use to make the connection between that advanced uh wastewater facility and our city and hopefully this production is going to line up with what we're currently putting into the water so oh no we're going to need a couple of those so just looking at that each one of these has the exact same capacity actually hold on i think i'm looking at this wrong so the capacity of this is 160 000 and this one is also 160 000. so we are gonna need three of these to replace what we are going to be losing and that's fine we have a lot of money available and this land is incredibly valuable and will make the land around it even more valuable maybe instead of going into the camera i should go to my bulldozer this is why shortcuts are valuable i never use them uh i should okay so the water will clear up here soon and that is wonderful the other thing that we could do over here uh now that i think about it is maybe have the fishing industry so that might be something we think about in the future but for the time being we have a lot of demands that we need to start to or need to continue to meet and one of those things i want to do is work on our industrial demand and our residential demand as well i think i'm going to finish building out this neighborhood that i started before um might as well nice way to start the episode let this build out so i really don't like cul-de-sacs but this is a kind of a unique chunk of property so i might just have a small cul-de-sac back here and that's the way that we can at least use this land otherwise it's it's kind of not not very valuable so i think we're just going to continue we're going to build out this area over here and one of the things that i'm thinking about as i'm building these these neighborhoods so we are moving further away from the city center the grid starting to break down a little bit this is kind of what you would expect to see if you're thinking about the way at least in north america that cities developed in different periods of time different types of roadway networks were utilized and in the 1950s for instance you saw kind of a grid type of roadway configuration but it would break down into into some of these these more curvilinear patterns and that's what i'm trying to emulate here so there's still connectivity i think that you know it still will function well but it's certainly not as good as uh from from a connectivity standpoint anyway uh from a more traditional grid one of the other downfalls of this type of development in reality is that this is much more difficult to retrofit with other uses so um when you end up with kind of these these strange blocks it's just significantly more difficult to fit other types of uses in there in the future so you end up with neighborhoods that are uniformly single family and about the only thing you can retrofit in there is a duplex don't think you're gonna get anything more dramatic in there than that because of the zoning choices that were made and the land use uh and really the urban design choices that were made in these areas okay so we did keep these water pipes under the road where they belong and apparently we're having monster sewage problems and it's all coming down to power so that tells me that we need to take care of that before we let this go any further so at this point let's think back to what we've been doing for power so we have a couple of uh so i think we have a an oil power plant over here we've got a solar i think we might start thinking more about uh more about nuclear uh power and the reason for that is it just produces so much more it's relatively clean energy so we're gonna we're gonna go for it i do want to clean up this grating probably should have done this beforehand but i didn't so have to clean it up after the fact yeah and that's pretty ugly i really can't stand that there's one way to fix that though [Music] oh that looks great let's make sure we have got water we're good we're covered [Music] we'll speed this up just to make sure that everything comes online we're good now the only issue that i see with what i just did is i didn't really give myself any room to expand water treatment and we are at a point where soon we'll need to increase our capacity so that was a little bit short-sighted i do want to look at our power so we're way over capacity at this point so i want to start decommissioning some of these old power plants that are just not necessary anymore it's a really dirty power plant and that industrial land is valuable so decommission away i'm also going to look i noticed that there's a couple spots where i move things let's make sure that we get things filled in okay so we do have some more power plants i don't necessarily want to decommission this but i do want the i do want the funds this costs a lot in upkeep per week so i'm just going to turn this off and that's going to do some wonders for me in terms of being able to save some money see that it goes right in my bank account so that is a huge benefit to me so i could also disable these wind turbines and we're still you know producing double the amount of power that we need but i'm going to keep them there for aesthetics that said we're just looking at this i'm kind of curious about the about the sound let's see what that's doing yeah i mean that is troubling maybe i'll get rid of one of them and i'm just going to eliminate this all together and hopefully that will improve yeah that that's going to be a big help hopefully so this little icon here that's showing that this person is sick because of the noise hopefully that goes away the other thing i could do would be to to actually go ahead and upgrade this road oh little chunk little chunk of dirt road kind of wonder if i have any more of those i don't see any more that doesn't mean that there aren't more but i think right now i'm good that said it looks like that situation improved for that resident things are better i'm happy so very very good you know we could also we could concentrate all of these across the river but uh this will this will be fine for now so i see some death care issues as well this might be because of how much zoning we did at once or it's also could be because the cemetery is full let's take a look at our death care so we do have quite a bit of cemetery utilization let's see we do have quite a bit of capacity there but i'm wondering if these are spread out enough yeah we're okay i think we could probably use one more and might add one to this new neighborhood so even though it says our capacity is crazy the thing to think about is these hearses have to make their way through the transportation network you only get seven per crematorium so sometimes you've got to overdo it with the crematoriums unfortunately i don't love it but it is the reality that we're forced to confront so uh in this neighborhood i'm going to just zone 100 residential i think that that would be something you might see in an area like this done and apparently right here added some that we shouldn't have so we'll take care of that as well i think this is going to increase our population quite a bit fairly quickly so why don't we just leave that for a second let's start thinking about our industries so one of the things that we have available in this dlc to us is our fishing industry i like this little area right here i don't love all the rocks but i think that we could remove some rocks and establish a fishing industry right here so let's do that and now we're going to go into our garbage and industry menu and uh so i want to take a look at the assets we have available to us we have a fishing harbor a fish farm a fish market and a fish factory so that's kind of the whole supply chain if you have the fish harbor you can go and collect general fish you could send it directly to the market or if you had a fish factory you could send it to the fish factory it's processed and then sold either exported or sold in the commercial areas but it all starts out with this fishing harbor we're going to start with a fishing harbor right here now this does have a road attached so that i personally find that a little bit frustrating or not not frustrating right now but it can be frustrating because you don't have as much control over what is happening in these with these roads so you've got to be a little careful with them but if you use your uh your free form tool i think it's they can be not not that bad to work with the biggest complaint that i have is that when you're using uh these sorts of assets so the this is one of them harbor is one of them you can't set the directionality of the road you're just stuck with the road as it is that's certainly a complaint but it's it's a relatively minor one [Music] okay so now we have power there we need water as well and now we need to establish our fishing routes so you see that there are all these different kinds of fish that you can get well that you have to have different docks for that so right now because i haven't caught enough fish all i can do is have just a general normal fishing dock so we're just going to create a small route nothing elaborate but we'll see some fishing boats come from here see 14 to 26 workers they're gonna head out this route they're gonna circle around and uh they will uh produce fish so that's uh that's a that's a beneficial thing for the city now we need to think about the entire supply chain here so we want to think about having a fish market so i think that this would be a really cool amenity to have in the downtown area so i want to keep the trip short between the fish market and uh in the actual district or the uh the industry area so i'm thinking i want to make some sort of connection across the water we have this cul-de-sac i want to bring it around and send it underneath this bridge [Music] so i am going to do a little bit of grading to make this work because i already see that i have a problem we have some height different differential issues here and that's going to create problems so we're going to again need to go through and do a little bit of grading to make this work so i'm always keeping an eye on that soil availability the last thing i want to do is run out of soil now it's a nice gentle slope up and this in my mind would be a pretty interesting place to have that fish market so this provides a couple of benefits uh so first of all having this road here means that there's a pedestrian path uh to get to get around here second you know the the length the the trip length to get over here right now over this area is pretty long this is a short route i'm hoping that it's utilized as a local road and not an arterial there we'll have to see i don't that's certainly not the intention i want it to be a cut through not a thoroughfare so add this here and i'm going to try to get this grating to be a little more gentle than that and yeah it this is just kind of an inappropriate location for it i should have looked first let's take a look at our topographic view and see if we can find a better place for this now this is a much better location so we're going to let this building guide uh the the placement of our roads in this particular area with the exception of this one i do want to create one stub road so i know where this building should be i want to maximize my density this is still downtown but this is a key feature of the downtown so now i'm going to grade out from here a little bit just so that i have a more gentle slope in this area very nice and in this area near the train tracks there's really only two things that make sense and that's either office or commercial type uses so on the other side we have commercial i think we might extend that over here as well the one thing that i wish i would have would have done in this area is have some sort of pedestrian path through here that is a huge missed opportunity in my mind and one that might be worth remedying so what is this right here it's a chill child health center interesting so i thought that this was only available with sunset harbor but this must have been one of those assets that was added to the game when sunset harbor was released so generally uh there are certain things added to the game the base game when dlc dlcs are released and uh children's health center elder care clearly part of that so yeah we are going to add a path through here just to get across i'm struggling a little bit with my grid so i'm going to turn the grid off turn everything but basically angle off i think i need to go up at least three clicks in the lowest setting okay and that's a that's a nice gentle slope there i don't like what it's doing with the ramps i'm going i am going to to make my own connection there but i think that that's that's a much nicer uh approach so now let's get those commercial buildings in place so i could if i got really into it i could go ahead and add another road back here to maximize the density i don't think it's really worth it here so i'm not going to worry about it we do have water here so that is a benefit of building in this location so our populations got up by a thousand so we are 1 25th of the way to our population milestone today i think i'm going to continue the dense commercial uses along this corridor as well again thinking that sound is going to be an issue though i am going to take away some of these on the shore because i don't want these buildings going underwater also going to let that rock be so one of the nice things is if you have an area like this and you're using the paint bucket it won't uh if you highlight it'll work to preserve any uh any props like this so i'm gonna preserve that one okay so this area will continue to build out we do need to fix our water system in this area okay very good so eventually this is going to be a pretty happening place the time being perhaps not so much so we have kind of off the charts industrial demand so there are two ways that we could remedy this we could go ahead and build a whole bunch of industrial i kind of want to migrate away from that and start thinking more about office type uses before i get to that i do i'm thinking about this i have this collector that would line up perfectly behind that fish market so i am going to put that in place now it'll be really hard to fix that in the future [Music] other thing i probably should have been a little bit more careful i do want to make a roadway connection and re-establish our grid so i am going to make that connection here and we'll leave this as kind of an open space behind these buildings there are some terrain issues here i know that might not seem extreme but there's a lot happening so we're just going to leave that b and have a green space available so the way i'm thinking of the downtown at this point is it's really everything south and maybe just a little bit north of this collector so this is all going to be dense downtown this is going to be our uh our public works campus fish our fishing area our fishing industry we have a 100 route efficiency we're in a good place there we should probably think now that we have our fish market think about the fish factory as well let's get that into place i want to keep this trip as short as possible so i think having it right next to it would be the best approach except that it's really ugly so maybe we'll do some grading and put it right next to it so again we've got a pretty challenging spot to work with [Music] okay so we don't need this power line right here anymore because our fish factory is making the connection for us now i'm going to fix this grating and it's not gonna be perfect but we can hide that with landscaping all right i like it they don't have enough fish so um that's that's kind of a for now problem that will get better over here all right sold up 40 fish doesn't seem like much to me alright so let's continue to build out this new downtown area we don't really have a grid established over here now that we have completely broken away from the other downtown area so we're going to establish a new one and we do need to maintain that power connection unfortunately we're going to cut into here so we would probably want to make sure that we don't have our power cul-de-sac like this but we don't have disasters dlc so i guess we'll be okay i kind of want to mix the uses a little bit still maintaining though that this is really a cbd central business district i really don't love this super block and yeah i might break it up a little bit so i initially said i was going to leave this i can't do it [Laughter] i can leave that at least there's some connectivity through here certainly better than it was the primary reason in a central business district at least here in america that you'd see it like this where it's all gritted out and orderly and tidy is well first of all the time in which it was developed and second of all it makes rapid and efficient uh expansion of the grid to accommodate rapid growth fairly easy to do so you would expect to see that sort of thing in this kind of an area so now we've got this interesting situation where our grid broke down and i can either continue this pattern or attempt to fit our our old pattern into a kind of messy network over here and i'm going to try to fit our old pattern in so this could get messy we'll see how it works so i'm going to use my freeform tool for this turn off basically everything kind of eyeball the connections maybe i'll keep angle on [Music] okay so i i changed the grid here i think it this is a spot i might reserve for one of the specialty unique buildings so i kind of put that there as a reminder to myself i think sometimes that's really helpful so you can kind of see now i've at least got this grid to work itself back into its original form what i'm going to do over here though so we can either do a park we need to get our land values up you see that they're suffering over here i messed up over here in my mind too by not including anything i included no support services outside of a crematorium or use eminent domain on two houses and make everyone happy except for of course the people living at that house sorry about that gotta do it for the betterment of the neighborhood so i'm very sorry to that uh that resident former resident we do the same thing over here take out two houses instead of three which we could have done the nice thing is by placing it over here we made a connection to this path along our arterial so we're adding connectivity in here we should continue that on the other side so this is really important to make sure that you're keeping up with your land values if you are trying to increase your population because a lot of these buildings aren't going to level up until they have higher land values so huge benefit to doing that let's take a look at our schools we're kind of on the edge everywhere and part of the reason for that is that we've built no new schools so i might use a little bit more eminent domain and this is this is this is a good demonstration of the problem of not planning so i just took out a whole bunch of schools i placed them over here mainly so that they have access to this pedestrian network we've now linked up these neighborhoods i do see there's a small path connection we didn't make presumably students from this neighborhood could walk down here cross this busy arterial and uh get over to their school i wouldn't recommend it but it's possible and in the game that's all that uh that's all that matters we'd certainly have some discussions about that in real life and i don't think that these parents be all that happy about this placement of this school okay so that is that is helping us out a little bit our university uh capacity is still teetering and we're going to need to keep an eye on that especially if we plan on continuing to develop offices so over here i do want to start thinking about some of our bigger buildings some of our more unique buildings and i'm wondering what would make the most sense to place in this big area so this there's a lot of commercial stuff going on there's a a market over here i don't think the posh or the grand mall is is the way to go but maybe we start to think about city services and why don't we place that here so i wish that this was one tile wider because this triggers my ocd i can't center it drives me nuts you just go back and forth back and forth not being able to center it so we're gonna have to try to make this look [Music] a little bit nicer all by our lonesome so since this is a government building i do want it to feel i guess a little bit more grand and we'll create a public plaza space [Music] so it doesn't like my angles here so i might take those out because this public plaza space means a lot to me [Music] i don't know why i bothered [Music] so might just need to think about this a little bit differently so i'll put these at the steps plant some trees those are too big then we'll let this area fill in with zoning i do think that we might want to put another row of trees behind it though just to to finish this area off and then around it i think clearly office type uses make the most sense so this is going to not only increase the land value in this area but uh i think it's really attractive so i like it and we'll just make all of these blocks in this area office i think that makes a lot of sense so i also do think it makes some sense to mix in some residential in this area as well but we want to be thoughtful about it and keep it away from some of the uses that might be incompatible with with a residential use the other thing to keep in mind is we want to keep them in places where maybe they got a nice view of the water or the the boats in this case so i think that we're going to zone some high density residential along the waterfront and we will allow these buildings to pull themselves up i think we'll do a few blocks of that and we'll buffer that with offices and then continue our commercial zoning back here i do want to pause it for a second first of all i don't have any utilities second of all i don't have any services so we're going to want to get services to this district and that's a little bit off the road but uh in spirit it's right so we're gonna go with spirit right now the thought behind the water no no nope can't do it i really wanted to i really really wanted to but i can't do it i've got to make it right okay so before everything fills in around here i do think it might be nice to get some police and fire coverage in this area so i don't want that to be the main attraction here so to speak but i do want to make sure that we are considering it and keeping it in a really well integrated part of this area i also need schools so we're gonna have a school and a high school over here this is very dense so you'd expect to see them in close proximity to one another i also haven't been managing my junctions over here just yet so let's do that now so i could have also made this a priority road and that would have made this a lot easier but i like things to be difficult so that's what i did made it difficult look at that pedestrian bridge that we put together lots of use clearly a benefit very good now i do think it would be nice to have some landscaping back here so we're gonna do that as well our power is connected at this point so i'm going to back this up and fill in our zoning okay so we've got a significant landscape buffer there which i think would be necessary even for commercial users they wouldn't want that level of noise coming from the trains they would expect something like this to make it a little bit more i guess livable a little bit a little bit nicer to place to be so there's one building that developed here and we're in kind of a weird spot in terms of our landscaping so i am going to go after the fact and add in some additional landscaping to mirror what i've already done and now i've made this landscaping really orderly and the thought process there is this is a government building it is orderly uh it uh is demonstrating that uh it's a building to be taken seriously and orders is serious so keeping it orderly [Music] okay that's much better i really wish it was centered uh because i would love this view to have a nice centered office of oppression but we're not going to get that unfortunately not without move it and we don't have to move it so this will have to do i guess the other way that i could do this would be to actually manually move the road and have it kind of meander into that center for the density aspect of what i'm doing here i'm not really into that idea so we're going to hold back from that speaking of density we're going to have an issue here with our roadway network and that is if we want to maximize our density we kind of have to have this parallel frontage road i do think we're gonna do that i have no problem with that and we'll just have a row of trees or something like that i think it'll look nice it'll look like an extra wide boulevard we're continue to have run-ins with this power though which is kind of frustrating but that's the price that we're gonna pay for the time being for the convenience of having all of our utilities consolidated over there with the exception of our water pump so we're still we still do not have enough fish so what that means to me is that we need another fishing harbor to make this work so i'm going to do is create another another one of these docks i'm going to keep it at the same level so i am going to grade this a bit we'll make a connection over here and now that i'm thinking about it i might just want to reconfigure this whole thing and we'll make a series of harbors side by side so this is perhaps not the height of realism but you know truthfully there are there you would expect to see some changes in topography for harbor district so the other thing that we could have done is set up a fish farm certainly an option just not the one i chose so let this go for a minute let this work itself out by working itself out i mean flood those are just a little bit off in terms of their alignment i wish that they were closer or further apart i almost feel like that's a better solution having them further apart because at least then it feels like a choice i'm going to rework this roadway network to make it fit a little bit better so lots of grading lots of changes that's okay that is quite all right okay so let's take a look at our water lines [Music] so i probably should have given this a little bit more thought before i created a kind of a mess over here but it will remedy itself over time things will get better and that's okay we all make short-sighted decisions from time to time at least in the game you can fix it in real life you're uh maybe stuck with him for a hundred years so we've got this let's get some power connections made and then we've got to look at our fishing routes once again [Music] so i think we're going to go into a little more deconstruction of this route because i don't want these pads to overlap so we'll send this a little bit further down the river before looping back around [Music] now this is going to be a problem potentially oh nope we're fine so we'll bring this back around send it underneath these tracks here come back around stay near the shore [Music] and then meet up over here so now we've got two complete routes this one's unhappy i don't know why [Music] um so i think i left part of the old route underneath there that was what was the problem okay i'm gonna modify this one just a little bit i want to get this closer so i don't overlap if i don't have to there we go now we're good kind of ugly little routes but they will function appropriately and hopefully we now have enough fish to make things operate in fact i'm going to move this fish factory to be a little bit closer since we're in the in the mulligan business right now and now they just have to go across the across the way to make their their drop off so much better solution wow that is really high not the most beautiful thing in the world but it will function and at this point that's the main thing i'm going for with these probably should have got these kind of at this at this at the level of this sandbar might have worked a little bit better than in terms of realism because that's a very high doc very high oh well okay so our demand for everything is through the roof including residential i'm gonna just make a pretty major residential district and we're gonna fill it in along the way so i don't we're gonna we're gonna change the direction of the grid i want it to line up with the highway i don't love what has happened to the grid i'm gonna break the power lines again so i'm gonna pause it turn off road guidelines [Music] i think that this is a sign that i need to get the power lines on the other side of the road so rather than continually destroying this [Music] there we go that will work now i can resume this at least we'll have this connection getting made over here someone's gonna love that view and eventually this will this will be a really nice a nice double looped connection over here so we don't inadvertently drop off all power connections for the time being though it's a bit of a problem i think we're just gonna angle all these blocks so we'll have a little bit longer of a block here and we'll just angle them to make our connection so when you you know in a north american city anyway when you when you see an angled block like that there's usually a reason a rail corridor some feature that caused the grid to change we don't really have that here we just have me wanting the road to be parallel to the highway so i guess maybe that would be a rationale some other developer came in and started from the other side and as a result you end up with this kind of modified grid [Music] that is a pretty wide block i think to mix it up i might throw an angled block through here an angled uh connection through here [Music] i'll use the freeform tool to have that meet up nicely there and i'm going to try to hit it at a 90 or as close to it as possible at this road now we have a whole bunch of junctions not great on a collector but not unexpected either [Music] so this would be highly frowned upon that is not a wide enough neck there or a span there but we're gonna deal with it this traffic would back up into that next intersection don't really have a lot of options because of the decision that we've made though with this roadway network so we have a death care problem at this point it's a full-fledged problem i think we're going to add a cemetery over here increase the capacity i also want to take a look at our health care yeah another thing i missed over in this new neighborhood [Music] again very much regret this we're not going to make the same mistakes in our new neighborhood [Music] so we're going to have a kind of a healthcare campus type area where we are taking care of our child care our child health care our elder care clinic crematorium right by the clinic how convenient and uh you know really kind of just taking care of everything all in one quick shot [Music] we've looped our water system now which is a great benefit to the city so that's good i just want to get all the pipes placed you know this amount of infrastructure would be absolutely insane to construct at once in reality but it's a game so i'm gonna do it because we are flush with cash so why not really beef up our infrastructure now this water pipe's not totally necessary i'm doing this for me i want to uh be able to continue down here and just keep adding i know i'm going to be one block offset for a long time okay so we are having a problem with our trash processing status as well so i think that we are going to continue to add on to this this public works campus and add in one of the new garbage assets so we're going to have a waste processing complex and some waste transfer facilities so the waste processing complex really needs to have these transfer facilities as well in fact this has no garbage trucks so if you just build this you're just throwing away five grand a week so but the nice thing about these transfer facilities is that they don't really produce much pollution they have a little bit of noise so you can put them in a dense urban area and not really disrupt what's happening so i'm going to try to get this close to a collector but not directly on it so i do want to have that access and this is going to be a nice location for that so the thing that's not so nice now that i think about it this is actually a terrible location no no no no it's a good location so i was thinking about freeway access doesn't have great freeway access but because we put this bridge across to the waste processing complex it's it's a fine location already has water already has power we're good let's do a bit grating around it again not perfect but pretty good so now to get this area filled in and really start juicing our population we're gonna have a ton of residential over here so this is probably a future death wave but i think it's something that we need so i do want to take care of all facilities up front knowing that we're going to need all these things and if we zone it all right away it's going to become a problem so i know that our university capacity is a problem at this point elementary school we're going to put a high school try to get that away from our other high school have a couple of elementary schools this is going to be all we're not all that a lot of this is going to be um residential i'm going to spot in a couple of nodes of commercial activity and it would really be beneficial to get some transit in this area as well i might put in a transit line so i think along the front of this highway to to buffer these residents from the noise we're going to have some office buildings which i think is a nice complementary use it's quiet and now a gigantic swath of residential zoning [Laughter] probably not advised but in terms of in terms of having a death wave later but i think it's it's really necessary at this point and while that's filling out we're going to start thinking about transit so we did get access to above and so so first of all i want to think about metro at metro stations at this point we could have some above ground i just don't see the necessity of it so i'm going to go with some below ground i want to space these out every few blocks and work them into dense areas now because we're retrofitting this in we're gonna need to take property to make this work so i do want to try to minimize how much property we need to acquire when i'm doing this and i do want to get a station right next to this train the other thing that you want to think about when you're placing metro stations is what kinds of destinations are nearby because ideally you are reaching destinations or origins one of the two so i'm gonna get this back to our main drag again try not to take out all that many buildings [Music] this is kind of where our density breaks down i think i'm going to leave one more station over here that'll be our end of the line so with these when you get sunset harbor it defaults to being above ground so if you want to go to the underground station you've actually got to use your underground viewer so with these i like to keep angles on i think that that's helpful road guidelines can also be helpful when you want to line things up you want to make your slopes on the air your curves on this as gentle as they can be so if you can stretch them out over a few blocks all the better you can't stop them underneath roads though something to keep in mind because it will give you a bunch of errors [Music] so this one's going to be a little tricky because i need to make a pretty significant curve but it won't be insurmountable and using the freeform tool and road guidelines i should be able to [Music] make this well i thought it was going to be simple nothing is ever as simple as you hope it would be not too bad though [Music] okay so we've got this established and now i just need to place a line so whenever i'm placing subways or transit in general one of the things i like to think about is that the longer the stop distance is the faster the average speed of the line will be which will make it competitive or better than traveling by other modes so you know for instance the the train's gonna get pretty decent speed between these two stops between these two it's gonna be kind of slow so those are just some things to keep in mind i know it can be tempting because of the number of passengers these can take and how they can improve land values it can it can really be tempting to just stack these things up you can see people are already just flooding to this stop wow 134 people in the first trip that's that's pretty outstanding [Music] and you can see our population is just starting to to really increase because of that so uh it's it's certainly we're doing much better so this video got a little bit longer than i had initially intended for it to uh to to be so i have decided to split this video into two parts so this is where we're gonna end today i want to thank you for joining me if you like this video please consider hitting that like button if you aren't subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and please hit the notification bell if you want to be notified when i release the next part of this video it is a two-parter uh i also want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters their support makes everything i do possible and i i really appreciate them thank you so much and i will see you in the next one take care bye-bye
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 91,203
Rating: 4.944418 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities:skylines, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines how to start your city, how to play cities skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines tips, cities skylines xbox one, cities skylines ps4, cities skylines sunset harbor, cities skylines sunset harbor tutorial, city planner plays, sunset harbour
Id: Qax-peOym2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 34sec (3694 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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