30 Minute Morning Routine For English Students

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do you find it difficult to study English you know like you have work you have family and you have other responsibilities and you just can't seem to find the time to study English I understand when I was studying Korean I experienced the same difficulties trying to balance work and family and friends and still study another language it's not that easy that's why I created this 30-minute routine just for you this routine is gonna help you take your English to the next level I'm teacher Tiffany let's jump right in alright so here's the deal you want a 30-minute morning routine but you have these questions how can you have fun studying English in 30 minutes yes it is possible to enjoy studying English that is my goal to give you confidence and to help you enjoy English alright so how can you have fun studying English in only 30 minutes how can you learn something in 30 minutes and how can you be creative in only 30 minutes here we go we're gonna start with step 1 watch an English video now this is so very important now we're only going to spend five minutes on this step that's right five minutes now there's so many things that you need to do as an English Learner but starting your morning off by watching an English video is gonna help you in so many ways and you only need five minutes now the first step will take five minutes this five minute period will help you take information in I want you to think about children like babies when they come out the womb they can't talk they can definitely cry but they cannot talk so for a long period of time for months they're simply taking information in their learning the language and they're not saying anything so you first need to activate that part of your brain by watching something in English and spending five minutes can help you do that okay so here we go five minutes now again like I said this basically Act your English brain now this is the fun part the main focus of this step is fun you want to start your morning routine with something that you enjoy can you imagine waking up in the morning and having to study an English book oh I'm so tired I need to go to work but I have to open an English book first well no I want you to first start your day with something fun something you enjoy so watching in video or watching a video in English not just an English video about grammar but an English video about something you're interested in is going to be fun alright now another thing I want to bring to your attention this makes it easier to take information in and also you can find a video wherever you want for this step you will basically find an interesting English video on YouTube television or another video platform now you can find a video on the platform you like the most for example Netflix many of you actually have a Netflix subscription now remember this step is only five minutes so there may be a show that you really enjoy well watch it for five minutes now if you have more than thirty minutes go ahead watch it longer but I want you to get in the habit of in the morning starting with five minutes watching a video in English for five minutes alright so let's look at how this is done here we go so again there are many different things that you may be interested in for example maybe you like comedy or travel or sports cooking and there's a list of ten things that I put here right for example you guys know that I love to exercise I love running I love art you've seen some of my artwork in a previous video so first think about your personal interests what are your hobbies think about those things and you want to watch a video for five minutes connected to your interest or your hobby alright so again the topic of interest and a video on that topic all right now suggestions for example you guys also know that I love cooking because I love to eat yes I exercise so that I can eat more I really like cooking all right so there's a very popular YouTube channel that I watch it's called hot for food so I could watch one of their videos or maybe you like exercising like me global cycling network is also a very popular YouTube channel in English that speaks about cycling so again something you're interested in all right or maybe you enjoy travel a very very popular YouTube channel is Keira and Nate so again you can change it up every day pick one of your interests and find a youtube channel as a video about your interests okay that's the first step for five minutes now after you've done that we need to do the next step step number two you're gonna learn three new things so here's what's gonna happen this step only lasts for ten minutes the second step will take ten minutes this ten minute period will help you process the information from step number one remember during that first step we only spent five minutes watching something that we were interested in so we took information in now for step two for ten minutes we are going to process that information but remember I said three new things it's very important okay so let me go into more detail all right basically spend time grasping and understanding the information now learn the main focus of this step is learning remember the first step was focused on fun having a good time right now we're focused on learning so you want to concentrate on understanding the information you took in during step number one so again this will help you use the information later alright so learn three new things for this step you will basically memorize three things you heard while watching the video they can be vocabulary words expressions idioms patterns or other English tips or techniques now again the reason I'm telling you to learn only three things is because many times as a student you want to learn lots of things at one time oh I want to learn 20 words and fifteen minutes but in an hour you've forgotten 15 of those words remember the goal is for you to take it in process it and use it so if you learn in little chunks trust me it'll be so much better I have students that watch my English marathon and to this day that was in November they still use the words properly they still use them naturally and you're probably one of my students who is able to speak to me via email or if you're my VIP membership you are able to use the words during our conversation so again learn in small chunks all right so again let's see how this is done actually so here we go all right so again you want to specifically focus on things you had difficulty understanding now I'm sorry I didn't mention this to you don't write down things you already know if there is some part of the video that you didn't understand write it down write that word down write that expression and learn that expression in step number two for the ten minutes you're gonna look up those three words or expressions all right so here we go let's see exactly how we can do this now again maybe there's a vocabulary word or an expression or an advanced English sentence pattern what you're gonna do is write them in your journal remember for those of you that have already purchased my 20/20 English planner you can write it in the planner if you have it I'll put the link in the description so you can download it purchase it and download it and use the journal all right the planner alright so then you're going to review and memorize them and you can keep track of what you learn so let's zoom in really quickly so here's an expression that I heard in a video that I watched spare change right now spare change means a small amount of unneeded money now what did I do read the definition or what do I need to do read the definition practice saying the word and review some example sentences again you're training your brain not only to understand but to be able to use the expression or word properly for the ten minute period only with three new things okay alright so now we're gonna move right into the third phase number three all right so step number three is write in your journal now stay with me remember in step number two you wrote out the three things you learned step number three is a little bit different all right so this step is very important as well this is going to last fifteen minutes that's right this is the longest step fifteen minutes now the third step will take 15 minutes this 15 minute period will help you think creatively in English please pay attention because this is so important thinking creatively in English is going to help you speak with more fluency when you come to someone you've never met before and they ask you a question usually you get stumped or shocked but if you're practicing and thinking creatively on a regular basis your words will come out even faster alright so going back to the details about this step this will help you to start thinking in English now thinking creatively the main focus of this step is creative thinking you want to think in English about your day this will help you think in English throughout your day now we're getting into applying what you've learned and also what you've learned in the past because you're gonna start writing about your day alright so once again more details we have write about your day for this step you will basically spend time writing about your day you can pick a specific activity or a task and describe it using the five W's again remember we've always practiced the five W's who what when where and why giving enough details about whatever you're speaking about okay so let's see this in action here we go back to my screen you can choose anything you want to write about now write in your journal so on the Left we have breakfast or lunch I'm going to a movie with my friend have a meeting and I have to pick up my kids now you'll see on the right side I wrote some notes about my morning my work and afternoon now on the right side of my journal I'll start writing about my day again you're gonna spend 15 minutes doing this oh right this is number three fifteen minutes writing about your day now this routine is very short and 15 minutes may seem like a long time when you first start I'll be honest when I was studying Korean it wasn't that easy to write in Korean when I had to think about my day it took a long time but the more you do this and the more you practice the longer you will be able to write the more you'll be able to write and you will improve all right so again I want you to know that if you want to learn more about other English YouTube channels that can help you you can watch part 2 alright part 2 is for students in my Academy and I give a list of other YouTube channels that talk about your interests because you may not know how to find YouTube channels about your specific interests alright now I really hope you enjoy this video I hope this 30 minute routine helps to take your English to the next level remember you can do it I believe in you alright well I hope you enjoyed I will see you in next week's video but as always remember to speak English ah yeah it's step step step story time story time alright guys so today's story time is kind of funny so you know growing up so I have very loving parents they love my sister and I and we grew up in a household literally full of love now this story is actually about my parents and how they woke us up in the morning remember we talked about morning routines right so my parents they also had a morning routine each of them had a different morning routine so I'm gonna explain my mother's morning routine first so growing up my sister and I and literally guys this this lasted mmm all the way through high school so my mom again very loving every morning when it was her turn to get us up in the morning she was especially on Saturdays so I'm seventh-day adventists and I go to church on Saturday so my mom would come to our doors and lightly tap and then she starts singing a song telling us to wait wake up wake up it's Sabbath morning now she would sing the song and we would wake up and we would be so happy to see her in the morning now again this is not only were 2 and 3 like we were we were older 10 12 14 15 we were always happy for my mom to come in the room so she even know sing different songs but she would always sing something to us in the morning to wake us up and we wake up at the smile now I will say this when we got to about the 17 or 18 18 years old she stopped coming to our room and my sister and I said what is mommy doing we had started to love my mom coming and singing a song to us in the morning especially before church on Saturdays now my dad was a different story um my dad is a big guy not that he's very muscular he's a manly man right are very loving very loving and everybody loves him too he had a different routine though during the week he would take us to school so we'd have to wake up very early in the morning and my dad you know we're used to on Saturdays in the weekend I'm I'm singing my dad would come 6:00 in the morning boom boom boom boom get up girls get up it's time to go to school it was like night and day very opposite doesn't expression we use in English night and day so my mom singing beautiful songs very peaceful and waking us up and kissing us to wake us up and then my dad get up cause we gotta go to school oh and he's a military man he's in the military he was in the military for about 30 years so you know very you know manly man so I always say man mommy and daddy's routine is a little bit different so again I'm not sure how your parents woke you up when you were growing up when you were a child but yeah my parents had very different method or routines in the morning now I love them both but yeah my mom was the softer one in the morning and my dad was um I'm more militant in the morning so hopefully you guys enjoyed that story let me know in the comments about your own parents and your family or how you personally wake your own children up alright guys I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 531,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tiffani, learn english, english conversation, speak english, english pronunciation, native english teacher, american english, english contractions, english reductions, american english pronunciation, speak english with tiffani, speak english with teacher tiffani, english fluency, speak english fluently, morning routine for english students, morning routine for students, routine for english students, best routine for english students, 30 minute morning routine
Id: yp6reY49e2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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