The Anime That Shaped Our Childhoods | Trash Taste #3

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Guess I'll have to watch school days now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nomis6432 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'll repeat what I said on Youtube:

School Days as an anime is garbage.

School Days as an experience is a masterpiece.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JohnRSoviet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

You bring up school days but not domestic girlfriend? Garnt originally loved the trashiness of DGF, but dumpster fire of its ending was too much.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kampfer84 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

As an old-school Podtaku fan I can't put into words how happy it makes me to again have a quality anime podcast to look forward to with (hopefully) some regularity. Godspeed!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Minttunator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes wonderful

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mera-mera πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I kind of agree with the hentia man on this one, I liked school days. To be fair though, I like for reasons other than just the ending. For one when I started watching school days I was on a harem binge. In a lot of anime's the main character is a wimpy shy guy who would jizz his pants if he held hands with a girl who liked him. So seeing school days be the entire opposite of that made my day. It also showed the downside of the main character being a complete chad and negative side effects of slinging out to everyone in the school.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Abeldatrueking πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ah yes... The embodiment of chill

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eryk7410 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ah, yes. More School Days flame wars. sarcastic yay

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So, you guys like school days?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- It's funny that you say it like the School Days like Mal is either like 10 or two. - That's, yeah. - I was definitely one of those people who put it at 10. - I know you did it you piece of shit 'cause I knew exactly what my- - What is going on here? - School Day sucks. (upbeat music) Welcome to Trash Taste episode three. I'm your host Connor CDawg and we have the Anime man as always. - That's me. - And the Anime Zone. - Man you went straight in there, didn't you? (laughing lightly) - I had to. I had to - You're like no bullshit. Okay, let's just get this done guys. - That was like no like prefix whatsoever. It's like, this is Trash Taste episode three, I'm your host, all right. - What else? I mean, that's how you start it. Then we get into the topic. - Yeah, but you got have like, we need to come up with some kind of like, you know like, how Good Mythical Morning does it? - Yeah. - Like the let's talk about that, like we gotta have something like that. - I was going to, but you interrupted me with the you know... - What? I didn't interrupt you with anything. (laughing loudly) - I was gonna say your names then the topic is gonna be smooth as fuck. - There was no prefix to interrupt. - Professional. - No, no, exactly right? - Wow, wow, okay, ruining my turn to host. - Okay well then go for it. - All right go. - This is my time to shine. (laughing loudly) - [Anime Zone] Go for it. - What I would like to discuss today with you gentlemen is your anime origin story, if you will. How did you get into anime? And how you discovered that you were gonna go down this rapid hole of never coming back. - This beautiful medium that's we all love and... - And hate (laughing softly ). At the same time. - Yeah. - Who'd like to go first. - I mean, do you wanna go first Joey? Because I feel like you have the most unique- - Yeah. - Most likely. - I feel you're putting the pressure on me, all right. - Probably have all that, right? - Yeah, okay, having a follow up his story is gonna be fun, but- (laughing loudly) - I mean it's not that exciting. - Whatever. - I mean, yeah, I guess like mine is unique in the sense that like, would you say I'm the only anituber that has like grown up with anime? And when I say growing up I mean like from age of conceptual thought. (laughing softly) - You know. - Age of conceptual thought. - I think just being raised in a household to the Japanese parent, probably has an immediately different attitude towards anime than one that we would experience in Western. - Right, because like you know, when most people say like "Oh I grew up with anime, anime was my childhood." Like you know that usually start age 12 maybe 10. - I mean the real question is, did you know what anime was growing up? - I mean, that's all I ever knew. - Yeah exactly. - Okay, so when you were growing up in your head, even at like age five or six, there was a clear distinction between like "Pokemon" and like I don't know like Cartoon Network shows. - Yeah like Batman. - That there was a difference. - Or "Ed, Edd and Eddy or something like that." - But you knew that they wanted them as Japanese? - Yeah, yeah because unlike a lot of kids in Australia and like probably around my age group. I grew up watching "Pokemon" and like "Dragon Ball" in Japanese. - I have thought "Pokemon" was an American cartoon... - [Joey] A lot of people did. - And my mind was blown at like age 10 when I heard the Japanese version Because it's on YouTube clips, right? And then you're like, oh wait, this is the original? - Yeah. - How? - Because to me "Pokemon" when I was growing up, just seemed like this very weird genre. Like I couldn't put my finger on it. - Yeah. - But I felt it was a genre, like it was "Pokemon", "Digimon", "Cardcaptor Sakura", which was "Cardcaptors" in the UK and America. - Was it actually? - Yeah, yeah it was called Cardcaptors. - Sakura, that's too Asian sound get rid of that. (laughing softly) - And it wasn't even Sakura, it's Sakura. - Sakura. (laughing loudly) - And the other girl was like, they changed her name to Madison, I think. I can't remember what her original name was but this is back in the age of four kids dubbing. I don't think it was a given even for kids that dubbed "Cardcaptor Sakura." But it was in the day that's localization was a thing. We were eating jelly donuts. (laughing loudly) - Except only Garry. - I couldn't believe that at the first time. 'Cause you know like, being, as you said like growing up in an Asian household, Japanese household. Onigiri was just like the most like normal concept I've ever seen. - Yeah, that's like your bread. - Yeah, (laughing softly) exactly, right? It's like you know- - What did you do to my boy? - I know it's like, yeah, as you said, it's like bread, it's like watching an American cartoon like "Dexter's Laboratory." - Yeah. - And like a scene of them making toasts, for example. (laughing softly) And it gets over dubbed into Japanese like you know I'm making a rice bowl. (laughing loudly) a flat rice ball. - I think it's just 'cause at that time, I remember a lot of my friends just didn't really know the concept of just eating rice. If you weren't Asian you're like, "why would you eat rice with every meal?" That doesn't make sense. (laughing softly) Right, right? - I guess so. - Yeah, I think I can remember what my family thinking rice was exotic isn't that- - [Joey] Really? - Well I mean it was something you had with foreign foods. - Oh, I get. - So, you just don't really eat rice- - But like that's on the contrary though, right? Like do you eat bread with everything? Because at least in Japan, the concept of eating bread with everything is like, why? - I feel like at least in British culture you could put bread with anything, like you get away with it. - Well that's true. I guess like the food culture of that country revolves around- - Anyway, we're getting off topic. (laughing softly) We're like the food culture. - Yeah, but so like basically, I grew up watching "Pokemon" and like, what else can I remember watching? I guess like before that though, before "Pokemon" or anything like that, or you know, before I started watching "One Piece" or "Dragon ball" or like all the Shaun and jump stuff, Japanese kids grew up with this like very certain array of kids anime, which is just absolutely not known overseas at all. - Like "Doraemon." - "Doraemon" is probably the most well-known. But like you don't like see an anetuber like reviewing "Doraemon." - Episode 5,000 review "Doraemon" let's go. - Right, or like you know, like one series that I grew up watching like alongside "Doraemon" , was this show called "Sazae-san." - Which is like the longest running Japanese anime- - Longest running anime ever. - Yeah, and nobody outside of Japan has heard of it. I didn't know about it until you... I was having a conversation with you. - I mean just to put it in perspective, my mum grew up watching that show. (laughing softly) And I grew up watching that show. So, it's been going on since the 60s and I think this is like 5,000 episodes or something? - It's ridiculous, it's absurd. - It's still going, till this day. - Yeah, I know. - Like I don't know how, I don't know because like it's really weird because the concept of that show is like, it's just revolving around this family living in Japan. And it's just like the most like normal slice of life show that I've ever seen. But I also think to myself like, how can you come up with like 40 years worth of topics? And not be like maybe we did cover this topic like 25 years ago, in one of those episodes. - There must be episodes that overlap. Like I feel you can't make that many episodes and not overlap. - No, no. - I mean they probably could overlap but no one's gonna be bothered to like watching and cross referencing. - No one's re-watching that show, right? It's one of those things, if it's on TV you watch it, right? - Yeah. It's like, oh oh, they covered this topic in episode 1,743. - There's you know, there's one super fan in Japan, that's just seen every episode. - Of course yeah. - And just knows everything about every episode. - That seems to be "Sazae-san?" - "Sazae-san." - And "Doraemon" seem to be the one thing where if you ask anyone in Japan, do you watch anime? They'll be like, oh yeah, "Doraemon" and just- - Yeah, I grew up with "Doraemon" and "Sazae-san." - And then I'm like, I mean the other anime. - Right, right, because- - Like anime, anime. There's a distinction. - There's no boobs in that, what the fuck (laughing softly). - I don't wanna imagine Doraemon with boobs. (laughing loudly) - Oh my God. - No God. - That exists somewhere on the internet. - Please don't. - But watching "Doraemon" and like "Sazae-san" and I could list off a number of shows but no one would probably know. But like there's just like a certain number of shows that I think like it's just become tradition now, no matter what generation or like if you're born and raised in the city or you know, the middle of nowhere. Every kid grows up watching these like really specific set of shows. And that's just like normal to them. That's like watching you know "Peppa Pig." - [Both] Yeah. - It's just like you don't even think about like, oh yes it's a cartoon. It's just something on the TV. - It's a show. - And then, yeah, I guess like the concept of anime, anime, didn't hit me until maybe like, at least when I started watching "One piece" and "Dragon Ball." And probably around the like "Pokemon" time. So I reckon when I was like five or six years old. - [Connor] Oh my God. - So when you started realizing what anime is and probably getting into it. That's when probably we started to watch our first animated, which was "Pokemon." - Right, right, right. But like in my head I'm like, yeah, "Pokemon" is an anime and like "Samurai Jack" is a cartoon. Because at that time around five or six years old that's when I started like watching Cartoon Network. And I'd like to think that we grew up in like the golden age of cartoon network. - I mean... - I'd say so. - We had "Samurai Jack." - Yeah yeah. - We had "Samurai Jack," "Dexter's Lab," "Cow and Chicken," "Ed, Edd n Eddy," so many amazing shows. And to me it's like, okay things on Cartoon Network are cartoons. But things that are on like the VHS tapes that my grandma would send to me is anime. - Is anime. - So, for me there was a really clear distinction. So like, I didn't have like one day this sudden realization that like oh shit "Doraemon" is an anime. Because it was just so natural to me. - See I don't even remember when I got that realization. 'Cause I think I must have got it when I properly started getting into anime with "Naruto" was my first like anime anime. And that was purely because I just kept seeing avatars and GIFs on the internet. And I was like this kind of looks like "Dragon Ball Z," (laughing softly) which I grew up on, which that cartoon now I was really into. - Do they have ridiculously spiky hair? (laughing softly) Yeah, probably the same thing. - Exactly right? - Yeah, I think because I was on the internet way before I started watching anime. And I think obviously being on the internet, you see a lot of anime. I was just thinking like, what is this shit? What I'm trying to play B.R.U.C.E Escape, why are they talking about this stuff. I don't get it. All I knew is that their opinion didn't matter because they had anime profile pictures. - Which I guess still is like entertaining to say- - It's a timeless thing. (laughing loudly) - That's just a meme now it's generational now is generational. - No man, I mean "Pokemon" was the first one for me. I must've been like, God. I mean "Pokemon" was always one of my favorite shows. And I think we've mentioned this in like episode zero or something, that it had like an overarching story. Which you only really got, you didn't really get it actually in any except for like "Avatar," but that came way later. Like an olds '90s. - You just called "Avatar" an anime? - Okay like cartoon, so I was comparing cartoon. (laughing loudly) - I was about to fucking. - Because you don't watch "Courage the Cowardly Dog" for the overarching story, right? - No, no. - You watch it 'cause every episode is great and you have a good time. But then I remember "Pokemon" was like, oh, they're actually working towards something. - I think as well, that era of anime as well on like a lot of cartoons, yes there was like episodic moments. But as you said, there was like an overarching story. - Yeah, even if it was a filler, you knew they had a goal. And that seemed to be the case where that kind of structure really spoke to me as if for whatever reason. I really enjoyed that as a kid. And then "Yu-Gi-Oh!" had the same thing and then I thought, oh well what are these things with all the spiky head people, and they're really well-drawn things, I like these kind of cartoons. - It's so weird that for me at least with "Yu-Gi-Oh!" is that I didn't know "Yu-Gi-Oh!" was an anime because I grew up with the card game first. - Really? - Yeah, same I got the card game and then watch the anime. - Yeah right? - Everyone in your school was playing Yu-Gi-Oh. - Yeah. - I didn't get that phase, I didn't get that Yu-Gi-Oh phase. Because when I was in school everyone was like trading Pokemon cards, and nobody knew how to play the actual game. - Oh no, no, no. No one did. - We have like a black market like trade deal with Pokemon cards. (laughing loudly) - I had a really dark Yu-Gi-Oh phase. I was legit like fucking, 'cause my dad like used to work for like a printing company. So what he would do is he would find like high res like pictures of Exodia. - Oh no. - My parents did that one time it was wrong. - And he would print them out and I would come to school and I'd be, y'all I got all five pieces of Exodia and they'd be like "a 10 year old doesn't know, right?" So, "they'd be like oh no way, you got Exodia?" But it was funny as well because like Yu-Gi-Oh! Pokemon cards, no one knew how to play Yu-Gi-Oh! It was just like, "cool you have Exodia?" - Because I feel the rules of Yu-Gi-Oh! were easier to understand the rules of Pokemon. - Yeah, Pokemon was hard. - Yeah, 'cause I don't think anyone in my school played the Pokemon card game. - You just collect them. - Yeah, you just collected them, right? It was easy to understand you had a Shiny and you just- - Shahzad. - Yeah once you get Shahzad. - Well that's the thing though, right? It's like in order to play the Pokemon card games you need it to like not throw away the energy cards- - Which no one wanted. - Everybody did. - Everybody was the energy card and all that. - Which like in my school like, in my school everyone was just like yep, go, go, go. (laughing softly) have and go. - It was just collecting them. - That's was just lunch time everyday at my school. But yeah, 'cause I've I started to realize that I've really liked anime when everyone got into Pokemon, when we had the Pokemon card game phase as well. So it was just like a global craze. - [Connor] Oh yeah. - And that how long did that last? That lasted like a year or something, right? - Well, I think- - Or like a few months. - The year I was born 1996, I think Pokemon was the most Googled thing of that year. - Well because the game had just came out. - Had just came out and obviously since that point onwards through the mid 2000s it was pretty insane. Pokemon was like and arguably still today is one of the biggest like- - 'Cause I just kept watching "Pokemon" even after when the craze gone. - [Connor] Same. - And my mum and dad wondering like, why is this kid still into Pokemon? (laughing loudly) What the fuck is going on? - I had the same thing, my parents they were worried for me. They were like, do we need to like do something about this? Like he's still watching cartoons and my older brother had forgotten cartoons. It was a sign of pride that he'd stopped watching cartoons. He was like, I only watch reality TV show now with my parents, I don't want to watch this kid show. - I watch MTV, but not for the music. - Right, right. - And I fucking loved "Samurai Jack" like I would always try and watch "Samurai Jack." "Courage the Cowardly Dog" anime as well. And my parents genuinely were concerned for me. I don't know if they still are still concern for me. (laughing loudly) I'm watching just a little bit. - I think much less so now that you've made one. - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's the exact point 'cause all the way up to university and when I rediscovered what anime was, my parents were like, "He's doing it again, why?" We thought we're past this fucking phase. (laughing loudly) - When they found out I was watching more anime than ever, they were even more concerned. And they were like, oh he's caught even harder into this. We thought it would stop. - I remember my dad, like the funniest thing my dad ever said, I think I was like maybe the last year of high school. And that was like when I was like, this is right before I made my YouTube channel. And I was like watching every anime ever. And my dad would be like, "what are you doing in your room?" 'Cause he thought I was doing something else. And when I told him that I was watching anime, I remember my dad saying like, "okay, at this point I think I'd rather you just do drugs." (laughing loudly) It's like I would've been less disappointed if I found that you were doing drugs in your room. - Which one's more life crushing. (laughing loudly) - Arguably they're both around the same. (laughing loudly) - Exactly, right? - Yeah but like I don't know like, I guess like, I don't really have like a phase of like, when I discovered anime or anything because as long as I've known. - I do. - Yeah, definitely. - Even Manga as well like, I started reading Manga like around the same time that I discovered Doraemon, which is probably around when I was like four or five years old. - Oh damn, so you've been reading Manga since four or five? - Probably, maybe earlier than that. But I specifically remember the first ever volume of Manga I ever got was volume two of "Doraemon", I don't know why my mum didn't get me volume one of the Doraemon, that would've been cooler? But I didn't know that it was an overarching story. So I was like, okay I'll just start reading this, had no idea what the fuck was going on at first, until I got volume one and I was like, "oh now it makes sense." It's like- - Wow, man I feel like my anime thing was like there's three points in my life where like, I can very vividly remember watching anime, first was like "Pokemon." And occasionally seeing a "Yu-Gi-Oh!" episode of the cards. But I think maybe when I got access to the internet I think that's when another one came, cause I remember watching like "Yu-Gi-Oh!" I think it was GX. My parts, three parts. - The three parts on YouTube. (laughing loudly) - You know is an OG anime fan, because they're like, "oh yeah don't you hate it when you find an espanol sub of "Yu-Gi-Oh!"" Okay, so envision it right. It's 2000, right? You watch episode one, part one of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" And you're like okay, cool. I'm gonna watch episode one, part two. You click it, it's the next recommended video. It's an espanol, what do you do? Do you keep looking or do you just give up and go to the next part? I remember so many times I had to do that and I was confused as fuck. - You know what? I think what's worst than that, is when you like could someone uploads like a full anime movie onto YouTube, but because it had to be split into like eight parts - No. - No. - And like always, always like either part six or part five. - Always one of them. - Always fucking one part. - There's always one part. - There's always one part that was missing and you couldn't find it. So you just had to give up and just be like, all right I'll just skip 15 minutes and just hopefully try and catch it. - I think there's 15 minutes of the first narrative movie that I've just never seen, because I've watched it on YouTube. (laughing loudly) I don't know what's happening. It might be the best 15 minutes of narrative of the story. (laughing loudly) I don't fucking know, 'cause I haven't seen it. - What was it? It's like the max upload time was 10 minutes on YouTube right before. - 10 yeah. - Yeah, so that's why it split into three. And I remember that was like one of the biggest phases of me. - And the third part would always just be five minutes or something. (laughing loudly) - There was the outro whose half off of it. Oh man yeah, that was definitely a big phase for me. And I could have been around 13, 14 at that point. - Question to you then did you grow up during the "Toonami" phase? Because I feel like "Toonami" has played such a big factor into making the anime fans of today. - No, for some reason, did we have "Toonami" in the UK? [Joey]We did. - We did, but you needed Sky TV. So you needed Cartoon Network, to be able to watch "Toonami." - So Sky is basically cable in the UK. - Wait, you guys didn't get Cartoon Network just free to you. - No, no, no. - No, no, no, you had to pay for Carton Network. - Really, 'cause I'm pretty sure in Australia was free- - Oh wow yeah, 'cause I remember my parents paid, 'cause my dad wanted to pay for the football matches in the UK and you basically got the whole bundle. So I would watch the cartoon stuff. And I remember there was loads of cartoons. I never saw anime. I think it was airing really late. And by then my parents were like, "why aren't you in bed son? What are doing?" - 'Cause what was on "Toonami." - It was like "Dragon Ball Z, " Gundam Wing." - I remember seeing "Dragon Ball." Never watched it there, cause it was always a mess Cause they had it out of order. So I didn't know what was going on. So I thought it was cool, but I couldn't get into it. - Yeah, I think "Dragon Ball Z" and "Gundam Wing" were the only two I was able to watch whenever, cause our family didn't have Sky TV. So I could only watch it when I go to my cousin's house and I'll be watching episodes out of order. "Gundam Wing" made no fucking sense to me. - "Gundam Wing" still makes no sense. (laughing loudly) - Yeah, you can watch "Gundam Wing" all day and it will still make no sense. (laughing loudly) - Like I'll be watching a scene and for some reason the guy wants to kill this girl but the girl still wants to get with the guy, makes no fucking sense to me as a kid. "Gundam Wing" already confusing enough as it is, "Dragon Ball Z" was okay, because I could skip five episodes and they'd be still- - It'd still the same fight. - It'd be still the same fight, you know. - Goku would just be like three steps closer to Frieza. (laughing softly) - Cause I remember like, I would have to be watching these scenes in "Dragon Ball Z." - And Goku was like powering up the spirit bomb. And then I'd not be able to go to my cousins till like two weeks later. Then Goku was still powering that spirit bomb. (laughing loudly) So, I was like this is just the next episode. No, it was like I missed three four episodes and it was just still the same shit. - And to this day he's still powering it up. Still hasn't finished, man. - If he hasn't died for the seven times. Come back to life. - Because my exposure to anime has got like now that I think back to it, there's the main phases of like the "Pokemon" phase. And then there's the "Toonami" phase. Well, I'd see it on Toonami and TV. And then there was this huge gap. - I have the exact same thing. - And then like I realized now that in this huge gap, I still had like small exposures to anime. Like whenever I go to Thailand we'd always have these shitty Thai dubs, (laughing loudly) like "Ultraman" was like a massive in Thailand even though that's not an anime, but we'd have like "Dragon Ball Z" dubs and man having listening to Thai dubs, they've already got five voice actors and actresses and they voiced every character in every anime. - I respect it, I respect it. - We got to play it for the audience (laughing loudly) I just want to hear it. - Anyone whose grown up in Southeast Asia knows what I'm talking about. When you have five voice actors who plays every character in every show. And then my cousin showed me, I think it was "Princess Mononoke," just as it came out. I didn't know it was anime Just like, was this animated film. I thought it was Disney. - How old are you when you watch "Princess Mononoke?" - I mean it came out in '97. - Yeah. - Yeah, so I must've been it was the year after it came out, cause it was out on DVD. - It's pretty gruesome movie to watch, it like... (laughing softly). - Yeah, yeah. - That was the first movie I watched. - I thought that movie was just Disney. And then just, (laughing loudly) before I discovered narrative and everything like that, I went through the LimeWire phase. - Yeah. - I had that. It was just from music though. I didn't, I don't know- - No, just for music, same era. So I would be browsing LimeWire for music, I probably would like downloading Linkin Park or Papa Roach or something like that. - As you do in 2004. - As you do in 2004 and then something else like, you know sometimes you download a file and it's not the file you aim for, like- - It's like you mean very file in LimeWire. - The Bill Clinton file like- - Bill Clinton file. - Oh my God. - Oh my God, so good. - So, in LimeWire someone was just circulating Bible Black clips. (laughing softly) - The dub. - Yeah the dub, it was the dubbed as well. (laughing loudly) I never knew that Bible Black was a Japanese anime. Cause I'm just like, what is this shitty porn that I'm watching. As a kid I'm like,- - Yeah, it's kinda hot though. - Holy fuck, this is fucking amazing! (laughing loudly) - That's exactly how AKI discovered it as well. - Yeah. - She said in multiple videos that going through LimeWire obviously looking for the new Linkin Park album. - I mean you just trust people, right? - And it was the technical scene of Bible Black. And she's like, this is like she had like an epiphany. She was like, "This is the most amazing thing ever." I can imagine though, like because I don't even remember. I don't want to get onto the topic but like I don't remember how I discovered that site. - People are like get on the topic, get on the topic. (laughing loudly) - Because I didn't I obviously didn't know it was hentai or I didn't even know it was anime. - Yeah. - Right. - But holy shit I'm having a fucking epiphany right now. (laughing softly) "Bible Black" wasn't the only hentai I downloaded on there. (laughing loudly) - What else? - Oh my God, cause I remember downloading full length and "Hansei", that came out in the '90s. I can't remember the name, but I- - Why are you downloading a full length hentai pal? - Because I like you said, you're just downloading random files. And I got one of these files that I downloaded was this hentai that I can't remember the title, had angel in the name. There's a lot of '90s- - In a million, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Connor] Yeah. - It had an angel on the name, I'm like, what if I just put this title into LimeWire and see what comes up? And there were like six titles that came up. So as a kid, I'm like- - I'll download all of them. - I'm downloading all of these. (laughing loudly) - How to destroy your laptop, speed run. Did you ruin any laptops or PCs? - Oh fuck yeah. - Yeah, I blamed it on my brother and he totally got blamed for it, but it was totally me the first time. - I couldn't blame it on anyone cause I'm the oldest in the family so. (laughing loudly) - I think the reason why and I just realized this now I was just wondering what the fuck was I doing between like 13 and 18? I couldn't think about it. And I just realized, I was cripplingly like addicted to Xbox. It was like every second I got free. I was playing Call Of Duty. That was like- Cause as you're with your friends as well, right? And that's the golden age of playing games, where you have to play with your friends after school. It was like immediately when I was done, I'd go home play games until I had to go to bed. - And that was like the golden age of card as well. - Oh my God, that was perfect, yeah. - Like Modern Warfare two. - Modern Warfare two came out when I was like 15, 16, which is like the perfect time to play it. - I think I had an age like, a gap as well that I didn't watch anime and it was around the same time. I know exactly why I wasn't but I'm not gonna say it cause it's probably not appropriate for YouTube. (laughing softly) - Oh god. But you can take a guess to what that might be. But weirdly enough, even though like during that gap until like probably the last year of high school, I was still reading Mongo religiously. Yeah, so I don't know what it is, it's like I had this burnout with anime or maybe just like a loss of interest with anime. But for some reason, Mongo was always one thing that I would just come home and just read the shit out of. - Which is a little more engaging almost you have to like actively make an effort. - Probably. And also because I was just like reading in general, I think so. - So I mean the question to you guys, what drew you to anime over like cartoons or other things, Like what drew you to this medium specifically? - As a child or like- - As a kid and growing up as well? - For me, it was just the fact that my mom would just push it a lot because she knew that it was the easiest way for me to keep my Japanese. - Appreciate the Japanese culture, yeah. - God, I'm just fucking jealous. (laughing loudly) - Yeah and so, every time I realize Joey was born on Japanese household, speaks Japanese, God I... - My mom knew that if I just kept talking to her in Japanese, it would most likely stick, but she wanted me to like not just be competent in Japanese. - Like appreciate the whole culture. - Really like, not just appreciate the culture, but also excel in Japanese. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And like thank God because now I think I have. And like you know, I have learnt like appreciate the culture and just anime in general and the language. And like, I did like you know learn fucked up of Japanese. Even though I say it in a lot of videos, don't use anime to learn Japanese. I kind of admit I learned a lot of Japanese from watching anime. - I mean any amount of language that you take in to learn, like if you're watching anything in a language it's good, you know it'll help. Is it the best way? - I feel Like, as a kid, you just absorb it through osmosis or something like like that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Do you know what I mean? - Yeah. - I remember learning Thai just because whenever I'd go to Thailand, I would just absorb it, whenever I was talking to my family or just watching TV shows. - Did you learn any Thai from Thai dub? (laughing loudly) - I'd love to hear a comic in Thai. (laughing softly) - It's probably the same, right? - You know it's the same. - [Connor] Okay, okay. - It's the same. It's just very bad quality. (laughing loudly) It's kind of like, I don't know, there wasn't a lot of money put into the dubbing industry I reckon, so- - Back then as well. - Exactly. - Still not that much to your fact. - Yeah, that should be true. - We all learn in our second language then purely because we were just raised in an area where it was spoken. But the thing is, well when you were a kid you know, you have way more time to just sit there and absorb it when you're an adult, I get 10 minutes a day on Jeweling well, maybe right? - Yeah. - Whereas a kid it's like eight hours of just you're hearing this stuff. So obviously you're gonna pick it up. - Right. - I mean that was just from as far as I can remember with my childhood like the only memories I have is just like either watching anime, reading Mongo or like watching cosmic books. - Right, right, right. - Yeah - So, already just from that like two thirds of my childhood essentially is me just absorbing the Japanese language in any way possible. So, I think that just helped me... If I never got into anime or Mongo, I would like to think that I would be nowhere near as good at the language as I am now. - I think definitely for me when I was watching anime the thing that appealed to me especially my younger age is that, like I said earlier like there's more of a structure, right? And there's always an overarching like point, and there's normally a journey to go on. And also I felt like, you know I mean, this wasn't a problem back then when with all cartoons, you know the ones that we grew up with, but. I felt like anime didn't treat the audience stupid. - No, no, no. You know like if you're like 16, 18. Maybe you don't want to watch "Pokemon" but you can still appreciate it and enjoy it. - Right, right, right. - And I felt that some cartoons, I mean, you can watch "Samurai Jack" any age, right? It's time, it's part- - [Joey] Yeah. - There was a lot, when I was growing up the very treated you as a kid, right? - Mmh. Whereas "Pokemon" was like, "you're a teenager, you're going on the journey, you can catch Pokemon." And it was so cool to imagine yourself as that. Like it sounds dumb, but- - How old was Ash again? - 10. - Ash 10, but I mean he had his shit together for a 10 year old right? - No, he did. - Yeah and Brock is like 35 or something. - Right. - I'm like, why is he hanging with this kid, like what the fuck? - Like you imagine a mom just letting a 10 year old go into the fucking world by himself with a fucking rat to keep him company. - I mean, wasn't the whole joke that like the mom sent her also that she can like have a family with professor Oak, wasn't that the whole thing? - Brock commits crimes and like, yeah I guess that was really irresponsible of us to let him go with a 45 year old man. - And how is Misty okay with like Ash hanging out with this 10 year old kid like throws your bike into a river. And he's like, "I'll pay you back." - How also as like a 10 year old Ash, do you have any concept of Brock constantly hitting on people? How do you like perceive that? Like what does that to you as a 10 year old. - Imagine being Brock and just leaving your family and your job to like follow this 10 year old. - He just totally ditch his job, that is so irresponsible. - Remember he missed Illa. He had a massive family as well. (laughing loudly) like what the fuck are you doing Brock? He had like 10 brothers and sisters, what are you doing? - Needless to say that kind of reckless behavior really appealed to me as a kid, you know. (laughing softly) I'm just often leaving my family that I was supporting with my job. - Leaving my family for what? To follow this ten-year-old so I can go slay some posts. (laughing loudly) - It's like strangely reminiscent of like "Hisoka" from hunt to hunter. It's like grown man just wants to follow a kid around and see him grow. - The biggest thing for me though with "Pokemon" that just made no sense to me, is how Gary Oak is like essentially the same age as Ash, And yet he can get like all these pus. - Is it bad that I actually liked Garry more than Ash and I loved it when he was a dick to Ash. I'm like, yeah, you should be catching Pokemon Ash. - Because he was actually achieving the goal of trying to become a Pokemon master. - You know what? I feel like as a kid, maybe you appreciate Ash more, but as an adult you're like, "Gary is kind of got his shit together." (laughing loudly) Like Gary's achieving his dream. - No, no. - Yeah. Yeah, it was cool that you saved that Butterfree and reunited it with Ash. But like- - But Gary has 10 bags, there are not even 10 bags in the game. - Did Butterfree start a patron to pay your bills? No he didn't, go and get a job Ash. - Gary's on like a gold split speed running this entire shit. (laughing loudly) - He was doing 80% Pokemon, if most speed was a thing. (laughing loudly) - 80% it like getting all the pussies. You're just doing it all. That man did it all like. And yet we still we're supposed to hate him. Like are you okay? - [Joey] You got to fucking cheerleaders with him as well. (laughing loudly) - [Anime Zone] Oh, my God. - I remember there was one episode like I think when they were like when Ash was about to like go to Kyogre I think, - Yeah. - Yeah. - And Gary just rocks up in a fucking like.. - [Connor] Lamborghini. - Lamborghini. (laughing loudly) With like 10 chicks just to be like, "you're still here? I already got all the badges." cause I'm just like "who's driving the car?" (laughing loudly) - Yeah, not only is he an expert Pokemon master. He's a logistic expert. - [Joey] Yeah. - Getting all these women around, always in his Lamborghini, but he doesn't worry about parking tickets, come on. I mean like, Ash is walking everywhere. (laughing loudly) Point being I think Ash's kind of shitty. - Yeah. - I mean, yeah definitely as a kid, that whole kind of structure and the kind of you know, going on a journey I was like. Did you guys feel really disappointed when Ash got beaten in the Pokemon? - [Joey And Anime Zone] Yeah. - I was like, this is our destiny. He formed these artificial bonds with these Pokemon, and fucking Shahzad had the balls to sleep at the final fight. Are you serious Shahzad? - As a kid, it was like top 10 anime twist of all. - [Connor] Yeah, it was- - Top 10 anime twist at all time. - All time. - Shahzad he saved you bro, he saved you help him please (laughing softly). - There's actually this really funny thing I've found the other day when I was looking at the like "Pokemon" speed runs. You know, there's a thing called Ash percent. (laughing loudly) - I think I yeah I saw that. - Where you have to play the game exactly, like catch every Pokemon exactly the same as Ash did. - Oh my God. - You have to release your Butterfree, you have to release your Charizard, and then you have to purposely lose at the- (laughing loudly) - That would drive me mental man. - I know (laughing softly). - Oh my God. - It's like shirtless Mario speed run, on Super Mario Odyssey. - [Joey] Odyssey. - Yeah you basically just do a speed run on Super Mario Odyssey. Where you try and get Mario shirtless quick as possible. - Yeah Nipple percent, it's the best. - I love the troll speed runs. - Anyway, we got off topic. - Yeah. - Yeah, okay and I don't know, was it the same thing as well for you as a kid? - Yeah like, I don't know, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it was this huge overarching plots. Like they had a goal and they were working towards a goal. Like "Pokemon" turned out to me, as I watched more anime I started liking "Pokemon" less and less. Like when I see things like "Digimon" came out and they had an actual like story arc instead of being cut by Charizard. (laughing loudly) at the most crucial moment. "Digimon" for me was probably the moment when I actually fell in love with anime. - Yeah. - You wanna know something? I never watched the "Digimon" anime. - Did you not? - I watched it. - Anything "Digimon" that I ever consumed are the two movies. - I played the games as well as a kid. And the only thing I remember is them being hot as fuck. - Oh, they are. - There are games with that? - There's games and I think at least the Digimon world games I don't know how old they are. I remember some of the hardest games to get full completion of any games ever. Like they're like insane. And I remember as a kid thinking like, "what the fuck, why can't I get past the first level? I beat all the Pokemon in French. what the hell like?" - Yeah I never, I don't know what it is, maybe because I was just so obsessed with "Pokemon." But I always knew "Digimon" was a thing. But I never watched any of- - It was always the joke as a kid, right? You were like the fucking comedian if you were like, "I guess you're the Digimon." (laughing softly) You know what I mean? - You're the Digimon kid. - Yeah. (laughing loudly) - No one want's to be the Digimon kid. - I have a question for you specifically. - Okay. - Cause obviously this doesn't apply to you, but did you as a kid have a sense of like, I kind of liked this whole like Japanese culture thing. Whenever it propped up, in like TV or anything. - I mean to me it was less exotic. 'cause to me it was Asian culture. - [Connor] I guess, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, because I had seen more of it 'cause I didn't exactly grow up in Thailand but I would visit there at least once a year. So I'd spend like my summer holidays in Thailand every year. So, seeing some of the more Japanese culture or the more Asian oriented culture, it's not that different from what you get from flying to Asia. Like Japanese specific, like say onigiri I had no idea what the fuck- - Onigiri donuts. (laughing softly) - Yeah, onigiri donuts, but I could see that, it was just a ball of rice. I know what rice is, I can see what this is. - I guess that's the difference of me coming from, the whitest place on earth. (laughing loudly) And not being exposed to any other, especially Asian cultures. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - The only Asian exposure I had, apart from media, it was just like the shitty Chinese stuff, that you know down the road we've had awful Chinese. And so I think whenever I saw Japanese stuff in media I thought it was so cool. It's gonna sound so fucking dumb that I will say this, - Go on. - Do you remember "Jackass:The Movie" or whatever? Where one of them goes to Japan and it's all just stripping in a store and dancing. - Yeah. - Yeah. - The whole time, I just ignore that. I was like, dude look at those fucking appliances, they're having. I thought it was so cool, they had all these appliances in the store that I have never seen them. Because in the West we never got those TV and radio built-in things. And they had the numbers on the side. I thought those were cool as as fuck as a kid. And then obviously watching like Samurai stuff. And then "Samurai Jack" was a huge thing that made me think I fucking love Samurai's as a kid. They were like they were like the coolest things to me. - I think it was either, depending on if you were into anime or not. The two things that got people into Samurai were at the "Samurai Jack" or "The Last Samurai" - I can still watch "Samurai Jack" today and like fucking love everything. - Dude the newest season was fucking awesome. - Oh my God the fuck make you cry like a baby. - "Samurai Jack" is just a fucking great show period. - Amazing, yeah. - "Samurai Jack" was like the one Cartoon Network show other than "Ed Edd n Eddy" that my dad would be just as excited to watch with me. - It was so good. - It was like, dude, "Samurai Jack" is on move out of the way. - I remember the episode with like the assassin. Do you remember this one? He had the robot dog. I love that episode. - [Joey And Anime Zone] Yeah, yeah. - That's one of my favorites. But I think in my head looking back now I feel like it was inevitable that I was gonna get into anime. 'Cause I had a fondness for Japanese culture. Well it wasn't like intense or weepy or anything. I liked the movies, I liked all the culture that I saw. I loved video games and being a video game fan. You're gonna run into stuff so you're like, huh, why is it like this? And you're like, oh it's Japanese. And then also watching anime from a young age and like. So I felt like it was inevitable at some point in my life I was gonna find anime and be like I fucking love this shit. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, 'cause I feel like I completely forgot about video games and just JRPGs in general. - It's a big push, you don't realize how much you're like pushing. - Exactly, and I realized a lot of the same story tropes that drew me to anime, like I liked in JRPGs and that's why I really get into JRPGs as well. I guess, do you remember the time when Japan just felt like this foreign concept? - Oh, yeah (laughing softly). - This is way past even when me discovering anime. But I remember after discovering anime I started discovering narrative and everything, it was so weird to find anyone who went to Japan or see any kind of like Japanese media, even outside of the Japan. - I feel like it's only recently become a tourist destination. - [Anime Zone] Yeah. - [Joey] Definitely yeah. - If my parents who never wanna leave Europe, right? They're like, if it's not Europe, it's not a vacation. If they're considering career in Japan sounds cool. If that don't like that, I'm like, okay well now I guess everyone's up to it now. - Are they thinking that? - Yeah, they were planning not just 'cause I lived here, but they wanna come anyway. - Oh okay. - And yeah I feel like there's that kind of mainstreamness of it anyways is really had a big impact recently. 'Cause I remember when I first started watching stuff on YouTube, there was no like vloggers. - [Joey] No. - [Anime Zone] No. - Except for like, I remember watching a Chris Broad video from like years ago. And he was like the only guy, right? - He was one of the OGs. - Right. - I'd like to think, yeah. - And I remember back then if you wanted to find something in Japanese it would have to be like a BBC documentary. Someone going there, right? - [Joey And Anime Zone] Yeah. - It was not a YouTube thing. - The weird working world of Japan. - Right, whereas now you can find out anything you want about this country. - [Joey] Exactly. - It's not hard, but I remember yeah, like same thing I had no fucking clue. - You'd see, these weird commercials. You'd see these clips from these talk shows or the variety shows. And you're like, what the fuck is going on in this country? I have no idea. - I mean there was like that giant "Takeshi's Castle." - I totally forgot that. - I forgot about that. - "Takeshi's Castle" at 7:00 a.m. every day on challenge. And I used to wake up early before school and I would like watch every episode. - I didn't think you guys get this excited. (laughing loudly) - I just totally glossed over it. I literally watched "Takeshi's castle" all throughout high school. - You know what same here. - Even though it's reruns. I fucking loved it every time. - Yeah, you just watch the same episodes over and over. It's like watching "Top Gear" on Dave, it's something you can always watch over and over and it was just so fucking weird- - It's recently that I found out though that like "Takeshi's castle", you guys had reruns with "Takeshi's Castle?" - Yeah, yeah. - And I found that really interesting because that's a show from the '80s. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's strange 'cause I think America has their own version as well. But like "Takeshi's Castle" is this kind of, what is it called? The most extreme game show is it called- - Pretty much, it's like "Ninja Warrior," something like that. That's like the modern anime- - It's like "Ninja warrior," but imagine if it was like, all the contestants were just everyday people and it was horribly unfair, it was so unfair and it was so fun and it was just brutal. These courses they would just send people and they would all fail. - Especially "Ninja Warrior" across the Jackass. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, it looked dangerous. Some of the courses look so fucking dangerous. - I mean there's a reason why they don't do that show anymore. - No, no, no. - Because it's like legit OHNS. - Yeah. - That show had a huge following in the UK because of that. And I think in America did as well, but each localization had a different style to it. So, the Japanese obviously showed the show, the British one had like this- - Craig Charles. - Craig Charles who's quite a famous person back in the '90s, right. - Because he did "Robot Wars" and- - Right, right, and. - Yeah. - It was really big and in America they had a kind of imagine a pseudo kind of football commentators being like, what do you think of that Jeff? It was supposed to be kind of like jokey things, I actually watched clips of it. I don't think it's as good, but each country got its own localization. And the one that UK was huge, 'cause I remember there was petitions even when I was like 16, 17. People wanting to bring it back. But I mean, how can you bring it back when they're just dubbing over the old clips. But Thailand actually had, I think a version like a few years ago as well. - Did they? - They made their own version. - I have no fucking a clue. - 'Cause I remember watching and thinking like, nope, not the same. I just didn't think, quite catch it, but that was a huge factor in why also I love Japanese culture 'cause you watch that show and like- - It's crazy. - It's hilarious. - It's amazing and it's also a blatantly, extremely Japanese. - Yeah. - You're seeing Katakana Kanji everywhere. It's purely Japanse. - It's like '80 HD, like editing, you know anime. - It's pure, yeah that was my first introduction to like crazy Japanese. - Yeah. - It's pure chaos, I don't know what it is about Japanese variety shows, it's just about having as much information on screen to distract your eyes as possible. - After making YouTube videos. I've come to feel sorry for every Japanese editor. With the sheer amount of texts they have to put on the screen. Changing colors and shit popping up everywhere. - Because everybody's dialogue has subtitles. (laughing lightly) And it's like we can hear them fine. Don't worry about it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you know what I hate? Whenever I see an anime trailer and it's from Japanese TV. So they always got this guy reacting to it or something like that. - In the corner right? (laughing loudly) And then not even reacting that much. They're just like. - Yeah, that's the thing that Jordan said about game shows. They'll have a really normal thing and they'll have a guy in the corner like. (laughing softly) - It was like a really interesting behind the scenes clip of this anime or show I remember seeing the journal clip of the guy doing MOODA. - Yeah. - Right. And it's just the guy reacting in the corner. I was like I don't give a shit about that guy. - Yeah. - Taking a valuable screen. - Yeah I know, just let me see the fucking- - I wanna watch the guy doing the MOODA. (laughing loudly) I mean, I have to say that with "Takeshi's Castle," I fucking loved growing up while watching it. - Oh my God, what a show. - What was your guys' favorite segment of that show? Because for me to this day if I have a bad day, I'll always watch clips of Lotion Staircase. - See, I think they have different names to that in UK challenges. - [Joey And Anime Zone] Yeah. - 'Cause it was title screens. You could tell that they cast tried to mimic. - I mean did you guys watch like the Lotion Staircase one? It's like a giant staircase and it's just covered in lotion. And they have to try and get to the top of it. - Yeah, I remember that one. - I liked the one that they would the Honeycomb Maze, like the Hexagon Maze. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - It was basically this maze and you got a up top-down view, which is so good. And you would see them go through this maze and they're basically these fucking dudes which grab them in the face, and throw them around and I'm like, what the fuck? And then there's also the rolling things that they would try and run on, that looked impossible. - The one, that sticks out to my mind is the one where they're rock skipping. Like just like - That was dangerous. - You fucking go full pelt over these like rocks over a river, and some of the rocks would just sink. - Ye - Now just imagine if like you're running full pelts and then one of the rocks sinks and you just face bonds into a real rock. Oh my God, that looks painful. - If you haven't watched it you're in for a treat. It's just so good, it's such good fun. I don't think a show like that could happen today. - No, no and like and it's not just "Takeshi's Castle" they were like I've realized there's so many shows that either America or the UK or like just some Western country is like, "Silent Library." - And like "Wipeout" and even like "Ninja Warrior," they're all like originally Japanese show. - I love "Ninja Warrior," watching the Japanese version. - They could never go as crazy as the Japanese version. - No, no. - You know what I mean? - Yeah, it's crazy. I mean, I think that was definitely game shares. Everything kind of got me into anime, right. It was just that kind of buildup of I kind of think this culture is kind of sick, right? I mean I like what they do. I like all the media that they put out it just jives with me, right. And I just seem to enjoy it. And then I remember the first anime anime, right. This is what we're talking about. Like finally getting into like the shit, right? - Modern days. - Like real shit. - Yeah. - I remember, I really, for some reason I wanted to be like a TV and film snob. I don't know why, I wanted to be like I've seen everything, you know like. - Did you go through the IMDb top 100 phase? - Yeah. - I think, I feel everyone's gone to this point. - Yeah. - Everyone in uni. Everyone at uni. I feel like uni was a big. - It was in the, 'cause I just finished watching "24" and "Prison Break" and I was feeling like, man I'm such a TV connoisseur. I've watched "Prison Break" and "24." So, I went through the list and "Death Note" was like eighth or something at the time. - Oh my God. - Wow. - This must've been like 2012, 13. - Yeah. - Right. - And I skipped it initially. 'Cause I'm like, I don't watch them cartoons. I'm a grown ass man, I grew up.. - I want some real show. - 'Cause again my parents and all my family and cousins and whatever they were telling me dude stop watching cartoons, right? You're an adult, right? So, I naturally skipped it. But for some reason I did a double take like two or three weeks later, read the synopsis and I thought, okay this sounds pretty fucking sick actually. - Yeah. - And if it's in the top 10, it's got to be pretty good, right? - Yeah. - Watched one episode. I had to school the next day but I stayed up the whole night up until school. I had to leave with two episodes left to watch. So, I binged it the whole season of "Death Note," in one night and oh my God, I just immediately like became obsessed. It was like overnight, all my other plans to watch all these famous movies and TV shows get that outta here. Someone on YouTube said watch "Code Geass," so I'm gonna do that now. (laughing lightly) And it's just obviously that phase where you discover all the golden anime. It's just like banger after banger. And it's like three months straight where you're just like all you think about is watching the next anime. - Good. Like remember that phase, I've even missed that phase so much. Everything's you've watched was amazing. I look back at some of the shit now, like- - [Connor] Even the shitty stuff. - Even the shitty like I remember going through this phase when I was obsessed with Love Hina right? (laughing loudly) - I think everyone had that phase back in the day. - Okay, if we all have that phase back in the day can I ask what was the show that ruined that for you? Do you remember? 'Cause I knew exactly what it was for me. - No because I feel like once you watched enough anime, you start like, do you remember the feeling of the void, right. The void where you watch this really, really good show and you're like no one's gonna top this. Nothing's gonna top this and you just feel empty. - And then you hit your boom woo. (laughing lightly) - Come on. (laughING loudly) - And then the more shows you watch the more that void shrinks. - [Connor] Right. - Till you find the next amazing show. And then you were like, and then you watch enough. And then you find your top 10 favorite shows. - Yeah, yeah. - And then that's kind of when it starts cementing for me to the next phase where you start watching stuff and it's not as good a feeling as when you first started. So, what was it for you then? - "School Days." (laughing loudly) 'Cause I distinctly remember this and I remember being really annoyed about it. And I'm not saying that for the meme is totally accurate. ' Cause- - Why can I never escape "School Days." - Okay, you wanna know what's even worse, right? Is that, so I was watching anime on YouTube still at this point, right? So, and I remember, 'cause I would got my anime list. 'Cause that's what everyone did, right? You would look at which ones are high rated and which ones you know. For some reason School Days was like one of the highest rated. (laughing loudly) But it was split right, it was either a 10 or a two. - [Joey] Yeah. - And I thought I'm gonna be in the 10 categories. - [Joey] Yeah - Everything I've watched so far I fucking love, right. So, first off I already had a bad start watching School Days because I remember watching "School Days HQ" or something. And it was like- - well, like a spinoff. - It was like 40 minutes. - No, no, no. "School Days HQ" to explain is the original visual novel of "School days." But the original visual novel of School Days was basically just a full on anime. - Yeah. - Right, it was all animated. - Okay. - I didn't know that I was the first time I just found that out. - So you can watch all the "School Days HQ" on something like Pornhub or X videos, which if you're ready to just like- - X Hamsters. (laughing loudly) - If you're really just looking to watch the clips that you're looking for, you can just find it over there. - And they would have showed the clips in that. I didn't get that far. I got about, cause it was a 40-minute episode one. And I watched 40 minutes and I was like, this doesn't seem right. Am I watching the right thing? Everyone's saying it's good, like is this, right? - It's so funny that you say it like the School Days is like mal is either like a 10 or a two. I was definitely one of those people who put it as a 10. - I know you did you piece of shit, 'Cause, I know exactly what my- - What is going on here. - I know what mindset you were in, where you were like, I'm in the fucking hood. I gotta say yes. - What is going on? (laughing loudly) Why am I sitting next to someone who gave School Days a 10. (laughing loudly) - Okay look. - Is that sheep, right. Who everyone else has set it at 10. And he doesn't wanna be that one guy who was like I don't think I have good taste. No, I have good tastes, I can appreciate it. - Because for me, right, School Days was- - [Connor] Garbage. - it was crap until the last episode. Because the last episode I was like, first of all I remember just sitting there. We're obviously not gonna say it but I'm sure there's lots of people who know- (Connor humming) - If you don't know at the end of the "School Days." Boat couldn't comes out, right. But like School Days for me, that ending was the most satisfying thing I'd ever seen in anime. - Okay, I will give you that. It was satisfying, but then I remembered, I just sat through 11 of the most boring shit in my life. And I don't think this is big enough to redeem it. - Yeah, the first 11 episodes was just like I think I need anger management, right now. (laughing loudly) - [Connor] Yeah. - Because oh my God. I hate the main character so much. - Oh my God, I hated him. - And then the fucking orgasm, you've got at episode 12 where what happened, happens. And you're like, oh thank God. - That ending for me made it a 10. - No. - No, no. - I was like for me- - No. - I specifically remember I'm like I'm glad I went through those 11 episodes. 'Cause the I got to watch the most satisfying ending, I've ever seen. - That's bullshit. That's recency bias, right? 'Cause you're basing your review of how it ended. Not the fucking, the absolute shit truck that you have to like shovel through to get that. - Okay, no, but here's the thing, right? I've said this so many times in videos, but the ending for me is so fucking important because like I had the exact opposite. - 'Cause you got that goldfish brain, the ones that tunes everything out before- - Because I have the exact opposite experience with "Deadman Wonderland." - No, I still liked that "Deadman Wonderland." - Because "Deadman Wonderland" for me was amazing first 10 episodes and the ending was just the most garbage, bullshit like okay, we ran out of budget ending that I've ever seen. That it just completely ruin the experience. - But that doesn't mean it's a one. - I'm not putting, no, no. - I mean, it means. - I didn't put "Deadman Wonderland" like a one- - What did you give "Deadman Wonderland?" - The anime? - Yeah. - Like a five. - What no, no, it's better than a five. - Because then I read the "Monga" and the "Monga" is infinitely better. - You think so? - Yeah. - I thought where the "Monga." - Because the "Monga" actually ends. I like the fucking anime. - Do you like the ending of the "Monga" though? - It's better than the fucking anime. - I guess, I remember reading "Deadman Wonderland." And I kind of liked what it did a little bit but the ending, I wasn't too big of a fan over the "Monga." - Right, but I enjoyed it even if it was just like a mediocre ending, right. - [Connor] At least you got an ending. - At least I got an okay ending. Whereas the anime just left me wanting more and I'm like don't cock tease me like that after the 10 amazing episodes. - But would you rather a show that has like 10 amazing episodes with no ending or 24 episodes with 10 amazing episodes. And it starts to go kind of man the ending's a little questionable. - The first. - I think this is what we got with Deadman there. - Yeah. - We got 10 bangers, and then. - That's why like- - But I'm just trying to wrap my head around how he could justify the "School Days." - Okay let me. - I've just been sitting here for the past few minutes having a fucking mental breakdown by myself. - Let me rephrase, let me rephrase, okay. I had so many opinion changes on the ending of the "School Days," so many times. - Okay, so what would you give School Days now then? - Now I would give it a six. - No, no, no, no, no, no. - No, no, no, no, my gosh man. - I had a phase where I'm like, is this ending genius or is it the worst garbage I've ever seen? - It's not genius. - If I make a character that is so fucking appealing and then I kill him off. You shouldn't be- - He's not even a good character, he's not a good character. - But that's exactly the reason why the ending is satisfying. - No, but it's satisfying, but it's just so fucking surface level. You know what I mean? - I mean, I wouldn't watch it again. - 'Cause this protagonist, it's the one that we follow. He made this character dog shit on purpose. But then there's also a little bits where he tries to make you like the guy and that's the worst part. And that's what I fucking hate, it's like, no, don't try make me sympathize with this cunt, you just had a threesome in class three B, like what the fuck? You just have a, he's supposed to be a dad or some shit. - I loved, that's the one character development that what the fuck was, Makoto had that's that was his name. - Makoto that was his, 'cause he's so fucking blunt. I couldn't even remember his, I can't remember any of the character names. - I love one character that all of the Makoto had is like, he started out as this absolute simp for sake guy and then just turned into these most these most like fucking- - Kotonaha, that was her fucking name. - Yeah. - He became like the Giga-chat. - Giga-chat. (laughing loudly) - The episode for me that made me had to pause and go like. (sighs loudly) When they wanted to have a threesome or something. - Yeah, yeah. (laughing loudly) - I like paused it and I was like. (laughing loudly) (Joey clapping) - Shut them out there, shut the fucking there. (laughing loudly) - I was like, what the fuck is this? And it was so like porn, like it was literally a porn plot, how it happened. - 'Cause it is a fucking porn plot. - It is. - Yeah, it was- - "School Days HQ" is a porn plot. - That's the worst thing about it, right? Is that they try and sell you that it's not a porn plot. And then they hit you with the, in front of my salad plot. And you're like, no, this isn't what I want. And the fact that people on mal had the fucking balls to be, this is an artistic masterpiece of our generation. (laughing loudly) - I'm definitely that one guy, I could say that. I'm like this ending is absolutely genius. You guys just throw me at the thin air. - The timing is impeccable. It's like okay if my dog got rabies and I've watched it die for three hours. Yeah, I'd probably see it put down but it would be satisfying, right? Because it's just suffering. That's what the anime was, it was just suffering. I fucking hated it. And the fact that I had to then watch 40 minutes of a let's play or whatever the fuck it was in the first thing. - See I didn't watch that. - And the worst part was is that imagined, okay, before you could even start the dog shit pile that is fucking "School Days." You had to watch 40 minutes of the same thing before you started the same thing again. So, I remember watching the first episode already bored out of my mind 'cause I'd seen this shit before in a slightly different way. And I was like, okay, I hate "School Days." - Listen to this. - School Days sucks (beep). - I'm just having a fucking mental breakdown right now because I thought I had left School Days in the past. I never thought I'd hear those two words again. And I never thought I'd be sitting next to the guy who, 'cause, I remember that mal phase and I thought everyone must be trolling. This is like the inter-species reviewers kind of thing. Everyone's giving this a 10, everyone's being fucking ironic. There's no way that there can be a guy- - I'm sure there were. - I'm sure there were, but I can't imagine you ironically gave it a 10. I just can't, I just. - I just remember like- - What is happening? (laughing lightly) - I had a video like this is a video- - Well yeah you corrected your opinion. - Yeah, no, no, no. - Not enough. - So, I made two videos, I had a video. The first video I've ever made on School Days was right after I finished watching it. And I think it's a six-year-old video and it's called, is the School Days ending a masterpiece or something like that. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - And it was me going like, yeah, I think it was. - Yeah, but okay, imagine "Code Geass" is ending, right. You heard that, but then 25 episodes was just us following Nunally, just her daily life. You know what I mean. That shit's boring, I don't wanna fuck- - The ending was satisfying but it was just a boring show. It was a boring show for half of it. And then the second half was just anger management issue. - I think I gave it such a high score because I just appreciated the meta behind how the director and producer chose the literal worst ending of any visual novel in existence. It was a great trolling in my opinion. And I think that's why I said it was kind of genius. - I mean it's definitely different. That ending like that, I haven't seen anything like that since- - Because there's a reason why we're still talking about School Days after fucking how many years of it since it's been out? - Yeah okay, here's the thing, right? Is that sometimes (laughing lightly) what is a good ending, right? Do you think of it as a good ending? Because the story made sense. It really like the whole thing, it was like, wow that's a great ending, it really made sense. All the characters built up to this. No, it's a good ending because the main character was fucking awful. And everyone in that show was god awful. We just wanted to see them get like revenge. - But I would argue that an ending that is good, right. It doesn't necessarily have to be memorable, right. There is a different between a memorable ending and a good ending. - It's a memorable ending not a good ending (laughing lightly). - It's just like pure shock factor, right. - Yeah. - That was like, it's just like pure shock factor. And it's got no much substance behind that shock factor. - Right, right. - Right, and that was my big problem with "School Days." 'Cause at least with the visual novel you could see fucking sex scenes for one. (laughing loudly) - We can watch the Giga-chat in that. (laughing loudly) - Get some tips, he's getting threesomes like age 16, holy shit. - Exactly, 'cause at least in that point it actually made sense why he was getting all this fucking pussy. - Did he though, did he really- - I mean, it made sense 'cause he was a fucking hentai, right? - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. - It made sense in the visual novel, not in the anime because they didn't explain the hentai sub plot. - Yeah. - [Connor] Yeah. - Or the subtext, I guess that it is a hentai. - I think that was the first time as a teenager that I was like, sex again. (laughing loudly) Really? We're gonna go with sex again, all right Jeez? - Yeah but like, around that time, right. That's like the age where you start to be beyond those kinds of like sex and poop jokes. Where it's all about, if this isn't challenging my 16 year old atheist brain then it's not good material. - I mean, I'm pretty sure I watched that like pp ppoo poo thing that made me laugh on YouTube like two weeks ago. (laughing loudly) So I don't know if I'm fully gone but. - Right, but it always goes back, right? You'd laugh at poop jokes at age 10, not at age 15. And then you love a poop jokes as you get to age 20. - Being a teenager is fucking weird. That's just like, that's all I can say. - It is fucking weird, 'cause teenagers we're horny as fuck, right? - Yeah, exactly. - And I guess when you're a teenager you wanna.. This is weird thing that you don't do as an adult right? When you're an adult, you fully accept what you're into. But as a teenager, you're like trying to mold your interest into what you think you should be right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah exactly. - And I felt like the shows that you watched which is probably why this guy gave a fucking School Days a 10 he's like I wanna be this smart guy who can see through all the bullshit to see the masterpiece. - I would fully admit that's exactly what I did. - Right. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay, I'm not gonna sit here and say I did that too, right. There's probably a part of me that would argue that "Prison Break" was a masterpiece of our time, right. When I look back now, I'm like what the was I thinking? I was 15. - Yeah. - When you're a teenager, you'd have dumb opinions. - Which is why you should never start an anime YouTube channel in your teen age. - No, no, no. - Because you're very highly regret it later on. - My first video was on fucking "Bleach." (laughing loudly) - Wait, how old are you, when you started YouTube then? - 17. - Shit, okay. See, I would do still do dumb up until 20. - Yeah. - And I started my YouTube at 19, right. - Yeah, I was 19 as well when I started. - And I holy crap, some of the stuff that I said that I look back now and you look back and you know the motives as well to why you said the dumb shit. - Yeah, yeah - You'd never have now. Right. - Of course. - You're like, I want to be seen in this way. So I'm gonna say opinion that isn't really mine but I know people will view me if I. - I look back at my, some of my first videos and I fucking cringe, man. I could not finish them. (laughing loudly) Oh my God. - I'm so fucking glad that the way the internet was it was like the perfect time I think for when I was growing up 'cause there was still the kind of thing of, you could say whatever the fuck you wanted and you got away with it, right? I'm sure I said some fucking horrible stuff on Room Escape and Xbox live to people right? And I was like- - Of course. - Now I mean kind of stuff gets hold against you. - Yeah. - I'm glad that I had that room to grow, room to know that School Days was garbage. Without having to make a video about it. I mean like School Days is a masterpiece, guys. - Yeah, don't make the same mistake I made. - Did you actually make a video on that? - Yeah. - Well you did? - You did? - Yeah. - Is it up in your channel? - Yeah, it's on my channel. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. - It's like a video from six years ago. And it's like- - We're watching that tonight. - It's like five minutes, I mean, I can't watch it 'cause it's so clingy, but it's me in a fucking (laughing loudly) I had this giant chopper hat for some reason. I don't know why I was wearing it. That was during the era where I was known as the guy as to where the weird hats. I had a chopper hat that was the huge chopper hat. And I was also wearing this rainbow beanie with a scarf attached to it and shit. I looked gross to say the least I dunno why anyone was like, Oh yeah, this guy looks good. But yeah, an ironically, I was like you know what, now that I'd like mulling it over. I think School Days is ending is really freaking good. And it's on my channel right now. Like, dude. I'll keep that up because it is- - It's just getting hard drive, he's gonna. (laughing loudly) - I like to keep it up to kind of remind my audience that I used to be like this but now obviously I've changed my opinion on School Days and a lot of shows because I've, as you said I've had the room to grow now and the room to watch. - I think it's funny to look back at your old videos where you were clingy as fuck. - Yeah. - Just to be like, this is what I'm like now. I mean you can see clear improvement. - I liked seeing the growth. That feels good. It feels it hurts to watch some of your older videos. I actually watched it and I'm like I sound so much more British. My accent has changed so fucking much. And I didn't realize that. - I had such a Northern accent when I started YouTube. - Well when I meet you you had like the thickest Northern accent and I'm- - Yeah. - Yeah it's kind of been like destroyed now, which is nice. I mean I speak speak clearly. - Yeah. - But I think that's it to coincide with all like YouTube growth. I think you have that as well, especially in your taste and anime when you're a teenager and what you like and you kind of lie to yourself. - We're called Trash Taste for a reason. - Yeah, I mean Joey's is really pulling his weight on that Trash Taste, he's really- - This episode has been on fucking point. - I had to bring the trash in, all right. If someone someone's gonna do is gonna be me. - Why is it every podcast I'm one, I can never escape "School Days?" Why, why? (laughing loudly) - 'Cause it's so fun. - I think it's that moment as an anime fan, when you watch School Days and it's like two paths, which one are you gonna go down? Are you're gonna go down like just admitting your taste. - This is like the modern day, like "Pokemon" versus "Digimon." It's like School Days good or School Days bad. - It's like the anime litmus test. - I'm thinking, was "School Days," just way more culturally important for the anime fandom than I've realized it was. - I think it is. - At least for, in the mid 2010 that round. - Yeah, yeah. - I think that was a big taste indicator. - 100%. - And also anyone who said they liked it was a fucking liar at the time. So, and that means you couldn't trust any of his opinions. (laughing loudly) - Anyone subscribed after that I don't understand. - Because at that time I remember this I felt like I was the idiot. 'Cause I'm like the only guy that thinks the show is garbage. Like, I'm I going crazy? - When did School Days come out? It was like 2007, I think it came. - It was during the golden age. - Okay, so its 2007 yeah, yeah. - 'Cause I think it was 2007. - Saying that, right. I watched that at like 2013 and that was just that argument was still going on until 2013. And to some aspect that's still going on today obviously a lot lesser, but- - I mean you can argue that we brought it back. - Yeah. (laughing loudly) - Well, how many anime do you know that have had discussions like that where it's brought up time and it's so decisive. - I think this is the only anime that's properly trashy. You know what I mean? - Yeah, it's so trashy. - It just keeps being brought up 'cause I can, point shows like say "Evangelion" or something that, we can discuss till the end of times. And fans probably we'll discuss that too at the end of time. But in terms of shows that I count as fucking awful. - School Days is just a show that just doesn't refuse. It's a fucking cockroach, every time I step on it, every time I think it's fucking died. - It comes back. - Two other people come back and say, I like the end of the story. I'm like shut the fuck up. (laughing loudly) Please, I thought I was past this point. - You'll never escape from it, dude. That's that's the beauty of School Days - It's 2020, oh my God. - I love how this was just supposed to be an origin story in terms of the downfall of anime. - It's just the absolute, roasting of my 10 out of 10 opinion. (laughing loudly) - It's just like a Brazzers of anime, that's basically what it is. Imagine if a Brazzers had a good ending we probably all be arguing about it, right? That's the equivalent of it. It's not, it's fucking shit. God, so heated about it. It gives like a visceral reaction to everyone who dislikes it. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - This guy's just living it out. - I'm just looking forward to the giant discussion. This is gonna cause in the sub Reddit. This is gonna be a whole thread again. This is gonna come out. - I'm interested to see what you, the viewers if you have seen School Days think of it and if you're wrong on your thoughts of "School Days." (laughing lightly) - Yeah. - Is there anything else we can talk about other than- - I think that's a good place to end it for today? - I feel like I just took the wind out of my sails. I don't know how I can possibly be calm about anything else today. (laughing softly) - But you do have something important to talk about. - We do have something to talk about. We've actually started the Trash Taste patron as you can see, the production value is quite high for this podcast and we have editors helping us and stuff. And it's a whole system that we have and sadly it doesn't fund it's self- - It cost a lot of money to run. - Basically, I just wanna talk about, because I feel like when we were making this podcast we didn't wanna settle for cheap production values, right. - We wanted this to be, comparable to any other high budget podcast. - Yeah. - Yeah, but like, to us, this was a passion project. We've put quite a lot of our own savings into this. That's an understatement. - It's like super expensive. (laughing lightly) - Like several thousand dollars to making this and plus, we are renting out a studio, in Japan. - A lot of time, a lot of money. - Yeah, near Tokyo. So right now, not to say that we, all three of us are pretty well off. - We're probably fine (laugh). - We're probably fine. We just don't want our passion project to be bleeding money, which right now it is. - Yeah. - So any help that you can give to help us just to go even 'cause that's my goal. If I can just do this and not have to worry about- - to worry about losing money. - Like just constantly losing money and then I would be more comfortable and I would just be happy. - And hopefully with your guys' support too, like we'll be able to evolve this podcast into like bigger and better things in the near future. - Yeah, and if you want us to stand the viewer who doesn't care about patron, anything, don't worry about it. Nothing will change to your Trash Taste. It's gonna be exact same way. You get everything, don't worry about it. The patrons don't get anything. We're not gonna pay wall anything. - Yeah, yeah. - And please, again, we'll be fine financially if you don't support it, it's totally fine. It's purely optional. - Purely optional. - If you like the podcasts. - Yeah, exactly. - And is that, what else do we have to discuss? Anything else we need to shout out or anything? - Follow us on Twitter. - We have Twitter, yeah. - @TrashTastePod. You can also send us your memes and topic suggestions there as well. And we also post photos and videos of dumb shit that we do. So if you enjoy that, follow us on there as well. - Smash the like button. - And subscribe to the channel. - And before you fuck ask again it will be going on Spotify and Apple, all that stuff. Eventually, if it isn't already, it will be soon, don't worry. - At the time of recording. I'm really hoping by the time this comes out, it's already, so check the description. I'm sure we're gonna have an answer in the description whether this would be in Spotify. - We'll definitely announce it on the sub Reddit and Twitter. - Yeah. - So at least check that out. - But without further ado, this has been Trash Taste. And thanks for watching guys. - See you in the next episode. - Yeah. - Bye. - Bye. I can't fucking believe School Days- (laughing loudly). - This fucker. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,447,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: 5d3nhRaMBhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 49sec (4069 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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