Baldur's Gate 3 - Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Combat (Discover NOW) ⚔️

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we already went over the basics for gameplay mechanics so in today's video let's focus in on combat and make you a knowledgeable well-oiled fighting machine so we don't really have to get into the behind the scenes roles and calculations too much to get a good understanding of how combat works as larion Studios has made it fairly simple let's start off with first addressing what powers your attacks if you're using a ranged weapon the game is going to use your dexterity modifier to power your shots and the higher that your dexterity modifier is the more likely you are to hit your Target and also deal more damage for melee weapons the game will use your strength modifier however there is an exception here and these are called finesse weapons if we take a look at the Scimitar right here you can see that it's labeled finesse and this means that the game will use whatever modifier is higher for you between strength and dexterity for spellcasters their spells will be powered by their spell casting ability modifier so Wizards intelligence Bard Sorcerers paladins and warlocks Charisma and Druids Rangers and clerics are powered by their wisdom modifier so you definitely want a high modifier in the ability score that represents your style of play or class or build and generally speaking it's a good idea to get that ability score to at least a 16 in character creation which will give you a plus 3 modifier right at the start of the game Let's Take Aim at an enemy now and start with a ranged weapon a Starion is currently aiming his bow at this Bandit you can see above this guy's head is a number which tells you your percentage chance for landing that shot it currently says that a Starion has a 65 chance of hitting this target with his Arrow now this number only represents whether or not your shot will hit or land it has nothing to do with the damage that it may deal the higher that your modifier is and in this case the game will be using a starion's dexterity modifier because we're using a ranged weapon the higher that that percentage chance will be it's also important to ensure that you're using weapons that your character is proficient with as your proficiency bonus will also increase your chance to hit alongside your ability score modifier now all characters proficiency bonus is plus two until you reach character level 5 or it goes up to a plus three and then at character level 9 it increases to a plus four you don't really have to keep track of that number though but taking advantage of that bonus is huge and to see what weapons that your character is proficient with simply press tab go to the character sheet click on the detailed View and then look underneath the proficiency bonus column if you scroll your mouse over simple weapons and martial weapons it'll give you a list of all the weapons that that character is efficient with now some classes such as the fighter Ranger and Paladin get Proficiency in all simple and martial weapons so you never have to worry about your proficiency bonus with those classes because all weapons that they use you'll be getting that bonus with also When selecting a weapon at the bottom of that weapon's description if you see this yellow triangle explanation point it's telling you that you're not proficient with that weapon for that particular character so you won't be getting that proficiency bonus now if you do want to see the behind the scenes calculation simply click on your combat log and you'll notice that there is an attack roll where the game assigns you a random number between 1 and 20 added your proficiency bonus and also added your ability score modifier and then put that up against your Target's Armor class number of which you must get equal to or greater than for your attack to land so having a high ability modifier in the correct ability and also using weapons that you're proficient in is the most foundational way to ensure that you're getting the best chance to hit your Target on a similar subject you're also going to want to wear armor that your character is proficient with because if you wear armor that you're not proficient in especially as a spell Caster if I put medium armor on Gale right here it Grays out all of my spells and this also includes Helms that you may wear and also gloves and boots so make sure to look at their description Marshall classes that wear armor that they're not proficient in such as a Starion wearing medium armor right here Will have disadvantage on their roles so really important to know what you're wearing now before combat begins or during combat there are strategies and tactics that you can Implement to get that number even higher for example simply hiding a story on here in the shadows increases that 65 percent chance all the way up to 88 chance of Landing that shot that is a huge boost right there and it simply comes from taking a shot while hidden as you can see underneath the 88 chance to hit it says advantage and basically what that means is your character gets two rolls behind the scenes to attempt to land their attack instead of one behind the scenes roll getting two rolls and the game taking the better result is called having Advantage there are many other ways to gain advantage on your attacks if you attack a prone enemy with a melee weapon with your melee attack you'll have advantage using the Sleep spell on an enemy will cause them to lay down throwing grease at your opponent's feet may cause them to slip and fall prone there's plenty of spells and class features that may offer your party members to have advantage on their attacks so make sure to read all of your spells and attacks descriptions for example guiding bolt right here which is a cleric spell deals radiant damage but also makes it so that the next attack roll against that Target has Advantage so if you land a guiding bolt whatever character attacks that opponent next will have a greatly increased chance of Landing their attack if you notice that you have disadvantage on your attack which will show your percentage chance to hit in red you want to try to at the very least nullify that right now astarion is out of range with his bow so if I simply walk up a few feet disadvantage goes away and my percentage chance to hit goes from 42 percent up to 65 percent other ways that you may find yourself having disadvantage include shooting a ranged weapon with a melee combatant in your face or perhaps trying to shoot an enemy that is in a really dark area lighting up that area with spells or can trips or Lane candles on the ground or lighting up braziers in the area can help you get rid of your disadvantage now there are also spells that work in a very similar way to Marshal weapons such as the cantrip Firebolt as you can see right here Gale has a 60 chance of hitting this character named gimbelbach and just like with a Starion and his bow shot if I hide gal in the shadows and take the shot that sixty percent goes up to 84 percent other ways to get that hit chance higher include attacking from High Ground take a look at this Battleground right here if I have the opportunity to start the battle with my party on The High Ground or at least my ranged characters on The High Ground I'm going to take that opportunity as you can see I have a Starion on The High Ground right here and that 88 percent that I had before when hiding in the Shadows on even ground has now gone up to 94 having high ground over your opponents adds a plus two to the behind the scenes role which is a pretty significant boost there's also plenty of spells in the game game that can help boost the character's chance of Landing their attacks such as bardic inspiration which is a borrowed class feature or cleric's spell called bless as you can see right here I'm casting bless on a Starion and his percentage chance to hit goes from 65 to 75 simply from that spell now the reason why different targets of yours may have different percentage chances to hit is because each opponent has their own armor class number as well as each of your party members having their own numbers depending on the armor that they are wearing and their dexterity modifier unless wearing heavy armor a medium armor also has a limit of adding a plus to Max that can be added to your armor class from your dexterity modifier there's also certain spells in the game such as Shield of faith and if I were to cast Shield of faith on Gale you can see that his armor class number now goes up by two and this will remain like that as long as Shadow heart can maintain her concentration on the shield of Faith spell now taking a look at these two opponents The Gnome has an AC of 14 and the half elf has an AC of 13. and this is why astarian's ranged attack has a five percent difference from The Gnome to the half elf before we get into damage there's also different types of spells that don't actually do an attack roll on an enemy which is everything that we just talked about but instead these spells will force their target or targets to do something called saving throws if your opponent succeeds on this Save which is a behind the scenes role your spell may be mitigated or even outright denied these types of spells tend to cause some sort of effect rather than just smacking into an opponent so with the attack rolls that we previously talked about we're attacking an enemy and trying to overcome their Armor class but with these types of spells enemies are actually doing the rolling here and they're trying to overcome our spells power no need to get into how that number is calculated just know that your ability score modifier is added to your Spell's hour so once again the higher that that modifier is the more likely it is that your spells are going to take effect on your opponents the game once again makes it pretty simple though as it just shows you a percentage chance that that spell will take effect when you take aim at an opponent for example if I were to use command drop to try to force this opponent to drop their weapon the game is telling me that I have a 60 chance of that spell making effect if you want to get a little more advanced take a look at your Spell's description command is telling me that this enemy will have to do a wisdom save in order to resist my command spell if I then right click on the enemy and inspect them I can see what their wisdom modifier is now since this guy only has a 10 in wisdom which is a zero modifier by chance for Success at sixty percent isn't too bad if this guy had a 16 in wisdom though with a plus 3 modifier command would likely rarely succeed on this particular Target but perhaps another opponent on the battlefield has a lower wisdom they don't have to look into every opponent's scores as you can just look at the percent percentage chance of success and then make the decision as to whether or not you want to cast that spell off of that percentage chance alone moving on to damage if you take a look at your weapons description the game will tell you the range of damage that your weapon can deal Shadow heart space for example will give me an RNG random number generator between the numbers of 2 and 7. in DND terms that is broken down by her weapon rolling one six-sided die so one D6 and adding her strength modifier to that result her crossbow is between two and nine damage or one eight-sided die 1d8 plus her strength modifier if we take a look at my main character who is wielding this great burning sword my damage is between 6 and 19 because it's adding in the extra fire damage that this sword comes with now if you successfully land an attack the game will then do the behind the scenes damage roll but you have to actually land the attack first your character's ability score modifier is also added to your damage so with the sword right here you can see that it says 2d6 plus three the sword has a base damage of 2d6 which translates to 2-12 damage but I'm also getting an automatic plus three from my strength modifier added to that because melee weapons use strength and then of course the 1d4 fire damage is being added to that overall number and that's one to four damage so that makes the sword's range of damage a minimum of six and a maximum of 19. however don't forget if you do score a critical hit which means you roll the lucky 20 on your initial attack roll your sword's base damage will be doubled if that confused you no worries just know that the lowest number showing on your weapon or spell is the lowest amount of damage that you can do if your attack actually lands and the highest number is the max amount of damage that you can deal if the RNG goes perfectly now on to a few more quick things and then we'll wrap this video up so every round of combat each character gets to use use an action which is represented by this green circle a bonus action represented by this orange triangle in a reaction and if you have a reaction toggled on it will show on the far right side right on the top of your hop bar your action is typically the main thing that you do your weapons regular attack costs an action most spells cost an action to use throwing items costs an action and so on your bonus action can be used to do things such as drinking a potion you can shove enemies with a bonus action which can be extremely powerful and there's even some spells and weapon specific skills that can be used with a bonus action a reaction in this game only occurs when something triggers it so some condition must be met and then a character can use their reaction and reactions can actually be used when it's not even that character's term for example if it's an enemy's turn and they decide to simply walk away from you and you have a melee weapon out you can use your reaction to smack them now if you press K and go to the third tab which is the reactions tab you can actually set your reactions to automatically go off by having the circle on the left checked you can also set it to where the game will have a pop-up box pop right up in front of you asking you if you want to use your reaction or use your opportunity attack in that particular moment or you can turn it completely off now some classes may not want to use their reaction on an opportunity attack for example because they may have better reaction abilities in their Arsenal such as the shield spell for some casters I should also mention that if you're about to take an opportunity attack yourself the game will actually let you know this by showing you this red spearhead if you see that you may want to consider a different way of moving away from your opponent you may consider using the disengage action or you may consider pushing the enemy if you have a decent strength and then you can just simply walk away or you may look to a spell such as a teleportation spell like Misty step to teleport away moving on there is a condition in this game that's called the surprised condition and if an opponent is surprised the game will will skip their first turn in the first round of combat and you can achieve this by attacking an enemy that is unaware of your presence simply attack them and then you'll see the surprise condition above their heads and the game will then bring it right back to your turn skipping them all on their first round of combat it's a great way to start an encounter when you're fighting enemies that you are sure that you want to attack also note that when combat Begins the game will do a behind the scenes calculation or role that determines the order of turns for all combatants your character's dexterity modifier is added to this behind the scenes role or calculation so the higher that your dexterity modifier is the more likely you are to go earlier in the order of turns moving on to the environment not to be overlooked check out a battlefield in its entirety or even consider setting up a battlefield or Battleground to your advantage as there are various ways to manipulate the environment in your favor blow up an oil barrel shoot a burning chandelier down to the ground over your enemy enemies heads or maybe shoot out the rope that is holding a concrete block for it to go smashing into the ground killing several opponents and also opening up a secret passageway in the last topic of this video is going to be enemy resistances when you inspect an enemy by right clicking on them and hitting examine or one of your characters if there's something under the resistance column you should take a look at that for example my character right here has resistance to fire damage and therefore any fire damage that I take will be cut in half if you see a red arrow pointing down that means that a creature is vulnerable to a certain type of damage which equates to taking double of that type of damage and there's also some creatures that will be invulnerable your damage will be nullified if you use certain types of damage so make sure to check this column to know what type of damage that your weapon or your spell actually does just look at the Spell's description or the weapons description guiding both does radiant damage and Shadow Hearts mace does bludgeoning damage thank you all so much for watching I hope this video was helpful and plenty of more Baldur's Gate 3 content on the way and also plenty of content already on the channel I'll catch you on the next one foreign
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 172,301
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, beginners guide to combat, combat tips & tricks baldurs gate 3, tips & tricks, guide, combat mechanics bg3, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 guide
Id: 9Q32QXyX4_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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