Do You Have a Familiar Spirit? Here Are the Signs

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BD: Are you struggling to get free from sickness and disease, or are you struggling with a past addiction that no matter what you do, you just keep going back to? Perhaps you're struggling with a familiar spirit? We're going to talk about that today. [Music] [Music] >> Get ready to learn about healing. How to activate your faith. See your miracle. And keep your healing. Understand how to accurately use the prophetic and healing power of your words to create your miracle. Discover what the Bible says today, on Empowered for Healing and Miracles with Becky Dvorak, as together we fulfill the great commission with God's healing power. BD: Hello, everybody. This is Becky Dvorak with Empowered for Healing and Miracles. Are you struggling to get free from sickness and disease? Are you dealing with a past addiction that no matter what you do, you just seem to not be able to get free from it? You know what? You could be very well dealing with a familiar spirit. Let's talk about this. What is a familiar spirit? A familiar spirit is actually a demon. It's a demon of bondage. And when we hear the word familiar, what do we hear? We hear the word family. And I'm telling you, a familiar spirit becomes like a family member. It becomes actually closer than a family member. So, I'm going to teach you about this today. And I believe it's going to help many of you get free, because you know what the Bible says, the truth sets us free. Sometimes it hurts to know. It hurts to hear, but it is always freeing. And so, I like dealing with the truth and I love the Word of God because it's truthful and it's freeing. It delivers us from those things that hold us in bondage. So, we are going to discuss this familiar spirit. And perhaps it is what's holding your healing back or your deliverance back, a familiar spirit. Let's go through some of the things about a familiar spirit. And I think this is going to help you a lot. You know, when how would we recognize that unfamiliar spirit was actually even entangled with us or attached to us? How would we know that we were under attack from the familiar spirit? Let's look at sickness and disease as an example. And I do that because I think it's an easy example to visualize. You have someone in your family, and they are sick, and people have prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed. And you know what? They just don't seem to get better. And you know what? Sometimes people don't even want to get free. But let's talk about this familiarity, this familiar spirit with sickness and disease. Some of the telltale signs that that you are that you are entangled with this familiar spirit would be, no matter what you do, your life revolves. It totally revolves around that familiar spirit. Everything you do revolves around that sickness or that disease. No matter what you're doing, no matter who you're speaking to, the conversation always revolves around the same thing, the same issue, the sickness, and the disease. No matter how people try to change the subject, you go back to the same topic, that sickness and that disease. You know what? You don't go anywhere without consulting that disease. First you think, what? How do you do that? You check in on the inside of yourself and your work tell-tale signs of it is you constantly respond, well, I can't do this because I have to do this because of the sickness and disease. You have to do this thing in that thing, your life. It totally revolves that sickness and disease is always the center of everything you do. And you know what? That's not right. God is to be your center. But what happens with the familiar spirit when it comes to sickness and disease, that sickness, actually death, throne's God from his place in your life? Do you hear what I'm saying? This is very serious. It's a serious topic. And, you know, we usually don't like to talk like this, but in order to get free, we have to look at things truthfully and the truth will set us free. And that's what we want. We want freedom from that sickness and the disease. But you have to look at things truthfully, truthfully. I'm telling you, you know, that sickness and that disease better than the medical field. In fact, you could be the one giving instruction to those medical students about this sickness and disease. You know what? Like, you know, the back of your hand. Everything in life revolves around that disease. I'm telling you; you don't go anywhere. You don't speak about anything else because that sickness and disease and it always is the center of the of attention and it always demands the center of attention in your life and. You know, you are you have become familiar, so familiar with it that you are so comfortable with it, you are very comfortable with this spirit and this is not what we want. We don't want to be familiar. We don't want that familiar spirit. We don't want that familiar spirit like it's a comfortable pet. But it also but it so oftentimes becomes that way, especially when you're dealing with, like long term sickness and disease. And it seems like these people just don't get free. That person may seriously be dealing with a familiar spirit and not even be aware of it. How sad is that? But, you know, when you become so intimate with this familiar spirit, when it comes to this sickness and disease, it's a spirit that's latched on and the disease, the sickness or the disease, it's just a weapon that it uses. But you're actually being controlled by a familiar spirit. And we want to break free from this. Right? We want total freedom. We don't want to be in bondage. We're Christians. I'm speaking to Christian people. You don't want to be in bondage to Satan and his wicked works. You don't want to be in bondage to a familiar spirit. I'm telling you, when you become enslaved to that familiar spirit, what happens with you? What happens to you, that sickness, that disease it dethrones or that familiar spirit it did throne's God from his place in your life. And I'm telling you the truth. And you're going to have to examine your own heart and be truthful with yourself between you and God. Is this what I'm struggling with? Are you struggling with a familiar spirit? And, you know, when we look at it this way in and so, you know, getting to the foundation of the whole thing, we don't like it and we shouldn't like it. And that's a good thing if we don't. But I'm telling you, that familiar spirit, the throne's God from his place in your heart and that sickness and disease, that familiar spirit of it takes God's place in your life and you become so intimate with that disease. I'm telling you; you know that disease better than, you know, a family member. You know that sickness and disease better than, you know, your spouse. You know that sickness and disease more than, you know, God. You know that sickness and disease and all the workings of that sickness and disease better than, you know, the Word of God. These are telltale signs that you are in bondage to a familiar spirit. And I know that a lot of these things happen to us when we are unaware of what's going on. I don't believe any believer; any Christian intentionally goes out and gets entangled with the familiar spirit. I think it comes upon us out of ignorance, but it's time to shed light on that ignorance so that we can deal with it and get free. God wants his people free. And that's what we're talking about today, getting free from a familiar spirit. But before we can get free from it, we need to recognize what it is, because you know what I haven't heard too much about? A familiar spirit went when I was newly born again. And in all the years before I went into the ministry, I never heard anybody speak of a familiar spirit, especially when it came to sickness and disease. But it's time now to speak the truth so that you can get free from that long-time sickness and disease or that lifetime. Habit that you have not been able to break, it's a familiar spirit that's been holding you in bondage and God is saying to you, "My child, it's time to get free. 'And whom the Son sets free is free indeed.'" We'll be right back. [Music] [Music] >> Get Becky Dvorak's book, Conquering the Spirit of Death. BD: The Spirit of Death. It's a demon, it's a deadly demon, and it's, it's out to steal, to kill and to destroy us. >> Through this book, you will understand how to experience and enforce the resurrection power of Jesus, come into agreement with the Spirit of life. Understand that you were created to win. Discover how to use the weapons of warfare that God has equipped you with. Understand how to prophesy life over yourself. Find out how to speak healing into every situation. Learn how to resurrect dreams that God has placed on your heart. Every chapter of the book ends with questions to help you digest the teaching and powerful prayers to help you implement God's blessings and promises for your life. BD: It's very important that I equip you and teach you how to overcome the spirit of death in these last days so that you can win. >> Log on to to find this and many more great products. [Music] BD: Welcome back to Empowered for Healing and Miracles. Today, we're talking about overcoming a familiar spirit, and I've been teaching you how to recognize a familiar spirit has control over you. And it's important to know in order to get free from something, we need to know what we're dealing with. And some of this what I'm sharing with you just seems to be so basic, but it's very enlightening. It's very its very truth bearing. And I believe this truth will set us free, has set us free from the bondage of lifelong sickness and disease or a lifelong addiction, a lifelong sin issue in your life. You know, sometimes people don't get free is because they are dealing with a familiar spirit. And that familiar spirit, like I said in the first session, the familiar spirit is a demon of bondage and God does not want his people in bondage. And you know what? I don't think there's any of us that wills to be in bondage. And like I said, most people are become enslaved to a familiar spirit out of ignorance. It's not something you set out to do. It's just something that happens. And because you've not been taught it before. But it's time now to break free from this. Let's look at some of the ways that a familiar spirit will latch onto people, onto his victim. And the first thing I have written down in my notes is a generational curse. A generational curse is a curse that's passed down from one generation to another to another to another. And an example of this would be like breast cancer. It's something that's in the family. It passes down from one family member to another to another. It's a generational curse. And that when you're dealing with a generational curse, like a sickness and disease that passes from one generation to the next, you're dealing with a familiar spirit and it's time to cut the head off of that snake, off of that demonic spirit, off of that familiar spirit, because you want to be free and God wants you free another way. And there's certainly not topics that you hear very often coming out of the pulpit. But I sure wish we would hear about these things, things that really make a difference and change people's lives. Another way that a familiar spirit enters into people is through social ties. What do I mean by social ties? Social ties come from having sexual relationships with other people, whether in marriage or outside of marriage. And, and so we want to look at this issue because we don't want to be in bondage because of past social ties. We want to break free from all forms of bondage, especially a soul tie. You want it. You want to you want to eliminate that from your life. You want to get set free from it in the Name of Jesus. And that's the only way you're going to do it. You need deliverance from it. If you've been involved, say, especially in today's world where the sexual scenes are just running rampant and they're getting more and more perverse as the days go on and we need to be free. We need to spiritually cleanse ourselves. You know what? God's people, the people of the church, the church, we need to get spiritually cleansed. We need a spiritual bath. And the way we're going to get a spiritual bath, the only way you get clean spiritually is by the process of repentance. And so, if you've been sleeping around, I'm telling you, you don't hear this stuff from the pulpit, do you? It sure would be nice if they'd even offer a class in private about it. But people need to hear the truth so they can stop running around with the familiar spirit and get free from this garbage of Satan and his wicked works. We need freedom in the church today. And had people been speaking about these issues, about sexual sins and the spiritual dangers, the spiritual side of sexual things, not only, you know, walking in sin and in eternal damnation and all that stuff of unrepentant sin and turning yourself over to a reprobate mind. But also, there are other spiritual consequences of entering into the world's game of sexual sins. And it's a dangerous game. It's a deadly game. And one of the things that happens is in a social tie is that you take on the spirit, the spirits that that are controlling that other person through that sexual contact that you have, you actually you actually take into your body the demons, the spirits that that person has. That's called a soul tie. And, you know, none of us can undo the past except Jesus by his redemptive blood that is shed its all-powerful blood. There's nothing more powerful than the blood in the Name of Jesus. Nothing. Nothing is greater than it. Not even soul ties. Not even demons. Not even unfamiliar spirits. You need to cut that off through the power of repentance. You know what? In these last days, the Lord, I'm a healing evangelist and I go all around the world in the United States as well, from church to church to church to church. And I just minister, I have healing conferences. I see amazing miracles. But I'm telling you, there is a message that God does not release me from to tell the people and it's repent. I can't say it enough. Repent, repent, repent, repent of sexual sins. So right now, we are going to do that together right now. Right now, in the Name of Jesus, Father, God forgive us of all sexual sins, all of it in the Name of Jesus. And we break all social ties of familiar spirits and whatever else is involved in all of this. But we start with this familiar spirit of this other person, whether the person was raped or whatever it is, or just willingly had sexual relationships outside of marriage, whatever it is, and or being involved in pornography, whatever that sexual sin was, we just pray a prayer of repentance. Father, God forgive your people right now and you make it personal and say, Father, God forgive me, make it personal, personalize it, say, Father God, forgive me, forgive me. And in the Name of Jesus, I renounce the soul tied to so-and-so. I renounce it. I renounce it. I renounced the social ties, I don't want the demons that come with these people, I want freedom. And then you know what? God is faithful. He is faithful and just to forgive you of all and righteousness. And that's the beauty of the Lord. He is so faithful to these soldiers and he is so willing to forgive you and to give you a fresh start today. And then with that fresh start, not only do you need to repent, but you also need to renew your mind with the Word of God, renew your mind, allow years, allow your soul, your mind and your emotions. Allow them to be renewed, transformed by the Word of God. It's time to break free. God wants his people free. Remember, He's coming for a church without spot or wrinkle and he wants you free today, amen. And that's good news. That's glorious news. And that's something to give a shout of praise to. Amen. And I'm telling you, you can be free. You can be free from this familiar spirit. You don't have to put up with it anymore. You don't have to put up with it. Within the area of addictions, you can break free. You can break free from lifelong sicknesses and disease. Now, in the name of Jesus, you don't have to be in bondage. Today's your day. It's your day to break free from this familiar spirit. And so, you just pray in faith and you renew your mind and your emotions in the word of God. We will be right back and continue on with this message. [Music] [Music] >> Becky Dvorak is an author, healing evangelist, prophetess and dynamic preacher of the gospel. Through her ministry, she spreads an infectious faith for the miraculous. I have witnessed the blind see, the deaf hear, the mute speak! I'm here to help you heal in Jesus Name. Becky has learned how to enforce God's supernatural power, and she wants to share that with you. For more information, go to Becky Dvorak's website and follow her on Facebook. [Music] BD: Welcome back to Empowered for Healing and Miracles, we've been talking about a tough subject today about overcoming a familiar spirit, and we've been dealing with some pretty heavy issues, a lifelong sickness or disease that you in bondage to that that has actually replaced that sickness and disease, has dethroned God in your life without even knowing it, because these things happen out of our ignorance. We don't, we don't mean as Christians. We don't mean, we don't purpose in our hearts to dethrone God from the highest place in our hearts. But these things happen, and they happen kind of slowly. And that's how the enemy works. These very sly. He's tricky. He's called that old serpent, that serpent of old. And he's sly and he's trick- and any and he's a trickster. He tricks you into things and you start doing things you would never have done before. But he's a deceiver and that's what he's all about to steal, to kill and to destroy us, all of us. And he finds whichever opening he can. And so if you are dealing with a lifelong sickness and disease, you need to repent and of a familiar spirit and you need to denounce that and you need to renew your mind with the word of God or if you're in having trouble in it with addiction, whether it's drugs and alcohol or pornography or whatever it would be in the name of Jesus, you can break free from all of that today. You don't have to linger in, linger with this familiar spirit. God wants you to be free. He truly does. And he will. He is there for you through the whole process. And, you know, it doesn't have to be a long dragged out process. You can just say from your heart because you know what? I believe most deliverances just happened between you and God when you're born again. So much comes off of that new believer. But as you get into the word of God, it releases healing power. It transforms you from the inside to the outside. And you will find the more you're in the word of God, the more time you spend with God, the more time you start actually living out God's Word. You will see such transformation and that desire for those old things, those old addictions, all of that that old lifestyle that will break off of you, that power will break off of you. And so, let's get free. I taught you how I told you what it was. I taught you the signs of it, how it can enter into you. And now it's time for you to put your faith in action and do what you know to do, do what you know needs to be done in the Name of Jesus and break that bondage in your life. Break it off of you and say no more. No more. Will I walk no more? Will I wallow with the pigs? No more. No more. Am I going to wallow around in the mud with Satan and his demons and his demonic activities? No more. I want all of God. I want freedom. I want to be happy. I want to be joyful. And so, let's pray right now. [Praying in Tongues] [Praying in Tongues] [Tongues] [Tongues] "And the Spirit of God would say to you, my son, my daughter, I love you, I love you with an everlasting love. I do not condemn you; I convict you, and I convict you to change. And I say it's time to clean up, it's time to take that spiritual bath in the power of my redemptive blood and fear not, because I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. I will not abandon you. I am a good God and I love you. I love you with an everlasting love. A love that is not based upon your behavior. It is not based upon what you do, or you don't do or what you say, or you don't do. I love you with an everlasting love and my love for you changes not. You are the one that has moved away from me, but my arms are wide open for you. And I say, Come, come back to Me and I receive you with arms wide open and I say to you, be not afraid, be not afraid. I will be with you through every step of this transformation, of this deliverance in your life. You can trust me, and I will be faithful and true to you." And that's a Word of the Lord for you. Now, in my heart, I sense there are men. That are dealing with problems with pornography and God wants to deliver you and you, you say I've been trying and trying Will. It's that familiar spirit. It's a demon that is holding you in bondage to that sin. And that's what it is. Sin. You have replaced God. You have replaced him with a demon. And I'm praying right now, as odd as you might think it is, I'm praying for you right now, sir, that you will see that demon for what it really is. It's demonic. It's it is not a beautiful, it's not a beautiful woman or whatever. It is not it's demon. It's a demon clothed in a spirit of lust. And it's out to steal, to kill and to destroy you. Let's face it, it's already ruined your intimacy with God. It's ruined your intimacy with your wife. It's ruined so much in your life. And God is saying to you, it is time to get free, free. You want freedom, God wants you free. And you don't want to pass this on to your sons and daughters. That familiar spirit, you need to cut it off right now. God expects that of you. And He's coming back for a bride. The church that is without spot or wrinkle. You get rid of that sin issue in your life. And the only way to do it is with the spot remover, the supernatural spot remover, which is the blood of Jesus. I mean, you cleanse yourself in the blood of Jesus and the all powerful, redemptive blood of Jesus. You get free and you get rid of that wrinkle. And that's meaning that old man that you've been carrying around that old ways, the old sinful manner, God says, get it off of you, get it off of you. There's no more time to be playing around. He knows what's really going on. You're not fooling anyone. You're not fooling anyone. An unrepentant sin turns into a reprobate mind. Now, reprobate mind is rejected by God and you don't want that. So, you repent of it today. Say, Father, God forgive me now and I receive your forgiveness. Holy Spirit teach me a new way in the Name of Jesus to break free today. And so, I know this has been a very strong message, but it's a freeing message and it's time for the church to get free today. [Music] I'll see you next week. Same time, same place. God bless you! [Music]
Channel: ISN – It's Supernatural! Network
Views: 157,960
Rating: 4.9166236 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, faith, miracles, healing, miracle story, healing testimony, Becky Dvorak, Empowered for Healing & Miracles, ISN, It's Supernatural! Network, Jesus, familiar spirit, do I have a familiar spirit, signs of a familiar spirit
Id: 8ehp2yjCQQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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