How To Have An Advanced English Conversation Like A Native English Speaker

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hey as an english learner your goal is to speak english fluently right you want to master english conversation right well the only way you can master english conversation is by knowing the four parts of an advanced english conversation and i'm gonna teach you all four parts today now if it's your first time i wanna introduce myself i'm teacher tiffany and my goal is to help one billion students around the world just like you finally speak english with confidence and that's exactly why i created today's lesson for you now are you ready to learn well then let's jump right in all right now there are four parts to a natural advanced english conversation let's look at part number one start with small talk now again this is part one of an advanced english conversation it is a way for you to get the conversation jump started naturally now let me look at this really quickly jump started it means to start or improve something more quickly by giving it extra help so basically the way you can understand or remember this term is think about when you're in a conversation right there's this awkward moment where you don't know what to do right you don't necessarily know how to start the conversation you don't know what to say jumpstarted means to get it started very quickly and that's the goal of small talk so what exactly is small talk here we go polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters especially as engaged in on social occasions so the easiest way for you to understand small talk is a period in the conversation at the very beginning that is not too deep um but it's still interesting but it's basically focused on simple things to talk about that everyone basically general topics that everyone can talk about now there's a word in the definition that i want to go over with you really quickly okay the word is uncontroversial you see it uncontroversial now this emphasizes the point i was making about general topics uncontroversial refers to not likely to be disputed or to cause strife or quarrel not likely to cause controversy or problems so again small talk focuses on general topics topics that everyone can basically agree on or talk about without any issues so uncontroversial matters or uncontroversial topics all right okay now i want us to look at some more details about small talk during this part of the conversation you want to show a genuine interest and you also want to ask open-ended questions so real quick when you start a conversation off if you ask a question and then you're like uh-huh [Music] i don't look too interested do i right you want to start off by being genuine by showing genuine interest even during the small talk part now the next thing is asking open-ended questions again this is another detail that you can understand about small talk so open-ended questions basically questions that have no determined limit or boundary so for example the easiest way to understand this where are you from how was your day how was work how did you hear about this event these are example questions you can use during the small talk part of the conversation again open-ended there can be many different answers to these questions right now i do want you to also remember this as you're getting into this part of the conversation avoid talking about personal topics such as beliefs or religion health or political views also always practice active listening now real quick before i go to active listening i did want to emphasize something when you're starting a conversation off you don't want to talk about personal topics because you're trying to keep the conversation basically light at the very beginning you kind of want to have this comfortability that everyone is experiencing at the beginning of the conversation but the moment you get into religion or political beliefs suddenly the conversation gets really deep but you don't want to do that at the beginning of a conversation now the other thing i said is always practice active listening remember earlier i showed you body language right using my body language how okay yep uh-huh uh-huh i'm not really interested but you actually need to be listening actively during the small talk part of the conversation so again active listening means concentrating on what is being said rather than just passively hearing the message and finally i want you to remember small talk is a way for you to find a common point to explore more remember as you're jump starting the conversation you like i use that right there yeah as you're jump starting the conversation your goal is to connect with the person you're speaking with right you want to see hey wait a minute what do we have in common what can we talk about and we'll both be interested this is what the first part of the conversation is for so let's look at an example small talk conversation here we go i want to show you an example of small talk we have two individuals anna and robert here we go anna starts hey i'm anna what's your name robert hey anna my name is robert where are you from notice what's happening they're both asking open-ended questions right very light conversation to start if you're following right good then anna answers his question i'm from california how about yourself now you'll see the red i'm gonna come back and explain the portions that are bolded but let's keep going through this part of the conversation robert says really me too i'm actually from riverside what city did you live in anna says what a coincidence i'm from sacramento but i have lots of friends from riverside robert says that's awesome man it really is a small world so you see the first part of the conversation again making small talk very light-hearted conversation but you see there's kind of this connection being made right they found this commonality like oh wait a minute we're both from california this is very interesting now there were three things that i wanted to dive into a little bit more to explain to you all the first thing was anna said how about yourself now honestly this is just another way to ask someone how about you there are so many ways in english to ask someone how they're doing but this is another example you can say how about yourself after you've answered a question you want to throw it back to the person that you're talking to you can say hey how about yourself and that's exactly what anna did now the next thing was what a coincidence again anna said this and it means when two or more similar or related events occur at the same time by chance and without any planning think about it anna just met robert but now she's finding out that robert is actually from the same state wow similar wow what a coincidence so again pronunciation coincidence you got it again coincidence excellent so you see again they're making this connection in part one of an advanced english conversation the small talk portion now the last thing is it's a small world now this just means sad to show you're surprised that people or events in different places are connected so again anna and robert meeting for the first time they're in part one of the advanced english conversation the small talk part right they're asking open-ended questions and what happened oh my goodness they found a connection what a small world anna's from california and so is robert so this is the point of the first part of an advanced english conversation and we see small world is an expression that you can start using too so let's continue let's go now to part number two here we go transition this is part two of an advanced english conversation it is a way for you to smoothly move to a deeper conversation remember part one we ended the conversation between anna and robert where they found oh my goodness we're both from california now there needs to be a transition from the small talk to something else so part number two again the transition by actively listening during the small talk part you will recognize an interesting topic that you can dive deeper into you see where we're going right anna and robert they realized we're both from california different cities though now you see i have dive deeper into what does this actually mean so dive deeper into means to examine something in great detail in a short space of time or to talk about a subject in a lot of detail all right so you want to dive deeper into something to kind of understand a little bit more about a certain topic all right so when you're in part two here are some things to understand the goal is to find a connection all right next for example say something related to a person or group of people next a situation or experience next a mutual like or dislike now since we're studying together we already recognized something that connected anna and robert we recognized oh my goodness they're both from california but this is part two the transition so now the transition has to happen in their conversation now i do want you to remember some things here are some good transition statements for example you mentioned that dot dot dot what are your thoughts on dot dot dot next i also like dot dot dot have you ever dot dot dot or finally you could say can you tell me a bit more about dot dot dot now again you can literally copy these sentences and these statements exactly when you're in a conversation and you're trying to speak like a native english speaker remember one of these transition statements to actually move forward in the conversation now let's see how they did it in their conversation here we go again robert and anna so robert says even though i'm not from sacramento i have heard many good things about it i read an article that said it has been dubbed the most hipster city in california can you tell me a bit more about what makes sacramento such a great city you see what he did there right he used a transition statement right they're both from california but remember she anna said she's from sacramento right but robert is not he's from riverside so robert is like wait a minute i want to connect i want to go deeper i need a transition statement so he says can you tell me a bit more about and then he says what makes sacramento such a great city so now there's this transition to kind of a deeper topic right now how does anna respond okay oh before we go to anna there are two words i want us to look at really quickly dubbed now this just means to give an unofficial name or nickname to someone or something for example um a long time ago maybe it's been several months actually several months ago uh you know you all always comment on the videos right one student in the comment section said teacher you're my chocolate teacher so the student started calling me chocolate teacher i said okay i was dubbed or given a nickname by that student so that's what the word dubbed means so again after me dubbed good job now you'll also see another word right here in robert's answer he said hipster real quick for pronunciation hipster excellent last time hipster good job now hipster is just someone whose fashion choices and music interests fall outside the main stream all right so someone who doesn't follow the trends they do their own thing right so robert is saying hey i heard that sacramento has a lot of hipsters so now we're going to see how anna responds again we're still in part two and it says sure i'm glad you asked i love sacramento there are so many things that make it a great city so we're seeing now there's this natural transition that is happening because robert used one of the transition statements now i have a challenge for you as we move into part number three before we get there here's the challenge i want you right now to pick one transition statement and make your own example here's the deal today i am partnering with cambly an amazing company an amazing company that cares about students just as much as i do and they want to help students like you improve their english fluency so cambly again thank you so much cambly they have tutors from around the world what they decided to do is allow one student right now they're going to give every student that participates you're going to win something even if you're watching this video later don't worry we have a coupon code for you as well in the description but we're going to give one student a 60 minute free tutoring meeting right you're going to have a tutor for 60 minutes all you have to do is using one of these transition statements make your own example and put it in the comments section so you can say you mentioned that you dot dot dot what are your thoughts on dot dot dot or i also like dot dot dot have you ever dot dot you can pick one of these three transition statements make your own sentences and put it in the comment section your response put it in the comment section and then i will pick one student to get the free 60 minute tutoring session with an amazing cambly tutor now again cambly is awesome they're such a great company and they want to help you improve your english so again everyone can participate everyone will win something you'll all get the coupon code but one specific student will get a 60 minute tutoring session so again do it right now now let's move on to part number three again cambly thank you so much here we go part number three part number three of an advanced english conversation is the deep conversation part it is a way for you to connect more with the other person here we go this is kind of when you share your experiences your interests your feelings or just thoughts in general with people in order to connect with them this is when you really get into an advanced english conversation right you're getting to the point where now your ideas your thoughts your experiences need to connect with the topic you're discussing so let's see how you can do this properly and sound like a native english speaker here we go ask give and follow up this is the pattern you're going to ask about information for example use the five w's who what when where or why ask for details ask for reasons or ask for examples again there's this pattern that happens in this part of the conversation this back and forth back and forth back and forth i like to think of it like a tennis match you ask a question then they're gonna answer you then you have to give information so give information related to the other person's response or answer and again we're gonna see this in the conversation between anna and robert in a few moments there's this back and forth and finally there's a follow-up so you're gonna follow up with another question again going back and forth back and forth now there's a special situation where you can discover information together if something comes up that you both are interested in look up something online that is related to it and relay the new information to the person you are speaking with they may also find something as well this is not mandatory but it is very common in modern times for example i'm having a conversation with someone and we're talking about something dealing with sports or something dealing with art and there's something that we both don't know we're like wait a minute i go on my phone to look on google and he or she goes on his or her phone to look on google we realize something and then we share it with each other this does happen very often in conversations nowadays but it's not all the time so the main thing to remember is ask give follow-up during the deep conversation part so let's check out anna and robert's conversation they're now in deep conversation here we go anna one of my favorite things about sacramento is its food culture it is actually known as america's farm to fork capital because the area ships produce all over the nation and has 40 local farmers markets stocked full of local fines i love getting food from the farmer's market have you ever been to one robert continues yeah they are not as widespread in my area but we do have one in my neck of the woods my wife and i are actually vegetarian so we try to eat organic food as much as possible most of our organic produce comes from our local farmers market anna that's awesome it seems like many more people are starting to get more health conscious these days my husband and i are also trying to be vegetarian robert i totally agree we have to take care of our bodies would you mind if i asked what made you want to become a vegetarian now we're going to pause there but you see how naturally the conversation is getting deeper and deeper and deeper finding out that they're both well they're vegetarian and they're trying to be more like a vegetarian so the conversation is getting deeper now in the midst of this conversation again this back and forth there were some new words and expressions so i want to explain these words and expressions to you here we go farmers markets now these are uh physical retail marketplaces intended to sell foods directly by farmers to consumers this is something that may be common in your country already but a lot of times so for example in america we just go to the supermarket we buy the food we take it to the register and we take it home but a farmer's market is literally a farmer bringing his or her food to a market and selling it directly to the consumers and they are pretty popular because people want to eat fresh produce fresh vegetables and fresh fruits so a farmer's market i guess it's a part of american culture too now another one that was in the conversation is right here wide spread wide spread now this just means found or distributed over a large area or number of people now again this is something that is very useful this word is very useful so wide spread for example uh something that is very popular very common music music or for example let's say gospel i like gospel music gospel is widespread like no matter where you go you can hear someone who's heard a gospel song so we say wide spread now the other one is right here health conscious again after me health conscious good last time health conscious excellent now health conscious just means concerned about how healthy one's diet and lifestyle are this is something very important for you to understand okay so health conscious i am a very health conscious person why i like to eat well i like to take care of my body and i always think about what i'm eating so i'm a very health conscious person all right so we saw in the conversation part number three the deep conversation part that anna and robert are going back and forth they're getting really deep now they're talking about the type of food they eat talking about where they go to buy their food all because they had a smooth transition from part two into this deep conversation right now let's move into part number four of a natural english conversation an advanced natural english conversation this is the end of the conversation this is the part where you are trying to end the conversation in a natural way it's when you wrap up the conversation by reviewing what you talked about and keeping the connection going here we go summarize thank them and then give an invitation very important this pattern is very important for part number four summarize thank them and then you give an invitation let me explain these a little bit more so summarize mention two or three of the main things that you discussed then you thank them for taking the time to have a conversation with you and finally mention that you would love to continue the conversation later now this is something that i've emphasized before the part about summarizing you want to make sure that you grasped all the main points and that the person you're speaking with knows that you were actively listening and then you're thanking them to let them know like hey i really enjoyed this conversation thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today and giving an invitation this is something that's very interesting you're leaving this open door for the person to come back and have another conversation with you which is a great way to end a conversation now here are some points that i want you to remember this point right here when an advanced english conversation is ended properly the listener will feel two things they will feel like you understood them and added value to their life this will lead to more meaningful conversations in the future as well now meaningful just means having a serious important or useful quality or purpose this is something that you want to happen when someone speaks with you you want them to leave thinking wow that was a great conversation again it shows that you are fluent it shows that you're able to understand to process and also to relay and give other information pieces of information so it's very important for you to do this at the end of the conversation so let's see what happened with anna and robert here we go robert says anna i really feel like i am a sacramento expert now i want to go visit some of the many farmers markets there one day thanks so much for telling me about your city what did he do he summarized sacramento farmer's markets and then he thanked her thank you so much for telling me about your city robert is good y'all robert is real good now anna says it was my pleasure robert i was also happy to finally meet another vegetarian you see what she's doing she's showing that she was listening as well summarizing robert says true hey we should go on a double date my wife would enjoy talking with you as well anna that's a great idea i'll talk to my husband and we can all meet at the new restaurant around the corner robert perfect we'll talk soon and then they exchange numbers so what happened they both summarized sacramento farmers markets vegetarian they both thanked each other like thank you so much for sharing more about yourself more about your city and then they gave an invitation like hey we should hang out you and your husband you and your wife we should all come out and hang out together at this vegetarian restaurant there's the connection they talked about being vegetarian they talked about farmers markets they talked about food this is how you have a natural english conversation and an advanced english conversation by again understanding these four parts of a conversation number one small talk number two the transition number three deep conversation and number four ending the conversation properly now i hope you enjoyed today's lesson i hope it helps you finally master english conversation and speak english with confidence don't forget to participate in the challenge remember put your sentences right in the comment section and everyone that participates will be a winner you'll be able to access the coupon codes right in the description but there will be one special student that i'll choose to get the 60 minute free tutoring session with a cambly tutor thank you so much guys again i hope you learned a lot i can't wait to see you next week but as always remember to speak english [Music] you still there you know what time it is it's story time hey i said it story time all right guys today i have a very funny story for you some of you may know this story but many of you don't so today we were talking about conversation right how to have a good conversation in english and you know there's one topic that has come up many times in conversation for my family so years ago this is a story about my niece my niece right now is 11 years old but years ago when she was about i think almost two years old she was little right she could talk a little bit though she was staying at my parents house right this is when i was in korea overseas so i heard the story from them so my mom and dad my nieces call my dad pop pop and they call my mom gami all right so pop-pop and gammy they've been dubbed remember that we learned that today their nickname so they've been dubbed pop-pop and gammy so again the kids have always called them pop-up and gaming now of course my sister and i we call them something different mommy and daddy my mom calls my dad something different and you know vice versa for my dad and my mom so anyways one day my niece was and my nephew at that time he was he was here they were sleeping and it was early in the morning they had just woken up right so my niece again she was almost two she was calling my dad she was like pop pop pop pop now my the kids usually wake up very happy all of them right so they're like they're on wake up extremely happy so she woke up she was like pop pop pop pop but my dad wasn't answering so i think my mom and my dad were just in the room just talking so they didn't hear her so she kept going pop pop pop pop and he wouldn't answer then there was silence and the next thing they heard was earl now let me explain something my dad's name is earl but no one calls him earl except his family members like from where he grew up and my mom everyone else calls him ej adults call him ej right he's uh the third he's the second so he's a junior so earl jr so everyone else calls him ej but my mom and then other family members call him earl now remember i said my niece was almost two years old and she was saying pop pop pop pop and there was a pause and all of a sudden there was earl my parents burst out laughing because my niece and her little almost two-year-old mind said he's not answering me when i say pop-pop but whenever my gamey says earl he responds so let me try to say earl clearly as you know my dad popped up ran to go get her out of the room but they were all laughing my mom was laughing my my dad was laughing my niece wasn't laughing because she didn't know why it was funny she was just trying to get his attention so that has become the topic of so many conversations and partly because in our culture we don't call adults by their first name like i don't call my mom by her first name or my dad or their friends like they're either aunt or uncle or miss or mister and again it's because in our culture you don't call someone by their first name if they are your like your senior like aunt uncle dad or in that age group so to hear an almost two-year-old switch it and say you know what you're not answering me when i call so i'm gonna call you your first name because you're not listening so it's been a running joke again now she's 11 years old but it's a running joke now and it's a topic of many conversations so let me know maybe something funny happened to you when you were younger or someone in your family let me know in the comment section don't forget about the challenge as well again remember i'll pick one student to get the 60-minute free tutoring session but then everybody else as long as you participate you'll get the coupon code other coupon codes in the description thanks so much guys i hope you enjoyed and learned a lot i will see you next week oh yeah don't forget to like share and subscribe come on let's build the family up see you next week
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 123,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiffani, teacher tiffani, teacher tiffany, speak english with tiffani, speak english with tiffany, english conversation, learn english, how to learn advanced english speaking, learn advanced english conversation, advanced english conversation, advanced english conversation course, advanced english course, advanced english speaking course, advanced english speaking tutorial, advance english speaking course, advance english speaking, tiffany, native english speaker, native english
Id: h2HadeN92JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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