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hey have you ever been in a situation where someone asked you to introduce yourself in english and you felt stuck maybe the words didn't come to you maybe you didn't know what to tell them about yourself well if you answered yes to either of those questions today's lesson is for you because i'm going to give you three simple steps that's right one two three three simple steps to help you master your english introduction it's so simple i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in all right so there are three simple steps and we're going to start by looking at the first step the first step is to tell them the type of person you are now the focus is your character and personality and let me explain this a little bit more you see when you're going to an interview the first thing they're going to ask you to do of course is to introduce yourself but you have to remember usually those individuals have already looked at your cv they've already seen your resume so it's not the time for you to tell them i went to this school i have this degree no instead they want to know more about you as a person so the first step the first part of your introduction is telling them who you are as a person now you do that in two parts the first part is your character this helps them get a better understanding of your core values in other words the things that are important to you that's right that means you need to think about this hey what's important to you who are you as an individual this is the first portion now after you've explained your character you're going to also talk about your personality this helps them get a better understanding of how you will blend with the current individuals at their company and this is something that i loved explaining to my students when i was in south korea because it's an aspect of western culture that many times students maybe like you don't realize or understand the importance of you see in western culture it's all about you know being with the group of course you want to be an individual but you also want to blend with the group in a way that makes things interesting creates harmony so when you first come to the interview you're starting off by telling them hey these are my values and also this is my personality so as you all know i'm a very happy person i'm very outgoing and i love being around people too you can tell that and actually the first video you saw from me you assessed that without even realizing it wow teacher tiffany seems to be a very happy person something about her seems really genuine you started off by making an assessment of me based on my character and my personality even without you realizing it that's why this is the most important part to start off with for your introduction so let's see what this looks like okay we have an example from a young lady all right here's the example again remember her character and personality here she goes hello my name is samantha smith i am a very diligent and honest person i also have a very outgoing and friendly personality immediately she starts off by telling something about herself her character and her personality now there's a word in here that i want to practice with you for pronunciation underlined and bolded diligent after me diligent excellent again diligent nice last time diligent excellent now i'm also a very diligent person but what does this word mean now the word diligent just means having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties again giving 110 when you work we say you are a diligent person now we're seeing that samantha started off her introduction in an amazing way we immediately know that her character is wow she's very diligent and her personality she said she's outgoing and friendly so immediately in the mind of the interviewer she would probably work well with our group starting off the introduction again step one telling the type of person you are all right now let's go to step number two another important step your experience briefly here we go the focus is describing a specific experience now again this is something that is very unique about an introduction in english maybe you've never heard this before after you've described yourself you've given information about your character and your personality you then need to talk about an experience now i'm going to explain explain how to pick a specific experience but this is very important and it goes back to western culture and to the english language many times when you're speaking in english you think it's about your words and the grammar but actually it's about your ability to express yourself and also talk about your experiences in the way that a person listening to you can understand the same is true for your introduction so your experience briefly part two we have again step two also has two parts first related to the interview again this shows that you have taken the time to do some research about the position and the company so you're not going to tell an experience or a story that has nothing to do with your job you want to make sure the experience you choose relates to the job you're trying to get now part two of this step is right here life changing experience this shows that you are able to think logically about your life and about business because you have to make a connection again giving a good introduction in english it's not about the words you use it's about the way you organize your ideas and your thoughts so again in step two you're talking about your experience as it relates to the job you're trying to get and again you're saying how this experience connects to your job or the job you want to get and it shows the person listening to you the interviewer that you know how to think logically that you can connect different experiences in your life and it makes you look like a better candidate and your introduction whoo seems amazing now i want to pause real quick remember i told you at the beginning that there's a special event that i've created for you you see i'm teaching you how to give a great introduction in english and we have one more step but there are so many different things you need to learn to give a good introduction and to pass an english interview and to even do well in a business environment and that's exactly why the business english week was created register for free for the business english week right now that's right this free event will help you take your career to the next level join teacher julie and i and register for free right now the link is in the description now i created this business english week along with teacher julie again to help you pass an english interview to help you excel in your career and to take your career to the next level this lesson that i'm teaching you today about giving a good introduction and using these three simple steps is just the beginning if you really want to go to the next level you have to join us for the business english week now again it's a totally free event the link is right in the description you can join us for this event and trust me if you're learning a lot from what i'm teaching you about introductions you are going to love the business english week so again click the link in the description join us register for free and we can't wait to see you there all right so let's keep going on now again with step two i explained talking about your experience briefly we have related to the interview and a life changing experience so let's see an example again state hot relates to your interview plus your life changing experience here we go i have traveled all over the world but my favorite country is south korea during my time there i learned many things about their culture and language the main thing i learned was the importance of embracing and respecting other cultures as a global company i believe that this is a philosophy you also value this is amazing now if i was interviewing anyone and they gave this part of their interview introduction i would be amazed why because they started talking about their experience in south korea again i was in south korea but this is the example that's being given and it was very interesting they loved it and they learned a lot about cultures and then immediately a connection was made to the position they're trying to get oh as a global company i believe you also value respecting other cultures immediately the interviewer realizes wow this person has a good character a good personality step one and step two has had some life experiences that we can benefit from at this company this is amazing now in the midst of the answer there was a word that i want to go over with you really quickly it was embracing so after me embracing excellent again embracing good last time embracing good job now the word embracing again it came out in the response it just means to accept or support a belief a theory or change willingly and enthusiastically so the person again in their introduction is giving so much information about who they are as an individual and their experiences and how their experiences have made them a better individual prepared to get this job right now that was just step two so what about step three this introduction is already looking amazing now step three of a good introduction in english is life philosophy so here we go now your focus is your philosophy and how it developed again this is why i am encouraging you as you prepare your introduction you need to make sure you have followed these three steps think about your ideas not just about the words not just about the english grammar think about your ideas what do you believe in what do you hold true what do you hold as being important your philosophy and how it developed now there are three parts to this one the first part is the explanation you see the goal is to give more details about the way you think and the way you connect with others around you then you're going to talk about how it developed this helps them understand the process you went through to come to the current ideas you value now i want to emphasize this does not mean that your introduction needs to be 15 minutes no the example that we're looking at can be done in two minutes but it includes all three steps and that is why it's so good so when you're at this third step about your philosophy your life philosophy don't stress about speaking for a long period of time no you need to condense and make sure your answer is concise and brief this is what shows that you're giving a good introduction and that you're fluent so again you're talking about the past how it developed and part three is its effect on your life this helps them the person listening to you the interviewer understand how your thoughts affect your actions and also how you personally look at life whether pessimistically or optimistically so again this is so important for you to organize this section this step is very important your life philosophy so let's see how the individual in our example actually explained her philosophy here we go here's the example again state what it is how it can help you at the company and connect it to your future here we go my personal life philosophy is we all grow when we respect and learn from each other i developed this philosophy after working with people from various cultures and it has completely changed my life look how fast she was able to say her answer give her answer right she was able to really explain her life philosophy in a clear way so that even we understood right now there was something at the very end that she said changed my life let me explain what this means this means to make a huge difference or a big difference or to have a big impact on one's life so this individual was able to wrap up her introduction an amazing introduction in english with telling her life philosophy so she followed the three steps again step one being telling the type of person you are talking about your character and your personality step number two talking about your experience connecting it to the job and how it would help you and then finally step three your life philosophy listen if you want to give a good introduction in english all you have to do is follow these three simple steps i hope you enjoyed this lesson remember this is not the end if you want to continue learning more about passing english interviews and also excelling in the business environment as a student you need help with business english trust me you need to join us for the business english week and all you have to do again is click the link right in the description to join myself and teacher julie we are excited to help you and we want you to register for this free event we look forward to seeing you don't forget to register by clicking the link in the description so again i hope you really enjoyed today's lesson remember study hard you can achieve all of your goals i will see you in next week's lesson but as always remember to speak english [Music] you still there you know what time it is it's story time hey i said it's story time all right so today's story time actually popped in my head while i was teaching you the lesson that's right i had another story all prepared but as i was teaching you step number two about life experiences another experience popped in my head so i said you know what let me tell them about this experience so this happened when i still lived in south korea and my friends came to visit me now i told you before that i was a very fearless child like i was very adventurous i didn't have any fear but you know as you get older fear kind of creeps in and you get a little bit scared but this is when my friends came to visit me and we went to a mountain i've talked about this mountain before soraksan sarak mountain beautiful mountain in south korea my favorite mountain in south korea but it takes a lot to hike to the top however there's a different area where you can ride a cable car to the top and you can take pictures and there are usually lots of people and like big groups there so my friends and i was myself and three friends so four of us we decided to go via the cable car right so we went to the cable car we went to the top and we were at almost the top but you still had to climb up maybe about 10 or 15 minutes to get to the very top and the scenery was beautiful like it was breathtaking so i love hiking now we got to this mid point and it was my best friend from childhood that was one of the friends that came there so i'm standing with the three of them like hey guys let's go to the very top so we can get some pictures i had done it before but i wanted to do it again because my friends were there and i didn't really get a response so i turned back and i said hey guys let's go to the top and my best friend from grade school looked at me and said uh uh and it caught me off guard because literally there was no fear in me at all and i looked at her and i said why she was like tiff have you seen this mountain and i'm like yeah i've been here many times she's like i'm not climbing up there i'm not going any higher and it's like at that moment it clicked like oh i guess we really are high i said okay well i'll be right back and i went by myself because the other two friends they were gone they said no we're not doing that so i had my camera i wanted a picture so i had to climb like on my hands and knees as well to get to the top portion but there were other people up there other koreans so i got to the part and i got to one part and it started getting really narrow and that's when in my mind i said huh this is a little bit dangerous but i kept going i really wasn't scared so i got to the very very top and the higher i went the less people i saw and right when i was about to get to the very top it was me by myself so i got to the part and i wanted to take a picture but it was windy and i may have mentioned this to you all before so the wind was blowing but i wanted the picture so the area i mean it was small it was a really small area and i looked and there was a couple like right below where i wanted to stand so i looked at them and i spoke to them in korean i was like hi i'd like to get a picture would you mind helping me and they looked at me and they were like are you okay and i was like yeah i'm fine they were like you're not scared and i was like no now let me explain again literally to my right thousands of feet drop like it was it was the side of the mountain literally like you just dropped if i missed a step i was gone but i wanted the picture and i really didn't feel any fear so i gave them my camera and they were like okay so i stood up and i because i the whole time i was holding onto a rock and i stood up and put my hands on my hips to take the picture the moment i put my hands on my hips inside of my mind i said tiff you may want to be careful because the wind was blowing so i said okay let's take the picture quickly so they snapped it really quickly i grabbed the camera and then i made my way down on my way down i was talking to myself and i said wow that really could have ended a different way that may not have been the safest situation again they were there as well but i was realizing even more like i'm not scared of these situations now what's the point you see we're talking about experiences how could i use this experience in an introduction for a job interview you see i was up there and i had a goal and i wanted to achieve that goal now i was safe i was careful i was i wasn't you know being um unsafe when i was walking and going to the top of the mountain but when i got there even though those around me didn't want to follow me i said it's okay i have a goal that i want to achieve and i'm going to keep going forward so in an interview i could say no matter what's going on around me if there's something that needs to be done or achieved i'll give a hundred and ten percent to achieve that goal or to complete a task so you see how i connected my life experience to something that an interviewer would be impressed with and would also see as a quality they'd want in an employee that's the same thing you can do now again i'm still sometimes baffled by okay i'm not really scared of things but it's okay so maybe you also are fearless in certain situations when it comes to adventure and like hiking and stuff i really am not scared of heights or things like that i love hiking and i'm looking forward to going back to hiking and traveling more after the whole covet situation so hopefully you enjoyed the story let me know if you have a an interesting story as well about hiking in the comment section remember once again don't forget to sign up for the business english week register totally for free and join teacher julie and i we can't wait to see you have a wonderful wonderful day and i will see you next week
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 209,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tell me about yourself, how to answer tell me about yourself, how to tell about yourself, how to introduce myself in english, how to introduce yourself, how to introduce myself, how to introduce me, teacher tiffani, introduce yourself, how to introduce yourself in an interview, ways to introduce yourself, self introduction, tiffani, English by Tiffani, tell me about yourself good answer, tell me about yourself interview, english lession by tiffani, speak english with tiffani
Id: iFEOPwyeml4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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