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hey in april of 2020 zoom announced that on a daily basis they had 300 million meeting participants you heard me correctly 300 million people every day using zoom having virtual meetings now you as an english learner yes you've had many different virtual meetings but you've also had a lot of trouble because of those meetings you see speaking english is difficult and it's even more difficult during virtual meetings but don't you worry that's what i'm here for today i'm going to tell you the three main difficulties that you and other english learners have during virtual meetings and i'm going to give you the solutions i'm going to tell you the words the expressions and the patterns you need to finally speak english with confidence during any virtual meeting i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in all right so there are three main difficulties that you as an english learner experience during virtual meetings the first difficulty is right here being hard to understand you see it is hard to understand everyone when using a computer it is similar to the difficulty that is experienced when an english learner has to make a phone call for example when someone calls you on the phone or if you have to call an american company or someone that's a native english speaker sometimes it can be tricky to hello um i'm sorry what did you say to understand what they're saying and the exact same difficulties experienced during a virtual meeting now the second difficulty is right here difficult to give presentations you see making an emotional connection while giving a presentation actually helps english learners feel more confident so when people are not around it causes more stress to the english learner in other words for a virtual meeting you literally are just speaking to a camera and as an english learner this makes it so much more difficult because you don't have that emotional connection to make with someone you know making eye contact because you're speaking to a camera and the third difficulty that you and other english learners experience is being uncomfortable during breakout sessions or breakout rooms you see being placed in a virtual room with other people is uncomfortable you feel more pressure to speak and this can make you feel more nervous trust me this is something that even native english speakers experience so it's heightened it's even worse for english learners so all right what are the solutions i hope you have your pen and your paper ready because i'm going to give you the expressions you need here we go let's start with difficulty number one what to do when you don't understand here we go first you need to ask them to repeat what they said now this is something that again i totally understand sometimes it's a little bit nerve wrecking or you can feel nervous to ask someone to repeat themselves right but this is very important when you don't understand you need to ask them to repeat what they said now let me give you three ways that you can ask someone to repeat what they said all right make sure you write these down first you can say my apologies i didn't catch what you said would you mind repeating that last point again very nice way of saying please repeat what you said and you're also letting the person know hey i would like to understand what you're saying would you mind please just restating it so again you can ask them by saying my apologies i didn't catch what you said would you mind repeating that last point again and you're also being specific hey that last point not everything you said but that last point all right now the second way you can ask someone to repeat what they said is i understood what you said about but i missed your other point can you explain it one more time please now again you're still asking them to repeat themselves right but notice what i did at the beginning i said hey i understood what you said about dot dot dot you're letting them know hey i have been listening and the part you said about maybe they're discussing you know different projects you're working on you can say hey the part you said about project number one i understood that but i missed your other point about project number two so for this second example you can let them know i'm paying attention i understood one part but the other part i missed so again you can say i understood what you said about dot dot dot but i missed your other point can you explain it one more time please now the third way to ask someone to repeat themselves is by saying i wasn't able to fully understand the last point would you mind breaking it down one more time please now let me explain something about this one when you say to someone would you mind breaking it down that is letting the person know that the way it was explained the first time may not have been as clear as you would have liked it to have been so you want them to explain it a different way in simpler terms and all of that comes out in would you mind breaking it down so again these are excellent ways of asking someone during a virtual meeting for them to repeat themselves instead of just saying hey excuse me can you repeat yourself please don't say that say one of these three and again the last one once again is i wasn't able to fully understand the last point would you mind breaking it down one more time please alright so when you don't understand one thing you can do is ask them to repeat what they said now the second thing you can do when you don't understand is to summarize to verify you understood that's right you can summarize you heard something during the virtual meeting and you want to verify if what you heard was correct so three ways you can do that again i'm giving you the patterns the words you can say here we go you can say i want to make sure that i understood correctly you said that dot dot dot is that correct again this is a great way of letting the person know hey i have been listening and it's been interesting but i just want to make sure i understood correctly and the response is going to be good because you're showing that you are paying attention and that you really do want to understand now the second way you can summarize to verify you understood is by saying thanks for the explanation i just want to verify that i got all of your main points you said dot dot dot does that sound about right now here's again the amazing thing when someone who is presenting or who's the one leading a virtual meeting here's an individual you ask a question related to their presentation and asks for clarification in this way it will be received so well because you're saying hey i want to make sure i got all of your main points because it was so good the presentation was so great i want to make sure i understood everything so again memorizing these will help you so much all right so the third way you can do this is by saying i truly appreciated your explanation or your presentation your main points were dot dot dot did i miss anything again it's like you're letting them know hey i had my notes i was taking notes and i want to make sure that i understood everything please let me know did i miss anything so this is a great way again when you don't understand you can say one of these three examples to summarize and verify that you understood now another way to say something when you don't understand is to ask someone in the chat area remember when you're in a virtual meeting especially if you're using zoom there's always going to be a chat area so if you don't want to interrupt the person speaking or presenting that's okay you can still type in the chat box there are certain ways to ask to repeat so here's the thing i want you to write this here's the first one i think i missed the last point would someone mind writing what he or she said again here super polite and people will respond because they realize oh you didn't understand we want to help you understand all right now another way is you can do this right here what did he or she say i wasn't able to catch the last part this is very quick again it's like hey i missed it what did she say hey i missed it what did he say and you're asking someone to let you know just the last portion not the entire presentation just the last portion and finally you can type a message like this i didn't understand one part what did he or she say about dot dot dot now again this is in the chat area but this is even more specific but you're letting people know hey i'm trying to understand but i do need a little bit of help but when you write the message in the chat box either by one two or three again either by saying i think i missed the last point or the second one what did he or she say or i didn't understand one part when you use one of these methods people will respond kindly because these are so good it's easy for you to tell somebody i didn't understand but i want to understand now here's something i want to pause really quickly because what i'm teaching you i'm giving you expressions natural patterns used by real native english speakers in real life things that we actually say but here's the thing i actually have a pdf a free pdf and it has over it literally has a thousand english words and expressions and what it is is it helps you sound more like a native english speaker so i'm giving you a lot during our class today but if you want to continue learning more expressions and more words totally for free the pdf is totally free you can download it for free by clicking the link right in the description again i'm teaching you some expressions some patterns that you can use in real life situations for virtual meetings but there are so many other natural expressions used by native english speakers that you can use as well and get the free pdf and you'll learn them too so hopefully you get it and i know you enjoy it link in the description so let's keep going all right so we've mastered this right here what to do when you don't understand but what do you do when you have to give a presentation that's right when you are the one leading the virtual meeting talk about nerve wrecking don't worry again i'll give you what you need here's what you need to do so when you have to give the presentation the first thing you have to remember is keep it simple again keep it simple now here's the main thing right here here we go focus on giving three main points that's right i always talk about threes focus on three main points it's not about talking for a long period of time it's about giving the main point so no matter what your presentation is focus on giving three main points then give one to three easy to understand details for each point that's right think about an outline no matter what you are going to present keep it simple pick three main points and then one to three details about each of those points and then finally what you're going to do is give one clear example or experience for each point this again will help you because it's simple it'll help you connect with those that are listening to your presentation those that are participating in your virtual meeting so again when you have to give a presentation the first thing to remember is keep it simple and yes this goes back to improving your english don't worry about using difficult vocabulary words no focus on keeping it simple the second thing to remember when you have to give a presentation is start with a good attention grabber think about this at the very beginning of this lesson remember i told you something about zoom i said in april of 2020 300 million people had registered to be part of meetings on a daily basis so again a very interesting fact to grip your attention at the very beginning you need to do the same thing at the beginning of a presentation you're giving for a virtual meeting so there are three things you can use tell a story give an interesting fact like i did or you can ask them a question again this all ties in to helping you speak english well during any virtual meeting because when you have this breakdown you can be confident and you'll be able to give a better presentation now the third thing you have to remember when you are giving a presentation is right here make it interactive and also engage your audience basically get people involved by asking questions throughout the presentation think about it going back and forth if you've ever participated in one of my live classes you know what it's like now for those that don't know every week i have a live english class with my academy students if you want to join the academy all you have to do is go to let's jump right in dot com again let's jump right in com but every week we have a live english class and it's very interactive i ask lots of questions and we go back and forth so you should do the same thing when you're giving a presentation during a virtual meeting so here we go let me give you some examples does anyone have a question about the last point i made again memorize this after you give your presentation ask this question does anyone have a question about the last point i made or you can say has anyone ever experienced this before and finally who can tell me the first main point that i mentioned at the beginning of my presentation so you see there are three specific questions you can ask after you've given a presentation use these exactly memorize them people will interact with you after you've given your presentation don't stress use these questions and trust me your presentation will go well now what about the third difficulty there were three main difficulties for english learners and virtual meetings the third one what to do when you are in a breakout room this can be tricky but trust me i have some example expressions and example patterns that will help you so first things first prepare a summary with three points from the presentation let me pause really quickly this means usually for breakout rooms there's a period before you break out where a presentation is giving or given or something is discussed during that period take some quick notes before you go to your breakout room you need to prepare have three points of whatever was discussed during that period this is just in case you are asked to say something so you can say the three main things i learned from the presentation were dot dot dot you've already prepared yourself you're not nervous anymore why because during that first part before the breakout sessions you took some quick notes and you picked three points so during the breakout room if someone says hey uh can you let us know what you thought about the presentation or hey can you let us know what you thought about the discussion immediately using this pattern you can say ah the three main things i learned from the presentation were dot dot dot and again you'll be comfortable you won't be nervous and people will be impressed with your english now another way of presenting your three points is right here the three things that stood out to me the most from the presentation were dot dot dot now to stand out just means something that um really stuck in my memory something that caught my attention something that was very interesting to me we say stood out to me so again you can say the three things that stood out to me the most from the presentation were dot dot dot now the second thing when you're trying to figure out what to do in a break room breakout room is have a few questions prepared now you need to make sure the questions are related to the topic of the presentation or the discussion again i'm giving you tips to help you literally stop feeling awkward and nervous during virtual meetings these things will help you so have a few questions prepared that's right it's not meant for you to just sit down and be quiet remember western culture we like to engage and be involved so someone is going to probably ask you a question or to ask you to say something so if you have questions prepared it will help you a lot so for example here we go um he or she said dot dot dot being the presenter what are your thoughts on that conversation mastering english conversation going back and forth back and forth i talked about mastering in this conversation actually in my last live class with my students from my academy and we talked about going back and forth naturally what's happening here is you have a question already prepared based on the discussion hey the presenter said dot dot dot maybe you're talking about real estate can you tell me what are your thoughts on that and boom now you're delivering the questions to someone in your breakout room and it will lead to a very deep conversation now you can also say this he or she presented two ideas about da da da which one did you resonate with the most it means which one did you relate to the most or which one did you connect with the most so what's happening you're showing that you were listening that you understood the presentation that it was interesting and you're also showing that you are interested in the other individual or individuals in the breakout room you see what's happening right it's not just about the words you know it's about literally understanding how to operate properly in a virtual meeting when you master these things honestly not just for english learners even for native english speakers you will feel so much more comfortable in virtual meetings now there's a third thing i want to tell you about related to the breakout rooms when you're in a breakout room the third thing you can do is right here listen and restate what your group members say you see doing this before you give your own comment shows that you were listening hey when you're in a breakout room think about it as a small meeting and think about it also as a conversation back and forth so when you focus on hey what are my colleagues what are my group members saying and then you repeat to them what they said before you make your comment they will immediately want to listen to you more why because you cared about what they said you cared about their opinions so now they're going to care about your opinions again it's so much deeper than just english but you'll feel so much more comfortable because everyone's going to be interested in what you're saying and you'll start feeling confident so how do you do this here we go let me show you um you said dot dot again restate what they said very quickly i also agree with that i would add though dot dot dot i'm acknowledging what the individual said i'm then saying hey i actually agree with that but you know what i kind of want to add something and it keeps the conversation flowing now another thing you can do is right here you can say i like how you said dot dot dot i think that dot dot dot again acknowledging first what the other individual said showing them that you were listening and then giving your opinion this is how you operate in a breakout room and this is how you stop feeling awkward how you speak english with confident during any virtual meeting now i hope you learned a lot i hope you really enjoyed today's lesson i hope it helped you master virtual meetings no longer will you have to feel awkward or confused or nervous you can feel confident no matter what virtual meeting you're in thank you so much for joining again i want to remind you to please get your free pdf 1000 english words and expressions totally for free the link is in the description i taught you some patterns and some words and expressions today and they're going to help you but if you want to learn more and sound like a native english speaker just get your free pdf by clicking the link in the description thank you again so much for joining i can't wait to see you again next week for our lesson remember as always to speak english [Music] you still there you know what time it is it's story time a i said it's story time all right so for today's story time it's actually about singing kind of let me explain so when i first left nasa right i left nasa i actually prior to going to korea i came back to maryland i'm from maryland and i stayed with my parents they're great people they said tiff you can stay with us while you figure out what you'd like to do next so i said okay now i'm an individual that likes to be active i like to be involved i like to help out so at my church they um voted me in as the social uh the social ministry leader so i was in charge of like social events at my church for about a year or two uh period right so i was always trying to come up with things that were fun for our church family to do together and one day i came up with this idea so i've always loved singing but i also liked lip sync now lip sync is when the music is playing no sound is coming out of your voice but it's playing in the background and you're acting like you're singing it so for example when i say story time a i said it's story time i'm literally singing but i know many of you and you've messaged me and told me sing along or you mouth along so as i'm singing you're like right so no words are coming out no sound is coming out but you're singing along that is lip singing with your lips right so i came up with this great idea i said you know what one now i'm a seventh day adventist so sabbath on saturdays i go to church i said one sabbath afternoon in the evening i want to have a lip sync contest now my idea was to have people of all ages come together from our church bring their favorite songs and they would perform up front in front of us and we would vote who was the best who seemed like they really were singing so i told a few people i told my family and they were like yeah that's gonna be so much fun so i'm like okay great now the thing is it had never been done at my church and so it had to be marketed it had to be presented to the church so i realized that i couldn't just announce it simply in a simple way like hey church family do you want to come to a lip-sync contest i realized that i had to do something uh i had to do something to grab their attention remember we talked about during the lesson an attention grabber right so i came up with this idea one of my favorite singing groups is mary marriott two sisters their voices amazing gospel group and they had a song um i'm trying to think there were so many songs that i liked i wanna remember the exact song it was in the morning you'll be alright no um okay i can't remember the exact song let's just say it was that one i'll sing that one so what i was going to do was during church there's an announcement period now my church is pretty big between four to five hundred people every single sabbath on saturdays so i asked the pastor and the person in charge said hey i want to give an announcement but it's gonna be a little bit different i don't need to be up front i actually need to come from the back of the church and they were like the back of the church i said just trust me they said okay so i gave the cd to the sound guy one of my friends and said hey when i say go when i walk into the church in the very back the doors are gonna close behind me and i'm gonna look at you i want you to hit play he said okay now remember our church is not small so i was a little bit nervous but i was also kind of excited so you know i'm not really a shy person but certain situations can be a little bit nerve-wracking so um it was time for the announcements and they were like okay so our next announcement is coming up and there was silence and the church went silent because no one was up front so i opened the back doors and i was standing there and a few people started looking at me because i hadn't done anything yet i looked at my friend and i said you know i kind of gave him the eye like it's your time buddy so the music came on right and it's kind of a jam right so it's playing people kind of you know rocking with their like what is about to happen so the song starts playing now i knew all the words because again one of my favorite gospel groups so let's say the song was again in the morning you'll be all right so i had to lip sync though so i was lip singing now if you're lip singing the entire church is looking at you you can't just walk normally so i started kind of dancing down the aisle pointing at people and of course people were smiling laughing having a great time so by the time i got to the front of the church i looked at my friend i said okay cut the music people were like okay you know clapping you know laughing having a good time and i made the announcement all right family we're going to be having a lip sync contest and i explained everything right but again i had grabbed their attention now fast forward the program was amazing it was super funny um people of all ages participated it was great and actually the older individuals were the ones who did the best so it was really a nice program and our family church family came together really well so everyone enjoyed it but that announcement i will never forget the way i did that announcement why because it really got everyone's attention so again just like i taught you in today's lesson about getting people's attention at the beginning of your presentation it's very important because they will stay with you they'll be interested and they'll be involved so i hope you enjoyed today's story time if you have a story where you did something that was really shocking or really out of the blue let us know in the comment section again don't forget to get your free pdf if you want to learn more words and expressions and sound like a native english speaker click the link right in the description and i will see you next week
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 120,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, speak english, english speaking, fluency in english, speak english fluently with tiffani, fluent english by tiffani, how to speak english fluently, how to get fluent in english, how to become fluent in english, english lesson, learn english speaking, speaking english, how to speak english, english class, english for virtual meetings, teacher tiffani, speak english fluently, advanced speaking, english for virtual meeting, learn english for virtual meeting
Id: Q5yHTy9E-6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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