Checkmate : The Final Plan Revealed

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uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] and then [Music] [Music] so is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you hold us in yours [Music] i know i know you're hungry i know you're ready to go kevin's going to come up in just a moment but thank you for allowing us to missouri man it's beautiful here and you're like i know that's why we're here but thank you thank you for uh having us come and you know we're just so thankful did you watch a youtube last night and when kevin yeah when kevin shared about thanksgiving it's good to give thanks unto the lord and so we're we're thankful that he brought you here we're thankful that you're here we're thankful that you're a partner we're thankful for that you're a student is there any partners and students here wave at us wow all over thank you thank you for doing that thank you for being a part thank you for coming out on this labor day and we want to go ahead and take an offering so we can get kevin up here right now ushers if you would come just make your way up how many know that it's not only good to give thanks to the lord but it's good to give and i tell i tell people all the time because i know it works for me and a lot of this just hold hold tight uh sure it's just for a moment uh a lot of this uh most of this kevin showed me through his ministry he taught me um that if if money if you allow me to say this kevin because i this is this minister to me deeply if you chase money it'll always be three feet in front of you but if you let it chase you it'll run you down and take you over amen so your this is a debt-free ministry this is a ministry that's not begging and pleading for offering we just want love to give people an opportunity to sow into the kingdom if you're making out a check you can make it out to warrior notes ministry or on that envelope you can actually do uh the credit card and it's very secure and we just certainly appreciate everybody giving you can actually do text to give some of you can do that and you can do text to give online we welcome everybody that's watching online we're having so many people touched by god just watching and uh we're glad you're here we're glad you're part of this we're going to be in oklahoma tomorrow and then we're going to be in san antonio on wednesday so we're trying to take this nation back take this nation by storm so we're just thankful we're thankful for you we thank you for the opportunity to give father we thank you for your presence that is so strong here already we ask lord for a mighty move of your spirit we ask that you lord every single person that came tonight leaves change they will receive the need in their life and you're gonna touch them deeply lord i thank you for that and everybody said amen amen let's welcome dr kevin zadai hallelujah hallelujah three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] oh jesus oh [Music] [Applause] well in conclusion i think he's already done it you know it's open heaven here [Music] [Applause] just give me a minute i just gotta drink a little more come on now drink deep drink deep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] three hallelujah this is that [Music] amen amen let me see that you could be seated you could lay down whatever you want to do boom amen i am so thankful for you all thank you for being faithful thank you for serving the lord it's true that the spirit of god wants to keep you completely wrapped up in him but sometimes you might get a little tipsy in order for him to have you sometimes he's got to take it a step further these are not drunk as you suppose i'm going to try to be normal [Laughter] but you got to understand something i'm living a miracle i am living a miracle [Applause] you know at the end of the age god is going to show himself out [Applause] we are chosen we are chosen he trusts us in this generation he trusts us that's why we're alive in this generation it's interesting i was reading in in acts let me get into this into chapter one but it says it says something very interesting i'll get that later verse 7 of chapter 1 of acts it says he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own power it says that okay then the next verse which would mean that he's going to focus on the important thing he said but you're going to receive power from on a high so i don't have to know everything sometimes the father reserves certain things for himself i remember in my dorm room in springfield missouri in 1984 1984 he tells me to go and borrow a car and come down here and do a prayer walk i have not been back until today see it's not for us to know the times and the seasons it's reserved for the father but you know what he knew he knew i'd be standing here tonight he was just doing a little little prep in the spirit think about it so i'm supposed to share some things with you tonight it's open heaven and i'm just going to use this as they do on this night in the hebrew culture it's time to just look back and reflect and i think about what jesus said to me he said i have never been in checkmate i will never be in checkmate now listen the father he said the father made the game board and the pieces and he always wins that's what he told me that's what he told me he said i always reserve one last move for myself that means he will not be and check me and i know that any day now i'm going to hear a gavel come down and god's justice is going to be done there'll be a gavel [Applause] just getting warmed up here you know just stretching a little bit 40 one years ago god revealed himself to me and i got saved okay 41 years ago i gave my life to him and he chose my path my path was i'm going to be a fighter pilot i worked so hard to get that nomination to the academy and he said you're not going you're going to springfield missouri i'm serious i remember going to the latrobe airport in pennsylvania and telling the lord i'll give it up the blue angels were there performing in 1980 when i gave my life to the lord and i said lord i'll give it all up if you will treat me like you treat people in the bible if you will give me the same relationship i'll give you everything and you can lead me from now on i will not do anything unless i check in with you i'll give you my life and i got born again in my bedroom with no music no altar call no offering no one except me and the lord so i'm in latrobe and these airplanes are flying by upside down doing all their things and i'm crying because i count the cost latrobe airport 1980 blue angels they were flying the a4s springfield missouri 1981-85 rhema bible training center 85-87 southwest airlines 88 to 2017. and this is all because i said lord i'll give you my life and you lead me when i walked into the airplane every day at work 30 years i walked in the airplane instead of turning to the left and sitting in the pilot seat i had to go to the right and be a flight attendant for for 29 years i'm just reviewing my past i'm doing an audit i had pilots say well are you going to be a pilot i go well i i want to be then why are you a flight attendant you're getting old you need to be you need to go and do this you're never going to be a pilot because you're waiting and i said i'm waiting on the lord they're like what so one day one day it happened i was serving them their drinks up there it's the same comment what are you doing at this job i go you know what i want to know if you find out you let me know i didn't want to be a boy stewardess and the captain the cat says so you're a christian i said yeah he said well what happened when did you get saved i said i got saved in 1980. i was at the latrobe airport the blue angels were flying guy comes upside down the lord asked me to give it up so i did and the first officer looks at me he goes what year was that i said 1980 he said a4s i said yeah he goes that was me i was number one solo pilot so you're the guy that went upside down he said yeah just a signpost along the way see now how can that happen well just last month i landed our own airplane at the latrobe airport and parked it and told the guy to chalk me up you can't make this up i said fill it up we got money [Applause] how do you make this up the same spot where we chalked it was where the crowd stood and watched they let us on back then you could watch them fly that's a small airport so i'm flying in here today i'm looking around i'm looking at the lake where i walked all the different places in 1984 that i walked parked my car then landed at the airport and now i'm here talking to you you can't make this up but see it's not for us to know the times and the seasons some of them are reserved for the father but you shall receive power from on high you see all the sudden what's important is the power from on high now if you're going to finish your race you're going to finish it with joy you're going to finish it in glory i'm telling you this god's plan has been revealed and it's checkmate for the enemy let's check me amen okay so anyway that's my introduction anyway just i'm just enjoying myself because i see this all the cities we go to i would be there every night i would be in a different city every hour i would be in a different city i'd be praying in tongues for 30 years serving cokes and sprite and listen to people complain about the weather and of course it was my fault that i broke the airplane and think about it i prayed in tongues i made sure of it i called my wife as soon as we checked in i checked in i ate and i prayed in the spirit for four hours every night faithfully for 30 years in every city just about every city you can name in the united states and you know what sometimes i didn't feel nothing but you know it's interesting when you walk into that city now and we rent a convention center how it's just open heaven well you see it's not for us to know all the times in the seasons but it's rigged the whole thing's rigged you see you he sends you in you walk the land and everywhere your foot touches is yours but it might take you some time to get to title d but i got the title deed when i prayed i grabbed it san antonio tulsa i can name them all think about it god's timing his his timing is perfect but what is revealed to us we need to know what has been given to us we need to know because what you don't know may hurt you okay so jesus he questioned me he said listen if you were given 40 extra days to preach what subject would you choose i said you know what lord just like that prophet he i don't know but you know lord so you just go ahead and you tell me because i'm getting set up here he said well don't you think you should know if i was given 40 extra days after i was resurrected which is mentioned here in chapter 1 verse 3. it says that he went around and preached for 40 days and i have not been able to find the cd series on that but i know the subject matter the subject matter is speaking of things pertaining to the kingdom of god okay so if it was important enough for jesus to add this amendment to everything he had done to talk about the kingdom i feel like the lord's asking me to throw away my eight pages of notes which he usually does by this time siri you can shut down the kingdom was very important the kingdom is very important because jesus chose that subject to teach on for 40 days if he was given another chance so that's what he talked about well then you think kingdom okay all these scripture verses come to mind but one of them in particular the holy spirit's bringing up inside of me like he should be in you he should be bringing up revelation and scriptures all the time all the time just feeding see when i go to church i go to church to to let out the fire i don't go to to get i go to give out i'm not gonna i'm not backing off but i go to church to give i don't go to church yet i don't sit there and say move me pastor no your pastor takes you to green pastures and still waters that's what a shepherd does it's you that gets to eat it's you the drinks why am i pointing at all you anyway the kingdom jesus said something profound just there was more than one thing but he he said this he said listen up until now the kingdom has been advancing he talks about the violent taking it by force and things like that but i want to focus just on that i want to focus on this he said but up until now there has never been anyone greater than abraham no moses no john the baptist you've got to be kidding me no think about think about what the pharisees are thinking as he's saying this think about it he said there's never been anyone greater up until this point than john and now he says is however from now on the least in the kingdom is greater than him that means anybody in here that feels like they're the worst the lowest at the end of the procession maybe you're an apostle at the end of the procession the off scouring of the earth like paul said see how many want to be an apostle now you want to spend half your life in jail you know he you know we have our id you know i'm an apostle he took his shirt off and said here's my badge still want to be an apostle that's was paul's id that was proof that he was an apostle his scars on his back from getting beaten for the gospel anyway backing out get the car ready [Laughter] so the least in the kingdom that means that even if you're the little toe in the body you're still greater than anyone okay in the old testament i mean if you're going to bring jesus into it and bring the bible into it what did jesus just say he just he just set the bar up see he's getting people ready to think about the church to think about the body to think about the kingdom they all are tied together is everybody follow me because i'm gonna start accelerating here we're going to go really fast because he is he's he's he's not he's the master at the staircase he is the stair master he can take you step by step and you will not look back there is no door behind you you just keep going into the glory you see the catching away is just going to be like enoch you're going to step over amen but it was known that he pleased god and without faith it's impossible to please god you have to believe that he exists that's easy okay but that he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him are you believing that you're rewarded because you know we were made to like the reward system it's in us to be rewarded come on now we like that incentive program we like it when god says if you do this if you listen to me if you love the lord your god and you obey me this day and he says you choose life all these things are going to be given to you if you choose death here's the curses in the new testament jesus said listen if you love me you'll obey me same same thing he said and he said he said if you he said the father loves you he said me and the father if you do if you obey me and you passionately love me he said me and my father are going to come and live with you well he already said that you're not going to be comfortless you're going to have the holy spirit so the trinity's in you well isn't that part of the plan okay so john the baptist was the greatest up until that point now all of us are greater that is why jesus said you're going to do these works that i'm doing but you can even do greater works than these because i go to my father okay okay here we go introduction is done first corinthians chapter one first corinthians chapter 2 the whole chapter don't read it now you need to memorize that chapter i live in that chapter i walk around in it all day second chapter of first corinthians it starts out with paul saying listen when i came to you i didn't come to you with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration and power of the holy spirit he said he said that the deep things of god are revealed by the spirit the deep things that's what i want i didn't give up f-16s for light fluffy stuff if i am going to walk with god i want it all okay if that is the case if that is the case then it's reckless abandonment you don't look back well paul says no eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has imagined what god has prepared for those who love him and that's what i heard in bible school i didn't know that there was a verse 10. listen everybody has a butt and there is a butt there but it was to us revealed wait a minute god works in mysterious ways but it was revealed to us how by the spirit it says it right there in verse 10 for the spirit searches out everything's and those are deep secrets of god okay verse 12 we have received god's spirit not the world spirit so we can know the wonderful things wonderful things not the disease of the week the wonderful things god has freely given us freely given us okay so i'm not concerned about the times and the seasons that are held with the father i'm concerned about verse 8 it says the power that came from on high the holy spirit and then the holy spirit revealing things of the father following can i keep going we've got 23 more gears to go here we're only on first gear here okay at the end of this chapter he says we understand these things because we have the mind of christ so how can you be too spiritually minded to be no earthly good maybe you're not spiritually minded enough and you're no earthly good i have a little edge about me just a little bit of edge i feel it but ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 through 23 you should be living in that you should be praying that every single day i do it all the time verse 17 through 23 is paul praying for the ephesians they were steeped in witchcraft if you read in acts they turned in all their spell books huge amounts and he's telling them that they need to have a spirit of revelation in the knowledge of him they had spirit there was a wrong spirit it's a small s there's a small g you got to stay away from those small things anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of god understanding comes through spiritual enlightenment through revelation of the spirit the spirit does this well guess what it was poured out he was poured out already okay so you have the spirit of wisdom and revelation knowledge that exceeding greatness come on eyes of understanding enlightened flooded with light the number one question i get asked is how can i hear god's voice the number two question is how do i know god's will can you understand if i live in this and in the second chapter of first corinthians that i have a really hard time i have to bite my lip before i answer someone but yet it's it's it's an epidemic and there is a vaccine for it but you got to take it daily sometimes we just need the the slack jerked out of us sometimes we just need to tighten it up a little bit and you you found this out in the last couple years because the church it got to where the fivefold it wasn't as sharp of a sword and i noticed that the soul meter was really high in the services and the spirit meter was low and people were ministering in this in the soul realm and people really felt good but as soon as you walk out there the same devil is waiting and people were not able to have an overthrow they had a breakthrough in a breakthrough here but overthrow is out there overthrow is kingdom overthrow is dominion all right i'm gonna go the end of my notes page 8. well he announces the end from the beginning so we're going to go the finger of god exodus 8 19. the magician said unto pharaoh this is the finger of god and pharaoh's heart heart was hardened and he hearkened not unto them as the lord had said the magicians they were at least they said this is the finger of god okay exodus 31 18. he gave unto moses when he had made an end of communing with him upon sinai two tables of testimony tablets of stone written with the finger of god just a finger okay deuteronomy 9 10 says he delivered the tablets by the finger written by the finger of god in the midst of the fire it's even better okay luke 11 20 jesus he said if i cast out devils by the head of devils beelzebub he said then we got a problem here this this kingdom is going to fold it's divided but listen if i cast out demons by the finger of god that wrote your law you didn't get it because you'd be all running right now with tambourines and everything the shofar be going you didn't get it did you jesus stood up to the pharisees he said but if the finger that wrote your law is casting out devils then the kingdom of god has come upon you and what are you going to do if that's true is what is what is what i've been told the same finger that wrote your law pharisees is why how i'm casting out devils jesus now if you investigate and you study you can find that jesus did this kind of thing all the time is always poking at them always why do you think they got so mad okay so let's start at the beginning genesis chapter 4 verses 24 and 25 it says adam to his wife just doing a review of mankind you know it's interesting that one of the things that i was shown when i had this experience back in 1992 he he uh he showed me eternity eternity's everything is cyclical it's you know it's not linear like like greek thought everything is linear and it's all these pagan holidays and days but god is cyclical he sees it seasons so it's not like you can say okay it's a linear and this is the timeline because you miss god you miss the personality of god because where he starts is where he ends and where he ends is where he started it doesn't even move no he doesn't even move the same spot he i stood at the spot where he breathed me he showed me the spot where he breathed me into my mother's womb and i stood there and gave an account for my life at the same spot i i ended wow [Applause] well at least the crickets are getting it so i ended up right where i started which is how god works if you want to understand god you'll get this so he explained to me everything goes out and comes back not void to him it always goes out but it comes back like a boomerang it comes back and it has accomplished his intention it never comes back void that's why that's why people still get healed when leadership in our country goes wrong people will still get healed jubilee still happens people get delivered didn't matter it didn't matter who was in charge it didn't matter god still heals people he still delivers people even when people in leadership are falling up their stairs to their airplane people still get healed defying gravity falling up three times not just once three people still get healed tonight okay because the kingdom of god is advancing okay all right so he said okay show me eternity it was this light a shaft of light i couldn't see the end of it but he said it's cyclical but he just he said i'll lay it out for you because of the greek thought the linear time stamped reference points and he went like this and he made a slit he goes that's the existence of man it was like the size of a hair in the timeline it was it was the wildest thing earth was so far away my life was hid in him the whole time and my life on the earth was so miniscule that i couldn't have any reference points because god was so good and big and i was home and i realized i was just visiting this earth which is kind of like a trailer park it's kind of like a walmart with no doors you can't get out you just want to leave and you can't i'm serious go to walmart on saturday that's what it feels like to me being on the earth but there's no doors why would i want to donate my saturday to that okay your life is that's what he showed me okay so here's how it all started god had a plan for a family he had a plan that was to have people to have fellowship okay so when he created the earth in genesis 4 24 25 i say this it says adam knew his wife again and she bear a son and he called his name seth for god said she hath appointed me another another seed another seed instead of abel whom cain slew and to seth to him who was also born a son and he called his name enos and then it says this then man began to call men began to call upon the name of the lord but it doesn't say that in hebrew in fact the word men isn't even there but if you click on men it has the word which means profane that they began to call profanely and i'm not even a greek scholar or hebrew scholar but i can read a strong's concordance and i'm wondering like why because it wouldn't make sense when we're almost to genesis chapter six where it's really a mess it wouldn't make sense that people would start beginning to call upon the name of the lord but profanely call and using his name in vain okay just moving on you can study now so what god did was he created the earth and he put water underneath the earth in underneath the caverns you got a bunch here that's always full of water at one time and then he put water above because he was not going to be in checkmate because genesis 6 is coming now he did this before he made man click click click do i need to go over it again god created and he reserved another move for himself so he wouldn't be in checkmate he put water in the caverns under the earth so that when genesis 6 came and he was grieved he said i'm going to destroy the earth he just pulled the plug and burst up took care of that what happened this is what happened god pronounced judgment but he really didn't pronounce judgment he just informed them because you guys did what you did this is what's going to happen and he started pointing at each one of them and when he got to the serpent he said you are going to go down your belly and he said the seed of the woman is going to crush your head of the seed that your seed seed did i mentioned seed okay so there is seed of the serpent there is seed of the woman but the woman's seed is going to crush the head of the seed of the serpent right okay so he's thinking okay well i got to take out that firstborn moving on so abel lost his life thought that was the messiah come on now see he's looking for the who who is it that's going to nail me so his whole goal was to infiltrate human beings and make them not fully human why because the spotless lamb if if you're not fully human why do you think they're spotless lambs the blemish meant a genetic defect it says that noah and his family were the only ones that were perfect in their genetics in their generations so they were put on the ark only eight qualified well there was a lot of people on the earth at that time he preserved the pure human stock to the other side then he released the deep and he he he destroyed the hybrids so it never got hot enough spiritually until jesus shows up he goes have you come to torment us before our time thou son of god don't send us out of the area well why do you not want to go out of the area so there is a time but it's not your time you need a study you all need to study listen why did they not want to be sent out of the area and why was it not their time they're disembodied spirits they are not redeemable they were judged because they were hybrids all mankind or whatever they were didn't make the cut on the other side they pop up again and so joshua takes them out david takes them out extinguishes them but you see hybrids do not produce hybrids if you know anything about livestock or seed it's just good for one generation this is really going to get this cd okay it's so bad that in verse 3 of genesis 6 it says my spirit is not going to strive with man any longer because they're evil so he limited their years that they could live because he had it he's done so why is it that people in iran live to be 141 and they're not even christians the reason he limited man here is because the days were evil and they were evil moving on for time's sake i'm going to keep on moving really fast but you get the point you got spotless lambs you got spotless lambs and if they weren't spotless it wasn't a sacrifice it wasn't a proper sacrifice they couldn't have any blemishes that means that nothing in their genetics could be wrong everybody follow me perfect perfect noah's family was perfect in his generations the spotless lamb perfect genetically okay so jesus is a just about to come on the scene a couple hundred years before daniel is sitting reading the scroll of jeremiah and he gets to chapter 29 and as he's reading it he's like wait a minute it says that at the end of the 70 years you're going to call upon me and i'm going to answer you and i'm going to bring you back into the land you know through that whole book of daniel it's talking about they're in captivity and daniel realizes my god this is this is us he found himself in scripture imagine that maybe you should try that but he starts he's like wait a minute okay so all we have to do is call upon him and then he's going to answer and he's going to bring us back and we're like counting the years wait a minute we're overdue so he sets his heart to seek god and guess what that day that day when the angel came we were sent that day we've been fighting okay but i want to bring it some attention to something that you might not know in it's interesting when when i was looking at the manuscripts in school you know you can look at the original it's interesting that in daniel when right there in chapter 2 verse 4 through chapter 7 verse 28 daniel switches to aramaic from hebrew well i want to know what it says if because it to me that's a marker i'm glad you asked i'm going to tell you just a portion of it okay enjoy this okay and i am coming back all you partners all of you this is the this is the cream of the crop we're we usually have about fifteen hundred to two thousand people all our spirit schools i'm coming back next year and have a spirit school here amen okay and it's gonna be about the spirit amen okay verse 37 very very important this was shown to me over 20 years ago my wife is the only one that knew about it but tonight the lord said release it look look tonight well guess what tonight is yeah yeah all right okay so daniel has to interpret a dream but he has to tell what the dream is and then he has to interpret it and he has this big statue that he sees with the gold and the silver and the bronze it goes a whole way down and it's all these different kingdoms and he interprets all that okay but you can study this part this is for time's sake i want to go when he got down to the toes in 42 of chapter 2 of daniel it says and the toes of the feet are part of iron and part of clay so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken and this is the last kingdom on the earth 43 and whereas i saw the iron mixed with maori clay and they shall not mingle themselves with the seed of men okay who's they because anybody that knows journalism knows that you can't use they unless you've mentioned who it was previously well when you go back there is no mention of who they is and it's an aramaic you see the devil's after our genetics he's after the bloodlines because he does not want us to be fully human jesus was the spotless lamb what was the plan the plan was to infiltrate the bloodline so that mary was not fully human jesus would not be fully human he would be have a spot he would have a blemish because jesus came as a full human being to die for human beings he didn't come to die for hybrids as in the days of noah so shall it be before the coming come on now this is sunday school stuff this isn't even the deep stuff yet look it says whereas the mary clay and the iron they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men well who's they but it says they will not be able to cleave and take even as iron is not mixed with clay you see you see what's happening those people before the flood were not redeemable look up the word refame means no resurrection all those giant races not a chance the devil right now he's out there shaking no resurrection no redemption all those disembodied spirits don't send us out area thanks for letting me know you can go they had their gig going you're going to mess it up jesus you send us out going to mess up our matrix because we got these people hoodwinked bamboozled we got them right where we want them victimized traumatized god made it so that you could if you're a hybrid you can't have a hybrid because he wanted to stop that it doesn't take so no matter what kind of experiment satan might have planned who pays a mortgage here who pays a mortgage you want me to pay for you because i don't pay any mortgages i don't pay one two words mort gage death grip dinosaur dinosaur dino terrible sar reptile lizard terrible lizard jurassic park it's all about the dna come on now hybrids did you notice the dinosaurs don't go on their belly they're standing upright or off their belly moving on you need to study you've got to be kidding me a terrible lizard is on the ark that was a genetic experiment gone bad what are you all looking at me for i'm a flight attendant it prays in tongues that's all i am now i'm a pilot praise in tongues okay we're almost halfway through exodus 12 5 says your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year you shall take it out from the sheep first peter 1 19 but the precious blood of christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 i'm just going through history here we're doing a review a review just like in texas is a hotel it's a review ephesians 5 27 says that he might present himself a glorious church not having any spot or wrinkle any such thing but that it should be holy without blemish are you getting this the devil is after your genetics as it was in the days of noah what was happened there hybrids revelation 13 8 and all that dwelt upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world you see jesus was slain before man was made you want times and seasons i'm giving them to you by the spirit times and seasons god is never going to be in checkmate he put the water under the earth before he made man he sees the lamb slain before he made man you are just looking at me okay this is enough this is enough for that okay so now that i've proven now that i've proven what's going on now i've opened it up to you and you know now that these demonic spirits they hate you you're in and they're out they had their chance they don't get another one they hate you so why would you let them dictate your future if it's already predetermined if it's already written down not now listen psalms 139 16 says that each one of my day was written in a book before them come to pass when i was in heaven i saw that a lot of people a lot of people never opened their books because you got to open them by faith faith is a substance or the title deed of things hope for the it's the evidence the title deed of things not seen but i see my book and i open my book to today and i say lord fulfill that and stuff starts happening impossible stuff starts happening because i engaged god i started to be a partaker of the divine nature do you know what's in the bible do you know that peter the one who had the foot in the mouth disease he started getting smarter and in second peter he said in chapter one he said that through these precious promises we can be a partaker of the divine nature and escape the corruption that's in the world through lust why do you think there's all this perversion it's the same spirits of those people you can take it you can leave it but you're going to find out what you're dealing with is a race that's out and you're in they were perverted they were hybrids sexual perversion beyond the greek mythology that's your clue all destroyed all disembodied angels are chained that that left their abode they're all chained i mean if peter if you want to bring peter into it those who left their boat are chained so it can't be the demons there weren't that many and people tell me well there's not a demon behind every tree and i said yeah when i was in heaven i saw that's true there's five and god taught me how to just take out the tree that they were hiding behind taking in the captivity every thought you take out the tree that they're hiding but you take out the thought that exalts itself above the knowledge did you know that that paul said in chapter 10 of second corinthians he said here's the weapons of your warfare are not carnal he's talking about spiritual warfare and we quote that first couple verses there and we don't go any further so you flip the page or if your ipad you just go like this and it says the weapons were not carnal but they're mighty through god they're bringing down pulling down strongholds but it also says it says bringing in the captivity every thought anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of god that's already been given to us by the spirit and by the word it's already predetermined what truth is truth is absolute in heaven it's not even negotiable in fact god had a meeting about your book and wrote it without you being present you weren't even invited to the meeting there is no suggestion boxes in heaven god determined this plan and everything was written according to his plan for man so each one of us has to fulfill what is written about us in order to fulfill the will of god which is the body to bring it into unity so god's plan was always to have the church to always have the body that would prevail that the gates of hell wouldn't be able to prevail against man so here we are we are still here when you got saved and you went to the altar god didn't rapture you you woke up the next day and you're still here so while you're here why don't you just give the devil a headache amen just give a headache i grew up i grew up in pittsburgh i grew up in pittsburgh you didn't you didn't you didn't make eye contact with anybody you walk down the street you look like hey you with a face what are you doing you want piece of me he would say they would say that dude i was gonna tell you got this giant bug on your back but you know go ahead now you're about to trip the manhole's open you're about to walk in but that's okay me with the face what are you looking at volatile man i couldn't wait to get to springfield missouri i couldn't i couldn't wait to get out of there and they were like please come back never i didn't leave a bread trail nothing i'm not going back okay so from this night forth you're no longer a victim amen you have to remember you have to remember that people are allowed to do what they want to do and the road to life is narrow and few find it so my decisions that i made years ago are producing orchards not just a fruit basket so tonight i plead with you let the spirit move let him have his way he wants to say some things through you he needs a human being to say he needs someone in a body with a belly button that's your badge that's your id that you were born correctly into this world through a womb satan took this earth and he's not properly he's not properly vested in this he doesn't have a belly button he wasn't born through a mother's womb he's after your humanness why do you think demons want to hijack your body why do you think they hijack peter's voice get behind me satan peter peter's like excuse me rabbi you talking to me now think about it the day before if you look just flip your bible the page back a day he said who do you say that i am he said thou art the christ the son of the living god he said that wasn't revealed to you by man that was revealed to you by my father okay flip the page you're not going to jerusalem and die that's what he said to jesus he said get behind me satan you don't have the thoughts of of god involved here you got the thoughts of man involved weapons of our warfare not mighty through god to pulling down get it okay so satan is after your body he's after your mind he can't have your spirit he cannot have your spirit is this on he cannot have your spirit listen so you don't let him have your mind you don't let him have your body you tell him that there's a new sheriff in town i got my badge right here belly button listen take the yoke of the lord upon yourself and learn of him let him teach you let him get you into your track for life it's not too late it's not too late are you kidding me this happens every generation everybody has their 12 dvd set about the end times every generation has the antichrist and i was told that every generation has an antichrist in the womb but the devil is not allowed to bring him forth until the father establishes that it's time and it's not time yet it's not time so i threw away my eight tracks of the book of revelation that i had the teaching of the the bowls of wrath and all that and then i threw away the cassettes and then i got it on cd i threw that away then i got it on thumb drive see it's it's just going to keep happening until he who is holding it back is removed i mean if you're going to bring thessalonians into it and matthew 24 the gospel has to be preached in all the world and then the end shall come paul said there's a whole bunch of things that have to happen before the son of perdition can be revealed and he said so go back to work if you don't work you don't eat they had quit their jobs and this is in 70 a.d or 60 a.d or whatever it was because jesus is coming back which reminds me can i tell my favorite story my favorite story happened we were we were ministering in an undisclosed location to iranians who had like escaped and then they they were converted and then we helped them get into safe houses help them get on their feet and then he formed churches and the pastor that went to rhema he had taken the quran and the bible and he decided that the bible was true and converted he brought all his people over here and they went to rhema and now we were helping them with their churches and we would travel from one place to the other and overnight we would we would sleep in the car on the way to the next service in the morning and i woke up because the pastor's wife they're watching so she goes she's yelled she yelled and woke me up i was sleeping and this is this is what i heard i heard her ask me when are you coming back and i said well i'll check my calendar but i think it's in july but what she had really asked me is kevin do you know when jesus coming back so the pastor had to pull over because he couldn't drive anymore he was laughing so hard and um so here's the thing there are certain things reserved for the father and satan is going to push that timeline he's going to push it but the times and seasons are ordained by the father and jesus doesn't know when he's coming back he would tell everybody the spirit doesn't know he said either or angels only the father so i'm going to prophesy over children about their future when they grow up i'm going to keep doing it no matter what dvd said is available i don't care who's president i'm going to pull kids out i'm going to sow into their lives i'm going to i'm going to do everything i can to invest in this generation i'm not going to back off because that's a mistake that everybody does they do that all the time okay so now that all that is laid out and you understand where we're at this is the only thing left and this is what jesus told me and he told me to tell you on the day of pentecost the holy spirit showed up the holy spirit is unchangeable he never changes and he's just like jesus he's a person he's not a bird he's a person just like jesus he doesn't have a beak he's not staring at your sandwich he is the holy spirit and he he was sent and when he came he came with a mighty rushing wind he came with fire on people's heads and when he touched the people they spoke they had utterance come out so you have the manifestations of when the spirit shows up when he comes there's a rushing wind because he's the breath of god you have fire that sets on you like like what i feel it now i'm i'm a flame of fire so are you you can do this just practice at home with your microphone you can do this you can preach you just bring it forth okay then then then the utterance was not in their language but it was understood by those who are hearing it so there's wind there's fire and there's utterance and then when he stood up and said this is what was prophesied by joel joelle these are not drunk as you suppose but this is to fulfill what was prophesied okay so these are the manifestations wind fire utterance and drunkenness in the spirit and one that's missed by everybody they were in one accord so i have to tell you this god looked down at babylon and what they were doing with babel and this is what he said if we do not go down and stop them if we do not stop them they are evil and anything that not what not not whatever they do whatever they imagine they'll be able to do they'll succeed do you think about this their belief system their faith system was evil but their unity was right spot on their unity was spot on and because of that even though they were evil now listen to me this is sunday school stuff because they were evil because of their unity they would succeed at accomplishing that evil and unless god came down and stopped them god had to come down and stop them or they would have succeeded at whatever they imagined imaged well don't you think the devils know that how do you think that they were defeated at babel nimrod was a hug aborium a mighty one genesis chapter six one of those hybrids check it out nimrod it was a mighty one oh my water i wonder where it went so now we have the truth but we don't have unity so we're our hearts are born again and god got a hold of our tongue when he baptized in the holy spirit he got a hold of our tongue the rudder think about it he tells you to pray then he sends the master prayer and puts them in you not beside you in you and it says in romans 8 26 that when we don't know how to pray the holy spirit will super intercede come up and well up and lift us up and super intercede not in our strength in our weakness and cause us to pray out the perfect will of god the holy spirit so why would you not pray in the spirit all the time why would you not because it's a spiritual exercise and your mind does not participate first corinthians chapter 14 that second verse and the third verse if you read it it says that when you pray in an untongue it says your spirit prays and you're speaking to god but he says your mind is not fruitful it does not participate in it we just came from dalton we went to the high places and broadcast from there where they sacrifice and they showed up in the meetings and the devils started leaving after they manifested and then if you watch the videos i say okay all you witches this is your last chance come up here now i do it i'll do it here if you push me they come i said it's not working it didn't work did it i'm still alive i brought forth my message i didn't fall off the stage so it's not working you need to turn yourself in right now you don't need to go to hell and they either run for the door or they run up here and get rid of their devils right just okay okay they believe that they have the truth and they're willing to come to my spirit schools and sit strategically sit in the parking lots and do their witchcraft and they're waiting to see if something happens to me so in other countries we would ask where's the high places where the witches make their sacrifices oh let's go they're like oh wait what nothing's gonna happen this isn't their mountain it's our mountain so the spirit's always willing always in fact brother hagin said that at any one moment the holy spirit is always ready jesus told always ready to act just like that ready to act and i i've i've missed thousands of opportunities just today thousands not hundreds not tens i have i have i have missed opportunities where the spirit wanted to do something he wanted to say something well no one is wrong it doesn't matter you just speak it out you got a belly button you're legally here you're legally here as a human being and it usurps authority over every devil you got a body you got a body see you're waiting to go to heaven i'm not ready to go to heaven i've been there trust me it's better but while i'm here this is how i can do damage to the enemy as i speak the truth in love i don't back off i don't back off i don't back off and you don't back off okay so what's the spirit saying right now well you have to pray in the spirit and then you have to ask god to help you to interpret what you're saying now see it's you know when i turned 60 and my life just began i got all my dreams not only do i have the best aircraft i got the best uh pilots and best instructors good sven right here sven flies with me he sold me the jedi have and he said i come with the airplane so we're going so him him and lou i'm going through the manuals and i go you know what this manual here there's there's one that's 2 700 pages there's like five more but i like this one so i was i go man i like this manual and lou says well thank you i go what he goes yeah i wrote that same same was fun helped develop the training facilities training the simulator you get it [Applause] their whole goal is to make me a captain now usually when you buy an airplane they're like bye-bye and then when it breaks uh it's yours not not them see god god had this whole thing planned at the end that i just start i did what he asked me to do now he's going to do what i couldn't do how about you i'm no different than you but when i was in heaven i saw that people do not take advantage of what's been given to them we are to be partakers of the divine nature if you even say that in most churches they'll kick you out to think that you can be a partner or a partaker of the divine nature it's going to get real strong in here right now the shift just happened the shift just happened feel it okay so now the wells the wells inside of you it's going to start to move it's going to start to want to burst forth right now oh yeah don't wait just yield this is a hands-free ministry if i touch you i take away what god is wanting to do in this generation with the church he wants the whole church to be touched in the glory not in the presence the presence the word for presence is it's not even in the bible presence is panayim faces plural it should be panay just like elohim is used wrong every time it's used it's elohim but elohim is plural so every time moses wrote it it was incorrect it was used singularly it's a plural used singularly so god said to moses my faces shall go with you you're gonna it's gonna be fine with you it's them those people and moses caught it he goes wait a minute you're hiding something from me he said no i want to see your glory kavod god said my faces my faces shall go with you i will gaze upon you in favor and smile my presence to you he said no i want to see your glory and god said you want to die that's what he said you can't look at my face now listen to me moses without bethel music without cd series without the passion translation his face glowed to where they said please turn your face off enoch never owned an ipad or earbuds and said he walked with god and pleased him so much he just disappeared he stepped over without what we have today in the new covenant we are greater than him in the kingdom so god's plan is that he would never be in checkmate ever ever ever ever and he's never going to be in checkmate and if you're on his team you can just say you know what i'm with him if anybody confronts you i'm with him i just i he says that in the room this is the glorious church this is without spotted wrinkle this is the spirits of righteous just men made perfect on mount zion i saw that i was taken to mount zion i saw men spirits of righteous men made perfect on display at the end of the age they were standing on mount sinai in the city of david they were standing as trophies up the mountain on display we haven't come to a mountain that's on fire with thunder and lightning and terrible voices but we've come to mount zion where there's spirits of righteous or just men made perfect we have come to that mountain we hebrews it says that if you have encountered the holy spirit and you've tasted of the powers of the coming age well how can you taste the powers of the coming age how could you he say that unless you already have tasted them well the fact of it is they're in this room and you should start sipping you should start taking it in see i don't know how to explain this to you but if you had happened to you what has happened to me you'd be doing this too because i saw this whole thing's rigged it's all rigged people are yelling out give us barabbas how far did that get you see it's going to be birth in the spirit i've already been to the future i've already seen your future i stood at the throne of god seated with him in the heavenly realms according to ephesians 2 6 if you want to bring the bible into it in ephesians colossians chapter 3 verse 1 and also jesus said to the seven churches he said listen those who overcome and are victorious you will sit with me on a throne i got to do that i sat up there and jesus told me this i was just going to sneak off because i looked out and all the saints that have ever lived and ever will live were standing in white robes worshiping the lamb jesus was sitting there basking in the breath of all the saints as they worshipped the lamb who was worthy and he was receiving the reward for his suffering and they were singing the song that i couldn't bring back and he was sloching in his throne from the breath of the saints worshiping him he was intoxicated by our worship and he was sliding sludged and so i thought this is my chance to get down there because i didn't feel comfortable being seated i could i tried to take a peek at the father and jesus body blocked me he moved forward so i couldn't see the faith i was going to sneak up and he goes stay here i go i don't feel comfortable they're all worshiping you i want to go down and worship you i'll just go the front row he said no this is what he said i bought this for you i bought you this spot he said you come you come and sit with me anytime you desire he said this is prayer i go whoa i went to rhema i thought i thought this is prayer he goes he goes this is prayer you come and sit with me and you sit here until you get your answer because there are no questions at the throne he said you get your answer and you take it back to the earth with you thanks for coming what else can you say if you were where i was and you got another chance to do it right you'd be doing what i'm doing all it takes is yielding to what's inside of you what is inside of you is the living god and he wants to say some things and every demon fears every time i say this about the throne it just happened in dalton the witches started screaming and i warned him i says i'm about to tell you something about the throne and there are no witches in here because none of them screamed but they start screaming every time i start talking about that because they have to throw their cards in there's nothing left you see when is the last time you saw somebody wearing a cross probably recently right and in some churches he's still hanging on it okay but how many have seen recently a little pennant that's the empty tomb no well i'm here to tell you we're seated we're seated with him and i think it's time for you to make some good decisions they're going to help all of us in the future we're all going to get on the same page together so take a flight attendant praying in tongues and a hairdresser that prays in tongues you see this is this is the way god is at the end of the age it's everyone at the end of the age it's everyone now prophesying over you i'm prophesying over you jesus is here there's more than two he's here will gree is touching any one thing he is here to stamp his approval on it anything he's going to notarize it that's why he's here when two or more are gathered he's the notary he's going to stamp it so what it what is it that the devil has stopped from coming to you yes amen what about finances so everyone else can have a golf stream 650 but a minister can't so okay well then i'm not a minister i'm a christian businessman that goes around talking about jesus if that's what it takes that's what it takes i just rather just be a pilot and just talk about jesus in my overnights just rent the convention centers just flying my jet around see see what the devil does we're supposed to be distribution centers we're supposed to allow god to trust us with wealth we're supposed to to not only be healed we're supposed to be giving it out i'm coming down with a healing right now jesus quoted to the disciples he said you'll trample on serpents and scorpions and you have power over all the enemy that is a word for word quote from psalms 91. because jesus didn't have the new testament to quote he was making it so that means that that's my insurance policy now listen to me that's my insurance policy so it's you're going to see a thousand fallen 10 000 at your right hand but it's not going to come near you that's the way it's going to be it doesn't the holy spirit came on the day of pentecost he has not diminished one single bit from the manifestations of that day he's in you it's the hope of glory now there are people that already think you're weird so don't even try to hide it [Applause] amen no no i remember i remember i was in burbank california on an overnight i was going to my favorite hamburger place fuddruckers not i always bought extra food to hand out to the to the street people on my overnights so i took all my per diem money and i would buy food and i would hand it out and tell them that jesus loves them and we need you back in society because there's gifts inside of you god loves you and he we need you back that's what i tell them i want to say and i say i don't want to see you back here next year and i would hand out hamburgers and i realized the only thing i had left in my wallet was a 20 bill that i was saving for christmas from my wife and that's how tight it was for us so i had that in my wallet and the lord said as i walked by a street street person with a cart the lord said to me give her that twenty dollars so i did i gave her that twenty dollars i thought it was a her and as soon as i handed it she took her blankets off and it was an angel hands me back the 20 and calls me by name and says you've done what the lord has asked you to do and now i have been sent to warn you that there will be a terrible economic crash and you need to get ready a year later we had the 2001 crash it happened again in 2008 in july i was warned again in seattle washington sitting there with my wife an angel came and said it's going to happen again so as a flight attendant i took all my money out both times and quadrupled my 401 k and the man who handles that is sitting in this room right now and knows there's no way i could have that much money as a flight attendant he's sitting here tonight it could testify that why did the lord send an angel to warn me about both market crashes when the experts didn't know i was doing his work i was just doing his business i was feeding the poor i was preaching the gospel as a flight attendant i was doing something for someone else that couldn't pay me back i put god in a corner he doesn't like that because he has to pay you back because they can't do you get it amen so all of you in here you have the spirit of god inside of you and the spirit wants to say something but it's extraordinary it's above and beyond is it tomorrow yet are we still good oh oh no we're we're central now oh my god i got another hour i think i've got you to the door now so now we got to enter in okay all right so here's what we do we pray in the spirit now we don't lean on our own understanding you see we pray in the spirit from our spirit because it's in the bible and no one has the authority to tell you when that ends you no one has the authority to say when this ends because the bible clearly says when tongues will end that's when we reach perfection and i haven't met one person like that yet except jesus himself so i know that we're not there so we got to pray in tongues so imagine this if you were in the future and you saw the glorious plan for god for that god has for man you saw it and you realized that everything was in the bible but you didn't dig and you got another chance to come back and do it right you'd understand the intensity of my spirit for you is listen he said well done he's already told me well done but he asked me would you go back if i told you you could not fail that's what he said he said that he said if you go back you cannot fail well no one talks to me like that i mean jesse duplantis does now but there's nobody like that until he came in there was nobody talking like that except for yeah there was there was another person somebody handed me a tape it was contraband at the college up north it's by this guy named kenneth copeland i had to hide it because they're like you pass it off you know like it's black market you know and it was this old cassette and i'm like i'm not supposed to have this because you got to listen to it so i put it in and this is what this man said he said i believe this bible so much that you can take me out over the desert and dump me off into the desert with my bible and he said come back in three years and i'll have a city there and i dropped i dropped everything i go what am i doing what am i doing studying all the the names of all the prophets and the how many words are in genesis and the greek and the hebrew and the homebrew that man i never i just met him i just met him a couple months ago for the first time the same spirit that was on him in person was on that tape in 1982 and i thought that is dominion that's dominion i couldn't pray in tongues more than 10 minutes at a time i was up there at that school but i wanted to pray more because i want to be jumped i want to be dumped out of an airplane that that dominion so somebody comes up and it's this one was a black tape it was black like who's this he talked he talked funny he said yo you got to listen to this one so i listen to that tape and while i listen to that listen to me i could pray three hours in tongues with that tape plane of him just talking i couldn't believe it so i said okay three hours then i started missing meals and i got to where i couldn't even talk english anymore i couldn't speak english anymore and people are doubting if this even is real or not tongues and all that those men changed my life but i didn't ever meet them until one day i met the man with the black tape he came into the hotel that i was working now when i worked at rhema i was working at a hotel i took him up i gave him his bags i got to meet his wife and his little little she's big now but he was a little baby and when he talked to me it was the same spirit that's on that tape same power and this is what he said he said the lord told me that i'm supposed to talk to you so be back here he gave me an hour the same power that was on that tape came on me and he laid hands on me and prophesied over me and he said what's on me is on you benny hinn kenneth copeland jesse to plant us i can name them all they all would come to rhema joel joel osteen's dad john the best preacher i've ever heard came and taught a class while we were at rhema i said in this healing class and 32 people got healed in the in the healing class at rhema and it was this new instructor he was like the one that was handing out the books when you checked in at rhema now he's teaching healing school his name is keith moore [Applause] 32 people his first time teaching the class so i heard that they meet afterwards with brother hagin and patsy camanetti and they do prayer school so i'm like i'm in i had to miss lunch but that's i'm in so i went class all morning i was working three jobs so i could pay for my school but i sat and watched them and they taught me how to pray and this is what brother hagin would do this is what keith moore would do this is what patsy would do they would pray in tongues and say okay lord yeah i got that i'm like i didn't hear nothing i said okay and then brother hagin would say it's china isn't it yes lord it's china we need to pray for china we need to pray for the walls for germany and i heard i heard prophetic utterances that ended up coming to pass just like the book of daniel when daniel said okay we're going to go fight persia the prince and then we're going to fight greece and if you look at the world powers that rose it was preemptive the spirit is calling the things that are not as though they were all the time when you pray in the spirit how do i know this well i'm going to tell you since i got an extra hour because we're in a different time zone [Applause] at that school up there the lord said to me one day i want you to sing amazing grace in your in your spirit language i go how do you do that he said well just use the tune to amazing grace and just pray and just sing in the spirit i'm like man i can get a ticket for that they don't believe in that here you can't that's abuse of tongues i could get a ticket so i started singing amazing grace in the spirit there's a knock on my door i go see see lord now i'm in trouble there's a guy standing there crying i'm like great i'm that i'm a voice major and the guy's crying over my singing he was my god this just i mean this just happened up in springfield he said what part of the yucatan peninsula are you from i go i'm from pittsburgh and we don't know how to talk there i can't even speak english he goes you're just saying amazing grace in my dialect he said say something else so i did he goes oh he starts telling me what the spirit of god is saying he said we were over at the baptist bible college bbc and we accidentally got baptized in the spirit in our prayer meeting and we got kicked out that's what he told me he said so we we heard you guys at cbc believe in this stuff so we we all checked in and they were checked in all on the other side of the hallways there he said i'm a missionary's son and i was sent up here and they're going to be really upset when they find out i got kicked out of the college he said but god sent me a sign i heard my own language coming from your mouth think about what i'm telling you here so for a week we would meet and i would pray in tongues and he would not interpret he would translate nobody's leaving he said the way the words you're using are immaculate your diction everything i'm like dude do you know how many meals i missed to slip into this like he's thinking i'm like okay he said so at the end of the week this went on for a week and he said uh things are changing the spirit is starting to say that it's time for you to go and i go yeah because i graduated like a month ago and i'm like embarrassed all the then in a month all these new students are coming in i'm like i already graduated i got my bachelor's you know i took every course they had now listen to me the spirit had held me there to be a sign to these students he was wanting to confirm that what they had received was of god so he said the spirit is saying that you're leaving in fact you're leaving tomorrow morning you're to go and he's given me the words okay you said this word this means this and he just he's saying you've got to be on the bus to tulsa to broken arrow because the spirit is saying that you are going to this school named rhema and that school is going to lead you into abundant life do you know anything about that i go yeah that i've already been accepted but the lord has held me here he says you've got to go tomorrow morning there was one seat left on the trailways bus so 3 a.m he leaves me off he said kevin you also said that you will have a job by five o'clock today you'll have a job you'll have a car and a place to stay well i don't know anybody so i go to my seat there's only one is everybody listen to this i'm not making i'm not making this up i sit down in that one seat and she goes why are you going to tulsa i go well i'm going to school she goes what's school oral roberts i go no it's a minister school named rhema she goes well i'm a second year student i'm coming going back right now i'm a second year student so i'm sitting beside the only scene on the bus and it's a rhema student and i'm going to rhema that fall and she's a second year she goes well do you need any help i go oh yeah she goes we have a place to stay i go oh no do did you get a job yet i go oh no but i'm gonna by five o'clock she says well i can give you a ride where do you want to ride she goes you know anybody i go i can't remember there was one guy named john that was my hall captain or whatever you want to call in the dorm up at that school and um she said well i'll drop you off at the maybe center she drops me and my luggage off the maybe center because that's what i was told to do so i'm standing there and the body the body the the security guard is are you are you going to school here or what are you doing with your he goes do you need a ride somewhere and i go yeah he goes where do you need to go i go there's this guy i said there's this address it's on a hill it's this address this guy that was a hall monitor i painted his house on a weekend here from that school up there i went to salsa i said it's this street he goes i know where that is i'll take you there so he draws me off that house i knock on the door that i painted like a year ago and this guy john opens the door he goes where have you been we've been waiting for you i'm serious [Applause] i was supposed to i forgot if i was supposed to come you know when i was supposed to come and i i was held up he said um well come in he said you need a place to stay you can stay with us do you and we have an extra car and then he said this he said i got to go to work hey do you need a job because i just lost a i just i just had somebody quit can you start no i'm not i'm not kidding you can you start at five can you start at five o'clock [Applause] amen so what i learned from this experience is that the spirit is always speaking the future he's always reconfirming our position but he's speaking forward looking he's always speaking and he always has a plan that you never get in checkmate you never get trapped there's always a way out just like paul told the corinthians there's always a way of escape no matter what so the spirit of the lord is saying this he's saying i will call your future i will confirm your future and i will walk with you to your future and i've already been there and it's fine everything is fine now i just prophesied to you by the spirit i spoke what the spirit is saying but you're thinking about your hairdryer breaking and that crazy family member the spirit of god is saying just don't answer the phone anymore don't turn the tv on anymore listen if we're christians we believe in the platinum package we get everything we get it all i pay i know i know that it was paid for it was overpaid for imagine with me image it being in the future being at the throne and it's all done no more disappointment no more pain you did it you accomplished it you held on with your faith you reached deep within you and you saw this night and you remember i i made a decision i'm going all out i'm not gonna back off live in your future now there's a glorious inheritance for the saints it's inside of you the deposit was put there guaranteeing the full payment god had this beautiful plan that through the church that he would be revealed and i can hear the gavel coming down david his government was formed in a cave adalum which means god of justice or god of the people 400 that were busted and disgusted and discouraged those who were in debt discouraged discontented they all met there with the real leader [Applause] justice they met in the cave called justice of god at what point does god say enough's enough see he has reserved that for himself but i want to tell you something do the research there are 12 stones on the breastplate of the priest there's only nine mentioned on hello he had nine stones he didn't have all 12. it's the car is missing just do the research take the gems just geology 101 just take the gems look them up in hebrew and you'll see what's there on the breastplate of this fallen angel this chair of this fell issachar the sons of his car had the ability to discern the times and the seasons of the lord he does not have that stone in his breastplate case dismissed he doesn't know he's not getting any briefings he's repeating himself he's getting old he doesn't know he got into pharaoh pharaoh found out there's a deliverer in the womb so they killed all the babies and missed moses moses ended up living with him the deliverer was in the womb he didn't know so he took out a couple years worth satan when he was told the sea of the woman's going to crush your seed's head he automatically thought it was able now he thinks it's moses and then when jesus comes he doesn't know so he takes out all those within a couple years through herod he enters into herod because there's a deliverer in the womb you follow me okay so israel gets recognized and jesus said this generation will not pass away so what's he do he legalizes abortion he takes out a whole generation because they might all be prophets prophets in the womb for the coming of this lord the second coming the spirit of elijah so he just takes out the whole generation no not on my watch not on your watch do you get it so it says to speak the truth in love it says that praying in the spirit building yourself up in the most holy of faith and keeping yourself in the love of god it's so close i'm not i'm not moving from here until i know you got your package you've got to get your package you came take it come on now let's raise our hands let's pray in the spirit can you do that not half mass i went full full mast come on freedom foreign okay okay okay now now all right all right now say this okay lord i'll do that okay start praying against [Applause] fire fire holy fire holy fire holy fire holy fire up and over you go up and over you go more than enough more than enough most high most high more than enough well able [Music] [Applause] i got this far above what we can ask or think he's giving it far above what we can ask or think or imagine i take hold of that which christ has taken hold of for me the blood of jesus the blood of jesus the covenant of god the blood the blood the blood of jesus justice righteousness holy holy holy i drive out every devil i command you to go in jesus name leave go of the body let go the church in jesus name i command you disease go in jesus name keeps saying up and over you go up and over he's he's taking you up and over up and over hallelujah you can do this you can we are well able to take this mountain we are well able to breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough shama shama shama shama no more prolonging of the word no more prolonging of the word it shall be as it was told you it shall be as it was told you it shall be say yes yes lord hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah thank you lord joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy more joy more joy more joy more joy run run run run run run run run run we're gonna have some fun we're gonna have some fun we're going to get her done we're going to get it done in the joy of the lord we're going to get it done in the joy of the lord in the joy of the lord we're going to go through the open door yes lord yes lord yes lord we say yes lord we are willing and obedient lord we are yours to command lord we're yours to command hallelujah we just thank you lord the lord has located you he never lost you but now that you are found it's time for collateral damage [Applause] now think about it think about it the devil's dread this day when a believer actually becomes a believer because those unbelieving believers it's like a hybrid race those unbelieving believers it's a creature but think about it now anything you desire jesus said it if you love me passionately and you obey my commands he said you can ask whatever you desire you know what it says in greek the same thing whatever you desire not want well want yeah but not need desire whatever you desire jesus said whatever you desire i'm gonna my father will give it to you why to bring glory to him and to make your joy full okay one of the things that i was told when i was sent back was i wasn't asking enough it's as though i'm going to dim the lights of heaven if i ask for too much you know you're not going to do that it's impossible to drain god jesus said in mark 9 23 he said if you'll believe nothing shall be impossible to you you know what says in greek nothing you see there's certain things that jesus says and there is no way a theologian can wiggle out of it in fact if you go and look up these verses even the best commentators won't answer they won't even comment on it like ask and you shall receive seek and ye shall find knock in the door shall be opened to you the word for ask is the word demand why because it has to do with covenant it's already written so you're not demanding anything from god it's the devil that's holding it back listen i'm going to live and see the glory of god i'm going to be among the living i'm going to live and not die and i'm going to see the salvation of the lord i'm going to see justice in my day amen brother hagin he said he said if anything bad happens to america it's the church's fault that's what he said i checked it out with billy britt that's what she said too that he said and in heaven i saw that nothing is impossible nothing nothing all right so what is it that's burning in your spirit what makes you smile when you think about it what is it that's inside of you that needs to be manifest the gifts that are in you i call them forth now in jesus name i call forth the gifts of god right now in jesus name to come forth whatever it is let i'm fanning in the flame that that gift that's in you like paul told timothy fan it in the flame the gift that was given by the laying on of my hands listen to this why would paul tell timothy to fan in the flame something that was given by the hands of the apostle paul why would it have to be fanned into flame because it was about to go out and it wasn't paul's fault and it wasn't god's fault is there anybody here it had to be fanned in the flame because it's not automatic new testament is conditional did you know that god's will is conditional did you know that you can mess up god's will you could say no and he might just let you do it that is scary samson woke up and he did not know that the spirit had left him that's scary that you don't know that the spirit of god had left you okay so obviously if words were spoken over you it's not automatic it's conditional based on you mixing it with faith new testament prophet they speak the truth even if it doesn't happen so paul told timothy you know those words of prophecy that i gave you he said use them as weapons of warfare why would he say that if it's in stone because a prophet said it well explain to me why jesus couldn't heal in his own hometown or why jeremiah said in 2911 we i have plans for you to prosper an expected end and in 70 a.d the opposite happened paul said i longed to come to you but satan hindered me okay so the apostle paul got hindered by the devil listen those words that are spoken over you must wage war with them they're not in stone they're in stone in heaven they're in your book but you've got to wage war with them is everybody follow me prophecy is conditional obviously god's will is not always done there would have been more people on the ark we wouldn't have had people falling in the desert i have to go to the next generation joshua and caleb are the only ones who made it they were believing believers amen the depth is almost there i'm almost ready to let you go i'm waiting because you've got to be filled up to the top and overflowing i got to i got to see that your cup is overflowing because when you go out there the devil knows that you know he knows that you know he looks in your eyes and he knows you know now those evil spirits do not have any power over you and they know that you know they know that you know here [Applause] the demons demons they tell they before they come out they say don't talk about the blood i go thanks for letting me know and then they said don't mention the name it's very powerful thank you for reminding me anything else you want to confess you see to the demons the blood of jesus is very powerful because it defeated the whole plan of satan he he literally got into he literally god got into the bloodline and there's life in the blood and he kept it pure and jesus was a pure and spotless lamb and salvation was wrought if there's anybody here that has not accepted jesus christ as their lord you need to come forward and let me pray for you i believe this is all believers and partners of warrior notes but if you want to come up here and give your life to the lord you need to but god already defeated these evil spirits they should not be allowed to operate you should shut them down i remember i remember the devil telling me all the time oh you're not going to get that the lord would speak to me he'd say oh you're not going to get that i go well i'm just doubling it now keep talking and you know what after a while it was up to like four times eight times and i haven't heard from them since because they you just get pushed into the glory and it's counterproductive for them to come at you because you get pushed in to the grace and the mercy of god what is it that's in your spirit that you know you're supposed to have what is it in your life that you need anybody else want to give their life to the lord amen [Applause] so here is the honest god truth about the whole thing the demons are victims they do not want you to break free and gain any momentum in the spirit they want you to feel like a victim so they create cycles of discouragement and disappointment they get you to almost expect it and i'm breaking that cycle in jesus name right now that demonic cycle in jesus name [Applause] this right here is worth coming amen there is plenty of money on this earth it's in the wrong hands come on what do you think provision is god provides for your vision it's called provision he has already earmarked provision before he gives you your vision everything in christ was already wrapped up paul said it's already everything all the good works that you are going to do are wrapped up in christ it was before the foundations of the world he made this plan come on now you can do this i expect you to produce fruit because god's word cannot be denied it's wanting to come out and create harvest so you believe in jesus christ you believe in jesus christ and you're saved amen okay you prayed with them okay anybody else anybody else okay i feel like i'm getting normal again so it means i must have to go i'm coming down though i get beside myself because i i know what you're going to find out when you get to heaven when you get to heaven you're going to find out all the things you could have done but you can eliminate that list right now just reach down deep inside yourself and pull out of those well the well of salvation the spirit without limits the spirit of god is without limits man you all are just like sponges praise the first thing i told myself because jesus sent me back to my body on the table and he told me i can't fail and before i could feel myself being sucked back in through my mouth in like a a glove and a hand in a glove and uh i told myself i'm going back to that crazy earth i'm going back where it's easier to doubt than it is to believe where if you aren't swimming you're going downstream fast you can't go into neutral down here you're going downstream fast i saw this as i went into my body it's i said i always got to be active i got to be making decisions now for tomorrow i've got to be sewing i got to be on my game i'm going back in my body and it's not going to be pretty i i said the devil is gonna lie to me with feelings he's gonna send people to say terrible things to me he's he's going to he's going to try to stop my momentum i i briefed myself as i went back in my body and i have to remind myself every day because when i was with jesus i looked in his eyes and i saw the day that he thought of me and breathed me in my mother's womb and he told me he said you turned out just like i thought of you he said you're perfect he said you're perfect you turn out just like i thought of you that day i remember the day that i thought of you and i put you in your mother's womb i was in an accident and i knew because he told me he said as soon as you get your back in your body he said look down and just like samson he said grab the first thing you see and start swinging samson killed a thousand philistines with a donkey jawbone i think you have something better than that near you that you can use so what's in your wallet what's in your hand what's in your hand moses who do i say how how are they going to know that i was sent how's they were going to even accept me he said well tell him i am sent you yeah but he was what's in your hand it's a staff throw it down you know the story right okay so they get to the red sea and the people start crying out and god literally he goes he goes to god he goes these people are crying out and he starts yelling at god and god literally says shut up and tell the people to shut up he said what do you have in your hand he said to staff he says take it down to the water i'm telling you it's that easy you already have what you need paul said you have everything you need for life and godliness it's already deposited in you by his power it says there's not one devil in this room there's not one devil in this room it's completely clean amen yeah so i'm going to finish my life out with joy i'm going to do everything the father has asked me to do i'm going to glorify him i'm going to make history everybody is that is alive is a history maker every womb that has a child in it is a history maker it's a prophetic voice that child is a prophetic voice i'm telling you they're coming out of the womb prophesying i'm telling you watch what happens children will rise up [Applause] my chains are falling off right now chains are falling off i see chains and bondages the devil has lied to you don't turn to those things anymore it's a it's a idolatry turn to the lord be like david run right to god turn yourself in i break every kind of addiction in jesus name father we turn to you i will walk off this stage when it's time my longest service is 11 hours the average is 5. i'm fine the lord will release us you have to receive your deposit i'm telling you i didn't come here to make you feel good god is not as concerned about your comfort as he is your character and you have no idea you have no idea the rewards of submitting to the yoke of god you have no idea the rewards that way for you got to let god have you have your mouth have your heart speak from the fire i spent 30 years telling people where the exits are and hand them peanuts i can stand here for a couple more minutes until god's ready i've been grown i've been growing my my will has been ground up ground up to powder paul said it's as though christ has borrowed my body and is doing his ministry through me you got to get this it's a narrow way man it's there's fire it's fire the holy spirit is cleansing he's getting the bride ready the remnant is is evident all that soul couldn't carry you through this last year see it has to be spiritual nourishment that carries you through adversity soul soul doesn't carry you through the spirit carries you through you got to hear from god all the time so make sure that from now on every day you commit your way to the lord you acknowledge him and everything and you go toward your dreams as though you've got your whole lifetime you don't worry about the bad reports you should see the people that are in heaven cheering you on you can do this there's you're yelling do it we did it you can do it they handed the baton off to us they ran their part they're cheering us on you can do this it's so close it is so close the angels they are activated by the word of the father they hearken unto his voice they do his bidding their flames of fire sent a minister for those who are going to inherit salvation they are waiting to hear the father speak through you you want angels you want angel activity i'm telling you how to get it you speak something that they've already heard god i want to go home what is going on in branson what is going on i know but you know what's so interesting is in our house in new orleans that was not touched in our house in our house in our house the power god is so strong that we use the walls sometimes to walk there's no cameras there's no audience there's no it's supernatural show nothing yet the power of god is stronger when i go for my recurrent at southwest airlines they would every year for three years in a row they would call me up and they said kevin is a best-selling author why don't you tell us about your trip to heaven i'm like what i'm not they threaten to fire me if i mention jesus christ on the airplane i can't even say merry christmas without going to jail but yet they called me up and said just tell us what you see in heaven and i said well i saw that everyone has a book written about them and that nobody has to go to hell that we have the ministry of of reconciliation where we go forth and we tell people compel them to come in that the price has been paid i said god has amazing things planned for you and i can hear people start to weep and then i saw people falling on their on their desk we're supposed to be doing cpr and evacuating an aircraft in water everyone is falling over and the instructor is passing out kleenexes 20 minutes of talking about heaven not one dry eye not one person upright i can't make this up more power than it's in this room right now at work in a job i'd never wanted okay then i'm told the next year i didn't know i'm about ready to retire phoenix done he says now you're going to houston i get called kevin once you come up same exact thing the power of god hits the next year the lord says dallas went to dallas and was based there kevin i kid you no i called my wife because this is better than anything i've ever seen on tv power god everybody repenting the same power that was in that room was on me today flying in here same power i ate twice today i didn't even fast i flew was fun the most amazing instructor and pilot and i felt the power of god okay at what point do you get what i'm saying here the membrane between the spirit and this realm is so thin and especially tonight and for the next couple nights it's open heaven worship let's worship [Applause] hallelujah the lord omnipotent reigns the lord omnipotent reigns most high you are the most high god there is no one above you there is no one like you you are holy and just your mercy endures forever forever and ever and ever it rained you reign you reign you're far above all rule in authority we worship you almighty god it's you it's you alone the most high [Applause] [Music] falling [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] whoa hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh thank you all we'll be back amen [Music] listen [Music] [Music] mmm [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 70,300
Rating: 4.9290257 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: l_WGgb2Sdp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 40sec (10840 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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