How to Start a City in Cities Skylines, Part 2: 10k to 25,000 Population |No mods, no DLC, Vanilla|

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner place where we are taking the city of starterville and increasing the population from 10 000 to roughly 25 000. so if you haven't seen my uh previous video where i took starterville from a population of zero to ten thousand go check that out i'll leave the link right up uh maybe near the top of the video here so if you'll recall in the previous episode we built everything that this city could need to get going and we used no dlc no assets this is completely vanilla so if you got the game for free from the epic game store or another source this is the guide for you so let's take a look at what we have so far and it's funny i i was letting this go a little bit while i was setting up the recording and we've gained population in fact we are at roughly 11 000 right now so i think the thing about uh this particular uh period in the city's existence is you've got a lot of choices to make about where you go from here so we've got a little bit of everything so if you look we've got two small police stations we've got one fire department and uh one fire station we've got one clinic and one hospital uh you know we don't have some other services necessarily let's see we've got one child health center one elder care center we've got a cemetery and we have a number of milestones that we want to get to so today we're going to get kind of midway through uh grand city towards capital city and that'll give us a couple of interesting things to unlock like the solar power plant bigger water treatment plant a crematorium uh and and train stations and the other thing we'll be able to do is purchase tiles which we haven't done any of just yet and i'm not sure how many we're going to purchase outside of the one i'm going to purchase right now so i'm going to purchase this tile and there's a one one of the primary reasons i'm doing that is in the future this rail line is gonna become very valuable to us uh but you might wonder how do we get there well we could just keep building up this collector roadway network that we have we could use this interchange to create a highway connection across or we could do one of my personal uh favorite things to do which is actually take this and turn it into an arterial roadway and use a roundabout to make a connection with this collector so before i go any further i'm going to pause this because i want to start thinking about the roadway network so i made this this road to loop around but i think i'm gonna go in a different direction so arterials are these six lane roads large roads is what they're they're called inside of uh this menu and i'm just going to extend this quite a ways down [Music] and uh the reason why i'm doing that i'm going to upgrade this as well the reason why i'm doing that is i want this to act as my highway so i'm not going to connect very much up to this road at all except for collector roads and these highway connections i'm also going to upgrade this connection that we have here and uh that'll kind of serve as the the the gateway into the community so i've got an issue i've got to make a connection between this collector road and this arterial and i guess the question at this point is how do i do that well a roundabout is always a solid alternative so what i like to do is i'll go up say i'm going up uh one two three four five i'll do the exact same thing on the other side then i'm actually going to eliminate this momentarily and mirror exactly what i just did and now i'm going to go over to the freeform tool and it's really easy whoops it's really easy to make mistakes [Music] i'm curious this isn't lining up the way i thought it would which makes me think that i went a little bit longer than i meant to and that might be because i had the road guidelines on so i'm going to turn those off and just keep grid on that's all i care about right now i'll again go out those five tiles and now i'll try the freeform tool and have much better success you can tell that it's round because you can look at these tiles on the in the middle and see that they're exactly the same except for this one that's odd but no bother that's not not a big deal it's going to work so i like to keep that cross in the center because it will prevent this from getting out of skew and that means a lot to me so whether i'm going in the side like that or i decide to do something a little bit more extreme so i'm i am using the the freeform tool i'm going to turn my road guidelines back on and i want to try to meet up with this collector as square as i can when you have your road guidelines on you can do that fairly simply just by following your road guides and you can upgrade these and uh everything's fairly simple so i'll make my other connections and then i will start upgrading these so that they are arterials now around here i don't want to inadvertently [Music] zone so i am going to upgrade this to a highway you don't have to do that you could certainly use a two-lane road here if you really wanted to but with this at least there's not going to be weird lane-changing things happening i'm also going to make this counterclockwise and the main reason for that is when people are entering this i want them to to make a nice right hand turn not a left-hand turn into this this roundabout [Music] and now i'm going to eliminate that center square and i always like to do a quick double check of my junctions to make sure that my priority didn't inadvertently add stop signs sometimes when you set roadway priority you'll get stop signs in your roundabout you'll wonder why are things backing up and that's why so now let's resume this and see what happens we'll speed this up for a second too see that traffic is flowing fairly smoothly through here no real problems we have problems or where we do have problems it's at these junctions that we've made to our collector but we are going to remedy that too because and through the power of editing again we will eliminate the day night cycle because it's not going to help us right now so we're going to add another roundabout to this collector so i'm going to angle this in just so i know where i should be connecting and then again i'm going to do the exact same thing i did before with the roundabout [Music] okay when i said i was going to do the same thing i didn't intend to again draw those uh those connections a little bit longer than i was supposed to but i did that anyway so the main reason those were too long is um this is a double width road so i probably should have gone four tiles uh away from the arterial rather than the rather than the five that i did kind of the same issue that we had with main street earlier okay so one of the issues that we're going to have here is that this neighborhood is way too close to this collector this junction should never be that close on the collector so we might actually need to sever this connection here which means that we'll lose a couple of houses which is really unfortunate for those folks eminent domain in action but this will be a much safer junction as a result so we're going to do the exact same thing that we just did in the previous location okay and sometimes you'll run into some oddities with uh when you're going to upgrade roads and you'll have to actually use the road you intend to upgrade not use the uh not use the dirt roads that i was using to make those connections you can see it's still causing issues so i am going to eliminate this and kind of have an ugly junction because i think that that will solve the problems that we are seeing and again let's take a look to make sure we don't have any stop signs we're good and this should function really well now so at this point i might want to take a look and think about these connections here are they do i want to make a connection here to to improve my zoning ability in this area and for me the answer is going to be yes i want to increase the amount that i can zone and i think i'm going to upgrade these roads to be uh paved roads at this point in time [Music] [Music] and it doesn't want to let me upgrade this road but i'm not all that concerned i'm happy to uh just eliminate that road altogether not a super important roadway i am going to go through the rest of at least the residential area and continue to make those improvements i think that they're valuable unfortunately we lost our rock feature over here so i might want to quickly go in and add one back before we start seeing lots of things pop up in that area so i did want to save that unfortunately it didn't work out for me but there we go we got a new one [Laughter] all right and to upgrading the rest of the roads so you might notice that i'm i'm able to upgrade all these in one sweeping motion what i'm doing is i'm just holding on to the mouse button and going over and just highlighting all these roads and you can quickly and easily kind of hover over all these unfortunately i am demolishing a few properties that were a little bit too close to the road happens not great but uh you rebound fairly quickly so i decided to upgrade all of the commercial areas as well and you might have noticed that there was this road over here that i couldn't upgrade the main reason for that is that it's again one of those uh issues where there's a quick turn and you're unable to upgrade those so sometimes you might have to go through and see if you need to do this after the fact in this case it's just not going to work so again i think i might just eliminate that roadway connection and not worry about it all that much so our population has increased a bit here just based on natural growth of the city within our existing zoning districts and things are looking good so what i'm going to do now is i want to extend some of these collectors over and add another arterial heading south i think it's important to not uh go too far without these these connections [Music] i'm noticing that i did not upgrade here so i want to take one quick look make sure i get the zones right so 600 across [Music] then for the next one i'm going to go one beyond the 600 because i'm gonna whoops as i say that i don't i'm gonna go one beyond the 600 across because i'm going to have this be my collector heading up unless i want this to be an arterial in which case actually i think i want to because i'm going to have an arterial connection here i'll go to 600 again because i'm going to have an arterial connection going down now i'm gonna separate that a little bit and now you might have noticed i'm using the uh the six-lane road with decorative grass the main reason for that is it prevents um it prevents the uh it prevents parking on this road so if you don't want parking having any sort of decorative grass is is a way to do that okay so again i'm gonna add a roundabout here you might be getting a little bit tired of roundabouts at this point but they are very useful [Music] okay so we have a nice clean connection here which gives us a lot of new building area to work with the interesting thing about this is we're not going to really have any collectors through here unless we add one we're probably going to want to do that so what i might do is actually take this road bring it up as a collector making some sort of connection through here now i want to make this a little bit interesting so what i might do is actually add a connection down through here and then just kind of turn it so there are a couple of reasons you might want to do this and a couple of things you might want to consider if you had some natural landscaping feature to to make this a necessity that might be a rationale for doing it in this case i don't really have that kind of rationale that my rationale is i think it would be interesting so maybe not the best rationale but it is one i'm going to turn my road guidelines back on so i make sure that i am square with this other roadway and i wanted this to kind of mirror this hillside hills district so that's why i extended these roads out they are not permanent those are just planning guides there and i could again round about this but i think i might leave this one it's not overly concerning to me to have one so in this particular with this particular view you might see the spacing that i have between these collectors and it's fairly significant and that's important if you get these collectors too close to one another you're gonna see backups so and i want this arterial down here to be a really really fast road i want to prioritize mobility on this road not access so i'm not going to zone anything on that road and i have another collector over here i'm just going to connect that up right here with this uh this collector that we have right here that we just put in so we have some interesting things happening now so i just kind of want to take a look to see if there's any other place that i can go with these industrial districts they're kind of weird now they're isolated in what will be the city and we could leave that like that and that's completely fine and we might do that today we could also you know reuse this district and one of the nice things about using the same block sizes is that you could de-zone this and make it something else in the future so we have options and that's that's what we want to preserve if at all possible so at this point i want to kind of just continue the grid going down and we'll do blocks like i said in the last video one block at a time no more or not not not blocked but in one neighborhood at a time no more no less [Music] so i am going to remove trees in a couple of these locations so we have locations so we have the ability to park otherwise we're going to be in a situation where there are no places for cars to park [Music] so normally i preach to respect the topography i totally disregarded the topography here and this is the result you end up with kind of a janky road pretty big dip there but it will work you can do that truthfully i don't really love some of the things that they've done on the side on this on this map in general so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna get overly concerned about it so that said if we wanted to do something a little more interesting we wanted to respect the topography here maybe we will let's take this down how about an interesting row of uh of buildings along this kind of higher higher ground [Music] and we'll figure out how to work that in in the future but those buildings are going to be above the buildings that are just a little bit lower than that so it'll it'll uh it'll make for an interesting transition i think we might leave it like that maybe add some trees in in between and now you can see that we can meet up with our existing grid here where the topography allows it to happen [Music] i'm re-establishing my grid at this location i'm always interested in the way that we get back to our grid so i like to to play with this a little bit [Music] and this might be the way that i accomplish it kind of bring this road over and have one big block and we'll put some pedestrian crossing uh cross access through there at some point in time so i am about to end the grid work that i've been doing and i think i am going to have one large block here now that i think about it we'll try to back away from this intersection here as best we can so let's so let's look at our rci needs and respond directly to those so i do think we want to continue some of our commercial uses along the main street so i'm just going to extend those down and our utility connections will be extended in much the same way [Music] i made a couple mistakes here i like to keep the water lines under the road because that's where they belong so um that's why i went back and and made those changes i know that some folks are more than happy to maximize efficiency and coverage but uh that's just not how it works in reality you end up with a lot of extra water pipes unfortunately and i like to mirror that in the game create a realistic system and i always loop everything as best i can because if you have natural disasters dlc at some point and uh you have a water break because of a disaster you're not completely out of luck then and that's the way it is in reality too uh you want to loop things so that if there's a disaster you got to cut off a line you are able to uh still maintain service to those areas okay so now i want to take a look at some other good uses that would work well in this area so i want to i think i'm going to extend this these office buildings along the shore give them some pretty sweeping views and we'll put residential right behind that so residential and office type uses go well together offices don't make much noise residences like that you can also use offices to buffer from commercial uses so that's another strategy that you could employ it's important to realize though that offices actually count towards industrial demand so when you add these office type uses you're actually remedying your industrial demand so this is a really long block so i'm going to add some pedestrian connectivity through here and the way that i'm going to do that is i'm just going to mirror the roadway network that i already have through here and make those connections good okay so i think i'll add one more path over here uh just to kind of make this connection between this arterial and this local road all right so at this point you know we've we've zoned a lot of non-residential land uses but we need some residential land uses so i'm going to extend those out as well and i think for the most part what i'm going to have back here are residential uses but we're going to need some more services so let's take a look at where our other services were this is all high density so i'm going to use some services that provide i guess a little bit more service so we've got that i think we're going to be in need of another cemetery and you know i always get criticism because i like i like to put cemeteries and crematoriums near hospitals that's not i guess that's not a conscious thing that i'm doing it's just happening so i'm gonna i'm gonna try not to do that oh i do not want that on a collector i'm gonna put that on the local road i'd like to keep my collectors free of ploppable buildings if at all possible let's see we need police coverage too i'm constantly keeping an eye on my budget although i know that adding most of these services is going to mean that our budget situation improves so if the land values will go up things will become more valuable the city will be doing better so i have i have fire highlighted right now and i i really want to pay some attention to that because right now this uh this industrial area doesn't have great fire coverage so i am gonna add a a smaller fire house over here just to make sure that our coverage is good hopefully that remedies this completely all right and let's take a look at our schools so we have good coverage or good availability but bad coverage so you can see that because you have all of these red spots and you can even see in the middle of this area our elementary school coverage is bad so truthfully we could use eminent domain and add another school here that would be beneficial and then we're certainly going to need one over here and as our city improves you'll see that the need for that will grow and i'm going to continue to have kind of like a government services complex in this area do we have a library yet we do but it's way on the other side of town and i think i'm going to have one more so it's kind of that suburban library and then more of the urban library so because we're making a denser area over here and i want to boost up the land value knowing that this shore is going to kind of be where our density is our downtown i want to look at what we have for unique buildings and right now we don't have enough for any of them we had enough at one point and we'll get back there so i'm going to speed up the simulation so that we start building our our reservoirs again our our our troves of cash and uh eventually we will be able to to buy some things again so i'm kind of taking an inventory of everything and i'm noticing that our garbage processing is not doing so well at this point so part of this is we are emptying these landfills if you'll recall we started doing that in the last episode so once that's done things will improve and i do think in this area it's also warranted to upgrade some of these roads at this point mulligan there inadvertently downgraded those roads gotta be really careful when you're kind of just going through an upgrading like this because you can inadvertently downgrade all right much much better i do think we're going to want to take a look at our signals because i made that mistake and you can see we had a signal there because of the mistake i kind of want to go through these and take a look just to make sure that on my collectors i am prioritizing that through route and it looks like i am in most places although i'm guessing in my new area and in some of the old areas we're going to have issues you can see that my stop signs aren't necessarily right in all these areas and these signals right here are gonna cause backups and delay and they're just not warranted you have local roads coming into a collector you don't need to have a signal there so this right here is an arterial coming into a collector you absolutely need a signal there or we could even do a roundabout but i figure let's let's uh stay clear of that for now i'm kind of regretting what i've done here because i think that we could have a really unique building kind of have a vista here from this road of that unique building missed opportunity could always use eminent domain later at price that's 10 times higher than it would have been i'm just going to fill that in and watch this thing [Music] balloon see things filling in really quickly our budget's improving let's see if we have enough for any of these unique buildings so this would be the time that i would start thinking about it so we have the fountain of life and death now that might be a good one next to the hospital [Laughter] so i might sneak that in one of these kind of uh interesting locations not too close to the hospital so maybe not too offensive so we have the mall of moderation we don't want that in our downtown area but let's let's think about this where would we put them all of moderation and what would we want there well i would think that we would want spectacular roadway access so let's say we wanted to build this we wanted it to have good freeway access first of all let's put all the snap to's back on so i'm kind of adding a frontage road to this arterial and then i'm going to join this up with the network that we already have created i'll find one of those node points and line it up nicely well maybe not too nicely [Laughter] i am going to try to improve that by making kind of a kind of guide road for the time being i'm going to eliminate most of this [Music] okay much better so now that we have this frontage road there i think that we could put them all in moderation oh okay i didn't give myself enough space so i might actually just put this on the road here and then turn it around [Music] okay so before i turn this around i did notice a little bit of weird stuff happening with the ground the grades are challenging here so i don't want that to be all janky and crazy looking so i'm gonna go through into my landscaping tools and i am going to spread this out a little bit and you know try to make it at least a little bit more palatable from a topographic standpoint it's going to be very challenging and i don't know that that's going to help a ton this just might not be the most suitable location for this you might want to move it up that's probably the best solution is to move it away and then we can grade towards it otherwise our parking lot's going to be kind of crazy and undesirable oh all right we have crematoriums now which i'm really happy about because uh we were in a position before where uh we were gonna have cemeteries filling up all the time so if we can at all avoid that we should uh we also have water treatment plants we can buy another area so all good stuff and it slowed things down which is also good gotta slow things down a little bit more water pipes and i think that i am going to to have uh well first i think i might build this roadway network out for one block just so i have a guide and i'm going to use dirt roads because i'm not going to really build anything here right now so the interesting thing is i have the the turn occurring at or i have the the the turn occurring before my uh my grid would normally end so what i'm going to do is is use the guides that it's providing to make a nice connection here so what i'm doing is i'm i'm getting the node in the road and then where the straight segment ends i'm lining it up there with the straight road tool and then i'm going to use the curved road tool to connect up to my new segment so continue down with the new grid continue out with the old grid free form into the route you'll get a perfect connection every time now interestingly this isn't all that far away from uh the road that we've already established so i'm going to turn off all of my snap twos now and make that connection a little bit nicer a little bit more natural it's not perfect but that's okay okay so i think i'm just going to throw some some lower density commercial along here and then we'll finish out our residential uses in this area and i don't know who would want to live that close to a roundabout but there's always someone so we already have utilities in this area so to me it would make sense to uh zone in those areas and you know be deliberate about it you don't have to just zone everything you can certainly be choosy about where you're zoning i also want to do a little bit of decorating in this area so you know you can do as little or as much as you want um i know that there are different paradigms for for roundabout design uh here in the us one of the things that we think about is we want to impede uh the views through a roundabout because so if you're coming into the roundabout the theory behind it is if you can see that it's clear all the way around you're gonna go as quickly as you can around here and a way to prevent you from doing that is to you know have some landscaping within the roundabout [Music] and now whoa landscaping from behind does not always work apparently uh so the the thought now is that because you can't see through the roundabout you're more likely to take a little bit slowly and that's desirable so you're coming down and what you see is uh trees and rocks so you're not gonna speed through this you're gonna be a little more cautious all right so very good there let's take a look at our garbage situation because this is a problem 45 full 20 full very good we've got a lot of industrial demand now and uh so you might be wondering what am i going to do about that you know i could build another industrial area if i were going to i'd want to make sure that i'm building off this arterial i don't want any of this going through the local the downtown the residential areas to get to uh the exit of the city i think it would make the most sense to continue building out this area though we've got some space they've got good access and until we have trains which we don't have just yet there's no oh we do have trains well that changes things for me so if that's the case i think that that is absolutely what we should do so what i'm going to do is actually continue out [Music] this arterial network [Music] and then we will join that up with a what will be a an important collector in the future and i'm only able to build this much infrastructure because i have done a very good uh job with the budget so if you don't have uh your budget in order you can't really kind of go hog wild with the infrastructure like this that's why it's so important to upfront really think about your budget and what what you want to accomplish solar power is something i'm really interested in i'd like to so you know i could leave these these wind is wind power plants in operation i'd prefer not to i also am noticing that we are having some problems with water at this point and i might upgrade our water situation get rid of these two pumps and replace it with a large one so that's actually not going to work if you look so we have a the water treatment plant pollutes less by less i mean 85 percent of the water is clean but it the the capacity is only roughly uh 40 000 uh uh 40 000 more than that than the drain pipe so we would need two of these so i think we're gonna do that now pause this start to clean up our water supply and stop killing all of the fish in the area [Music] and try to be as minimally disruptive as is possible understanding that some disruption and and eminent domain will likely be necessary okay so now we have that going and this should improve our uh sewage treatment availability once it's online can i look at the number okay no the numbers look terrible i think we're gonna so you got to watch out with these uh these water pumps if you have too many in the same spot you'll end up using all of the water up in the area and uh you can it can reduce the the effectiveness of all of them so i'm going to take this and i'll connect it again to these other these other water pipes but i'm going to move it away from them a little ways so we're good there when we're looking at utilities let's look at let's take a real holistic look at everything really struggling with garbage 19 i might juice us up a little bit there and uh add an additional incinerator or two i i'm always really concerned when i see garbage backing up because i know that this will lead once these turn red it'll turn into buildings abandoning ground pollution if you have a uh so that's not a big deal if you don't have a water towers but if you do and a water tower gets polluted it's very difficult to clean up without deleting your water tower which causes water problems and you'll get a death wave so that's pretty much the last thing you'd want to see is is a death wave so okay so now we have this collector that is going to be very useful for us and the reason why i say that is we're going to make a one-way road that allows us to place a train station and uh you know can get some of the cargo benefits of that to the downtown area i would truthfully love to see a train station closer to this area we don't have anything in close proximity the only way to get it would be to buy a tile over here and make a connection certainly could do that we're going to at least take advantage of what we can so we'll build a cargo train terminal over here this doesn't have to be anything real fancy [Music] just something fairly basic that gets the job done and we could have another industrial over here area over here now that we have uh cargo trains in close proximity if we wanted to but even if we don't there's a benefit to having this and that is they're going to bring in imports to the city for our commercial area we have a lot of commercial need over here so it's it's in our best interest to fulfill that need i'll have a temporary power line over here as well so the other thing that we could do and that i think we will do is uh let's add a passenger train terminal over here so you might wonder why am i adding just one very very good reason and that is if we have this passenger train terminal over here we can get tourists into our community so let's make that connection now now i know there will be some people that absolutely hate what's happening here and i do as well so um sorry it's very bumpy there's not a lot you can do to fix this without having the bridge as well uh the only thing that could have potentially improved this would be some grading i'm gonna give it a shot let's see if we can do that let's see if we can improve this in any way look at that terrain that's that's a challenge this actually might lead me to just move this building over just a bit i'm always nervous about the noise you can see the coin of the cone of noise around it and i know that there are residents residential uses right here this basically means that this area right here probably shouldn't be residential because of all of the noise that will be generated so it's just something to be aware of [Music] so i'm not sure that anyone's gonna love this anymore but i think it's better than what we had which was pretty terrible i'm going to use the nodes to kind of try to make this a little bit straighter and it's important to remember that the the gentler the the curves the faster speed your trains will get so this is gonna be a slow turn because that's a pretty sharp curve but it's also very tight so you know it's it's a space constrained area i guess you gotta you gotta pick your battles sometimes and the battle i'm gonna pick right here is with the terrain [Music] and i will lose so it looks like that little hump is gonna be there and there's nothing i can do about it uh sort of rebuilding and rebuilding and rebuilding it this will probably function fine so i'm going to leave it so i might double down on some of the noisiness in this area and there are a few things that we can start to think about first we don't really have any transit besides this this uh train station which is really serving you know vehicles that are coming into the city not necessarily anything that is going and operating through the city so i want to start to think about that and uh the way that we're going to think about that is is by adding some bus service so i think take a look at this i think that this could be another kind of kind of an opportunity so i am so when when you have a bus service you need to make sure you have the bus depot and then you can place buses i'm surprised that that did not make the power connection huh well let's do that real quick and then let's play some bus lines so whenever you're designing a bus route so i want to make a bus route that basically goes down this main street and turns around at some point so it's a very dense corridor you want to send bus routes if you can down dense corridors connecting up origins and destinations so origins are where people would get on the bus and destinations are where people would want to get off so if you are going so this for instance i have a uh this would be an origin here now where would someone at the train station want to go well they might want to go to this office district i know that they'll have offices here in the future bus service uh can have more stops than other uh types of transit just understand every stop you add slows down your trip so um makes it less attractive so i'm gonna go every three blocks or so and then i think i'm going to loop back around kind of near this uh this area over here now i'm going to parallel kind of back behind so i want this rod to do two things i wanted to to have uh origins and destinations so the origins are going to be these homes back here and i know that i have some density about a block away so that should do the trick and then the destinations will be the commercial uses along the front of the route or that along the beginning of the route i'm just trying to line that up okay so now we have a complete route and i'm going to do the exact opposite route because we need to be able to serve this in both directions and i think that people forget that sometimes bus routes are actually generally mirrored that's unless the bus is pinging up and down a street back and forth in which case maybe it's not we could have structured that this route in that way as well and then just had double the buses on this route but i thought it would be interesting to show a different type of route alternatively we could is decide we want a a bus route that connects from this origin to a destination like the mall so that's another option so let's do that so i might actually start this on this uh dead end street so we could turn around there we'll go to the mall i'm gonna actually add a turn around here and then let's see let's move this move that to the turnaround and then connect up right there yeah that will do the trick it's just going to kind of ping back and forth between those routes choosing the best fastest way to get there both times so that will work well and to differentiate i go into here and i change the colors so whoop so i know that route 1 and 2 are the same so i'll keep those colors the same i'll keep blue for kind of my my commuter route or not commuter but i guess tourism route back and forth between the mall still no power at the mall which is unfortunate let's speed things up and see if that fixes this no luck so let's take a look at our trash situation almost empty there let's build out this industrial area [Music] so i didn't have to get a little weird with that road i just thought it might be interesting kind of uh give the grid a little bit of a little bit of flavor so that's why i did that now you'll recall that in the previous episode i added some offices along this collector uh to serve some of these uh industrial uses and i'm gonna do the same thing they're not big chip trip generators so they can certainly survive on a collector like this they all they also aren't noisy they'll do a little bit of good work to block some of these externalities of the industrial area from these residential uses [Music] and let's take a look at our our uh traffic 89 percent not bad city still growing well we don't have a ton of money i want to speed this up again because i really want some money uh so we have some parks that we can add at this point and the land value in our older parts of town is really good not so good in our newer parts of town so i think i'm going to try to serve these residents with some services and they're going to be some more intense services now i probably should have placed some of these parks prior to development that's how it would generally occur because i didn't i have two options i can either retrofit them around the outside which is you know a pretty okay solution particularly if you're going with something for something like this that's big or i could just bulldoze things and and call it a day the other thing i think might work well in this area would be to create a fishing island you can use eminent domain take one building create this fishing island that makes everyone happy see what that does to our land values nothing it does nothing so let's take another look so one of the things you can look at you can see what it does so the entertainment there is 60 okay entertainment of the japanese garden 120. now the radius of this is okay let's add a drop in japanese garden near the police department and see what that does immediately everyone's happy but it's really localized so those are some things that they can think about when you're placing these for the fishing island you might need a couple of them so we have this basketball court that's 120 so it's a lot like the japanese garden except the radius is significantly larger so i think that we could get away with placing this over into this neighborhood and making a ton of people happy you can add one over here as well and have kind of a park complex and we have really improve the land value over here not i'm not one of the people that thinks you need to have perfect land value everywhere uh perfect happiness uh because happiness equals land value in city skylines so if you have 100 uh perfect land value throughout this entire thing you're going to notice that uh basically everything's really expensive and you can see that when you take a look at this land value and so beach hills our original area 55 cells per square meter 58 in more square 49 so you know you can really get into it get into kind of a challenging spot with affordability if you improve things too much i might just add a couple of districts just so i can see the district value i like doing that so i can keep an eye on my affordability sunset hills 38 which you know might not sound all that impressive but that's right that's average it's a little little more than average including in some of these industrial areas that's fine everyone deserves a place to live so make the city affordable it doesn't need to be so expensive that only the wealthiest elites can live there at least that's that's the way i think anyway so these are empty now and i want these gone i absolutely despise the landfills as soon as i can get rid of them i do they're not helpful over the long term the main reason i say that is i have to keep emptying them so okay i'm adding industrial uses along the backside of this i know that i'm probably not going to buy this tile anytime soon so i might as well develop all right we have leveled up again so we've got money out of that we get the third loan we get a solar plant which i'm very excited about because we can start greening up our energy and you know potentially discontinuing some of these windmills that well they're an interesting feature make it difficult to develop in this area so probably leave them for the time being but now we have options so let's take a look and i also kind of want to take a look at our policies where are we at with our policies so i think at this point you know we have we don't have any recycling centers but if we were going to which i don't think we yeah we don't have that in india we don't have that without any uh dlc so that's interesting so we can have this policy it'll reduce garbage accumulation and reduce tax income i think we're we're probably good now let's take a look we're okay they are processing status we're kind of on the edge i'm kind of curious what that policy is going to do if i enact it let's do that we'll take a look that's actually a pretty significant improvement we lost about it's like 500 750 i'm not i'm not a thousand more than a thousand all right we'll keep an eye on that but i think that that might have been a good policy for us to enact and then i i've talked a lot about these uh these unique buildings and i think i want to start building some [Music] or some more rather so we have a couple that i think are neat so we have this stadium we also have an expo center we have this winter market and the opera house so i want the opera house to be prominently featured i think that that might be what i retro fit into this area so we're going to use a lot of eminent domain in this area oh that's gonna be a challenge so i would say that this is generally not a great idea but i really want this to be a stunning view of the opera house and the city is going to spend dearly to make that happen okay we've backed out all these roads now let's figure out a way to make all of these connections so these are going to be some ugly connections i do not like these at all but sometimes you can't always get what you want which would be a nice clean connection not vanilla anyway so and not without any dlcs uh not well oh well that's even worse just wholesale eliminating [Music] so this police station is really a limiting factor here but i don't want to eliminate it so i'm just going to leave that and hope that you can all unsee that just like i'm trying to because it is very very much ugly and around this i'm actually going to place some office type uses to kind of block that sound from the residential uses that are already kind of starting to crop up around there so hopefully that will help and the nice thing about this is now we already know that we have a bus stop i think probably right in front of this it's close to it it's pretty close two so it's like right in the middle so if you were at either of these stops you could walk to this this is going to dramatically improve the land values here i hate that it can't be centered it can't be it it just can't be so at least i don't think so that is centered i'm just gonna kind of slide this around until i am okay i actually that's that's pretty darn close let's see if i can go just a little bit more [Music] oh i did it that is perfect imagine driving down this road and seeing the opera house the crown jewel of the city right there what a great great view that's awesome so i'm not done though unless money says i'm done and money does say that i'm done so i want to reserve this spot over here i think for the stadium because i think it would be great to have excellent access to the stadium from the train and we allow allowing inner city trains here we actually are getting 110 passengers a week i do think i want to grade this a little bit so i'm going to go to my smallest tool i will highlight that same same height kind of pull it back a little ways and then feather it out and that will allow me to create a bit more natural of a grade perfect now how about some landscaping in this area [Music] now as i'm worrying about landscaping i'm seeing this backup and that is a problem of my own creation so this train wants to go towards our cargo terminal and they can't so i just i'll do that and i will need to give them a better full train length so this is kind of one of the things you have to deal with with trains sometimes make this really sharp and really upset some people so that is not good at all but it's connected which means that it will work at least it's a full train length i think at this point so there won't be any backups like we had it's it's just right it's just right if it were any shorter you'd have the same backup problem that we had before but we don't have that problem so we're not going to worry about it so okay a little bit more i want to i think finish out this area towards this collector and i think we're gonna have a mixture so first i know that this road is not right we're gonna need to extend this out a little bit okay so we've got some growth occurring and i think that we're gonna i mean this is gonna be kind of an office complex maybe i'll do one more row of residential just because it's it's really a shame to have all of these residential uses and not be in any way close to uh or to have all of these residential uses near this much transit and not not take advantage of that so i'm growing and patient i want 200 000 cells dollars whatever you want to call them to uh to be able to to actually build this stadium so i might take out a loan i know i can pay it back quickly oh interesting i've been cranking up the power in the water yes now my electricity availability and water availability aren't so good all right well just kind of wanted to see where we were at with that let's put it back so we'll take out a small loan and that will give us just enough money to bankrupt ourselves as we build this plant or this uh the state at this stadium and uh you know that would seem to be pretty rational to me cities spend a lot of money on stadiums sometimes more than maybe they should i'm gonna make this connection perfect right through there we need to get some water in this area and then we're going to zone the rest of it and you know now that i'm thinking about it i might actually i'll do a row of offices and then let's see [Music] so this is where i'm bumping into the limitations of having this without dlc i was going to make this a nightlife district but there is no life nightlife to be had in the city so our nightlife is uh the the stadium i think nightlife came with sunset harbor if i'm not mistaken so something to be aware of if you plan on picking up any dlcs [Music] so we are having some trash collection troubles that's kind of predictable if you think about how far away our garbage processing is from this area so you can even see that in this area the the collection the coverage is not good so to fix that a couple things we could do we could add processing near this uh this cargo train terminal i think i might do that just kind of relocate a couple of these over here and i don't mind this although i do want to take a look at the signals i think we are unnecessarily signalizing one of these yeah and uh there's a lot of loading going on here but it's a one-way road so it should be okay 87 percent this road is becoming a real challenge it's not surprising because you know you can see travel patterns there's this looping around there's the secondary coming through and then going up and even going into the small [Music] it's another one so lots of different patterns there to consider and you know if you start to notice things getting too challenging in in any one area you've got a couple options you can either reduce density uh or you know so in this area it's probably not going to be in my best interest to continue this level of density on the other side of the road i'm going to want to taper this back and take it down a notch because because we've got a lot going on alternatively we could have a high-rise band in this area which would be another way to handle that so the high rise band will prevent these from going to level five or level three or at least presenting in that form and that can be nice if you want to still maintain [Music] density but not get the max density possible so we have some sick citizens here and i'm guessing it's noise let's take a look shoot absolutely is noise so that tells me that i let this get a little bit too close we might see these problems elsewhere i am going to de-zone these replace them with an office see if that helps that's that's always one of the dangers [Music] so i'm curious looking at noise how is it back here we actually have a little area over here that we could add a little bit more density in this area uh clearly behind the train stations not so good we could try to mitigate some of that let's see for instance we will add some landscaping see what it does to the noise nothing so i thought that it might help but yeah nothing not not doing anything for us unfortunately so in real life we we would actually with this kind of use likely require a significant amount of landscaping to to capture some of that sounded definite as it uh approaches some of the residential uses oh power issues everywhere what is going on all right we've grown too much [Music] so i've been talking about the solar plant i think now it's time to put our money where our mouth is we talk about going green let's do it [Music] you might think this is an odd location why not just put it next to these industrial area this industrial area over here well i think it's weird to whoo i missed water pipes all over the place sorry about that everyone but it does happen not in real life but in the game for sure i don't think anyone would ever go yeah i'm gonna build this building without water uh they wouldn't get a certificate of occupancy so they'd never be able to move in and they would come knocking for sure very upset we have any other areas like that that are just wholesale forgotten utilities i don't think so just that one okay so now our garbage processing status we've got coverage over here i want to build this area and take a look so let's look at our topography yeah that is going to be a challenging area to work with but we can do it so what i'm going to do is kind of just work this up the hill and we'll have a weird downtown cul-de-sac [Laughter] and i think i'll also send another road down here kind of mirroring the low point we'll use some eminent domain to make this connection here this is something i wish i could do in my day to day there are places where i noticed that just a small roadway connection could make all the difference in the world and there's just nothing i can do about it or that i'll ever be able to do about it in my entire career and uh it's painful sometimes but but uh there's not much that can be done like like i said so i'm going to add these residential uses up here and i will make sure that they have that they have water so we've got this you know pretty intense downtown area happening lots of density let's take a look some traffic it's not that bad traffic flow's still really good if uh if i were building this city i'd probably round it out with some lower density uses and kind of just continue them along this way so i think that's how i'm going to end this one because i think we will meet our density uh our desired density by building out this residential area oh interesting so i said interesting because we are actually in a spot where it's directing us with the road guidelines to go ten and a half tiles and have some funky grid work okay i'm going to leave this block kind of big we'll just we'll say that that's fine we'll expand a little bit here with these roads and this will be this there's a lot of talk about urban agriculture urban the urban uh for urban farming i don't know how else to describe this besides urban farming we're leaving this farm in the middle of the city and those do surprisingly exist sometimes often though i mean you'd see this in the land value in this area is going to increase to a degree that it no longer makes financial sense for the owner to maintain that as a to maintain that as a farm i mean they could make a farm 10 times bigger somewhere else if they wanted to so that's that's generally what happens but sometimes you get an owner that you know really likes their location they have some history associated with it and they'll keep it [Music] okay so just going to build our water pipes so we don't forget about them again oh no i don't like that at all we must fix that that's not perfect but it's a lot better all right so this area will build out i think we're gonna hit our 25 and that's great so i want to thank everyone that asked me to continue this series i never thought of making it a series it was kind of just a a one-off but the the goal from here on out will be to reach those critical milestones so i think we're gonna from uh this episode after reaching 25 000 we're we're gonna reach fifty and after fifty we'll reach a hundred or something along those lines uh well building out kind of a nice little community that's balanced doesn't have much traffic and works well so you'll see that this road that we built at the start of the episode it's carrying all that traffic that i think people would normally build you know massive highways for and that's just when the community is this size it's just not necessary so i wouldn't get overly uh crazy about you know having a whole bunch of uh highways all over the place it's just not warranted you could certainly upgrade some of these things in the future and if you were if you were going to do that reserve that space up front keep these neighborhoods a block further back and you can do that or reserve the space south of here and have the highway shift either way you could give yourself those options while still having a a community that functions well with with uh normal roads just arterials and collectors and local roads so i find that these highways are barriers more than they're helpful so i you know it's kind of an old-school 1950s mindset to have highways all over the place so i don't do it i think that what you're seeing more and more now is is highways being torn down in favor of local roads collectors and arterials to create a more intimate pedestrian experience the ability to cross roads and connect neighborhoods and that's what i want to emulate in the game i don't want to emulate the mistakes of the past so i try not to if at all possible so we have a few hundred more residents to reach our our goal so i'm going to do some light detailing i think [Music] kind of interested in taking a look at sound issues again and you can kind of see that there are issues in some of these areas and we might want to upgrade the roads to handle some of those sound related problems so i'm just going to upgrade this collector going in to try to minimize some of the issues that these residents would be having as a result of being right on this collector road right near this industrial area i'm basically doing the exact same thing all the way up and down the main drag because this is where we have sound pollution the nice thing about having this this strong collection of collector roads through here is you now know where all of your sound problems are because most people are gonna be taking those roads so i'll do the same thing in this neighborhood now i know this removes parking which is unfortunate we do have good transit service here so hopefully that mitigates some of the damage [Music] i'm not having parking anyway and i'll still allow it on the side streets except for right here and you can see that controls the the the sound pollution a bit better it's not perfect but it's a lot better [Music] and with that we have reached 25 000 so i'm very excited about where this is is going i think it's a a nice little city that we're pulling together with just the base game we certainly have some improvements that we can make soon one of the improvements i'd like to make is to kind of clean up this road the trees are dying because of the pollution and i think that we could improve that in fact before we go we are going to rezone up normally this would be adaptive reuse we'd take these old industrial warehouses and they'd become some really trendy cool lofts but that's not where we are at with this game in terms of its capabilities and it might take this a whole block back [Music] and uh this will eventually as the ground pollution dissipates in this area first of all it's just going to be a much more pleasant pedestrian realm i think i would much rather walk past a bunch of offices than a bunch of factories that are spewing pollution into the air uncontrolled but you know it's it's it's uh it's certainly helpful with these these center medians in making them look a little nicer and since we put those up to mitigate some of that sound we're also going to receive some benefits there from that but we're also going to receive it because we've taken those those industrial uses and moved them a block back so good all around so i hope that you've enjoyed this episode if you have please consider uh liking this video if you aren't yet subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and if you want to be notified when i make new content like this please hit that notification bell and let me know in the comments if you found this video useful or helpful and you want me to continue the series i like i said i do continue on doing that now that i've heard positive feedback for you but i want to know if this was what you thought it was going to be and if it's still beneficial for you i am going to leave you with a cinematic on the way out and i uh i hope you enjoy that take care and i'll see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 258,974
Rating: 4.9557719 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities:skylines, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines how to start your city, city planner plays cities skylines, how to play cities skylines, cities skylines beginners, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines no mods, Cities skylines no dlc, cities skylines tips, cities: skylines, cities skylines xbox one, cities skylines ps4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 21sec (4881 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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