The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Cities Skylines, Part 5 | Forestry & Agriculture (Industries DLC)

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[Music] [Music] so hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are creating the ultimate beginner's guide to city skylines and today we are going to be introducing the industries dlc into the build so when we last left off we went through and created a number of parks so we created a city park an amusement park a zoo and a nature reserve and today we are going to add in the industries dlc like i mentioned so the industries dlc is quite interesting and adds in a number of factories that you can uh add to the game uh in four different industries so the industries available to you are farming forestry oil and ore so today we are going to build the two sustainable industries which will be forestry and agriculture and then we are going to create an ore and an oil industry and some unique factories in the next one so a couple of things to know about these industries first of all it's all going to be based on the available resources that you have and so when you take a look at this uh you open up you go into the the the info views here and then you click on your natural resources and what you're gonna see is that you have uh four different types of resources available so you have oil you have forest land ag land and then this blue is ore so a couple of things to keep in mind uh when you build an industry and a forest you do not end up in a situation where your resources deplete over time this is an evergreen bad joke uh resource that will just last in perpetuity same thing with egg land now i know that that is not reality but that's the way it works in the game as far as ores and oil those will deplete over time that said if you go into your uh in your settings on the main menu you can actually enable a mod so to speak in the mods menu that will allow these resources to never deplete and that's available in the base game it's it's uh it's something that comes with the game so if you want to do that you can it certainly makes it easier with these industries otherwise you have to redevelop them over time and they actually deplete rather rapidly so something to keep in mind but before we get started on our build i do want to make a couple of corrections from our previous build first of all i i still have not nailed this name now we've now we've nailed it the overcharged experience yeah experience and then over here at zardis's concrete jungle zoo i put in two antelope enclosures which was a mistake in my behalf so i'm gonna make a quick fix here i use the the magic of youtube to get rid of the day night cycle all right so the birdhouse is what i meant to add in here so we'll have that right here and that means that we have everything in place the other thing i want to take care of is is pointed out on a number of occasions that i probably should have had a side gate to the zoo right here so we're going to add that that makes a ton of sense we want to have quick access quick access to this uh we want to have quick access to the metro station here and that'll get us more people visiting us here so i want to look at my gates and i'm going to use a zeus side gate i'll add that right here i believe it was pretty flat here so no real concerns there our main concern is going to be connecting this up and truthfully that shouldn't be all that challenging it might just look a little bit wonky we'll take care of it i find that the having angle with road guidelines and using the curved road tool can make a really nice connection there so now it's it's nice and cleaned up we'll fix our fences and we'll be good to go and move on to the next industry or to the industries dlc rather here we go easy peasy and now we have this right here and people people will be able to leave the metro and walk straight directly to the zoo in fact you have to do one quick thing now we're good to go all right so let's get this going once we get this factory uh or the the industries in place there are a couple of things that come with the industries that i want to talk about as well and uh they're they're they're pretty they can be pretty impactful so i'm going to start out by building a forestry industry and then we're going to build an agriculture industry as well so i'm going to start out just building this straight back and then i think that i want to have the industry let's turn on our resources when we're building our road i think i want to go right along this the line here right along the forestry line we'll back this up a bit use our curved roads tool and make a perfect connection that is great so we're also going to need to make a connection over to this land right here that's going to be our egg land and i i think i might get that established right away so let's again look at our resources nice smooth connections i didn't want to come in during this curve and make a connection there so i figured i would make kind of a curving movement right there so now we have access to both of these and we're going to start out with our forestry industry but actually actually we're going to start out in one other area first so one of the things that you get with the industries dlc is some industry roads so the value of the industry roads is that they are cheaper to build so this is a concrete road it's 50 uh cells per cell and if you look at this it's 60. so the negative here is that it's louder it creates more noise so you don't want to use these in any areas that will have a residential nearby but if you you want to put them in an industrial area that's completely fine so we're going to add those in there and now we'll get started in our industry so if you want to make sure that you're not gonna have traffic in these areas i would highly recommend that you follow roadway hierarchy so in roadway hierarchy there's a couple things that you can do so right here these six lane roads kind of function as arterials arterials are the same as the highway so that is used to carry people and goods long distances and there should be very little access or junctions on these types of roads collectors link to those arterials so they'll make longer local trips uh so again you can have more access you can front buildings on here but i wouldn't do anything that loads a significant number of buildings for the arterials i would try to load as in frequently as possible and then we have the local roads which is where all of your access comes from you can have a bunch of junctions there so uh i like to go ahead and i've created this collector which is linking up to our arterial or highway and you can just come back here you can just pack it off even little ways but we'll go a little bit more and again 11 tiles is our is our minimum if we want maximum density i don't really care about maximum density right now i just want to separate this uh local road from this collector give a bit of a cueing distance we might do more with this down the line but right now i'm just starting something basic so industries works a heck of a lot like the uh park life dlc that we just introduced in the last build so you're gonna go into here into the garbage and industry tab you'll notice that all the industries are here and much like our previous dlc park life you'll need to start out with either painting a district or placing a starting building so much like park life it's not going to allow me to just go ahead and place that building so i need to go here into the districts and areas and paint an industry area so i'll click on that and i can i can be as neat or not neat as i want with this so the moment i click it it's gonna unlock some things for me i believe maybe not so i'm just going to make a a fairly large district we can always clean this up over time and in fact you might want to overshoot because you're you're not going to be able to place buildings in areas that do not have industries so better to overshoot so now we have two different industries created so let's go in here and actually create our industry so i'm going to create a forestry industry first and we have our forestry main building so we'll go in here click on something random so we can actually see where we're placing our building we'll place that somewhere approximately in the center doesn't need to be perfect so this building is required to get started and i want to look at the terrain because i probably should have respected the topography a bit and i didn't in fact i'm going to rethink this entirely to respect the topography so we see that the elevation increases this way so we're gonna we're gonna follow our terrain and now when we place our industry main building it shouldn't sink into the ground as much there's a little bit there but we can clean this up okay so inside of here once you have this we'll need to get water here so we'll do that now and that is not underneath the roads where they belong so we'll uh we'll get that fixed we took some liberties throwing it underneath the interstate not a big deal oh and it looks like our zoo has upgraded we have an elephant enclosure flamingo enclosure and sea life enclosure so we might want to take a look at that in a bit all right so i got water to both places we need to get some power out here as well so we'll make a connection i think we're just going to follow our our highway here okay so now we have everything we need to get the industry going so what you will notice is we do not have electricity we have it now and we have workers out here 21 of 40 uh which is fine we have a significant demand for industry we're going to fulfill that need here so what you need when you're creating an industry are a couple of things you're going to need the production building which in this case will be a tree plantation you need your processing building which in this case will be the sawmill and then you need storage that is for the raw material that the production building creates and then you'll need storage which is warehouses for the finished good and these these there are multiple ways that you can process these goods and we'll get into that in a minute but i just want to get started on building something so what we're going to do is we're going to build i think a dirt road fits nicely in this it might not be the fastest road or the prettiest but it will do the trick look at our terrain again let me just send this straight back it'll be fine and i'll explain why it'll be fine in just a minute so now i've selected our small tree plantation now there are different size tree plantations but you got to level up your industry area to get there so all we have is this small plantation right now so i'm placing a few of them and they will need water as well and then these are good to go in fact i don't even know if these need power looks like it looks like it does create that power halo but it doesn't need it so when you click on one of these small tree plantations you can do a couple of different things you can keep it as is you can change it so you can have a beech tree there you can have a conifer which apparently the conifer palm trees so if you wanted to try to blend it in a little bit you can look at the trees in the area and try to to fit them in so it looks like it's a mixture of these palm trees and conifer or conifer rather and uh and beech trees so we could certainly do that in fact we could do something like this we'll do palm trees on one side and beach trees on the other this isn't necessarily going to be the most attractive but we're i'm demonstrating a point [Music] so you could go and clear the trees and then look for that same kind of tree now just for aesthetics that really blends well and makes it seem like this forestry area isn't just a big planted mess of trees uh so in the planting those trees brings up some an interesting point with the forestry industry this is the only industry that you can actually create your own area so let's say you have an area like this without any trees check this out so it took a little bit of money but i was able to create my own industry area and you could do this if you had an area where you wanted to place the forestry industry that didn't have any trees or resources showing up there this is bright green now this is an area that would be well suited for the forestry industry so we've got these two forestry or these uh these eight forestry industry tiles and those are going to be producing raw forestry products we need to store those we can't just produce the products so we're going to go into here and near the end we see that we have small log yards so what you see there is there's a capacity it's 300 000 whoops and when we look over here at our small plantation we can see that it produces a little under 5 000 units per week so we should be okay adding one of these in meeting the needs of this entire industry so i'll face this actually i'm gonna i'll face this towards this road they can come in here dump these off before they get onto this local road so there are a couple of different storage modes that you can you can use you can either balance this fill it or empty it if you're balancing it you're going to export raw materials if you don't have processing capacity if you fill it and for some reason you're not keeping up with your your production you'll actually start to import that good and if you have it set to empty you will just export things immediately so those are some things to think about right now uh you know generally i find that keeping it to balanced works well you're not going to get in a situation where you're inadvertently importing a bunch of goods that you're trying to produce and you're not exporting a bunch of raw materials at a low cost and right here you see that we're currently producing 24 tons of raw forestry products and we're exporting them for a measly 483 cells so that's pretty sad that that brings us to a total profit of 299 uh not or 30 depending on how much we're producing at any given time this will fluctuate so you're going to start to see your weekly income fluctuating and that is based on when things actually export so this is what we have going for us now we can take our profit and do more so what we're going to do is create a little hub for our industry so we're going to come over here and we have our sawmill so this can process about 3200 units per week so if we wanted to really keep pace with this we'd probably need about 10 of these let's let's build two for the time being we'll make a little factory complex over here of processing mills actually why don't we add more and we even add a redundant connection to this road over here so that they can leave this quickly and there's a neat menu that came up right here so it explains the entire forestry industry so as i click on this uh this this processing building you can see that we have the extractor buildings that's the the plantations the processing building which can either be pulp mills which basically produce paper or you have these sawmills and wood plants that produce plain timber and you can take that and feed it into a unique factory and get these premium unique goods luxury products that sell for the most but for the time being even plain timber is better than almost it better than not processing it at all so that said again you need a place to store this once it's finished so you got a couple different options so you've got this warehouse yard small warehouse medium warehouse and a large warehouse so they all have different storage capacities and truthfully the biggest difference that you're going to see is noise and the look so then the capacity obviously so as you go up the small warehouse has a larger capacity than the warehouse yard medium warehouse has a significantly larger capacity in a small warehouse and then the large warehouse is you know basically almost two medium warehouses so then when you're looking at the the cost it kind of goes up proportionate with a bit of a discount as with a larger warehouse so i'm thinking it might be nice to have a medium warehouse right off the bat and then we'll look at our terrain and try to smooth things out one of the nice things about respecting the topography off the bat is that you don't end up with too many lumpies and bumpies you will have some and that's okay and we'll just leave this as is you need to come in and set your storage mode and your resource this is very important so we're going to come in here and we will select paper because or sorry we will select timber because this produces timber so now you're going to see this building or this well whenever we see some finished products they're actually going to take it directly across here now you see all of these forestry buildings dropping off wood here so they're going to take this move into here and from in here at the at the sawmill once that's done they're going to take it to the medium warehouse and then we'll have trucks take this either onto the highway or to our cargo train terminal to export this out that's actually a good point it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a cargo train terminal here to reduce some of the traffic that we're seeing here you see that there's already quite a bit of traffic on this road it's not a cul-de-sac anymore because we have two ways to get out but it is still there's a lot of traffic this is the main artery and it's the shortest path and the game's going to prefer it so might be something to consider down the line so we're going to leave this one and let this go or come over here and build a farm so we're gonna go over here it's the exact same process we again need that main farm building and i think i'm actually going to build my first road here just so that i i don't inadvertently block myself from doing that and then i'll place my main farm building and i'm going to place that off the local road and that looks really nice i like the way that looks we should probably look at our junctions and maybe not have signalized intersections where they're not warranted this one's iffy this is really functioning as is kind of a a minor arter minor arterial at this point or a major collector even though it's a a minor collector i should say since uh it's it's coming through here so functional class also refers to the way that the roads are being used so it's not just the size although that it's it's most simple to think of it as is mainly size so we need to get power over here so we'll do that right off the bat [Music] our power connection is now made so at this point in time we can start thinking about our industry area so we take a look this entire area has some some level of uh egg suitability uh one of the things to keep in mind is that uh the industry the the egg industry and the forestry industry are wholly incompatible and planting trees will actually sap the the resource availability of uh egg land and it doesn't come back so even though i'm deleting these trees you see that that the areas that i deleted the trees just have no natural resources at this point so don't go hog wild in an egg area planting trees in fact let's look at this one and watch what happens when we plant trees here it's gone and now all of the agriculture productivity in this area is gone forever so you got to be really careful with trees because that's that's what they do um so i i love landscaping this is probably the one area where i say really be careful with that so back to our industry our egg industry has a couple of different paths that you can take so first of all you can have crop fields secondly you can have fruit orchards and thirdly you can have animal pastures so i mentioned or i meant to mention anyway that these assets conform to the environment which is really neat so you don't have to worry about lumpies or bumpies at all they won't occur with these so i'm gonna place [Music] some some of each asset type in here okay so now here's what we have we have these are the crop fields and you can have either cotton potatoes corn wheat or green houses so i'm i'm i'm from the midwest but this is not the midwest so we're going to think about that i think cotton is probably one of the more suitable resources you know this wouldn't make sense for corn or wheat potatoes greenhouses would be fine and over here we have our fruit trees this would be absolutely spectacular to have as as fruit trees and we could we could do anything here we could mix them up we could have a little bit of a little bit of everything if we wanted or we could have that greenhouse and if you want if you want to kind of pretend that you have something special maybe this is a seed starting house or something like that you could you could do that as well so i think that we might do that that's kind of a nice look and then over here these are our animal pastures so we can have either cows highland cows pigs or sheep so why don't we have some cows some sheep and some pigs in the opposite order that i set them and then these obviously need water you can't have a farm without water that would be uh animal abuse so we're not gonna do that and this should clear itself right up so now we need to think again about uh where we're going to place our animal or where to place our resources so our silos will store resources for crops so we can place these anywhere we could place these over here we could say we want to put this right over here next to our uh our our cargo train or we could put those right over here so we'll place a couple of these and this is going to store our crops now interestingly both our fruit fields and our crop fields are crops so all of this is going to go into here and for our animal products we have to have crops to be able to feed our animals so if you didn't want to plant uh crop fields you could set these to fill and import all of your feed for your animals and that would be a way to to fulfill that need but it's just something that to keep in mind that that is what you need to make this work so right here that the reason why this isn't starting is this is yet to receive any feed uh so these silos are currently being filled considering we haven't produced anything yet so we're likely importing some things and then once we have that these farms are going to take in the raw materials turn it into meat and that will be exported so long as we store it somewhere so again we're gonna need to think about warehouses i think we'll place a small warehouse over here and we can set this to store animal products so this will store animal products such as you know produced by animal pastures cattle sheds milking parlors and slaughterhouses so it's just general animal product that will be stored in here and this again this i think we're gonna set to export so we're gonna we're gonna empty it and anything that we get for animal products we're just gonna sell right away we can do the exact same thing over here with the uh the plain timber but i think that in short order we're gonna want to do something more and what you'll see is that this industry area has already leveled up we are currently processing about one-fifth of the materials that we take in from the forestry area we're exporting the rest so we might want to do something to improve that so let's come over here and take a look at what we've unlocked so we have in this area now we have a couple of different things so we've unlocked the forestry workers barracks we have a small tree sapling field and the sapling field produces just a bit more uh in terms of production than our small tree plantation so this is uh 4 800 units per week this one is 6400 units per week same number of trucks so something to keep in mind we've also unlocked our biomass pellet plant which produces paper so now we have this sawmill and we have a paper mill they have different footprints that's something to keep in mind and then we have our sawdust storage which operates exactly the same as the small log yard the main difference is the look of it and it just it can it can be a more natural look for one of these uh biomass pellet plants so something to keep in mind so why don't we go ahead and add one of these plants over here you might have noticed that we didn't get a notification that our forestry area leveled up i want to fix that see if you go into the start menu and then go into options gameplay it says hide industry area level up notifications i don't want that i want to see those notifications as they occur and know when i can improve my industry areas so i'm going to again go in here we're going to turn off the overlay it gives us and add a couple of these in and you can see that these are huge factories it's producing paper and they employ more workers so this is 70 workers this is 46 and when we go and take a look into here we'll notice that this the process the production rate is is the same so if you are looking for lots of jobs and you don't need a lot of production the paper mill might be the route to go for you so i think we're going to again we're going to need another uh warehouse and we can go with a smaller warehouse because we only have two of these factories we had three of these other ones and truthfully this is probably overkill i just thought it would be kind of neat to have a bigger warehouse so let's go in here get add another maybe we could add something more significant it appears to me that this warehouse will fit about the same number or it'll fit in that same width so this is six tiles deep so i can count two three four five six and make the connection here and fit that in really nicely now again i have to set this to paper the nice thing about this is it's internal anyway there is going to be some stuff that sits outside which i don't love for paper but you know it is it is what it is and then we need water over here anyone who's lived next to a paper mill knows that they need water in fact you might even see these along the water especially since back in the day logs were floated up rivers to get to these factories now these are waiting for resources which is kind of interest interesting so not enough raw materials so we have this here and it is full but it's not getting these resources where they need to go and to me that that says that this is potentially in the wrong place maybe facing in the wrong direction so i'm going to put this on this other road here rather than this this road and get them to come in here now if you wanted to really focus on circulation and create a circulation pattern you could you know have one-way roads so you come through here you pick up the material you drive around you drop it off at the factory and then you're forced to leave there's there's no one right way to do this that's certainly one way that you could you got to think about the path that someone might be forced to take if they want to come here they're forced to come around that way that said why don't we give it a go so we're going to use our industry roads i think we should probably use these anyway noise is not a factor here so now we're saying you come in here you go out there you can come all the way around we don't have directionality on these roads yet because this will function as a collector couplet this is another collector couplet and we want to make sure that people can get around here for some reason they travel down here so this should create a smoother traffic flow in this area when we take a look you'll see that that big red mark that was here is now spread out between these two roads which should improve things and all these buildings now have resources this one i guess is still missing some one of the things to think about that we made a mistake on now is if you wanted to come here and you had materials here and you wanted to drop this off at the factory now you have to leave the whole site so that's a mistake that is not what we want to do so that to me means that this road right here actually can't be if we want to create a circulation pattern that's logical we need to allow them to come back around if they need to that'll do the trick so there we go this one is still having issues i'm not 100 sure why it is having the problems it's having looks like it's filled now so it just took a little bit a little bit of time so we come back over here and look at our industry area info and we can see that now we have a little bit more uh production here of refinement of our raw products and again these numbers jump around as these factories have resources available to them but overall we're gonna when we see this jump up it's probably gonna go through the roof because of our industry uh because of our because our finished goods in fact let's speed it up and see what this jumps up to and as we're waiting i see that we've now leveled up our our uh agriculture area we have a flower mill bakery workers barracks cattle shed and small barns so we're going to take a look at that in just a minute so what i'm noticing is that exporting some of these products is taking longer than maybe i'd prefer and also this is completely filled here which means that we're going to start exporting this so maybe we should think about building a few more of these raw lumber storage areas in fact i'm going to come over here we'll place a couple of these sawmill sheds at the end of this road here sawdust storage and look at this now we've reached level three here and we get printing press medium tree plantation and large log yard so once these fill up we should be in a little bit better of a location a little bit better spot with all of this [Music] you start to see these fill up very good so while we're over here let's look at that level three building that we've unlocked and our workers barracks so it's important to have the workers barracks these increase the efficiency of the workers in the area and uh by five percent each maximum of 100 percent you need to have it inside of the industry area so these could be a nice complementary building to that that main industry building that you have we'll pause this for a moment we'll add a workers barracks out there and then why don't we extend this road and we'll add a couple of them out here so what you'll notice is that when we go in here now we have this efficiency bonus and we are dropping uh some of the pollution because of the extra extractors and processing buildings that we have and i'm noticing that we're having a water shortage which is creating some issues i may just place a water tower out here which will be kind of an industry water tower now thankfully that the forestry industry doesn't really produce pollution except for in the production buildings so we can add this out here and it'll be just fine that'll get us by for a minute while we work on this area so i want to make sure that our we got our bonus we did things are looking good we're still losing lots of money though so why don't we go back in here and we'll take a look at the buildings that we have available to us you'll notice that that printing press is not available here that's because it's in our unique factories so we have a couple of those available to us now we have a furniture factory where we take paper and plain timber and turn it into furniture we also have a printing press where we take it actually takes uh i believe that's paper and let's see paper and i believe it's oil and turns it into a unique good so we can't do that one yet if we were to build that it would just never have a resource available to it but we can certainly build our furniture factory and this doesn't need to be anywhere near this if we don't want it to be in fact we could say that our furniture factory is uh going to be in the heart of our downtown that's what we wanted we could we could say it's going to be in our industrial area over here and we're going to have that very close to our cargo area so it exports right off the bat if we were gonna do this though there's something that we should probably keep in mind and that is that we should have some sort of storage over here for both the resources that we want so the plain timber and the paper and the unique factory output good so we're gonna need to build multiple warehouses over here so i'm gonna build small ones we're gonna use some eminent domain over here we know that we're gonna need three of those so this one right here is going to be for our unique factory products and we're going to empty those right off the bat and then over here we are going to have both our paper and our timber so we could set these to fill we want to get most of our goods right over to this storage area and into here and if we are running low feel free to import some and i think off the bat that's probably going to be what happens unless we focus a little bit more on some of the traffic that we're having so i'm noticing that we're having some backup here and before we move on to some of our industry leveling up we need to fix this and i think what we're going to do is build another roundabout and build another cargo train terminal so again like i did last time i'm going to go through here and i'm kind of curious to see the length this one that i built before i went 180 units or 160 units across so i'll do that again divide that in half [Music] i'll keep the cross in there to ensure that we don't have any weird issues in the future with that connection being made and then i'm gonna build this bridge as long as it could possibly be [Music] that's generally about 12 road units we need to go three up to get above the highway three didn't work this time so i'm going to try four and it doesn't like the pillar placement so that is going to be a limiting factor for us so we might just want to build this first so if you get stuck with that if you turn off grid and road length and just have angle on you can place that pillar right in the center there and then we can turn our road length back on there we were able to go up 12 and now we should be able to upgrade this no problem [Music] and then again like i did last time i'm going to upgrade this to be a highway segment and it's really not liking the center pieces i have there i'm gonna hope it doesn't get a lot of out of skew this can just happen from time to time and it stinks but we're gonna see if we can make it work it's telling me that the distance is too short i'm going to just work on this a little bit sometimes you got to play with these to make it work it it stinks but it happens okay and for whatever reason the game found my angles to be very offensive and required me to basically rebuild everything i had already done that's okay it happens and again doesn't love this i'm really hoping this doesn't break the roundabout we we got we got away with one there uh most of the time that'll break the roundabout so i want to make sure that this is all counterclockwise and that'll ensure that we have movements that aren't signalized all the way through here and now we want to get our exit ramps correct as well so this should flow significantly better i always like to go through and double check to make sure that the game didn't throw any arbitrary junctions in you can see this is all clearing out which will really help us in this in this industry area in fact our traffic was at 90 percent we're going to see this clear up over time there we go we're at 90 91 back back back where we were before so feeling good about that we could probably upgrade this you see that there's a bit of slowing here if we wanted to try to clear things up this is an arterial so we could go ahead and make this six lanes and see if that improves things at all the problem is that the the lane choosing is just not great in the game this did allow or make it more attractive to go in that center lane so it's a bit of a help there but we are seeing some weird stuff that'll clear up over time as the ai reach uses paths but you might still see some some wonkiness here without mods you're kind of stuck with that but it's still flowing so it's not something to be overly concerned about and if you really wanted to resolve the traffic in this area the way to do it is probably to add a cargo terminal we have a really nice access for one right here so why not add another one so what i'll do here is just add a quick terminal we're going to want this to go in both directions so if we have it only facing this way what we're going to see is they can export goods but they can't bring it to the other factory so we're going to want to make sure it's connected in both directions if you wanted to improve the aesthetics you could attempt to have more lines here there's not really a huge need for that if you're just playing the game and want to get by but it's certainly something that you could do if you wanted to emulate storage tracks or something of that nature so there you go and then this will need power and water once we have that this is going to become a very important uh part of this industrial area and we'll probably want to take a look at our junction here and if you wanted to maximize access from this industry area you might think about making a connection here maybe even make this one way so that they are unable to you know kind of circle back around and do a bunch of crazy stuff um all up to you and you know because this is a dirt road and because this is kind of a low volume road i don't know that i want to make this connection but i also don't want to get everyone onto this collector coming up here turning around doing a bunch of crazy stuff so uh all things to think about right now this is a cul-de-sac i think that i might let my desire not to have that be a cul-de-sac when out [Music] and that should improve things there a bit and you see that these this road has already got use as we have some of these vehicles this right here has a full load exporting forestry products so it's it's it's a it's a good thing that we added that road in there so now when we look at this we're starting to make some money we're outputting some raw forestry products we could look at our at our policies uh what you see is that if we improve logistics we can increase the storage capacity of our extractors and processing processor buildings but it increases the the upkeep of the industrial buildings we could also have automation which would increase our output and upkeep by 10 and then safety supervision which uh makes every worker uh a little bit a little bit happier a little bit healthier at a cost of one cell per worker which in this case we have 525 workers so that's 525 cells per week we're losing money and now we're going to lose even more so i don't think i mentioned how you level up and there are really two things that control leveling up it is uh your workers and then there the amount of resources that you have and right now we're under that worker level so if i want to get there i could either build some residential nearby but we don't really have a need for it or i could build more buildings that have employees because they'll just get some so that that's that's one thing and then we have our resources which is just our production so one thing i could do i know that we are completely filled up at our forestry products i could go in here and maybe build one of these large lumber yards and this has seven workers currently employed there 20 total the reason why we're not hitting that maximum number of workers is we are lacking uneducated and educated workers so uneducated have no education at all educated just in elementary school education and that can be a constant problem we don't have a neighborhood now that has any of the schools out policies applied we might want to create that neighborhood if we're having problems with those workers so that said we now have enough workers to reach our next level we just need to have enough production so we're good there the other thing you could do if you're curious about the the amount of money that you're taking in these areas you go under you're into your uh financial pain your economic pain and see what's happening here what we can see is that our income is more than our expenses and so we are creating a profit now that's bouncing around based on exporting when we actually export the goods so things to keep in mind so over here we have our agricultural industry we don't have enough employees or production to get to our next level and we have these policies too let's turn them on maybe we won't have worker supervision since this isn't making any money right now and we'll add those down the path so again we could add some additional uh industry buildings so we have a flour mill now where we take our crops and produce flour so this is another one of those buildings that if you wanted to put it in a downtown area and have a bakery next to it i wouldn't uh i wouldn't hold that against you at all i do that quite frequently i think it creates a pretty unique aesthetic but i'm going to try to keep this all consolidated and what you'll see is i'm outside of the industry area so i can't place it over here so if you were to place this somewhere else you could do exactly what you do with the park area if you want to jump it and just create a line [Music] and then cut it off and this is the same industry area now so that's something that you could do since this is so close i'll just keep it attached have a little little thing that jets out here [Music] we need to give this some names this will be tim eister farms we'll have imperial jedi wood products there we go i like it so now we are going to come over here and add our flower mill and we can also have our cattle shed over here now as well so why don't we add one of those again we're producing more meat products so something to keep in mind and then we have our barns which can sometimes look a little bit better than these silos in fact why don't we move the silos over here near our flower mill and we'll have a barn over here next to these products over here and then we'll add another one near our cattle sheds so i feel like that's a good look so now we have this it's producing flour and if we have production of a of a good we know that we need a warehouse to store it in so we are going to grab a small warehouse we'll put that right over here and we will set this to flower so that is a great benefit for this area as well and if we wanted to jazz this up we could certainly add some landscaping or fencing we just need to be really careful about the amount that we're using because we can't paint more uh egg land in unless we have mods so let's say we wanted to do this i would say space it out a bit as you already see it getting darker just by me adding this and that is reducing the production so the smarter way to do this is probably just to grab some fencing and you could certainly have a go on the follow the grid that's an easy way of doing it have your angles on [Music] and now that creates a real easy events this is already fenced in so maybe i'm not overly concerned about that and uh i've created a nice little farm area right here look at that traffic that the farm produces this is one of the things that i know many people point out is something they don't love about the game is that the farms produce kind of a ridiculous amount of traffic you know uh you'd never expect to see this on a farm but it does it's a limitation that you got to work with and you might want to think about that as you're plotting out your farm this is a gigantic cul-de-sac right now and if we have another road out here it'll likely reduce some of the pressure [Music] and this might be a reason that you want to update this and have a uh some industry roads through here so you can control directionality something you can't do on the dirt roads so there we go there [Music] speaking of that i think that we'll make this an industry road and we are going to add a unique factory off here so we'll go into here we'll go into unique factories and we have a bakery where we can take flour and crops and meat products animal products and turn them into baked goods so why not think about this we'll place that right here at the end of that bend and we're going to need a place to store unique products so it wouldn't hurt to also have a place for animal products out here right now we have this warehouse we could certainly add another one or two out here so why do we do that we'll add two warehouses oh and our we've leveled up to level four for our zoo another thing to think about i'm just reorienting these a bit just just so it's to my liking a bit more oh and we have reached level four on jedi wood products so we've got some more things to to look at we'll do that in just a moment so we're going to want to set one of these to animal products and then the other one we're going to want to set to unique factory products truthfully i don't love the pattern that we're going to get here we might want to think about this down the line maybe this isn't the best organizational scheme for this in fact it might be far better to do something like this so this is our we'll set this to unique factory goods we'll set this to animal products we'll extend the collector out and then we will upgrade these to create a directionality on this road and then we'll want to also have but i also want to have animal or crops over here as well so we'll add a barn in here i'm going to set this to fill and this the fill as well so that we're filling these up processing them here and then we are going to empty our unique factory products as soon as we get them so over here we have our flour and so flour's another thing that maybe we want to improve its location in our logistics process okay so what i've done now is i've made it so that the crops go into the flower the flower once it's finished comes here and then goes across the street so it's all a circular process i've really organized it in a way to maximize what we have going on here so if you wanted to fill this in with similar looking buildings you could certainly go through here add an overlay district set your district type to agriculture and i could fill this in with regular zoning and create a district that feels a little bit more full so that doesn't feel empty like this [Music] and now we'll just have some you know some of the the vanilla agriculture buildings filling in here so that could be a way to to make this look a little bit more full what you see is that they have plenty of products everything in the supply chain is working well they're creating pastries and this is empty and what that's going to ultimately mean for us myrtle square is that we're gonna start producing a profit maybe we can enact some of these policies and make this a really attractive place to work we are still short on workers to get this to level up and we one thing i noticed that we have plenty of products produced so if i go through here and i add i'm going to add in another cattle shed see if that gets us to where we need to be cattle shed has 55 workers got 42 over there [Music] this should do the trick let's see if we get there naturally or if i need to add more workers to this area i think we're starting to see some significant issues with educated and uneducated workers we just don't have them and we might need to build a neighborhood that will support this area and truthfully we i have not done anything to try to reach our next population milestone so it might not be a bad idea to think about that now anyway so we need to add about another 2 000 people on we're gonna have a low density residential neighborhood out here let's look at our terrain it's pretty flat so what i think we're going to do is just we'll extend this out here [Music] i got really picky with the roads there probably didn't need to but uh it's just something that uh i have a very specific look i'm going for in my mind here and if you're really picky about it you get exactly what you're looking for but again there's no right or wrong answer here it's all up to you it's your imagination that can go wild here and i'm letting mine go wild i think i'm gonna move this block to create some larger blocks this is a gigantic cul-de-sac right now so that's not very desirable so we're going to want to create another outlet and i think we might make it directly to this farming district which will create another crossing here which i don't love but we're going to allow it so because we have that connection we're going to need to think about our policies in this area because if we don't set policies we might see farming vehicles deciding that that is their quickest path to get to where their need to go we do not want that at all there we go nice little neighborhood so let's get this all connected up with water pipes and i added a connection here for some redundancy and what you see is we already have well it's a garbage truck so that's okay i was i was worried that it was a farm vehicle coming through here so we do have a number of at-grade railroad crossings that could create a problem for us in the future we might want to think about that all right so we've reached level three for our farm area and what that does is give us a lemonade factory milking parlor medium crop and medium fruit field so we're gonna paint an area over this so we have the spring district which is just fine we're going to look at our policies here there are two policies i want to make sure we have in place number one we are going to ban heavy traffic and number two we are going to ah interesting so generally in an industrial area or near if i want to make it a an area that doesn't have a ton of education i'll go ahead and use the schools out policy but that is not available to us yet with this dlc pack so my mistake you get used to all of the dlcs and i thought that we had it available to us so i will just place an elementary school here and that is it and that will be the way that i solve for this and we will add in a couple of parks and that is about it so everyone will have access to a park but nothing too extreme so as to create a high value area it might not be a bad idea to add some fire coverage in this area as well and some police coverage to serve this entire industrial area we'll even include a clinic and a post office why not and it'll also make our power connection hopefully it does not [Laughter] then to create a balanced neighborhood we'll create a bit of a main street here we'll go up to the school and then through the neighborhood we are gonna have mostly residential we're gonna keep back from those main roads we're not gonna zone our collector network and we're gonna put trees around there so as to prevent uh we we we just want to make sure that we're not going to have any noise or other externalities in this area i'm going to use the small beach that we used over there and i want to show some of the issues so these roads have a ton of noise so we're going to want to make sure that we have plenty of trees to dampen that sound and we might even want to consider upgrading that road we're also going to place trees all the way along the rail corridor to buffer the sound along the highway as well we were able to reduce the most significant impacts to this neighborhood by having dense zoning around here let's speed this up and see if this gets us to our population milestone requirements i can see that we've got problems with commercial which is the reason why we're not seeing more growth so we might need to add a little area over here for commercial development we have some high density things happening over here already so i'm just going to add some high density commercial along here and hopefully that'll absorb some of this need that we have we'll extend the grid a bit more too [Music] we see that this is developing fairly rapidly because we have a strong demand for these different zoning types over here so that's a a good thing for us and it'll help balance things out we're going to see some population growth which is good one of the things that's going to hold us back is our water availability so why don't we add another one of these water pumps maybe two and that should help us out quite significantly uh because once you start to to run in a kind of a balanced place you start to see that you're not going to produce as much uh or you're not your demand will start to wane for certain certain things i think we're gonna do the exact same thing with power maybe we'll we'll make this our green district and we will have a little solar power plant over in this area as well it'll be a show show piece for the for the for the city so i think we're meeting all of our needs we should check garbage as well and our status there is great and now we're starting to gain population slowly over time again lots of commercial demand which is going to hold us back from being able to level up again so here i want to make a curve and i want it to line up and this is where freeform tool comes in really handy because you can mirror some of those curves this one's not going to be perfect but it's going to be pretty darn good i'm gonna use a bit of eminent domain here to make a roadway connection that i probably should have made because that's a really long block length that did leave a gap here for it so i should have done that on both blocks i didn't but uh it's city skyline so we have a solution eminent domain okay so just quickly built a couple of blocks to try to get our population up a bit and we are struggling it is not a quick growth at this point in time and i think a large part of that is just we haven't focused on it and this is not as a result we're not really in a spot where we need a heck of a lot of residential development we need basically everything else so i'm trying to create a transition between these neighborhoods and that's why i'm starting to transition down to this lower density and then increasing the density as we as we get down the line and that is finally starting to get our population to pop which is a good thing we have stuff over here that's just not developing no matter what i do so it's uh it's a bit discouraging over here i believe we had some terrain challenges we might develop here because this would be an area i would expect to see develop first because of the ease of development in this area and now that we have our agriculture industry what i think we're going to do is rezone some of this eliminate the urban agriculture change that to commercial and have a little neighborhood commercial district also remove a bit of population in this area and replace that with offices which should get some of our other uh residential districts to pop and then we're gonna just kind of go down the line and add another block we're gonna need to make sure that we are connected because i don't do not believe that we are and we'll continue to just kind of build out the city rapidly by building out our grid that's what a grid's good for that's historically why you saw so many grids at least in america because it's very easy to rapidly expand a grid just like that water pipes just continue down the same path probably not the most efficient way to to put them in place certainly improve that okay so we're only a thousand away from meeting our population threshold and i think we could get there it's getting a little dark though the one mod i do have in here allows me to adjust the daylight we'll get that a little bit brighter so we're going to just continue to expand we need commercial and we need it bad so i'm going to look and see where it would fit in the best and maybe we'll mirror this a bit we'll come down here and finish off this block with it with some commercial and residential mixed again this is where the freeform tool comes in really handy it's gonna grab the nodes that it tells you to for the most part anyway sometimes it gives you bad notes and make the connections and then this area we have mostly lower density at this point so i think we're going to continue that pattern make a block of commercial so think of that as a little shopping center and then lots more residential which will help us reach our threshold thankfully that's all covered by our existing water pipes look at how quickly we're adding population at this point uh hundreds at a time and there's still a little bit of demand for residential which is good means that if we continue to meet the the need or commercial we're probably going to be okay and one of the places where i think we could add some more is along this train corridor i have a main street along here i don't love having a bunch of zoning along here but i think we're gonna we're gonna allow it in fact uh we're gonna switch this we'll make that office we'll make this both of these office office generates a low number of trips so i'm not overly concerned about the trips that it's creating because it's not going to load much onto this under this arterial commercial loads more residential loads a lot so all things to keep in mind curious about our death care situation we are okay there but we do have a little couple of issues we could empty our cemeteries if we wanted to into our death care facilities maybe we want to take a look at that and see if there are any other cemeteries or any other crematoriums that we could add probably need to use a bit of eminent domain to fit them in but they are needed facilities and i would look at this more as redevelopment of a home into a cemetery which does happen from time to time we'll add this over by the clinic as well in our new neighborhood and that will hopefully resolve all of our death care issues [Music] of our cemeteries are full so i'm going to empty those and they're going to do is take the bodies to the crematorium dispose of them and then we can either eliminate our cemetery or we could just decide that we want to uh to fill it right back up it's our call we are seeing some breakdown of this junction so at some point we might want to do more here i would suspect that most of this breakdown is occurring due to people moving in because we are getting a significant weekly change and uh that's that's that's only good for us that's only good for us and things are starting to sputter a bit so we're gonna add a bit more and i think that we're going to add a commercial area along the park actually there's way too much commercial in this area we're going to add we're going to extend our residential area down because we don't want to over saturate this we're not mixing our uses very well we were when the town was smaller and now as rapid growth is occurring you see just large swaths of zoning which does happen from time to time as as demand occurs and and a developer owns land uh they might be more interested in one type of property more than another so that's where you end up with some of those development decisions that maybe we don't love oh and we missed our name here okay now we have the overcharged egg experience and the timing is good because we've hit our population threshold and that is where we end our episode thank you so much for sticking with me this was a marathon i hope you enjoyed this episode if you did hit the like button if you aren't subscribed please consider doing so hit the notification bell if you want to know when i release new videos we'll have a brief city tour and i will leave you with that right now take care [Music] ready [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 132,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines beginners guide 2021, cities skylines beginner, cities skylines beginner tips, cities skylines, how to start a city in cities skylines, how to play cities skylines, cities skylines beginners, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines tips, cities: skylines, cities skylines xbox one, Cities skylines ps4, cities skylines how to start your city 2021, cities skylines industries, cities skylines industries tutorial
Id: h7JomJleQoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 35sec (4115 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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