🦄 PALWORLD 🦄 EASY Rent a HOSTED Dedicated Server

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welcome Pals I'm going to cover how to set up a Hostess server for the Recently launched game pal World there are official servers but playing on those means that you and your friends are at the mercy of someone else's rules they might get wiped you can't prevent cheaters and if someone wants to grief you well you're plain out of luck you can set up your own server with friends and Gaming Community and that's often an affordable option that at least I prefer this video will be about how to set up a rented hosted server not a dedicated local server if you are interested in that don't worry I will leave a link in the description below I put out a video about that yesterday which is fairly simple it just means you have to run it 24/7 yourself on your own PC and a lot of people don't like to do that I will leave a link in the description it is an affiliate link which has a 10% monthly discount code that you can use to save yourself some money for transparency here this is not a sponsored video and I do partner with with Pink Perfect and I've used them for many years for many servers I'm not being paid or sponsored by Pink Perfect to make this video they do have a very competitive offering which is why I've been using them for all my server needs first of all click the link and head over to the site we're going to hit order now there will be a bunch of game server options and if you can't find Pal World on the front you at least just search for it under the game servers when you get to here you'll see some information about what provide and you can order in pound USD or Euro but let's go through just very quickly about what it offers to have it hosted one you do get access to things like mod managers configuration file editors FTP access you can switch games you can switch worlds and you have the game panel which is actually really nice and you can use that even on your mobile as well there's a bunch of P testimonials there's other information here they mention for instance instance setup it takes a few minutes 24/7 support which is really good backup uh Hardware is really good global locations is one of the reasons I like to use it because they are pretty much everywhere game switching if you want to go to different game you can do that as well DS protection and actually comes with free web hosting we're going to go to USD on the right side we're going to see the order summary don't worry about the $21 now that's going to change as we go through because they do pre- select some options that we are probably going to deselect so coming down here they mentioned that if you go byy quarterly semiannual annually you get a nice discount what this means is that let's say you do quarterly you immediately get 5% off and normally that's definitely worthwhile because people don't keep servers for just a month so let's switch it over to quarterly here we're going to change location let's say us uh New York we're going to change the service so it's only running at SSD you don't normally need to have it on nvme it is like slightly faster but you might not notice anything normal support normally good 7gb is the ram by default CP priority we're going to bring it down to normal priority which is normally good enough at least to start with then you have the host name so we're going to do v test you do need to put an archon password we're going to under v test archon this one is used if you are connecting through an archon client if you don't know what that is don't worry just put in a password and write it down somewhere so you don't lose it and here we see the price this is not the final price but it is per quarter if we switch over to monthly you'll see it goes down to less than $15 but let's say keep it at quarterly for now and hit continue we have the review and checkout page and do keep an eye on what you have here look through because you can change a lot of these things later on if you select the location you want to change it you can erase a ticket and have them move it but that might take a day or to so getting it right the first time is of course a lot better just makes it easier then we're going to go down to promotion codes you want to type in VI and we're going to check what happens to the price bam we have a 10% recurrent discount which means we're saving $4 every payment which is nice it's 10% and we hit checkout on the checkout page you have to fill in your personal details so they know who you are you're going to be their customer you have to put in a password confirm the password and you have to decide how you're going to pay PayPal credit card payve skill Grill bank transfer or Bitcoin I normally just use PayPal or credit card because that's the easiest way tick in I read agreed to terms of service you might want to have a look at those ones and hit complete order once you've made the order sit tight their backend will go and install the power World server and set everything up for you so don't touch anything you can go and check your email over the next next few minutes you'll see a few of them such as mentioning about new building information and that you have an invoice and order confirmation and then a few minutes later you will get the game panel details and your login credentials that are needed to log into the game panel so go have a look at those in a few minutes uh don't touch it until you receive these emails and it tells you that it's ready because it is installing and if you start canceling and clicking around you can actually interrupt and then you have to raise a ticket and that's just going to take a lot of extra time so don't do that just wait until you have the emails once you get the emails check the login check the credentials and go and log in and it'll look something like this the first thing we want to do is hit stop because the server is actually running it starts automatically once they've installed everything but we want to stop it because we want to make sure we are configuring it our way we also want to go and hit update your server from Steam because even though they have installed the latest version assuming you did that and then a few hours later you came and logged on the first time there could have been an update and then you will have a discrep discrepancy between your client and server so I always go and hit update your server from Steam if it's already updated it will just validate if there is a new update it'll tell you that it's downloading and installing and patching you can see in this case they verified everything is fine so we're going to go back to the actual server once we're here you see there's a bunch of options here you have the configuration files we're going to go there in a moment you have log viewer you have the update that is important if there is an update on the client you do need to log in here again and update the server from Steam as well to make sure that it's also updated you also are able to back up the save data and restore it which is good but let's go to configuration file so click there and then click the text editor that will bring up the configuration files that you have now all of these ones do not necessarily work I've heard that some of them simply don't work but some of them will be pretty much straightforward you know they talk about the daytime speed rate if you increase that presumably the time goes faster so I would just leave a lot of them as they are for the default because we're not entirely sure what changing them will actually make happen on your server and the first time you're playing this you probably want to make sure it's working rather than tweaking all the different settings as well some important ones though is for instance server name I'm going to leave it at vest we already put that in there's a description you can change it there's a admin password we put that in as well and a server password leave it blank for now and simply save and exit you can change these ones but don't change the password the reason being is that there is an issue with the game right now where if you're starting a server and you cannot find it through the in-game server a browser and you have to use the direct connectivity such as this one it will not accept the password and you cannot log in if you have a password set so that's a bit of a problem they they're going to be fixing that really soon and they know about it but it's an issue right now there are some workarounds to it and I put a video out a little bit earlier today about how you can work around that so go check out that video as well if you're interested about having a password on your server but for now we're just going to copy this one and we're going to start the server and then we're going to to get back into the game so we're here in the game head over to join multiplayer game and this is where hopefully on the community server your server will actually show up the problem is and if I do a VD test here you'll see there's nothing there let's go back and the problem we have here is that there are literally thousands tens of thousands of servers and every time you are clicking here display you get an extra 200 you can imagine there are 20,000 30,000 God knows how many servers out there and it's going to be really difficult to always find your server this is one of the main complaints about server browsers in that unless they have a really good search this search for instance is only based on the servers that are right now in this list and that's not what you want to have it have you want the search to be on all the servers that are contacting their servers not necessarily the ones that you have displayed because it's just a pain to do that which is why you have this Direct connect so if we try V still doesn't show up so what we're want to do we're want to type in this IP and the port that we got from the previous page and do a direct connect and through doing that you can see we have now logged onto the server we are on the server we're just going to do this and I'm going to do start game you're going to accept everything but we already are on the server right now because we didn't specify a password if we had specified a password you would have gotten an error at least with the launch version of the server and client they will be fixing that so hopefully in a day or two this is not a problem anymore you can go back to setting a password but leaving the password blank like this you should be able to log in and you see this intro stuff that we always get when we are creating our character and we are in the game and you see how easy it is to get up a hosted server with Pink Perfect so you can start playing with your games and you can select like any location that you want to have just like you would nor nor do when you are playing the game it's simple it's efficient you don't have to worry about keeping your server running 24/7 because Pink Perfect is hosting it they're handling all the maintenance you are of course paying a few dollars a month per person if you're having a few friends but that's really not a lot of money and if you've come this far make sure you hit that like button subscribing to my channel so you can catch all the other videos that will be making of palor if you're running into any issues at any point make sure you are on your page and hit get support and go search or race a ticket for Ping perfect support staff to be able to assist you enjoy your game see you next time
Channel: Vedui42
Views: 6,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, dedicated server, server, guide, how to, tips and tricks, tips, admin, servers, multiplayer, coop, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld news, palworld tips, palworld new gameplay, palworld tips and tricks, palworld early access, palworld new info, palworld guides, palworld how to, pokemon like games, palworld advanced tips, palworld tutorial, palworld release, palworld multiplayer, hosted server, server rental, pingperfect, rent server, hosted dedicated
Id: feWwx0d-gWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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