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hey as an english learner you've probably struggled with phrasal verbs right you probably said yes because i know phrasal verbs can be tricky well that's why today i want to teach you the five most common english phrasal verbs i'm going to show you their meaning and how to use them in real life situations i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in all right so again phrasal verbs can be tricky but the first common phrasal verb is right here cut back cut back now this just means to reduce now for pronunciation practice after me cut back excellent last time cut back good job now this phrasal verb just means to reduce but let's look at some example sentences the first one is they are cutting back expenses so once again remember the word excuse me the phrasal verb means to reduce so they are cutting back expenses actually means they are reducing their expenses makes sense right now the second example sentence is my family cut back on the amount of electricity we used last year now this is something it's funny i actually told a story earlier this morning to some friends of mine about how growing up my parents used to say hey cut the lights off when you leave a room cut the lights off we need to make sure we are using the energy properly in the house they wanted to cut back on their electricity bill so again you see the phrasal verb in that situation now the final example sentence for this phrasal verb is i decided to cut back on a lot of things this year now what i want to do right now is look at an actual situation a situation that you can connect with now i want you to think about the amount of junk food a person eats maybe you really like junk food right now i'm going to look at this i'm going to show you a dialogue between two individuals and you're going to see how the phrasal verb cut back can be used so here we go here's the dialogue between mike and brian mike says hey brian we're going to get some french fries you want to come brian ah hey mike thanks for asking but i'm good oh let me explain this to you this is kind of a slang in english i'm good just means i'm okay i'm all right i'm fine the way i am right now so brian is letting mike know hey thank you for the invite but i'm okay i'm good i don't need to go i don't need french fries so if you want to learn some american slang you can actually use this one and sound more like a native english speaker oh i'm good it's okay i'm good so how does mike respond to him mike then says really i'm surprised you usually always jump at the chance to get french fries are you feeling okay so now we see mike is shocked because brian usually always wants to eat french fries mike is surprised because brian usually will always say yes when given the opportunity that's what jump at the chance means it means if someone gives you an opportunity you immediately move you immediately go for the chance or the opportunity so in english we say jump at the chance so again mike is a little bit shocked because brian usually jumps at the chance to eat some french fries and then brian says i'm okay i just started a new workout routine so i am trying to be mindful of what i eat now this is where brian is letting mike know hey i'm trying to be mindful of i'm trying to watch i'm trying to think carefully about what i eat so okay mike understands ah you're trying to be mindful of what you eat you're trying to be careful now how can we use the phrasal verb in this situation we can describe the situation like this brian is trying to cut back on junk food because he started a new exercise routine makes sense right he's trying to reduce the amount of junk food he eats because he's on a new exercise routine he's following a routine makes sense right all right so number one cut back now what about the second most common english phrasal verb we have this one get around get around now this means to be heard by a lot of people so again for pronunciation practice after me get around good last time after me get around excellent now again get around just means to be heard by a lot of people so here are the example sentences news of his promotion got around very fast next it didn't take long for news of his resignation to get around and finally the news of their engagement got around quickly again very common situations where if you get a promotion of course people are excited for you and the news will spread if you resign sometimes people will start talking and the news will spread or if you get engaged people will start talking and the news will get around but what about this situation or another real life situation that will help you understand so when a woman is pregnant this dialogue is between samantha and mary samantha says hey mary how have you been mary says hey samantha i've been great i actually have been meaning to talk to you now real quick ben meaning to do something means that you have it in the back of your mind something that you want to do but you haven't done just yet but you're like oh i'm going to do that i've been meaning to call you i've been meaning to buy something something that i want to do but i haven't done just yet so mary says hey samantha i actually have been meaning to talk to you now here's the response samantha says oh really what's going on well says mary mark and i found out that our little family is going to be expanding or growing samantha says wait what you're pregnant congratulations and then mary says something interesting shh not too loud girl thanks so much i just don't want everyone to know just yet you know how fast news travels now i know your brain is already working because we just learned the second most common phrasal verb get around and it seems like she's saying the exact same thing so let's see how we can use it in this situation we can say mary doesn't want the news of her pregnancy to get around too fast so she only told samantha makes sense right again get around this phrasal verb the second most common phrasal verb means to spread quickly and she doesn't want the news of her pregnancy to get around too fast now we're gonna look at the third most common english phrasal verb but i want to remind you of something my goal is to help one billion students around the world speak english with confidence and part of speaking english with confidence and fluently is of course learning phrasal verbs but there are also many other things that you must learn in order to be fluent in english so i want you to join me for a free event that's right the english fluency week i want to help you speak english fluently so this english fluency week again you can register totally for free by clicking the link right in the description it will help you speak english fluently i'm gonna teach you some tips that will blow your mind and help you finally master english and speak english fluently so again join me for the english fluency week by clicking the link in the description totally free and don't just learn phrasal verbs learn even so much more alright so here we go let's go to the third most common english phrasal verb here we go the third one is right here look into look into now this means to try to discover facts about something i'll give you a hint i just told you about what the english fluency week a free event for you to speak english fluently well you probably want to discover more information about it you probably want to click the link you want to look into the event even more makes sense right all right so again look into just means try to discover facts about something now pronunciation after me look into you got it good last time look into excellent now look into so let's look at some example sentences here we go now this has three example sentences after several customers complained about late deliveries they decided to look into the matter next can you look into this for me and finally the detective decided to look into the details of the case again in each of the sentences we're talking about getting more information discovering more about the situation so what about another real life situation let's look at a dialogue here we go so let's say for example students are fighting like little kids you have the teacher and then you have the student johnny here we go teacher says johnny tell me what happened johnny says well michael hit me while we were playing at the playground so i hit him back wait a minute tell me why michael hit you johnny continues i don't know teacher he literally just hit me out of the blue oh now real quick out of the blue just means no plan no reason it didn't happen according to a schedule just out of the blue randomly so johnny is saying that michael hit him randomly out of the blue now look at the teacher's response huh okay i can tell that there is more to this story or there's more information that i need i am going to go speak with michael and some other students to get to the bottom of this now to get to the bottom of this just means to get to the root to get to the true story what really happened so we see that the teacher needs to discover more information what does that sound like what phrasal verb hey you got it so how can we describe the situation using the phrasal verb here we go the teacher decided that she had to look into the details of the fight to find out what really happened so again we see natural situation it happens little kids sometimes fight and teachers have to figure out what really happened we have to look into the situation all right make sense yeah all right now the fourth most common english phrasal verb is right here here we go put off put off now this means to delay doing something especially when you don't want to do it now this happens a lot this is very similar again to procrastinate you know the word procrastinate right like i don't want to do it i need to do it but i don't want to do it so when you delay say i'll do it later we say put off that's the phrasal verb so pronunciation after me put off excellent front teeth bottom lip for the f sound last time put off good job now how can we use this in some sentences here we go first example sentence is right here are you putting off writing the essay because you can't concentrate right now next they decided to put off their wedding or delay their wedding and finally don't put off the project so you see again in each example we're talking about delaying something or procrastinating a bit right so let's see a real situation a real dialogue imagine putting off the payment of a bill here we go all right here we go here's the dialogue between a wife and a husband the wife says honey we got something strange in the mail oh really let me see what it is okay it says something about our bill is late and now we have an extra fee to pay hmm says the husband that is weird i thought for sure i paid all of the bills last week the wife remember you were out of town last week honey husband oh you're right i was planning to pay the bills before i left but i decided to do it when i got back because i thought i had time man it must have slipped my mind when i got back now slip my mind just means forgot something right it slipped my mind i forgot something so the husband is saying i was planning on doing it when i got back i decided to delay the payment of the bill until i returned home you got it you know what we're going to be using so how can we describe the situation here we go using put off her husband put off paying the bills because he thought he would have time to pay them after his trip makes sense to delay we understand the situation put off is a perfect phrasal verb for this situation and many others now what about the fifth most common english phrasal verb here we go the phrasal verb is right here give in give in now this means to surrender especially in a fight or argument now for pronunciation real quick after me give in good now that v sound front teeth bottom lip and a little bit of vibration after me last time give in excellent now again it means to surrender like okay fine fine whatever you want i'm gonna do it i i i don't want to fight whatever you want i am giving in right now so let's see some examples and this is right here here we go first ben's mother gave in and let him stay out late with his friends next my parents would not give in so i stayed home and finally the enemy finally gave in so the war stopped so again we see these situations where hey whatever you want to do i'm not going to fight anymore these individuals gave in but what about a real situation a dialogue we can look at here we go let's look at this dialogue right here in this situation a child begging for ice cream now here's the child mommy can i have some ice cream the mom no because you didn't finish all of your chores please mommy i promise to finish all of my chores before i go to bed tonight he's putting off his chores you got that right he's delaying his chores you got that now how does the mom respond here we go why should i let you get ice cream before you finish your chores now here's the child because i finished all of my homework and i promise to do my chores too pretty please now this is something that um we use in english kids use it more often pretty please it's like emphasizing please like please please pretty please so we use that to emphasize please but adults don't use it as much kids use it okay all right so how does the mom respond okay since you finished all of your homework you can have some ice cream so the mom went from saying no and then going back and forth with the child please mommy no please mommy i'll do this fine go ahead you can have your ice cream so the mom didn't want to fight about it anymore or argue you know what we're doing exactly here's the sentence describing the situation the mom finally gave in and allowed her child to have some ice cream she finally said go for it do it you can have the ice cream makes sense right excellent now these five common english phrasal verbs will help you speak more fluently in english remember i said to improve your fluency even more you need to join the free english fluency week by clicking the link in the description look into it guaranteed you will enjoy it and i look forward to seeing you there thank you so much again for joining me today i hope you guys continue to study english hard remember to always give your best and don't worry about making mistakes you can do it i'll see you next week but remember to speak english you still there you know what time it is it's story time hey i said it's story time all right so today's story actually um is very interesting this happened when i was studying korean i was a level one student i was learning the basics like the letters the sounds and basic verbs so when i was studying and learning korean i remember my first class it was great now in my class there were many different students but i was the oldest out of all of them at that time i may have been 27 or 28 and my classmates were all like 17 and 18 years old now the thing is i was paying for my education i was paying for the classes and they weren't cheap they were about a thousand dollars for two months it was expensive but i was working i was a missionary english teacher and i was taking a lot of my salary and using it to pay for my education but there came a point in time where i started to wonder because i knew the 17 and 18 year olds weren't paying for their education so i asked them one day i said i need to discover i need to look into what they're doing that i don't know about so i asked one of the students she was a japanese student i remember her very well very nice young lady and i said hey i'm paying for my own education how are you guys paying for this because it's not cheap she said oh we're not paying for this i said what do you mean she said oh we all have scholarships and i said what scholarship do you have so she proceeded to give me more information about this korean government scholarship that paid for everything so i listened i was very intrigued i was very interested and i said wait a minute all these students here are learning for free because of the scholarship i need to find out more information about this scholarship so i decided to look into the scholarship so i left class that day and i went back to my apartment i had to work so i worked in the evening and over the next few weeks i did a lot of research i looked into this amazing korean scholarship program found all of the details and i realized hey i also could apply for the scholarship but it was very very difficult to get the scholarship so anyways i applied for the scholarship and i went through the entire process but as i was going through the process i was still studying in the program i was still in level one now the thing that i remember happening again after i found out about the scholarship and i was going to look into i wanted to learn korean because i really was interested in korean and i wanted to converse with other individuals in their mother tongue so i looked up the scholarship but i continued paying for my own education while i was waiting for the results or the the feedback from my application so i remember one day in class again level one and we were learning how to say take a shower in korean and the teacher was telling us okay shower in korean is shower hada okay shower hada i'll teach you a little korean now shower is shower and then hada means to do in korean now in english we don't say do a shower we say take a shower and in the class myself and one other guy were the only we were the only two native english speakers everyone else was from you know other countries they could speak a little english but it wasn't their first language so i remember the day in class when the teacher said do a shower and i said what she said yeah do a shower shower hada and it took so long for my friend and i to understand this concept of not taking a shower but doing a shower now of course i can speak korean now and we made it through the lesson but it was at that moment that i realized hey if i want to be fluent in this language i'm going to have to work really hard i'm going to have to learn the way they say things i'm going to have to learn their structures their grammar and not think in english and not think in my own language the same is true for you i learned that when i was in level one and it wasn't easy but the same is true for you today you learned five common english phrasal verbs and sometimes i understand it's very tricky to use english phrasal verbs but once you make that choice once you make the decision you know what i'm not gonna think about things in my own language i'm gonna think about them in the language i'm trying to learn which is english things get easier so i hope that you use all of these english phrasal verbs try to use one every day again they're the common ones so you can find examples and situations and you can master english and be fluent so again as you know i speak english and i speak korean after i decided to do that i was able to speak korean fluently moving forward learning of course through all the levels so i hope this story inspires you that even in the beginning if something seems difficult as long as you put the effort in you can definitely speak english fluently and yes i did end up getting the scholarship which helped me focus on my studies so guys thank you so much for joining i hope you enjoyed this short story i hope it was encouraging again i do want to remind you all don't forget to sign up register for free for the english fluency week again look into it it's free learn even more and get fluent in english thanks so much and i will see you guys next week
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 249,438
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Keywords: english phrasal verbs, tiffani, teacher tiffani, learn phrasal verbs, advanced english lessons, english conversation, finally speak english, english pronunciation, english pronunciation lesson, speak english with tiffani, Speak English With Tiffani, tiffany, english with tiffani, native english teacher, american english, phrasal verbs, how to speak english, real english conversation, phrasal verbs in english, what is phrasal verbs in english, english phrasal verbs in use
Id: Cq7rae9-jGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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