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this is this is because the spirit of god is constantly briefing us he's constantly updating us and he's constantly wanting us to open up to him do you understand while you're on this earth there's very few people who have ever fully opened up to the holy spirit but you you will know who they are right because they're history makers but seeing these last days god wants everybody to be a history maker everyone you're not fully convinced don't you want your name written in uh hebrews 11 i mean it's going to continue on you know that hebrews 11 is still being written as far as the names that are mentioned in there right just like the book of acts is still being written as a person who believed god amen okay all right all right well there's a couple of things to go over with you so that i can set up and get you caught up in what's going on because jesus is very actively with his body because it's his body and he wants you dressed up and ready to go all right so it's it's a romantic story for a bride to wait for the groom to come but she's preparing herself she's actively preparing herself right come on they already know you're crazy they saw your car parked out there come on okay so jesus is taking care of his own body by ministering to you that's how personal this is it's his body now how many know that jesus is not going to neglect his own body okay so we don't just worship a head you know it's a body jesus has a body so he's a full person right but on the earth the mystery of the ages was that we would fulfill his mission we would finish it for him now he's finished his work but he did say that i'm going to leave but it's good that i'm going because i'm going to send another one like me who's going to be a friend just like i am to you and he is going to let you in on what's to come he's going to remind you of what i've said and he's going to give you revelation so jesus said this even when he came back to the owl of patmos and talked to john he said if you have ears to hear listen and hear what the spirit is saying to the seven churches right well where'd they go they're all gone all those seven churches are gone in turkey now well i guess they didn't hear right but he did tell them right but he told them through the holy spirit so these these these spirit schools are an extension of the school that we started 18 months ago because i thought if i can go to the people if i can go to you and let the holy spirit minister to you that that would start a movement where it would accelerate the move of god on the earth it's already begun but he did say if i leave you he said this this comforter this deliverer this healer this this revelator is going to come and then he said this the the works that you've seen me do you're gonna do now now a lot of churches don't like that anymore because you're being put on the same level as the ministry of jesus but isn't it true that paul said it's as though christ has borrowed my body and is doing his ministry through me is that still in there did the nearly inspired version take that out okay so he said that okay now that's a lot to take right oh read on the greater works are coming greater than these you're going to do okay that doesn't mean that yeah right okay so what else doesn't it mean so we take that out what else do we take out before you know it you have a bible that's that's like six pages long and it's really just the introduction in the the uh bye-bye at the end and good luck but it's not six pages is it okay so there's a lot of information here so i have to tell you right off the bat that the holy spirit right now is wanting you to do the works of jesus and then do the greater works this is not a question this is not an interview that's it they're orders yeah that too praise god too that's it see we've got to be fully convinced how do we do that it's through relationship the position has been taken care of come on now the father looks down at the mercy seat that he is sitting on and he sees the blood of his son that's position your sins have been cleansed okay however if the father turns to his right guess who's sitting there jesus if jesus turns to his right who's sitting there [Applause] so he told the seven churches he said he who overcomes will sit with me on a throne paul said in ephesians two six he said we are seated with him in the heavenly realms okay he told the colossians the same thing and he even said hey listen don't focus on things on carnal things on things below but focus on things above where christ is seated at the right hand of god this is the good news of the gospel see because you're seated satan is defeated that's it okay so we we got that all okay but see position has been secured paul's a ministry of reconciliation now in second corinthians chapter five where we go out and we tell people that the price for their sin has been paid if they accept the way that was chosen which was christ jesus the son of god and if that is the only way if he is the only way then there is no way and you say no way there is no other way no matter what the pope says i met someone higher than him okay so you've got to listen you got to listen and when people say things you've got to hear you've got to discern where it's coming from because there's clouds out there without rain there's people that are trying to put bondage on you they're trying to put chains on you jesus came back to take them off okay all right so this this process that you're going through right now as you're getting ready to be married but you've been given the holy spirit as a down payment as an engagement ring amen so just sit there right now and look at it because one day he's coming back for you but you better have your dress ready guys don't worry about it it's not going to matter okay just let it go all right so you look at that ring and every time you look at that ring you know no matter what you haven't seen this happen yet but you know it's going to happen because you've been given the down payment that deposit the holy spirit paul said is the deposit guaranteed okay so now just barely breathe right now don't move now let's go a step further what is faith the substance of things hoped for is that still in the bible okay so we take hold of the realities that are in the spirit with our spiritual eyes you see we've got it we've got it you see really you will never cease to exist amen you will never cease to exist you'll always be who you are and since you've chosen jesus christ then you will not go to hell okay that's fine let's get over that we're not going to hell but while we're down here let's get as many people to go to heaven with us as possible and while we're at it let's get them healed let's get them delivered okay let's get them out of pampers and off milk and let's be mature saints eating meat and all the texans say amen okay so if we are mature then we're going to do not only the works but we're going to do the greater works so there is this gap that seems very big does it because we look at our experience and it doesn't match up to what we know based on what i just said for the last eight minutes there's a big gap between where you feel you are right now where you should be or where you're going okay but in the spirit there is no distance there is no time yes it's always now that's why the book of hebrews starts out with now but see faith in its fullest mature form is manifestation i have the substance of things hoped for it's manifesting inside of me why because my spiritual eyes are staring at it right now i just have to yank it into this realm listen there's a lot of yanking going on but you're going to have to do a lot more because you haven't been taking your deliveries you won't open your door and amazon's getting upset there's a lot of pending things i see it over your heads there's pending things right now but you can have everything that god has placed in your heart everything jesus he was bolder than all of us he said if you love me passionately or you actually obey me you can ask whatever you desire not whatever you need you don't have to be a great scholar you just have to be able to look up a strong's number and you'll find that this the language was stronger than it's been translated many places they kind of like held back a little bit and thus we have a lot of gray areas we have a lot of inactivity we have a a a church that needs plugged in they shouldn't need plugged in they're plugged in but we're talking about things that are going to happen instead of them happening they're not pending anymore listen i'm telling you when i was in heaven the thing that i saw that was stopping us is we stare at the clock we stare at the calendar we're waiting for something that's already done this sounds so simple it's because that's the gospel it's that simple and it's good news so you will live forever in the kingdom of heaven if you continue to produce fruit in keeping with repentance you will end up fine okay so get over that get over yourself and let's start working on our relationship jesus said i call you friends a servant doesn't know the master's business but you know my father's business so i have an announcement to make because it says this in romans chapter 8 it says that those who are led by prophets are sons of god right no it says those who are led by the spirit okay do you have the spirit have you checked yes of course you do okay so you're entitled to hear from your father because in romans chapter 8 15 it says that you've been adopted in you're a child of god john chapter 1 verse 12 says that he gave those who embraced him the power to become children of god that word there is the word for authority it's not dunamis it's authority he gave us the authority the right okay so if that's the case then maybe you need to reconsider you're waiting for god to do something when you are a child and you don't have to knock it'll sink in last time i checked the veil was ripped and a new and living way was made for us is this too bold i can back off we can talk about fluffy we talk about fluffy on the ark you know about the animals i mean did you come to see a reed bending in the wind okay so if you want to hear fire from heaven then you've got to yield to the fire from heaven but if a person's not going to yield from the fire from heaven maybe it's better just to not go no but god wants people to speak from the fire but see you got to speak from that fire but guess what you're going to be speaking where you're going not where you are you see i i have inside information you have inside information because the holy spirit's inside of you trust me he knows more than you and he wants to make you look good he might even make you look prophetic instead of pathetic but you have to yield to him right so so everybody's real nervous because you got two angry hurricanes but out of my mouth says no i'm going and we're gonna have a great meeting amen that's all i said i didn't tell it to go somewhere i didn't do anything but out of my mouth i said no marco will encounter dry air and he will disappear well that happened but with laura i didn't say a word i just said we're going to have this meeting okay so you say what you say what your spirit has received from the holy spirit you make it manifest you yank it you yank it into this realm through your vocal cords so you don't want to talk your circumstances because satan built those circumstances and you might have helped them but you know we won't get into that i won't offend anybody but you might have helped them but james is in the bible right okay he almost didn't make it in the bible they were arguing if they should even put that book in the bible i'm so glad they did but james said that that tongue can be really messed up it can be lit on fire with the fires of hell and that it's a rudder that can guide your life so where are you going because i can tell where you're going by what you're saying and if you're chasing your tail and staying in your living room like a little puppy i'm going to know it but someday you gotta you gotta grow up and be a you gotta be a police dog or a fire dog you gotta grow up and and go out of the house and actually do something okay so jesus didn't die on a cross send the holy spirit and sit at the right hand of god waiting for his enemies to become his footstool he didn't do all that so that we can hide and wait for him to come because the gospel must be preached in all the world and then the end will come matthew 24 is still in the bible so thessalo thessalonica paul had to write to them twice you don't want to know why because jesus was coming back any week now so there were people quitting their jobs and paul had to go through that you ought to read that those books those letters he explains this is when it's going to come and he can't come while he who hinders is here and you know who that is so we're hindering because the holy spirit is here and he's in you and the antichrist cannot come forth because we're messing up the party and every time every time that you show up somewhere praying in tongues and acting crazy you're messing things up every time you vote you're messing things up you see in your practice you practice you go to funerals and you pray in the spirit you say lord is it time because i'm ready to yank this person out of the casket you do that even if it doesn't happen you don't have to go up there and do it it's not true you're not going to try it but you never know when out of your mouth is and say come back in the name of jesus and the earth is going to quake when you say it and give him up yes because it wasn't their time to die you you don't know when that's going to happen are you not the bride waiting for the bridegroom okay so you're always supposed to be ready so the problem that i saw and what i was sent back for was i saw that we were lied to and this message has been watered down and everybody's afraid to say anything about it because you offend people but what if you're a flight attendant that prays in tongues and you don't care about offerings and you don't care about if people like you or not what if what if someone just wants to tell you the truth and doesn't care about anything else except getting it out there then that person delivers the pure gospel message and people start to think it's a new doctrine i've never heard anything like this like you should have i'm quoting chapter and verse every two seconds it's all there so i saw that at the end of the age that the sons of god would be revealed not some mystery it's all all through the bible but even creation right now is groaning because they fell and they didn't want to fall they fell with us fluffy did not get us in trouble but they fell right your dog is constantly saying you know what i want prime a beef i don't want that cheap stuff your dog's always trying to talk to you your dog would tell you i i need a menu i want i want to have a variety here see the animals used to be able to communicate okay so they're we're all we're all in this situation but jesus christ did not hang on a cross for us to just hide reloading drinking our water and eating our beans reloading and waiting for the antichrist jesus is not into that what jesus is into is preaching the good news and seeing signs and wonders follow confirming that word amen that's the truth so i'm calling all of you to rise up and be who you are don't wait for the apostle and the prophet to come to town there are they are there they're set in the church to build you up so that you get off the bottle and i'm not talking about wine i'm talking about milk out of your pampers and become a mature paul said in chapter four of ephesians building us up so that we become mature in the faith in unity so that we all agree well what happens when we agree just ask babylon because god said if we don't go down there and stop them anything they imagine is going to happen they will have it why because they had unity well he fixed that didn't he god fixed that right but on the day of pentecost he reversed babylon now we speak one language in the spirit so satan is after our unity oh dear all right i'll i'll say that the lord just told me to talk about negative attention boy this is a new one for me he just told me negative attention i haven't even done the word studies or anything it's not even in my notes okay so if a child doesn't get positive attention then he'll create a scenario where it's negative attention but he gets attention an animal do that you got in the car and you left your dog and you didn't take him with you so guess what happens when you get home he threw a fit and he made sure that you remember the next time you take him but it doesn't work does it it just makes it worse right so people start to be toxic in enjoying negative attention but then they're never delivered you don't want to be like that you want to be delivered and get positive attention from god because you please god well how do you please god well hebrews says you diligently seek him in the new covenant can you believe that well that sounds like works jesus said if you passionately love me you'll obey me that sounds like the old law jesus said it in the new testament it's in red there was no new testament he was the new testament they were still working on it you know it was still going to the printer they were working on it hadn't even been edited yet god through christ was walking out his new covenant and then paul the apostle was shown that incredible revelation of the covenant y'all with me so you don't want to create a scenario where you get negative attention jesus told me whatever i forbid on the earth is forbidden in heaven whatever i allow on the earth is allowed in heaven he said when you go places if you forgive sins they're forgiven it's in the bible just get over it how can we do that because we have the word of life and we call those things that are not as though they were because they really are just have to buy the cd but think about it you don't want to feel uncomfortable in an airplane that has lost both engines you want to be moved to do something about it whenever you get into a situation you want to be moved to do something about it you want to feel the passion of god to do the right thing in a situation you want to bring correction to it well that's what jesus did for three and a half years he went around doing good correcting having compassion on people and correcting what was wrong he had compassion on people he did good destroying the works of the devil he healed everyone did i say everyone you know what says in greek everyone hebrew everyone homebrew everyone he went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed even acts 10 30 even tells us the source healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil see why because god was within him god was working through him while he's in you right okay so this is how we encounter god's normal that's what this whole weekend's about is encountering god's normal well god's normal is is not your normal and unless everyone around you sees that it's normal because it's going to be supernatural you see jesus even said listen i'm going to give you peace but it's it's from above it's not from this world but what the world gives is cheap fake peace he gives he gives us the real peace well see it's from the other realm so what jesus gives us is is the father's normal but when we encounter it it changes us forever why because we need it changed we need it transformed but i'm announcing to you tonight the things are about to change transformation transformation change it's happening right now there are cells in your body that are freaking out because they're hearing the word of god and they've got to behave they've got to they've got to like quit being rogue cells in your body they've got to quit your organs have to start operating correctly because in the name of jesus i have compassion and i'm commanding every organ in your body to operate correctly every organ i don't care what it is i tell i tell i tell my body to behave i tell my kidneys to behave my liver my heart my brain i i give out a command because inside of me just like you is the kingdom and i'm speaking from the kingdom which does not have any sickness right so why can't you speak to your bank account why can't you speak to your bank account that's right someone's got to prosper just need a few brave people that admit that god wants to prosper you just a few just some crazy people okay a few good people that will admit that god wants you well and that you don't base what god who god is and what you believe on what you experience you base it on what god has said because what he has said is completely foundational and it is absolute and it cannot be revoked but see we don't encounter that because everybody lies to you so you don't know what it's like to have someone keep their word to you but i know a brother that is closer than any of my brothers his name is jesus he never reneges if he has plans for you to prosper then there there you got you got you got something going on here where the banks are going to want you to be part of their establishment listen it flips i don't care what disease comes near me whether it's a thousand fall or ten thousand at my right hand it shall not come near me why why because jesus has already established that truth he quoted he quoted psalms 91 because it says that you'll trample and jesus quotes that because he knew psalms 91 he said you'll trample on serpents and scorpions nothing shall by any means harm you you should check it out in psalms 91. just check it out there in 9-16 the verses and you'll see all these goodies for those who have chosen to make god the most high god their dwelling place not a visit not a drive-through window but a dwelling place that means you never leave jesus said this in john 14. he said if you passionately love me me and my father will come and live with you did he say that okay so that is the absolute truth okay so it doesn't matter what happens now it it is predictable that the thief will come to steal kill and destroy immediately as soon as the word sown and so you just sit there with your shotgun and you let him try it and usually it's a deterrent if you got a barrel pointed at you you don't really even come into the yard okay so why would you let the devil steal the word that is given to you why would you let him convince you did god say does it sound familiar because that's how we got into this mess why was eve talking to a serpent when god came down every day and talked to her and walked with her why was she discussing a conversation with god with a serpent why do you need to discuss theology with a serpent did god say yes he did well you know doesn't he know that if you eat of that you'll be like him doesn't it say that he made god in in his ima it made man in his image genesis 1 26 says they let us make man in our own image in in our likeness so i'm missing something or am i what is it sat serpent was trying to sell her something she already had you don't need to know the evil you just need to know good isn't it weird how you hear the gospel and people the thing that you will encounter the most the most that you the thing that you're going to get hit with is when you tell people that god is a good god they are going to come at you why because we've all suffered by eating that fruit now we know the difference between good and evil you see i could preach hell and get everyone scared and bring them in by calling them up here so you don't go to hell you need to repent or i could preach the goodness of god and it leads people to repentance according to paul anyway if you want to bring him into it you see if you if god's people would preach the good news it would compel people to come in because you would have something that they didn't have so you can't throw favor out you can't throw healing out you can't throw deliverance out you can't throw prosperity out because if you don't get sick that's prosperity if you have favor if you have favor and god smiles on you you trust me everything else is going to work out see the idea here is that you move from position to relationship to where god comes and asks you he asks shall we hide from abraham what we're about to do the answer is no let me in let me in on it moses you know what god says you know what i can't be among them god was asking for advice he said i can't stand them can't be among them he said you're okay you're gonna do fine moses but it's that it's it's your people and moses says wait a minute when do they become my people they're your people no that's what he said he noticed that god started saying they were moses people and moses like this is not going to work right so he he said no they're your people and we're not going anywhere if you're not going god says well i can't be with them i mean it's going to kill them and make you a nation oh no no you can't do that either okay so the compromise was to send an angel right but god said listen i just want you know they're not off the hook because if they grieve him it's not going to go well with them and guess what happened they all died so this weekend as we start this this session right now there's a couple things you have to understand we have to get past our position with god because we have to realize that we are children we have privileges okay i don't come to god on my position because that is a gift i don't deserve that so i don't really like well you know no i come to him because he knows me he knows my name is there anybody here i see a whole bunch of people he knows you he knows you he thought of you and he breathed you into your mother's womb he knows everything about you but he knows some secrets about things that are coming that he knows you'll be very excited about okay so getting into god's normal is in heaven it's all about relationship when people come up to you they start to testify about what they've heard about you that you did on the earth and then they start to tell what god did for them while they were on the earth they don't mention themselves they talk about how faithful jehovah was and everybody wants to hear your story and everybody wants to tell you their story because god is faithful but down here it's like what has happened where or like i hope i can make it when when jesus mentioned to me a few months ago about just the next 11 years with all the programs he gave me a list of programs to launch and he said this is what you'll work on for the next 11 years well that doesn't mean that 11 after 11 years it's going to end but people said no no no it can't be 11 years because the rapture's coming in 11 days i actually have people write me and say that and that 11 days has passed so they're non-profit okay so he's talking to me oh no i want you i want you to form i want you to form these programs he said here's the kids programs he showed me everything he said here's here's uh warrior parents we're going to do appearance programs here's warrior health we're going to talk about health here's warrior church we're going to do that war your kids where your women oh yeah okay so he says you're going to cause people to come together in unity and i'm going to start the move not me he is going to start the move through unity so we got warrior prayer so if you want god's normal you better get ready because you are not going to appear normal that is why paul tried to convince us listen come out from among them and be separate i mean even a soldier doesn't involve himself in civilian affairs i mean according to paul okay so my relationship with jesus and your relationship with jesus causes trust trust is the hebrew word for our our word faith because if god said it then he's going to do it that's trust that was what abraham was known for abraham was told leave and abraham's response was where do i go and god said i'll tell you when you get there and that was enough right is that true that's all he just told him he started walking but he got mentioned in the book of hebrews and he's the father of us all okay but he saw him who was invisible he was searching for a city whose builder and maker was god so because god said it he could raise that knife over his one and only son because it was rigged it was set up come on now what did he tell what did he tell his servants he says you stay here me and the boy are going up to worship and then we will return we we we will return oh my god we will return he's saying okay god you want to play we'll play because god had said it that's the one that will cause you to be the father of all nations of many right how about if you this weekend go there where you know that god has spoken to you and he's not wasting your life i'm telling you if you knew your value you would not waste your words on people that that don't care you you don't you don't defend yourself because one day they're going to be asking you for oil and you're going to say you know what i don't have enough for you you go get your own that's right and wolf blitzer will not be on in the situation room okay so i'm wanting us to awaken to wake up to god's normal but see jesus was introduced to us he walked amongst us we beheld his glory he was the exact representation of the father everything he did and said was the father through him and we should take him as the example and make him our god we should worship him we should quote him everything we do should be for him even when we work we should work as though unto the lord when we speak we should speak as though the very oracles of jesus the very oracles of god we should be imitators of god as dearly loved children we should imitate him what's he doing well he's not making people sick he's not making making people poor he's not giving people devils right okay okay so in order to encounter the first thing that's going to happen is it's going to be revolutionary what happens first because see you have to hear the word once you hear the word then faith comes trust comes because you're hearing the word of your father in heaven and in people even unsaved people i've seen them over and over again at work for 29 years i've spoke like this the same authority i just didn't have a microphone like this it was a cheap one on an airplane but i spoke from the same spirit i'm speaking to you from from the fire every day because i prayed in tongues for four hours every day and southwest paid my way southwest airlines paid my salary and all i did was hand out coke and sprite and apologize for the weather for 29 years and then i would go to my room and i pray in tongues and i would go out and feed the poor but i spoke from the same authority and and it's amazing you know my co-workers passengers they'd start to tear up when i was talking to them well because i'm not speaking from this realm what did the pharisees say what did the people say this man he speaks with such authority they said jesus you know he's not like the pharisees he speaks with such authority you see the manifestation of the sons of god is god's normal it is it's going to happen but i just want to juice it up and make it happen a little sooner because we there's an acceleration that's happening we've got to get caught up we've got to allow the word of god to have full access to us and start to produce a crop 30 60 and 100. i want a hundredfold so the word of god is not the problem the sower is not the problem jesus focused paragraphs on men's hearts the soil it's the parable of the soils it's not the parable of the sower that's one sentence the seed that's one sentence it's a word of god but the hearts of men was where the problem was right so out of four different types of soils there was only one that produced that's 25 percent so so we have a thousand people in here 250 people actually have the word of god take root in that parable now if you take those 250 people out of a thousand only only a third of them get the 100 fold a third of them get 60-fold and a third get 30. so the problem jesus told me is first of all the parable of the soils then he said this focus on men's hearts he said the word of god doesn't need any help he said the sower sows that word of god but the crop only comes if it marries the soil well the soil is your heart so do you have stones in it is it hard does it have thorns are you are you overcome by the cares of life do you do you seek riches do i need to go on because jesus addressed these all in in matthew 13 he said listen to you the disciples he said this he said what you've been given is the deep mysteries of the kingdom but to them it has not he goes why did they just give it to the world too he said no it's been given to you the 12. why because the 12 turned the world upside down well at least 11 of them did then matthias came so this is something that you do now as you hear this word you respond by accepting that god is greater and what he has said is greater and you accept his normal it's impossible for you to stay the same it's impossible you must be transformed by the renewing of your mind your mind is keeping you in a small place because it's not transformed but you in your spirit you're as good as you're going to get i saw in heaven that your spirit was born again a new creature a creature that has never existed a new species the old has completely passed away your files are not hidden they're gone they're expunged is the word that was used jesus he said i don't even know what your file says i'm not allowed to ever have seen it he does not know your past at all he treats you as though you've never sinned i encountered him he treated me as though i had never sinned and he told me he told me the plans he had for me and went on and on and on and i go he doesn't know a thing about me and i realized that he didn't know anything about me except what was written because that's all that matters to him is what the father wrote amen are you set free yet come on so your spirit does not know defeat and the holy spirit is in there and he has never known defeat he has never thought he's going to fail he doesn't think you're going to fail amen your spirit doesn't have any failure in it it's born again it's a new species i can hear the holy spirit laughing right now with joy right now amen okay the angels that are sent because they they are assigned to you they they some of you need more than one but they but you'll get along fine once you get transformed one of them will be able to take a 15-minute break but you got to get transformed and and and unload them i mean they're working hard for you but a lot of it is self-inflicted okay so you get transformed those angels listen i'm telling you the truth you're going to find this when you get to heaven and you're going to kick yourself if you don't accept it but the spirit of god does not know defeat the angels of the lord that read your books they are sent they never think you're going to fail they don't think they're going to fail they don't even think about it they're just looking for cooperation they're yelling work with me people the father is waiting for his enemies to become his footstool he has sent his son the son has succeeded in his mission you know why because the holy spirit came on day of pentecost and jesus said when i return to my father i will personally send the holy spirit so we know he got there so what are you worried about man i'm going to get this cd god this is good okay all right so god's normal is his environment that is in heaven but he introduced us to his son so that we would know his normal so he went around doing good not evil he any was it good news that he preached not bad news right what happened when the disciples rejected i mean that not the disciples but the people rejected the disciples and jesus message they said shall we we call down fire on them and he says you don't know what spirit you're of well didn't they just ditch jesus and his message but he said you don't know what spirit you're of so why are you pronouncing judgment on my country see i'm owning my country this is my town right now because god sent me here no i'm serious it's my cur it's my country and it's my town right now because jesus sent me to connell he sent me here okay so if i'm sent i'm not went all of heaven is with me because i don't need to do this i want to be home sipping tea right now i don't need to do this but jesus said listen if you do this you cannot fail if you go back you cannot fail okay so if he's telling me that and i'm just a pert i'm not even an expert then what what about you i don't know if the lights are coming on right now but see the whole the whole thing think you should study history before they destroy it and pull down all the statues but you should study history and try to like download the internet before they take it off but you got to understand something every so many years someone or something goes between you and god and becomes your middle man but there's only one mediator between god and man his name is jesus that's it [Applause] so you can't be told what you believe you can't be restricted in practicing your faith that was a god-given right so how would you like it if you hired somebody to manage you and they started telling you what to do huh would you like it well then why you let why you let what's happening now happen the government was formed to protect and to serve so why did they take those stickers off the police cars was it not by protecting and serving us anymore did you read what the forefathers wrote come on now listen to me there's only one media between god men that's jesus so you don't need to go through somebody to get to god except jesus himself but the veil's been ripped right so why do you let people take away the freedom i'm just asking you why do you do that i'll tell you why it's an identity crisis you don't discern what jesus said do you pay your taxes he was asked hey they're asking if you pay your taxes he said tell them he says he says just go down to the lake don't throw in a net just throw in a line he said the first fish that comes you you reach in its mouth there'll be a gold coin in there you pay our taxes he said but just so you know that the sons are exempt in the kingdom right right but what did he say so that we don't offend them does anybody catch what i'm saying here you see you're not going to be accepted by this world because you're not of this world i'm just quoting scripture this isn't my sermon i've done nothing but quote scripture to you since i got up here listen to me you've got to see what god through jesus was showing you your sons jesus was constantly poking at the religious leaders constantly he said you'll go twice you'll go halfway around the world to get a convert and when you find one you make him twice the son of hell that you are well i guess he wasn't going to be invited to that synagogue but he didn't care did he because i'm not this is not my kingdom i'm from i'm from my father's kingdom this is not my kingdom down here well don't you know that i can free you pilate says because you don't have any power to do anything unless god himself gives it to you he's facing death at the time he was given a way out many times he was given a way out but he refused to because he had heard from his father he was sent so he would not even allow peter to speak by an evil spirit oh a christian can't have a devil no the devil had him oh that went over well i'm going to say a couple more times you see it's how much of the devil how much of you you've given the devil you are the one in authority if you start giving away land oh i found a little pushback okay but listen to me the evil spirits cannot have a christian unless you give them to them unless you give yourself over to the works of the flesh that's why paul said i mean paul believed in deliverance he just said you know what just don't yield to the flesh he said you can't please god if you yield to the flesh if you walk in the flesh you cannot please god but if you yield to the spirit you inherit life you please god it says right okay the devils don't know what to do with a person who yields to the spirit they also don't know what to do with someone who knows their rights and privileges as a child come on does it take a flight attendant coming back from the dead think think about what i'm saying here this is not some new doctrine this is the pure gospel and you are set free by it but i want you to produce a crop i want a hundred fold return on the word of god that was sown in your hearts now the word of god is gonna produce manifestation in every area if you sow to that you will reap it so you don't wait till you're in an ambulance to quote your healing scriptures right see because we're going to get past the healing part and get into divine health and then we're going to get into divine life we've got to go on now see you've been receiving information that's been incorrect and the the intelligence agencies especially the cia are very good at this the aic i have to do it backwards so i don't get cut off right now but there are there are experts at disinformation you see they have to just put a little bit in there with a little bit of truth just to get you off a little bit and you go on a rabbit trail and why while you're going after that the real thing is being displayed in your backyard and you're not there because you you you took the bait you have to be like moses say hey you know what if you're not going with us lord we're not going have you have you gotten that tenacity yet where you know what i know i know my god's gonna come through for me i know that he's gonna show up and my enemies are gonna be scattered amen okay all right all right all right so there is a breakthrough that comes but it's not really breakthrough you know that that word has been used a lot but the lord jesus told me there's another word that's actually more accurate it's called overthrow he told me that when we hear about authority we think about scolding somebody and you know putting the finger in the head bob up and just like telling them what what they need to know but see a dominion dominion has to do with overthrow dominion where no devil would dare stand and listen to you talk anymore no devil would dare say a word i'm serious you have no idea what you've aborted with your own lips because you had the sheriff's badge the demons do not want you to know this they're screaming right now like little girls they do not want you to put your foot down and use your tongue and say you know what i'm not just going to lash you with my tongue i'm going to smash you with my tongue when you walk you should be hearing crunching under your feet serpents and scorpions crunching crunching trample no really is is trample like get out get out get out no trample is like loser you're trespass right trample right the word the word is not cast style it's drive out jesus drove out devils that's dominion oh come on so why is your bank account speaking louder than god why is your body have a voice that's louder than the voice of your father god why are your circumstances screaming louder than your your father who has already spoken and is waiting for his word to return to him not void but to accomplish his intent come on now okay all right so remember this remember this that awakening to god's normal is actually realizing that you are going into an overthrow position because his dominion starts to manifest what happened when he came down and met with moses the mountain caught on fire and you can go to saudi arabia today because paul said that that the mount sinai was in arabia so it's jabal allah's and it's in there and i've seen it and it is it is completely black on top and the mountain was breaking apart and it was on fire and everyone was afraid all those millions of people that were in the desert said they threw moses under the bus he said you go up find out what he wants and bring it bring it back to us they didn't think he was coming back so his very presence demands respect but see we don't encounter that so we have all kinds of people that are boastful and proud and are working against god and they're about to be humbled they're about to be indicted okay all right so the first thing that happens you got to wake into is that god is not necessarily like you but he wants you to be but there's going to be a notable historical event that happens in your life when you encounter him on this level i'm not talking about the born-again experience i'm talking about a relationship with him where you keep asking him to show up and then he does and you're like don't ever do that again because that's what happens to me i i don't i don't ever ask for a visitation i don't ask for angels to come because it's really hard on me because i have to change because he's god and i'm not until you're face down and you can't move and you're pleading for your life as a christian you have no idea what i'm talking about but this is the god i encountered i have encountered him to the point where i realized that everyone is supposed to encounter him this way we were all supposed to go up on the mountain with god not just send somebody [Applause] you don't need a prophet to find out what god's saying to you oh i just made a whole bunch of friends now listen to me the fivefold was set in the church to build us up if they're not building us up they're not doing it right so now we have a bunch of believers that are in pampers and milk bottles and they're old enough to be fathers themselves and they haven't left home yet come on now okay so we need to awaken but when we do are you ready for god's normal okay so you this is what you do you read you read exodus 29-32 and you read it over and over again until you change because this is what happened to moses he got to know god's ways his ways are his pathways his personality what he likes see israel saw his acts they saw the mountain on fire they heard the thunder but they did not know him but moses knew his ways his personality see it's not position it's relationship this is where we need to go god's normal is he wants to talk to you he doesn't want to send a prophet to you i know this hurts some people especially some of my prophet friends because they have clients you know i am in so much trouble but i love i love people and i want you to know that god sets in the church some not everybody some to be apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers and evangelists but every one of these fivefold ministers i know and i have appointed them in my life i have i have fivefold speaking into me all the time however god set them in the church and they would rather not do it that's all i know if you're a true apostle or a prophet will you are you willing to lose your head for what you believe because paul said hey you want to see my id my my apostle id he takes his shirt off and he turns around and he said can you believe this i was privileged to have the same marks as jesus that was his id badge his brag was that at the end of his life he said i know nothing except jesus christ and him crucified that was his message at the end that's what before he got beheaded that's what he said see the gospel gets simpler as you get older your prayers become very simple help because we don't know it all but as you get older you realize that even your dad is got smarter everybody gets smarter they were trying to help you they were trying to say things but the thing is is that we need discernment we need to know that god's normal is going to be revolutionary but i'm i'm ready for it it might not be pretty i might have to erase the security cameras when he shows up because i'm going to look undone but that's what happened to isaiah and he was a major prophet but he became undone in chapter 6. he was fine until he saw the lord high and lifted up right he was fine right everything's good offerings are big everybody likes him and then he saw the lord hiding lift up and he became undone and the angel had to fix him with a coal see everything was fine and all of a sudden he's unclean what happened how could you be unclean in the throne room as a major prophet not even a minor now do you ever think about this stuff because i do because this is about relationship this is how i think i think relationship now because my position was secured before i was born jesus already was slain from the foundation of the world in christ all these things were set up if i would choose him i was on my way to hell and i was going to be the best behaved person there they're like how did you get here you you were the you were so good it didn't matter it's born again is the only way to get into heaven you have to be born again of the spirit but i wasn't told that okay so this is the part of the service it's getting it's early it's actually early in the service but the angels are coming in right now okay so don't don't pay attention to them because they'll leave they don't like it when you pay attention to them i'm telling you this so that you can know to in your spirit let the angels of the lord minister to you they ministered to jesus did you know that jesus needed ministry after he's tempted of the devil right well how's come you don't let the angels minister to you after you are tempted of the devil every time that you're tempted you better get ready because you're about to be visited amen because they minister and strengthen you and they've come into the service because they have deliveries you see they hearken that into the voice of the father they do his bidding they're flames of fire they've seen the face of your father and now they've come this is probably one of the soonest this has happened it usually doesn't even happen until the second night but transformation is happening in your mind so you are you are available right let the angels minister to you you're gonna start to feel light let the holy spirit lift you up you're gonna start feeling light you're gonna feel joy it'll bubble up within you just let it out let the lord fill you with with the anointing of joy right now and heal you your battle is over the lord has showed up with his hosts this happens all the time this is god's normal yeah now she is really legitimately yielding to it don't you want to join her she's drinking of the new wine peter said listen these are not drunk as you suppose but these are filled with the holy spirit this is that this is that okay so how how do i how do i enter into god's normal when there's all this demonic activity you just don't invite them [Music] you see if they were telling you the truth they would say you know what i'm a loser can you just cast me out like well you don't have to just go so [Laughter] so there is no real defined point when you enter into god's normal you find yourself there why because god's standard god's standard becomes your standard it's just time it's just time to yield don't worry about it listen listen this is better than going out and holding a sign and throwing bricks come on come on so so how are you empowered how are you empowered well you were empowered from on high so the most high came down and dwells with the contrite and humble you're contrite and humble you all are going to get along just fine with the mighty one the holy one of god the eternal one he is the high and lofty one and inhabits eternity but he also dwells with the humble and contrite in spirit so let him pay your bills let him heal your body let him let him drive out the devils i'm serious i have been talking to people that aren't even saved and they said something just left me i go well don't let him back pray with me let's fill that void the devil just opted out i'd never said a word about him did i really cast it out i didn't say a word okay so this is the point if there's a devil present he has to go it doesn't matter who he's in amen okay all righty then [Applause] moving along moving along nothing here come on now listen now listen the lord wants to encourage you he doesn't have any bad news that's why the media those all those people need to get saved and they need it like you know today today in conroe we had a couple we have them right here and um they had an angel visitation uh what did the angel say he said repent he said tell tell everyone in conroe they need to repent uh in the media like okay so the what is the word of the lord and they give the word lord then then wolf blitzer he'd be somewhere else he goes oh yeah we the angel just came out of the president's office what did he say he said this nation is one nation under god and then he walked out okay so the media is supposed to be reported okay we got this couple we got this couple in california that the fire didn't touch their house but it burned everybody else's around them and um there was an angel standing out there oh by the way they're christians and they believe in psalms 91. you know and uh uh so i understand ma'am that you didn't have a leg when you went to bed last night but now you have a left leg see that's that's what the news is supposed to be oh yeah and you got the the fox news fox news has got their you know you go into chase bank and you're you're you gotta make a deposit there's fox news out there and they're interviewingly she goes i don't know what happened but now i have all this money in my bank account i don't know what happened but you know the lord told me to give the last thing i had the last thing i had he told me to give it to a widow and i went into i went in here and i here's the receipt see that's that's good news the good news is you don't have to be sick you don't have to pay for your salvation and you don't have to go through somebody you can go to god directly in the name of jesus you don't have to have a devil you don't have to be poor what does it say in deuteronomy 15 4 deuteronomy 15 4 says i am the lord your god and there shall be no poor among you for i the lord god have blessed you do the math and i will bring you into the land that i have promised you that's the god they served they said you're never going to borrow from any of these nations they're your enemy they're going to fear you you will lend to them but you will you will not have to borrow from them so that they will know that i am the only true god okay so now the new testament poor jesus hangs on a cross and he doesn't get all that for us it's got to be a better covenant with better promises i mean according to the bible if you want to bring the bible into it so what happened did they switch did someone switch thro on the throne did they switch the old testament god's gone now no jesus was a fulfillment of the old testament he fit right in there so now we're completing him so he will give you exceedingly abundantly what you can ask or imagine yes you know what it says in a greek it's even stronger you are about to encounter god's normal but it's going to be beyond what your mind can comprehend [Applause] so now listen to me there are those of you who want this but you're not sure but see if the gospel is preached in its entirety you want to go to heaven you don't want to be here but while you're here you have you have an ambassadorship you are representing god he's given you authority to represent him so we need to do it well i am not barney fife i'm not apologizing for the law i'm not apologizing for god's word it would be a privilege to die for him but i'm not going to die of the devil's disease i'm not going to die because some drunk driver hit me it's not going to come near me why because of trust yes because he said if i make the most high my dwelling place none of these things shall come near me and he listen he doesn't call them acts of god like the insurance companies do god's not in the hurricanes and the devil says you know what we're not being effective enough so we're going to get people to start naming the storms so they can call them in oh wow says man is the authority oh but you didn't hear you're not getting that are you yeah are you getting it why would you why would you call something in why would you give it any power you poke the eye out of a hurricane you send the dry air to a hurricane you don't send it to someone else because the christians over there are sending it back to you so you so you don't fight each other you know you know it's just like you don't you know you're praying for your team to win you've got to be kidding me what do you think the christians on the other side or the other team are going to be playing praying for so you don't do that come on now jesus was surprised that the disciples waked him up woke him up in the boat he thought that he had done his good teaching well enough that he could just sleep because the father had already told him to go the other side so he spoke it see he's just going to see if you if you look up that in mark chapter five if you look that up it it's a it's i think it's in chapter five he only did what his father asked him to do so the father obviously if he said let us go the other side obviously he heard from his father right okay he was doing spiritual warfare did you know that well read it it says that halfway across a storm just blew up and he didn't even get up because so he rebukes it he gets the other side now you read it he gets out of the boat and legion meets him he drives him out and it's he doesn't say that he went into town to shop and to eat with his disciples it says he got back in the boat and went to the other side again he didn't even spend any time there he was just taking that thing out check it out it was just storm warfare that boat couldn't sink because because god the father told him to go the other side he didn't think he was going to sing that is trust that is not really that is not a position that is trust jesus didn't come to be promoted as the son of god he came to be promoted as a son of man when demons who knew who he was said i know you are the said shut up he did not want their testimony but he wanted to be known as the son of man because he wanted to be the example of what we were going to do when he left everything he did was what we can do he said even greater so a religious spirit will pop up and say well that was jesus that's why they he did that and the apostles you know when they died so did tongues and everything else oh really so what authority do they have to say that because it's not in the bible and if you read the book of acts it's it's like the writer fell asleep he didn't even finish it but that was intentional it's still going on through you amen oh my wow okay so even problems in your throat are being healed right now your throat you see your immune system needs to be boosted you need a dose of the most high yes you need you need some of the same power paul talked about this the same power that the rose jesus from the dead is dwelling in you well dear lord what would it take to bring up to bring someone out of the belly of the earth out of hell i did say hell because he did go to hell he had to go to hell to redeem that too for the vilest person if that power could take him from the deepest part to the highest place in heaven then i think that he can at least get rid of your sore throat through association [Applause] proximity you see the powers of the coming age are mentioned in hebrews it says there that if you've encountered jesus and you have you have believed in him but you were to turn and mistreat and and trample underfoot the blood of jesus as an unholy thing after you've encountered the powers of the coming age so we have we if we don't know what that is we know we've encountered it because it says we have but most christians don't know they've never encountered that but i've encountered him i've encountered him and he i'm telling you what that hits you before he even gets to you the powers of the coming age are on him it's dominion he's not weak devils knew it did the devils know who you are yes i mean i've heard him scream i walk up i know who you are i know who i am do you know who you are you see the devil is so full of pride those devils are so full of pride they're they're boisterous do you know who i am i go you don't know who you are no they they want you to treat them with respect it's like there's no respect for a loser he's been they've been made a show of openly oh don't worry don't worry don't worry about me i mean you know the witches the witches that are here you come to all my services to try disrupted in the spirit as you can see it's not working so you can come up and repent right now and not not go to hell you want to have a showdown see they come in there they hide and their curses bounce off of me and go back to them but how do you get to here you you go ahead and give yourself over to him you don't try to preserve yourself you just hand it over you hand all your authority over to him that's what you were supposed to have done when you gave your life to him see you're a disciple you're not a convert jesus didn't say go into all the world and make converts he said make disciples what are disciples well a disciple was one who followed their teacher and submitted to their disciplines so they became called and known as disciples because they submitted to the masters disciplines so you submit to god then you resist the devil and he flees from you that's the way it is if it isn't happening there's a failure to communicate jesus showed me lester sumrall when i was in heaven he said he developed his spirit through the word of god and renewed his mind to where he affected a whole city when he would enter into it he said the devils would leave the city i'm not kidding you because they didn't want to be cast out because lester would tell them not to come back so they left on their own i saw him going he was in a car and he was going into san francisco the lord showed me from heaven he was going into san francisco and as he entered into the city limits the devil started leaving so that's our goal jesus showed me mine mine was 30 feet at the time this was back in 1992. but it was 30 feet he said if anybody gets within 30 feet of you there are in your domain and they will encounter what you're walking in but since then i wanted to fill the whole building and that's what you feel you feel the domain that god has given a certain individual but you are an individual that god has given a domain but you have to develop it and frame your world by the word of god and it is absolutely the truth what god has said and when you get to that place it's not because of position it that has been done for you it is relationship now if you don't believe me you will see this but don't be one of these people they had the position but jesus said i never knew you and they cast out devils and heal the sick and you can't do that without the spirit of god well i just lost half okay that's why we need to re produce fruit in keeping with repentance we're going to get into that this weekend the reason why we become ineffective is because we have become lukewarm but we don't know it until we encounter the hot then all of a sudden i know right away because 50 when i encounter lukewarm 50 will blame it on me and the other 50 will follow their knees and say i need help there's only two ways pharaoh his heart was hardened it just got worse it was a goat rope and did you know that after the army disappeared in the red sea did you know that history shows they try to hide it but there's a way to find it egypt ceased to be the world power they lost their whole army that day did you know that you they can't even tell what pharaoh was available at that time for that to happen how convenient they can't find the pharaoh they can't figure out which pharaoh it was well i know where it is it's right beside all those those those giant bones that they're hiding the smithsonian's hiding exactly all those farmers have found the 15 20 footers yes nothing here keep walking they don't want you to know that what they found supports the bible barney wasn't on the ark just to unfriend all those others that are still teetering the lizard wanted back on his legs you do the math your hint is in the first couple chapters of genesis that's why they're all gone that's why barney is gone it was a genetic experiment which is why you should be careful these days because just as it was in the days of noah so shall it be right before the son of god comes back what was happening there interbreeding mos not moses he hadn't come yet noah was the only one that was perfect the word in hebrew perfect in his genetics it is generations there's only eight that made it on the boat there were only eight left that had an inner bread don't make me go there yeah i know and then i uh and then we don't have enough employees to answer the emails then so okay okay so let's let's let's go in this direction you want the solution for breakthrough tonight you want you want well the solution to breakthrough is knowing that breakthrough is not your end overthrows your end the lord wants his earth back he wants his country back he wants his nation his nation okay his nation is his people his people those who are called by my name okay so it's not necessarily that he actually salutes the statue of liberty when he shows up he's looking for you there's believers and unbelievers there's jews and there's gentiles there's goats sheep there's tares and wheat and there is wise virgins and unwise virgins this is the biblical division so since you're here you are the sheriff so you need a vote in heaven by prayer and then you need to go to the polls and vote but see god himself will listen to you but he will not listen to someone else who does not fear him you are his voice on this earth now listen i'm being very gracious i'm being very gracious right now because if you knew what's about to happen in this country if we do not take our sheriff badge and start praying your your your freedom is really in the balance and there are people that strategically have been placed over us that are god's deliverers they've been appointed long ago to be in office right now for this very very thing but they need you to pray now i know this but i can't say how i know but i'm telling you right now we can flip the whole thing it's already being flipped but we can flip the whole thing this was all this was all to expose the evil the snakes come out when it gets hot ask paul remember when he's getting firewood you know just helping out a little bit shipwrecked beat up i gotta go to see caesar and i'm on this island i'll go help him with him some firewood he gets bit by a viper why because when he went to throw it in the fire the fire exposed the viper but think about this while he was walking down the beach with that load of wood that viper was in there just like a lot of you you know there's a snake somewhere but he won't show himself i'm telling you the solution the breakthrough it's overthrow it has to do with introducing into your environment the fire from heaven the coal from the altar the holy fire that is god's normal he brings it down and he touches you the day of pentecost was much greater than what we've discerned i mean think how this all started we're all here it's crazy i couldn't even get 150 people for 30 years to listen to me on my airplane but now people come from all over you the sacrifices that you all make just to get here it keeps doubling every year it doubles and triples to where now we can't go to churches anymore because it's too small it's hunger because you want to hear the pure message of the gospel but there are people out there doing this but see it's being turned over now to you because you're being trusted to go into overthrow but how you do it is you let god move into your house not just spiritually it's already happened according to scripture but now physically you are going to start experiencing this in your house jesus assured me of this he said into the fall i cannot wait any longer so i'm going to start visiting people at night that's what he told me he said he said that the joel's joel's prophecy even though he's a minor prophet he's really good but he said these these signs are in the end times now they were quoted of course at the day of pentecost but they include the time where the sun turns blood red or the moon and you know all that but this is this is not what i'm talking about here i'm talking about how this thing started on the day of pentecost it was there was wind there was fire there was utterance in other tongues and there was drunkenness publicly drunkenness in the spirit realm people were drunk they had fire on their heads they were prophesying they were speaking in tongues and there was a rushing mighty wind that's how this started so you're all here together but see god has plans to visit us but he wants to inhabit us this is the new testament way okay so if we started out with wind and fire and utterance and drunkenness in the spirit new wine then how do you think we should end this i mean wouldn't jesus himself like he did through paul he said to the galatians who has stepped in and broken your stride who has put a curse on you that you started in the spirit and now you're going to finish this race in the flesh but see why do we need smoke machines and the light show well because we don't have the real thing so i have i might i know how to do this because the word of god teaches it i have to build you up till we get into the unity of the faith and then it's impossible to not receive it's impossible you will receive you will have habitation you will okay so you all agree you all agree that we started out great on the day of pentecost but the plans for god to finish is a grand finale now with that the price that you've all had to pay to stay in there has been great and that's why i am so gracious to do everything i can to make sure so if you have come and you have you don't have the money to buy anything from the book table you take you can take one item for free i'm going to sow into you because it's i believe that i was sent back to do this and it's not about the money god makes it about me because i make it about him i don't have to watch my back if you saw what was behind me you wouldn't have to worry about me i have i have no worries but i have concerns because i want you to know what's waiting for you in heaven the reward you have if you will stay diligent and just continue to stay pure and believe grasp the realities that are unseen i see him he is so real to me there are two times that he sent me to hard places that are really hard for me because the price was great it was two foreign lands where my life was in danger and my wife's was in danger and while i'm praying i'm praying with those iranians jesus came up from the midst of them and kissed me on the forehead said thank you for ministering to my people he did the same thing in south africa with machine guns all around the church to protect jesus came into my room and kissed me and he said thank you for ministering to my people so when the price is greater the reward is greater the reward is he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him this is the things that i want to talk about tonight i want to give you a five minute break and i want to go into the second lesson if you can handle it if you if you don't want to handle it tonight we can just start tomorrow morning but i i i i have i've allowed god to talk to you i haven't talked about myself i haven't even told you a story yet because i know that the word of god is the most effective thing for you now i even flip the services because the lord told me to he said have the worship at the end so that people can respond to the word that i've spoken so we're going to worship at the end here but if you want because it's still early i mean these here in texas are small i'm not i mean no they're big they're big and they're they're slow do you want to take a break because you know i'm here i might as well i might as well do my thing you know amen yeah okay before i leave this this chapter though remember these things he's not just looking for breakthrough seek his breakthrough you might need another breakthrough but overthrow is dominion and the king's then the king's dominion is established in overthrow it's permanent now what did jesus say he said you'll have fruit that lasts if you abide in me it's permanent see it's not fleeting it doesn't leave you you've not been left as an orphan because you are connected to him you are established in him so know that when you're connected to john 15 and you see that you're connected to the vine then you're connected to jesus then you receive your life flow through him so john you connect yourself with him but then you see that jesus is the one who is the vine that you're connected to then you see that he's your life source and jesus said this but this will not be quoted very much without me you can do nothing what does nothing mean thank you but what can you do with him okay so it's pretty obvious with simple math you can come to the right conclusion but you have to be fully convinced so please as we go on to the next just remember this god is not wanting you to go from a breakthrough to breakthrough he's wanting you to go into overthrow he does not want you to go from healing to healing he wants you to go into divine health where nothing by any means shall harm you now i can't be responsible if you do not operate in this i can only preach the good news of the gospel god does the healing i do the preaching i'm not responsible for the healing i'm not the healer he's the healer but but he's healing which means that if those in the old covenant left egypt and there was no feeble one among them and they left with the gold and the silver did i mention that yes that sounds like prosperity to me they lifted the gold and silver there's not one feeble one among them and they ate of the manna from heaven and they drank from the water that came from the rock i'm just quoting scripture okay so don't you think that jesus wanted a better deal if he was going to come and redeem us please it's got to be a better covenant with better promises so there's more that we have to add we have to add something what would be added well i'm glad you asked welcome to chapter two in your study guide that five minutes went fast do you all just need to go or you know i'm letting you go if you need to go okay here here's here's here's chapter two now listen to me escuchen all right we're talking about the different ladder the different levels of the ladder that peter can you believe the guy who had the foot in the mouth disease he is speaking such wisdom that even the commentators don't listen even the commentators are afraid to write anything about what he said in chapter one of second peter i'll go real slow so go you can go to the bathroom i'll go real slow so you don't miss anything do you understand the words that are coming out peter peter got with it he got with it not because he messed up he felt bad and he got with it he got with it because jesus came and looked for him after he was resurrected and retrieved him yes and those who are forgiven much love much peter is profound so something that commentators won't commentate on are these hard they call them hard verses hard sayings of jesus and no one wants to go there because you're going to get shot because everybody knows in their spirit in their heart they know that what jesus said is far greater than what you would want to risk in agreeing with what he said is far more powerful but if you do it you're going to be persecuted if you agree with jesus completely he said they killed me they're going to kill you they persecute me they're going to persecute you he said you're going to get houses and families you're going to get 100 fold in this life and with it persecutions so you're looking at the houses the family and then you get the persecutions and you say return to center but as part of the gospel is suffering for the gospel's sake it's not suffering because the devil puts a disease on you but there is a suffering that is biblical you you you suffer for being righteous and just in this life by by standing up for jesus for what is right and just you're going to be persecuted okay so i was taught i was taught different subjects like i went to an undergraduate four-year college was taught all these different subjects but the more that i was taught the more questions i had because i realized i didn't know anything okay then i went to another school and i was taught about faith and i learned so much that after a while i couldn't wait to get out of there because i felt like it's going to blow up but i really didn't understand faith and i didn't understand all the subjects i studied in my undergraduate but i knew i thought i knew more but i didn't understand more and there's a difference between hearing and understanding and unless you really figure it out that hearing is understanding when you hear something if you don't put it into practice it means you didn't understand it because it's impossible to not manifest the word of god so when people say the word of god's not working that is impossible and god is holding his ears and singing hallelujah to himself so he doesn't hear you say that because it always works because it's not an it it's a hymn the word is jesus it he always works jesus told me he said you're not and i was appear i appeared before him you're never going to tell him you know what i believed and i never got healed you're not going to say that to him because he's he's going to point at you he says he said my blood's enough i if you tell him that the devil i cast the devil out and he didn't leave he goes my my my name is enough he said it's it's impossible for him to think that that it that that you couldn't res you couldn't have your healing because he he you were healed long ago to him it's receiving it it's the receiving end i know that you're never going to stand before him and blame him for anything i've already encountered that i did not go there with him because he has fire in his eyes and he has a sword and whatever he says goes you don't you don't say anything about failure you don't talk to him that way that's the jesus i met it became my problem did you hear me when i appeared before him it became my problem not his he was never the problem he was the solution and i did not discern him he's always enough he's more than enough this is what i know are you hearing me okay now with that you you would think no no hear me out okay these three remain faith hope and love but the greatest of these is faith okay what happened relationship you see the reason why you have fear is because you don't have the relationship with your heavenly father you need because perfect love drives out fear so it's impossible for you to have fear if god's there but you if you're not established in this you're trying to get in you're trying to drive out fear but it's just like tithing you might not believe in it but see the promise that's there says that i will rebuke the devourer for your sake that's a great deal just just tell me where to sign because that's one thing i don't that's i can unload myself i don't have to worry about that well you're all looking at me like that for so if god has already promised certain things like if god is love and perfect love drives out fear then if you have fear it has to do with your relationship not your position because your position would already have established you that nothing can come near me because my position with god okay but what about your relationship with him does he trust you so peter can you believe this guy he said we're going to add to our faith these ladders of virtue we're going to build a ladder above faith i thought the greatest of these was faith but at the end of this ladder the last rung is love brotherly love you interested stay tuned we're going to go to a commercial no i'm just kidding okay all right so faith ladder of virtues is something that that peter himself talked about and this is what he said in the in the in the introduction of the second peter this is what he says this is a letter from simon peter a slave a slave and apostle of the of jesus christ i am writing you who share the same precious faith now you're not going to find this and this is extra i got some stuff in there but i'm giving you extra that no one's heard before i'm giving you all new stuff this weekend so you have your study guide i'm adding to it this is extra everything i'm preaching this this weekend was given to me as extra okay i'm addressing some questions that people have okay i am writing you who share the same precious faith we have this faith was given to you because of the justice and the fairness of jesus christ our god and our savior may god give you more and more grace and peace as you grow as you grow in the knowledge of god and of our lord jesus okay so growing in faith here let's listen to this it was by his divine power peter said that god has given us everything we need what does everything mean okay that means there's nothing left out right okay everything we need for a for living a godly life so we're without excuse that's what i just shared with you when you when you meet jesus face to face you're not going to be able to blame him for anything he has done everything he's going to do about the devil he's now waiting for you to make his enemies his footstool through the church he's he's waiting he's giving us the keys he's waiting for us to apprehend and arrest and bring down every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of jesus christ bring it into captivity and arrest it and take it out put it in jail with some of our senators okay so moving on and be okay so it says here and because of his glory and his excellence he has given us great and precious promises that that through these promises they enable us to share or partake we're partners with the divine nature he's given us promises that allow us to be partners with god in his nature in his nature why won't anybody commentate on this i'll tell you why because then you would depend on another person to take you to god the religious system does not want you to be able to do this on your own what do you think a middleman is for are you all getting this okay so peter is saying listen we've been given these promises that through these promises we can become partners with god partakers of his divine nature see that sounds sacrilegious to 80 of the churches why you know and some people even made jesus ahead of the church or being peter the head of the church but this is like crazy to most people be a partaker of the divine nature but this is what i saw when i was in heaven i said i saw everyone is supposed to be walking around to where they say you know they took note that they had been with jesus that's one of those that's one of those disciples this is one of the sons of god let's go to him they get everything they pray for oh i saw this in the end everything i just said i was in the future and saw this outside of buildings not not churches buildings like this where people were waiting to get in they said they said i heard if you can get in the building you'll be healed i was standing in line people were lined up around buildings waiting to get in because the glory of the father was in there they weren't saved but they heard if they get in there they will get healed everyone was getting healed in meetings everyone and then they were getting saved i heard one person they said yeah i heard if you even get in the back row you'll get you'll hear god talk to you they weren't even saved they had heard that you could hear god's voice just sitting there in his presence that's going to happen so it's not the end yet so eat your rice and beans drink your water and let's get out there in the marketplace and start owning it let's start let's start owning everything let's not give the devil the satisfaction god doesn't have any diseases to give people jesus went around doing good and healing everyone everyone acts 10 38 it's still the word of god it's what you believe not your experience and i want to hear yeah but we've heard enough about your butt okay no more butts because when you stand before him you're going to bow okay so it says that through these promises we we we that enable you to share the divine nature it says you escape the world's corruption through this also and that this is called caused by human desire so we all have human desires but these these precious promises cause us to share in his divine nature it says and escape the corruption that's in the world caused by lust it's the only way you can't do this on your own just ask paul just read chapter 7 of romans and you'll figure it out paul's struggle was verbalized under the law but we're not under the law the fulfillment of the law is inside of us now and we obey these two commands we love god with all our heart and we love our neighbor as ourselves that means we don't throw bricks at them jesus said you fulfill the law with these two commands those two commands have been placed inside of you by the living and holy one who fulfills his mission in you by you love god with all your heart and you love your neighbor as yourself so you can love yourself but just love your neighbor as well as you love yourself and this will cause people to be healed because jesus had compassion on people and healed the sick we forget that he had compassion he didn't do the eye roll he wasn't iron all the time he would love people he loved the devil out of them okay in view of all this make every effort to respond to god's promises now he this is what he said can you believe this supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence supplement your faith i thought faith was it obviously not are we gonna throw peter out now peter said add these to your faith these this letter of virtues so in other words let's have some manifestation of your faith like like what what james said can you believe he said this he said you show me your faith by what you do he's talking about manifestation of character i got the i got the president's award at southwest airlines which is the highest honor you can get people i work people working there for years never never get this i got it i don't know how i got it except for one thing that said on my plaque it talked about my character how i showed up for work and i love people and i was dependable i go well that's because i'm a christian that's what i thought i thought they rewarded me for something i'm that we're just supposed to be but to the to the to a fortune 500 company that's a gold bar that actually keep my word and show up for work and love and love people and help people do my job does it come to that get an award and a big check for that a kiss from herb kelleher he tried to kiss me on the lips he was drunk but i said no no no on the cheek man he was just joking with me but he's like that he was just he'd make you laugh all the time he was he was a good man um all right so he says supplement your faith so we're not done when we get our faith because you can have faith to move mountains and if you don't have love you're you're you're nothing i mean don't get mad at me that's what paul said you know everybody like why did they stick that 13th chapter in between all those good chapters on those gifts of the spirit it's because we need that we've got to remember why those power gifts why those revelation gifts why those those vocal gifts are there it's to build up the body not to build up you oh boy okay get the car ready i'm gonna have to see because you you turn your gifts in you don't get any credit for your gifts when you get to heaven you're going to be they you will not be mentioned on your gifts that wasn't you i mean if you understand ministry your temple is not yours your life is not your own it's it's in the bible did you not get the briefing when you got saved see i didn't get the briefing i didn't get it i got saved and they never the pastor did not tell me oh by the way you've been ducted into a war they didn't tell me that but i found out within 24 hours and then and then the second one was congratulations your life is not your own i was never told that i thought i just had an insurance policy maybe some of you are in that situation see that's what i'm talking about here do we really have an understanding of what we did when we gave our life to the lord is he is he really lord do we have position or do we have position and relationship because i want to know and be perfected in a love of god because then everything i do is worth something according to chapter 13 of first corinthians by an apostle who's one of the greatest apostles that ever lived he said you're nothing you're a tingling symbol you're nothing unless you have love so even though you can do these great feats of faith if you don't love but you have to be perfected in love okay so he says this supplement your faith moral excellence and the moral excellence add knowledge and to your knowledge self-control oh boy oh you're thinking oh i hope he doesn't even talk about that too much self-control and that to patient endurance and after patient endurance godliness and godliness brotherly affection and brotherly affection with love for everyone now this is what peter said in chapter one of ii peter okay now listen to this this i didn't even know it was in the bible until jesus brought it up now how could i not know that i know i've read second peter before now listen are you ready for what's what's about to happen to you i mean like within the next 30 seconds listen to this the more you grow like this the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of the lord jesus christ the more you do these things and add these to your faith so why did we stop at faith he said the more you do this the more productive and useful you will be so faith like smith wigglesworth said faith is an act it's a manifestation it's jesus manifesting his ministry through you he's still working and you are looking really good in christ you all are looking really good in him amen okay now listen he he he's not done yet he's he's going to put me on the floor now by what he says the power of god i mean i'm holding on right now and i mean that every time i read this because jesus showed me this is where we need to go because then the bride will be ready he said so dear brothers and sisters work hard work hard oh i'm under grace it says work hard to prove to prove to prove that you really are among those god has called and chosen oh i thought i thought i was secure saved i'm saved well jesus is speaking here through peter because peter was a disciple and he and peter's saying that that we need to prove that we were really among those who are chosen and called do these things he said and you will never fail well it sounds like some new doctor it's like that guy that wrote rigged in your favor that book this is where i got it that title of that book rigging your favor is one of the best things that ever came out of me because i saw the environment of heaven that wants to invade this earth its favor but the favor has to do with our participation and that participation is only if we understand but we have to add these virtues these character traits okay then it says he ends it with then god will give you a grand entrance into the eternal kingdom of our lord and savior jesus christ then god will give you a grand entrance into the eternal kingdom then did i mention then okay so would you admit with me that we've drawn conclusions about god based on data that is incorrect okay so we drew conclusions because we didn't know we didn't understand but yet god has given us precious promises that through these we can be partakers of the divine nature well does god get sick okay so we got a ways to go in implementing this now the thing that is is there's two things that people do in a situation like this they either try to compromise the messenger and the message or they just kill them so if a person does not compromise then they just have to shut them up so with jesus they tried to shut him up and they couldn't catch him so then when he went to lazarus on the fourth day not the third because the jewish custom was that the spirit of a person stayed with the body for three days but on the fourth day it departed the paradise okay so jesus waits purposely even though the ladies were screaming and mad at him and rebuked him you know don't you know master if you would have been here wait until it was impossible to put the spirit back okay he raises him from the dead and then the pharisees planned to kill him and lazarus do you remember that's in the bible okay so here's what's going to happen to you regardless if you hide in a cave or if you stand on your street and preach either way this is what they're going to do they're either going to get you to compromise and tone it down or they're just going to take you out eventually if satan is allowed he wants to take you out but he can't so you have to decide right now they cannot take you out until it's your time but what is your time when god is done but god's not done okay so we're over that thank god okay so now that he's not done then what are we going to do with what we just heard everyone in here if everyone in here from their heart just turn their face back to god right now just turn your heart and your face your full focus back on him and don't allow satan to discredit him don't allow what has happened to you to discredit your god do you hear me jesus said and i'm ready i'm ready for you guys i'm ready for you guys to come jesus jesus told me in person on my birthday in may he said me and my father are being slandered he said i want you to defend us he said you tell all the ministers to defend us we are not doing these things this is the the god of this world the evil one who is killing stealing and destroyed he said i came to give life and life more abundantly he said we're not doing any of this he said those who do not believe are under judgment already you don't have to pronounce judgment they're already under judgment this world stands judged already according to the words of jesus but we're not judged with the world because we judge ourselves so we have the word of god so we have the power to measure ourselves our lives up with the word of god and because i'm a child of god i do not face the same judgment as the world which means i'm in goshen right the place where okay so i am waiting for the exodus but first the plagues came but they did not come to my house because i was in goshen even the death angel came but i had blood on my doorpost just like you do and he passed over but then there was that time where moses was told by god go borrow from your neighbor all their jewelry and then they left and they started to become their own nation but it was a nation of the people of god that were separate egypt is the type of the world see so we're all one family in heaven and on earth and we're all joined in the spirit but one day we will all be together but now the family that has gone before us and has worked so hard to build a foundation they are cheering us on right now and we must stay as one down here [Applause] amen i said to jesus i said jesus that was not really integral that they borrowed the jewelry and then took it and he said oh no i was repaying my people for the lost wages for 400 years they left with the gold and silver that was theirs they had worked for it but not been paid did you hear me yeah okay so payday's coming amen all right let me pray let me pray and you guys you guys worship and then we're going to meet back here is it okay at nine right i wanna start earlier okay so we're gonna meet we're gonna start praying about 8 30 8 40. if you want to come and pray with us and then we'll start it right at nine and we're going to continue to teach but the deliverance has to be implemented in you so i'm going to pray over you because tonight i want you to be very mindful as you lay in your bed of the visitation of the power of god because it's vibrating in here and the lord has assured me when you go home tonight that will be you will be so evident that you're being visited and he's going to speak things now listen if your frame of mind is not ready to accept the goodness of god you will not be able to discern what he wants to tell you because you won't accept it because it's going to be too good he has a love language and his love language is he shows up and he overdoes it he's just a he overdoes it he wants to overwhelm you with his love i want to publicly repent of my unbelief because even though i've had so much happen supernaturally i have to always be careful to keep my eyes on him he is the author and finisher of my faith he loves you but it's more than just words he's going to show you his spirit is here holy spirit is here to manifest father in the name of jesus we come to you you always hear us and so this is what we ask we ask that the eyes of our heart would be flooded with light that we would know the hope to which we've been called we ask that you would show us the inheritances we have in the saints as children of god and we ask that you would come in your power and reveal the same power that rose jesus from the dead that it would be manifested in our lives right now in our bodies quick in our bodies father as you prepare us for the great wedding day if there's anyone here that wants to accept jesus christ as their savior please come forward right now and i asked the lord god that you would deliver every witch from their sorceries right now that you would repent i call you to repent and to bow before jesus christ and be delivered of your demons and set free right now all over the world as you're watching deliverance the spirit of deliverance has come i drive out every lying devil i command every evil spirit to shut up and leave leave your house leave your body leave your neighborhood [Music] deliverance has come the deliverance the liver is here man if you're having devil problems i want you to get up here right now you can turn the car off i'm not going yet i guess if you have devil problems just get up here you know it's not going to be a big deal i'm talking about you can't sleep at night [Music] it's a familiar spirit now those of you who come up here it's because you're called to take out your giant you're called to take this thing out i'm going to help you in the name of jesus now as you get up here you're going to feel the power of god i'm not going to take an offering i'm not going to wave my jacket over you and i'm going to blow in the mic it's free i don't have to touch you now look at this this should not be but it but this is good but it should not be now listen all you believers out there would you stretch your hands up here now we all agree is touching this one thing that these devils that are attacking your brothers and sisters that they're bound in jesus name but not only that that they never come back you do that for me do we agree all right okay here we go here we go say it with me father i want to hear you loud father you are the most high and your son has made a show openly of our enemy and because jesus has defeated him we have defeated him so we address you satan [Applause] and all your devils not only are you bound but you are driven out and never can come back [Applause] here's the kicker this is what you say we forbid you to ever return let go of god of my brothers and sisters amen whoa so the lord showed me a barrier of fire you see in zephaniah 3 he was a minor prophet so most people don't read them but he's actually a really nice guy zephaniah 3 says that the lord is a warrior now hear me oh you listen to me the lord is a warrior and this is what it says he sings songs of deliverance over you read it it says he sings songs of deliverance he surrounds you with songs of deliverance well i don't see how a devil could sit and listen to that but i have a feeling i know it that there's a concert going to be going on tonight and you're gonna sleep like a baby because you're gonna hear your savior singing over you this is in the bible okay i can't go yet i want to go i cannot go just let the fire burn just let the fire burn there's fire up here go ahead you just do your thing because it's just gonna be this will be fire just go ahead just go ahead yeah fire fire healing come on fire fire yield to the fire yield to the fire the cleansing fire come on come on people yield to the fire deliverance has come you're set free [Music] fire fire there's such a spirit of deliverance in here come on [Music] that's it sing in the spirit sing that song come on [Music] um hallelujah [Music] just yelled to him he's walking he's walking through he's here i'm telling you the angels are here [Music] overthrow hmm you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 188,196
Rating: 4.8927383 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: 6tR4_V0_NZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 22sec (8902 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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