Building a HUGE Conservation University (Verde Beach #16)

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the city of verde beach in the previous episode we built this farm area and uh we you know i hope that this would resolve some of the industrial demand that we had in the area but it didn't uh it did some that we do have residential demand now it's not very um it's not very very large at this point in time but it's large enough that we're starting to see some of the lewis garden city fill in but i want to start to remedy some of that demand and i think one of the ways that we could do that is with office buildings but my concern is that without a proper university it's going to be difficult to to fulfill the needs of those office buildings with the work workers that we have the the existing employment base you know there's a there's a good mix of blue collar and uh and some white collar uh employees but but i really want to crank up the number of white collar employees in the community to a hundred and the way that we're gonna do that is by by building our university so we're gonna build that university over here uh before we get to that i wanna clean up a couple of things with the last build um so first of all i'm not sure that i was very successful in in actually creating two separate university areas uh or two separate farm areas so in theory i think it's a good idea but in practicality in reality i don't think it works so what i wanted to do was create this uh this area where you know there would be two separate farms and those farms would in turn you know really feel like different places but the way the game mechanics work it just doesn't it doesn't it doesn't work so by having this is one farm i think that some of the things like uh for instance the farm maintenance building will cover both farms rather than just one and operate a little bit better because of that the other thing is i want to rename this it was called the hamilton plantation i'm going to call it the hamilton hills farm you know i'm american i'm also biracial and plantation has a fairly negative connotation so rather than rather than go with a plantation where to go with farms that there's no negative connotation there so on to our campus let's give this some thought so first of all i i've mentioned before that i want this campus to have an intimate relationship with the zoo and the nature preserve that the palms national forest and i think there's no better person to name this after than jane goodall so i think we're gonna name this the the good all the good all institute for concert conservation and it's not gonna just be a concert [Music] and it's not just going to be a university focused on conservation but that's going to be the bread and butter it's going to be what attract people attracts people to this university so first i want to think about where the administration building is going to go and i want this administration building to have really good access to the zoo so i think that this right here is a really natural location we obviously wouldn't want to place this off this arterial this collector is already seeing some traffic issues so i don't think we want to place it there and this road's really curvy so i want to avoid that as well so i want to try to center it on this particular area and i think i'm going to go back a full 10 tiles and this is just a temporary road so i'm not overly concerned about where it goes and i've looked at all of the different uh university types and i do think that that the normal university campus area is going to fit best for what we're doing today let's get all of our one ways going in the right direction or the same direction anyway there's no right or wrong direction right now and then i also want to move our transit routes so we'll get those routes stopping right in front of the campus at least one of them anyway i don't want to bring this route up because it'll go in the wrong direction and loop back around and that seems like a pretty unintuitive movement in my back and in my opinion so now we have this this campus and uh i want to start thinking about the layout so the very first thing i'm going to do is is start to to create a little bit of a pattern so the thing about universities is they're kind of little cities in in and of themselves and they have roadway networks uh so to speak of pedestrian they they basically they have instead of having a roadway network grid they have a pedestrian grid um so i'm gonna create this to start out also do something a little interesting in the center just have this kind of be a place for a congregation and then i want to have another path going off to the side [Music] and i will likely extend one out this way in the future as well but for now we will leave it at that so we have a few buildings available to us we have the dormitory the university study hall groundskeeping and the futsal club so i think that i would like to start out with the study hall and i kind of want this to be a centrally located building for everybody so i'm going to place this right you know kind of kind of near uh the main university hall and now that i have a little bit of a grid going on here i can start to think about my utilities so i'm gonna again keep this in in right subway even if it is private rights of way and over here i'm gonna start to make some connections whoa gonna get turned around there for a second so we'll send this down green away street and i think you know you might be wondering why am i making this connection and it's really all about being having parallel connectivity i see that this cemetery is full so i'm going to empty this i'm also so someone pointed out in the comments that this large water tower is uh right near the cemetery and that's gross so i guess i don't disagree so i'm gonna move that super realistic to do that but uh i think it's a good change i don't think i'd want to drink water coming from a cemetery either so all right so we at least have these buildings linked up with water and to start out i think i want to keep this fairly compact because we don't really know exactly what's going to happen in the future so i do want to keep an eye on this though so i know that for a five-star university you have to have a capacity of you know roughly i think it's 2 000 students so we're going to need a number of these dormitories so you might have noticed they left a little connection that little uh little path connection through there i just i'm not gonna make the connection just yet but i do want to leave myself the ability to do so in the future so one of the things i'm noticing is that even though it looks flat here it's not so we are gonna need to do a little bit of grading so mulligan i'm gonna move this temporarily and kind of just smooth out the land towards the road okay didn't need to move that i thought that i thought i was going to need to grade there but apparently i'm okay so we've got a couple of dorms in in in uh in place now and that's i think that's a good thing so i do want to make a couple of connections here and i see that it doesn't like this one so let's curve this a little bit oh much better so now we have a nice smooth connection a couple dorms we do need a groundskeeping building i'd really love to be able to sneak that somewhere in here i just think it's not going to fit so [Music] just kind of winding this road back here and then maybe i can fit the groundskeeping and somewhere in this area okay very nice groundskeeping yeah we can fit that in back here and this will be a fine location for that it's kind of a weird space so there's not a lot of space for other things so i don't see why we wouldn't put this building here so getting back to it we have one more building and that is our uh it's our futsal club and i think we want to keep this fairly close to the dorms if at all possible at least within close walking distance so i think there might be some value in creating some pedestrian connectivity to keller house avenue so we're going to do that and we will put the futsal club over here now it might seem weird right now but i assure you there are reasons why i'm making these connections and it'll all make sense in the future so let's take a look at some of our our policies so at this point in time i just i really want to level this up i've got seven million dollars a little less than that so let's just throw money at this university we're gonna max out our staff give everyone free everything universal education because we want to get as many people attending this university as we can and um i think right now we are kind of where we are going to be with this university so i'm going to speed things up a little bit and start to to remedy some other issues in the city so we have had problems with the nature reserve burning down and i think it it can a lot of it can be traced back to uh trees being too close to these fire pits i don't know if that's actually a thing but it seems like it should be so i'm just going to remove some of these trees that are close to these fire pits and see if maybe we don't burn down the entire campsite campground by being a little bit more judicious with the layout of our trees now i know this comes at the sacrifice of privacy but i really don't want to have to rebuild the campground every couple years okay so i think i got most of them and hopefully oh there's another one yeah that one's pretty pretty open though uh so hopefully that's enough to prevent this from burning down non-stop because i'm uh you know even when i'm sandboxing these builds this park burns down without without fail every time so so all right we're in a good spot there let's uh let's see where we're at in our academic year we've got just enough students our capacity is massive though and let's see we do have some water problems so let's take care of those now we should be good have a nice little water system going through here now in the future we have this we have this uh this park with trees over here that's part of the neighborhood and i'd like to work that in if at all possible but i want to start thinking about some of the other things that make a university great and one of those things are events being able to go out and see your friends and do things so i think i'd like to have at least one of these buildings in the university i'm gonna place them all but i know that this just isn't gonna fit this the space that we've allotted isn't going to fit all the buildings that like to work in so we're gonna have to get creative here so i've got at least this one i like this location for a couple of reasons first of all the proximity to transit really can't be beat so you'll recall that this is this location is really close to the tram so they would be able to walk from here across the street and get in the tram line so that's pretty ideal we could improve this by bringing the tram on to semper verde but truthfully it's probably just not probably not a great idea from a traffic standpoint so we're probably gonna avoid that let's fix some of our grading strangeness here so now that we have this building here i do think we could make a connection to the park i don't love that junction there but i don't know that i can do much better [Music] so i think we're gonna make our connection to green away and then from there also make a nice kind of meandering connection from the park i don't know that there's a lot that we can do with this space but what we can do is make it an interesting walk at least if we're not gonna do anything better with it so that's something so the one thing about this path connection is it's at least prioritizing the movement inside of the campus so that's that's nice you can already see there's a lot happening here got the chirpers the goodall institute i don't love that name that's our team identity so for now i'm going to change this to the lions because of the zoo but if you guys have a better idea please let me know and to make the university attractive i think i'm gonna pump everything up and to make money i think i'm gonna really increase the the cost of tickets we'll see how that works out we'll have fan club support and advertising campaigns this university is just gonna bleed money for a little while so i have other athletic facilities that i'd like to work into the campus that i'm not going to be able to so let's just take a look at the size of some of these so if i place this i'm taking up a decent chunk of the campus football stadium same deal baseball same deal track and field you get the point and the other issue is that the only road i can place these buildings on is the arterial and we don't place buildings on the arterial so that leaves us a bit of a pickle so what do we do well first of all i want to look at the traffic patterns so i'm i've been noticing some things uh that i don't like so when i look at this i see a couple things first of all the arterial is carrying a ton of traffic and it's going down here and it's dissipating but i notice another movement i notice that there are a fair number of cars making a right-hand turn here and then a left here and using this local road as a collector to distribute traffic throughout this area i don't want that to happen i i mentioned early on that i didn't really want um this road right here which is the sterling zoo boulevard i didn't want this to be a road that's carrying traffic and you can see it we look here there's a whole bunch of cars making a turn here and making a turn here so there are two ways we could deal with that number one is you know we could just prioritize that movement we could go through and and get hokey with our connections put a stop sign there stop signs here now that movement is prioritized that's crazy full stop that doesn't make any sense so we're not going to do that and you know let's just see what it does we'll uh we'll sim for a second the funny thing is this doesn't even help so as i look at this it's not helping for a couple of reasons there some of these cars want to go straight and now these uh on a sterling zoo boulevard have unimpeded left-hand turns or they should be unimpeded but these vehicles have an unimpeded straight turn or straight movement so it's a mess that's not gonna work at all so again we're gonna prioritize this this local collector movement here and before we get into what my solution is here i do want to place another asset inside of the university so first of all let's look at our grading because i know that i want to place this at the corner here and i see that we're going to have some grating challenges so let's go ahead and make a level pad to work with one of the buildings that i really wanted to work into the zoo was the panda sanctuary so i think that we're going to do that now all right so the idea is going to be that the oh that's ugly we're going to back that off from the arterial just a little bit maybe a little bit more [Laughter] and try to fix this grating a little bit as best we can maybe a little bit more it's probably as best as we're going to be able to do um i want this to kind of be a an academic building of sorts so i know it's not actually an academic building in the game but we uh we can treat it as such by incorporating incorporating it into the university so i like this idea um it'll be a place where people can learn how to be zookeepers i'm incorporating this into the campus grid that we've already established so you can already see that there are these long paths that people could take to get places so i want to maintain that as best i can as i can so back to this area so like i mentioned i have some significant problems with this and i think that the remedy that i'm gonna take is an extreme one i'm going to wholesale eliminate this movement now that i know i know i know i know seems very extreme you might think well why would a university ever entertain this could they even afford it and the answer is yes in fact you know the community that i work in uh the university has a seat at the table for basically every single transportation decision that is ever made in the community uh they uh utilize transit at a higher rate than almost any other user in the in the in the community so why wouldn't they have a seat at the table uh they really provide a lot of ridership so not only that they have outsized influence with the roadway network around them they have a dedicated planning staff so it wouldn't be obscene to think that the university might lobby the city to make this kind of a change now why would i even want to do this well you might recall that we have this uh this collector over here so we can make a nice collector connection over here so that's what i'm gonna do though we do have some grade challenges and we didn't respect the topography yeah not at all that said this is a collector so if we're going to freestyle this is probably the place to do it and we will take this collector and make it fit in a little bit better so you might wonder why am i building this road well there's a good reason i want all of those sports facilities we're going to do it and i i think it's not a problem to have it across this road particularly if we have a bridge to get across we're also going to have some pedestrian crossings but i do notice that there's some traffic issues that we need to remedy you'll notice that there's just a lot happening here everyone's in that right hand lane we've got people stopping at this node which is a problem in the vanilla game particularly when you have a crossing so i'm concerned about a couple of things in the future i think that because we're allowing parking here cars are going to park here to get to the university don't want that so we're just going to upgrade this to a tree-lined boulevard and that'll prevent parking get rid of that crosswalk and hopefully remedy some of these traffic issues that we're seeing now i know that there's a dominant movement here and that is on the bash street but i think that that might change over time i want to take first of all let's take a look at our traffic flow we're at 79 percent things are light here now which is what i anticipated let's speed it up take a look and we'll take a look at where things are starting to move okay now drivers are forced to use that collector and people from the lewis district are using this road to make local trips to thornton square so this is a much much much better layout in roadway design in my mind anyway so i would if they're gonna if there are going to be trips on this this road here which is green away and they're gonna treat it like a collector i would much rather it is local trips treating this like a local collector than regional trips using this road like it's an arterial so we still have crazy back up here hopefully some of that is remedied over time i don't know that it will be i think the best solution truthfully is probably going to be to add a stop sign here and prioritize this through movement in reality i think you'd have a time traffic signal this wouldn't be a problem but that's not the reality of the game so the other thing is i want to take a look at this roundabout and see if there's anything we can do to optimize it so one of the optimizations that i think we could do is take a lane off here start to force some of that traffic back onto the road i also just while we're over here let's add some sound walls by the university oh academic year all right so we have reached the reputation of being unrecognized which is where we were before we got no tuition we are bleeding money but we have lots of students and one academic work and that's what i really cared about so let's look at this real quick so we need two academic works to level up so let's have a scientific discovery i don't think there's anything else we can do on the university so we're kind of just stuck with what we have right now so now that i'm thinking about it so this is going to be fairly unreasonable and unrealistic we have this campus over here that we built i'm going to just turn it off for now this will do a couple things first of all it'll send all of these students over to our university and since the goal is to grow this university we're going gonna do that it will also save some money and we're bleeding money like i said because we're just pumping money into this university you see that that we passed our student threshold after closing that university we might open that up back in the future we might open that back up in the future but right now right now is not the time so we've got this area all set up ready to go ready for expansion so let's start making some plans so i want to have all of the aca all of the uh so i guess my vision for this area would be to have all of the athletic facilities over here and then some campus housing so this would be that the kind of housing you'd see a professor in um and it would be the type of place that you you'd really want to to make a nice place to live and still kind of a fun place to live as well so let's work on that now [Music] okay so we've got our new grid here now let's look at our different athletic facilities so we already have an aquatic center i think i want to put the basketball arena really close to campus so i'm going to put this on the collector temporarily oh grading so i'm going to pause this for a second while i place these buildings because this could get hairy and i don't want it to so i will do what i can do to kind of make this less hairy oh that is just brutal okay that's that's better if we're going to have the brutality we'll have it in the back of the building not at the front so you might wonder why i have this half street this is going to be a pedestrian bridge across the road in the future so next [Music] i think the track in the field would be a really really important amenity to have in close proximity uh same grading problems just burning money by placing these inappropriately uh do as i say not as i do and that is great before you place these things you'll save yourself a lot of trouble replace our baseball field right next to that and i want to leave enough space for a path through there oh yeah that's no good so the road is the reason why we're having the problems [Music] there so i have a lot of extra soil so i just need to dump it somewhere and this is actually a thing like it's it's uh in the last year in my community we were digging out a massive uh retention pond and one of the things that came up is what we do with all this soil and you start you start asking people if they'll just take it begging people please take the soil we don't want it we have no use for it no need for it please just get rid of it oh goodness goodness it just doesn't get any better so i think we're gonna have to use some landscaping to make some of this a little more palatable [Music] yeah that's pretty tough that's that's pretty tough we're gonna hide that with trees because there's not much else we can do to make that look better this is really not the greatest place in reality this would have a retaining wall we could get really crazy with keys and we're not going to do that because i don't do that so that's kind of where we're at with that sorry to disappoint if you are disappointed all right so next last but not least we want our football stadium so we'll place that as well and again do as i say not as i do did not grade genius now that i'm getting to it i think this was great in theory bad in reality we're gonna fix this i can't leave it like that it's just it's too much it's too much so we're going to respect the topography because if we don't the topography will force us to do something different wow that is brutal what is going on okay so that's better it uh we just happened to have this massive bit of landscaping work to deal with so let's get that figured out now so i'm starting to think that the way that we're going to deal with this is to actually turn this this road and make a through connection wow that is an intense intense grade but it'll work so we're going to leave it i just wouldn't want to go very fast right here thankfully i don't think that the speed limit's very high on these roads because i can't change it so it better not be high all right and lastly we will clean up these paths and get some utilities in here all right nice clean except for this little patch of dirt path connections and truthfully that might end up being a road connection at some point i don't think that this path connection necessarily makes the most sense in this area let's just make that upgrade now and while we're over here making that connection i think i'm going to modify this roadway network in the industrial area just to make everything line up a little bit better so let's do that now so i know there's a lot of naming stuff to take care of and i'm gonna do it but i'm not gonna do it today i'm probably going to have a b episode coming out midweek at some point maybe maybe towards the end of the week and i'll take care of some of this stuff then but i do want to take care of oak street because this one's going to bug me i think we'll bring oak all the way over to green away and have sterling zoo boulevard and that green away that seems like a a rational termination point to me so yeah we'll go with it [Music] okay so we can at least get this no we can't [Laughter] so let's think we can get this moving but we got another problem and that is we have all these sports facilities and no power going to them and there is going to be a very negative outcome for us if we leave this as is and that will be that basically we will lose all of the revenue from all of the games from all of the sports if we just leave it like this so for the time being i'm gonna make a temporary power connection i hate doing this but it's so necessary that i will all right so we also need to bring this into our campus area and we'll fix all this stuff up later but for the time being i think it works so now that we have this i do want to get that pedestrian crossing made right now students will be forced to walk a long ways to get from a a game back to their dorms [Music] so i want to make sure that i'm not overdoing it on the height for this connection so i'm going to go to the minimum and make our connection that way so i really don't love all the space that this would waste on the campus so i think i might actually change the direction of this bridge whoops that is not what i wanted to do all right so now we have a nice smooth that's not smooth [Laughter] as i say a nice smooth connection i realize it is a terrible connection so let's make it better all right that's a lot better in my opinion so kind of a wonky bridge kind of a showpiece of the university i suppose they would say what a piece of engineering we did a great job showing the world that when we are motivated we can make things happen and they have they've made something very very big happen so i do want to control traffic through here while i'm in this area no reason to prioritize these other movements so we won't same thing here but this one should be signalized so that cleans things up a bit for us look at all the money we're making right now we have won a match looks like the lions beat the bronco well actually that's in the broncos they beat the buccaneers and they beat them in all all sports so what a great day for the university see how far we are from our next work very good we just need the academic work and we will get our next level so let's keep building because what else are we gonna do right now besides build so i think it would be really important to get transit in this area so what i'm going to do is i think we're going to build a subway or a metro rather underground metro station to this area so i'm going to put two one over here kind of central to those facilities and another one over here near near to the football stadium then we're gonna need to make this connection over to our central station district i think we're gonna waste an opportunity though because this area could probably use one as well so why don't we use eminent domain on one property and add a subway stop this would seem to be the perfect use of eminent domain uh be hard to make a case that this isn't a benefit to that entire neighborhood it'll raise property values it's a good thing [Music] so we have kind of a nice smooth transition there we need a line set up though so let's do that now [Music] okay so the lines are yellow so we're going to make this the lion line we'll make it yellow all right we are set up i'm just kind of curious we seeing a flood of people coming to these oh we're seeing a flood of people get off and go right into the university so that's gonna also help us with our university population [Music] thank goodness that students are willing to walk it's kind of makes me wonder hindsight being 2020 if maybe our dorms should have been closer to that subway line but wow that one's full that one's full we need more dormitories wow i did not expect that to be the outcome all right we'll get some more dorms [Music] so one of the things that i wish was incorporated into this game that you know would be very very difficult to incorporate but is something that planners think about uh are our desire paths and what desire paths are is it's whenever you see goat trails or and maybe that's more jargon uh whenever you see paths in the grass where people have been walking it kind of denotes where they want to go and where the paths that have been created aren't taking them so it's the shortest distance the most direct distance the best route planners and landscape architects and engineers don't always provide that path that best path and in this game everyone is perfect and takes the right path okay we are renowned we're renowned that's perfect so we have uh wow three more works we have really increased our student population now we have an extra 942 students our campus attractiveness is through the roof and we have a lot of new buildings available so i'm going to slow things down i've been putting around with this this connection it's making kind of a weird janky bit that i that i hate right there but i might just have to get over it i wonder if i could make this i know this isn't going to function that makes me feel better about it though it looks like something so uh works for me all right so we have a gym a cafeteria a fountain a library math club commencement office and an academic statue well i already know where i want to put the academic statue i'm going to put that right in the front of the building so might as well take one and notch it check it off the list the gymnasium i also want to be very centrally located i think that this kind of off this little square would make a lot of sense the cafeteria we're going to want to keep close to the students this may be just off the dorms we could all centrally locate and and see this and the library i think is another core piece of the university experience so we're going to put it over here it's not going to fit just by a little bit but that's okay because uh a little bit of uh freestyling never hurt anybody so it keeps things interesting no one would know that that isn't straight well except for you me and the other people watching this video there might be a few all right i like that all right but that the water problem is something we're gonna need to deal with right now so and now when people go to the library they can use the water fountain or bubbler depending on where you're from just so you guys know i say water fountain makes perfect sense to me hopefully it does to you too [Laughter] all right so we've got that and it's starting to build out i'm liking the look of this i i think this is good so next do we have any other buildings available to us gym cafeteria fountain we built the library the commencement office so i think that that would be near the front of the building is or of uh everything happening here as well i might actually just relocate this cafeteria a little bit and it doesn't help let's see if we can fit in now the commencement office no it's just not going to fit there so i might just keep this kind of close to the library now that we've moved this around let's get this again back where it was but we have more so we have the math club i think we could probably kind of sneak that in here by these dorms or where's our where's our fast no club our futsal club all right yeah so why don't we just move it over here that to me would make some sense keep the clubs in close proximity and last but not least our fountain and i kind of want to make this a visual one of the first things you see when you come in across this bridge you see that fountain that's nice so another thing i'm thinking about we don't really have any police or fire protection so i'm going to add a full-blown police headquarters right on campus and a fire department as well i think this would be incredibly necessary um we want to make sure that all these buildings are protected hopefully the fire department will help our zoo and not so much [Laughter] can i put one more watchtower over here while we're over here i don't know if that's gonna do anything i don't think it's going to yeah it makes me wonder yeah this is just this is just a problem hmm well that's that's that's troubling to me i think that we're just gonna have fire problems there forever so if anyone has any ideas let me know that said i think we're done with this one let's take a look at our transit see how that's doing [Music] 54 87 that's fine we need to get an academic work going i forgot to do that we are going to have a scientific study this time around and we need four academic works so we have a lot to do [Music] so at this point we're kind of in a in a holding pattern there's not a lot that we can do do we place yeah maybe we didn't place this one it's a nice study in green and i like this location for this because they'd be able to take a look at the zoo over here i don't love the grade there's lots of grading issues and that is kind of some of the problems that you have working in vanilla sometimes so let's get some water to this area these would all be private lines so i'm not overly concerned about the number of them that there are very nice so i think at this point in time i can well i'm going to try to clean this up a little bit as best i can but we've kind of just got issues all over the place little issues and what that tells me is we need some trees so i think we're at a point where we're just waiting for some of this this research to occur so let's speed it up and do some landscaping while we're doing this we probably shouldn't leave the zoo out either so i might add some landscaping there i think i might also remove some of the trees here we'll probably add some later so i guess remember this is a conservation university so i want this to feel like it's a university in the woods in a city so if that makes any sense [Music] okay so i want to get rid of that tree in the middle of the train track that's crazy i know that i'm going to hear some concern and consternation from people about the proximity of of some of these trees to the train tracks but you know i i think it's less of an issue in verde beach this is a place that presumably you wouldn't have as much of an issue with that because of the climate it's a it's a nice warm place so hopefully you don't have trees dropping their leaves as often or as much because i when i lived out west i don't recall there being a fall so this is kind of a landscape buffer in between this really high capacity high volume road and this serene university and i'd like to think that the university would sponsor some of this tree planting that they would see it as a is a valuable thing for their university for their students that they would maybe send some of their students out each year to plant you know a few thousand trees and over a number of decades you end up with this lush forest surrounding the university and it becomes this really you know kind of magical place so [Music] that's that's my idea here i think that this this is all because of the university so i like this a lot i think this looks a lot better we also did some landscaping in here i think it fills it in a bit i think it certainly increases our fire hazard so at the very least we've got that going for us all right end of the university year we've got three more academic works we've got more students our campus is even more attractive still renowned disappointing but not unexpected so we need more academic works [Music] so this time let's do a dissertation that's fine so we're making tons of money from our team so i think it's about time we invest in them we yeah we should invest in our in our teams they're they're helping we lost the game don't love that so let's not lose games anymore so the only thing we don't have now is our sponsorship deals we have to have an acclaimed campus for that and that is our next level and i think we'll get there as soon as we get these next academic works because we certainly have the student population to handle and accommodate that we have space in our dorms yeah our capacity is 2600 at this point so let's start looking at our other needs i think that i think that these areas are kind of blending together a little bit better now so that's good i want to start thinking about our rci demands so we have a need for commercial we have these sporting events presumably they would be very uh attractive places to have commercial activity so let's let's do just that so i want to go back to our old grid it's been a little while 12 by 15. we won't make that road connection but we will have a connection there for pedestrians and that will help out a lot now here's where things get funky we have basically a frontage road at this point i don't like this at all but these are some of the abnormalities you can get in the city it's what makes things interesting so we're gonna we're gonna have visual interest here because there's not much i can do besides that so i think along this rail corridor to block some of the sound that we would expect to see here i'm gonna have some offices and then some commercial you know actually i just don't love the height that i know we're gonna see we also need to make our pedestrian connections through here so let's not forget that of all the areas where this could be valuable in the city this is probably number one oh terrible [Music] all right so i think that we're gonna have density and just taper back from there [Music] so i'm hoping that this fills in next so i can get rid of these power lines because i'd really like to to not have those if at all possible all right wow clearly the need and demand is there for commercial and and office because these are filling in so fast let's see we have a connection all right very good on to finishing our zoning so i'm going to zone along these roads that have connections this is a this is a local road but it's going to act kind of like a local collector so i want to make sure i have commercial on there commercial demand in this area is going to be high so why not just anticipate that and get those commercial uses yeah placed appropriately this is actually kind of making me think maybe i could reorient this and kind of do what i did over in the industrial area and just kind of have a nice smooth connection between these roads oh that's much better so that's one of the things that i think makes a city look a little more realistic too and that is you know making sure that your roads aren't abruptly ending you know that's not what happens in reality we don't have roads that just randomly terminate everywhere or we shouldn't anyway we do at some points uh but where we can continue roads and have a through street why not do that so okay we've got that established i want to build out the grid a little bit more [Music] um interestingly i i was counting wrong and now we've established a brand new grid it's 12x12 and you know what i'm okay with that accidents are fine that's what makes a city unique different developers have different ideas and i have a different idea right now apparently so that idea will be something we carry through i think we'll leave some of these spaces open and we'll leave them for larger uses or things that that are just a little bit out of the ordinary we don't have any elementary schools over here and this is a university area so i think i'm gonna put in creative uh arts institutes and really high quality educational options now interestingly this new grid is a lot more difficult to work with than our old grid at least in my opinion it is [Music] so the reason why is things just don't fit the same way so this is one of the things that can happen when developers freestyle and deviate from plans you end up in a situation where maybe things were easy in the community development worked in a way that was predictable consistent but you freestyle and now things aren't quite so predictable things don't make sense and that's kind of where we're at now because of some of the choices that i made but we will uh it'll be a learning experience okay so we're we're zoned all around there gonna fill this all in with residential i need to be a little more careful with this though so i don't want to zone along the athletic facilities because that would be a really really poor spot for a house so i know i said i was going to reserve this i don't think we're going to now that i think about it i think we're just going to put some landscaping oh our university burned down well i was planting trees and living my best life we missed out leveling up because our university burned down oh well that's the way the cookie crumbles i guess natural disasters there's an arsonist in the town i'm tired of it i uh yeah i wish that my city didn't burn down all the time but it does that said we still hit level four we now have sponsorship deals our varsity team is famous and uh as a result it'll decrease the upkeep of the campus all right we got sponsors perfect [Music] so i'm gonna slow things down for a second and i noticed death is running rampant over by the campus and i think a way that we might be able to remedy some of this death is to build a small medical campus so we have these assets from uh [Music] i think it's from the japanese japanese cities creator pack really neat set of assets and i think that they would be really useful here so let's give them a shot [Music] i'm going to call them all again i know that this is not i so i i i want to make this road connection work i'm gonna do this real quick before i move on sorry for the eminent domain everyone it's not what i want to do but it's what i have to do it's for the best um the betterment of the community and we thank you for your land so all right now on to this campus area this uh this medical campus so we have a general hospital which is a desperate need here no coverage at all let's go place this off this local road kind of backing the train we also have a medical laboratory which would seem to fit in really well with the theme of what's going on here and the medical laboratory you know it it has a 20 patient capacity 500 for the hospital and then uh this is one of those facilities where if you wanted to be preserved to come back to life you could go to the cryo cryo preservatory and uh probably pronounce that wrong anyway they had me one of these in arizona i actually watched a random video about it uh recently and uh yeah there are these really famous people that want to come back to life and so they're either saving their body or their brain and we'll see so we're gonna we're gonna place one of these that said i don't want to place it right at the football stadium i might try to tuck it away somewhere i i kind of wanted this to be on a campus but it's just such a weird spot this acts as a um as a crematorium so good enough we'll put it here we'll deal with it being weird and hopefully this will help us with our death care because we are having problems okay just kind of want to hide some of the ugliness behind the basketball arena and i think it did the trick all right what do we need to get to five stars our student population has dropped so we are at risk of losing our population so let's yeah let's slow things down again i sped things up i got really excited we've got new buildings and so we have a university bookstore and the laboratories auditorium so we want to build those and then we also have a school of law and school of medicine now i think the school of medicine should be right up front and there's a reason for that school of vet medicine and in the law school [Music] oh no spot for this unless i move this commencement office let's relocate that i don't think that's totally unreasonable because campuses are basically living organisms they are constantly changing and evolving and moving buildings they have basically the unlimited money cheat on as far as students go so um yeah we'll just we can do that that's fine i feel like that's what the uh university head would say yeah that's yeah we can we can do that that's fine [Laughter] so put some nice nice trees all the way around the university so the university burns down again [Laughter] actually i think i went a little bit overboard [Music] in remembrance of the fire we'll put some nice flowering trees it'll be a way to remind ourselves that trees cause the fire and maybe think about the number we have because it's it's a problem [Music] all right i like this i think we're going in a good direction we've got our law school we've got our medical school speed things up and see if we get to five stars so i kind of just want to survey a little bit make sure i didn't miss any buildings yeah nothing is damaged another fire though ah great let's look at our fire coverage again okay so we have some issues with this even fix this no huh that is maddening there's just nothing i can do apparently unless i put these on a road so the best i can hope for would be to uh to actually have that fire protection by helicopter so our student situation is no good but we are gaining population slowly but i think it might take us a little while to get to that fifth star because of the fire unfortunately so i do think i might leave it here today i am very pleased with you know kind of the growth of the city take a look we've built a lot to zoom out and now we've got the good ol institute for conservation we've got a lot more trees in the sterling family zoo we've got a lot going on and i think the city's moving in a good direction let's take a look at traffic we're at 82 percent we remedied this issue here this is still being used as a collector and there's some issues surfacing here on bass avenue but it's not a complete standstill we could resolve this this is this is fixable and over here in this new area nothing i'm curious look at the junctions we do have some unnecessary junctions which means that we are arbitrarily delaying our traffic so let's remedy that quickly good that will help things so i think we're in a good spot also want to take a look at our transit 183 76 good enough i think that yeah those those numbers are only going to improve and i'm not even looking when there's a game when there's a game this is going to be crazy high so i think that we've moved in a good direction a lot of transit utilization lots of tourists very good and that's and the tourist tourism is one of the reasons why we even wanted this in the first place if you're thinking about people coming from an away game they're going to probably take this inner city train go to the central station and take this uh this metro to get to the game so makes sense we could have also put a train station here it's just pretty clunky so maybe having a bus route uh well actually this is not inner city i think this is shouldn't be no it's not so that will uh kind of clarify the direction people should take on transit so that said we've got to hit five stars soon because we are bleeding money we can't afford to keep uh basically maxing everything out of the university i think that we're going to need to to to to take things down a notch soon that said interestingly we're making a ton of money on our athletics so maxing everything out there has been a phenomenal decision um we win every game we make three times more than we put in well actually wait this income is not weekly so we're not making three times as much we're making a lot though and it's helping the prestige of our university so i guess there's that oh our campus attractiveness is also not high enough that's surprising to me [Music] surprising and disappointing so i think what we're gonna do i'm just gonna add one more building somewhere maybe another phone [Music] and that should get us to the next level for campus attractiveness yeah so i think i'm gonna leave it here though we will get this to level five very soon but i think we've got a great start so i hope that you've enjoyed this video if you did like it please uh consider hitting that like button if you aren't subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and if you want to be notified when i make new videos like this one hit the notification bell and you'll be notified right away thank you so much for joining me and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 218,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, cities skylines university campus, cities skylines university city dlc, cities skylines university, cities skylines sports complex, cities skylines sports arena, cities skylines sports teams, cities skylines college campus, Verde Beach, city planner plays, cities skylines campus tutorial, cities skylines campus layout, cities skylines campus dlc, cities skylines campus guide, cities skylines campus, cities skylines campus dlc tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 19sec (4339 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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